Life of Boris and Gleb summary. Electronic Publications

When Prince Vladimir died, his stepson Svyatopolk seized the throne. He was not a legitimate heir, because Vladimir had many children of his own. To get rid of the applicants, Svyatopolk sent his people to kill these children. Boris and Gleb were the eldest, and therefore the most dangerous.

Boris immediately said that he did not want a war between his native people, so he disbanded the squad and renounced the throne. He was ready to take Svyatopolk for his father, if only not to fight and not to sow enmity. But when he was praying, the envoys of Svyatopolk stabbed him to death.

Gleb was warned about the murder of his brother and was told that perhaps the same fate awaited him. Svyatopolk decided to deceive Gleb. He made up a story about his father's illness.

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Gleb immediately left the house. He was very sad, so he did not notice how the enemies swam up to his boat. The envoys of Svyatopolk attacked and killed. Gleb did not resist, but accepted death with humility, as he understood that the dark heart of Svyatopolk could no longer be corrected.

After the death of Boris and Gleb, the people enrolled them as saints, since everyone was struck by the strength of their faith and martyrdom.

Updated: 2017-08-07

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"Svyatopolk hid the death of his father." Miniature of the Tale of Boris and Gleb from the Sylvester Collection. 2nd half of the 14th century GIM

Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich had twelve sons from different wives. The third in seniority was Svyatopolk. Svyatopolk's mother, a nun, was stripped and taken as a wife by Yaropolk, Vladimir's brother. Vladimir killed Yaropolk and took possession of his wife when she was pregnant. He adopted Svyatopolk, but did not love him. And Boris and Gleb were the sons of Vladimir and his Bulgarian wife. Vladimir planted his children in different lands to reign: Svyatopolk - in Pinsk, Boris - in Rostov, Gleb - in Murom.

When the days of Vladimir came to an end, the Pechenegs moved to Russia. The prince sent Boris against them. He went on a campaign, but did not meet the enemy. When Boris was returning back, the messenger told him about the death of his father and that Svyatopolk tried to hide his death. Hearing this story, Boris began to cry. He realized that Svyatopolk wanted to seize power and kill him, but decided not to resist. Indeed, Svyatopolk treacherously took possession of the throne of Kyiv. But, despite the persuasion of the squad, Boris did not want to drive his brother out of the reign.

Meanwhile, Svyatopolk bribed the people of Kiev and wrote Boris an affectionate letter. But his words were false. In fact, he wanted to kill all of his father's heirs. And he began by ordering the squad, which consisted of Vyshgorod husbands, headed by Putynya, to kill Boris.

Boris, on the other hand, pitched a camp on the Alta River. In the evening he prayed in his tent, thinking about his imminent death. Waking up, he ordered the priest to serve matins. The assassins, sent by Svyatopolk, approached Boris's tent and heard the words of holy prayers. And Boris, hearing an ominous whisper near the tent, realized that they were murderers. The priest and servant of Boris, seeing the sadness of their master, grieved for him.

Suddenly, Boris saw the killers with naked weapons in their hands. The villains rushed to the prince and pierced him with spears. And the servant of Boris covered his master with his body. This servant was a Hungarian named George. The killers hit him too. Wounded by them, George jumped out of the tent. The villains wanted to inflict new blows on the prince, who was still alive. But Boris began to ask to be allowed to pray to God. After the prayer, the prince turned to his murderers with words of forgiveness and said: “Brothers, having begun, finish what was commanded to you.” So Boris died on the 24th day of July. Many of his servants were also killed, including George. They cut off his head to remove the hryvnia from his neck.

Boris was wrapped in a tent and taken away in a cart. As they rode through the forest, the holy prince raised his head. And two Varangians pierced him again with a sword in the heart. The body of Boris was laid in Vyshgorod and buried near the church of St. Basil.

After that, Svyatopolk conceived a new atrocity. He sent Gleb a letter in which he wrote that his father, Vladimir, was seriously ill and was calling for Gleb.

The young prince went to Kyiv. When he reached the Volga, he slightly injured his leg. He stopped not far from Smolensk, on the Smyadyn River, in a boat. The news of the death of Vladimir, meanwhile, reached Yaroslav (another of the twelve sons of Vladimir Svyatoslavich), who then reigned in Novgorod. Yaroslav sent Gleb a warning not to go to Kyiv: his father had died, and his brother Boris had been killed. And, when Gleb was crying about his father and brother, the evil servants of Svyatopolk, sent by him to kill, suddenly appeared before him.

Holy Prince Gleb was then sailing in a boat along the Smyadyn River. The murderers were in another boat, they began to row towards the prince, and Gleb thought that they wanted to greet him. But the villains began to jump into Gleb's boat with drawn swords in their hands. The prince began to beg that they would not ruin his young life. But the servants of Svyatopolk were inexorable. Then Gleb began to pray to God for his father, brothers, and even for his murderer, Svyatopolk. After that, the cook Glebov, Torchin, stabbed his master. And Gleb ascended to heaven, and met there with his beloved brother. It happened on September 5th.

The murderers returned to Svyatopolk and told him about the order they had carried out. The evil prince rejoiced.

Gleb's body was thrown in a deserted place between two decks. Merchants, hunters, shepherds passing by this place saw a pillar of fire, burning candles there, heard angelic singing. But no one thought to look for the body of the saint there.

And Yaroslav moved with his army to the fratricide Svyatopolk in order to avenge his brothers. Yaroslav was accompanied by victories. Arriving at the Alta River, he stood at the place where Saint Boris was killed, and prayed to God for the final victory over the villain.

The battle on Alta lasted all day. By evening, Yaroslav won, and Svyatopolk fled. He was overcome with madness. Svyatopolk was so weak that he was carried on a stretcher. He ordered to run, even when the chase stopped. So they carried him on a stretcher through the Polish land. In a deserted place between the Czech Republic and Poland, he died. His grave has been preserved, and a terrible stench emanates from it.

Since then, strife has ceased in the Russian land. Yaroslav became the Grand Duke. He found the body of Gleb and buried him in Vyshgorod, next to his brother. Gleb's body turned out to be incorrupt.

Many miracles began to emanate from the relics of the holy martyrs Boris and Gleb: the blind received their sight, the lame walked, the humpbacked straightened up. And in those places where the brothers were killed, churches were created in their name.


In 1015 Prince Vladimir I Svyatoslavich of Kyiv died. Svyatopolk occupied the Kyiv grand-princely table. By seniority, he had the right to claim this, but the circumstances of the birth of Svyatopolk and the nature of Vladimir's attitude towards him made him fear for the strength of his position. 35 years before these events, in 980, Vladimir, having killed his older brother Yaropolk, who reigned in Kyiv, took his pregnant wife “Greek” (Greek) as his wife. Thus, although Svyatopolk was born when his mother was the wife of Vladimir I, he was not the son of Vladimir, but Yaropolk. That is why, as the “Legend of Boris and Gleb” says, “and Vladimir does not love him.” In an effort to establish himself on the throne of Kiev, Svyatopolk began to destroy his possible rivals. Vladimir's sons Svyatoslav, Boris and Gleb were killed on his orders. Yaroslav, the son of Vladimir, who reigned in Novgorod from Rogneda, Yaroslav, later nicknamed the Wise, entered the struggle for the Kyiv princely table. As a result of a stubborn and lengthy struggle that lasted until 1019 and ended in the defeat and death of Svyatopolk, Yaroslav established himself on the throne of Kiev (reigned until 1054). Yaroslav's activities were aimed at strengthening the power and independence of Russia. In this process, the position of the Russian Church acquired an important state and political significance. In an effort to strengthen the independence of the Russian church from Byzantium, Yaroslav sought the canonization (recognition as saints) of Russian state and church leaders. Boris and Gleb, who died in inter-princely strife, were the first Russian saints officially recognized by Byzantium. In honor of Boris and Gleb, a church holiday was established (July 24), ranked among the great annual holidays of the Russian church.

The cult of Boris and Gleb was of great state and political importance. The behavior of Boris and Gleb, who did not raise their hands against their elder brother even in defense of their lives, sanctified the idea of ​​tribal seniority in the system of princely hierarchy: princes who did not violate this commandment became saints. The political tendency of honoring the first Russian saints was to condemn princely strife, in an effort to strengthen the state unity of Russia on the basis of strict observance of feudal relations between princes: all princes are brothers, but the elders are obliged to protect the younger and patronize them, and the younger selflessly submit to the elders.

The state, church and political significance of the cult of Boris and Gleb contributed to the creation and wide distribution of numerous works about them in ancient Russian literature. They are dedicated to the chronicle story (under 1015) about the murder of Boris (see The Tale of Bygone Years), “The Tale and Passion and Praise of the Holy Martyr Boris and Gleb”, written by an unknown author, “Reading about the life and destruction of the blessed passion-bearer Boris and Gleb ”, the author of which was Nestor, prologue tales (short stories in Prologues - a special form of ancient Russian literary collections), paremia reading (text included in liturgical books - Paremias and Service Menaions). The question of the relationship of all these texts and their chronology is very complex and cannot be considered resolved until now. According to the majority of scholars, both the Tale and the Reading are based on a chronicle story (there is, however, a hypothesis about the primacy of the Tale in relation to the chronicle story). On the question of the relationship between "Tale" and "Reading" in science, there are two opposing points of view.

S. A. Bugoslavsky, on the basis of a textual study of 255 lists of the entire cycle of monuments about Boris and Gleb, came to the conclusion that the “Tale” arose in the last years of the reign of Yaroslav the Wise (i.e., in the middle of the 11th century). Later, the Tale of Miracles was added to the Tale of Boris and Gleb, which was compiled by three authors in succession during 1089-1115. The earliest copy of the Tales (in the Assumption collection of the late 12th - early 13th centuries) has come down to us already in this form (i.e., the text of the Tale of Boris and Gleb, supplemented by the Tale of Miracles). On the basis of the "Tale of Boris and Gleb", supplemented by stories about miracles in the edition of the second author, most likely around 1108, Nestor compiled a "Reading". The opposite point of view, substantiated by A. A. Shakhmatov, supported and developed by N. Serebryansky, D. I. Abramovich, N. N. Voronin (we give the names of those researchers who specifically dealt with this problem), boils down to the following. First, in the 80s. XI century, was written "Reading" by Nestor. On the basis of Nestor's "Reading" and the chronicle story after 1115, the "Tale" was created, which from the very beginning included stories about miracles. The hypotheticality of both points of view requires further development of this issue.

In "Tale", in comparison with "Reading", the described events are much more dramatic and dynamic, the emotional experiences of the characters are shown more strongly. The combination in the "Tale" of pathos with lyricism, rhetoric with laconicism, close to the chronicle style of narration, makes this monument of the earliest period of Old Russian literature one of the most striking works of Ancient Russia. Among ancient Russian readers, the Tale was much more popular than the Reading: there are much more lists of the first work than of the second.

The image of Boris and Gleb, as warrior saints, patrons and defenders of the Russian land and Russian princes, was repeatedly used in ancient Russian literature, especially in works devoted to military themes. For several centuries, ancient Russian writers turned to literary monuments about Boris and Gleb, mainly to the Tale, borrowing plot situations, poetic formulas, individual turns and entire passages of text from these sources. Just as popular Boris and Gleb, as the holy princes-warriors, were in the ancient Russian fine arts.

The chronicle story about Boris and Gleb was repeatedly published as part of The Tale of Bygone Years. For a scientific edition of the texts of "Tales", "Readings" and other monuments of this cycle, see: "Lives of the Holy Martyrs Boris and Gleb and services to them." Prepared for publication by D. I. Abramovich. Pg., 1916; Bugoslavsky S. P. Ukrainian-Russian memoirs of the XI–XVIII centuries. about Prince Boris and Glib. Near Kiev, 1928.

We publish the text of "The Tale of Boris and Gleb" according to the list of the Assumption collection (according to the edition: Assumption collection of the XII-XIII centuries. The publication was prepared by O. A. Knyazevskaya, V. G. Demyanov, M. V. Lyapon. M., 1971 ), but in the composition that, according to the hypothesis of S. A. Bugoslavsky, this work had in its original form, i.e. without the "Tale of Miracles", but keeping the attached after praise to Boris and Gleb, before the "Tale of Miracles ”, the article “About Boris, how to be vzarm”. Corrections of errors and filling in gaps are made according to the lists of "Tales" included in the edition of the Assumption Collection (according to the edition of Bugoslavsky).

Saying and passion and praise to the holy martyr Boris and Gleb

Lord, bless, father!

“The generation of the righteous will be blessed,” said the prophet, “and their seed will be blessed.”

Sitse ubo was a little earlier than these. Existing self-drinker of the entire Russian land Volodymyr, son of Svyatoslav, to the grandson of Igor, who, with holy baptism, enlighten this whole land of Rus. Let us say the rest of his virtues, but now there is no time. And about these, in a row, there is: because Volodymyr had 12 sons, not from a single wife, but from their mothers. In them, Vysheslav was older, and after him Izyaslav, 3 - Svyatoplk, who would invent this evil murder. This mother, before the beak, the grakyns are, and sang ̀yu be Yaroplk, brother Volodymyr, and raised the beauty of dividing her face. And why from her this Svyatoplak is okannago, Volodymyr is still filthy, having killed Yaroplk and give his wife a drink of life. From her, this window-like Svyatoplk was born, and be from two father and my brother. However, Volodymyr does not love him, as if I do not exist for him from myself. And from Rognedi 4 having sons: Izyaslav, and Mstislav, and Yaroslav, and Vsevolod, and from another Svyatoslav and Mstislav, and from the Bulgarian Boris and Gleb. And planting all over the dewy lands in the reign, we’ll say elsewhere, we’ll tell you about them, and this story is about them.

Plant this okannago Svyatoplk in the principality of Pinsk, and Yaroslav in Novgorod, and Boris in Rostov, and Gleb in Murom. I’ll stop talking a lot, but we won’t get into forgetting polywriting, but we’ll start a little, and we’ll say it to the sit. Many things are already past, and as if Volodymyr’s days had ended, already past in the summer of 28 after holy baptism, he fell into a strong illness. At the same time, Boris came from Rostov, a Pecheneg about onudu packs going to the army to Russia, Volodymyr was in great sorrow, because he couldn’t go against them, and he was sad a lot. And having called Boris, whose name was given in holy baptism Roman, blessed and quick to obey, betraying many feet in his hand, she sent against the godless cookie. He joyfully stood up to the idea of ​​the rivers: “Behold, I am ready to do before your eyes, as the will of your heart commands.” About such speech Pritchnik: "The son of the father is obedient and loving in front of his mother."

I will go to him and not find my adversaries, I will return back to him. And behold, a messenger came to him, telling him to die of his father, how his father Vasily had died, in his own name he was named in holy baptism, and how Svyatoplk concealed the death of his father, and at night, having taken a platform on Berestovem and in a carpet, having hung the snakes on land, carry on sankh, and put in the church the Holy Mother of God. And as if St. Boris had heard, the body began to drown, and his face was full of tears, and overflowing with tears and unable to speak. In the middle of the si, a siege broadcast began: “Alas, to me, the light of my eyes, the radiance and dawn of my face, my anguish, the punishment of my misunderstanding! Alas, my father and my lord! To whom will I resort, to whom will I look? Where can I be satisfied with such a good doctrine and testimony your mind? Alas for me, alas for me! How come my light, I don’t exist that one! Yes, I would have hidden your body with my own hands and betrayed it to the coffin. I neither bore the beauty of the courage of your body, nor was it worthy of kissing your good-looking gray hairs. Oh, blessed, remember me in your chambers! My heart is burning, my soul is embarrassing and it’s not enough to whom to turn and to whom to extend this bitter sadness? To his brother, whom he had in his father's place? N t, I think, about the vanity of the worldly things, and about the beating of my think. Yes, if my blood is spilled and my slaying is done, I will be a martyr to my Lord. I don’t resist, I don’t write: “The Lord resists the proud, but give grace to the humble.” The apostle: “While he says, “I love God,” but to hate your brother is a lie.” And packs: "There is no fear in love, the real love is to overcome fear." Temzhe that the river or someone will create? Behold, I go to my brother and the river: “You will be my father - you are my brother and grow old. What do you command, my Lord?

And sit on your mind, thinking, going to your brother and saying in your heart: “Then I won’t see the face of my little brother Gleb, like Joseph Veniamin?” And that all believing in the heart: "Thy will be done, my Lord." Thinking in your mind: “If I go to my father’s house, then the tongues will change my heart, as if to drive away my brother, as if my father had been holy baptism, for the sake of glory and the reign of this world, and everything else is passing by and worse than a spider. That kamo imam come at your own discretion from everywhere? How badly will I turn then? What will be the answer? Where shall I hide the multitude of my sin? What else did my father's brethren or my father gain before? Where are their lives and the glory of this world, and purple and bryachins, silver and gold, wine and honey, fine brashna, and fast horses, and brownies and greatness, and many estates, and tributes, and who are worthless, and proud, even about their boyars? Already everything se them, as if there was no one else: all with him was gone, and there was no help from anyone of these - neither from the estate, nor from the multitude of slaves, nor from the glory of this world. Darkness and Solomon, having passed everything, having seen everything, having bought and bought everything, having examined everything: “Vanity and vanity, wake up vanity”, so help from good deeds, and from orthodoxy, and from unfeigned love.

Go along the path, thinking about the beauty and goodness of your body, and spilling tears all over. And although you can't resist. And everything is gazing at him like that, weeping for a good body and a good mind to lift him up. And everyone in their souls groans with grief, and everyone is embarrassed about sadness.

Who else does not weep to destroy that pernicious, bringing before the eyes of his heart?

For the image of him was saddening him, the look and destruction of his saint’s heart, so the blessed one is truthful and generous, quiet, short, modest, merciful to everyone and full of honor.

to think in his heart, God-blessed Boris and said: “Vede, - my brother Zuluradi people compel me to kill me, and destroy me. But if my blood is shed, then I will be a martyr to my Lord, and the Lord will receive my spirit. Tache, forgetting the death, teshaashe srdtse about slo weigh of God, “If you destroy your soul for the sake of me and my words, you will find it in your stomach to keep it forever.” And go and rejoice at heart, “do not despise me,” they say, “Lord, have mercy on the one who trusts in you, and save my soul.”

Svyatoplk, sitting on the father’s side of Kiev, calling on the kyans, having given them many gifts, let him go. She sent to Boris, saying: “Brother, I want to have love with you and give it to you.” Flattering, not the truth of the verb. Coming to Vyshegorod night, let go of calling Putsha and the Vyshegorodsk men and say to them: “Lead me in truth, do you have affection for me?” Putsha speech: "We can lay our heads for you."

Seeing the devil and from the beginning hate the good of man, as if all his hope in the Lord was Saint Boris, he began to be more mobile, and found, as if before Cain burning for fratricide, the same Svyatoplka. In truth, the second Cain, catch his thought, as if to beat all the heirs of his father, and he himself should take all power alone.

Then, having called to yourself the damned damned Svyatoplk, the omens of all evil and the leaders of all untruth, and the wicked mouth of speech, let out the evil voice of Putsha's child: look at the time and kill it." And promising him to do tacos.

About such, the prophet speaks: “Hurry up the essence of the blood to shed injustice. Sibo promises blood and collects evil for himself. These paths are the essence of lawlessness that gathers and uncleanness embrace your soul.

