Prayers for headaches. If the cause of the ailment is the evil eye

Everyone can get a headache, and this happens at the most inopportune moment. And far from all situations, the cause of the problem that has arisen is clear: either it is some kind of disorder of the body, or the Lord's punishment. People are trying to cope with this scourge in different ways. Some immediately go to the doctor, others try to pacify the pain with the help of pills, while others drink tinctures and teas based on special herbs.

Each of these methods is effective. However, there are also very unusual methods., which also help to improve well-being: mantras, conspiracies and prayers for headaches and dizziness.

Today, few people doubt the power of magic. Almost everyone believes in the miracle and power of the word, and people want to seize at least a part of this power in order to get rid of migraines, discomfort in the neck, pressure, etc. For example, you can ask the Healer Panteleimon for help using the following text:

“Panteleimone, godly elder!

You also asked the Lord for human health.

So ask Him and my suffering to ease.

How the Lord delivered us from crafty machinations,

So you heal my pains.

Hear my prayer.

These words must be repeated three times. However, only those who read these words from the heart will be able to benefit from them. Insincere people will feel something strange.

Sometimes you can turn to the Guardian Angel for help, because all people have this intercessor of God. It is necessary to read only in a calm and relaxing mood:

"My guardian from God, my Angel,

How do you save me from troubles,

How do you give me the right decisions,

So take off my headache,

God's servant (name).

A request for help must be dictated wholeheartedly. And if you have a desire to change the text a little, then there is nothing forbidden or terrible in this. The effect is not based on words, but on feelings.

Prayer that enhances the effect of drugs

Often rituals aimed at getting rid of headaches help to enhance the effect medications. Such prayers include a message to the Theotokos.

In addition, before reading, it is necessary to repeat the “Our Father” three times. Representatives of the Clergy are advised to remember all the necessary prayers by heart, since then they can be used absolutely anywhere. So, for this purpose, you can use several options at once:

  • “Virgin Mother of God, cleanse my head of pain, imposed and harmful thoughts. Amen";
  • “Holy Virgin, give me protection from headaches and sinful tar”;
  • “Virgin Mary, let the headache subside, and faith not be lost.”

Reading Features

Before reading conspiracy from the noise in the head, you need to learn about certain rules, which are characteristic of the sacred method of treatment.

All about religion and faith - "strong prayer for dizziness" with detailed description and photographs.

To help yourself cope with dizziness, read strong conspiracies as an addition to the main treatment. I ask you very much not to ignore the course of doctors.

My dears, head goes not only from success.

It is possible that you are reacting to the weather, your nerves are naughty.

You sleep badly, you are afraid of something.

An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor.

Please be aware of this.

Go to the Orthodox Temple and buy 13 candles.

Arriving home, retire to a locked room.

The time of day and the phase of the moon do not matter.

Light all the candles.

Mentally imagine a confident, not a wobbly gait.

All the fears that bind you have already receded.

On level ground you will not fall.

Proceed to the repeated and confident hardening of strong magical conspiracies from dizziness.

I won’t stagger in a deserted place, I won’t startle from fear. Let the head not turn the camp, all fears are a hoax. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

As I set foot, I will confidently pass, I won’t fall in the whirlwind of the head. Let the pressure not jump from the weather, the insidious enemy does not loom on the road. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Oh, Universe, add strength to me, direct mournful thoughts to the truth. Let my head not spin with pain, I will not fall down on my face at someone's evil will. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Otherwise, everything is as usual.

Extinguish candles, wrap in a piece of cinder.

You flush the bundle in the toilet.

Every magical conspiracy from dizziness it is necessary to read at least 13 times.

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Four strong conspiracies from obsessive pains in the head

Magic can be useful in different situations- when you want to attract the attention of a guy, improve your personal life, or even when you want to get rid of a slight ailment and health problems. Therefore, various conspiracies that promote healing are so relevant in Everyday life. And the most popular to this day are a conspiracy for headaches, some of which are given in our article.

Traditional medicine, including herbal treatment and reading various conspiracies, is an excellent alternative way getting rid of diseases. In particular, spells that came from our ancient ancestors are very useful for treating minor ailments and eliminating health problems that a person may encounter on a daily basis.

Features of the rituals

Headache can be considered the most annoying ailment that makes a person irritable, weak and vulnerable. Very often, this phenomenon is the cause of a change in weather, overwork, or other similar factors that are not recognized by medicine. And if the reason lies not in magic, then conspiracies for headaches, at times, are the only effective remedy.

However, such spells will be ineffective if the cause of the pain in the head is induced damage, the evil eye. In such situations, folk methods, as well as conservative treatment, do not help. Therefore, before using this or that conspiracy and prayer, you should first find out true reason malaise and discomfort.

With constant pain in the head

If such a phenomenon as pain in the head is almost constant, then the following ritual will help get rid of such an obsessive state. To carry it out, you will need to prepare in advance:
  • three kopecks of the same denomination and small value;
  • three wax candles bought in the church;
  • a glass cup filled with holy water (you can take spring or well water);
  • two icons - Jesus Christ, as well as Panteleimon.

