Reverend Savva Storozhevsky: an icon, what they pray for, a prayer, a source. Saint Savva Storozhevsky: an icon, what they pray for, a prayer, a source The text of an Orthodox prayer to Savva Storozhevsky

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Saint Savva Storozhevsky is one of the most revered monks in Russia. His deeds, which were approved by faith, will forever remain in the souls of the laity and monks. After all, thanks to them, the Reverend was ranked among the Saints. Not so long ago, in 2007, the 600th anniversary of his stay in this honorary, divine status was celebrated. Even during his lifetime, Savva was considered the very first and favorite student of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

Presumably the monk was the son of a boyar family of the Principality of Smolensk. Unfortunately, this is only speculation, as there is no reliable information. The exact date of his birth is also unknown.

It is only known that from his youth he was a very pious boy, from childhood he loved God and prayer, lived in the Trinity Monastery under the supervision of St. Sergius. Later, the monk was chosen as the confessor of the Trinity brethren. After the death of Radonezh, Savva became abbot of the Trinity Church. This was in 1392.

In 1390, the monk blessed the construction of the monastery of the Nativity of the Theotokos on Mount Storozhy, which is located in the village of Zvenigorod. This monastery was patronized by Prince Yuri Dmitrievich himself.

The saint more than once blessed Yuri on campaigns to the territory of the Horde (Volga Bulgaria, Dzhuke-Tau, Kazan, etc.). Most of these campaigns ended in glorious victory. Even later, the elder's blessing helped save Muscovite Russia, which was threatened with complete destruction from the invasion of Tamerlane.

Monastery of Savva Storozhevsky in Zvenigorod

The construction of the monastery was completed by 1405. Several churches were erected on the territory of this holy place at once. The monk for their painting invited the famous artist Andrei Rublev, who, with the blessing of the priest, became the author of the Zvenigorod (Old Moscow) rite. The influence of the monk on the young artist was very great.

The reverend received everyone. He listened to people's sorrows, gave advice. He always acted as his parent, Sergius of Radonezh, taught him. In all his long life, the monk never turned his back on anyone. He only humbly prayed and guided people in the way of God.

In 1407 the old man died. Before his death, he was very ill. Three days before his death, the monk gathered the Trinity brethren and spoke about all his righteous deeds. After his death, the descendants of Yuri and Vasily began a war for the throne. The Zvenigorod Monastery fell into decay. And the memory of the holy spring of Savva Storozhevsky was erased from memory by the hated relatives of Yuri, since he was his mentor.

Source of Savva Storozhevsky

In the 16th century, Markell Khutynsky wrote a hagiographer about the life of the Zvenigorod saint. This scripture became a source of the divine deeds of Savva - a source of his memory and glorification. It is thanks to the Kryukovsky chants that we know so much information about this saint.

The hagiographs are written in the strict historical and philological principle of the Church Slavonic (Old Russian) language. Alexander Pushkin once translated a short life of the abbot into modern Russian.

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Miracles that were created by the Zvenigorod saint

Because of the war for the throne, information about the reverend was erased from history. Savva was known only as a local saint. In the middle of the 26th century, the abbot was canonized. And a century later, the sacred relics of the monk were found in the Zvenigorod Monastery.

The ruler Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov claimed that the image of Storozhevsky saved him from the paws of an angry bear. Since that time, the king considered him his personal intercessor.

Another remarkable case involving the Zvenigorod abbot happened in 1812. The image of Storozhevsky appeared to Eugene Beauharnais, the commander of the French army under the command of Napoleon. The saint asked the commander not to cause trouble to the monastery walls of Zvenigorod and its inhabitants.

So he will remain intact in a war that France will lose. When the abbot's prediction came true, the Zvenigorod Monastery regained its former popularity.

But the miraculous actions of the prayer of Savva Storozhevsky did not end there. Since 1998, the miraculous relics of the saint have been transferred to the Zvenigorod Monastery. This was due to the rule of the communists, who forbade monastic and church activities.

Skete of Savva Storozhevsky

For prayerful communion with the Lord, the monk liked to retire from the monastery. It was established that he went to a deep ravine, which was a verst from the church. The monk dug a cave for himself on a mountainside, not far from a dense forest. In this cave he indulged in tearful prayers. Here he contemplated the highest abodes of heaven and earth. This place has been preserved for centuries in memory of the saint.

In 1870, a church was built over this skete, which was named after Savva Storozhevsky. Soon, an ensemble of the monastery Skete was erected near the church.

The legend says that not far from the skete of the Zvenigorod monk there is a healing spring (source). They say that he was called by the prayer of Savva Zvenigorodsky. This spring springs from the bowels of the earth.

In order to get to this source, you need to go along the walls of the Duck Tower to the Zvonkovaya Tower. When you reach the stream, you need to cross the bridge and follow the signs along the dirt path. At the site of the spring there is a wooden chapel and a font of Savva Storozhevsky.

It is said that this healing font works incredible miracles. In order to heal your soul and body, you only need to plunge into it. But many argue that it only works on true believers. The source helps only those who are adamant in their faith and carry it in their hearts

Saint Savva Storozhevsky - what helps

People turn to the Reverend Monk from all over Russia and other CIS countries.

  • They pray to him, not even knowing what he helps with;
  • They tell him about their problems, and they feel better;
  • The saint helps everyone with his invisible hand;
  • He directs lost souls to God;
  • A saint will surely answer a righteous, sincere prayer.
  • about righteousness;
  • about the strengthening of faith;
  • about healing yourself or loved ones;
  • about health;
  • about innocence.

Icon of Savva Storozhevsky

The icon of the Zvenigorod abbot is made in a rather simple style. Its foundation is laid on the exploits of the monk and his service to Christ and the Mother of God. Even on the icon, Savva Storozhevsky carries the word of God to please the Lord Jesus Christ.

On this icon, he is depicted in a monastic robe. Over the robe is a black robe. This mantle is unfolded and is somewhat reminiscent of angel wings. The color of the mantle is black. It symbolizes the perfection of renunciation of the vain world, peace and renunciation of passions.

The face of the Saint is turned to the praying person. So a believing person is better attuned to a spiritual, inner dialogue, both with the saint and with the Lord.

The text of the Orthodox prayer to Savva Storozhevsky:

O most honorable and sacred head! Citizen of Heavenly Jerusalem, dwelling place of the Most Holy Trinity, Reverend Father Savbo! Having great boldness to the All-Merciful Lord, pray for the flock of your fence and for all your children in spirit. Do not be silent crying for us to the Lord and do not despise those who honor you with faith and love. Ask for your intercession from the Tsar of the reigning peace of the Church, under the sign of the militant cross, the hierarch of holiness, splendor, monastic good in ascetic labors; this holy monastery, this city and all cities and countries, protection; world serenity and peace, prosperity and destruction deliverance; consolation and reinforcement for the old and the weak, good growth in faith for the young and babies, firm learning in the Gospel teaching, and staying in purity and chastity; mercy and intercession to widows and orphans, joy and return to the captive, healing to the sick, calmness to the cowardly, correction to those who have sinned the spirit of contrition, those in distress, and to all who require grace-filled help, timely help. Do not disgrace us, who flow to you with faith, hasten, like a child-loving father to children, and we will bear the yoke of Christ in complacency and patience, and rule everyone in peace and repentance, end your life shamelessly and settle down with hope in the heavenly abode. Where you, according to labors and labors, are now settling with Angels and Saints, in vain and glorifying God, in the Trinity of glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Lord is always with you!

Watch a video about the life of St. Savva Storozhevsky:

The Russian land was rich in many prayer books. One of the most famous contemporaries of St. Sergius of Radonezh is his student Savva Storozhevsky. He still enjoys well-deserved fame and love of believers.

Life story

As a young man he came to the monastery, because he decided to devote his whole life to the Lord. His thoughts already then dwelt only in the Kingdom of Heaven, therefore the saint always left the temple later than all the brethren. Such devotion to Christ could not go unnoticed. The monks made Savva Storozhevsky their confessor - this is a very honorable duty and a great responsibility.

  • Very quickly, the spiritual gifts of the monk became known to those around him. Princes and common people began to come to him - everyone asked for wise advice in spiritual life. Although the monk liked to pray in solitude, he did not always succeed.
  • The monk was constantly in labor - he himself carried water from the river, setting an example for other residents of the monastery. After all, laziness and idleness are the beginning of many sins.
  • The prince instructed the wise priest to found a new monastery, which he did. The monastery was built and consecrated in honor of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary.

Already during his lifetime, the monk had the gift of foreseeing future events. For example, he predicted victory for Prince George in battles with the Bulgarians. A few months later, this happened, the first thing the warriors came to thank their mentor.