Blessed Boris, as it were, turned back and stood on Leta tents. And the squad decided to him: “Go, sit down on the table, take it away from Kiev, all of you howl into your hand the essence. He but you answered them: “Do not wake me to take your hands on your brother and also on the oldest me, whom he had, like a father.” Hearing the howls, he dispersed from him, but he himself remained silent with his youths. And byaashe on the Sabbath day. In an ace and sadness, dejectedly be sad and climbed into your tent, crying with a broken heart, and with a joyful soul, pitifully emitting a voice: “Do not despise my tears, Master, but as I trust in you, so with your servants I will accept with your saints, for you are merciful, and we send glory to you forever. Amen".

To think of the torment and passion of the holy martyr Nikita and the holy Vyacheslav, like this former murder, and how holy Barbara should be your killer. And think of the word of the wise Solomon: “The righteous women live forever and from the Lord they receive rewards and build them from the Highest.” And about seven words, you are comforted and rejoiced.

Then it was evening and he commanded to sing the evening, and he climbed into his tent and began to pray the evening prayer with bitter tears and frequent sighs, and many groans. For now, lie down to sleep, and take him down in a lot of thoughts and in sadness, stronger and heavier and more terrible: how to indulge in passion, how to suffer and go down and keep faith, as if to receive a merciful crown from the hand of Vsedzhitelev. And seeing, vyzbnuv early, as if there is a morning year. Be the same in the holy week. Speech to your prosvuter: "Get up, start the morning." He himself, having shod his feet and washed his face, began to pray to the Lord God.

The message came from Svyatoplk on Lto night and approached near, and heard the voice of the blessed passion-bearer, singing the Morning Psalter. And the news of his murder was better for him. And start singing: “Lord! What are you multiplying the afflicted! M'nozi vstasha on me, " and other psalm, until the end. And the Psalter began to be sung: "Hurt me, psi mnozi, and unqi the clouds of obidzhasha me." And paki: “Oh my God! On thee hopes, save me. Even seven canons. And I finished his morning service, began to pray, in vain to the icon of the Lord I said: “Lord Jesus Christ! Even so, having appeared on the earth, willingly, to be nailed on the cross and accept passion for our sakes, like me to accept passion!

And as if he heard spat zl around the shatra and tried to be and began to shed tears from his eyes and say to you: “Glory to you, Lord, about everything, as if you made me envy for the sake of accepting this bitter death and all suffer love for the sake of your word. Do not rush to yourself; but I deigned nothing for myself, according to the apostle: “Love everything to drink, to have faith in everything and not seek your own.” And packs: “Fear in there is no love - the fear that has been done is to ward off the fear. Darkness, Lord, my soul is in your hand, guilt, as if I had not forgotten your law. Like the Lord was a year - tacos wake up". And uzrest popin him and the lad, even serving him, and seeing his master decrepit and sadness, she was drenched in zeal, crying vehemently and saying: “Dear lord and dear! How much goodness was fulfilled, as if not willing to resist to his brother love for the sake of Christ, but if you hold it in your hand!” And si reksha will be touched.

And abie see those flowing to the tent, the brilliance of weapons and the sword's appraisal. And without mercy, the blessed and many-merciful body of the holy and blessed Christ's passion-bearer Boris was perforated. Nasunusha copies of the okannia Putsha, Talts, Elovich, Lyashko.

Seeing his youth, vrzhesya on the body of the blessed one, the river: “Yes, I will not leave you, my dear lord, but where the beauty of your body fades, I will be honored with that with you cut off your belly!"

Byashe was born Ugrin, named Georgy. And beashe put gold on the hryvnia, and we love Boris more than measure. And I pierced the same one.

And it’s like he was quickly wounded and scurried off and shatra in a daze. And the beginning of the speech standing around him: “Who are standing in vain! Let us finish what we were commanded!” Hearing the blessed one, they began to pray and have mercy on their deeds, saying: “My dear and beloved brothers! Give me little time, but I won’t pray to my God.” And vzrev to the sky with tears and highlander sighing, they began to pray with these verbs: “Lord my God, many-merciful and merciful and merciful! Glory to you, as if you made me worthy to run away from the deception of this flattering life! Glory to you, most generous life-giver, as if vouchsafe me the work of the holy martyrs! Glory to you, O Lord, human-loving, who has granted me the desire of my heart! Glory to you, Christ, to the many mercy of you, who guide you to the right path of peace legs my mother-in-law is shameless to you! Take a look from the heights of your shrine, see the disease of my heart, I received it from my relative, for the sake of you we kill this day, Take me down, like a lamb for food. Weigh bo, my Lord, as if I do not resist in spite of the words, but whoever is in the hand, all the howling of my father and all the beloved of my father, and did not intend anything against my brother. He is Seliko, as much as possible, move up on me. Yes, “if only the enemy would reproach me, he would go through the wretched ones, if he hated me, he would swear, he would hide them.” You, Lord, see and judge between me and between my brothers. And do not set them, O Lord, this sin, and receive my soul into the world. Amen".

And having looked at them with tenderness of the eyes and fallen down on our faces, and shedding tears over the speech: “Brothers, come, finish your service. And wake up the world brother mine and you, brethren."

Yes, if I hear his words, from tears I can’t say a single word, from fear and sadness bitter and many tears. And with a sigh of bitter pity, he said ahu and weeping and every one in his soul moaned: “Alas for us, our prince, dear and dear and blessed, the driver of the blind, the clothes of the naked, old age, the exponent unpunished! Who is already fixing it? How not to desire the glory of this world, how not to rejoice with other nobles, how not to desire greatness, there are seven hedgehogs in life. Who does not seem to the great mind, who does not dare, seeing and hearing this dimension?

And abie sleep, betraying your soul in the hands of God, alive, in the month of July on the 24th day, before the 9th calendar of August.

Izbysha and the youths are many. It is impossible to remove the hryvnia from George and cut off the head, cut off and besides. Yes, darkness and the last could not know his body.

Blessed Boris was wrapped in a tent, put on a stake, and carried. And as if bysha on the forest, they began to cry out their holy head. And lo and behold, having taken Svyatoplak away, sending two Varangians and a probodist and a sword in the heart. And tacos will die and take on an unfading crown. And he laid his body to Vyshegorod at the church of St. Basil in the land of the burial.

And before this, leave the murders of the okanny Svyatoplk, and in a big frenzy, they began to prostrate. And as if I had already improved my heart’s desire, I would not remember the evil of my murder and many wretched blessings, and bow down to repentance in the slightest. And that abie was in the heart of his cell and began and urged more and more bitterly to kill and multiply murders. Glagolaashe Bo in the soul of his soul: “What will I do? If I leave the matter of my murder until now, then two imam chayati: if my brethren hear me, it’s better to punish me and bitter them. If it’s not, then let me wait and be a stranger to my father’s throne, and the pity of my land will take me, and the reproach of those who reproach me will attack me, and my reign will be taken in and there will be no living thing in my courtyards. Then the Lord will love him, but I will chase him and put an ulcer on sickness, I will put a wound on iniquity lawlessness. Both my mother and my mother, let me not settle down and write with the truth, but let me consume from the books of the living. Like it was, let's say later. Now there is no time, and we will return to the present.

And put it on your mind, the evil devil, the messenger of the blessed Gleb of the rivers: “Come in the barze. Father to call you and not hurt you velmi.

He is in the bharze, in a small squad, riding a horse. And having come to the Vlga, on the field, the horse in the ditch ran under it, and broke the small leg. And as if coming to Smolinsk and going from Smolinsk, as if we see one, a hundred on Smyadina in ships. And at that time a message came from Peredslava to Yaroslav about otni die. And Yaroslav sent a river to Gleb: “Do not go, brother! Your father is dead, and your brother is killed from Svyatoplka".

And when you heard the blessed one, weep bitterly and mournfully, and say to you: “Oh, alas, my lord, I weep from two weep and wall, I mourn and grieve with two lamentations. Alas for me, alas for me! I cry zealously for my father, moreover, I cry and despair for you, brother and mister Boris. How perforated are you, how without mercy do you betray the rest, how did you take destruction not from the enemy, but from your brother? Alas for me! If only I had died with you, I would rather be alone and orphaned from you in seven lifetimes. Az mnekh in the barze, see your angelic face, you see the village is tight to get me, and I wish we die with you, my lord! Now what am I going to do, tenderhearted, alienated from your kindness and from my father's many minds? O my dear brother and master! If you have received a lull from the Lord, pray for my despondency, so that I would be like the same passion to accept and live with you, rather than in the light of seven seduction.

And to him, groaning and weeping and tears, drenching the earth with frequent sighing, invoking God, hastening suddenly to send a message from Svyatoplok, his evil servant, unmerciful blood-drinker, brother-hater, fiercely fierce, fierce beasts of the soul property.

The saint went to the ship and sretosh and the mouth of the Smyadina. And as if I saw a saint, rejoicing in my soul, and they saw more and darkened and rowed to him, and I hoped to receive kisses from them. And as if it were equally swimming, starting to gallop, they were in his lodia, naked swords were in their hands, sparkling, like water. And abie all the oars from the hand of the fallen, and get out of the fear of death. Seeing the blessed one, understanding as if you want to kill him, looking at them with tender eyes and washing your face with tears, crushed your mind, measure your mind and sigh frequently, bursting into tears, and losing your body, pitifully emitting your voice, my dear brethren and drag! Do not deite me, nor have you done anything evil! Don't shy away, brethren and Lord, don't shy away! What offense have I done to my brother and to you, my brethren and my Lord? If there is any offense, take me to your prince, and to my brother and master. Have mercy on my unhappiness, have mercy, my Lord! You will be my Lord, a I am your slave. You won’t reap me from life, you didn’t eat it, you won’t reap the class, you won’t have it, and you won’t bear the milk of indolence! You will not cut the vines not to the end of your life, but the fruit of your property! I pray you and you are dear to me. Be afraid of the words of the apostolic mouth: “Don’t be children, be minds, be malice, be infants, but be crazy minds.” Az, brethren, and malice and revival still infancy. Se is murder, n cheese-cutting! Testify to me what evil I have done, and I do not regret it. If you want to be satisfied with my blood, you are already in the hand, brethren, and to my brother, and to your prince.

And not for a single word was ashamed, but as a wild animal, so did it. He, having seen, as if not heeding his words, began to say to the mother: “Save yourself, my dear father and lord Vasily, save yourself, my mother and mistress, save you, brother Boris, elder of my anguish, save you, brother and haste Yaroslav Save yourself, brother and enemy of the Holy One, save yourself, brethren and retinue, you will be saved! It is no longer imam to see you in life seven, we will not separate you from you with need. And weepingly said: “Vasily, Vasily, my father and master! Incline your ear and hear my voice, and look and see what happened to your child, how we kill you without guilt. Alas for me, alas for me! Hear the sky and inspire the earth. And you, Boris brother, hear my voice. You called my father Basil and did not listen to me, then do you not want to listen to me? See the pain of my heart and the ulcer of my soul, see the flow of my tears, like a river! And no one can listen to me, and you, therefore, remember me about me to the common Master, as if having a blessing and standing at his throne.

And they began, kneel down, praying to the mother: “O Lord, most generous and merciful! Do not stop my tears, and were touched by my despondency. See the destruction of my heart: behold, we are slaughtering myself, not for anyone, for the sake of, or for which offense I do not know. You weigh, Lord, my Lord! For the sake of my name, for my sake, lay hands on you, and you will betray your relatives and friends, and betray your brother to death and kill you for my name's sake. And again: "In your patience, pull down your soul." See, Lord, and judge: behold, my soul is ready to eat before you, Lord! And we send glory to you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Tache, having looked at them, speak tenderly and speak out loud, saying: “Then, having already done it, do it more, on the other hand, sent it!”

Then the okanny Goryaser commanded to slaughter and vbarze. The cook, Glebov, named Tarchin, took a knife and, blessed be it, and slaughtered it like a fire, immaculately and without forehead, on the 5th day of September, on Monday.

And having brought a meal clean to the Lord and fragrant, and going into the heavenly abodes to the Lord, and seeing the desired brother and take the crown of heaven and his zhelesta, and vozdradovastasya with great joy, unspeakable, and better.

But they are the slayers who returned to the slavshyuum ̀ya, like the speech of Davyd: “Sinners return to hell and forget God.” And packs: “Weapon retrieved sinners, straining your bow, lay down the right heart and their weapons to penetrate into the heart them, and their beams are crushed, like sinners to perish. And as if saying to Svyatoplek, as if “I have done what you commanded,” and having heard it, ascended to hear, and the spoken psalmist Davydm will come true: “What do you praise the strong about malice? Iniquity is the day to invent your tongue. Thou hast fallen in love with malice more than benevolence, untruth rather than speaking the truth. Thou hast loved all the verbs of the flood and the language of flattery. For this sake, to destroy you to the end, to shake you up and remove you from your village, and your root from the land of the living.

I killed Glebovi and threw him down in an empty place between two wells. And the Lord does not leave his slaves, as David said: "The Lord will keep all their bones, and not a single one will be crushed from them."

And to this, therefore, to the holy mind, lying for a long time, do not leave in ignorance and neglect, from now on, stay unharmed, and show: when you see a pillar of fire, when it’s a burning light and packs of angelic singing, you hear the guest passing by, and the fishing is active and shepherd.

But seeing and hearing, there was no memory of a single one about the recovery of the body of the saint, until Yaroslav, without this evil murder, moving on the fratricide of this, Svyatoplak and fighting many feet with him. And always with the help of God and the haste of the holy, having defeated the great battle, the okansky is put to shame and fled when he returns.

The rest of the cursed one came with many cookies, and Yaroslav, having bought a howl, went against him to Lto and a hundred in place, where Saint Boris was killed. And raising his hand to heaven and saying: “Behold the blood of my brother to drink to you, Vladyka, as if Aveleva before. And you take revenge on him, as if putting moaning and shaking on him on the fratricide Cain. Hey, I pray thee, Lord, yes perceive against it." And pray and rivers: « Oh my brother, even if the body has passed away, but the grace is alive and the Lord is standing and will help us with prayer!

And these rivers, and walking against themselves and covering the field of Ltskoe with a multitude of howls. And stepping down, the rising sun, and being slashing evil from here and stepping down thrice, and fighting every other day, and by the evening Yaroslav was overcome, and the okanny Svyatoplk ran away. And attack the demon, and weakening his bones, as if you were not strong enough to bear the horses of the gray hair, and carry him on a stretcher. And resorting to Berestia with him. He said: “Run, then marry us!” And send against it, and without a chasing one, or a woman following him. And, lying in weakness, sighing, he said: “Let's run away again, marry! Oh me!” And you can’t stay in one place, and running through the Lyadsky land we drive out the wrath of God.

And run to the desert between Czechs and Lyakhs, and that correct your belly. And a reward from the Lord is welcome, as if a fatal wound sent to me and death to eternal torment seemed to appear. And so it was extorted from both belly: and here it’s not so much reigning, nor the belly of Goneze, and there it’s not so dark the kingdom of heaven and sin with the angels of life, and indulge in torment and fire. And there is his grave to this day, and a stench of evil comes from it, as a testimony of a man. Yes, if anyone does this, hearing such a thing, then he should also receive these. Like Cain, not knowing to take revenge and take one, and Lamech, having not led on Cain, take revenge on him with the same seventy. Such is the essence of revenge by the evil doer. Like Julian Caesar, having shed many bloods of the saints, the martyr has shed bitter and inhuman death: it is not known from whom perforated be a copy in the heart friendly. Taco and running around, not knowing from whom I am ill-tempered to die priya.

And henceforth sedition ceased in the Russian land, and Yaroslav became the entire Russian parish. And they began to ask about the saints, what or where the meal is supposed to be. And tell him about St. Boris, how Vyshegorod is supposed to eat. And about the holy Gleb, don’t you know that Smolinsk is killed. And then I told him, even hearing from those who came from there, how I saw the light and the light in an empty place. And having heard that, she sent Smolinsk to pick up the presounders, saying, as if: "That is my brother." And you have found and where you saw the besh, and you go from the cross and with the candles of the earth, and from the ka n dila, and with many others and put into the ship, and when you come, you put it in Vyshegorod, where the body of the blessed Boris lies and dug up the earth, and you put it in the same way, bewildered, as if it’s a foolish place.

Behold, it was exceedingly fast and marvelous and worthy of memory; no matter how many years the body of the saint lay, the same was not hurt, it didn’t get dark from any carnivore or beashe, as it’s the custom to have the bodies of the dead, and it’s bright and red and whole and I have a good stink. Tako God save my passion-bearer's body.

And I do not know how to multiply that lying holy passion body. But as the Lord said: “The city cannot be hidden in the vrhu of the mountain standing, nor can it cover the sky, and put it on the light, but shine the darkness.” So put this holy one to shine in the world, many miracles to shine in the Russian side of the great, where there are many guards of salvation: blinds see through, chromiums are faster than sirns, they receive forgiveness.

N or I can tell or say all the miracles that are being done, in truth, not the whole world can bear, even the most amazing miracles are happening and more than the sand of the sea. And not that unity, and on all sides and on all lands it is transient, all diseases and ailments will drive away, those who exist in dungeons and visit in bonds. And on places where the martyr's veins got stuck, the church was quickly built in her name. Yes, and there are also many wonders visiting.

The same way I won’t praise something, or I’ll be perplexed and can’t help it. Will I call you an angel ilk soon finds herself near the mourners, and on the earth lived a life in humankind. If I name a person, then most of all, the human mind passes through many miracles and visits to the weak. Whether the Caesar, or the prince, I will proclaim, but more than a man, it is simple and moderate, but the death was taken up by the body, even though the high places and dwellings were settled.

In truth, you are a Caesar as a Caesar and a prince as a prince, for I give help and protection to our princes, who rise up and run proudly against it, and I boast with help. You are more than weapons for us, the land of Russia has taken away both the affirmation and the sword is sharp for both of us, and we depose the audacity of the filthy and trample the devil's staggering into the lands. In truth, I can say without a doubt: you are a heavenly person, an earthly angel, a pillar and a blessing to our earth. Temzhe and Boret in his fatherhood and help, like the great Demetrius by his fatherhood. Rek: "If it be wretched and rejoicing with them beh, so also he who perishes with him will die." However, this great dear Demetrius informs about one city, and you not about one city, nor about two, nor about all care and prayer, but about the whole Russian land!

Oh, blessed sepulcher, accept the body of the body, and it’s like a treasure of great value! Blessed circus, in the same position, I quickly breed the saints, having blessed bodies, O saint of Christ! Blessed in truth and lofty above all Russian cities and the highest city, which has such a treasure in itself. He doesn’t care about the whole world. Truly, I have called Vyshegorod - the highest and superior city of all; the second Selun appeared in the Rus' of the earth, having in himself a mercenary medicine, not our single language was given the blessing of God, and the salvation of the whole earth. From all the countries that come to the tuna, heal, as in the holy gospels, the Lord spoke to the holy apostle as follows: About these, the Lord himself said: “Believe in me, deeds, even I do and t will do even more than those.”

