Jens Anderson. "Astrid Lindgren



Copyright © Jens Andersen & Gyldendal, Copenhagen 2014

All rights reserved

Published by agreement with Gyldendal Group Agency

The publication was prepared with the participation of the Azbuka publishing house.

© G. Orlova, translation, 2016

© Edition in Russian, design. LLC Publishing Group Azbuka-Atticus, 2016

Hummingbird® Publishing

* * *

What makes no sense, I know. To save money, things, affairs, to live as a celebrity, to show off on the pages of celebrity magazines, to be so afraid of loneliness and silence that I never find time in peace and quiet to think: what should I do with my short earthly age?

Astrid Lindgren. 1983


It takes two people to write a biography: the one who writes and the one they write about. However, often other people are unwittingly involved in this process, and they also influence the result. Among them are the creators of already written books and articles, which are used by the authors of subsequent works. The list of sources at the end of my work mentions all the books, articles, magazines and websites about the life and work of Astrid Lindgren, to the authors of which I am indebted. There is also an alphabetical index of names and a list of works by Astrid Lindgren.

I am immensely grateful to everyone who helped me access other sources. First of all, to the Swedish biographer of Astrid Lindgren, Lena Törnkvist, who tirelessly helped me with advice and guidance and taught me, as a Dane, to navigate the Astrid Lindgren archive at the National Library in Stockholm, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2005. I would also like to thank Riksdag (Swedish parliament) stenographer Britt Almström, who helped me transcribe some of Astrid Lindgren's shorthand notes from this archive. Thanks also to Anna Eklund-Jonsson of the Vadsten Regional Archives, Bruno Svinnborg, Research Fellow at the Royal Library of Copenhagen, and Elin Ahlgren-Petersen, Editor-in-Chief of Children's and Youth Literature at the Danish Gyldendal Publishing House.

Special thanks to the family business Saltkrakan AB for technical support and practical assistance, in particular with numerous illustrations, as well as to Kjell-Åke Hanson, staff of the Astrid Lindgren Cultural Center in Vimmerby, and Jakob Nylin Nilson of the Vimmerby Library. Thanks to Danish translator Astrid Lindgren Kina Bodenhof, Jenny Thor of Guldendal Group Agency and my editors Vibeke Meinlund and Johannes Rees.

Finally, thanks to the Danish State Council for the Arts, the Gangstead Foundation and the Danish-Swedish Cultural Foundation for their economic support, and to my faithful first reader Jette Glargor. And of course, Karin Nyman, daughter of Astrid Lindgren, who approved the idea of ​​writing this biography. Without her interest, knowledge and active assistance, without our long conversations and correspondence over the past year and a half, this book could not have been written.

Jens AndersenCopenhagen, August 2014

Fan Letters

Throughout the 1970s, the post office on the corner of Dalagatan and Odengatan was just getting more work. The reason for this was an elderly lady who, it would seem, was no different from other elderly ladies that you meet on the street, in a park, in a grocer or cafeteria in the Vasastan district of Stockholm. For many years, a stack of letters fell daily through the mail slot in this old lady's door. And in the jubilee years - 1977, 1987 and 1997 - the postmen had to ring the doorbell of the house at 46 Dalagatan Street in order to hand over bags with parcels and letters to the addressee, on which stamps from all countries of the world flaunted. After the letters were answered, they ended up in boxes and in the attic, where not only congratulations and bright children's drawings were stored, but also messages bordered by a gold frame from statesmen and royals, and ordinary letters from ordinary people asking for autographs, money or moral support in this or that political cause.

Most simply expressed their delight and admiration and often, taking the opportunity, asked Astrid Lindgren a couple of questions. The questions could be innocent - for example, kindergarten kids asked if horses really eat ice cream, and nine-year-old Kristina from Yarfalla asked to explain how Pippi's father from the TV series can send mail in bottles when he is in prison. However, in these piles of correspondence, there were quite a few questions that were not at all childish: a certain Carlson, a locksmith from Kalmar, asked permission to name his company Carlson on the Roof, a forest owner from Jämtland wanted to know if the writer, known for her love of nature, would be interested in a couple of hectares of coniferous woods, and some man who was serving time for the murder of his wife asked if Astrid Lindgren would like to become his biographer.

