Baptism of the Lord: history, meaning of the holiday, traditions. When to collect Epiphany water? Does Epiphany water differ from Epiphany water? How to store it

During the evening of January 18 and the whole day of January 19, you can collect baptismal water in any church. Water these days is consecrated in one rank. That is, there is no difference when Epiphany water, when to dial in 2019 the time of the activity itself. This will be the evening after the service on Christmas Eve, and the day of Epiphany itself.

Important! On the feast of Epiphany, believers should not forget that they should visit the church, confess and take communion. Then take water and at home, with prayers and faith, sanctify every corner of your home.

  • Great consecration of water
  • Bathing in the hole for Epiphany

Great consecration of water

So, on Epiphany Christmas Eve - Epiphany water, when to collect in 2019. Divine services are held in Orthodox churches on the evening of this day, after which the consecration of water and nearby sources is carried out. It can be rivers and lakes, ponds or just fonts at the temple.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that baptismal water can bring spiritual and bodily health to a person. Every year, huge queues of believers line up near the temples, who come for water to make supplies for the whole year. You can drink such water only in small quantities. It is best to take a couple of small sips immediately after waking up on an empty stomach.

Epiphany water is suitable for consecrating the house, work premises. It is called to give the grace of God to people. But the essence of all Orthodox rituals is not to draw water, but to draw closer to God and believe in him even more. It is necessary to go to church, pray and ask the Lord to cleanse the body and soul through the water, give peace and balance.

Bathing in the hole for Epiphany

So, when it is now clear when to collect holy water for Baptism, this can be done on the evening of January 18 after the service, or already throughout the day on January 19 - on the feast of Epiphany. On the night of January 18-19, as well as a few days later, many believers perform another important ritual of this holiday - they bathe in an ice hole.

The hole is called "Jordan" and the water in specially cut holes is blessed by priests on the night of Epiphany. Bathing should not be treated as a sporting feat. This is one way to obey. It is recommended to take a blessing from the priest to plunge into the hole. It is believed that washing cleanses from all sins, but this is only if the process itself is approached with all responsibility and seriousness.

Bathing in baptismal water is a testimony of a person of his faith in the power of the Lord, which even a thirty-degree frost cannot bend.

Are there any differences in water blessed on January 18 or 19

Many believers are wondering when to collect baptismal water in 2019: January 18 or 19, thinking that there are some differences. In fact, the water blessed on January 18 is no different from the one blessed on January 19. Some believers believe that on January 19, the very feast of Epiphany, all the water on the planet is automatically blessed. Priests emphasize that such an opinion is a prejudice.

Consecrating your home with consecrated water, according to tradition, you need to draw crosses in the air when the sprinkling process takes place. This is a rather old tradition that is associated with Epiphany Christmas Eve. Crosses were once not drawn with chalk, but burned with a candle: soot from a candle was applied to the corners of houses. In modern dwellings, both soot and chalk are quite radical methods. Therefore, crosses are drawn in the air with the help of holy water. Christmas Eve before Epiphany is the last evening during Christmas time, when possible.

Using tap water in baptism

There are no restrictions here. It is clear that tap water is not considered consecrated. However, the water that will be brought from the temple on Christmas Eve or on Epiphany itself cannot be used for washing or washing dishes. It must be treated reverently, as a special relic, and take care of it.

It happens that holy water deteriorates. In this case, you need to pour it into the river, in the forest under a tree, or simply close it in a vessel that will not let air through. Many believers have some of the holy water left over from last year, what to do with it? If everything is fine with water, then you can use it as usual: drink a few tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach after prayer. If something happened to the water, then you can pour it into indoor plants.

Important! It is believed that a woman during critical days can touch a vessel with holy water. But it cannot be taken orally these days, unless it is a matter of life and death.

Already on Christmas Eve of Epiphany - January 18, after the service, the priests will bless the water. It can be collected and carried home to cleanse your home, soul and body. But holy water is not the only tradition of the holiday, we must remember about prayers, about faith. To decorate the holiday, you can please yourself and loved ones


Baptism, which Orthodox Christians celebrate on January 19, is one of the most revered church holidays. It is accompanied by solemn divine services and rituals. Hundreds of believers gather to consecrate the water. However, not everyone understands when and how to properly draw water for Epiphany 2019.

What date can I go for baptismal water?

In the church tradition, it is customary to collect holy water on Epiphany Christmas Eve - January 18 and on the feast of the Epiphany - January 19. Unlike Easter, which does not have a fixed date, Epiphany always falls on the same day - January 19th.

Most often, Christian priests bless the water twice. On January 18, this happens in Orthodox churches, in which a special container is installed. When reading special prayers, the cross is lowered into it three times and the water is considered consecrated. According to tradition, it is called agiasma and is revered as a shrine. You can pick it up and take it home.