But the blessed passion-bearer of Christ, does not forget her fatherhood, even though she lived in the body, she always does not leave him. In the same way, in prayers, he always prays for us, so that evil does not come upon us, and the wound does not proceed to telesi work vayu. Grace was given to you, yes, it prays for us, God gave you God, praying for us and interceding with God for us. We also resort to you, and falling down with tears, we pray that the foot of the pride and the hand of the sinner do not come upon us and do not destroy us, and let no harm come upon us, smoothness and bitterness will be far from us, and the whole sword of war will deliver us, and a stranger will create feudal battles and all sin and attacks will intercede for us who trust in you. And to the Lord God our prayer will be brought earnestly, as if we have sinned grossly and without lawlessness, and more than measure and excess. I am praying hopefully to the Savior, saying: “Lord, one without sin! Look down from heaven your saint on us wretched, Elma, sinned, you will be forgiven, and bezkonnovakh, weaken, stumble over the change, as a harlot of census and set the harlot like a toe-bearer! May your mercy come upon us! May your philanthropy rise up on us! And do not weaken us by betraying our sins, neither sleep nor die slide death, redeem us from real evil and give us time for repentance, as our iniquity is many before you, Lord! Do with us according to your mercy, Lord, as your name is called in us, have mercy on us and have mercy and intercede with prayers for your past passion. And do not make us into diarrhea, and pour out your mercy on the sheep of your pasture, for you are ours and we send you glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit now and forever and forever and ever. Amen"."

About Boris, how would you take it. So the faithful Boris of the good root is obedient to his father, repenting with all his father. The body was red, tall, face round, shoulders great, tank in the loins, eyes of goodness, cheerful face, beard small and mustache - young be more. Shining like a Caesar, strong body, vysyachsky decorated like a flower colored in its weariness, in the army khrbar, in light of the wise and prudent with everything and the grace of God tsvetyaashe on him.

Tale and suffering and praise to the martyrs Saints Boris and Gleb (translation)

Lord, bless, father!

“The generation of the righteous will be blessed,” the prophet said, “and their descendants will be blessed.”

So it happened shortly before our days under the autocrat of the whole Russian land, Vladimir, the son of Svyatoslav, the grandson of Igor, who enlightened the whole Russian land with holy baptism. About his other virtues we will tell in another place, but now is not the time. We will talk about the same that we started in order. Vladimir had 12 sons, and not from one wife: their mothers were different. The eldest son is Vysheslav, after him - Izyaslav, the third - Svyatopolk, who planned this evil murder. His mother is Greek, formerly a nun. Vladimir's brother Yaropolk, seduced by the beauty of her face, cut her hair, and took her as his wife, and conceived from her the accursed Svyatopolk. Vladimir, at that time still a pagan, having killed Yaropolk, took possession of his pregnant wife. So she gave birth to this accursed Svyatopolk, the son of two fathers-brothers. Therefore, Vladimir did not love him, because he was not from him. And from Rogneda Vladimir had four sons: Izyaslav, and Mstislav, and Yaroslav, and Vsevolod. From another wife were Svyatoslav and Mstislav, and from a Bulgarian wife - Boris and Gleb. And Vladimir put them all in different lands to reign, which we will say in another place, but here we will tell about those about whom this story is.

Vladimir put the accursed Svyatopolk to reign in Pinsk, and Yaroslav in Novgorod, and Boris in Rostov, and Gleb in Murom. However, I will not go into too much explanation, so as not to forget the main thing in verbosity, but about whom I started, we will tell this. A lot of time passed, and when 28 years had passed after holy baptism, the days of Vladimir came to an end - he fell into a serious illness. At the same time, Boris came from Rostov, and the Pechenegs again moved the army to Russia, and great sorrow seized Vladimir, because he could not oppose them, and this greatly saddened him. Then he called to himself Boris, who was named Roman in holy baptism, blessed and quick to obey, and, giving him many soldiers under his command, sent him against the godless Pechenegs. Boris went with joy, saying: “I am ready to do before your eyes what the will of your heart commands.” About such Pritochnik said: "There was a son obedient to his father and beloved by his mother."

When Boris, having set out on a campaign and not meeting the enemy, returned back, a messenger came to him and told him about the death of his father. He told how his father Vasily had died (this name was given to Vladimir in holy baptism) and how Svyatopolk, hiding his father, dismantled the platform in Berestovo at night and, wrapping the body in a carpet, lowered him on ropes to the ground, took him on a sleigh and put him in the Church of the Holy Virgin. And when Saint Boris heard this, his body began to weaken, and his whole face was wet with tears, shedding tears, unable to speak. Only in his heart did he think like this: “Alas for me, the light of my eyes, the radiance and dawn of my face, the bridle of my youth, the mentor of my inexperience! Alas, my father and my lord! To whom shall I resort, to whom shall I turn my gaze? Where else can I find such wisdom and how can I manage without the instructions of your mind? Alas for me, alas for me! How did you go down, my sun, and I was not there! If I were there, I would remove your honest body with my own hands and betray it to the grave. But I did not carry your valiant body, I was not honored to kiss your beautiful gray hairs. O blessed one, remember me in the place of your rest! My heart is on fire, my soul confuses my mind and I don’t know who to turn to, who to tell this bitter sadness? Brother, whom I revered as a father? But he, I feel, cares about worldly fuss and plots my murder. If he sheds my blood and decides to kill me, I will be a martyr before my Lord. I will not resist, for it is written: "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." And in the epistle of the apostle it is said: "Whoever says:" I love God, "and hates his brother, he is a liar." And again: "There is no fear in love; perfect love casts out fear." So what will I say, what will I do? Here I will go to my brother and say: “Be my father - after all, you are my elder brother. What will you command me, my lord?

And, thinking so in his mind, he went to his brother and said in his heart: “Will I even see my younger brother Gleb, like Joseph Benjamin?” And he decided in his heart: “Let your will be done, Lord!” I thought to myself: “If I go to my father’s house, then many people will persuade me to drive my brother away, as I did, for the sake of glory and reign in this world, my father until holy baptism. But all this is transient and fragile, like a web. Where will I go after my departure from this world? Where will I be then? What answer will I get? Where will I hide my many sins? What did my father's brothers or my father gain? Where is their life and the glory of this world, and scarlet, and feasts, silver and gold, wine and honey, plentiful dishes, and frisky horses, and adorned and great mansions, and many riches, and countless tributes and honors, and boasting of their boyars? All this seemed to have never happened: everything with him disappeared, and there is no help from anything - neither from wealth, nor from many slaves, nor from the glory of this world. So Solomon, having experienced everything, having seen everything, mastering everything and gathering everything, said about everything: “Vanity of vanities - all is vanity!” Salvation is only in good deeds, in true faith and in unfeigned love.”

Going his own way, Boris thought about his beauty and youth, and shed tears all over. And he wanted to hold back, but he couldn't. And all who saw him also mourned his youth and his physical and spiritual beauty. And each in his soul groaned from the sorrow of his heart, and all were seized with sorrow.

Who will not mourn, presenting this pernicious death before the eyes of his heart?

His whole appearance was gloomy, and his holy heart was contrite, for the blessed one was truthful and generous, quiet, meek, humble, he pitied everyone and helped everyone.

This is how the blessed Boris thought in his heart and said: “I knew that evil people were inciting my brother to kill me, and he would destroy me. And when he sheds my blood, then I will be a martyr before my Lord, and the Master will receive my soul. Then, forgetting mortal sorrow, he began to comfort his heart with God's word: "He who sacrifices his soul for me and my teaching will find and keep it in eternal life." And he went with a joyful heart, saying: “Lord, merciful, do not reject me, who trusts in you, but save my soul!”

Svyatopolk, having sat down to reign in Kyiv after the death of his father, called the people of Kiev to him and, having generously endowed them, let them go. He sent the following message to Boris: “Brother, I want to live with you in love and I will add more to the possession received from my father.” But there was no truth in his words. Svyatopolk, arriving at Vyshgorod at night, secretly summoned Putsha and the Vyshgorod husbands to him and said to them: “Confess to me without hiding - are you devoted to me?” Putsha replied: "We are all ready to lay down our heads for you."

When he saw, the primordial enemy of all that is good in people, that Saint Boris placed all his hope on God, he began to intrigue and, as in ancient times, Cain, plotting fratricide, caught Svyatopolk. He guessed the thoughts of Svyatopolk, truly the second Cain: after all, he wanted to kill all the heirs of his father in order to seize all power alone.

Then the cursed accursed Svyatopolk called to himself accomplices of atrocity and instigators of all untruth, opened his filthy lips and cried out in an evil voice to Putsha's squad: “Since you promised to lay down your heads for me, then go secretly, my brothers, and where you will meet my brother Boris, having improved the time is right, kill him." And they promised him to do it.

The prophet said about such people: “They are quick to kill. Defiled by bloodshed, they bring misfortune upon themselves. Such are the ways of all those who commit iniquity - by wickedness they destroy their souls.

Blessed Boris returned and spread his camp on Alta. And the squad told him: “Go, sit in Kyiv on your father’s princely table - after all, all the soldiers are in your hands.” He answered them: “I cannot raise my hand against my brother, and besides, also the eldest, whom I honor as a father.” Hearing this, the soldiers dispersed, and he was left only with his youths. And it was the Sabbath. In anguish and sadness, with a dejected heart, he entered his tent and wept in contrite heart, but with an enlightened soul, plaintively exclaiming: “Do not reject my tears, Lord, for I trust in you! May I be rewarded with the fate of your servants and share the lot with all your saints, you are a merciful God, and we praise you forever! Amen".

He remembered the torment and suffering of the holy martyr Nikita and saint Vyacheslav, who were killed in the same way, and how her own father was the murderer of Saint Barbara. And he remembered the words of the wise Solomon: "The righteous live forever, and from the Lord is their reward and adornment from the Most High." And only these words comforted and rejoiced.

Meanwhile, evening came, and Boris ordered Vespers to be sung, and he himself entered his tent and began to perform the evening prayer with bitter tears, frequent sighing and continuous lamentations. Then he went to bed, and his sleep was disturbed by dreary thoughts and sadness, bitter, and heavy, and terrible: how to endure torment and suffering, and end life, and save faith, and accept the prepared crown from the hands of the Almighty. And, waking up early, he saw that it was already morning time. And it was Sunday. He said to his priest: "Get up, start matins." Himself, putting on shoes and washing his face, began to pray to the Lord God.

Those sent by Svyatopolk came to Alta at night, and came close, and heard the voice of the blessed martyr, singing the Psalter at matins. And he had already received the news of the impending murder of him. And he began to sing: “Lord! How my enemies have multiplied! Many rise up against me" - and the rest of the psalm, to the end. And, having begun to sing according to the Psalter: “A crowd of dogs surrounded me, and fat calves surrounded me,” he continued: “Lord, my God! I trust in you, save me!” And then the canon sang. And when he finished matins, he began to pray, looking at the icon of the Lord and saying: “Lord Jesus Christ! Like you, who appeared on earth in this image and by your own will let yourself be nailed to the cross and suffer for our sins, grant me to accept suffering like that!

And when he heard an ominous whisper near the tent, he trembled, and tears flowed from his eyes, and said: “Glory to you, Lord, for everything, for you have honored me with envy for the sake of accepting this bitter and enduring everything for the love of your commandments. We ourselves did not want to escape torment, we did not wish ourselves anything, following the commandments of the apostle: "Love is long-suffering, believes everything, does not envy and does not exalt itself." And again: “There is no fear in love, for true love casts out fear.” Therefore, Lord, my soul is always in your hands, for I have not forgotten your commandment. As the Lord wills, so shall it be." And when they saw the priest Borisov and the youth serving the prince, his master, embraced by sorrow and sadness, they wept bitterly and said: “Our merciful and dear lord! What goodness you are filled with, that you did not want to oppose your brother for the love of Christ, and how many soldiers you kept under your arm! And having said this, they were sad.

And suddenly he saw those rushing to the tent, the gleam of weapons, drawn swords. And without pity the honest and many-merciful body of the holy and blessed Christ's martyr Boris was pierced. The accursed Putsha, Talets, Elovich, Lyashko hit him with spears.

Seeing this, his youth covered the body of the blessed one with himself, exclaiming: “Let me not leave you, my beloved sir, where the beauty of your body fades, here I will be able to end my life!”

He was a Hungarian by birth, named George, and the prince rewarded him with a golden hryvnia, and was loved by Boris immensely. Here he was pierced.

And, wounded, he jumped out of the tent in a daze. And those standing near the tent spoke: “Why are you standing and looking! Having begun, let us complete what we have been commanded.” Hearing this, the blessed one began to pray and ask them, saying: “My dear and beloved brothers! Wait a little, let me pray to God." And looking up at the sky with tears, and sighing bitterly, he began to pray with these words: “Lord, my God, many-merciful and merciful and merciful! Glory to you that you have granted me to escape from the seduction of this deceitful life! Glory to you, generous giver of life, for vouchsafed me a feat worthy of the holy martyrs! Glory to you, Lord, philanthropist, who made me fulfill the innermost desire of my heart! Glory to you, Christ, glory to your immeasurable mercy, for you directed my steps to the right path! Look from the height of your holiness and see the pain of my heart, which I suffered from my relative - because for your sake they kill me on this day. I have been equated with a ram ready to be slaughtered. After all, you know, Lord, I do not resist, I will not contradict, and having under my hand all the soldiers of my father and all whom my father loved, I did not plot anything against my brother. He raised as much as he could against me. “If the enemy reproached me, I would endure it; if my hater slandered me, I would hide from him. But you, Lord, be a witness and execute judgment between me and my brother. And do not condemn them, Lord, for this one, but receive my soul in peace. Amen".

And looking at his murderers with a sorrowful look, with a haggard face, shedding tears all over, he said: “Brothers, having begun, finish the assignment entrusted to you. And may there be peace to my brother and to you, brothers!”

And all who heard his words could not utter a word for fear and bitter sadness and abundant tears. With bitter sighs, they lamented and wept plaintively, and each one groaned in his soul: “Alas for us, our merciful and blessed prince, guide to the blind, clothing to the naked, staff to the elders, mentor to the foolish! Who will direct them now? I didn’t want the glory of this world, I didn’t want to have fun with honest nobles, I didn’t want greatness in this life. Who will not be amazed at such great humility, who will not humble himself, seeing and hearing his humility?

And so Boris rested, betraying his soul into the hands of the living God on the 24th day of the month of July, 9 days before the August calendars.

They also killed many youths. They could not remove the hryvnia from George, and, having cut off his head, they threw it away. Therefore, they could not identify his body.

Blessed Boris, wrapped in a tent, put on a cart and taken away. And when they were riding in the forest, he began to raise his holy head. Upon learning of this, Svyatopolk sent two Varangians, and they pierced Boris in the heart with a sword. And so he died, assuming an unfading crown. And, having brought his body, they laid it in Vyshgorod and buried it in the ground near the church of St. Basil.

And the accursed Svyatopolk did not stop at this murder, but in his fury he began to prepare for a greater crime. And when he saw the fulfillment of his cherished desire, he did not think about his villainous murder and the severity of sin, and did not repent of his deed in the least. And then Satan entered his heart, beginning to incite to even greater atrocities and new murders. So he spoke in his accursed soul: “What will I do? If I dwell on this murder, then two fates await me: when my brothers find out about what has happened, they will lie in wait for me and reward me worse than what I have done. And if not, then they will expel me and lose the throne of my father, and regret for my lost land will devour me, and the reproach of those who reproach will fall on me, and another will seize my reign, and there will be no living soul left in my dwellings. For I have destroyed the beloved of the Lord, and I have added a new sore to the sickness; I will add lawlessness to iniquity. After all, the sin of my mother will not be forgiven, and I will not be inscribed with the righteous, but my name will be taken out of the books of life. And so it happened, about which we will tell later. Now is not the time yet, but back to our story.

And having planned this, the evil accomplice sent for the blessed Gleb, saying: “Come without delay. Father is calling you, he is seriously ill.

Gleb quickly got ready, mounted his horse and set off with a small squad. And when they came to the Volga, in the field a horse stumbled under him in a hole, and slightly injured his leg. And how Gleb came to Smolensk, departed not far from Smolensk and stood on Smyadyn, in a boat. And at this time, news came from Predslava to Yaroslav about the death of his father. And Yaroslav sent to Gleb, saying: “Do not go, brother! Your father died, and your brother was killed by Svyatopolk.

And, hearing this, the blessed one cried out with bitter weeping and heartfelt sorrow, and so he said: “Oh, alas for me, Lord! Doubly weeping and groaning, doubly lamenting and grieving. Alas for me, alas for me! I cry bitterly for my father, and even more bitterly I cry and mourn for you, my brother and lord, Boris. How was he pierced, how was he killed without pity, if not from the enemy, but from his brother did he accept death? Alas for me! It would be better for me to die with you than to live alone and orphaned without you in this world. I thought that I would soon see your angelic face, but what a misfortune befell me, it would be better for me to die with you, my lord! What am I going to do now, unhappy, deprived of your kindness and wisdom of my father? O my dear brother and lord! If your prayers reach the Lord, pray for my sorrow, so that I may be able to accept the same torment and be with you, and not in this vain world.

And when he so groaned and wept, irrigating the earth with tears and calling on God with frequent sighs, his evil servants sent by Svyatopolk, ruthless bloodsuckers, fierce brother-haters with the soul of ferocious beasts, suddenly appeared.

The saint was sailing at that time in a boat, and they met him at the mouth of the Smyadyn. And when the saint saw them, he rejoiced in his soul, and when they saw him, they became gloomy and began to row towards him, and he thought - they want to greet him. And, when they swam alongside, the villains began to jump into his boat with naked swords shining like water in their hands. And immediately all the oars fell out of their hands, and everyone died from fear. Seeing this, the blessed one realized that they wanted to kill him. And, looking at the killers with a meek gaze, washing his face with tears, resigned, in contrition of heart, sighing tremblingly, bursting into tears and weakening his body, he began pitifully to beg: “Do not touch me, my dear and dear brothers! Don't touch me, who hasn't done you any harm! Have mercy, my brothers and masters, have mercy! What offense have I done to my brother and to you, my brothers and masters? If there is any offense, then take me to your prince and to my brother and master. Have pity on my youth, have mercy, my lords! Be my masters, and I will be your slave. Do not destroy me, in the life of a young man, do not reap an ear that has not yet ripened, poured with the juice of malice! Do not cut the vine that has not yet grown, but has fruit! I beg of you and put myself at your mercy. Be afraid of the apostle who said through the mouth: “Do not be children of the mind: be like babies for an evil deed, but be of full age in your mind.” But I, brothers, are still young in deed and age. This is not murder, but savagery! What evil have I done, tell me, and then I will not complain. If you want to get enough of my blood, then I, brothers, are in the hands of yours and my brother, and your prince.

And not a single word put them to shame, but like fierce beasts attacked him. He, seeing that they did not heed his words, began to say: “May my beloved father and Mr. Vasily, and my lady mother, and you, brother Boris, be the mentor of my youth, and you, brother and accomplice, be delivered from eternal torment. Yaroslav, and you, brother and enemy Svyatopolk, and all of you, brothers and squad, may everyone be saved! I will no longer see you in this life, for they forcefully separate me from you. And he said crying: “Vasily, Vasily, my father and master! Bow your ears and hear my voice, look and see what happened to your son, how they kill me for nothing. Alas for me, alas for me! Hear, heaven, and listen, earth! And you, brother Boris, hear my voice. I called my father Vasily, and he did not heed me, do you really not want to hear me? Look at the sorrow of my heart and the pain of my soul, look at the streams of my tears flowing like a river! And no one listens to me, but you remember me and pray for me before the Lord of all, for you are pleasing to him and stand before his throne.