75 thousand letters - the famous writer received them until her death in January 2002, and now they are stored in the Astrid Lindgren archive at the National Library of Sweden in Stockholm. Many of the messages were personal. When it came to the mother of Pippi Longstocking and Emil from Lönneberg, the boundary between the private and the general somehow blurred. Elderly Astrid Lindgren was considered a "kloka gumma" - a wise old woman - and a spiritual mentor of all Scandinavia, she could open her heart, she could be asked for advice in difficult times. Among the correspondents, for example, was one woman who asked "Astrid" to mediate in resolving a delicate dispute with neighbors; another asked what she should do with her annoying old mother. The third besieged the wealthy children's writer for fourteen years with her complaints - seventy-two letters, each with a detailed request for financial assistance: to buy glasses, repair a car, pay a locksmith, pay off gambling debts, and so on. A certain foreign correspondent, an Austrian who had long dreamed of a new house, asked if "Pippi's mother" would give him an impressive amount of money in dollars to buy the "Villa" Hen "" of his dreams. The father of the family from Denmark for forty years wrote Lindgren at Christmas detailed reports about his family life and sent children's bakery. And a middle-aged and in love resident of the Hesselby suburb of Stockholm led a real postal siege. The contender for the hand and heart of the widow Lindgren abandoned his intentions only when her publishing house intervened, threatening the persistent suitor with the police.

Fan letters make up the bulk of Lindgren's archive. They testify to the enormous and enduring significance of her work - and books, and films, and television series. Since the release of the epoch-making books about Pippi in the 1940s, the flow of letters only increased, and after 1960 it even became somewhat burdensome for the diligent writer and hardworking editor: Lindgren wrote her books in the mornings and on vacation, after lunch she was always at the publishing house, in the evenings she read the works of others authors. However, in the 1970s, after her retirement, the mail river at 46 Dalagatan became an avalanche, and in the early 1980s, Lindgren had to hire a secretary to streamline her extensive correspondence with admirers. The reason for this was three events: the publication of the book "The Brothers Lionheart" (1973), the so-called "Pomperipossa case" (1976), when Astrid Lindgren rebelled against the Swedish tax policy, and the presentation of the Peace Prize of the German Booksellers (1978), where, speaking with In her acceptance speech, in the midst of the era of disarmament, the pacifist Lindgren declared that the struggle for world peace begins in the children's room. With the education of future generations.

When Astrid Lindgren went blind in the mid-1980s and needed help to read the enormous amount of daily correspondence, not only her personal secretary, Cherstin Quint, but also her daughter Karin Nyman (left) turned out to be at her service. (Photo: Erwin New / Saltkråkan AB)

Acquaintance with a man in "the prime of life" happened to us in childhood. As, however, with other characters of the famous storyteller Astrid Lindgren. Now it's time to meet the writer herself. You will be surprised to know what a wonderful woman she was. We suggest reading the book “Astrid Lindgren. This day is life" by Jens Andersen.

Reading about Pippi Longstocking or Carlson, you probably imagined a little gray-haired granny writing fairy tales for her grandchildren. In fact, the image of the storyteller was completely different - a rebel and a feminist with a short haircut, in stylish trousers and a jacket. Living in a puritanical country, she was not afraid to give birth to a child without a husband. Writing, charity, protecting the rights of women and children, developing her own business projects - this independent and cheerful woman had no time for boredom.

Author Jens Andersen, who wrote the first biography, Astrid Lindgren. This day is life” - Dane. He did a great job - he raised archives, read letters and interviews, communicated with relatives and friends. As a result, he restored a complete picture of the life and work of the writer. It is thanks to her letters, photographs, memories of loved ones that the book turned out to be rich and interesting. It contains defeats and victories, inspiration and despair, a personal drama. It is immediately clear that the author is truly passionate about the work of this great storyteller. Therefore, I was very scrupulous about the collection and presentation of information. As a result, he managed to submit a biography as a real art book.

Jens Andersen paid special attention to the personal life of the writer. Reading about the tragic story of a young girl who became pregnant by an influential person is sad. Especially when young Astrid is forced to give her newborn son to a foster family, since she herself was not able to support him. Perhaps it was this pain and longing for her son that helped the woman so sensitively feel the inner world of children and write such wonderful fairy tales for them.

Astrid Lindgren book. This day is life” will appeal to many readers. Especially its benefits will be obvious for women who feel weak - in front of men and life circumstances. Read about a really strong woman. She will teach you how not to give in to difficulties. Love and sympathize. Understand your children and be their best helpers and friends. Become a special adult for them.

She did return her son. Because I didn't give up. It is about such moments that they say: "This day is life."

On our literary site, you can download the book by Jens Andersen “Astrid Lindgren. This Day Is Life" for free in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always follow the release of new products? We have a large selection of books of various genres: classics, modern science fiction, literature on psychology and children's editions. In addition, we offer interesting and informative articles for beginner writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting.

, Documental literature

"Astrid Lindgren. This day is life ”is the first biography of the great storyteller in 40 years, whose books for many decades have helped children around the world cope with the difficult task of growing up.

