Why dream of space and stars. The Magic of Numbers

Dreams about space are most often unusually beautiful and mysterious, but few people know what they mean and how to interpret them correctly. Dream books will help to understand this.

For an accurate interpretation, it is necessary to recall the details of the dream: maybe you flew in a spaceship, observed the Earth through a porthole window, or pushed the space apart with your hands? Let's figure it out.

Fly in a dream in space or just see

Flight, fly into space in a dream - reflection of the dreamer's desire for development, personal growth and improvement in reality. It is open to everything new.

However, such a dream may also indicate his dreaminess. This is how ambiguous dream books answer the question of why a flight into space is dreamed of.

Flying into space is an omen that changes are just around the corner. Future events will bring new experiences that will come in handy again and again.

Flying in space in a dream is a sign that you have something to brag about, but you should not succumb to this temptation. The envy of others can greatly ruin your life.

Seeing space in a dream - the sleeper has outlined plans that seem unrealistic. However, he has enough energy to carry them out. The main thing is to act.

Pushing the cosmos apart with your hands is a sign that the dormant will find new ways of development for himself.

Emotions in a dream

Charm - the dreamer will enjoy the long-awaited success, but you should not turn up your nose and put yourself above others.

Delight is the fulfillment of an old dream.

Fear - accidentally find out a secret related to you or loved ones.

Panic - the sleeper is stressed by piled responsibilities. To maintain mental health give yourself at least 2-3 days off.

Sadness in a dream promises the fulfillment of routine work in reality, of which there is no end in sight.

The feeling of loneliness in a dream - to betrayal or a dubious act on the part of a person whom the dreamer considered a friend. To avoid this, take a closer look at your surroundings and move away from someone who only pretends to be honest and kind.

Attributes of "cosmic" visions

Suit - you are afraid that your inner world and ideas will be criticized, so you carefully hide them. If you become a more open person, then others will be able to appreciate you.

Spaceship - in reality you will find a patron to help solve problems.

A ship with aliens on board - a period of misunderstanding with loved ones is coming. You are overcome by conflicting emotions and feelings that are difficult to explain.

planets in space

It's time to reveal your own potential - this is the answer the books of dreams give to the question of what space and planets dream of. Very soon, luck will accompany you in all your endeavors. You have a chance to do something worthwhile.

Wait for the arrival of distant relatives or meeting with old friends - this is what the view of planet Earth from space is about in a dream.

coming soon for you opens up a lot of new possibilities if space and stars appeared to you.

How does the day of the week affect the interpretation of sleep?

If you had a dream about space, then this means that you dream of relieving yourself of all responsibility and doing as your heart tells you. However, for now, you are a hostage of circumstances.

Sleep is a sign that it is time to visit relatives. You've been paying little attention to them lately, and they may secretly resent you.

Dream - in reality you are overly modest. It's time to develop self-confidence and clearly state your interests.

If you had a dream from Thursday to Friday, then global changes await you in life. You will change jobs or end an obsolete relationship.

A dream from Friday to Saturday - you have to attend a party where you will make a lot of interesting acquaintances.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday - listen to your inner voice more often, develop intuition and insight.

Vision from Sunday to Monday - is considered prophetic, but not prophetic. In reality, something similar to what the dreamer dreamed of at night will happen.

Gender and marital status of the dreamer

The interpretation of the dream, in which the cosmos appeared, can be positive or negative. It depends on a number of details, including the emotional state of the dreamer.

Space has always interested and attracted people. Today humanity has every opportunity to study the Universe. Now you need to understand the meaning of dreams, about space. To do this, take into account as many plot details and emotional load as possible.

What is the dream of space?

In most cases, such a dream indicates spiritual growth. Space can also appear in a dream in anticipation of the implementation of the plans. Dream Interpretations indicate that people who often take risks often see dreams about space. Night vision, where a rocket had to be launched into space, means that the dreamer does not take into account the opinions and desires of other people. Seeing the Earth from space means that soon it will be possible to have a good time with friends.

Why dream of flying into space?

Such a plot is a good sign that indicates the pleasant in a cheerful company. Let's figure out why you dream of flying into space against your will - this is an unfavorable sign that prophesies the occurrence of serious trials in life. Such a dream may also indicate the significant influence of close relatives. If you had to fly into space in a dream and see water under you, then the enemies are making plans to harm. It will be interesting to know why you dream of flying into space and experiencing it - this is a harbinger of disturbing news that will force you to change your existing plans for the future. Night vision, where a loved one went into space, indicates the existence of experiences about his life.

Why dream of space and spaceships?