The second time the consecration takes place on January 19 in an open reservoir - a river, a lake, a reservoir. A few days before the event, a special hole in the shape of a cross is cut out in the thickness of the ice - a jordan and a cross is installed. In Jordan, parishioners collect holy water, and those who wish can take a dip, imitating Jesus Christ, who was baptized in the waters of the Jordan River 2 millennia ago. Bathing in the Epiphany hole, contrary to popular belief, does not relieve sins, but this tradition has a long history.

During the consecration, the clergy read a special prayer service, a cross is lowered into the hole 3 times and the water acquires healing properties. After the service, believers begin to collect life-giving moisture.

Thus, baptismal water can be collected on the 1st and 2nd day. In addition, it is believed that since the feast of the Epiphany lasts 7 days, all this time you can take the opportunity and during the week collect agiasma in the temple or in Jordan.

How and where to collect baptismal water?

Priests do not advise coming to the temple or to the Jordan, just to stock up on a shrine. It is advisable to take part in the ceremony, if possible and at the behest of the soul and heart, pray, confess, take communion.

Most often, a queue forms to the container with agiasma. You can’t push, get nervous, scold, you have to patiently wait for the turn and calmly draw moisture into your container. If necessary, you need to help the elderly, the sick, who may find it difficult to bend over the hole.

Parishioners who seek to draw water in buckets and multi-liter canisters are mistaken. It is enough to scoop it up in a small jar or bottle. Even this amount can be enough for a long time, since it is enough to dilute 1 tablespoon of agiasma in any amount of plain water to give it healing properties. According to the clergy, a drop of the sea sanctifies.

The container for a set of liquid must first be thoroughly washed, cleaned of labels, if any. It is unacceptable to take alcohol containers for this purpose. You can use plastic bottles, but then you will need to pour the moisture into glass jars.

How to store water?

Agiasma needs not only to be typed correctly, but also to be stored in special conditions. Often, when they come home, they put it in the same container in which they collected it in the temple or in the hole in the refrigerator along with other foods and drinks. Under no circumstances should this be done.

The consecrated moisture must be poured into a glass jar and tightly closed with a lid. The container is placed in the place where the icons and lamps are located. If there is no such corner in the house, you need to place the dishes in a dark, cool place away from the TV and computer. It is desirable that this place is not accessible to children and animals.

Agiasma has healing properties and a special structure, so it almost never spoils. If this still happened, it is unacceptable to throw it into the sewer. Disrespectful attitude to the consecrated moisture is condemned by the church. It is advisable to return the liquid to nature - pour it into a reservoir or onto the ground, but only where people and animals do not trample.

You can dilute agiasma and water houseplants with it or water your pets. This is the best solution for residents of city apartments.

They use holy water for drinking in small portions for illnesses, ailments, mental disorders, and in difficult life situations. They use agiasma with reverence, prayer to the Lord and deep faith. She can wash, add to baths, sprinkle homes, cars, pets.

Can you get it at home?

Among people who know little about the Sacraments of the Church, it is widely believed that all natural water acquires special qualities on January 18 or 19, and in order to make a supply, it is enough just to pour it at home from the tap. However, this is not quite true.

For a deeply religious person who regularly attends church, the collection of water on the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord has not only a utilitarian meaning. They carefully prepare for the trip to the Jordan for the shrine, confess, take communion. At the moment of consecration, despite the frost, Christians pray together, become partakers of the Sacrament.

Therefore, water collected personally from the source has a special meaning for the believer.

However, if a person is sick or lives far from places where water is consecrated, he can also draw it from a water supply or a well. You need to store and use it like the one that is recruited directly from the consecrated source.

As soon as the opportunity presents itself, one should try to acquire properly consecrated water in order to be sure of its healing power.

On January 19, a great Orthodox holiday is celebrated - Epiphany. On this day, all water has grateful properties, therefore it is used to cleanse the body, give strength and strength to the spirit. Epiphany water is used internally, they bathe in it, sanctify the house and cattle. That is why every Orthodox person should know when they bless the water for Baptism on January 18 or January 19. In this article, we will look at when it is right to collect and bless water for Epiphany, and the main traditions of the holiday.

Features of water for Epiphany

On the eve of Epiphany, after the festive service, a great purification of water takes place in the temples. It is so called because of the solemn rite, which consists in mentioning the event that became the prototype of the sacrament of washing away sins with water. We are talking about the baptism of Jesus, who blessed the water in the Jordan River. Therefore, the water on this day is called Epiphany. Water blessing occurs twice. The first time on January 18, and the second time on the holiday itself.

The consecration of water at the Baptism of the Lord or Theophany, as well as on Christmas Eve of Epiphany, occurs in the same way. Therefore, the water consecrated these days is no different. To sanctify the water, you need to come to the courtyard of the temple, where there are long queues these days. If a person cannot come to the temple due to illness or because he lives too far from the temple, he can draw water on Epiphany night from any reservoir. Such water is also considered baptismal, but it does not acquire the metaphysical power of holy water.

