Paintings for the interior in a modern style. Features of interior design with paintings

Having decided on the style, you can begin to select materials for the future work:

  1. Paint and canvas.
  2. Cardboard, designer paper, magazine clippings, old photos.
  3. Textile, leather, ribbons, braid.
  4. Glass or crystals.
  5. Buttons.
  6. Dried flowers, shells.

Advice! Do not throw away old children's drawings, shreds of fabric, magazines, decorations– all this can become part of the picture. Keep them in a separate box, periodically reviewing and arranging among themselves.

We draw with paints

The easiest way to create an original painting for the interior with your own hands is to paint it. The theme is limited only by the imagination of the creator. Even in the absence of artistic skills, a masterpiece can turn out: use abstract techniques, study master classes and photos of finished works.

oil, watercolor, acrylic paints will become faithful assistants in creating a picture for the interior. As a basis, you can use both a professional canvas and plain thick paper or a primed board.

Advice! Inspiration can be drawn from nature if there are picturesque places near the house. If you are not lucky with the place or the weather, feel free to draw your household, pets, fruit compositions - whatever. The accuracy of reproducing reality does not play any role, the main thing is to approach the process with a soul.

Modular paintings are suitable for almost any room: from cuisine before living room, but it is important to select appropriate images. If you don’t have time at all to create a masterpiece with your own hands, then we have for you good news- today you can buy them in any specialized store!

Photo printing

The technical side of the issue is taken over by a photo workshop, which can print a suitable image on almost any basis: canvas, paper, ceramics, etc. These can be ordinary posters with picture interesting places, people, ornaments.

Advice! The poster is not just a picture, it must carry a certain idea, match the interior, the theme of the room and the character of the owners of the house. Recently, pin-up and retro posters have gained particular popularity.

If the poster is large, you can divide the image into several segments and, when combined into a single canvas, beat the joints, making it look like a modular picture.

If there is a child in the house, then you can scan his drawings and, choosing the right ones in color, shape,. A photo of the artist himself can complement such a poster. It remains only to print the poster and place it in a frame that matches the color and style.

Collage of old and new family photos can be hung as a picture in the bedroom or living room, and posters with the image of the relevant paraphernalia, fruits, are suitable for the kitchen. Finally, it is worth noting that it is recommended to choose posters and panels for the kitchen in rich and bright colors, however, no one forbids you to go against the rules and create stylish ones.


From all kinds of shreds, fabrics with a beautiful ornament, ribbons, braid or lace, you can create real masterpieces in patchwork style with your own hands. Fabric paintings are most often made using the appliqué technique. Dense textiles with a discreet and inconspicuous ornament (stripes, polka dots, etc.) are taken as the basis, and the main elements are cut out of bright shreds.

Most often, kitchens and nurseries are decorated with textile works, since these rooms are characterized by a certain simplicity that is present in the application.

Advice! From felt, flannel and other fabrics that hold their shape well, you can cut fruits, animals, cars, houses. You can safely combine various textures and patterns on fabrics, use braid, decorative cord, buttons for decoration. For the living room, you can make a textile picture of wrinkled silk with abstract patterns.

From buttons

With their help, you can create original things by sewing or appliqué. Often this type of fittings is used to depict leaves on trees. Buttons can be originally glued inside any contour, for example, a silhouette butterflies or cats. In sewing stores, you can pick up details of various shapes, colors and materials and lay them out like a mosaic, according to a pre-prepared pattern. Such works of buttons will fit perfectly into the kitchen, however, they can be used for the living room and bedroom.

Advice! Buttons can be glued around the perimeter of the picture frame, giving it a personality.

Wallpaper and panels

Often large pieces remain after repair beautiful wallpapers, which are useful for the manufacture of unusual interior paintings.

  1. Framed wallpaper is the easiest option to create something like this. panel. A piece of the desired shape is cut out of the roll and placed in the frame. Moreover, the ornament may coincide with the pattern on the walls or differ from it. Such elements can go in a row of 2-3 pieces.
  2. Golden paint and a stencil or small black-and-white photos stylized antique will help to revive a boring canvas in a frame. Such pictures from the wallpaper will fit perfectly into

Today, everyone can use paintings as decor elements of their own homes. Once upon a time, such jewelry was considered a sign of luxury, and only wealthy people could afford them. Over time, it became possible not only to purchase original copies belonging to the great masters, but also their less expensive copies, works by little-known artists and all kinds of glossy posters.