Being in a spaceship and watching the Universe is an indication that when you realize your ideas and talents, you can reach incredible heights in life. To enjoy the journey means you should expect favorable life changes.

Dream interpretation of flying in space in a dream

Why dream of flying into space? If you are interested in such a night vision, then you should remember your feelings during the flight.

When you begin to study dream books, it will not be superfluous to indicate the purpose of your flight, whether you were able to achieve it.

To be in space in a dream

Intergalactic travel in a dream can have many interpretations. If you do not detail your vision, then it will be quite difficult for you to make a forecast for the future.

Emotions during sleep

It is believed that if you experienced pleasant sensations, then in reality your most secret desires can come true.

Dreamed of an unusual flight

The dreamer is in harmony with himself and the world around him. Everything that he conceived will succeed the first time.

When you experienced anxiety, fear, it means that the events that will develop will begin to be negative. If you dream like this, then you will experience uncertainty about tomorrow.

Soothsayers believe that you are on the threshold of a new life, but are afraid to take the plunge, believing that you are not yet ready for change. Do not be afraid, boldly go forward.

Interpreters' predictions

Each dream book considers space differently. Much depends on the actions and feelings of the dreamer during the period of vision.

Interpreter of Gustav Miller

Crash a spaceship in a dream

The space that you see from the porthole - you are too mired in everyday routine. It is worth giving yourself a rest, gaining new impressions.

When you are calmly making a flight from one planet to another, then you should be prepared for unpleasant surprises.

To see yourself in space - you will have a good time with good friends.

The crash of the ship on which you were flying - the situation around you becomes too tense.

Interpreter Vanga

The seer believed that if in a dream you often travel in space, then in reality your loved ones do not understand you. You have moved farther away from them, as you think outside the box and are rather ephemeral.

Vanga spoke rather negatively about dreams in which, during an intergalactic journey, you had to meet representatives of unearthly civilizations. This vision means that in reality you will meet a person who will charm you. In fact, under the mask of good nature, evil spirits will be hidden. You should be extremely careful.

Interpreter of Sigmund Freud

Get lost in a dream and look for the right planet

When in a dream a person makes a space flight from one planet to another, then in reality he is fed up with family life. He lacks thrills.

Freud believed that the consequences would be the most negative. The dreamer will lose his family, but new relationships will not bring him joy, even if they develop.

Interpreter of Loff

Traveling in space - you are tired of gray everyday life, you want a change of scenery. Loff gave some more interesting interpretations:

  • if in real life you are tormented by fears, then such a vision suggests that you want to get rid of them as quickly as possible;
  • you are delighted that you are in outer space - you do not mind moving to a completely different place;
  • get lost in space and be in search of your planet - in the foreseeable future you will have to look for a way out of a rather difficult situation.

Universal interpreter

Flying in space in a dream is not of your own free will - life will present you with an unpleasant surprise. This will be a rather difficult test that you will have to overcome.

Flying around the Earth in a dream and thinking about the secrets of the universe - you would gladly leave your country. The dream also indicates that you want to go on a long journey.

Wanderer Interpreter

dreaming galaxy

When you just dream of space, then it is a symbol of your inner growth, personal development. If in a dream you flew into outer space, then the people around you consider you an arrogant person with a difficult character.

If in night vision you are flying towards planet Earth, then material difficulties and the failure of the work you have begun await you ahead.

Seeing the entire galaxy - the business you started will end in success.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If in a dream you were in outer space, then chronic diseases will soon make themselves felt. A sleeping person will need hospitalization in a hospital.

Seeing in a dream how a spaceship soars into the sky - you will encounter poor health in your relative.

Vision details

Whatever you dream about, you can find a prediction about this on the pages of dream interpreters:

Often flights to other planets are considered a positive sign. If in a dream you did not experience negative emotions, then in reality nothing bad will happen to you.

It is possible that you have quite a lot of plans for the future, it remains only to figure out how to implement them correctly.

If you have been flying for too long, then you just need to be more careful, and then you will not get into an unpleasant situation.

Your mark:

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Space: you are in the clouds, your plans have little basis. .

How to interpret the dream "Space, universe, fly in a dream"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Rarely, rarely, but still it happens to dream of space, the universe, space flights, or just fly. Most often, flights are dreamed of by young people or children. And there is a solid explanation for this. And all these tales on the topic "but if you fly in a dream, ...

What does sleep mean - Space

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Being in outer space is an unpleasant situation in which you will not be protected. This dream also means getting into an unpleasant mess.

Space - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The state of cosmic weightlessness, space dreams of active communication with friends. If during sleep you experienced a feeling of fear, then in reality you will have to leave the company of friends and go to solve the problems that have arisen at work (your employees will report to you about troubles instantly). If …

Dreamed - Space

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing yourself in a dream in outer space - you are in danger.