On the feast of Epiphany, the water in the temple is consecrated according to a special order. Therefore, such water is not only holy, but also baptismal. The attitude to such water should be special. After Baptism, water must be stored in the house so that it protects it from evil spirits, and people from diseases and problems. However, you should not stock up on water. After all, such an attitude is considered greed.

When to collect and sanctify water

Many believe that water on Christmas Eve and Epiphany has different properties. However, the double order of blessed water is unique to the Russian Church. It is believed that water has the greatest power on the night of Epiphany. Therefore, to the question of when to collect Epiphany water on the 18th or 19th, the answer is simple. It is desirable to collect water at night.

The festive service is held in the church on the evening before Epiphany. After that, the Great blessing of water takes place at the source. However, due to the fact that the distance between villages in Russia is large, and not every village has its own church, a custom arose to bless the water again and on the Epiphany itself. This allows everyone who wants to get to the church to collect baptismal water. However, according to tradition, it is better to take water on Christmas Eve after the festive service. But if it is not possible to take consecrated water on Christmas Eve, then you can collect it on January 19th. But the water consecrated on Christmas Eve and Epiphany has similar properties, so you definitely shouldn’t draw it twice.

The main properties of baptismal water and its treatment

Epiphany water is one of the most powerful, so it helps against illnesses and strengthens the spirit. It is necessary to drink such water little by little. It is believed that if you drink a teaspoon of Epiphany water daily, then there will be no health problems. In the morning you should get up, cross yourself, thank God for the new day and pray. Then drink a teaspoon of holy water on an empty stomach. If a person is prescribed any medications that must also be drunk on an empty stomach, then first you need to drink holy water, and then the medicines. Only after that you can have breakfast and do the usual things.

Orthodox Christians believe that holy water is the best medicine for mental and bodily ailments. Children with illness are also recommended to give a teaspoon of baptismal water. But do not forget that such water will have power only if a person believes in God and in the power of water. As they say, even a spoon will help with faith, but without faith, even half a canister will not help. You can also wash the patient with baptismal water. Women are not recommended to drink water on critical days. But if a woman gets sick these days, then Epiphany water will help her too.

There is also a tradition to consecrate your home with the help of baptismal water. It is recommended to do this on the holiday itself. However, if there are problems, frequent quarrels or financial losses, you can sprinkle the dwelling with baptismal water any day. With this we ask the blessing of our home from the Lord, we ask for help in a charitable and honest life. Also, this rite allows you to protect the home from evil spirits. Before sprinkling the house with Epiphany water, the hostess must draw crosses over all the doors and windows in the house. This will give additional protection from evil forces.

How to collect and store baptismal water

Consecrated water is a sacred thing that requires a reverent attitude. Therefore, you need to store it near home icons. It has amazing strength, so it does not deteriorate for several years.

If you do not have the opportunity to visit the temple to draw holy water in 2018, you can draw water from the tap. This should be done from 00.10 to 01.30 on the night of Epiphany. Tap water can also be drawn at other times on January 19, but it is during this period that it is considered the strongest. Of course, such water cannot be called holy, but it also has unique metaphysical properties. Despite the fact that the consecration of water did not occur, any water on this day has unique properties.

Epiphany water, unlike ordinary water, does not deteriorate for a long time and retains transparency. Therefore, it is not necessary to store it in the refrigerator. Even in a cool dark place, it can be stored for several years without the appearance of an unpleasant smell and taste, and also remaining perfectly transparent. However, it is necessary to store baptismal water exclusively in a glass container, closed with a paper napkin.

Traditions in Baptism

All the traditions and customs of this holiday are somehow connected with water. After the morning service, it is customary to go to the river or other open body of water. Everyone present must draw water from the river, which is holy on this day. It used to be believed that the sooner you draw water from the river, the more power it will have.

There is also a tradition to bathe in the river on this day. It is believed that it is impossible to catch a cold in Epiphany from swimming in ice water. The girls washed their faces in the river that day. It was believed that this helped to maintain youth for a long time and gave a beautiful complexion.

A few days after the holidays it was forbidden to wash in the river. According to legend, when a priest plunged into the water of the cross, evil spirits jumped out from there. And on dirty linen, evil spirits could climb back into the river. The longer women do not wash after the holiday, the more evil spirits will freeze.

Many people have heard about the miraculous properties of holy water. It is especially useful for Epiphany 2019. When to draw water and for what purpose it can be used can be found in this material.


This holiday originated a long time ago, at the dawn of Christianity. The Jews then had a custom to wash away sins with water. It was believed that she was able to cleanse the body of filth when pronouncing special prayers. This procedure was carried out by the Jews in the Jordan River.