And, kneeling down, he began to pray: “Most generous and merciful Lord! Do not despise my tears, have mercy on my sorrow. Look at the contrition of my heart: they kill me for no one knows what, no one knows for what guilt. You know, Lord my God! I remember the words you said to your apostles: “For my name, for my sake they will raise their hands against you, and you will be betrayed by relatives and friends, and brother will betray brother to death, and they will kill you for the sake of my name.” And again: “With patience strengthen your souls.” Look, Lord, and judge: my soul is ready to stand before you, Lord! And we give glory to you, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Then he looked at the murderers and said in a plaintive and broken voice: “Since you have begun, having begun, do what you were sent to do!”

Then the accursed Goryaser ordered to kill him without delay. The cook, Glebov, named Torchin, took a knife and, grabbing the blessed one, slaughtered it, like a blameless and innocent lamb, on the 5th day of September, on Monday.

And a pure and fragrant sacrifice was offered to the Lord, and he ascended to the heavenly abodes to the Lord, and saw his beloved brother, and both received the heavenly crown that they were striving for, and rejoiced at the great and inexpressible joy that they received.

The accursed murderers returned to the one who sent them, as David said: "The wicked will return to hell and all those who forget God." And again: “The wicked draw their sword and draw their bow to strike those who walk in the straight path, but their sword will enter into their own heart, and their bows will be crushed, and the wicked will perish.” And when they told Svyatopolk that “they fulfilled your command,” then, having heard this, he ascended in his heart, and what the psalmist David said came true: “Why do you boast of villainy strong? Iniquity in this day, your tongue has conceived iniquity. You loved evil more than good, more lies than telling the truth. You have loved all kinds of disastrous speech, and your tongue is flattering. Therefore, God will crush you to the end, tear you down and uproot you from your dwelling place and your family from the land of the living.”

When they killed Gleb, they threw him in a deserted place between two logs. But the Lord, who does not leave his servants, as David said, "guards all their bones, and not one of them will be broken."

And God did not leave this saint, who had been lying for a long time, in ignorance and neglect, but kept him unharmed and marked the phenomena: merchants, hunters and shepherds passing by this place sometimes saw a pillar of fire, sometimes burning candles or heard angelic singing.

And not a single one who saw and heard this came to mind to look for the body of the saint, until Yaroslav, unable to endure this evil murder, moved on the fratricide of the accursed Svyatopolk and began to fight cruelly with him. And always, by the will of God and the help of the saints, Yaroslav won the battles, and the accursed one was put to shame and returned defeated.

And then one day this accursed one came with many Pechenegs, and Yaroslav, having gathered an army, went out to meet him on Alta and stood in the place where Saint Boris was killed. And, raising his hands to heaven, he said: “The blood of my brother, as before Abel, cries out to you, Vladyka. And you will avenge him and, like the fratricide of Cain, plunge Svyatopolk into horror and awe. I pray you, Lord, - may he be rewarded for this. And he prayed and said: “Oh, my brethren, although you have departed from here in body, you are alive by grace and you will help me before the Lord and with your prayer!”

After these words, the opponents met with each other, and the Altskoye field was covered with a multitude of warriors. And at sunrise they went into battle, and there was a slaughter of evil, they fought three times and fought like that all day, and only in the evening Yaroslav defeated, and the accursed Svyatopolk fled. And madness seized him, and his joints became so weak that he could not sit on a horse, and they carried him on a stretcher. They ran with him to Berest. He says: “Let’s run, because they are chasing us!” And they sent to scout, and there were no pursuers, nor those following in his footsteps. And he, lying helpless and rising, exclaimed: “Let's run further, they are chasing! Woe is me!" It was unbearable for him to stay in one place, and he ran through the Polish land, driven by the wrath of God.

And he ran to a deserted place between the Czech Republic and Poland and then dishonorably died. And he accepted vengeance from the Lord: he brought Svyatopolk to death the illness that seized him, and after death - eternal torment. And so he lost both lives: here he not only reigned, but also lost his life, and there he not only did not receive the kingdom of heaven and did not receive stay with the angels, but was betrayed to torment and fire. And his grave has been preserved to this day, and a terrible stench comes from it as a warning to all people. If anyone does the same, knowing this, he will pay even worse. Cain, not knowing about revenge, accepted a single punishment, and Lamech, who knew about the fate of Cain, was punished seventy times harder. Such is revenge on the evildoers. Here is Julian Caesar - he shed a lot of blood of the holy martyrs, and he suffered a terrible and inhuman death: it is not known who was pierced by a spear in the heart. Likewise, this one - it is not known from whom, running, the shameful one died.

And since then, the strife in the Russian land has ceased, and Yaroslav took over the entire Russian land. And he began to ask about the bodies of the saints - how and where were they buried? And they told him about Saint Boris that he was buried in Vyshgorod. And not everyone knew about Saint Gleb that he was killed near Smolensk. And then they told Yaroslav what they heard from those who came from there: how they saw light and candles in a deserted place. And, having heard this, Yaroslav sent priests to Smolensk to find out what was the matter, saying: "This is my brother." And they found him, where there were visions, and, having come there with crosses, and many candles, and with censers, they solemnly put Gleb in a boat and, returning, buried him in Vyshgorod, where the body of blessed Boris lies; having dug up the earth, here Gleb was laid with due honor.

And this is what is wonderful and marvelous and worthy of memory: for so many years the body of Saint Gleb lay and remained unharmed, not touched by any predatory beast or worms, it did not even turn black, as usually happens with the bodies of the dead, but remained bright and beautiful, whole and fragrant. So God preserved the body of his passion-bearer.

And many did not know about the relics of the holy martyrs lying here. But, as the Lord said: “A city standing on the top of a mountain cannot hide, and, having lit a candle, they do not put it under a bushel, but put it on a candlestick so that it shines for everyone.” So God set these saints to shine in the world, to shine with numerous miracles in the great Russian land, where many suffering people are healed: the blind receive their sight, the lame run faster than the chamois, the hunchbacked straighten up.

It is impossible to describe or tell about the miracles being performed, truly the whole world cannot accommodate them, for there are more marvelous miracles than the sand of the sea. And not only here, but also in other countries, and throughout all the lands, they pass, driving away diseases and illnesses, visiting those imprisoned in dungeons and shackled. And in those places where they were crowned with martyr's crowns, churches were created in their name. And many miracles happen to those who come here.

I don’t know, therefore, what praise to give you, and I’m perplexed, and I can’t decide what to say? I would call you angels, for without delay you appear to all who mourn, but you lived on earth among people in human flesh. But if I call you people, then by your countless miracles and help to the weak you surpass the human mind. Whether I proclaim you emperors or princes, you surpassed the most simple and humble people with your humility, and this led you to high places and dwellings.

Truly you are Caesars to Caesars and princes to princes, for with your help and protection our princes defeat all opponents and are proud of your help. You are our weapons, Russian lands protection and support, double-edged swords, with them we overthrow the audacity of the filthy and trample the devilish machinations on earth. Truly and without a doubt I can say: you are heavenly people and earthly angels, pillars and support of our land! You defend your fatherland and help in the same way as the great Demetrius did his fatherland. He said, "As I was with them in joy, so in their destruction I will die with them." But if the great and merciful Demetrius said so about only one city, then you are not about a single city, not about two, not about some village, you are baking and praying, but about the whole Russian land!

Oh, blessed are the tombs that received your honest bodies as a treasure of great value! Blessed, in which your holy tombs are placed, keeping your blessed bodies in themselves, O saints of Christ! Truly blessed and majestic of all Russian cities and the highest city that has such a treasure. There is no equal to him in the whole world. Vyshgorod is rightly named - higher and higher than all cities: the second Thessalonica appeared in the Russian land, healing free of charge, with God's help, not only our united people, but bringing salvation to the whole earth. Those who come from all lands receive healing for free, as in the holy Gospels the Lord said to the holy apostles: “Freely you have received, freely give.” Of these, the Lord himself said: “He who believes in me, in the works that I do, will do them himself, and will do more than these.”

But, O blessed martyrs of Christ, do not forget the fatherland where you lived your earthly life, never leave it. In the same way, always pray for us in prayers, so that misfortune and illness will not befall us, and the bodies of your servants will not touch. Grace has been given to you, pray for us, because God has set you as intercessors and intercessors for us. Therefore, we resort to you, and, falling down with tears, we pray that we will not be under the heel of the enemy, and the hand of the wicked may not destroy us, may no harm touch us, remove hunger and troubles from us, and deliver us from the enemy's sword and internecine strife, and from every trouble and attack, protect us who trust in you. And bring our prayer to the Lord God with zeal, for we sin greatly, and there is a lot of iniquity in us, and we act out of order with excess and without measure. But, hoping for your prayers, let us cry out to the Savior, saying: “Lord, one without sin! Look from your holy heavens at us, the poor, and although we have sinned, forgive us, and although we do iniquity, have mercy, and those who have fallen into error, like a harlot, forgive us and, like a publican, justify! May your mercy descend on us! May your kindness pour on us! And do not let us perish because of our sins, do not let us fall asleep and die a bitter death, but deliver us from the evil reigning in the world and give us time to repent, for many of our iniquities are before you, Lord! Judge us according to your mercy, Lord, for your name is called in us, have mercy on us and save and protect us with the prayers of your glorious martyrs. And do not betray us to reproach, but pour out your mercy on the sheep of your flock, because you are our God and we send glory to you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!"

About Boris, what a view. This faithful Boris was of good roots, obedient to his father, obeying his father in everything. He was handsome in body, tall, with a round face, broad shoulders, thin at the waist, kind eyes, cheerful face, a small beard and mustache - for he was still young, shone royally, was strong, was decorated with everything - like a flower he bloomed in his youth of his own, he was brave in his armies, wise in advice and reasonable in everything, and the grace of God blossomed in him.



Lord, bless, father!

Lord, bless, father!

“The generation of the right will be blessed,” the prophet said, “and their seed will be blessed.”

“The generation of the righteous will be blessed,” the prophet said, “and their descendants will be blessed.”

Sitse ubo was a little before now. Volodymyr, the son of Svyatoslav, the grandson of Igor, who is the self-owner of the whole Russian land, and enlighten the whole land of Rus with holy baptism. Let us say the rest of his virtues, but now there is no time. And about these, according to a row, there is: because of this, Volodymyr had sons 12 not from a single wife, but from their different mothers. In them, there was the old Vysheslav, and after him Izyaslav, 3 - Svyatoplk, who also invented this evil murder. This mother, before, was a black woman, being a grakny, and sang ya be Yaroplk, brother Volodymyr, and raised her beauty for her face. And why from her this Svyatoplek is okannago, Volodymyr is still filthy, having killed Yaroplk and sing his wife to an unjust being. From her, this okanny Svyatoplk was born, and be from two father and my brother. Yet Volodymyr does not love him, as if I do not exist for him from myself. And from Rognedi 4 the sons are named: Izyaslav, and Mstislav, and Yaroslav, and Vsevolod, and from another Svyatoslav and Mstislav, and from the Bulgarian Boris and Gleb. And planting all over the dewy lands in the reign, if we say elsewhere, we’ll tell you about them, and this is the story about them.

So it happened shortly before our days under the autocrat of the whole Russian land, Vladimir, the son of Svyatoslav, the grandson of Igor, who enlightened the whole Russian land with holy baptism. About his other virtues we will tell in another place, but now is not the time. We will talk about the same that we started in order. Vladimir had 12 sons, and not from one wife: their mothers were different. The eldest son is Vysheslav, after him - Izyaslav, the third - Svyatopolk, who planned this evil murder. His mother is Greek, formerly a nun. Vladimir's brother Yaropolk, seduced by the beauty of her face, cut her hair, and took her as his wife, and conceived from her the accursed Svyatopolk. Vladimir, at that time still a pagan, having killed Yaropolk, took possession of his pregnant wife. So she gave birth to this accursed Svyatopolk, the son of two fathers-brothers. Therefore, Vladimir did not love him, because he was not from him. And from Rogneda Vladimir had four sons: Izyaslav, and Mstislav, and Yaroslav, and Vsevolod. From another wife were Svyatoslav and Mstislav, and from a Bulgarian wife - Boris and Gleb. And Vladimir put them all in different lands to reign, which we will say in another place, but here we will tell about those about whom this story is.

Plant this old Svyatoplk in the reign of Pinsk, and Yaroslav in Novgorod, and Boris in Rostov, and Gleb in Murom. I’ll stop talking a lot, but I won’t forget to write too much, I won’t start a little, we’ll say it to the sit. Much has already been past, and as if Volodymyr’s days had passed away, already past summer 28 after holy baptism, he fell into a strong illness. At the same time, Boris came from Rostov, a Pecheneg, about ondu packs going to the army to Russia, in the great sadness, byashe Volodimir, because he could not go against them, and much sadness. And calling on Boris, whose name was given in holy baptism Roman, blessed and quick to obey, betraying many in his hands, sent against the godless liver. He joyfully stood up to the idea of ​​rivers: “Behold, I am ready to do before your eyes, as the will of your heart commands.” About such a speech Pritychnik: “The son was obedient to his father and loved in front of his mother.”

Vladimir put the accursed Svyatopolk to reign in Pinsk, and Yaroslav in Novgorod, and Boris in Rostov, and Gleb in Murom. However, I will not go into too much explanation, so as not to forget the main thing in verbosity, but about whom I started, we will tell this. A lot of time passed, and when 28 years had passed after holy baptism, the days of Vladimir came to an end - he fell into a serious illness. At the same time, Boris came from Rostov, and the Pechenegs again moved the army to Russia, and great sorrow seized Vladimir, because he could not oppose them, and this greatly saddened him. Then he called to himself Boris, who was named Roman in holy baptism, blessed and quick to obey, and, giving him many soldiers under his command, sent him against the godless Pechenegs. Boris went with joy, saying: “I am ready to do before your eyes what the will of your heart commands.” About such Pritochnik said: "There was a son obedient to his father and beloved by his mother."

I will go to him and not find my adversaries, I will turn back to him. And behold, a messenger came to him, telling him to die of his father, how his father Vasily had died, for he had been named in holy baptism, and how Svyatoplk hide his father’s death, and having taken a platform on Berestov and in the carpet, land, carrying on sankh, and put in the church of the Holy Mother of God. And as if Saint Boris had heard, he began to hide his body, and his face was filled with tears, and overflowing with tears and unable to speak. In the midst of this, a sycophant speech began: “Alas for me, the light of my eyes, the radiance and dawn of my face, my despondency, the punishment of my misunderstanding! Alas for me, my father and my lord! To whom will I resort, to whom will I take? Where can I be satisfied with such a good doctrine and testimony your mind? Alas for me, alas for me! How come my light, I don’t exist that one! Yes, I would have hid your own body with my own hands and betrayed it to the coffin. I neither bore the beauty of the courage of your body, nor was it worthy of kissing your good gray hair. Oh, blessed, remember me in your chambers! My heart is burning, my soul is confusing and it’s not possible to whom to turn and to whom to extend this bitter sadness? To his brother, who would have had a place in his father? Nb t, mnu, learn about the vanity of the worldly and about the beating of my think. Yes, if my blood is shed, and my slaying is done, I will be a martyr to my Lord. I don’t resist, it’s not written: “The Lord resists the proud, but give grace to the humble.” The apostle: “While it is said -“ I love God ”, but to hate your brother is a lie.” And packs: “There is no fear in love, the love you have done is to overcome fear.” What river or what shall I create? Let me go to my brother and the river: “You will be my father - you will be my brother and old. What do you command, my Lord?

When Boris, having set out on a campaign and not meeting the enemy, returned back, a messenger came to him and told him about the death of his father. He told how his father Vasily had died (this name was Vladimir in holy baptism) and how Svyatopolk, hiding the death of his father, dismantled the platform in Berestovo at night and, wrapping the body in a carpet, lowered him on ropes to the ground, took him on a sleigh and placed in the church of the Holy Mother of God. And when Saint Boris heard this, his body began to weaken, and his whole face was wet with tears, shedding tears, unable to speak. Only in his heart did he think like this: “Alas for me, the light of my eyes, the radiance and dawn of my face, the bridle of my youth, the mentor of my inexperience! Alas, my father and my lord! To whom shall I resort, to whom shall I turn my gaze? Where else can I find such wisdom and how can I manage without the instructions of your mind? Alas for me, alas for me! How did you go down, my sun, and I was not there! If I were there, I would remove your honest body with my own hands and betray it to the grave. But I did not carry your valiant body, I was not honored to kiss your beautiful gray hairs. O blessed one, remember me in the place of your rest! My heart is on fire, my soul confuses my mind and I don’t know who to turn to, who to tell this bitter sadness? Brother, whom I revered as a father? But he, I feel, cares about worldly fuss and plots my murder. If he sheds my blood and decides to kill me, I will be a martyr before my Lord. I will not resist, for it is written: "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." And in the epistle of the apostle it is said: "Whoever says:" I love God, "and hates his brother, he is a liar." And again: "There is no fear in love; perfect love casts out fear." So what will I say, what will I do? Here I will go to my brother and say: “Be my father - after all, you are my elder brother. What will you command me, my lord?

And think about it in your mind, going to your brother and saying in your heart: “Then will I see the face of my little brother Gleb, like Joseph Veniamin?” And that all believing in the heart: "Thy will be done, my Lord." Thinking in your mind: “If I go to my father’s house, then I’ll turn my tongues into my heart, as if to drive away my brother, as if I had received my former holy baptism, for the sake of glory and the reign of this world, and everything else is passing by and worse than a spider. That kamo imam come at your own discretion from everywhere? How else will I turn then? Who will we answer? Where shall I hide the multitude of my sin? What did my father's brethren or my father gain before? Where are their lives and the glory of this world, and scarlet and bryachins, silver and gold, wine and honey, fine brush, and fast horses, and house redness and greatness, and many possessions, and tribute, and honorless, and proud, even about your sick people? Already everything se them, like there was no one else: all of them are hungry, and there is no help from anyone else - neither from the estate, nor from the multitude of slaves, nor from the glory of this world. Darkness and Solomon, all gone, seeing everything, having bought and bought everything, having examined everything: “Vanity and vanity, wake up vanity”, then help from good deeds, and from right belief, and from unfeigned love.

And, thinking so in his mind, he went to his brother and said in his heart: “Will I even see my younger brother Gleb, like Joseph Benjamin?” And he decided in his heart: “Let your will be done, Lord!” I thought to myself: “If I go to my father’s house, then many people will persuade me to drive my brother away, as I did, for the sake of glory and reign in this world, my father until holy baptism. But all this is transient and fragile, like a web. Where will I go after my departure from this world? Where will I be then? What answer will I get? Where will I hide my many sins? What did my father's brothers or my father gain? Where is their life and the glory of this world, and scarlet, and feasts, silver and gold, wine and honey, plentiful dishes, and frisky horses, and adorned and great mansions, and many riches, and countless tributes and honors, and boasting of their boyars? All this seemed to have never happened: everything with him disappeared, and there is no help from anything - neither from wealth, nor from many slaves, nor from the glory of this world. So Solomon, having experienced everything, having seen everything, mastering everything and gathering everything, spoke about everything: “Vanity of vanities - all is vanity!” Salvation is only in good deeds, in true faith and in unfeigned love.”

Go along the path, thinking about the beauty and goodness of your body, and overflowing with tears. And although you can't resist. And everything is so gazing at him, crying about the noble body and the mind of his mind to lift him up. And every one in his soul groans with grief, and everyone is embarrassed about sorrow.