Healing a person from constant headaches in the head is carried out during the waning moon, one evening. Having retired late in the evening, it is worth opening the curtains and laying out the prepared coins in the shape of a triangle on the windowsill. Behind each of them should be installed a candle bought in the church. Leave a free space in the center and, without lighting candles, go to bed. Waking up in the morning, place a vessel filled with holy water between the coins. Light the candles and first say the prayers "Our Father" (3 times) and "Panteleimon" (1 time).

“As the head hurts, itches and bursts at the servant of God (the name of the patient), so let everything hurt and burst at the earthworm. Let the pain come down from the head of the servant of God (name again) to the earthworm. From now on, he will be sick, and the servant of God (once again the name) will not know grief and pain, day or night. Amen".

After the words of the conspiracy, it is worth spraying your head with the charmed liquid three times. Then you need to take three sips from a glass, and pour the remaining water on the ground. If everything is done correctly, the ritual will be successful, and the result of its implementation will be noticeable in the near future.

If the pain is constant

If the unpleasant condition and sensations in the head are more permanent, another conspiracy will help get rid of them. From a headache in this case, the following words will help:

“In the damp earth, in the dark grave, the dead lies - does not get sick, does not suffer, does not groan. He does not have a headache, he calmly rests. Let the servant of God (name of the patient) also calmly rest, so that his head does not hurt, so that he does not moan and complain. Just as the dead will forever be in the earth and not walk among the living, so the servant of God (name again) should not suffer from his head.

After such words, you need to spit three times, and then say "Amen." You can read this text as soon as pain appears.

A powerful spell against sudden pain

In the fight against unpleasant painful sensations one more prayer will help. It is read if normal health has abruptly changed to malaise.

Putting your hand on your head (in the place where it hurts), you should say the text of the prayer for a headache:

“Lord Almighty, by Your power and the Holy Spirit the body and head of the servant of God (name) will be saturated. From now on, unbearable torments cannot be endured, for with Thy Power will come deliverance from bodily pain that crushes the head. No more lying in agony and suffering from headaches. Deliverance and healing will come with God's help. And day and night I will thank the Lord so that the torment of my head leaves me.

After removing your hand from the sore spot, put it on your heart and finish the ritual with three “Amen”. Improvement should come soon.

If the cause of the ailment is the evil eye

Very often people can harm your health without even meaning to. In this case, the evil eye can cause not only headache, but also slight ailments, dizziness, etc. If you want to remove such an effect, read this conspiracy.

Before reading it, tie a scarf or scarf around your head. Walk like this for a while (you can even go to bed), and then, having removed the dress, go outside. Take the scarf by the edges so that it flutters in the wind, and say:

“The winds are strong, the winds are roadside, under the threshold and under the ground! For what stuck to my head, for that and turn! They call you beyond the blue sea, beyond the clean field, beyond the fast river! Free winds are walking there, but they are waiting for you, waiting, they drink honey uzvars! Go there, beyond the steeps, into the swamps, and seize my torments, headaches! Amen".

After the ritual, it is advisable to take a bath with the addition of salt to the water. After the bath, it is worth rinsing under the shower. The evil eye and its consequences must disappear.

Prayer that heals headaches

As you know, the Almighty never gives tests that do not correspond to your development and abilities. Everyone, as they say, receives a cross on the forehead.

If you have a headache, you may be more irritable or less productive at work. Such factors reduce, including your Christian virtue. Therefore, a good prayer for a headache can become your reliable companion in gaining virtue.

To whom and how to pray?

Before starting this topic, it should be noted the high importance of using the help of doctors and drugs. These methods should not be neglected at all, especially if you have chronic migraine or similar serious ailments. The Almighty gave you not only prayers, but also doctors and a huge amount of medicines.

Remember, in essence, medicines are based on various plants and natural compounds, which existed originally and are surprisingly designed to treat ailments and promote health. Also, doctors are a tool through which the Almighty can show his mercy to you, curing you of ailments.

If you have such an opportunity, use medicines. If you can, see a doctor. Of course, it's best if you use these methods with faith.

Many prayers are used to enhance the effects of medicines and treatments.. Therefore, they are often used precisely as a supplement that allows you to better relieve headaches and get relief.

Most often, with severe headaches, they pray Holy Mother of God and John the Baptist.

If you have a separate space, then before you start praying, you should find inner peace, try to get rid of anger or despondency that can cause headaches. Next, you can try using a candle, if one is available. A holy image may also be useful to you.

When you use only a candle, watch the flame. The purity of fire is able to purify people and help in prayer. If you pray before the image, look at the image with deep faith and sincerely ask for healing from a headache.

Appeal to the Theotokos and John the Baptist

First, consider the most powerful prayers that help get rid of headaches and dizziness. It's about about prayers John the Baptist and the Most Holy Theotokos.

One of the most revered saints in Orthodoxy is the Baptist John, who was doomed to martyrdom by King Herod. Prayers to this saint are used for a variety of things, for the most part to illuminate this or that work, in particular agricultural.