The old man died at an advanced age. The annals do not exactly indicate the date of his birth. He died in 1407. The Church glorified him as a saint more than a hundred years later. The relics of Savva Storozhevsky are currently in the Savvino-Storozhevsky monastery, which was founded by the monk himself.

holy monastery

Although there are a great many monasteries in our country, there are the most famous ones. They are glorified thanks to the great ascetics who lived within their walls. Such a monastery is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery. The famous place of pilgrimage is located in Zvenigorod, the monastery was founded at the end of the 14th century.

It all started at the request of the local prince with one wooden church, which stood on Mount Storozhe. At first, Savva lived there alone in his cave, but like-minded people gathered around him.

  • The monastery was located in a strategically important place, being the protection of the Moscow region from the western side. Many representatives of the royal family liked to pray here - Ivan the Terrible, Alexei Mikhailovich and others.
  • After the death of the great monk, a special road was laid here, along which the kings came to the monastery to pray. Now it is the Rublevo-Uspenskaya highway.
  • Great shrines were kept in the monastery - the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God, the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God.
  • The monastery successfully survived many terrible times, but during the years of the Bolshevik revolution it was still closed.
  • There was a huge bell here, whose bell could be heard even in the capital, but the Bolsheviks destroyed it.

The revival of monastic life began in 1995, today several dozen monks live here.


In Orthodox culture, it is customary to acquire faces of saints for the home. People believe that these shrines can protect them, give them peace of mind. The icon of Savva Storozhevsky is written in the traditional oriental style.

An old man with a long beard looks directly at the worshiper, his hair with gray hair curls a little, his forehead is open.

  • The monk is depicted on a golden background - this is a symbol of heavenly cloisters, where the souls of the righteous will dwell. The Orthodox Church believes that there are saints there who, through their prayers, can help those living on earth.
  • The monastic mantle is thrown over the vestments, it symbolizes the angelic soul of those who renounce the sinful world.
  • With his right hand, the mentor blesses the believers, in his left he holds a scroll (a symbol of wisdom and enlightenment by the Holy Spirit).

Before the image, you can not only say a prayer to the saint, but also sing an akathist to Savva Storozhevsky. This will help overcome passions, focus on what is really important - the life of the spirit, its upbringing in Christian virtues.

To venerate the holy relics, believers try to make a pilgrimage to the temple of Savva Storozhevsky, it is located in Zvenigorod. There you can visit the skete, which is located a little away from the monastery, in the middle of the forest. It was over the ravine, where prayer feats were performed, that a temple was erected. This was done in order to preserve the memory of the ascetic of the Orthodox faith. Funds for the construction were donated by a worthy merchant.

Here the tradition of the procession of the cross was begun, which takes place on the day of the church commemoration of the reverend. Many famous people came here to pray. Today, the monks are trying to lead the same strict life, the example of which was shown by St. Savva. It is believed that through the prayers of the monk, one can be healed of illnesses of the body, find peace of mind, and find the right path in life. Through the prayers of St. Savva, have mercy on us, Lord!

The text of the Orthodox prayer to Savva Storozhevsky

O most honorable and sacred head! Citizen of Heavenly Jerusalem, dwelling place of the Most Holy Trinity, Reverend Father Savbo! Having great boldness to the All-Merciful Lord, pray for the flock of your fence and for all your children in spirit. Do not be silent crying for us to the Lord and do not despise those who honor you with faith and love. Ask for your intercession from the Tsar of the reigning peace of the Church, under the sign of the militant cross, the hierarch of holiness, splendor, monastic good in ascetic labors; this holy monastery, this city and all cities and countries, protection; world serenity and peace, prosperity and destruction deliverance; consolation and reinforcement for the old and the weak, good growth in faith for the young and babies, firm learning in the Gospel teaching, and staying in purity and chastity; mercy and intercession to widows and orphans, joy and return to the captive, healing to the sick, calmness to the cowardly, correction to those who have sinned the spirit of contrition, those in distress, and to all who require grace-filled help, timely help. Do not disgrace us, who flow to you with faith, hasten, like a child-loving father to children, and we will bear the yoke of Christ in complacency and patience, and rule everyone in peace and repentance, end your life shamelessly and settle down with hope in the heavenly abode. Where you, according to labors and labors, are now settling with Angels and Saints, in vain and glorifying God, in the Trinity of glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Savva Storozhevsky - temple, icon, relics was last modified: June 6th, 2017 by Bogolub

Ikos 1

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 2

Seeing that in this world there is all sorts of vanity and corruption, you were trying to complete the course of this life in a narrow and regrettable way; having settled in the cloisters of the Monk Sergius, and having taken on an angelic image from him, you were jealous of his God-wise humility and diligence, and together with him day and night you sang to the Savior, God of all: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having subdued your mind and heart to Christ the Savior, saying: “Whoever wants to follow me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me,” you irrevocably turned your face away from this world, as if from sinful Babylon, and despising all the red and his goodness, thou hast settled in the wilderness, the tea of ​​God, who saves His warriors. Now stand before the Throne of God, enjoying heavenly blessings, and having great boldness to the Lord, do not forget us, to the race of your relics diligently flowing and praising you:

Rejoice, avoiding worldly vanities and worldly temptations; Rejoice, monastic dispassion and silence acquired.

Rejoice, all the good of the earth, Heavenly for the sake of the Kingdom, sane for the mind; Rejoice, love of equal angelic life to the end.

Rejoice, hating the sinful sweetness of this world; Rejoice, perceiving the promise of unceasing life.

Rejoice, clothed with the glory of the Kingdom of Heaven; Rejoice, finding an incorruptible and incorruptible treasure.

Rejoice, O Church of Christ, militant on earth, heavenly prayer book; Rejoice, O all the faithful who come to worship you, representative.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 3

With the power poured out on you from above, ascending to the height of virtues, fasting and vigil, prayers and chastity, like a valuable crown of monastic prosperity, you shone everywhere: for this sake, great and glorious is your honor. But you, fleeing glory from man, remained as one from the simple, laboring more than all and singing praise to the one, glorious in the Trinity, God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having a soul filled with humility of wisdom, even if you were afraid of the burden of the authorities, both having not disobeyed the will of God, you accepted the flock of Christ entrusted to you and were good in his pasture. Now, when you stand before the Throne of God, prosper with your prayers to all who call to you:

Rejoice, unquestioning will of your teacher to the executor; Rejoice, good mentor of the flock of Christ.

Rejoice, beloved more than many by the chosen one of God Sergius, your sanctuary is not hidden from worthlessness; Rejoice, fragrant krine of the church garden.

Rejoice, bright vessel of Divine grace; Rejoice, lamp, not hiding under a bushel, but placed on a candlestick.

Rejoice, village honored by the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, holy decoration of the saints.

Rejoice, strengthen the monks in fasting labors; Rejoice, show the way of salvation to those who have gone astray.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 4

The storm of passions and temptations of the enemy, overcoming fasting, vigil and prayers, quenched to the end. Now partaking of the glory of heaven with all the saints, stand before the King of glory and eat together with them: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing near and far your charitable life, I flow from the surrounding countries to you, for the sake of benefit: you kindly accepted everyone, warmed their hearts with Divine love. To you, too, we crouching, we pray: instruct us, like a father of his child, on the paths of salvation and do not forget those who cry out to you:

Rejoice, good mentor to all who come running to you; Rejoice, those who seek peace of conscience are quiet interlocutors.

Rejoice, sweet comforter of desponding souls; Rejoice, zealous intercessor of those who repent with compunction.

Rejoice, meek corrector of those who err; Rejoice, gentle accuser of the lawless.

Rejoice, unflagging guide to temperance and chastity; Rejoice, indefatigable helper to those struggling with passions.

Rejoice, unfalse guide to the right path of faith and piety; Rejoice, relentless defender of those who pray to you from the wrath of God.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 5

The divine star appeared to you, Reverend Father Savo, from the darkness of sinful desire to pass to the Sun of truth, clearly showing the way. We also pray to you: enlighten our hearts, darkened by the passions of life, and help us worthily sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the faithful Prince George your humility, as if you had evaded the authorities in the monastery of your teacher, rushing to the desert silence, then implore you, and dwell on the mountains, the words of the Watchmen. But you, deigning good obedience to manifest a good desire, and make a monastic abode here, although, you said with the prophet: “Behold my rest, I will dwell here, as I will.” And soon, in this place, the temple of the Most Holy Theotokos will be created, in which now you smell fragrant with the incorruption of your relics, and silently cry to the Lord about those who cry out to you:

Rejoice, desert-loving and good-looking dove; Rejoice, good vegetation of the desert.

Rejoice, ever-blooming flower; Rejoice, thou who didst fragrant this country with humility and all virtues.

Rejoice, you who made the prince's petition beneficial and wise; Rejoice, you built a beautiful church here to the glory of the Nativity of the Mother of God.