This book is about herself - a rebel in trousers and a man's jacket, the first in her hometown to cut her long hair, a single mother in puritanical Sweden, the wife of a man whose name she glorified all over the world ... A widow, an artist, a philanthropist, a "wise old woman" - the spiritual mentor of all Scandinavia, a person who perfectly mastered the art of understanding. The same woman whose independence and love of life was inherited by the famous Pippi Longstocking.

In her letters, diaries, photographs, memories of loved ones, her battles, defeats and victories, moments of inspiration and moments of despair come to life.

Copyright holders! The presented fragment of the book is placed in agreement with the distributor of legal content LLC "LitRes" (no more than 20% of the original text). If you believe that the posting of material violates your or someone else's rights, please let us know.

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Astrid Lindgren. This day is life Jens Andersen

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Title: Astrid Lindgren. This day is life
Author: Jens Andersen
Year: 2016
Genre: Biographies and Memoirs, Documentary literature, Foreign journalism

About Astrid Lindgren. This day is life." Jens Andersen

Many of us do not like to read a biography because of the compressed, dry and superficial text, but not all biographers feel this way about their heroes, and you can see for yourself. We suggest you read the book "Astrid Lindgren. This Day Is Life, which tells the story of the amazing and eventful life of a wonderful woman and world-famous children's writer Astrid Lindgren.

The talented Danish writer Jens Andersen has created a wonderful work that contains the whole life of the Swedish writer who wrote many brilliant children's works, including "Baby and Carlson" and "Pippi Longstocking". We all know these fairy tales very well, but not everyone knows the biography of the author, which deserves great attention and respect. By reading this work, we become closer to our beloved author and look at a completely unknown side of her life.

Biographical book Astrid Lindgren. This day is life” is a true treasure. Jens Andersen filled the work with many photographs, pages from personal diaries, and the entries from the war diary that the writer kept during the Second World War are especially impressive. All this gives the biography a special, convincing and curious atmosphere.

Astrid was a women's rights activist, donated over 10 million SEK to charity, received 75,000 thank you letters from fans. She will always remain in the memory of her readers as a mischievous girl in different stockings with pigtails sticking out in different directions.

The atmosphere created by the author in this work takes the reader in time and space, from one event to another, while being able to convey not only the events, but also the feelings of the heroine. In this biography, you can read the creation story of each of Lindgren's creations and look at some of the books and characters from a different perspective. We will also learn a lot about the difficult fate of the writer, her love, family, life wisdom and real life values.

We must pay tribute to the author of this work, who made a lot of efforts so that the book “Astrid Lindgren. This day is life” turned out to be bright, lively, interesting for all readers. In the course of the story, we see that Jens Andersen himself was interested in the personality of Astrid, which is why he so carefully collected reliable information from various sources, talking with relatives and studying diaries ...

Astrid Lindgren book. This Day Is Life” is written in a simple style, so it is very easy and fun to read. With this work, we live a new life together with our favorite author and everyone can find something useful for themselves.

On our site about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read the online book “Astrid Lindgren. This day is life" by Jens Andersen in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you can try your hand at writing.

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Copyright © Jens Andersen & Gyldendal, Copenhagen 2014

All rights reserved

Published by agreement with Gyldendal Group Agency

The publication was prepared with the participation of the Azbuka publishing house.

© G. Orlova, translation, 2016

© Edition in Russian, design. LLC Publishing Group Azbuka-Atticus, 2016

Hummingbird® Publishing

What makes no sense, I know. To save money, things, affairs, to live as a celebrity, to show off on the pages of celebrity magazines, to be so afraid of loneliness and silence that I never find time in peace and quiet to think: what should I do with my short earthly age?

Astrid Lindgren. 1983


It takes two people to write a biography: the one who writes and the one they write about. However, often other people are unwittingly involved in this process, and they also influence the result. Among them are the creators of already written books and articles, which are used by the authors of subsequent works. The list of sources at the end of my work mentions all the books, articles, magazines and websites about the life and work of Astrid Lindgren, to the authors of which I am indebted. There is also an alphabetical index of names and a list of works by Astrid Lindgren.

I am immensely grateful to everyone who helped me access other sources. First of all, to the Swedish biographer of Astrid Lindgren, Lena Törnkvist, who tirelessly helped me with advice and guidance and taught me, as a Dane, to navigate the Astrid Lindgren archive at the National Library in Stockholm, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2005. I would also like to thank Riksdag (Swedish parliament) stenographer Britt Almström, who helped me transcribe some of Astrid Lindgren's shorthand notes from this archive. Thanks also to Anna Eklund-Jonsson of the Vadsten Regional Archives, Bruno Svinnborg, Research Fellow at the Royal Library of Copenhagen, and Elin Ahlgren-Petersen, Editor-in-Chief of Children's and Youth Literature at the Danish Gyldendal Publishing House.