Saint John was beheaded by Herod, it is to this ascetic that they pray so that their head does not hurt.

“To the Baptist of Christ, an honest Forerunner, an extreme prophet, the first martyr, a mentor of fasting and hermits, a teacher of purity and a close friend of Christ! I pray, and resorting to you, do not reject me from your intercession, do not leave me fallen by many sins; renew my soul with repentance, like a second baptism; cleanse me, the sins of the defiled, and compel me to enter, even though it enters badly, into the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen."

Before starting the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, it is recommended to read "Our Father". As many times as you see fit. Such preliminary prayers are necessary so that you can be imbued with the necessary prayerful mood.

  • “Holy Mother of God, take away my headache, high blood pressure and strong stake. Amen."
  • “Virgin Mother of God, cleanse me of harmful thoughts and imposed pains. Amen."
  • “Blessed Virgin Mary, may the headache subside, and faith in Christ not wane. Amen."
  • “Holy Mother of God, protect me from sinful tar and headaches. Amen."
  • “Holy Mother of God, reduce the pain in the head and stupidity in the forehead. Amen."

They are easy to remember and can be used in almost any situation. Only read aloud or silently such short prayers you need not automatically, but by developing sincerity in yourself and feeling the great help that the Mother of God can give you.

You can use the most common prayers to the Mother of God, but at the same time ask in your soul to get rid of a headache. Prayer has a healing effect on the body and soul. Therefore, you can get a positive effect from simple prayers to the Virgin when your head hurts.

Sincere reading distracts you from everyday life and sets you up for spirituality, then the pain practically does not care. The best way to do this is to pray regularly. If you pay attention to people who are always engaged in prayer practices, then, as a rule, they are very energetic and rarely get sick.

Other prayers

There are other effective prayers that you can also use when needed. The Orthodox ascetic Saint Panteleimon was a great healer and, as a rule, they turn their prayer to him when you need to be cured of something, including a headache.

“Elder Panteleimon, charitable saint!

I ask for the mercy of the Lord.

Your own Angel instructs and protects throughout the earthly journey, it helps both in sorrows and in joys, and when your head hurts, you can humbly ask this divine intercessor for help.

"My angel, divine guardian,

servant of God (name). Amen!"

What words to ask for a loved one?

If you want to help someone who is suffering from a headache, you can use very powerful prayer, which is generally used in order to be treated for ailments. The following is a text in Church Slavonic, which can be a bit difficult to understand.

It is better to read in original version, as the saints have prayed with such words for centuries. If you do not understand some words and this factor interferes with the sincerity of the prayer, look for and read the translation of this prayer, it will not be difficult to find it. If it is very difficult and incomprehensible to read in the original, you can read in modern Russian, but at the same time with deep faith and sincerity.

“Lord of the Almighty, Holy King, punish and not kill, affirm those who fall and raise up the overthrown, bodily people of sorrow, we pray to You, our God, Thy servants (the name of the rivers), the infirm, visit Thy mercy, forgive them any sin, voluntary and involuntary. To her, Lord, send down Your healing power from heaven, touch the body, quench the fire, tame passion and all hidden weakness; wake up the doctor of your servants (name of the rivers), raise them up from the painful bed and from the bed of embitterment of the whole and all-perfect, grant them to Your Church who are pleasing and do Your will. Yours is, hedgehog to have mercy and save us, our God, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen."

Prayers for headaches

Everyone has headaches, this unpleasant situation can affect a person at any time. And it is not always clear what caused the ailment that arose, either a physiological disorder, or this is a manifestation of the punishment of the Lord. All people solve the problem in different ways, some immediately go to the hospital, others try to relieve the pain by taking a couple of pills, others are treated herbal teas. And each of these methods definitely has a right to exist. But there are also methods that are not familiar to everyone, but they also help to alleviate health problems. Prayer for a headache - what is its purpose?

What is the power of prayers and how they help get rid of headaches

No one now doubts that there is a special power in prayers. Everyone believes in the great miracle of the powerful word, and everywhere people want to take a piece of this greatness for themselves, calling on God for help through prayer for deliverance from pain in the head. For example, you can wholeheartedly turn to Panteleimon the Healer, asking him to sanctify himself with a good deed and relieve a headache. In this case, the following prayer is read:

Elder Panteleimon, charitable saint!

In the name of our God, heavenly father

you asked for universal human health.

Hear my humble prayer,

I ask for the mercy of the Lord.

How the merciful God delivered us from the machinations of the evil one,

so you heal my headaches.

May my prayer be heard.

The prayer itself should be repeated several times, a person in his soul will feel when enough is enough. But its power extends only to those who sincerely believe in God. Those who have not opened their hearts to faith will experience strange sensations, because they turn for help to that power to which they have absolutely no faith.

In some situations, you can also disturb the Guardian Angel with your request, because this intercessor, given by God, each of us has from birth. He will definitely respond to the petition and help to overcome the headache. It is necessary to say such a prayer only if the person’s mood is calm and calm:

My angel, divine guardian,

How do you save me from trouble?

how do you suggest the right way,

so save me from the headache,

servant of God (name).