Rejoice, thou who didst transform the desert into the abode of monasticism; Rejoice, faithful mentor of your herd.

Rejoice, bringing down peace and blessings from the Lord with your prayers to all who flow to you; Rejoice, unsleeping prayer book for all the cities and towns of Russia.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 6

Having listened to the Gospel sermons: “Do not fret with your soul about what you eat or what you drink; neither with your body, in what you put on, ”thou abolished your heart from worldly worries, feeding on the desert past and wearing low-value robes. For the sake of incorruption, you were dressed in clothes after your repose, even if you receive from Christ God and ask us, crying out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Thou hast shone, like a divinely luminous luminary, in the country of Russia, all-blessed Father Savvo, illuminating us with the rays of your virtues and miracles, we also cry out to you:

Rejoice, shining member of the Church of Christ with the gifts of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, overflowing with true tenderness towards God.

Rejoice, imitator of the saints in perfect patience; Rejoice, zealot of monastic deeds.

Rejoice, sinful passions, by the power of grace, dead in yourself; Rejoice, poverty and lack of possessions.

Rejoice, bright shrine mirror; Rejoice, protector of all virtues.

Rejoice, healer of the weak; Rejoice, rod, reinforcing the falling.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 7

Wanting the noble prince George to fight against adversaries, you gave a blessing, father, to overcome, saying prophetically: “Get out, noble prince! The Lord will help you, and you will overcome your enemies, and by the grace of God you will return to your fatherland in good health! ”- hedgehog and be, according to your verb. Ubo, having returned from the battle with victory and glory, and supplying your monastery with many gifts, singing thanksgivingly to His wondrous God in His saints: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new imitator of the ancient warriors on the passions of the flesh appeared to you, Father Savvo: from youth, your mind turned to God, like a pillar of faith unshakable, even to old age, venerable, you remained in the crucification of your flesh with passions and lusts. For this sake, I cannot stumble your feet with the power of demons, I can scare you from afar, from their slanders and misfortunes, keep us intact and solemnly singing to you:

Rejoice, numbered among the ancient fasters; Rejoice, with all-night prayers and vigils you put to shame all the charms of demons.

Rejoice, keeper of purity and abstinence; Rejoice, winner of spiritual and bodily passions.

Rejoice, fearless warrior of Christ; Rejoice, reliable doctor obsessed with demonic power.

Rejoice, bring the arrogant by the wisdom of the flesh to submission to the words of God; Rejoice, flatter spiritual vision and sobriety to all who are attacked from the spirit.

Rejoice, drive away the spirit of enmity and arrogance from those who flow to you; Rejoice, as by your intercession of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, strengthening in the warfare of Christ, we are worthy.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 8

You did a strange miracle, O marvelous Father Savo, when the wicked want to plunder the property of your church. They, like a taty, rush through the window, if they were at your tomb: here a great mountain seemed to them, it’s not possible to take it powerfully to the south. Having returned from here with a cold, then having repented, with a cry and tears, confessing your sin before everyone, and soon left the path of unrighteousness, living the rest in repentance, crying out to God with faith: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

You were all in Bose, still on earth, in the labors of a monastic life: the coming of you before the face of the Lord in the Divine service, you could see a wonderful fire in your face from prayerful burning in the soul to God. But when your soul is in so much tenderness, as if streams of tears flow from your eyes uncontrollably, for the sake of it, you are in vain to be with the prophet, who says: “My tears have been my bread day and night.” Both, having gained great boldness to God, do not forget us, with tears of sorrow about our sins flowing to your intercession and crying out to you:

Rejoice, fire of Divine love of the old man in yourself hot; Rejoice, in the flesh, as if you were fleshless, alive on earth.

Rejoice, quenching the fire of lust with living and saving tears; Rejoice, mountain of joy and bliss of the angelic partaker.

Rejoice, for your much love for God the Father, glorified with glory and honor; Rejoice, for your deep humility from Christ, the Son of God, crowned with a crown of incorruption.

Rejoice, for the purity and passionlessness of the angels from the Most Holy Spirit illuminated; Rejoice, most honorable abode of the Holy Trinity.

Rejoice, faithful and unsleeping servant of the Mother of God; Rejoice, in the temple of Her mountain ascended in spirit, and now remain in the body again.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 9

Deliver us all troubles and sorrows, Reverend Father Savbo, with your warm prayers to God, and ask us everything that is needed for temporary and eternal life, so that we may be able to reach Jerusalem on high and sing with you to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Vityas of multicasting are perplexed to worthily praise thee, God-wise Savo: who is more pleased to understand all your struggles with the rulers of the darkness of this world? Or who will count your labors, illnesses and exploits, in which you performed a desert-loving life? Both of us, with your love we conquer, thank you we call:

Rejoice, all-hearted doer of the law of God; Rejoice, most honest with purity and chastity of precious beads.

Rejoice, in patience and struggle against the flesh of adamant the hardest; Rejoice, glorified by humility and meekness more than the glorious earth.

Rejoice, invincible helper struggling with passions and lusts; Rejoice, in labor, vigil and abstinence as a great fasting imitator of the most zealous.

Rejoice, most skilful mentor in spiritual wisdom; Rejoice, most diligent indicator of monastic deeds.

Rejoice, friend of God, Reverend Sergius, of one mind; Rejoice, having settled in Heaven to the face of the friends of God.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 10

If you want to save yourself faithfully from various misfortunes and troubles of this world, we offer you a warm intercessor and a prayer book to God: do not create our hope for your prayers in vain, but by your intercession deliver us from fierce troubles, misfortunes, temptations and sorrows, but without embarrassment, from an abundance of heart , we always say to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Having acquired a solid wall and a prayer book, your holy monastery and all the countries of Russia boast of your intercession. The same we are sinners, we have flown to your tomb, like a child of the father, we pray: intercede and save us from temptations and sorrows, troubles and misfortunes, with your prayers, but we cry joyfully:

Rejoice, fragrant krine of the paradise garden; Rejoice, cypress tree, sweetening the hearts of the faithful with incense.

Rejoice, blessed-leaved tree, with which your abode is covered; Rejoice, vigilant prayer book, fulfill the desires of the faithful in good things.

Rejoice, hope and rest in the sea of ​​life of this floating; Rejoice, firm barrier and refuge of those who work diligently for God.

Rejoice, inexhaustible source of healing; Rejoice, stream, soldering and amusing those who thirst for truth.

Rejoice, for in the sorrows of life and circumstances we are worthy of your intercession; Rejoice, quick deliverance to all who diligently flow to you from temptations and troubles.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 11

We offer the most tender singing to you, most blessed Father Savo, and with boldness we pray: lift up to the Lord your holy prayer for the salvation of our souls, that we may forever be able to sing to God in blessed joy: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Your life shines with light-giving rays, our father Savvo: every virtue of the Gospel is fulfilled in you, the same verb:

Rejoice, having acquired heavenly wealth for the sake of poverty; Rejoice, weeping and tears of tenderness, eternal consolation.

Rejoice, greedy and thirsty for truth, now satiate yourself with heavenly bliss; Rejoice, merciful reward promised by the merciful.

Rejoice, having attained the vision of God with the purity of your heart; Rejoice, thou who wast worthy of many peace-creations in the person of the sons of God.

Rejoice, having settled into the Kingdom of Heaven with patience for the sake of truth; Rejoice, in the form of meekness, quietness and gentleness, give a lesson to those who are in embitterment.

Rejoice, as an example of brotherly love, to the search not for your own, but for your neighbor, and affirm our hearts; Rejoice, joy of all who work with fear of the Lord.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 12

The grace given to you from God, to heal the ailments of the soul and body, calls the faithful to your all-honorable might: with them, and a small prayer to those who bring great grace from God is given, more accepting, with each other we joyfully proclaim to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your greatness, venerable father, deeds and labors, we bless your ever-memorable dormition: even if you have passed away from us, but alive and after death, do not depart from us in spirit, both and the relics of your cancer before our eyes are always visible. We fall down to you, we pray to you and praise you:

Rejoice, in faith and divine love, reverently from youth and piously to venerable old age, alive; Rejoice, laborious and varied feats of good deeds in monasticism.

Rejoice, for you are filled with perfect sanctification from the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, having become like your miraculous teacher in complete purity and holiness.

Rejoice, for you are always rejoicing with God-wise Sergius in Heaven; rejoice, as with him you implore God for us sinners.

Rejoice, as with the incorruption of your relics, like a trumpet, the future resurrection of all is preached; Rejoice, precious adornment to this country and to our entire fatherland.