Going his own way, Boris thought about his beauty and youth, and shed tears all over. And he wanted to hold back, but he couldn't. And all who saw him also mourned his youth and his physical and spiritual beauty. And each in his soul groaned from the sorrow of his heart, and all were seized with sorrow.

Who else does not weep for that pernicious death, bringing before the eyes of his heart?

Who will not mourn, presenting this pernicious death before the eyes of his heart?

For the image of him would be despondent, the gaze and destruction of his holy heart, so the blessed one is truthful and generous, quiet, meek, modest, merciful to everyone and all nabdya.

His whole appearance was gloomy, and his holy heart was contrite, for the blessed one was truthful and generous, quiet, meek, humble, he pitied everyone and helped everyone.

to think God-blessed Boris in his heart and said to you: “Vde, - my brother is zluru for the sake of the people to compel and to my murder, and to destroy me. But if my blood be shed, then I will be a martyr to my Lord, and the Lord will receive my spirit. Tache, forgetting the death, teshaashe srdtse about slo weigh of God, "If you destroy your soul for the sake of me and my words, you will find it in your stomach forever to save it." And go and rejoice at heart, “do not despise me,” they say, “Lord, have mercy on the one who trusts in you, save my soul.”

This is how the blessed Boris thought in his heart and said: “I knew that evil people were inciting my brother to kill me, and he would destroy me. And when he sheds my blood, then I will be a martyr before my Lord, and the Master will receive my soul. Then, forgetting mortal sorrow, he began to comfort his heart with God's word: "He who sacrifices his soul for me and my teaching will find and keep it in eternal life." And he went with a joyful heart, saying: “Lord, merciful, do not reject me, who trusts in you, but save my soul!”

Svyatoplek, sitting on Kiev's father's side, calling on the kyans, having given them many gifts, let them go. She sent to Boris, saying: “Brother, I want to have love with you and give it to you.” Flattering, not the truth of the verb. When night came to Vyshegorod, call on Putsha and the men of Vyshegorod and say to them: “Tell us in truth, do you have affection for me?” Putsha speech: "We can lay down our heads for you."

Svyatopolk, having sat down to reign in Kyiv after the death of his father, called the people of Kiev to him and, having generously endowed them, let them go. He sent the following message to Boris: “Brother, I want to live with you in love and I will add more to the possession received from my father.” But there was no truth in his words. Svyatopolk, having come to Vyshgorod at night, secretly summoned Putsha and the Vyshgorod husbands to him and said to them: “Confess to me without hiding - are you devoted to me?” Putsha replied: "We are all ready to lay down our heads for you."

Seeing the devil and from the beginning hate the good of man, as if all his hope in the Lord was Saint Boris, he began to be mobile, and he would find, as if before Cain was burning for fratricide, so it is Svyatoplka. According to the truth of the second Cain, catch his thought, as if to beat all the heirs of his father, and take all the power himself.

When the devil, the primordial enemy of all that is good in people, saw that Saint Boris placed all his hope in God, he began to intrigue and, as in ancient times, Cain, plotting fratricide, caught Svyatopolk. He guessed the thoughts of Svyatopolk, truly the second Cain: after all, he wanted to kill all the heirs of his father in order to seize all power alone.

Then calling to yourself the damned damned Svyattoplk, the saints of all evil and the leaders of all unrighteousness, and turn away the filthy mouth of the speech, let out the evil voice of Put'shin's child: look at the time and kill it." And promising him to do so.

Then the cursed accursed Svyatopolk called to himself accomplices of atrocity and instigators of all untruth, opened his filthy lips and cried out in an evil voice to Putsha's squad: “Since you promised to lay down your heads for me, then go secretly, my brothers, and where you will meet my brother Boris, having improved the time is right, kill him." And they promised him to do it.

About such a speech of the prophet: “Hurry up the essence of the blood to shed injustice. Sibo promises blood and collects evil for himself. On this path, the essence is gathering lawlessness, embrace your soul with uncleanness.

The prophet said about such people: “They are quick to kill. Defiled by bloodshed, they bring misfortune upon themselves. Such are the ways of all those who commit iniquity - with wickedness they destroy their souls.

Blessed Boris, as it were, turned back and stood on Lta shatyra. And the squad decided to go to him: “Go, sit down on the table, Kiev, take it all away howl into your hand the essence. On but they were answered: “Don’t let us lay hands on our brother and also on my eldest me, whom I had, like a father.” Hearing the howls, they dispersed from him, and he himself remained with his youths. And byaashe on the Sabbath day. In an ace and sadness, be dejected and climb into your tent, crying over your heart, and with a joyful soul, pitifully crying out: thank you with your saints, for you are a merciful God, and we send glory to you forever and ever. Amen".

Blessed Boris returned and spread his camp on Alta. And the squad told him: "Go, sit in Kyiv on your father's princely table - after all, all the soldiers are in your hands." He answered them: “I cannot raise my hand against my brother, and besides, also the eldest, whom I honor as a father.” Hearing this, the soldiers dispersed, and he was left only with his youths. And it was the Sabbath. In anguish and sadness, with a dejected heart, he entered his tent and wept in contrite heart, but with an enlightened soul, plaintively exclaiming: “Do not reject my tears, Lord, for I trust in you! May I be rewarded with the fate of your servants and share the lot with all your saints, you are a merciful God, and we praise you forever! Amen".

Think of the torment and passion of the holy martyr Nikita and holy Vyacheslav, like this former murder, and how holy Barbara would have been to father her murderer. And think of the word of the wise Solomon: “The righteous women live forever and from the Lord their reward and their building from the Highest.” And about seven words, you comforted and rejoiced.

He remembered the torment and suffering of the holy martyr Nikita and saint Vyacheslav, who were killed in the same way, and how her own father was the murderer of Saint Barbara. And he remembered the words of the wise Solomon: "The righteous live forever, and from the Lord is their reward and adornment from the Most High." And only these words comforted and rejoiced.

So it was evening and he commanded the vespers, and he climbed into his tent and began to pray the vespers with bitter tears and frequent sighs, and many groans. For now, lie down to sleep, and take it off in a plethora of thoughts and in sadness, strong and heavy and terrible: how to indulge in passion, how to suffer and go down and keep faith, as if it were a merciful wedding to receive from the hand of Vsedrzhiteleva. And seeing, having shaken early, as if there is a morning year. But on holy week. Speech to your prosvuter: "Get up, start the morning." Himself, having shod his feet and washed his face, began to pray to the Lord God.

Meanwhile, evening came, and Boris ordered Vespers to be sung, and he himself entered his tent and began to perform the evening prayer with bitter tears, frequent sighing and continuous lamentations. Then he went to bed, and his sleep was disturbed by dreary thoughts and sadness, bitter, and heavy, and terrible: how to endure torment and suffering, and end life, and save faith, and accept the prepared crown from the hands of the Almighty. And, waking up early, he saw that it was already morning time. And it was Sunday. He said to his priest: "Get up, start matins." Himself, putting on shoes and washing his face, began to pray to the Lord God.

The message came from Svyatoplk on Lto night and approached near, and heard the voice of the blessed passion-bearer, singing the Morning Psalter. And the news of his murder was better for him. And start singing: “Lord! What are you multiplying the afflicted! M'nozi vstasha on me", and other psalm, until the end. And the Psalter began to be sung: "Hurt me, psy mnozi, and untchi the clouds that have succumbed to me." And paki: “Oh my God! Trust in you, save me." Even seven canons. And I finished his morning service, began to pray, in vain to the icon of the Lord I said: “Lord Jesus Christ! Even so, having appeared on the earth, having the will to be nailed on the cross and accept the passion of sin for our sake, like me to accept the passion!

Those sent by Svyatopolk came to Alta at night, and came close, and heard the voice of the blessed martyr, singing the Psalter at matins. And he had already received the news of the impending murder of him. And he began to sing: “Lord! How my enemies have multiplied! Many rise up against me" - and the rest of the psalm, to the end. And, having begun to sing according to the Psalter: “A crowd of dogs surrounded me, and fat calves surrounded me,” he continued: “Lord, my God! I trust in you, save me!” And then the canon sang. And when he finished matins, he began to pray, looking at the icon of the Lord and saying: “Lord Jesus Christ! Like you, who appeared on earth in this image and by your own will let yourself be nailed to the cross and suffer for our sins, grant me to accept suffering like that!

And as if she heard the sprit zl around the tent and tried to be and began to shed tears from her eyes and said: “Glory to you, Lord, about everything, as if you made me envy for the sake of accepting this bitter death and all suffer love for the sake of your word. Do not voluntarily collect yourself; but I deign nothing for myself, according to the apostle: “Love everything to drink, to have faith in everything and not look for your own.” And packs: “Fear in there is no love - done more than love to ward off fear. Darkness, Lord, my soul is in your hand, guilt, as if I had not forgotten your law. Like the Lord was a year - tacos wake up". And uzresta popin him and the youth, even serving him, and seeing her master decrepit and sadness, she was drenched in evil, bursting into tears and saying: “Dear lord and dear! How much goodness was fulfilled, as if you didn’t want to resist to his brother love for the sake of Christ, but hold the colic in your hand!” And si reksha will be touched.

And when he heard an ominous whisper near the tent, he trembled, and tears flowed from his eyes, and said: “Glory to you, Lord, for everything, for you have honored me with envy for the sake of accepting this bitter death and enduring everything for the love of your commandments. We ourselves did not want to escape torment, we did not wish ourselves anything, following the commandments of the apostle: "Love is long-suffering, believes everything, does not envy and does not exalt itself." And again: “There is no fear in love, for true love casts out fear.” Therefore, Lord, my soul is always in your hands, for I have not forgotten your commandment. As the Lord wills, so shall it be." And when they saw the priest Borisov and the youth serving the prince, his master, embraced by sorrow and sadness, they wept bitterly and said: “Our merciful and dear lord! What goodness you are filled with, that you did not want to oppose your brother for the love of Christ, and how many soldiers you kept under your arm! And having said this, they were sad.

And abie see those flowing to the shatra, the brilliance of weapons and the sword's appraisal. And without mercy, the blessed and many-merciful body of the holy and blessed Christ's passion-bearer Boris was perforated. Nasunusha copies of the okannia Putsha, Talts, Elovich, Lyashko.

And suddenly he saw those rushing to the tent, the gleam of weapons, drawn swords. And without pity the honest and many-merciful body of the holy and blessed Christ's martyr Boris was pierced. The accursed Putsha, Talets, Elovich, Lyashko hit him with spears.

Seeing his youth, turning on the body of the blessed one, the river: “May I not leave you, my dear lord, but where the beauty of your body fades, I will be like with you finish your life!"

Seeing this, his youth covered the body of the blessed one with himself, exclaiming: “Let me not leave you, my beloved sir, where the beauty of your body fades, here I will be able to end my life!”

Byashe was born Ugrin, named George. And I’d better put a hryvnia of gold on it, and we’d love Boris more than measure. And I pierced the same one.

He was a Hungarian by birth, named George, and the prince rewarded him with a golden hryvnia, and was loved by Boris immensely. Here he was pierced.

And as if he were quickly wounded and run away and shatra in a fright. And he began to speak standing around him: “Who are you standing in vain! Let us finish what was commanded to us!” Hearing the blessed one, they begin to pray and have mercy on their children, saying: “My dear and beloved brothers! Give me a little time, but I will pray to my God.” And take to the sky with tears and highlanders sighing, they began to pray with these verbs: “Lord my God, many-merciful and merciful and merciful! Glory to you, as if you made me worthy to run away from the deception of this flattering life! Glory to you, most generous life-giver, as if vouchsafe me the work of the holy martyrs! Glory to you, O Lord, love of mankind, who has made me able to put an end to the desires of my heart! Glory to you, Christ, to the many mercy of you, who guide you to the right path of peace legs my mother-in-law is shameless to you! Look down from on high your sanctuary, see the sickness of my heart, I have received it from my relative, as if for the sake of you we mortify this day, Take me in, like a lamb on a day. Veil, O my Lord, as if I do not resist in spite of the words, but in the hand of all the howling of my father and all the beloved of my fathers, and did not intend anything against my brother. He is Seliko, as much as possible, move up on me. Yes, “if you would insult the enemy, you would wipe out the ones who were hurt, if you hated me, you would speak, you would hide the ones.” You, Lord, see and judge between me and between my brothers. And do not forgive them, Lord, this sin, do not accept my soul into the world. Amen".

And, wounded, he jumped out of the tent in a daze. And those standing near the tent spoke: “Why are you standing and looking! Having begun, let us complete what we have been commanded.” Hearing this, the blessed one began to pray and ask them, saying: “My dear and beloved brothers! Wait a little, let me pray to God." And looking up at the sky with tears, and sighing bitterly, he began to pray with these words: “Lord, my God, many-merciful and merciful and merciful! Glory to you that you have granted me to escape from the seduction of this deceitful life! Glory to you, generous giver of life, for vouchsafed me a feat worthy of the holy martyrs! Glory to you, Lord, philanthropist, who made me fulfill the innermost desire of my heart! Glory to you, Christ, glory to your immeasurable mercy, for you directed my steps to the right path! Look from the height of your holiness and see the pain of my heart, which I suffered from my relative - because for your sake they kill me on this day. I have been equated with a ram ready to be slaughtered. After all, you know, Lord, I do not resist, I will not contradict, and having under my hand all the soldiers of my father and all whom my father loved, I did not plot anything against my brother. He raised as much as he could against me. “If the enemy reproached me, I would endure it; if my hater slandered me, I would hide from him. But you, Lord, be a witness and execute judgment between me and my brother. And do not condemn them, Lord, for this sin, but accept my soul in peace. Amen".

And having taken up to them the tenderness of the eyes and fallen faces, and shedding tears all over the speech: “Brothers, having come, finish your service. And be at peace brother mine and you, brethren."

And looking at his murderers with a sorrowful look, with a haggard face, shedding tears all over, he said: “Brothers, having begun, finish the assignment entrusted to you. And may there be peace to my brother and to you, brothers!”

Yes, if I hear his words, from tears I can’t utter a single word, from fear and sadness bitter and many tears. With a sigh of bitter pity, weeping and weeping, and every one in our souls we groan: “Alas for us, our prince, dear and dear and blessed, the driver of the blind, naked clothes, old age, unpunished witness! Who is already fixing it? How not to desire the glory of this world, how not to rejoice with other nobles, how not to desire greatness, there are seven in life. Who can’t see the great mindfulness, who can’t be humbled, seeing and hearing such a death?”

And all who heard his words could not utter a word for fear and bitter sadness and abundant tears. With bitter sighs, they lamented and wept plaintively, and each one groaned in his soul: “Alas for us, our merciful and blessed prince, guide to the blind, clothing to the naked, staff to the elders, mentor to the foolish! Who will direct them now? I didn’t want the glory of this world, I didn’t want to have fun with honest nobles, I didn’t want greatness in this life. Who will not be amazed at such great humility, who will not humble himself, seeing and hearing his humility?

And abie sleep, betraying your soul in the hands of God alive, the month of July on the 24th day, before the 9th calendar of August.

And so Boris rested, betraying his soul into the hands of the living God on the 24th day of the month of July, 9 days before the August calendars.

Izbysha and the youths are many. With George, it’s not possible to remove the hryvnia and cut off the head, cut off and chrome. Yes, the darkness and the last could not know his body.

They also killed many youths. They could not remove the hryvnia from George, and, having cut off his head, they threw it away. Therefore, they could not identify his body.

Blessed Boris was taken in a tent, put on a stake, and carried. And, as if in a forest, they began to cry out their holy head. And behold, seeing Svyatoplak, sending two Varangians and a probodist and a sword in the heart. And so he died and accepted the unfading vendetta. And he laid his body to Vyshegorod at the church of St. Basil in the land of the burial.

Blessed Boris, wrapped in a tent, put on a cart and taken away. And when they were riding in the forest, he began to raise his holy head. Upon learning of this, Svyatopolk sent two Varangians, and they pierced Boris in the heart with a sword. And so he died, assuming an unfading crown. And, having brought his body, they laid it in Vyshgorod and buried it in the ground near the church of St. Basil.

And not before this, leave the murder of the okanny Svyatoplk, and in a big frenzy, begin to prostrate. And as if I see the desire of my heart, having already improved, I will not remember the evil of my murder and much blessing, and bow down to repentance. On that abie in the heart of his cell, and began and began to gossip more and more bitterly, and more murders. Saying in your soul to the bottom: “What will I do? If I leave the matter of my murder to this place, then two imam chayati: if my brethren hear me, now cook to repay me and be bitter to them. If it’s not, then let me wait and be a stranger to my father’s throne, and my pity for the earth will eat me, and the reproaches of those who reproach me will attack me, and my reign will be in and in my courtyards there will be no living thing. Then the Lord will love him, but I will chase him and put an ulcer on the disease, I will put it on iniquity lawlessness. Both my mother and my sin, lest I be cleansed and I will not write with the truth, lest I be consumed from the books of the living. Like it was, let's say later. Now there is no time, let us return to the present.

And the accursed Svyatopolk did not stop at this murder, but in his fury he began to prepare for a greater crime. And when he saw the fulfillment of his cherished desire, he did not think about his villainous murder and the severity of sin, and did not repent of his deed in the least. And then Satan entered his heart, beginning to incite to even greater atrocities and new murders. So he spoke in his accursed soul: “What will I do? If I dwell on this murder, then two fates await me: when my brothers find out about what has happened, they will lie in wait for me and reward me worse than what I have done. And if not, then they will expel me and lose the throne of my father, and regret for my lost land will devour me, and the reproach of those who reproach will fall on me, and another will seize my reign, and there will be no living soul left in my dwellings. For I have destroyed the beloved of the Lord, and I have added a new sore to the sickness; I will add lawlessness to iniquity. After all, the sin of my mother will not be forgiven, and I will not be inscribed with the righteous, but my name will be taken out of the books of life. And so it happened, about which we will tell later. Now is not the time yet, but back to our story.

And put it on your mind, evil savior the devil, the ambassador of the blessed Gleb of the rivers: “Come in the sky. Father to call you and not hurt you velmi.

And, having planned this, the evil devil's accomplice sent for the blessed Gleb, saying: “Come without delay. Father is calling you, he is seriously ill.

He is in the air, in a small squad, go on horseback. And having come to Vlga, on the field, lift up the horse in the ditch, and break the small leg. And as if I had come to Smolinsk and gone from Smolinsk, as if we saw one thing, a hundred on Smyadin in a ship. And at that time a message came from Peredslava to Yaroslav about the death. And Yaroslav sent a river to Gleb: “Do not go, brother! Your father is dead, and your brother is killed from Svyatoplka".

Gleb quickly got ready, mounted his horse and set off with a small squad. And when they came to the Volga, in the field a horse stumbled under him in a hole, and slightly injured his leg. And how Gleb came to Smolensk, departed not far from Smolensk and stood on Smyadyn, in a boat. And at this time, news came from Predslava to Yaroslav about the death of his father. And Yaroslav sent to Gleb, saying: “Do not go, brother! Your father died, and your brother was killed by Svyatopolk.