The request that was addressed to the intercessor must be dictated by the heart. And if, in an individual understanding, a person really wants to change the text itself a little, then there is nothing wrong with that. Because the sweet here is not so much in the word itself, but in faith.

Prayer that enhances the effect of medicines

Prayer for a headache can be revered not only as the only means of healing, but, in most cases, enhances the effect of pharmaceutical drugs that have been prescribed to a person by a doctor. As such a prayer, one can regard the message to the Most Holy Theotokos. After all, a headache is a problem for everyone, it appears due to stressful situations, experiences and the constant struggle between good and evil that occurs in the human soul. In Holy Orthodoxy, there are many ways to ask for help, but a prayer addressed to Mother of God- one of the strongest.

In order for the headache to stop as quickly as possible, the prayer must be read to oneself, sitting comfortably and clearing one’s thoughts of everything sinful, one must read the proposed text several times in a row. If there is such an opportunity, then you can light a wax church candle, because watching the flickering of its flame will help achieve spiritual union with Higher powers. You just need to look at the fire and try not to think of anything but a troubling headache.. And then all the problems will recede, the feeling of irritation and oppressive fatigue will go away.

Before reading a prayer addressed to the Mother of God, it is necessary to read “Our Father” several times, this can be done both at home and at work. And if the illness caught not in a cozy home environment, but at the office table, it is not necessary to have a candle at hand. Confessors recommend memorizing prayers by heart, and then they will relieve a headache without any interference, giving a person a chance to return to normal life. Immediately before reading the prayer itself, it is necessary to say the following phrases:

  • “Holy Mother of God, take away my headache, high blood pressure and strong stake. Amen";
  • “Virgin Mother of God, cleanse me of harmful thoughts and imposed pains. Amen";
  • “Holy Mother of God, reduce the pain in the head and stupidity in the forehead. Amen";
  • “Blessed Virgin Mary, may the headache subside, and faith in Christ not wane. Amen";
  • “Holy Mother of God, protect me from sinful tar and headaches. Amen".

There is no need to list them all, even one will suffice, but coming from the human heart.

Prayer for healing from a headache, addressed to the Baptist John

Saint John was deprived of his head by the order of the well-known Herod, who fancied himself a great king. His image is presented to people in a canonical form - the head of the sufferer, depicted on the faces, suggests an appeal to John the Baptist with a request to relieve a headache. As a penitent preacher, he is often approached in an attempt to find their own repentance. On the Russian lands, the saint was asked not only for the health of the human race, but also sought his favor for crops and fertility, and hives in the apiary were consecrated with his name.

The text of the prayer itself in a modern adaptation looks like this:

“To the Baptist of Christ, preacher of repentance! Do not despise the repentant me, but, conjoining with the howls of heaven, pray to the Lord for me, unworthy, dejected, weak and sad, fallen into many misfortunes, troubled by the stormy thoughts of my mind. I am a den of evil deeds, by no means having an end to sinful custom, nailed for my mind is an earthly thing. What I will create, I do not know. And to whom shall I resort to save my soul? Only to you, Saint John, give the name of grace, as before the Lord, according to the Mother of God, there is more to be born of all; you were honored to touch the top of the King of Christ, who takes away the sins of the world, the Lamb of God, pray for him for my sinful soul, but from now on, at the first hopeful hour, I will bear the burden of good and accept bribes with the latter. To her, the Baptist of Christ, an honest Forerunner, an extreme prophet, the first in the grace of a martyr, mentor of fasting and desert dwellers, purity to a teacher and a close friend of Christ, I pray, I resort to you, do not reject me from your intercession, but raise me up, fallen by many sins, renew my soul with repentance, as if with a second baptism, better than both, thou art the chief, with baptism wash away the ancestral sin, with repentance cleanse anyone from bad deeds. Cleanse me, defiled by sin, and compel me to enter, or else it enters badly, into the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen".

Prayers for the sick, which will help in asking for relief from the pain of relatives and friends

With prayers for a headache in Orthodoxy, they turn not only to the Saints, but also to the Lord Jesus Christ himself:

Troparion, tone 4

“Quick in intercession alone, Christ, soon from above show a visit to your suffering servant and deliver from ailments and bitter illnesses; and raise up in the hedgehog to sing Thee and glorify unceasingly, with the prayers of the Mother of God, the One Lover of Man.

“On the bed of illness, lying and wounded by a mortal wound, as if sometimes you raised up, Savior, Peter's mother-in-law and relaxed on the bed; and now, Mercy, visit and heal the suffering one: You are the only one who bears the ailments and illnesses of our kind and all the mighty, as if You are Many-merciful.