Rejoice, as by you many monks in their ascetic labors receive fortification; Rejoice, as by your intercession the faithful and in the rumors of life are saved.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 13

O glorious miracle worker and quick intercessor of ours, blessed Father Savvo! Now we accept this small offering from us, ask Christ God for approval in faith and brotherly love, to be unharmed from all temptations, troubles and misfortunes, and in the coming age of eternal torment, be delivered to all who cry to Him: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1st and kontakion 1st)

Ikos 1

An angel in the flesh appeared on earth, Reverend Savvo, from youth, having loved God, you were equal to the angelic life of your teacher, the blessed Sergius, and served the Lord in truth and reverence all the days of your belly, after the exodus of incorruption, you shine in your body. All ubo reverently honoring you, we sing to the sit:

Rejoice, true holy teacher of your zealot; Rejoice, earthly angel and heavenly man.

Rejoice, faithful servant of the Lord; Rejoice, diligent guardian of purity and abstinence.

Rejoice, mirror of pious faith; Rejoice, the image of spiritual meekness.

Rejoice, desert-dwellers are beautiful; Rejoice, teacher of the monks.

Rejoice, guide to the salvation of many; Rejoice, quick helper of those who flow to you in faith.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 1

Chosen from the Voevoda and the Lord of the hosts of heaven, our reverend Father Savvo, by the power of the cross of the Lord, conquering misfortunes, even from the devil, the world and the flesh, as if having boldness towards the Lord, from all temptations, troubles and slander of the enemy with your prayers, save us, laudable with love to you chanting:

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.


“O most honorable and sacred head, citizen of heavenly Jerusalem, habitation of the Most Holy Trinity, Reverend Father Savo! Having great boldness to the All-Merciful Master, pray for the flock of your fence and for all your children in spirit: do not be silent crying for us to the Lord and do not despise those who honor you with faith and love. Ask for your intercession from the King of the reigning peace of the Church, under the sign of the Militant Cross; grandeur of the hierarch of holiness, good monks in ascetic labors; this holy monastery, this city and all cities and countries, protection; world serenity and peace, prosperity and destruction deliverance; old and weak consolation and reinforcement; good growth in faith for the young and the baby, firm learning in the Gospel teaching and staying in purity and chastity; widows and orphans mercy and intercession; joy and return to the captive, healing to the sick, repose to the cowardly; to those who err, correction, sinning the spirit of contrition, those who are in need, and to all those who require grace-filled help, timely help. Do not shame us, who come to you with faith; make haste, like a child-loving father with a child, and we will bear the yoke of Christ in complacency and patience; and rule everyone in peace and repentance, end your life shamelessly, and settle down with hope in the heavenly abode, even if you, through labor and labors, are now settling with angels and saints, in vain and glorifying God, in the Trinity of glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit . Amen."

Troparion, tone 8

Thou hast appeared to the desert, reverend: from youth, thou hast deigned to have a pure life, following your spiritual teacher, and with that teaching the mind to Heaven, and to your flock, the wise mentor appeared to you; so also Christ, as if the light of the lamp has brightened thee, enrich miracles. Savvo, our father, pray that our souls be saved.

Kontakion, tone 2

Inflamed with the Lord’s desire, shook off the passions of carnal abstinence, Thou didst appear as an unstoppable luminary of Divine light, enlightening miracles with the rays of all those flowing to the race of your relics, Savvo, reverend, our father.


We bless you, our reverend Father Savvo, and we honor your holy memory, mentor of the monks and companion of the Angels.

Kondak 1

Chosen from the Voevoda and the Lord of the armies of heaven, our reverend Father Savvo, by the power of the Cross of the Lord, conquering adversity, even from the devil, the world and the flesh, as if having boldness towards the Lord, from all temptations, troubles and slander of the enemy with your prayers, save us, laudable with love to you chanting:

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Ikos 1
An angel in the flesh appeared to you on earth, Reverend Savvo, having loved God from your youth, you were jealous of the life of your teacher, the blessed Sergius, and served the Lord in truth and reverence all the days of your belly, after the exodus of incorruption, your body shines. All ubo reverently honoring you, we sing to the sit:

Rejoice, true holy teacher of your zealot;
Rejoice, earthly angel and heavenly man.
Rejoice, faithful servant of the Lord;
Rejoice, zealous guardian of purity and abstinence.
Rejoice, mirror of pious faith;
Rejoice, the image of spiritual meekness
Rejoice, desert dwellers are beautiful;
Rejoice, teacher of monks.
Rejoice, guide to the salvation of many;

Rejoice, quick helper to those who come to you in faith.

Kondak 2
Seeing that in this world there is all sorts of vanity and corruption, you were trying to complete the course of this life in a narrow and regrettable way; having settled in the cloisters of St. Sergius, and having taken on an angelic image from him, you were jealous of his God-wise humility and diligence, and together with him, day and night, you sang to the Savior, God of all: Alleluia.

Ikos 2
Having subdued your mind and heart to Christ the Savior, saying: “Whoever wants to follow Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me,” you irrevocably turned your face away from this world, as if from sinful Babylon, and despising all the red and his goodness, thou hast settled in the wilderness, the tea of ​​God, who saves His warriors. Now stand before the Throne of God, enjoying heavenly blessings, and having great boldness to the Lord, do not forget us, to the race of your relics diligently flowing and praising you:

Rejoice, avoiding worldly vanities and worldly temptations;
Rejoice, monastic dispassion and silence acquired.
Rejoice, all the good of the earth, Heavenly for the sake of the Kingdom, sane for the mind;
Rejoice, beloved of equal angelic life to the end.
Rejoice, hating the sinful sweetness of this world;
Rejoice. perceivable promise of everlasting life.
Rejoice, clothed with the glory of the Kingdom of Heaven;
Rejoice, find an incorruptible and incorruptible treasure.
Rejoice, O Church of Christ, militant on earth, heavenly prayer book;
Rejoice, for all the faithful who come to worship you, representative.
Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 3
By the power poured out on you from above, having ascended to the height of virtues, by fasting and vigil,
prayers and chastity, like a valuable crown of monastic well-being, you shone everywhere: for this sake, great and glorious is your honor. But you, fleeing glory from man, remained as one from the simple, laboring more than all and singing praise to the one, glorious God in the Trinity: Hallelujah.

Ikos 3
Having a soul filled with humility, even if you were afraid of the burden of the authorities, both without disobeying the will of God, you accepted the flock of Christ entrusted to you and were good in his pasture. Now, when you stand before the Throne of God, prosper with your prayers to all who call to you:

Rejoice, unquestioning will of your teacher to the executor;
Rejoice, good flock of Christ, mentor.
Rejoice, beloved more than many by the chosen one of God Sergius, from him your sanctuary is not hidden;
Rejoice, fragrant krine of the church garden.
Rejoice, bright vessel of Divine grace;
Rejoice, lamp, not hiding under a bushel, but placed on a candlestick.
Rejoice, village honored by the Holy Spirit;
Rejoice, bright decoration of the saints.
Rejoice, strengthen the monks in fasting labors;
Rejoice, show the way of salvation to those who have gone astray.
Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 4
The storm of passions and temptations of the enemy, overcoming fasting, vigil and prayers, quenched to the end. Now partaking of the glory of heaven with all the saints, stand before the King of glory and eat together with them: Alleluia.

Ikos 4
Hearing near and far your charitable life, I flow from the surrounding countries to you, for the sake of benefit: you kindly accepted everyone, warmed their hearts with Divine love. To you, too, we crouching, we pray: guide us, like a father to his child, on the path of salvation; and do not forget those who call to you:

Rejoice, venerable mentor to all who resort to you;
Rejoice, those who seek peace of conscience are quiet interlocutors.
Rejoice, sweet comforter of desponding souls;
Rejoice, zealous intercessor of those who repent with compunction.
Rejoice, meek corrector of those who err;
Rejoice, gentle accuser of the lawless.
Rejoice, unflagging guide to temperance and chastity;
Rejoice, indefatigable help to those struggling with passions.
Rejoice, unfaithful guide of the right path of faith and piety;
Rejoice, relentless protector of those who pray to you from the wrath of God.
Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 5
The divine star appeared to you, Reverend Father Savo, from the darkness of sinful desire to pass to the Sun of truth, clearly showing the way. We also pray to you: enlighten our hearts, darkened by the passions of life, and help us worthily sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5
Seeing the faithful Prince George your humility, as if you evaded the authorities in the monastery of your teacher, rushing to the desert silence, then implore thee, so that you dwell on the mountains, spoken by the Watchmen, but you, deigning good obedience to manifest a good desire and made up a monastic abode here though , proclaimed with the Prophet: "Behold my rest, here I rejoice, as if I desired." And soon, in this place, the temple of the Most Holy Theotokos will be created, In it now, with the incorruption of your relics, blauhaesh and silently cry to the Lord about those who cry out to you:

Rejoice, desert-loving and good-looking dove.
Rejoice, good vegetation of the desert,
Rejoice, ever-blooming flower;

Rejoice, thou who didst fragrant this country with humility and all virtues.
Rejoice, you who made the prince's petition beneficial and wise;
Rejoice, you built a beautiful church here to the glory of the Nativity of the Mother of God.
Rejoice, thou who didst transform the desert into the abode of monasticism;
Rejoice, faithful mentor of your flock.