And when you heard the blessed one, weep bitterly and mournfully, and say to you: “Oh, alas, my lord, I cry from two weeping and wailing, I mourn and mourn with two lamentations. Alas for me, alas for me! I weep bitterly for my father, but more than that, I weep and despair for you, brother and mister Boris. How perforated are you, how without mercy do you betray others, how did you take destruction not from the enemy, nor from your brother? Alas for me! If only I could die with you, rather than be alone and orphaned from you in seven lives. I’ll see your angelic face in my eyes, it’s hard to get me, and I wish we die with you, my lord! Now what am I going to do, tenderhearted, alienated from your kindness and from the father of my many minds? O my dear brother and master! If you have received a lull from the Lord, pray for my despondency, so that I would be like the same passion to accept and live with you, rather than in the light of seven charms.

And, hearing this, the blessed one cried out with bitter weeping and heartfelt sorrow, and so he said: “Oh, alas for me, Lord! Doubly weeping and groaning, doubly lamenting and grieving. Alas for me, alas for me! I cry bitterly for my father, and even more bitterly I cry and mourn for you, my brother and lord, Boris. How was he pierced, how was he killed without pity, if not from the enemy, but from his brother did he accept death? Alas for me! It would be better for me to die with you than to live alone and orphaned without you in this world. I thought that I would soon see your angelic face, but what a misfortune befell me, it would be better for me to die with you, my lord! What am I going to do now, unhappy, deprived of your kindness and wisdom of my father? O my dear brother and lord! If your prayers reach the Lord, pray for my sorrow, so that I may be able to accept the same torment and be with you, and not in this vain world.

And to him, groaning and weeping and tears, wetting the earth with frequent sighing, calling God, suddenly sending a message from Svyatoplk, his evil servant, the unmerciful blood-drinker, the brother-hater, fiercely, twisting the soul of the beast property.

And when he so groaned and wept, irrigating the earth with tears and calling on God with frequent sighs, his evil servants sent by Svyatopolk, ruthless bloodsuckers, fierce brother-haters with the soul of ferocious beasts, suddenly appeared.

The saint went to the ships and the srettosha and the mouth of the Smyadina. And as if I saw the saint, rejoicing in my soul, and they saw and darkened and rowed to him, and I hope to receive kisses from them. And as if it were equally swimming, starting to gallop, they were angry in his boat, the sword was naked in their hands, shining like water. And abie take the oars from the hand of a fallen man, and hang from the fear of death. He was visible blessed, he was reasoning to want him to kill him, putting him with the Trinity of the Purish and his face was washing his face, scrape away, scurrying his mind and frequent, he was moving, but he was not the same. and drag! Do not child me, nor have you done anything evil! Don't shy away, brethren and Lord, don't shy away! What offense have I done to my brother and to you, my brethren and my Lord? If there is any offense, take me to your prince, and to my brother and master. Have mercy on my anguish, have mercy, my Lord! You will be my Lord, a I am your slave. Don’t reap me from life, you didn’t eat it, don’t reap the class, you don’t have it, you don’t bear a milk of indolence! Do not cut the vines, not to the end of your life, but the fruit of your possessions! I pray you and dear you. Be afraid of the words of the apostolic mouth: “Don’t be smart children, but be childish with malice, but be crazy minds.” Az, brethren, and malice and revival still infancy. This is murder, not cheese-cutting! What evil have I done, testify to me, and I do not regret it. If you want to be filled with my blood, you are already in the hand, brethren, and to my brother, and to your prince.

The saint was sailing at that time in a boat, and they met him at the mouth of the Smyadyn. And when the saint saw them, he rejoiced in his soul, and when they saw him, they became gloomy and began to row towards him, and he thought - they want to greet him. And, when they swam alongside, the villains began to jump into his boat with naked swords shining like water in their hands. And immediately all the oars fell out of their hands, and everyone died from fear. Seeing this, the blessed one realized that they wanted to kill him. And, looking at the killers with a meek gaze, washing his face with tears, resigned, in contrition of heart, sighing tremblingly, bursting into tears and weakening his body, he began pitifully to beg: “Do not touch me, my dear and dear brothers! Don't touch me, who hasn't done you any harm! Have mercy, my brothers and masters, have mercy! What offense have I done to my brother and to you, my brothers and masters? If there is any offense, then take me to your prince and to my brother and master. Have pity on my youth, have mercy, my lords! Be my masters, and I will be your slave. Do not destroy me, in the life of a young man, do not reap an ear that has not yet ripened, poured with the juice of malice! Do not cut the vine that has not yet grown, but has fruit! I beg of you and put myself at your mercy. Be afraid of the apostle who said through the mouth: “Do not be children of the mind: be like babies for an evil deed, but be of full age in your mind.” But I, brothers, are still young in deed and age. This is not murder, but savagery! What evil have I done, tell me, and then I will not complain. If you want to get enough of my blood, then I, brothers, are in the hands of yours and my brother, and your prince.

And not a single word of being ashamed, but as a result of the wild beast, so roused him. He, seeing, as if not heeding his words, began to say to the mother: “Save yourself, my dear father and lord Vasily, save yourself, my mother and mistress, save you, brother Boris, elder of my anguish, save you, brother and haste Yaroslav Save yourself, brother and enemy of the Holy One, save yourself, brethren and retinue, you will be saved! It is no longer possible for the imam to see you in your life for seven, we will not separate you from you with need. And weepingly said: “Vasily, Vasily, my father and master! Incline your ear and hear my voice, and look and see what happened to your child, how we slaughter without guilt. Alas for me, alas for me! Hear the sky and inspire the earth. And you, Boris brother, hear my voice. Called my father Basil and did not listen to me, then do you not want to listen to me? See the pain of my heart and the ulcer of my soul, see the flow of my tears, like a river! And no one will listen to us, so remember me about me to the common Master, as if having courage and standing at his throne.

And not a single word put them to shame, but like fierce beasts attacked him. He, seeing that they did not heed his words, began to say: “May my beloved father and Mr. Vasily, and my mother, my lady, and you, brother Boris, be the mentor of my youth, and you, brother and accomplice, be delivered from eternal torment. Yaroslav, and you, brother and enemy Svyatopolk, and all of you, brothers and squad, may everyone be saved! I will no longer see you in this life, for they forcefully separate me from you. And he said crying: “Vasily, Vasily, my father and master! Bow your ears and hear my voice, look and see what happened to your son, how they kill me for nothing. Alas for me, alas for me! Hear, heaven, and listen, earth! And you, brother Boris, hear my voice. I called my father Vasily, and he did not heed me, do you really not want to hear me? Look at the sorrow of my heart and the pain of my soul, look at the streams of my tears flowing like a river! And no one listens to me, but you remember me and pray for me before the Lord of all, for you are pleasing to him and stand before his throne.

And begin, kneel down, pray to the mother: “O most generous and merciful Lord! Do not stop my tears, do not be touched by my despondency. See the brokenness of my heart: we are slaughtering ourselves, not for whom, or for which offense I do not take. You hang, Lord, my Lord! You will say to your apostles as if: “For my name, for the sake of me, lay hands on you, and you will betray relatives and friends, and betray your brother to death and kill you for my name.” And packs: "In your patience, tighten your soul." See, Lord, and judge: behold, my soul is ready to eat before you, Lord! And we send glory to you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

And, kneeling down, he began to pray: “Most generous and merciful Lord! Do not despise my tears, have mercy on my sorrow. Look at the contrition of my heart: they kill me for no one knows what, no one knows for what guilt. You know, Lord my God! I remember the words you said to your apostles: “For my name, for my sake they will raise their hands against you, and you will be betrayed by relatives and friends, and brother will betray brother to death, and they will kill you for the sake of my name.” And again: “With patience strengthen your souls.” Look, Lord, and judge: my soul is ready to stand before you, Lord! And we give glory to you, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Tache, having taken to them, speak with tenderness and speak out loud, saying: “Then, having already done it, do it more, on the not sent nature!”

Then he looked at the murderers and said in a plaintive and broken voice: “Since you have begun, having begun, do what you were sent to do!”

Then the oceanic Goryasir ordered to charge and get out. The cook, Glebov, named Tarchin, take a knife and, blessed be it, and slaughter it like fire, immaculately and without forehead, on the 5th day of September, on Monday.

Then the accursed Goryaser ordered to kill him without delay. The cook, Glebov, named Torchin, took a knife and, grabbing the blessed one, slaughtered it, like a blameless and innocent lamb, on the 5th day of September, on Monday.

And having brought a meal clean to the Lord and fragrant, and going into the heavenly abodes to the Lord, and behold the desired brother and the crown of heaven is his and welcome, and cheered up with great inexpressible joy, even better.

And a pure and fragrant sacrifice was offered to the Lord, and he ascended to the heavenly abodes to the Lord, and saw his beloved brother, and both received the heavenly crown that they were striving for, and rejoiced at the great and inexpressible joy that they received.

But they are the slayers who have returned to the sending ̀ya, like the speech of Davyd: “The sinners will return to hell and forget God.” And packs: “Weapon retrieved sinners, straining your bow, lay down your right hearts and their weapons to penetrate into your hearts them, and their beams will be crushed, as if the sinners will perish. And as if he had told Svyatoplek, as if “I did what you commanded,” and having heard it, ascended to hear, and the psalmist Davydm said: “Who do you praise strong about malice? Iniquity is the day of iniquity, think your tongue. Thou hast fallen in love with malice more than goodness, untruth rather than speaking the truth. Thou hast loved the verbs of the flood and the language of flattery. For this sake, God will destroy you to the end, shake you and remove you from your village, and your root from the land of the living.

The accursed murderers returned to the one who sent them, as David said: "The wicked will return to hell and all those who forget God." And again: “The wicked draw their sword and draw their bow to strike those who walk in the straight path, but their sword will enter into their own heart, and their bows will be crushed, and the wicked will perish.” And when they told Svyatopolk that “they fulfilled your command,” then, having heard this, he ascended in his heart, and what the psalmist David said came true: “Why do you boast of villainy strong? Iniquity in this day, your tongue has conceived iniquity. You loved evil more than good, more lies than telling the truth. You have loved all kinds of disastrous speech, and your tongue is flattering. Therefore, God will crush you to the end, tear you down and uproot you from your dwelling place and your family from the land of the living.”

I killed Glebov and fell in an empty place between two logs. And the Lord does not leave his servants, as David said: “The Lord will keep all their bones, and not a single one of them will be crushed.”

When they killed Gleb, they threw him in a deserted place between two logs. But the Lord, who does not leave his servants, as David said, "guards all their bones, and not one of them will be broken."

And to this, therefore, to the holy mind, lying for a long time, do not leave in ignorance and neglect, from now on, remain unharmed, n show: when you see a stele of fire, when you see a fire, when you see a burning candle and packs of singing, an angelic hears a guest passing by, and a shepherding fish.

And God did not leave this saint, who had been lying for a long time, in ignorance and neglect, but kept him unharmed and marked the phenomena: merchants, hunters and shepherds passing by this place sometimes saw a pillar of fire, sometimes burning candles or heard angelic singing.

Seeing and hearing, there was no memory of a single one about the recovery of the body of the saint, until Yaroslav, without this evil murder, moving on the fratricide of this, Svyatoplak and scolding many feet with him. And always with the help of God and the haste of the holy, having defeated the great battle, put up the battle, the window is put to shame and fled when returning.

And not a single one who saw and heard this came to mind to look for the body of the saint, until Yaroslav, unable to endure this evil murder, moved on the fratricide of the accursed Svyatopolk and began to fight cruelly with him. And always, by the will of God and the help of the saints, Yaroslav won the battles, and the accursed one was put to shame and returned defeated.

The rest of the accursed one came with many cookies, and Yaroslav, having bought a howl, went against him to Lto and a hundred in place, where Saint Boris would be killed. And he raised his hand to heaven and said: “Behold the blood of my brother to drink to you, Vladyka, as if Aveleva before. And you take revenge on him, as if you put moaning and shaking on the fratricide Cain on it. Hey, I pray thee, Lord, yes perceive against it." And pray and rivers: « Oh my brother, even if the corpse has departed, by grace the body is alive and the Lord is standing and will help us with prayer!

And then one day this accursed one came with many Pechenegs, and Yaroslav, having gathered an army, went out to meet him on Alta and stood in the place where Saint Boris was killed. And, raising his hands to heaven, he said: “The blood of my brother, as before Abel, cries out to you, Vladyka. And you will avenge him and, like the fratricide of Cain, plunge Svyatopolk into horror and awe. I pray you, Lord, - may he be rewarded for this. And he prayed and said: “Oh, my brethren, although you have departed from here in body, you are alive by grace and you will help me before the Lord and with your prayer!”

And now I have rivers, and I have walked against myself and covered the field of Ltskoye with a multitude of howls. And stepping down, the rising sun, and there was evil from here and stepping down thrice, and breaking through the day, and by the evening Yaroslav was overcome, and the nightly Svyatoplk was running away. And attack him, and weaken his bones, as if you were not strong enough to sit on horses, and carry him on a stretcher. And I came running to Berestia with him. He said: “Run away, marry us!” And send against it, and without a chasing one, or a woman following him. And, lying in weakness, sighing, he said: “Let's run away, marry! Oh me!” And you can’t stand in one place, and run through the Lyadsky land, we persecute the wrath of God.

After these words, the opponents met with each other, and the Altskoye field was covered with a multitude of warriors. And at sunrise they went into battle, and there was a slaughter of evil, they fought three times and fought like that all day, and only in the evening Yaroslav defeated, and the accursed Svyatopolk fled. And madness seized him, and his joints became so weak that he could not sit on a horse, and they carried him on a stretcher. They ran with him to Berest. He says: “Let’s run, because they are chasing us!” And they sent to scout, and there were no pursuers, nor those following in his footsteps. And he, lying helpless and rising, exclaimed: “Let's run further, they are chasing! Woe is me!" It was unbearable for him to stay in one place, and he ran through the Polish land, driven by the wrath of God.

And come running to the desert between the Czechs and Lyakhs, and straighten that belly of your evil. And he will receive a reward from the Lord, as if a fatal wound sent to me and death eternal torment will appear. And so the life is extorted from both: and here there is no reigning, and there is no belly, and there is no such thing as the kingdom of heaven, and even if the angels of life sin, and indulge in torment and fire. And there is his grave to this day, and a stink of evil comes from it, as a man shows. Yes, if anyone does this, hearing such, then receive it and sing it. Like Cain, who did not know to take revenge and only take it, but Lamech, who did not see Cain, the same seventy was avenged on him. Such is the essence of vengeance by the evil doer. It’s like Julian Caesar, even having spilled the blood of the holy martyrs, bitter and inhuman death: no one knows from whom perforated be a copy in the heart friendly. Thus, running away, you don’t know from whom the ill-tempered death of priya.

And he ran to a deserted place between the Czech Republic and Poland and then dishonorably died. And he accepted vengeance from the Lord: he brought Svyatopolk to death the illness that seized him, and after death - eternal torment. And so he lost both lives: here he not only reigned, but also lost his life, and there he not only did not receive the kingdom of heaven and did not receive stay with the angels, but was betrayed to torment and fire. And his grave has been preserved to this day, and a terrible stench comes from it as a warning to all people. If anyone does the same, knowing this, he will pay even worse. Cain, not knowing about revenge, accepted a single punishment, and Lamech, who knew about the fate of Cain, was punished seventy times harder. Such is revenge on the evildoers. Here is Julian Caesar - he shed a lot of blood of the holy martyrs, and he suffered a terrible and inhuman death: it is not known who was pierced by a spear in the heart. Likewise, this one - it is not known from whom, running away, died a shameful death.

And from there sedition ceased in the Russian land, and Yaroslav changed the entire Russian volost. And start asking about the Holy One, what or where the food is supposed to be. And about holy Boris, telling him that Vyshegorod is supposed to eat. And about the holy Gleb, do not imagine that Smolinsk is killed. And then I told him, even hearing from those who came from there, how I saw the light and the light in an empty place. And hearing that, she sent Smolinsk to collect the presounders, the river, as if: "That is, my brother." And having found and where you saw besh, and you go from the cross and with the candles of many, and with n dila, and with a lot of money and invested in the ship, and when you came, you laid down Vyshegorod, where the body of the blessed Boris lay and dug up the earth, and put it in the same way - and, perplexedly, as if it were stupidly dead.

And since then, the strife in the Russian land has ceased, and Yaroslav took over the entire Russian land. And he began to ask about the bodies of the saints - how and where were they buried? And they told him about Saint Boris that he was buried in Vyshgorod. And not everyone knew about Saint Gleb that he was killed near Smolensk. And then they told Yaroslav what they heard from those who came from there: how they saw light and candles in a deserted place. And, having heard this, Yaroslav sent priests to Smolensk to find out what was the matter, saying: "This is my brother." And they found him, where there were visions, and, having come there with crosses, and many candles, and with censers, they solemnly put Gleb in a boat and, returning, buried him in Vyshgorod, where the body of blessed Boris lies; having dug up the earth, here Gleb was laid with due honor.

Behold, it was exceedingly fast and marvelous and worthy of memory; no matter how many years the body of the saint lies, the same is not hurt to stay, not from any carnivore, not even better, as it is the custom to have the bodies of the dead, it is bright and red and whole and I have a good smell. Tako God save my passion-bearer's body.

And this is what is wonderful and marvelous and worthy of memory: for so many years the body of Saint Gleb lay and remained unharmed, not touched by any predatory beast or worms, it did not even turn black, as usually happens with the bodies of the dead, but remained bright and beautiful, whole and fragrant. So God preserved the body of his passion-bearer.

And I do not see much that lying holy passion-bearing body. As if the Lord had said: “The city cannot hide itself in the mountains while standing, nor cover the light in the fire, nor place it on the luminaries, but shine in darkness.” So put this holy one to shine in the world, many miracles to shine in the Russian side of the greatness, even if there are a lot of guardians of salvation: the blind see through, the chromium is faster than the roe, the blessings accept forgiveness.

And many did not know about the relics of the holy martyrs lying here. But, as the Lord said: “A city standing on the top of a mountain cannot hide, and, having lit a candle, they do not put it under a bushel, but put it on a candlestick so that it shines for everyone.” So God set these saints to shine in the world, to shine with numerous miracles in the great Russian land, where many suffering people are healed: the blind receive their sight, the lame run faster than the chamois, the hunchbacked straighten up.

But either I can tell or say all the miracles that are being done, in truth, the whole world can suffer even the most amazing miracles and more than the dog of the sea. And not that one, but on all sides and on all lands it is transient, all diseases and ailments will be driven away, existing in dungeons and visiting in bonds. And on location where the martyr's veins got stuck, the church was quickly built in her name. Yes, and there are just as many miracles visiting.

It is impossible to describe or tell about the miracles being performed, truly the whole world cannot accommodate them, for there are more marvelous miracles than the sand of the sea. And not only here, but also in other countries, and throughout all the lands, they pass, driving away diseases and illnesses, visiting those imprisoned in dungeons and shackled. And in those places where they were crowned with martyr's crowns, churches were created in their name. And many miracles happen to those who come here.

The same way I can’t praise how much I can praise, or what words I’m perplexed and can’t. Will I call you an angel ilk soon turns near the mourners, on the earth the flesh lived in humanity. If I call you a person, then most of all the human mind passes through many miracles and visits to the weak. Whether a Caesar, or a prince, I will pronounce, but more than a man, it is simple and modest, for the death was taken by the body, even though the high places and dwellings are settled.

I don’t know, therefore, what praise to give you, and I’m perplexed, and I can’t decide what to say? I would call you angels, for without delay you appear to all who mourn, but you lived on earth among people in human flesh. But if I call you people, then by your countless miracles and help to the weak you surpass the human mind. Whether I proclaim you emperors or princes, you surpassed the most simple and humble people with your humility, and this led you to high places and dwellings.