When Christ was thirty years old, he also decided to be baptized, that is, to be cleansed. Jesus came to the site of the ritual and asked John the Baptist to perform this ritual. When he entered the river, the heavens parted and a dove descended - the personification of the Holy Spirit. All those present also heard a voice from heaven, which announced that Christ is the Son of God and from now on he will fulfill God's Will on earth.

This event was popularly called the Epiphany. Since then, the day has become a great Christian holiday. It was noticed that on this day the water has miraculous properties.

The holiday is celebrated annually on the same date - unlike most other Christian celebrations. In Orthodox churches, services are held and water is blessed. Also, a similar ritual takes place in nearby natural reservoirs.

When is the best time to get water?

January 18 is celebrated. On this day, Christians remember an event more than two thousand years ago related to Jesus Christ. They sit down with the whole family at the table to have a modest meal. After it, all family members go to the temple to listen to the solemn service and at least a little closer to God. After the service, the clergy perform the rite of consecration of water and it can be taken home. For a long time, Christians used holy water as a talisman and kept it all year round next to the icons. It was believed that she had healing properties, able to save the family from illness and other troubles.

Some people still do not know at what point it is better to draw water in the temple. The priests explain that this can be done:

All believers try to stock up on it enough. Some lay people in natural reservoirs in the cold of January.

If for some reason you could not come to the temple for Baptism, then you can not be upset. In many churches, holy water is stored all year round until the next Epiphany.

What is the difference between baptismal water

People have been trying for many centuries to understand why the water changes on Epiphany days. Some really believe in the grace of God, others explain this by the influence of cosmic bodies. It was noticed a long time ago that at Epiphany the water:

  • structured in a special way and has extraordinary energy;
  • it does not contain bacteria;
  • she is not damaged.

Moscow scientists have proven that the radiation of Epiphany water and vital organs are identical. This means that such water is able to put in order the work of many organs.

Tyumen scientists also conducted similar experiments on Epiphany days, but with tap water. It was found that it is also structured in a certain way and also has a special biofield. Many indicators of the liquid have been investigated. Water was consumed internally and applied externally. A multiple increase in the human biofield, an improvement in energy potential, an increase in immunity, and a strengthening of the protective functions of the body have been proven.

Scientists came to the conclusion that holy water cleanses the body and is able to remove pathogenic and toxic formations. It was observed that the maximum properties of the liquid are reached at 02:00 and 12:00 on January 19th. During these hours, the highest electrical conductivity of water was also observed.

Water taken from a tap or in a church does not lose its quality for a very long time. Thus, right at home, you can enjoy all the benefits of holy water.

By drinking water inside, we achieve the normalization of all metabolic processes, the energy potential is restored, which is significantly reduced under the influence of bad thoughts and actions.

You can drink holy water, cook food from it, add it to the bath when bathing, sprinkle the house with it to get rid of evil spirits.

As the priests say, God gives us all a priceless gift and we should be grateful to him and use it with a good heart.

Soon, on January 19, 2019, we will celebrate the Orthodox feast of the Epiphany or the Baptism of the Lord, when water is blessed in churches. Many people are interested in when to draw water at the Epiphany of the Lord and how to use it.

We will tell you where and when to draw water at the Baptism of the Lord, what time they bless the water on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, whether it is possible to draw and pour water from the tap on the Baptism of the Lord.

According to the established tradition, water is consecrated in temples by the rite of the Great Consecration, which is also called the Great Agiasma. This happens on Christmas Eve and the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, when it is necessary to collect holy water.

The blessing of water is the invocation of the grace of the Holy Spirit upon it. It has a special symbolic meaning: it is used to wash in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, cleanse a person from sins, relieve ailments. Believers keep holy water for a year next to the icons.

Where and when to collect water for the Baptism of the Lord?

She is recruited in churches after church services. For this, containers are specially prepared in churches that are filled with water. You can go for it on the day of the holiday, or later.

According to the church charter, the Baptism of the Lord is celebrated for a week, and during this time you can come for holy water.

If you do not have time to do this, it does not matter: the supply of water can be constantly replenished in the temple, where it is always stored. That is, on any day of the year, not necessarily at Epiphany, you can take it in the church.

What time do they bless the water on the feast of the Epiphany?

The great consecration of water is performed on Epiphany Christmas Eve after the Divine Liturgy and on the day of Theophany. In some churches, water consecration is also performed on natural reservoirs, rivers and lakes, where the clergy go out in procession.

Will there be blessed tap water at Epiphany?

Is it possible to collect and pour water from the tap at the Baptism of the Lord? There are times when people do not have the opportunity to come to the temple. Then you can pour water from other sources and use it.

It is believed that at this time all water becomes holy. As the clergy say, the point is not in her, but "in the human heart - how capable it is of accepting the shrine that God gives to everyone as a gift."