There is also a very strong prayer that will definitely help with chronic migraines and pain that a person has as a result of a traumatic brain injury:

“Lord, the Almighty, the Holy King, punish and not kill, affirm those who fall down and raise up the overthrown, bodily people of sorrow correct, we pray to You, our God, your servant (name), infirm, visit with Your mercy, forgive him every sin, voluntary and involuntary. To her, Lord, send down Your healing power from heaven, touch the body, quench the fire, tame passion and all the infirmity that is hidden, be the doctor of Your servant (name), raise him up from the painful bed and from the bed of embitterment, whole and all-perfect, grant him to Your Church pleasing and doing your will. Yours is, hedgehog to have mercy and save us, our God, and we send glory to You. Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Skepticism or disbelief

Many people treat the power of prayer with extreme caution, because they absolutely do not believe in the possibility of getting rid of a headache in such a non-trivial way. God does not give anyone a guarantee that his prayer will be healing. To recover, you definitely need to believe in what you are doing. A believer lives in the soul of each of the people, it remains only to turn to him with a request.

Thanks for the recovery. In truth miraculous prayer. I suffer from headaches daily. Now it's much easier!

Nowadays, there is not a single person who has not had a headache at least once. Headache almost always returns with renewed vigor, signaling fatigue, overwork, stress and a number of other diseases. Even completely healthy people often suffer from headaches. The reasons are different, but there is a universal solution - a prayer that will help you find grace and ambulance great preacher John the Baptist.

How to read prayers for a headache

Orthodox people make requests to various saints. From pain in the head, they most often turn to John the Baptist. Prayers to this prophet are considered very effective and have strong healing properties. The Baptist of the Lord, while still alive, healed people from diseases, in particular, from headaches. Therefore, it is from St. John that Christians beg for a speedy deliverance from an unbearable migraine.

Prayers for a headache, like all others, should be read sincerely and from the bottom of the heart. The most important thing is to believe that prayer will help you get rid of the disease. If there is an opportunity to visit the temple where the icon of John the Baptist is located, or if you keep the shrine in your house, then it is better to pray in front of the image. If this is not possible, no big deal. The main thing is that the prayer be said correctly and from the bottom of the heart.

Do not forget that in prayers you should ask not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones. In most cases, headaches are hereditary, so start your prayer with a request for the health of your family: parents, children, sisters and brothers.

Before you start praying, you still need to consult a doctor. Sometimes headaches can be a symptom of a more serious illness. But most often the pain in the head is not dangerous and is caused by external stimuli, so the sooner you get rid of it, the better.

Prayers for pain in the head to John the Baptist

First prayer widely known among believers and for the most part it is with the help of her Orthodox people turn to the saint:

“I bow before you, O Saint John! I pray to the King of Heaven, our Lord! I ask you to forgive my mortal sins, for at the hour of my judgment I will give my soul to Heaven. Please don't let me lose heart. I only turn to you with prayers. Hear me and come to my aid, for you are standing in Heaven next to the Lord. I appeal to you with a request, do not leave me unattended, may my prayers be heard. Become my intercessor, save me from the disease. Cleanse my soul, my mind, my body, for I repent for my sins and ask for forgiveness before the Lord. I praise your name, O Holy Healer John, forever and ever. Amen".

John the Baptist with the singing of the troparion and the gospel reading of the beheading of his head

Troparion, tone 2

The memory of the righteous with praises, but the testimony of the Lord is sufficient for you, Forerunner: you showed me truly and the most honest prophets, as if you were worthy to baptize in the streams of the Preaching: having suffered the same for the truth, rejoicing, you announced the good news to those who are in hell of God, manifesting the flesh, who takes away the sin of the world and gives us great mercy.

Prayer one

To the Baptist of Christ, an honest Forerunner, an extreme prophet, the first martyr, mentor of fasters and hermits, a teacher of purity and a close friend of Christ! I pray, and resorting to you, do not reject me from your intercession, do not leave me fallen by many sins; renew my soul with repentance, like a second baptism; cleanse me, the sins of the defiled, and compel me to enter, even though it enters badly, into the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

Prayer two

To the Baptist of Christ, the preacher of repentance, do not despise me who repents, but copulating with your heavenly ones, praying to the Lord for me, unworthy, dull, weak and sad, fallen into many misfortunes, troubled by the stormy thoughts of my mind. I am a den of evil deeds, by no means having an end to sinful custom, nailed for my mind is an earthly thing. What will I create? We don't know. And to whom shall I resort, that my soul may be saved? Only to you, Saint John, give the name of grace, as before the Lord, according to the Theotokos, it is more than all those who were born, you were honored to touch the top of the King of Christ, who takes away the sins of the world, the Lamb of God. Pray for him for my sinful soul, but from now on, at the first ten hours, I will bear the good burden and accept bribes with the latter. To her, the Baptist of Christ, an honest Forerunner, an extreme Prophet, the first martyr in grace, a mentor of fasting and desert dwellers, a teacher of purity and a close friend of Christ! I pray to you, I resort to you: do not reject me from your intercession, but raise me up, overthrown by many sins. Renew my soul with repentance, as if with a second baptism, better than both, thou art the chief: with baptism, wash away the ancestral sin, with repentance, cleanse every bad deed. Cleanse me, defiled with sins, and compel me to enter, or else it enters badly, into the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

Saint Gury of Kazan

Relieves headaches.