Rejoice, bringing down peace and blessings from the Lord with your prayers to all who flow to you;
Rejoice, unsleeping prayer book for all the cities and towns of Russia.
Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 6
Having listened to the Gospel sermons: “Do not fret with your soul about what you eat or what you drink;
neither with your body, in what you put on, ”thou abolished your heart from worldly worries, feeding on desert past and wearing low-value robes. For the sake of incorruption, you were clothed with clothes after your repose, and you will receive from Christ God and ask us, crying out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Thou hast shone, like a God-illumined luminary, in the country of the Russians, all-blessed Father Savvo, illuminating us with the rays of your virtues and miracles, the same cry to you:

Rejoice, shining member of the Church of Christ with the gifts of the Holy Spirit;
Rejoice, overflowing with true tenderness towards God.
Rejoice, imitator of the saints in perfect patience;
Rejoice, zealot of monastic deeds.
Rejoice, sinful passions, by the power of grace, mortifying yourself;
Rejoice, image of poverty and lack of possessions.
Rdusya, a bright shrine mirror;
Rejoice, protector of all virtues.
Rejoice, healer of the weak;
Rejoice, rod, reinforcing the falling.
Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 7

Wanting the noble prince Gerogy to fight against adversaries, you gave a blessing, father, to overcome, saying prophetically: “Get out, noble prince! The Lord will help you, and you will overcome your enemies, and by the grace of God you will return to your fatherland in good health! Ubo, having returned from the battle with victory and glory, and supplying your monastery with many gifts, singing thanksgivingly to His wondrous God in His saints: Hallelujah.

Ikos 7
A new imitator of the ancient warriors on the passions of the flesh appeared to you, Father Savvo: from youth, your mind turned to God, like a pillar of faith unshakable, even to old age, venerable, you remained in the crucification of your flesh with passions and lusts. For this sake, I cannot stumble your feet with the power of demons, I can scare you from afar, from their slanders and misfortunes, keep us intact and solemnly singing to you:

Rejoice, numbered among the ancient fasters;
Rejoice, thou who through all-night prayers and vigils put to shame all the charms of demons.
Rejoice, keeper of purity and abstinence;

Rejoice, winner of spiritual and bodily passions.

Rejoice, fearless warrior of Christ;
Rejoice, reliable doctor obsessed with demonic power.
Rejoice, bring the arrogant by the wisdom of the flesh to submission to the words of God;
Rejoice, flatter spiritual vision and sobriety to all who are attacked from the spirit.
Rejoice, drive away the spirit of enmity and arrogance from those who flow to you;
Rejoice, as by your intercession of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, strengthening in the warfare of Christ, we are worthy.
Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 8
You did a strange miracle, O marvelous Father Savvo, when the wicked want to plunder
the property of your church. They, like a tatie, rush through the window, if they were at your tomb: here is a great mountain, it seemed to them, it’s not possible to take it powerfully to the south. Having returned from here with a cold, then having repented, with a cry and tears, confessing your sin before everyone, and soon left the path of injustice, living in repentance, living the rest, with faith crying out to God: Hallelujah.

Ikos 8
You were all in Bose, still on earth, in the labors of a monastic life: the coming of you before the face of the Lord in the Divine service, you could see a wonderful fire in your face from prayerful burning in the soul to God. But when your soul is in so much tenderness, as if streams of tears flow from your eyes uncontrollably, for the sake of it, you are in vain to be with the prophet, who says: “My tears have been my bread day and night.” Both, having gained great boldness to God, do not forget us, with tears of sorrow about our sins flowing to your intercession and crying out to you:

Rejoice, fire of Divine love of the old man in yourself hot;
Rejoice, in the flesh, like a fleshless, alive on earth.
Rejoice, quenching the fire of lust with living and saving tears;
Rejoice, mountain of joy and bliss of the angelic partaker.
Rejoice, for your much love for God the Father, glorified with glory and honor;
Rejoice, for your deep humility from Christ, the Son of God, crowned with a crown of incorruption.
Rejoice, for the purity and passionlessness of the angels from the Most Holy Spirit illuminated;
Rejoice, holy abode of the Trinity.

Rejoice, faithful and unsleeping servant of the Mother of God;

Rejoice, in the temple of Her mountain ascended in spirit, and now remain in the body again.
Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 9
Deliver us all troubles and sorrows, Reverend Father Savvo, with your warm prayers to God, and ask us all that is needed for temporary and eternal life, so that we may be worthy of the highest. Reach Jerusalem and sing with you to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9
Vityas of multicasting are perplexed to worthily praise thee, God-wise Savo: who is more pleased to understand all your struggles with the rulers of the darkness of this world? Or who will count your labors, illnesses and exploits, in which you performed a desert-loving life? Both of us, with your love we conquer, thank you we call:

Rejoice, all-hearted doer of the law of God;
Rejoice, most honest with purity and chastity of precious beads.
Rejoice, in patience and struggle against the flesh of adamant the hardest;
Rejoice, glorified by humility and meekness more than the glorious earth.
Rejoice, invincible helper struggling with passions and lusts;
Rejoice, in labor, vigil and abstinence as a great fasting imitator of the most zealous.
Rejoice, most skilful mentor in spiritual wisdom;
Rejoice, most zealous deeds of monastics.
Rejoice, friend of God, Reverend Sergius, of the same morals;

Rejoice, having moved to Heaven to the face of the friends of God.
Rejoice, our Father Savvo, most glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 10
If you want to save yourself faithfully from various misfortunes and troubles of this world, we offer you a warm intercessor and a prayer book to God: do not create our hope for your prayers in vain, but by your intercession deliver us from fierce troubles, misfortunes, temptations and sorrows, but without embarrassment, from an abundance of heart , we always say to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10
Having acquired a solid wall and a prayer book, your holy monastery and all the countries of Russia boast of your intercession. The same we are sinners, we have flown to your grave, like a child of the father, we pray: intercede and save us from temptations and sorrows, troubles and misfortunes with your prayers, but we cry joyfully:

Rejoice, fragrant krine of the paradise garden;
Rejoice, cypress tree, sweetening the hearts of the faithful with incense.
Rejoice, blessed-leaved tree, with which your abode is covered;
Rejoice, vigilant prayer book, fulfill the desires of the faithful in good things.
Rejoice, hope and rest in the sea of ​​life of this floating;
Rejoice, firm barrier and refuge for those who work diligently for God.
Rejoice, inexhaustible source of healing;
Rejoice, stream that soldered and gladdened those who thirst for truth.

The celebration of St. Savva Storozhevsky was established in 1547 at the Moscow Cathedral and takes place on December 16th.

July 30 marks the transfer of the relics of St. Savvas under the newly built canopy,

held in 1887.

Our venerable father Savva loved Christ from a very young age and hated the world. He came to and received tonsure from him. In the form of a monastic, striving for the heavenly blessings prepared from the Lord for those who pleased Him, he struggled with passions with particular zeal and practiced the virtues.

Monk Savva seemed to everyone simple and knew nothing, although in wisdom he surpassed many who thought to be wise - he entered the church first of all and after everyone came out of it, he had such tenderness that he could not restrain himself from strong weeping and sobbing during the divine service : seeing such tenderness and crying, the fathers marveled and glorified the Benefactor of God. For his high spiritual experience, the Monk was highly respected by everyone, so he was appointed confessor of the brethren, and also, at the request of the brethren, he also served for some time as hegumen of the Trinity Monastery.

Having established himself in the virtues, the Monk Savva acquired for himself a good reputation and the respect of the princes. Christ-loving Prince George (Yuri) Dmitrievich came to the monastery of St. Sergius to Blessed Savva and begged him to create a monastery in his patrimony in a convenient place. Then Savva left the monastery of St. Sergius and settled in a deserted place on a mountain called Watchmen, in the upper reaches of the Moscow River, near Zvenigorod, fifty versts from the reigning city of Moscow; he chose this place for the future monastery.

Here Saint Savva lived in complete silence and solitude, enduring cold and heat. Not for long, however, the Reverend had to live alone. Rumors about his exploits and holy life began to spread rapidly, and monks and laity from everywhere began to come to Saint Sava with requests to guide them in their spiritual life. The Monk received all those who came to him with love, setting an example for them in humility and monastic labors: he himself drew water from the river, carried it on his shoulders to a high mountain, and performed other necessary work. By this he wanted to accustom the brethren to work, so that they would not ruin their days in idleness, which is the mother of all vices.