In truth, you are a Caesar, a Caesar, and a prince, a prince, for I give help and protection to our princes, who rise up proudly, and I boast with help. You are a weapon for us and for us, the Russian land took away both the affirmation and the sword is sharp for both, and we depose the insolence of the filthy and the devil staggering into the lands trampled. In truth, I can speak without a doubt: you are, after all, a heavenly person, an earthly angel, a pillar and an affirmation of our earth. Tmzhe and fights in his fatherhood and helps, like the great Demetrius in his fatherhood. Rek: “If it’s bad and rejoicing with them, then I’ll die with them.” But anyway, this great dear Demetrius announces about one city, and you not about one city, not about two, nor about all care and prayer, but about the whole land of Russia!

Truly you are Caesars to Caesars and princes to princes, for with your help and protection our princes defeat all opponents and are proud of your help. You are our weapons, Russian lands protection and support, double-edged swords, with them we overthrow the audacity of the filthy and trample the devilish machinations on earth. Truly and without a doubt I can say: you are heavenly people and earthly angels, pillars and support of our land! You defend your fatherland and help in the same way as the great Demetrius did his fatherland. He said, "As I was with them in joy, so in their destruction I will die with them." But if the great and merciful Demetrius said so about only one city, then you are not about a single city, not about two, not about some village, you are baking and praying, but about the whole Russian land!

Oh, blessed sepulcher, accept the body of the soul, like a treasure of great value! Blessed circus, in the same position, the fast race of the saints, having blessed bodies, O saint of Christ! Blessed in truth and lofty above all Russian cities and the highest city, which has such a treasure in itself. He does not care for the whole world. Truly, I have called Vyshegorod - the highest and superior city of all; the second Selun, appearing in the Russian land, having in himself a mercenary medicine, not our single language was given the blessing of God, and the salvation of the whole earth. From all the countries that come to the tun to heal, as in the holy gospels the Lord spoke to the holy apostles as: About this, the Lord himself said: “Believe in me, deeds, even I am doing and doing this and more than those.”

Oh, blessed are the tombs that received your honest bodies as a treasure of great value! Blessed is the church in which your holy tombs are placed, keeping your blessed bodies in themselves, O saints of Christ! Truly blessed and majestic of all Russian cities and the highest city that has such a treasure. There is no equal to him in the whole world. Vyshgorod is rightfully named - higher and higher than all cities: the second Thessalonica appeared in the Russian land, healing free of charge, with God's help, not only our united people, but bringing salvation to the whole earth. Those who come from all lands receive healing for free, as in the holy Gospels the Lord said to the holy apostles: “Freely you have received, freely give.” Of these, the Lord himself said: “He who believes in me, in the works that I do, will do them himself, and will do more than these.”

O blessed passion-bearer of Christ, do not forget her fatherhood, even though she lived in the body, she always does not leave him. In the same way, in prayers, he always prays for us, so that evil does not come upon us, and the wound does not proceed to telesi I work. Grace was given to you, and pray for us, you are God, praying for us and interceding with God for us. Then we run to you, and with tears falling down, we pray that the foot of the pride and the hand of the sinner do not come upon us and the hand of the sinner does not destroy us, and let no harm come upon us, smoothness and bitterness are far removed from us and the whole sword of battle will deliver us, and a stranger will create feuds and all sin and attacks will intercede for us who trust in you. And to the Lord God our prayer will be diligently brought, as if he had sinned evil and unlawfully exceedingly, and the wickedness of more than measure and excess. I am praying, hoping to the Savior, saying: “Lord, one without sin! Look down from heaven your saint on us wretched, Elma sinned, you judge, and unlawful, weaken, stumble over the change, as if we were a harlot, and as if we were a toe-bearer! May your mercy come upon us! May your philanthropy rise up on us! And do not weaken us by betraying our sins, neither sleep nor die slide die, redeem us from real evil and give us time for repentance, as many of our iniquity is before you, Lord! Do with us according to your mercy, Lord, as your name is called in us, have mercy on us and have mercy and intercede with prayers for your past passion. And do not make us into diarrhea, pour out your mercy on the sheep of your pasture, for you are our God and we send you glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit now and forever and forever and ever. Amen"."

But, O blessed martyrs of Christ, do not forget the fatherland where you lived your earthly life, never leave it. In the same way, always pray for us in prayers, so that misfortune and illness will not befall us, and the bodies of your servants will not touch. Grace has been given to you, pray for us, because God has set you as intercessors and intercessors for us. Therefore, we resort to you, and, falling down with tears, we pray that we will not be under the heel of the enemy, and the hand of the wicked may not destroy us, may no harm touch us, remove hunger and troubles from us, and deliver us from the enemy's sword and internecine strife, and from every trouble and attack, protect us who trust in you. And bring our prayer to the Lord God with zeal, for we sin greatly, and there is a lot of iniquity in us, and we act out of order with excess and without measure. But, hoping for your prayers, let us cry out to the Savior, saying: “Lord, one without sin! Look from your holy heavens at us, the poor, and although we have sinned, forgive us, and although we do iniquity, have mercy, and those who have fallen into error, like a harlot, forgive us and, like a publican, justify! May your mercy descend on us! May your kindness pour on us! And do not let us perish because of our sins, do not let us fall asleep and die a bitter death, but deliver us from the evil reigning in the world and give us time to repent, for many of our iniquities are before you, Lord! Judge us according to your mercy, Lord, for your name is called in us, have mercy on us and save and protect us with the prayers of your glorious martyrs. And do not betray us to reproach, but pour out your mercy on the sheep of your flock, because you are our God and we send glory to you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!"

Oh Boris, how would you take it. Therefore, the faithful Boris of the good root is obedient to his father, repenting with all his father. The body was more beautiful, tall, face round, shoulders large, thin in the loins, good eyes, cheerful face, beard small and moustache - more young still. Shining like a Caesar, strong body, decorated in all sorts of ways, like a flower in its weariness, in an army khrbar, in the light of the wise and prudent with everything and the grace of God tsvetyaashe on him.

About Boris, what a view. This faithful Boris was of good roots, obedient to his father, obeying his father in everything. He was handsome in body, tall, with a round face, broad shoulders, thin at the waist, kind eyes, cheerful face, a small beard and mustache - for he was still young, shone royally, was strong, was decorated with everything - like a flower he bloomed in his youth of his own, he was brave in his armies, wise in advice and reasonable in everything, and the grace of God blossomed in him.

“The right kind ... will be blessed.”- Ps. 111, 2.

... Volodymyr, son of Svyatoslav ...- About the reign of Vladimir I Svyatoslavich in the "Tale of Bygone Years" is told under 980-1015.

This mother was a black woman before, the grakyns are, and sang to you be Yaroplk ...- About the reign of Yaropolk, his marriage and death in the "Tale of Bygone Years" is told under 973-980.

And from Rognedi...- Rogneda Rogvolodovna, Princess of Polotsk, is mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years under the years 980 and 1000. The article of 980 also tells about the wives of Vladimir and his children from them.

And having called Boris, his name was given in the holy baptism of Roman ...- In ancient times, it was common to give two names - one "Russian", "worldly", "princely", and the second Christian, "godfather". The godname of Boris is Roman, Gleba is Davyd.

About such a speech Pritchnik ...- The tributary - the compiler of the book of parables - the king of the Kingdom of Israel and Judah (X century BC) Solomon. The book of Solomon's parables is part of the Bible.

... and at night, having passed the platform on Berestov ... they drove to the sankh ...- The removal of the body through the dismantled roof and the transportation of the deceased on a sleigh (at any time of the year) are elements of the ancient Russian funeral rite.

... "The Lord is proud to resist ... to give grace."- Jake. 4, 6; 1 Peter. 5, 5.

... "Izhe speech -" I love God "... there is a lie."- 1 John. 4, 20.

... "There is no fear in love ... to overcome fear."- 1 John. 4, 18.

“Then I’ll see if I see my brother’s face ... like Joseph Veniamin?”- Joseph and Benjamin are biblical characters: the youngest children of the Old Testament patriarch Jacob from Rachel, his beloved wife. Joseph meets with his younger brother Benjamin after a long separation, the perpetrators of which were their older brothers from other wives of Jacob, who sold Joseph into slavery.

Boris recalls the names of those saints who died for their loyalty to Christianity at the hands of their closest relatives: Nikita, the king's son, was tortured and executed by his father, who did not recognize Christianity; Vyacheslav (Wenceslas) - the Czech prince (921-929), declared a saint by the church, was killed by brother Boleslav I; Barbara was executed by a pagan father for confessing the Christian faith.

"God! What are you multiplying the afflicted! Multiply vstasha on me.- Ps. 3, 2.

“Hurt me, psi mnozi ... hurt me.”- Ps. 21, 17.

"Oh my God! Trust in you, save me."- Ps. 7, 2.

Canon- Church chant.

"Love everything to drink ... do not look for your own si."- 1 Cor. 13, 4.

“There is no fear in love ... to drive away fear.”- 1 John. 4, 18.

... put gold on a hryvnia ...- Here the hryvnia is a neck band, a necklace as a badge of distinction, an award.

Yes, “if only the enemy would vilify me ... I would cover them.”- Ps. 54, 13.

... the month of July on the 24th day, before the 9th of August.- In the ancient Roman calendar, the first day of each month was called calends, the 5th or 7th day of the month (the day of the first quarter of the moon) - nones, the 13th or 15th day (full moon day) - ides. From these three moments, the days were counted back (the original date was included in the count of days). Therefore, in the calendar calculation, July 24 corresponded to the ninth day before the August calendars. The calendar account with the mention of kalends is rarely found in ancient Russian texts and in parallel with the indication of dates and days of the week according to the Julian calendar, adopted in Russia along with Christianity.

Here either a deck is meant - the trunk of a fallen tree, or a deck - a coffin, hollowed out from two halves of a solid tree trunk. ... It’s like Julian Caesar ...- Julian the Apostate (Flavius ​​Claudius Julian), Roman emperor (361-363), restored paganism as the official religion in the Roman Empire and opposed Christianity. The name Julian in Christian literature has become a common name for the persecutor of Orthodoxy. He died either from an enemy arrow or from a spear in the back during a campaign against the Persians in 363. The unclear circumstances of his death gave rise to many legends.

... and put into the ship ...- In ancient burial customs, the deceased was either carried on a sleigh (regardless of the season) or carried in a boat.

... "The city cannot hide itself ... let the darkness shine."- Mf. 5. 14-15.

... like the great Demetrius ...- Demetrius of Thessalonica, son of the Thessalonica governor, proconsul of Thessaloniki (modern Thessaloniki), was killed in 306 and recognized by the Christian church as a saint. He was revered as the patron and protector of Thessalonica. He was especially popular as a holy warrior not only in Thessalonica, but on Athos, in the Balkan countries and in Ancient Russia.

... "Tune ... give". - Mf. 10, 8.

... "Believe in me ... and more teh"- John. 14, 12.

The Tale of Boris and Gleb- the most interesting and literary perfect monument from the cycle of works devoted to the story of the death of the sons of Vladimir I Svyatoslavich Boris and Gleb during the internecine struggle for the Grand Duke of Kyiv in 1015. The Boriso-Gleb cycle includes: S., Chronicle of Boris and Gleb (hereinafter Lp), “Reading about the life and destruction of the blessed passion-bearer Boris and Gleb” by Nestor (hereinafter: Thu), prologue tales, paroemia readings, laudatory words, church services. To one degree or another, directly or indirectly, all these texts are interconnected, and S. occupies a central place among them. like this: “On the same day, the saying and passion and praise of the holy martyr Boris and Gleb” (Title options in other lists: “The month of July on the 24th day. The saying of passion and praise of the holy martyr Boris and Gleb”; “The legend of the passion-bearer of the holy martyr Boris and Gleb ";" The month of July on the 24th day. Life and murder, praise of the holy passion-bearers Boris and Gleb, etc.).

In 1015 Prince Vladimir I Svyatoslavich of Kyiv died. The Kyiv grand-ducal table, perhaps only due to a combination of favorable circumstances, was occupied by one of the twelve sons of Vladimir (from different wives) - Svyatopolk, who, during the life of his father, was in alliance with the Polish king Boleslav I the Brave (Svyatopolk was married to Boleslav's sister) who tried to organize against him CONSPIRACY. In an effort to gain a foothold on the Kiev table, Svyatopolk decides to eliminate the most dangerous rivals. By his secret order, Vladimir's sons Boris, Gleb and Svyatoslav were killed. Vladimir's son Yaroslav, who later was nicknamed the Wise, who reigned in Novgorod, entered the struggle for the Kyiv princely table. As a result of a stubborn and lengthy struggle that lasted until 1019 and ended in the defeat and death of Svyatopolk, Yaroslav established himself on the Kiev table and reigned until his death in 1054. This is how the historical events of 1015–1019 are presented in general terms, to which the monuments of Boriso are dedicated - Gleb cycle. It should be noted that such coverage of events appears before us from these monuments themselves, but in fact it can be assumed that many details of the relationship between the participants in this drama were more complex. Separate contradictions and differences in the description of the same episodes in different monuments of the cycle give reason to believe that there were different legends about Boris and Gleb, and at present we are far from always able to give preference to the report of one source over another, to decide whether we have we are dealing with contradictions, errors of this or that text, with the combination in one text of different legends about the same fact, or we have before us a reflection of the specifics of ancient Russian literature.

The death of Boris and Gleb at the hands of assassins sent by Svyatopolk was interpreted as martyrdom, and Boris and Gleb were recognized as saints. These were the first officially canonized Russian saints. Their cult was actively planted and promoted, it had an important political significance for its time: “The political tendency of the cult of Boris and Gleb is clear: to strengthen the state unity of Russia on the basis of the strict fulfillment of the feudal obligations of the younger princes in relation to the elders and the elders in relation to the younger” ( Likhachev D.S. Some questions of the ideology of the feudal lords in the literature of the XI-XIII centuries. - TODRL, 1954, v. 10, p. 89).

When the cult of Saints Boris and Gleb arose, we do not know. Most researchers assume that this happened during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise, since the cult of these saints greatly exalted him: he was the brother of the slain and acted as an avenger for them. However, A. Poppe made a reasonable assumption that the cult of Boris and Gleb arose later, at the very end of Yaroslav's reign, but rather after his death. The fact is that Hilarion's "Sermon on Law and Grace", written in 1049–1050, says nothing about Saints Boris and Gleb, although the "Word" glorifies Vladimir I as the baptizer of Russia and Yaroslav as the successor of his father's work. Both the political and ecclesiastical-religious tendencies of The Lay on Law and Grace are of such a nature that if by the time this work was written the cult of the Russian saints Boris and Gleb had already existed in Russia, Hilarion would not have failed to mention them. This argument is supported by observations on the tradition of using princely names. A. Poppe believes that in the 50-60s. 11th century the initial period of the development of the cult of Boris and Gleb falls, and in 1072, when the relics of Boris and Gleb were transferred from one church to another, they were canonized. Therefore, according to Poppe's concept, none of the works of the Boriso-Gleb cycle could have been created before the 60s. 11th century ( Poppe A.V. About the time of the birth of the cult of Boris and Gleb).

Questions about the time of creation of the works of the Boriso-Gleb cycle, the nature of their relationships, their assessment as literary works and as historical sources are closely interconnected, and S. occupies a key position in resolving these issues. issues can not be considered finally resolved until now.

In the Assumption collection, S. consists of two parts. The first tells about the death of Boris and Gleb, about Yaroslav's struggle with Svyatopolk, about the transfer of Gleb's body from Smolensk to Vyshgorod under Yaroslav and his burial next to Boris. This part ends with praise to the saints. The second part, which has its own title - "The Tale of Miracles of the Holy Passion of Christ Roman and David" (hereinafter - Ch) - a story about the miracles performed by the saints, about the construction of churches dedicated to them in Vyshgorod, about the transfer of their relics in 1072 and 1115. In many lists, only the first part of S. has come down to us. Some researchers believe that S. originally contained Ch. Others see in these two parts of the S.: the legend of the death of Boris and Gleb (hereinafter: Sg) and Sch works created at different times, united into a single whole at a later stage in the literary history of the monument. One or another solution to this issue is of fundamental importance both for the dating of S. and for determining the nature of S.'s relationship with other works of the Boriso-Gleb cycle. If S. from the very beginning of its literary history consisted of two parts, then it could not have been written earlier than 1115, since the story of the transfer of the relics of saints in this year ends with Ch. If the original view of S. did not include Sch, then the creation of S. can be dated to a much earlier time.

S. and Lp coincide in content and sequence of plot development, there are also textual coincidences between them. S. and Thu are very different from each other. However, the general nature of the correlation of their texts is such that it is impossible to deny the possibility of acquaintance of one author with the work of another.

There are several options for solving the problem of the correlation of S., Lp and Thu: 1) the original text of S. and Lp and Th ascend to it; 2) the original text of Lp is the source of both S. and Cht.; 3) S. was created after Thu and both Lp and Thu were its sources; 4) both Lp, and S., and Th go back to common sources that have not come down to us.

At an early stage of the study of S., it was suggested that its author was Jacob (XI century), a monk of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery. Later, this hypothesis was rejected, so in the scientific literature S. is often called the "anonymous Tale of Boris and Gleb."

A. A. Shakhmatov, who studied the Boriso-Gleb cycle in connection with the history of the ancient period of Russian chronicle writing, came to the conclusion that S. depends both on Lp, in the form in which it was read in the Initial Code, and on Thu. S., in his opinion, arose after 1115, since from the very beginning it consisted of Sg and Sch. Later, under the influence of the works of S. A. Bugoslavsky, Shakhmatov revised his point of view on the question of the relationship between the texts of the Boriso-Gleb cycle, without changing his view on the time of their creation. In the book The Tale of Bygone Years, he came to the conclusion that, most likely, there was a common source that did not come down to us for all three works: Lp, S. and Thu. The possibility of the existence of a source (or several sources) that has not come down to us, to which (or to which) the surviving monuments of the Boriso-Gleb cycle ascend, was admitted by many researchers (both before and after Shakhmatov). Researcher from Germany L. Muller, for example, suggests that shortly after the final victory of Yaroslav over Svyatopolk in 1019, a saga arose at the Kiev court of the prince, dedicated to the story of the death of Boris and Gleb and the struggle of Yaroslav with Svyatopolk. Metropolitan John, at the time when the relics of the saints were opened and the feast of June 24 was established, Yaroslav instructed to compose a story about the events connected with Boris and Gleb. This story, called by Müller the original legend (Urlegende), was written by John in Greek. The original legend is martyrius to the saints. John drew the actual material from the saga, oral traditions and stories of Prince Yaroslav and his entourage. The original legend and saga have not come down to us, but the authors of the surviving monuments of the Boriso-Gleb cycle also used the saga and the original legend. The chronicler who compiled the historical work used both the saga and the original legend. The author S., whose work should be attributed to a genre such as a sermon or a solemn speech, based his work on the original legend and chronicle story, adding praise to the saints and a prayer at the end. S. was written in the 11th or early 12th century. Thu, which Muller, like Shakhmatov, dates back to the 80s. XI century, aimed to create a text that would meet the requirements of the actual hagiographic genre. Nestor, the author of Thu, had the same circle of sources as the author S.