Troparion, tone 3

The first teacher of the formerly dark, now bright and newly enlightened city of Kazan, the first herald of the path of salvation, the true guardians of apostolic traditions, the pillars of steadfastness, piety, teacher and Orthodox mentor, Guriy and Barsanuphius, pray to the Lord of all the peace of the universe and grant our souls great mercy.

Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon

Saint Panteleimon, after his baptism, treated the sick free of charge, healing wounds and healing all diseases.

Prayer one

O great saint of Christ and glorious healer, great martyr Panteleimon! Stand with your soul in Heaven before the Throne of God and enjoy His trinitarian glory, but rest in the body and face of the saints on earth in the Divine temples and give various miracles given to you from above, look with your merciful eye on the people ahead, more honest than your icon, tenderly praying and asking for healing from you help and intercession: extend to the Lord our God your warm prayers and ask our souls for forgiveness of sins. Behold, we, for our iniquities, do not dare to raise our eyes to the heights of heaven, lower to raise the voice of prayer to His inaccessible glory in the Godhead, with a contrite heart and a humble spirit to you, an intercessor is merciful to the Master and a prayer book for us, sinners, we call, as you accepted be grace from Him to drive away ailments and heal passions. We ask you: do not despise us, unworthy, praying to you and demanding your help. Be a comforter to us in sorrows, a suffering doctor in sickness, a quick patron who is attacked, a giver of sight who is ill with insight, a pissing and a baby in sorrows, a ready intercessor and healer: proceed to everyone, even useful for salvation, as if by your prayers to the Lord God you received grace and mercy, let us glorify all the good Source and Giver of God, the One in the Trinity of the Holy Glorious Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer two

O most glorious martyr and good warrior of the Heavenly King, Panteleimon all-blessed, the merciful God, the most eminent imitator, having boldly confessed Christ on earth, and having endured manifold torments for Him, unfading received the crown in Heaven, where you enjoy eternal bliss, and with boldness stand before the Throne of the Trisolar Deity ! All of us sinners resort to your Christ-imitating compassion according to Bose, and we wholeheartedly pray to you, our warm intercessor and representative: do not stop looking down on us, who are in need and mournful circumstances, and with your prayerful help and healing power, deliver us forever from fierce evils, all-destruction and all sorts of other troubles and diseases. You have received, holy, the inexhaustible grace of healing from our Savior Jesus Christ for your firm faith in Him, with a pure and undefiled life, sealed by martyrdom and your many-victorious death, in it, according to this grace, and was named from Christ by Panteleimon, the mercy of the namesake, merciful to all who come to you in sorrows and illnesses. For this reason, for the sake of leading you, a merciful helper and healer in everything, we appeal to you with faith: hear us and with your God-pleasing intercession give us everything that is useful in this life and necessary for eternal salvation. With your martyrdom, pray to the merciful God, may He have mercy on us sinners and the unworthy according to His great mercy, may He deliver us from a coward, a flood, fire, a sword and all righteous anger and rebuke, promptly moving us to a cleansing and propitiatory repentance for our sins, for the sake of the multitude His bounty, may it give us all a comfortable, quiet and charitable life, the Orthodox will win and overcome all the enemies, and may all of us from the enemy visible and invisible be preserved by His grace and invincible militia by His Angel, protect and instruct us in this way, let us live in this world in repentance, purity and in the creation of charitable deeds; may we be honored with your warm intercession to improve the Christian death painlessly, peacefully, shamelessly, get rid of the machinations of the airy princes of darkness and eternal torment, and be the heirs of the endless, all-blessed Kingdom. Hey, God's servant! Do not stop praying for us sinners, but by your intercession deliver temporary and eternal troubles, we magnify you, our intercessor and prayer book, and eternally glorify our common Lord and Lord Jesus Christ, He deserves all glory, honor and worship with His Beginningless Father and the Most Holy Spirit , now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer three

Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon, God's merciful imitator! Look with mercy and hear us sinners, praying fervently before your holy icon. Ask us of the Lord God, and with the Angels stand before Him in heaven, the remission of our sins and transgressions. Heal the illnesses of the soul and body of the servants of God, now commemorated, coming here and all Orthodox Christians who flow to your intercession. Behold, we, because of our sin, are afflicted with many ailments and are not imams of help and comfort, but we resort to you, as if we were given the grace to pray for us and heal every ailment and every disease. Grant, therefore, to all of us with your holy prayers, health and well-being of souls and bodies, the advancement of faith and piety, and all that is needed for temporary life and salvation. Yes, yes, having been honored by you with great and rich mercies, let us glorify you and the giver of all blessings, wondrous in the saints, our God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer Four

O great saint of Christ, passion-bearer and merciful doctor, Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, hear my groaning and cry, have mercy on the heavenly, supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, may He grant me healing from the disease that oppresses me. Accept the unworthy prayer of the sinner more than all people. Visit me with a blessed visit. Do not disdain my sinful sores, anoint me with the oil of your mercy and heal me: yes, healthy in soul and body, I can spend the rest of my days, by the grace of God, in repentance and pleasing God and I will be able to perceive the good end of my belly. Hey, God's servant! Pray for Christ God, that by your intercession grant me health to the body and the salvation of my soul. Amen.