After that, the Christ-loving Prince Georgy Dmitrievich gave the Reverend the necessary funds for the construction of the temple, and Savva erected a temple in honor of the honest and glorious Nativity of the Most Pure Mother of God and built a monastery, wonderful and great, for the soul-saving stay of the monks in it.

The monk was a good shepherd of the flock of Christ gathered in this monastery, and, raising him to spiritual pasture, confirmed him in many virtues.

And the very life of the Reverend shone with virtues, so that the Lord was pleased to glorify him during his lifetime with the gift of foresight.

In 1399, Prince Georgy Dmitrievich had to, at the behest of his brother, the Grand Duke, go to war against the Bulgarians. Before setting out on a campaign, he came to the monastery of the Monk Savva to ask his blessing. The holy elder, having prayed for him and blessed him with a cross, prophetically said: “Go, noble prince, and may the Lord be with you, helping you! You will overcome your enemies and by the grace of Christ you will return to your homeland in good health.

Having then taken command of the troops of the grand princes, George, with the blessing of the elder, went out against the enemies, fought battles for three months and won all of them. Upon his return, George, first of all, hurried to the monastery of the Monk Savva and offered thanks to God, who granted him victory through the prayers of the holy elder.

Having reached old age, Saint Savva fell into an illness, and having summoned the brethren, he sufficiently taught them in the Divine Scriptures, urging them to preserve their bodily purity and abide unceasingly in fasting and prayer. After this, the Reverend, appointing one of his disciples as abbot over them, commanded all the brethren to remain with the abbot in obedience and obedience. Having taught everyone the peace and the last kiss, Saint Sava in a good confession gave up his soul in the hands of God on the 3rd day of the month of December.

The news of the repose of the holy saint quickly spread throughout the surroundings, and all the Christ-loving citizens of Zvenigorod, both noble and ordinary people, gathered with great love for the burial of the deceased saint, carrying with them the sick and sick. Having performed a tomb chant over the deceased, they buried him with honor in the Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos he created.

The honest relics of St. Savva until now exude many and various healings to all who flow to them with faith, to the glory of Christ our God, who works through His saints, and after their repose, glorious miracles. Glory to our Lord, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen

Remembrance of the apparition of Saint Savva

in the Patriotic War of 1812

This happened in 1812, during the Patriotic War with the French. During the movement of enemy troops to Moscow, Prince Eugene Beauharnais, Napoleon's stepson, Viceroy of Italy, with a 24,000-strong detachment approached Zvenigorod. On September 12, on the outskirts of the city, a Russian detachment of Cossacks under the command of F.F. Vintsengerode entered the battle with the enemy forces that were many times superior. The six-hour battle took place in the immediate vicinity of the walls of Savvin Storozhevsky Monastery. The enemy was forced to stop his movement, and only in the evening Beauharnais, together with his staff, entered the monastery. The French occupied rooms in the Storozhevskaya monastery, scattered around the monastery and began to rob the monastery. But the monk himself, by his appearance, frightened and enlightened the impudent robbers. It happened like this. When in the evening Prince Eugene, without undressing, lay down and fell asleep, behold, in reality or in a dream - he himself did not know it - he saw that some kindly old man in long black monastic clothes entered the room and approached him so close that it was it is possible in the moonlight to see the features of his face and his menacing look. The one who appeared said: “Do not lead your army to plunder the monastery, especially to take away anything from the church; if you fulfill my request, then God will have mercy on you, and you will return to your homeland safe and sound.” Frightened by the vision, the prince in the morning gave the order that the main forces of his detachment should not enter the monastery, but he himself entered the cathedral church and, at the tomb of the Monk Savva, saw the image of the one who appeared to him at night, and, having learned whose image it was, bowed with reverence to the relics Reverend and wrote about what happened in his book. Then the prince ordered the cathedral church to be locked, sealed it with his seal, and placed a guard of thirty men at the door of the temple.

According to the prediction of the Monk Savva, Prince Eugene, unlike all the other main commanders of Napoleon, remained intact and was not even wounded anywhere in the battles after that.

But the story didn't end there. It has its no less amazing continuation in our time. In the spring of 1995, a nun from one of the Orthodox French monasteries Elisaveta, a representative of the Beauharnais family, came to the Zvenigorod Museum (then there was no talk of opening a monastery yet). Then the mother was already more than 70 years old. She said that in the family of the Dukes of Lichtenberg (descendants of the son of Prince Eugene Beauharnais - Maximilian) there is a family tradition that the Monk Savva not only predicted Eugene Beauharnais's return unharmed from Russia, but added one more phrase, which is not mentioned in any publication . He said: "Your descendants will return to Russia." And this prophecy was fulfilled. In 1839, the son of Eugene Beauharnais, Maximilian, Duke of Lichtenberg, came to Russia for a holiday dedicated to the anniversary of the Battle of Borodino. From him in Russia they learned the story that happened to Prince Eugene Beauharnais in the Savvin Storozhevsky Monastery back in 1812. Duke Maximilian, together with the Imperial family, visited the Storozhevsky monastery and bowed to the relics of St. Savva, as he had promised his dying father. In the same year, he proposed to Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna, the beloved daughter of Tsar Nicholas I. After receiving the Supreme consent to marriage, the duke converted to Orthodoxy, and after the wedding, the newlyweds settled in St. Petersburg, where on Nevsky Prospekt you can still see the palace of the Dukes of Lichtenberg. The descendants of Maximilian lived there before the revolution. In the summer of 1917, the family of the Dukes of Lichtenberg left for France to live with relatives, taking valuables and papers with them, selling land and part of the property. The October Revolution found them in Paris. The Lichtenbergers live in France for almost the entire 20th century, but, according to Mother Elizabeth, almost all of them are Orthodox and have Russian names. And the Monk Savva is revered as their heavenly patron.

There is a version that, already on his deathbed, the Viceroy of Italy, Eugene Beauharnais, was baptized according to the Orthodox rite with the name Eugene. And already an absolutely historical fact - soon after the Napoleonic wars, a chapel in the name of St. Savva was built near Paris. Savva Storozhevsky is one of the few (if not the only) Russian saints known and revered in France in the 19th century, not only by Russians living in Paris, but also by the French.

"Refuge for all sinners"

These words mean that, according to the word of the Lord (John 6, 37), the Monk Savva did not reject anyone who came to him: but any person, regardless of age and condition, who recognizes himself as having sinned before God, could count on the compassionate attention of the holy hegumen . The Monk Savva learned everything from his mentor, the Monk Sergius of Radonezh, and in one thing he surpassed him: Sergius himself made Savva the confessor of the brethren, he himself confessed to him.

The grace of performing the Sacraments, including the Sacrament of Confession, is in every priest. But the people do not strive for everyone equally, not everyone is asked for advice in difficult life situations when deep wisdom is needed.

Saints Sergius and Savva possessed not only the wisdom that comes with experience, but also the gift of clairvoyance from God. They opened the depths of human souls. To reassure, comfort a sinner, to promise him forgiveness is a great thing. But it is a mistake to see this as an indulgence of sin, as some say: “The Orthodox have an easy life: if they sin, they repent.” This was not the spirit of the Reverend. He knew that “there is no man who does not sin” (2 Chronicles 6:36), but arbitrary indulgence in sin could not be justified by him.

“Domostroy,” a religious text according to which Russian people lived in the age of the glorification of St. Savva, indicates the necessary conditions for the salvation of a person on the Day of Judgment of Christ: “Whoever does not live according to God, not in a Christian way, commits all kinds of untruth, violence and resentment ... or dishonestly judges, or unjustly searches, or falsely testifies ... he does all sorts of obscene deeds: fornication, debauchery, foul language, slander ... as if everyone will be in hell and cursed on earth, for for all sinful deeds the owner of such a God is cursed, and offended by him cry out to God. And death to his soul, and desolation to his house ... and God does not accept their alms from unrighteous wealth, neither during their lifetime, nor after death. If you want to get rid of eternal torment, give back what you have seized by untruth to the offended and promise not to do so in the future.

There were many patrons and donors at the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, the monks commemorated many names in their synodics. But only those of them were remembered by the seer Savva with his own lips, who had a “desire to repent”, according to the word of prayer. Such a person, if he still could not lag behind his former deeds, then with all his heart he desired this and languished, and did not justify himself in anything. For such a person, Saint Savva was a "refuge", whether he was a king or a commoner.

Thanks to this omniscience of his love, the Zvenigorod hegumen was called "the Wonderworker of all Russia." For the fact that he did not shy away from those in power, communication with whom is always a test both for the humility of a monk and for his firmness, and at the same time remained a simple Russian peasant, carrying firewood and water on overworked shoulders.