Special thanks to the family business Saltkrakan AB for technical support and practical assistance, in particular with numerous illustrations, as well as to Kjell-Åke Hanson, staff of the Astrid Lindgren Cultural Center in Vimmerby, and Jakob Nylin Nilson of the Vimmerby Library. Thanks to Danish translator Astrid Lindgren Kina Bodenhof, Jenny Thor of Guldendal Group Agency and my editors Vibeke Meinlund and Johannes Rees.

Finally, thanks to the Danish State Council for the Arts, the Gangstead Foundation and the Danish-Swedish Cultural Foundation for their economic support, and to my faithful first reader Jette Glargor. And of course, Karin Nyman, daughter of Astrid Lindgren, who approved the idea of ​​writing this biography. Without her interest, knowledge and active assistance, without our long conversations and correspondence over the past year and a half, this book could not have been written.

Jens Andersen

Copenhagen, August 2014

Fan Letters

Throughout the 1970s, the post office on the corner of Dalagatan and Odengatan was just getting more work. The reason for this was an elderly lady who, it would seem, was no different from other elderly ladies that you meet on the street, in a park, in a grocer or cafeteria in the Vasastan district of Stockholm. For many years, a stack of letters fell daily through the mail slot in this old lady's door. And in the jubilee years - 1977, 1987 and 1997 - the postmen had to ring the doorbell of the house at 46 Dalagatan Street in order to hand over bags with parcels and letters to the addressee, on which stamps from all countries of the world flaunted. After the letters were answered, they ended up in boxes and in the attic, where not only congratulations and bright children's drawings were stored, but also messages bordered by a gold frame from statesmen and royals, and ordinary letters from ordinary people asking for autographs, money or moral support in this or that political cause.

Most simply expressed their delight and admiration and often, taking the opportunity, asked Astrid Lindgren a couple of questions. The questions could be innocent - for example, kindergarten kids asked if horses really eat ice cream, and nine-year-old Kristina from Yarfalla asked to explain how Pippi's father from the TV series can send mail in bottles when he is in prison. However, in these piles of correspondence, there were quite a few questions that were not at all childish: a certain Carlson, a locksmith from Kalmar, asked permission to name his company Carlson on the Roof, a forest owner from Jämtland wanted to know if the writer, known for her love of nature, would be interested in a couple of hectares of coniferous woods, and some man who was serving time for the murder of his wife asked if Astrid Lindgren would like to become his biographer.

75 thousand letters - the famous writer received them until her death in January 2002, and now they are stored in the Astrid Lindgren archive at the National Library of Sweden in Stockholm. Many of the messages were personal. When it came to the mother of Pippi Longstocking and Emil from Lönneberg, the boundary between the private and the general somehow blurred. Elderly Astrid Lindgren was considered a "kloka gumma" - a wise old woman - and a spiritual mentor of all Scandinavia, she could open her heart, she could be asked for advice in difficult times. Among the correspondents, for example, was one woman who asked "Astrid" to mediate in resolving a delicate dispute with neighbors; another asked what she should do with her annoying old mother. The third besieged the wealthy children's writer for fourteen years with her complaints - seventy-two letters, each with a detailed request for financial assistance: to buy glasses, repair a car, pay a locksmith, pay off gambling debts, and so on. A certain foreign correspondent, an Austrian who had long dreamed of a new house, asked if "Pippi's mother" would give him an impressive amount of money in dollars to buy the "Villa" Hen "" of his dreams. The father of the family from Denmark for forty years wrote Lindgren at Christmas detailed reports about his family life and sent children's bakery. And a middle-aged and in love resident of the Hesselby suburb of Stockholm led a real postal siege. The contender for the hand and heart of the widow Lindgren abandoned his intentions only when her publishing house intervened, threatening the persistent suitor with the police.

Fan letters make up the bulk of Lindgren's archive. They testify to the enormous and enduring significance of her work - and books, and films, and television series. Since the release of the epoch-making books about Pippi in the 1940s, the flow of letters only increased, and after 1960 it even became somewhat burdensome for the diligent writer and hardworking editor: Lindgren wrote her books in the mornings and on vacation, after lunch she was always at the publishing house, in the evenings she read the works of others authors. However, in the 1970s, after her retirement, the mail river at 46 Dalagatan became an avalanche, and in the early 1980s, Lindgren had to hire a secretary to streamline her extensive correspondence with admirers. The reason for this was three events: the publication of the book "The Brothers Lionheart" (1973), the so-called "Pomperipossa case" (1976), when Astrid Lindgren rebelled against the Swedish tax policy, and the presentation of the Peace Prize of the German Booksellers (1978), where, speaking with In her acceptance speech, in the midst of the era of disarmament, the pacifist Lindgren declared that the struggle for world peace begins in the children's room. With the education of future generations.