What does the dream in which the Cosmos dream means

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A symbol of spiritual growth, knowledge. However, in numerous cases, as practice shows, being (flying) too high among the stars is a kind of conceit, "dizziness" from success and a collapse of creative, business, love in reality.

The meaning of sleep about space

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A symbol of spiritual growth, knowledge. However, in numerous cases, as practice shows, to be flying too high among the stars is a kind of conceit, "dizziness" from success and a collapse of creative, business, love in reality.

Dreaming of "Space" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Soon you will achieve an exceptional position in society, become a prominent, influential person. How to improve the value of sleep? Imagine that you are growing in all directions, absorbing the cosmos with planets and stars.

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Space

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The infinite expanse of the cosmos marks some kind of litigation, protracted and fraught with many troubles and injustices, to which there is no end in sight.

Space (See in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If in a dream you peer into the depths of space and reflect on the meaning of the universe, then in reality you are mired in the bustle of everyday affairs. If you dreamed that you were going into space on a spaceship, then be prepared for trouble.

What the dream portends: Space

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Stay in space - to the discovery, invention, rationalization proposal.

Dream Interpretation: what is the dream of Space

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing yourself in space - to communicate with friends. If you were scared, then a meeting with friends will be suddenly interrupted by unpleasant news related to your work, which will be reported to you by one of your employees.

Dream Interpretation: why dream of Sex in space

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

This is the process of improving your body and soul. As you know, the ancient sages associated with the cosmos the meanings of beauty, goodness and higher mind. It was he who represented the ideal form, the ideal space, in the bosom of which the most perfect processes take place (Divine stay and thinking). Based on…

How to interpret the dream "Astronaut"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To see an astronaut in a dream - you will soon expect complications in communicating with children and a conflict with your spouse. Wearing an astronaut suit in a dream - your business may be hindered by the intrigues of envious people and enemies. If you see. that you are an astronaut: you have to ...

How to interpret the dream "Phoenix"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The universal symbol of resurrection and immortality, death and rebirth in fire. This is a fabulous bird that dies as a result of self-sacrifice. She remains dead for three days during the new moon and then rises from the ashes. This symbolism is lunar, but the phoenix is ​​universally understood as...

Dream Interpretation: what is the dream of the Lion

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

It has a dual meaning, carrying both solar and lunar symbolism, the personification of both good and evil. As a solar symbol, the lion personifies the heat, brilliance and strength of the midday Sun, the principle of fire, splendor, strength and courage, steadfastness, justice, law, military power, the King ...

Dream Interpretation: why Ten is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Dream Interpretation: what is dreaming of 10. (ten, ten)

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The number of the cosmos, the paradigm of creation. Ten contains all numbers, hence all things and possibilities. This is the basis and turning point of the whole account. Ten is also the number of completing journeys and returning to the starting point.

Dream Interpretation: what is Poison dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Drink poison yourself, or someone makes you drink / have a clear feeling that the drink is poison: setting in motion the inert state of yin and freeing from excess. Poison to drink: get rid of energy blockages, old complexes and fatally petrified emotions. Anything that makes the dreamer drink poison ...

Dream Interpretation: what does Freak dream about

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The image of a crippled freak: there is a phenomenon of only one’s own internal distortions and problems: the body lets you know about the problem, because in reality they don’t want to notice the problems, its image is given for clarity, terrible and fantastic, but attracting attention and pushing to action. To see a freak and get scared ...

Article author: site

Soon you will achieve an exceptional position in society, become a prominent, influential person.

Imagine that you are growing in all directions, absorbing the cosmos with planets and stars.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Dream Interpretation - Sex in space

A dream, the content of which is sex in space, means the process of improving your body and soul.

As you know, the ancient sages associated with the cosmos the meanings of beauty, goodness and higher mind.

It was he who represented the ideal form, the ideal space, in the bosom of which the most perfect processes take place (Divine stay and thinking).

Based on such an interpretation, sex in space means placing the dreamer in the perfect space described above, comprehending all the mysteries and perfections, communion with the Divine.

If sex in your dream brings you bliss, you can be sure that the secrets of the universe will be revealed to you.

If sex is unpleasant for you, then something prevents you from knowing the essence of the higher mind.

If at the same time you see planets and other air bodies, they are symbols of other human beings like you, who are in the process of learning and joining the universe.

In addition, a dream about sex in space can mean your feeling of remoteness from the outside world, or a desire to move away from it and withdraw into your own world, which you like more than the surrounding reality.

Interpretation of dreams from