"Wonderworker of All Russia", the Monk Savva during his glorification, in the formidable 16th century, had already become a symbol of the unity of Russia. Although the church people always honored Savva, his name periodically fell out of public memory: between the time of Prince Yuri and Tsar Ivan, between the reigns of Tsar Theodore and Tsar Alexy, after 1917 and to the present day. But this name has always miraculously revived, as the spring sun appears after winter.

"Unity" in Church Slavonic means "cathedral". The cathedral as an Orthodox church is a symbol of unity. The Nativity Cathedral of the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and the Trinity Cathedral of the St. Sergius Lavra became symbols of monolithic unity in spirit. As an icon of the spiritual unity of the people "from young to old", the Intercession Cathedral was built on Red Square in Moscow. As a monument to the military unity of the Russian people in the war of 1812, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was erected with public money. History is preparing new tests of the real unity of our country, and if the goals of people are not rooted in eternity, the ties between them will hardly be strong enough.

The monument to St. Savva was unveiled at the entrance to the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery in Zvenigorod in August 2007.

Akathist to Our Reverend Father Savva Abbot Storozhevsky of Zvenigorod the Wonderworker

Kondak 1

Chosen from the Voevoda and the Lord of the armies of heaven, our reverend Father Savvo, by the power of the Cross of the Lord, conquering adversity, even from the devil, the world and the flesh, as if having boldness towards the Lord, from all temptations, troubles and slander of the enemy with your prayers, save us, laudable with love to you chanting:

Ikos 1

An angel in the flesh appeared to the earth, Reverend Savvo, having loved God from youth, you were equal to the angelic life of your teacher, the blessed Sergius and served the Lord in truth and reverence all the days of your belly, after the exodus of incorruption, you shine in your body. All ubo reverently honoring you, we sing to the sit:

Rejoice, true holy teacher of your zealot;

Rejoice, earthly angel and heavenly man.

Rejoice, faithful servant of the Lord;

Rejoice, zealous guardian of purity and abstinence.

Rejoice, mirror of pious faith;

Rejoice, the image of spiritual meekness

Rejoice, desert dwellers are beautiful;

Rejoice, teacher of monks.

Rejoice, guide to the salvation of many;

Rejoice, quick helper to those who come to you in faith.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 2

Seeing that in this world there is all sorts of vanity and corruption, you were trying to complete the course of this life in a narrow and regrettable way; having settled in the cloisters of St. Sergius, and having taken on an angelic image from him, you were jealous of his God-wise humility and diligence, and together with him, day and night, you sang to the Savior, God of all: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having subdued your mind and heart to Christ the Savior, saying: “Whoever wants to follow me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me,” you irrevocably turned your face away from this world, as if from sinful Babylon, and despising all the red and his goodness, thou hast settled in the wilderness, the tea of ​​God, who saves His warriors. Now stand before the Throne of God, enjoying heavenly blessings, and having great boldness to the Lord, do not forget us, to the race of your relics diligently flowing and praising you:

Rejoice, avoiding worldly vanities and worldly temptations;

Rejoice, monastic dispassion and silence acquired.

Rejoice, all the good of the earth, Heavenly for the sake of the Kingdom, sane for the mind;

Rejoice, beloved of equal angelic life to the end.

Rejoice, hating the sinful sweetness of this world;

Rejoice. perceivable promise of everlasting life.

Rejoice, clothed with the glory of the Kingdom of Heaven;

Rejoice, finding an incorruptible and incorruptible treasure.

Rejoice, O Church of Christ, militant on earth, heavenly prayer book;

Rejoice, O representative of all the faithful who come to worship you.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 3

With the power poured out on you from above, ascending to the height of virtues, fasting and vigil, prayers and chastity, like a valuable crown of monastic prosperity, you shone everywhere: for this sake, great and glorious is your honor. But you, fleeing glory from man, remained as one from the simple, laboring more than all and singing praise to the one, glorious God in the Trinity: Hallelujah.

Ikos 3

Having a soul of humility filled with humility, even if you were afraid of the burden of the authorities, both not having disobeyed the will of God, you accepted the flock of Christ entrusted to you and were good in his pasture. Now, when you stand before the Throne of God, prosper with your prayers to all who call to you:

Rejoice, unquestioning will of your teacher to the executor;

Rejoice, good flock of Christ, mentor.

Rejoice, beloved more than many by the chosen one of God Sergius, from him your sanctuary is not hidden;

Rejoice, fragrant krine of the church garden.

Rejoice, bright vessel of Divine grace;

Rejoice, lamp, not hiding under a bushel, but placed on a candlestick.

Rejoice, village honored by the Holy Spirit;

Rejoice, bright decoration of the saints.

Rejoice, strengthen the monks in fasting labors;

Rejoice, show the way of salvation to those who have gone astray.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 4

The storm of passions and temptations of the enemy, overcoming fasting, vigil and prayers, quenched to the end. Now partaking of the glory of heaven with all the saints, stand before the King of glory and eat together with them: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing near and far your charitable life, I flow from the surrounding countries to you, for the sake of benefit: you kindly accepted everyone, warmed their hearts with Divine love. To you, too, we crouching, we pray: guide us, like a father to his child, on the path of salvation; and do not forget those who call to you:

Rejoice, venerable mentor to all who resort to you;

Rejoice, those who seek peace of conscience are quiet interlocutors.

Rejoice, sweet comforter of desponding souls;

Rejoice, zealous intercessor of those who repent with compunction.

Rejoice, meek corrector of those who err;

Rejoice, gentle accuser of the lawless.

Rejoice, unflagging guide to temperance and chastity;

Rejoice, indefatigable help to those struggling with passions.

Rejoice, unfaithful guide of the right path of faith and piety;

Rejoice, relentless protector of those who pray to you from the wrath of God.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 5

The divine star appeared to you, Reverend Father Savo, from the darkness of sinful desire to pass to the Sun of truth, clearly showing the way. We also pray to you: enlighten our hearts, darkened by the passions of life, and help us worthily sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the faithful Prince George your humility, as if you evaded the authorities in the monastery of your teacher, rushing to the desert silence, then implore thee, so that you dwell on the mountains, spoken by the Watchmen, but you, deigning good obedience to manifest a good desire and made up a monastic abode here though , proclaimed with the Prophet: "Behold my rest, here I rejoice, as if I desired." And soon, in this place, the temple of the Most Holy Theotokos will be created, In it now, with the incorruption of your relics, blauhaesh and silently cry to the Lord about those who cry out to you:

Rejoice, desert-loving and good-looking dove.

Rejoice, good vegetation of the desert,

Rejoice, ever-blooming flower;

Rejoice, thou who didst fragrant this country with humility and all virtues.

Rejoice, you who made the prince's petition beneficial and wise;

Rejoice, you built a beautiful church here to the glory of the Nativity of the Mother of God.

Rejoice, thou who didst transform the desert into the abode of monasticism;

Rejoice, faithful mentor of your flock.

Rejoice, bringing down peace and blessings from the Lord with your prayers to all who flow to you;

Rejoice, unsleeping prayer book for all the cities and towns of Russia.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 6

Having listened to the Gospel sermons: “Do not fret with your soul about what you eat or what you drink; neither with your body, in what you put on, ”thou abolished your heart from worldly worries, feeding on desert past and wearing low-value robes. For the sake of incorruption, you were clothed with clothes after your repose, and you will receive from Christ God and ask us, crying out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Thou hast shone, like a God-illumined luminary, in the country of the Russians, all-blessed Father Savvo, illuminating us with the rays of your virtues and miracles, the same cry to you:

Rejoice, shining member of the Church of Christ with the gifts of the Holy Spirit;

Rejoice, overflowing with true tenderness towards God.

Rejoice, imitator of the saints in perfect patience;

Rejoice, zealot of monastic deeds.

Rejoice, sinful passions, by the power of grace, mortifying yourself;

Rejoice, image of poverty and lack of possessions.

Rejoice, bright shrine mirror;

Rejoice, protector of all virtues.

Rejoice, healer of the weak;

Rejoice, rod, reinforcing the falling.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 7

Wanting the noble prince Gerogy to fight against adversaries, you gave a blessing, father, to overcome, saying prophetically: “Get out, noble prince! The Lord will help you, and you will overcome your enemies, and by the grace of God you will return healthy to your fatherland! ”- hedgehog and be according to your verb. Ubo, having returned from the battle with victory and glory, and supplying your monastery with many gifts, singing thanksgivingly to His wondrous God in His saints: Hallelujah.

Ikos 7

A new imitator of the ancient warriors on the passions of the flesh appeared to you, Father Savvo: from youth, your mind turned to God, like a pillar of faith unshakable, even to old age, venerable, you remained in the crucification of your flesh with passions and lusts. For this sake, I cannot stumble your feet with the power of demons, I can scare you from afar, from their slanders and misfortunes, keep us intact and solemnly singing to you:

Rejoice, numbered among the ancient fasters;

Rejoice, thou who through all-night prayers and vigils put to shame all the charms of demons.