Prayer Five

(thanksgiving, after healing from illness)

Holy Great Martyr, Healer and Wonderworker Panteleimon, all-good servant of God and prayer book of Orthodox Christians! You were worthy named Panteleimon, even if you are all-merciful, as if, having received from God the grace to pray for us and heal illnesses, you richly give to everyone who flows to you, various healings and everything for temporary life and salvation: for this we are unworthy, having been honored your mercy, we run to you before your holy icon, and glorifying you, as a sincere saint of God, our faithful prayer book and healer, we sincerely thank you and the giver of all the blessings of the Lord our God about the great blessings, from Him you were to us. Graciously accept this little prayerful thanksgiving of ours, for it is not the imams who otherwise give you according to your property, and the rest of the time of our belly do not deprive us, the weak and sinners, of your help and prayerful intercession with the Lord our God, to whom all glory, thanksgiving and worship is due , to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion, tone 3

Passion-bearing saint and healer Panteleimon, pray to the merciful God, that forgiveness of sins will give our souls.

To his guardian angel, as the guardian and helper of our soul and body

Prayer one

Holy angel of Christ, I pray to you, my holy guardian, devoted to me to keep my sinful soul and body from holy baptism, but with my laziness and my evil habit, I angered your most pure lordship and drove you away from me with all the student’s deeds: lies, slander , envy, condemnation, contempt, disobedience, fraternal hatred and malice, love of money, adultery, rage, stinginess, gluttony without satiety and drunkenness, verbosity, evil thoughts and crafty, proud custom and fornication, having self-desire for all carnal lust, my evil arbitrariness, and the beasts of speechlessness do not create it! Yes, how can you rise up at me, or come to me, like a stinking dog? Whose eyes, Angel of Christ, look at me, entangled in evil in vile deeds? But how can I ask forgiveness for my bitter and evil and crafty deeds, I fall into it all day and night and at every hour? But I pray, falling down, my holy guardian, have mercy on me, your sinful and unworthy servant (name), be my helper and intercessor for the evil of my opponent, with your holy prayers, and make the Kingdom of God a partaker of me with all the saints, always, and now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for a headache will definitely help only a believer.

How to pray correctly

  • with a pure heart. Read the prayer with a pure heart, with boldness (deep faith in the omnipotence of God), but without boldness (confidence in his forgiveness).
  • with the right feelings. The one who prays should be in awe of God. There is no need to seek spiritual pleasure from prayer. Sometimes when reading a prayer, a person may experience heaviness, boredom. There is nothing wrong with that.
  • prayer or in your own words. Prayer composed by the saints is more useful. The Holy Fathers compare it with a tuning fork that tunes the human soul.
  • beginning and end of prayer. Before starting the prayer, be in silence, concentrate. Overshadow yourself with the sign of the cross, read a prayer. Then again overshadow yourself with the sign of the cross. Stay in a prayer position for a short time, comprehending the read prayer.
  • not be distracted while praying. Sometimes while reading a prayer, extraneous thoughts come to mind. Resist such thoughts and be sure to continue the prayer, no matter how hard it is.

Prayer for a headache in a child is the same as for an adult. Therefore, if your baby is sick, prayer will definitely help.

Prayer for a headache to the Virgin

Before reading the prayer, it is necessary to read “Our Father” several times. Learn the prayers or write them down so that you can read them when the illness catches you.

1. Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Blessed Mother of Christ God our Savior, all those who grieve with joy, visiting the sick, the weak cover and intercessor, widows and orphans, the patroness, sad mothers, all-hopeful comforter, weak fortress babies, and all the helpless always ready help and true refuge ! You, O All-Merciful One, have been given grace from the Almighty to intercede and deliver from sorrows and illnesses, for you yourself have endured fierce sorrows and illnesses, looking at the free suffering of Your beloved Son and Him crucified on the cross, seeing, when the weapon of Simeon, the foretold heart of Yours, will pass . The same, O Mother, loving child, stink at the voice of our prayer, comfort us in the sorrows of those who are, as a faithful intercessor of joy: coming to the throne of the Most Holy Trinity, at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God, you can, if you rise, ask all that is useful to us. For this sake, with heartfelt faith and love from the bottom of our hearts, we fall down to You as the Queen and Lady, and we dare to cry out to You in a Psalm way: hear, daughters, and see, and incline Your ear, hear our prayer, and deliver us from the current troubles and sorrows: You are more the petitions of all the faithful, as if grieving joy, you fulfill, and give peace and comfort to their souls. Behold, see our misfortune and sorrow: show us Thy mercy, eat comfort to our wounded sorrow in our heart, show and surprise us sinners with the wealth of Thy mercy, give us tears of repentance to cleanse our sins and satisfy the wrath of God, but with a pure heart, a good conscience and with undoubted hope, we resort to Your intercession and intercession: accept, our all-merciful Lady Theotokos, our fervent prayer offered to You, and do not reject us unworthy from Your mercy, but grant us deliverance from sorrow and illness, protect us from every slander of the enemy and human slander, be our unrelenting helper all the days of our life, as if under Your maternal protection we will always remain goals and save with Your intercession and prayers to Your Son and God our Savior, He deserves all glory, honor and worship, with His beginningless Father and Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever, Amen.