S. A. Bugoslavsky, who owns the most detailed study of the monuments of the Boriso-Gleb cycle, rejects the hypothesis of an unpreserved common source for S., Lp and Cht. The original written text about Boris and Gleb, he believes, is Lp, but in an older form than in the lists of chronicles that have come down to us. It was compiled by the author of the chronicle, since it does not differ in style from the chronicle articles adjacent to it. S. goes back to this ancient form of Lp, which was written on behalf of Prince Yaroslav at the beginning of the second half of the 11th century, this is a panegyric to Yaroslav as a brother of saints. Later, this original form of S., which consisted only of the text of Sg, was supplemented by a small article about the appearance of Boris (in many lists, including the Assumption, it bears the title “About Boris, how to take it”) and Sch. Th, Bugoslavsky believes, was written between 1108-1115. and Nestor used the text of S. S. A. Bugoslavsky pays much attention to the analysis of Sch. Following the majority of previous researchers, he noted that the SCH was based on records kept at the Vyshegorodskaya church, and believed that it consisted of the works of three authors. The three parts of the SC differ from each other in the choice of vocabulary, and stylistically, and in the ideological direction. The first author wrote after 1089, but before 1105, the second - after 1097, but before 1111, the third author wrote in the period from 1115 to 1118, he was at the same time the editor of the entire text of the as a whole, in the form in which this text has come down to us in the Assumption Collection. S. A. Bugoslavsky comes to the conclusion that both in terms of formal features (Sg ends with praise to the saints, Sch has an independent heading and begins with a new introduction), both in content and style, Sg and Sch are two different works. A. A. Shakhmatov, although he believed that Sg cannot be separated from Sch, in his work “The Tale of Bygone Years” wrote about two editions of Sch; the first edition arose no earlier than 1081, the second edition is devoted to the story of the times of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich, Vsevolod Yaroslavich, Svyatopolk Izyaslavich and Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh, it was compiled after 1115. D. I. Abramovich, without dwelling on the issue of different editions of the Ch, writes that the final processing of the midrange dates back to the first quarter of the 12th century. (after 1115 and before 1125, since the Count does not mention the death of Vladimir Monomakh). He believes that the SC was drawn up separately and independently of the SG. Two separate works that arose at different times, considers Sg and Sch A. Poppe: this is evidenced, as he proves, by the compositional independence of C and C, and the different nature of these works. An essential confirmation of the initial independence of Cr, according to Poppe, should be considered the insertion between Cr and Cch of the article "About Boris, how to take it." In his opinion, this, and about the earlier spelling of Cg than Cch, is evidenced by the absence in Cg, which ends with a general praise for the saints, of the mention of the transfer of relics in 1072 and 1115, to which so much attention is paid in Cch. A. Poppe considers SCH to be the work of two authors. The first author wrote in 1073, the part he wrote ended with a story about the sight of a blind man, who was sent for healing to the tombs of Boris and Gleb by St. George. The second author owns the rest of the SC, he wrote after 1115 to 1117, the author of this part of the SC was a person close to Vladimir Monomakh. According to A. Poppe, in the praise that ends with Sg, allusions to the events of 1068-1069 are clearly traced. Based on this, he dates the time of writing Cr to the period after 1069, but before 1072, when the transfer of the relics took place.

The monograph by N. N. Ilyin “Chronicle article of 6523 and its source” is devoted to a special study of the nature of the relationship between C and Lp). The researcher comes to the following conclusions. The original version of S. - the text is only Sg, without Sch. S. represents the original literary processing of the legends about Boris and Gleb, and S.'s text was the source of Lp. S., a monument of the hagiographic genre, compiled around 1072. According to Ilyin, S. arose under the strong influence of the legends about the Czech saints of the 10th century, well known at that time in Russia. Lyudmila and Vyacheslav (see: Lives of Lyudmila and Vyacheslav Czech). The circumstances of the death of Boris and Gleb, reported by S., according to Ilyin, “are mostly of purely literary origin and represent, in composition, as it were, an alteration and, in places, a paraphrase of fragments of the homogeneous content of the above-mentioned Czech legends” ( Ilyin. chronicle article, p. 209). Lp is, according to Ilyin, an abbreviated revision of S., which gave the text of the source "the appearance of a narration about real historical events" (ibid., p. 209). The ideological orientation of S. reflects the political situation in Kievan Rus under Izyaslav Yaroslavich, the time of the creation of S. According to Ilyin, S. “undoubtedly came out of the walls of the Kiev Caves Monastery, passed through the editorial office of Theodosius, unless it was compiled according to his instructions” (ibid. , p. 183). Ilyin's hypothesis about the creation of S. within the walls of the Kiev Caves Monastery is supported by A. V. Poppe.

N. N. Voronin devoted a special article to the literary history of S., dwelling in particular detail on the socio-political ideas of the work. In his opinion, S. as a single literary work was all completely created by one author and from the very beginning included both parts: Sg and Sch. The author of S. was Bishop Lazar of Pereyaslavl. He is mentioned twice in Sch; first as an “elder cleric” of the Vyshegorodsk church (with him a miracle is performed with a dry-handed woman from Dorogobuzh), and then - as a bishop of Pereyaslavl - in a story about the transfer of the relics of Boris and Gleb in 1115. The last date is an early milestone of writing S., and time the death of Lazar (September 6, 1117) - the late boundary of the possible time of writing S. Lazar, according to N. N. Voronin, worked on S. until the last days of his life and, due to death, did not have time to complete his work: this circumstance N. N. Voronin explains the absence of a general final praise of the saints in the work and the absence of an article about the appearance of Gleb. Lazarus wrote to S. after Nestor wrote Thu. For Lazar, as well as for Nestor, the records that were kept at the Vyshegorodsk church served as a source of factual data. Among these records, according to N. N. Voronin, there could also be stories recorded from the words of eyewitnesses to the death of Boris and Gleb. Unfortunately, N. N. Voronin does not stop at all on the question of the relationship between S. and Lp, and there is much in common between these works not only in the content of the episodes and in textual coincidences, but also in the ideological and political orientation. In this case, S. can hardly be considered a completely original work, written by Lazarus and created between 1115-1117, if Lp was undoubtedly written before this time.

Thus, we have to admit that S.'s literary history has not yet been fully disclosed, and many assumptions in this regard are hypothetical.

S. has come down to us in a large number of lists. The most complete textual study of S. (165 copies) was made by S. A. Bugoslavsky, who divided these lists into 6 editions. 1st edition - Solemn (50 lists; close to each other and to the archetype), it was compiled in the 2nd half. XIV - 1st floor. 15th century sch. this edition was not in the archetype. 2nd edition - Synodal (54 sp.), XV century, the text of this edition formed the basis of S. in the Book of Degrees, where Thu, Lp, paroemia readings were also used as sources. 3rd edition - Northwestern Russian (9 sp.), XV century. 4th edition - Sylvestrovskaya (aka Mineynaya, as it is included in the VMC) (12 sp.). In this ed. there are several inserts from Lp, it belongs to the 14th century, it is named according to an early list - the front text of S. in the Sylvester collection. 5th edition - Chudovskaya (35 sp.), Named after sp. Chudovsky monastery of the XIV century. 6th edition - Assumption (4 sp.), Named after the Assumption sp. 12th century As Bugoslavsky himself notes, the Chudovskaya and Uspenskaya editions are very close, but in the Chudovskaya edition. there was no SC. According to Bugoslavsky, the original was the archetype of the Chudov edition. S. Bugoslavsky notes that in the 16th-17th centuries. new editions were created. and revisions of S. In the edition of the texts of S. in 1928, Bugoslavsky publishes, in addition to the texts of all the above editions (with discrepancies in the lists), his own reconstruction of the original S. (the Assumption list is taken as the basis). It should be noted that the textual differences between the editions (with the exception of inserts from other texts of the Boriso-Gleb cycle in separate editions) are not great, mainly in the discrepancies of individual words, and the principles for dividing texts into editions are not clear enough. It is indicative in this respect that D. I. Abramovich, publishing the texts of the Boriso-Gleb cycle, publishes S. according to the Uspensky list and leads to it discrepancies in those lists that, according to the classification of S. A. Bugoslavsky, are included in 5 different editions. In his study of the princely lives of S. Serebryansky, N. Serebryansky briefly dwelled on the issues of textual criticism of the lists, noting a number of later editions and alterations of S. Thus, we have to admit that, despite the great work of S. A. Bugoslavsky, the textual study of S. remains one from the urgent tasks of studying S. and the entire Boriso-Gleb cycle.

From S. it is clear that his author knew a number of monuments of translated hagiographic literature: he refers to the Torment of Nikita, the Life of Vyacheslav Czech, the Life of Barbara, the Life of Mercury of Caesarea, the Torment of Demetrius of Thessalonica. The popularity of S. himself in Ancient Russia is primarily evidenced by a large number of lists of S. very often appear as assistants to the Russian army in various military stories. S. underlies the folk spiritual verse about Boris and Gleb.

At the end of XII - beginning. 13th century on the basis of S., an Armenian prologue legend about Boris and Gleb was compiled, which is part of the Armenian Synaxar. There are two points of view on the issue of the origin of the Armenian text: 1) the Armenian text goes back to the Greek, compiled on the basis of S., which has not reached us; 2) the direct source of the Armenian text was the text of S. Recently, the number of supporters of the second point of view has prevailed.

The Russian Prologue contains several texts about Boris and Gleb. First of all, these are four versions of the short prologue life of Boris and Gleb: 1st - extract from Lp (in the form in which it was read in the Primary Code) with inserts from Thu; 2nd and 3rd - go back to S., 4th - the source is not clear. This Life is placed in the Prologue under July 24; September 5 - an article about the murder of Gleb (in several versions); May 2 and 20 - an article about the first (in 1072) and the second (in 1115) transfer of the relics of Boris and Gleb; August 11 - an article about the transfer of the relics of the saints from Vyshgorod to Smolensk to Smyadyn in 1191.

In addition to prologue articles about Boris and Gleb, the Paremiynik (a collection of church service edifying readings) includes a reading to Boris and Gleb. Paremia reading to Boris and Gleb is divided into 4 editions, it was compiled at the end of the XI - beginning. 12th century Its last researcher believes that it goes back to a common source with Lp. Paremia reading was very popular among ancient Russian writers: borrowings from it are found in the Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky, in the Chronicle of the Battle of Mamaev, in the Word on the Life and Repose of Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich, in the Tale of the Battle of Mamaev, in the Tale of the Beginning of Moscow and about the murder of Daniil of Suzdal.

There is a word of praise for Boris and Gleb, which, apparently, was compiled for the VMC. The text, which in the old Russian handwritten tradition has the title: “Praise and Torment of the Holy Martyrs Boris and Gleb” and “Mayan Month on Day 2. A word of praise for the intercession of the holy martyrs Boris and Gleb, and the rest do not enmity against their brethren ”- an independent literary monument of the second half of the 12th century, called in the history of ancient Russian literature the Word about the princes.

There are church services for Saints Boris and Gleb. It is assumed that the original version of the church service was compiled in the first half of the 11th century. Metropolitan John of Kyiv (if we accept the hypothesis of A. Poppe about the time of the emergence of the cult of Boris and Gleb, then this point of view requires revision). The service acquired its final form no later than the 15th century.

Several obverse lists of S. have been preserved, of which the earliest and most interesting is the Sylvester collection. The iconography of Boris and Gleb is great. Attempts to clarify the time of creation of the works of the Boriso-Gleb cycle and the nature of the correlation of these works on the basis of these miniatures and iconography, as A. Poppe quite convincingly showed, cannot be recognized as successful.

Publisher: Macarius, Archim. Three monuments of Russian spiritual literature of the XI century. - Christ. Thu., 1849, part 2, p. 301–315 (article); with. 377–407 (texts); Sreznevsky I.I. Tales of Saints Boris and Gleb: Sylvester copy of the 14th century. SPb., 1860; Life of the Holy Martyrs Boris and Gleb: 1) According to the charate list of the XII century. with 2 lithographed photographs and a preface by O. M. Bodyansky. 2) According to the charter list of the XIV century. With lithograph. - CHOIDR, 1870, book. 1, January–March, sec. 3, p. I–XVII (Preface), p. 1–315 (text of the Dormition List), p. 1–17 (text of the Chudovsky list); Loparev Kh. M. Word of praise for the transfer of the relics of Sts. Boris and Gleb: Unpublished monument of literature of the XII century. (PDP, No. 98), St. Petersburg, 1894; Monuments of ancient Russian church-teacher literature. Issue. 2. Slavonic Russian Prologue. Part 1. September - December. / Under the editorship of A. I. Ponomarev. SPb., 1896, p. 3–4; Likhachev N. P. Personal life of the holy noble Russian princes Boris and Gleb: According to the manuscript of the end of the 15th century [St. Petersburg], ed. OLDP, No. 124, 1907; Serebryanskiy N. Notes: Texts from Pskov monuments. – Tr. Pskov. church ist.-archaeol. committee. Pskov, 1910, vol. 1, p. 153–175; Bugoslavsky S. A. Holy princes Boris and Gleb in ancient Russian literature, part 2. Texts. - Kyiv. univ. Izv., 1915, November - December, p. 1–16 (Additions); 1916, April, p. 17–64; May - June, p. 65–96; July - August, p. 97–128; September - October, p. 129–144; 1917, January - February, p. 145–168; Lives of the Holy Martyrs Boris and Gleb and services to them / Ed. to press D. I. Abramovich. Pgr., 1916 (reprint: Die altrussischen hagiographischen Erz?hlungen und liturgischen Dichtungen ?ber die heiligen Boris und Gleb. M?nchen, 1967 (Slavische Propyl?en, Bd 14)); Bugoslavsky S. Ukrainian-Russian reminders of the XI-XVIII centuries. about princes Boris that Gliba: (Rozvidka th text). U Ki?vi, 1928; Assumption collection of the XII-XIII centuries. / Ed. preparation O. A. Knyazevskaya, V. G. Demyanov, M. V. Lyapon. M., 1971; with. 42–71; The Tale of Boris and Gleb / Ed. text, trans. and com. L. A. Dmitrieva. - PLDR. The beginning of Russian literature: XI - early. 12th century 1978, p. 278-303, 451-456.

Add.: The Tale of Boris and Gleb: Faxim. playback hagiographic stories from the Sylvester collection (2nd half of the 14th century). M., 1985.

Lit.: B[utkov] P. Analysis of three ancient monuments of Russian spiritual literature - Sovremennik, 1852, vol. 32, no. 4, dep. 2, p. 85–106; Tyurin A. F. Opinion about Jacob Mnich Academician P. G. Butkov. - IpoRYAS. SPb., 1853, vol. 2, p. 81–95; Sreznevsky I.I. Ancient biographies of Russian princes of the X-XI centuries. - Ibid., p. 113-130 (Supplements - ibid., pp. 157-164); Macarius. History of the Russian Church, 2nd ed. SPb., 1868, v. 2, p. 144–151; Vladimirsky N. A few words about the Prologue, a monument of ancient Russian writing, and a few literary questions from the most ancient era of our enlightenment. - Learned. app. Kazan. univ., 1875, book. 5, p. 851–883; Emin N. O. Tales of Saints Roman and David according to the Armenian Chet-Minei. – Rus. arch., 1877, book. 1–6, no. 3, p. 274–288 (the same in the book: Translations and articles by N. O. Emin on spiritual Armenian literature (for 1859–1882): apocrypha, lives, words, etc. M., 1897, p. 150–155) ; Levitsky N.: 1) The most important sources for determining the time of the baptism of Vladimir and Russia and their data: (Regarding the opinion of Prof. Sobolevsky). - Christ. Thu., 1890, part 1, no. 3–4, p. 370–421; No. 5–6, p. 687–740; part 2, no. 7–8, p. 147–174; No. 9–10, p. 318–368; 2) A few words about the note by prof. Sobolevsky. – Ibid., part 2, no. 11–12, p. 677–688; Sobolevsky A."Memory and Praise" of St. Vladimir and "The Legend of St. Boris and Gleb”: (Regarding the article by Mr. Levitsky). - Christ. Thu., 1890, part 1, no. 5–6, p. 791–804; Vasiliev V. The history of the canonization of Russian saints - CHOIDR, 1893, book. 3 (166), p. 63–67; Gusev P. L. Novgorod Icon of Sts. Boris and Gleb in action. - VAI, St. Petersburg, 1898, v. 10, p. 86–108; Golubovsky P.V. Service to the Holy Martyrs Boris and Gleb in the Ivanich Menaion 1547-1579 - CHIONL, 1900, book. 14, no. 3, sec. 2, p. 125–164; Golubinsky. History of canonization, p. 43–49; Ponomarev A. Boris and Gleb. - PBE, vol. 2, p. 954–968; Nikolsky. Timeline, p. 48–58, 253–289; Shakhmatov A. A. 1) Searches, p. 29–97; 2) The Tale of Bygone Years. Pgr., 1916, v. 1. Introductory part; Text; Note, p. LVII–LXXVII; Beneshevich V. N. Armenian Prologue about St. Boris and Gleb. - IORYAS, 1909, v. 14, book. 1, p. 201–236; Ainalov D.V. Essays and notes on the history of ancient Russian art. Miniatures "Tales" about Saints Boris and Gleb of the Silvestrov collection. - IORYAS, 1910, v. 15, book. 3, p. 1–128 (separate editor: St. Petersburg, 1911); Bugoslavsky S. A.: 1) Report on classes in the libraries of Moscow, St. Petersburg and with. Porechye (country Uvarovs): (August - October 1912). - Kyiv. univ. Izv., 1913, October, p. 1–52 (separate editor: Kyiv, 1913); 2) On the question of the nature and scope of the literary activity of Rev. Nestor. - IORYAS, 1914, v. 19, book. 1, p. 131–186; book. 3, p. 153–191; 3) To the literary history of "Memory and Praise" to Prince Vladimir. - IORYAS, 1925, v. 29, p. 105–159; 4) Literary tradition in northeastern Russian hagiography. - Articles on Slavic philology and Russian literature: Collection of articles in honor of Acad. A. I. Sobolevsky. L., 1928, p. 332–336; 5) Lives. - History of Russian literature. M.; L., 1941, v. 1, p. 315–332; Serebryansky. Princely Lives, p. 81–107 and Texts, p. 27–47; Istrin V. M. Essay on the history of ancient Russian literature of the pre-Moscow period (11th-13th centuries). Pgr., 1922, p. 118–127; Lesyuchevsky V.I. Vyshgorod cult of Boris and Gleb in art monuments. - Owls. archeol., 1946, v. 8, p. 225–247; Karger M.K. On the history of Kyiv architecture in the 11th century. Temple-mausoleum of Boris and Gleb in Vyshgorod. – Ibid., 1952, v. 16, p. 77–86; Müller L.: 1) Studien zur altrussischen Legende der heiligen Boris und Gleb. - Zeitschrift f?r slavische Philologie, 1954, Bd 23, S. 60–77; 1956, Bd 25, pp. 329–363; 1959, Bd 27, pp. 274–322; 1962, Bd 30, S. 14–44; 2) Neuere Forschungen?ber das Leben und die kultische Verehrung der heiligen Boris und Gleb. – Opera Slavica, Göttingen, 1963, t. 4, S. 295–317; Voronin N. N. Anonymous legend about Boris and Gleb, its time, style and author. - TODRL, 1957, v. 13, p. 11–56; Ilyin N. N. Annalistic article of 6523 and its