Rejoice, keeper of purity and abstinence;

Rejoice, winner of spiritual and bodily passions.

Rejoice, fearless warrior of Christ;

Rejoice, reliable doctor obsessed with demonic power.

Rejoice, bring the arrogant by the wisdom of the flesh to submission to the words of God;

Rejoice, flatter spiritual vision and sobriety to all who are attacked from the spirit.

Rejoice, drive away the spirit of enmity and arrogance from those who flow to you;

Rejoice, as by your intercession of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, strengthening in the warfare of Christ, we are worthy.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 8

You did a strange miracle, O marvelous Father Savo, when the wicked want to plunder the property of your church. They, like a tatie, rush through the window, if they were at your tomb: here is a great mountain, it seemed to them, it’s not possible to take it powerfully to the south. Having returned from here with a cold, then having repented, with a cry and tears, confessing your sin before everyone, and soon left the path of injustice, living in repentance, living the rest, with faith crying out to God: Hallelujah.

Ikos 8

You were all in Bose, still on earth, in the labors of a monastic life: the coming of you before the face of the Lord in the Divine service, you could see a wonderful fire in your face from prayerful burning in the soul to God. But when your soul is in so much tenderness, as if streams of tears flow from your eyes uncontrollably, for the sake of it, you are in vain to be with the prophet, who says: “My tears have been my bread day and night.” Both, having gained great boldness to God, do not forget us, with tears of sorrow about our sins flowing to your intercession and crying out to you:

Rejoice, fire of Divine love of the old man in yourself hot;

Rejoice, in the flesh, like a fleshless, alive on earth.

Rejoice, quenching the fire of lust with living and saving tears;

Rejoice, mountain of joy and bliss of the angelic partaker.

Rejoice, for your much love for God the Father, glorified with glory and honor;

Rejoice, for your deep humility from Christ, the Son of God, crowned with a crown of incorruption.

Rejoice, for the purity and passionlessness of the angels from the Most Holy Spirit illuminated;

Rejoice, holy abode of the Trinity.

Rejoice, faithful and unsleeping servant of the Mother of God;

Rejoice, in the temple of Her mountain ascended in spirit, and now remain in the body again.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 9

Deliver us all troubles and sorrows, Reverend Father Savvo, with your warm prayers to God, and ask us all that is needed for temporary and eternal life, so that we may be worthy of the highest. Reach Jerusalem and sing with you to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Vityas of multicasting are perplexed to worthily praise thee, God-wise Savo: who is more pleased to understand all your struggles with the rulers of the darkness of this world? Or who will count your labors, illnesses and exploits, in which you performed a desert-loving life? Both of us, with your love we conquer, thank you we call:

Rejoice, all-hearted doer of the law of God;

Rejoice, most honest with purity and chastity of precious beads.

Rejoice, in patience and struggle against the flesh of adamant the hardest;

Rejoice, glorified by humility and meekness more than the glorious earth.

Rejoice, invincible helper struggling with passions and lusts;

Rejoice, in labor, vigil and abstinence as a great fasting imitator of the most zealous.

Rejoice, most skilful mentor in spiritual wisdom;

Rejoice, most diligent indicator of monastic deeds.

Rejoice, friend of God, Reverend Sergius, of the same morals;

Rejoice, having moved to Heaven to the face of the friends of God.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 10

If you want to save yourself faithfully from various misfortunes and troubles of this world, we offer you a warm intercessor and a prayer book to God: do not create our hope for your prayers in vain, but by your intercession deliver us from fierce troubles, misfortunes, temptations and sorrows, but without embarrassment, from an abundance of heart , we always say to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Having acquired a solid wall and a prayer book, your holy monastery and all the countries of Russia boast of your intercession. The same we are sinners, we have flown to your grave, like a child of the father, we pray: intercede and save us from temptations and sorrows, troubles and misfortunes with your prayers, but we cry joyfully:

Rejoice, fragrant krine of the paradise garden;

Rejoice, cypress tree, sweetening the hearts of the faithful with incense.

Rejoice, blessed-leaved tree, with which your abode is covered;

Rejoice, vigilant prayer book, fulfill the desires of the faithful in good things.

Rejoice, hope and rest in the sea of ​​life of this floating;

Rejoice, firm barrier and refuge for those who work diligently for God.

Rejoice, inexhaustible source of healing;

Rejoice, stream that soldered and gladdened those who thirst for truth.

Rejoice, for in the sorrows of life and circumstances we are worthy of your intercession;

Rejoice, quick deliverance to all who diligently flow to you from temptations and troubles.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 11

We offer the most tender singing to you, most blessed Father Savo, and with boldness we pray: lift up to the Lord your holy prayer for the salvation of our souls, that we may forever be able to sing to God in blessed joy: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Your life shines with light-giving rays, our father Savvo: every virtue of the Gospel is fulfilled in you, the same verb:

Rejoice, having acquired heavenly wealth for the sake of poverty;

Rejoice, crying and tears of tenderness eternal consolation received.

Rejoice, greedy and thirsty for truth, now satiate yourself with heavenly bliss;

Rejoice, merciful reward promised by the merciful.

Rejoice, having attained the vision of God with the purity of your heart;

Rejoice, thou who wast worthy of many world-creations in the person of the sons of God.

Rejoice, having settled into the Kingdom of Heaven with patience for the sake of truth;

Rejoice, in the form of meekness, quietness and gentleness, give a lesson to those who are in embitterment.

Rejoice, example of brotherly love to seek not your own, but even your neighbor, and affirm our hearts;

Rejoice, joy of all who work with fear of the Lord.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 12

The grace given to you from God, to heal the ailments of the soul and body, convenes the faithful to your all-honored might: with them, even a small prayer is given to those who bring great grace from God, more accepting, with each other we joyfully proclaim to God: Hallelujah.

Ikos 12

Singing your greatness, venerable father, deeds and labors, we bless your ever-memorable dormition: even if you have passed away from us, but alive and after death, do not depart from us in spirit: both the relics of your cancer are always visible before our eyes. We fall down to you, we pray to you and praise you:

Rejoice, in faith and divine love, reverently from youth and piously to venerable old age, alive;

Rejoice, laborious and varied feats of good deeds in monasticism.

Rejoice, for you are filled with perfect sanctification from the Holy Spirit;

Rejoice, having become like your wonderful teacher in complete purity and holiness.

Rejoice, for you are always rejoicing with God-wise Sergius in Heaven;

Rejoice, as with him you implore God for us sinners.

Rejoice, as with the incorruption of your relics, like a trumpet, the future resurrection of all is preached;

Rejoice, precious adornment to this country and to our entire fatherland.

Rejoice, as by you many monks in their ascetic labors receive fortification;

Rejoice, as by your intercession the faithful and in the rumors of life are saved.

Rejoice, our Father Savvo, glorious miracle worker.

Kondak 13

O glorious miracle worker and quick intercessor of ours, blessed Father Savvo! Now accept this small offering from us, ask Christ our God for approval in faith and brotherly love, to be safe from all temptations, troubles and misfortunes, and in the coming age of eternal torment, be delivered to all who cry to Him: Hallelujah.

This kontakion is spoken three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1

Prayer to Saint Savva

O honorable and sacred head, citizen of Heavenly Jerusalem, habitation of the Most Holy Trinity, Reverend Father Savo! Having great boldness to the All-Merciful Lord, pray for the flock of your fence, and for all, in spirit, your children. Do not stop crying for us to the Lord, and do not despise those who honor you with faith and love. Ask, by your intercession, from the King of the reigning peace of the Church, under the banner of the Militant Cross, monastic good in labors; this holy monastery, this city and all cities and countries, protection; world serenity and peace, prosperity and destruction deliverance; consolation and reinforcement for the old and the weak, good growth in faith for the young and babies, firm learning in the Gospel teaching, and staying in purity and chastity; widows and orphans mercy and intercession; captive joy and return; aching healing; faint-hearted repose; misguided correction; sinning spirit of contrition; to those in need and to all who require grace-filled help, help in time. Do not shame us, who come to you with faith; hurry, like a child-loving father to children, and we will bear the yoke of Christ in complacency and patience; and govern everyone, in peace and repentance, end your life shamelessly and settle down with hope in the heavenly abode; where you, according to labors and labors, are now settling with Angels and Saints, in vain and glorifying God, in the Trinity of glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Troparion, tone 8

Thou hast appeared to the desert, O Reverend: from youth, thou hast deigned to have a pure life, following your spiritual teacher, and that teaching mind to the heavenly ones, and to your flock, the wise mentor appeared to you; so Christ, as if the light of the lamp, enrich miracles: Savvo, our father, pray that our souls be saved.