2. A few short prayers:

Holy Mother of God, take away my headache and strong stake, Amen

Holy Mother of God, reduce the pain in the head and stupidity in the forehead, Amen

Most Holy Theotokos, Merciful Intercessor of the human race, Comforter of weeping! Take away my pain, strengthen me in Faith and Love, Amen.

Prayer to John the Baptist

Saint John is called John the Baptist (baptized Jesus Christ) and John the Baptist (came with a sermon before Jesus Christ). He preached a lot, called for repentance. He was beheaded by order of King Herod.

Prayer to John the Baptist for a headache helps believers well. Often, those suffering from severe headaches come to the Moscow monastery, where they read a prayer in front of the image of John the Baptist with a hoop. And the pain goes away.

Baptist of Christ, preacher of repentance, repentant do not despise me, but copulating with your heavenly ones, pray to the Lord for me, unworthy, dejected, weak and sad, fallen into many misfortunes, troubled by the stormy thoughts of my mind. I am a den of evil deeds, by no means have an end to the sinful custom, nailed because my mind is an earthly thing. What will I create? We don't know. And to whom shall I resort, that my soul may be saved? Only to you, Saint John, give the name of grace, as before the Lord, according to the Theotokos, it is more for all of you to be born, for you were honored to touch the top of the King of Christ, who takes away the sins of the world, the Lamb of God. Pray for him for my sinful soul, but from now on, at the first ten hours, I will bear the good burden and accept bribes with the latter. To her, the Baptist of Christ, an honest Forerunner, an extreme Prophet, the first martyr in grace, a mentor of fasting and desert dwellers, a teacher of purity and a close friend of Christ! I pray to you, I resort to you: do not reject me from your intercession, but raise me up, fallen down by many sins. Renew my soul with repentance, as with a second baptism, after both, thou art the chief: with baptism, wash away the ancestral sin, with repentance, cleanse every bad deed. Cleanse me, the sins of the defiled, and let me in, if it does not enter badly, into the Kingdom of Heaven, Amen.

Prayer to Saint Panteleimon

Saint Panteleimon is called the Healer, who heals people with the name of Christ. This young doctor has helped many people. Behind Christian faith he was executed by cutting off his head. But milk flowed instead of blood. They wanted to burn the body, but it did not burn down and the Christians buried it.

Elder Panteleimon, charitable saint! In the name of our God, heavenly father, you asked for universal human health. Hear my humble prayer, I ask for the mercy of the Lord. As the Merciful God delivered us from the machinations of the evil one, so you heal my headaches. May my prayer be heard. Amen!

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

Every person from the day of birth has his own Guardian Angel, given to him by God. Read your intercessor a prayer for a headache and he will definitely help.

1. Angel guarding me. As you save me from all troubles, so deliver me from the pains of my head, a servant of God (your name), Amen

2. My angel, Divine guardian, as you save me from troubles, as you suggest the right paths, so deliver me from the headache, the servant of God (your name), Amen

Prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ

Strong prayer from headaches, helps with chronic pain and migraines.

Master of the Almighty, Holy King, punish and do not kill, affirm descending, raise up the overthrown, bodily people correcting sorrows and, we pray to you, our God, your servant (name), visit the weak with your mercy, forgive him any sin, voluntary and involuntary. To her, Lord, send down Your healing power from heaven, touch the body, quench the fire, tame the passion and all the infirmity that is hidden, be the doctor of Your servant (name), raise him up from the painful bed, and from the bed of embitterment, whole and all-perfect, grant it to Your Church pleasing and doing Your will, for Yours is, hedgehog to have mercy and save us, our God, and we send glory to You. Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever, Amen.

Prayer to the Blessed Mother Matrona

Mother Matrona, shortly before her death, said: “Everyone, everyone, come to me and tell me, as if alive, about your sorrows, I will see you, and hear, and help you.”

Prayer for headaches and dizziness.

O blessed Mother Matrono! Soul in heaven before the Throne of God were coming, rest your body on the earth and exude various miracles given to you from above by Grace! Look now with Your merciful eye on us sinners, in sorrows, illnesses and demonic temptations, our dependent days. Glorified by God, but not glorified by people, console us desperate, heal our fierce ailments, from God to us through our sins allowed, deliver us from many troubles, sorrows and situations and beg our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive us all our sins, iniquities and sins, even from our youth, even to this day and hour, we have sinned, but with your prayers and great mercy we glorify in the Trinity God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever, Amen.

Prayer for high blood pressure and headache

According to believers, this prayer helps well from high pressure, while decreasing blood pressure the headache goes away.

All-merciful to My Lady, Most Holy Lady, All-Pure Virgin, Mother of God Mary, Mother of God, my undoubted and only hope, do not disdain me, do not reject me, do not leave me, do not depart from me, intercede, ask, hear, see, Lady, help Forgive me, forgive me, Holy One!