In order for the canvas to organically fit into the decor of the room, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of design art before buying. On the Internet, there are a huge number of photos of various paintings for the interior, and this article will help you make the right choice, taking into account all the nuances.

General principles for choosing paintings for the interior

In the world of design, there are certain rules that help create harmonious combination pictures with the general situation of the room. The most basic ones are listed below.

Rule number 1. Style. When choosing a picture, you must adhere to general style decoration of the premises.

Rule number 2. Color. A room dominated by rich, saturated colors needs calm painting, and bright accents will look good on walls of neutral tones. If it turned out that the shade of the canvas matches the shade of the wall on which it hangs, then this can be corrected with the help of a contrasting frame. It is also important to know that dark shades help to visually reduce the space, and light ones help to increase it.

Rule number 3. Size. In a room with high ceilings, large portraits arranged vertically look harmonious. Pictures arranged horizontally are used more widely, and are suitable even for standard apartments. It should be borne in mind that small rooms should not be overloaded with decorative elements, because this helps to reduce space.

Rule number 4. Placement. The picture is best placed on the wall so that its central point is at eye level.

Rule number 5. Plot. Choosing an image is the same as choosing future emotions. After all, every time you look at the acquired work of art, certain feelings will be experienced.

Modern paintings for the interior

Particular attention should be paid modern options paintings that can organically fit into any trendy interior. Vivid examples here are modular paintings, abstract canvases and democratic posters.

A modular picture is an image divided into several segments. Such canvases can decorate not only residential premises, but also office buildings. They help to create a very stylish interior, adding a touch of novelty and originality to it.

For each picture, the number of fragments, their position in space and size are absolutely individual. The theme can be anything, but basically, these are abstract motifs, nature, animals, as well as urban landscapes.

Abstraction is considered a unique direction in painting. Its main goal is to develop the imagination of a person, causing a variety of associations. Such canvases depict not familiar objects, but various color combinations in combination with fantasy or geometric shapes.

Abstract images will be a great solution for modern interiors decorated in a minimalist style, as well as in high-tech and modernist styles. They are able to create a unique creative atmosphere in the room, to become fashionable design "chips".

When placing abstraction, it must be borne in mind that wallpaper with patterns will put it at a disadvantage, creating the impression of bad taste, but plain wall fit perfectly.

All kinds of posters can also serve as a wonderful decoration of the room. They differ from traditional paintings in that they are produced by the printing industry rather than individual artists.

Posters are suitable for any modern interior. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they are able to reflect the personality of the owner of the premises, his worldview, tastes and hobbies. The poster may look like an art poster that depicts graphic drawing or text, or it can be in the form of a photo.

It is important to remember that no matter which version of the image is chosen, the main thing is that the picture as a whole is in harmony with the decor of the room.

Living room interior: how to choose the right picture

It is known that the living room is intended for receiving guests, celebrating important events and communicating with family members. Therefore, it needs a special design approach. In such rooms, paintings are appropriate, which depict urban and rural landscapes, portraits of people, flower arrangements, as well as all kinds of birds and animals.

For interior in classical style suitable traditional painting. High-tech and modernism welcome abstraction. The interior is in pop art style, goes well with a variety of posters.

In order for the canvas above the sofa to look organic, you should not be mistaken with the choice of size. One to two is perfect ratio the width of the picture and the back of the sofa, and one to three - best option free space for two or three works of art.

If there is a desire to create a sense of dynamism in the room, then the canvases should be hung asymmetrically to each other. Conversely, paintings arranged symmetrically give the impression of stability and adherence to tradition.

Also, stylish monochrome paintings of the same size can give some rigor to the interior. And frames similar in color and material contribute to the creation of a harmonious interior.

Kitchen interior: how to combine decor elements

For the kitchen, you can safely buy inexpensive paintings, because decor elements in such rooms are more often exposed to adverse effects than in other rooms and therefore quickly become unusable. It is best to place art specimens under glass - this will help protect them from negative consequences.

To give the interior a complete image, a competent combination of the color palette of the room with shades of decor elements will help. For example, monochrome paintings look organically in a room dominated by cold shades. The Provence style is characterized by painting, in which there are shades of yellow. Minimalism is in dire need of bright accents.

In the kitchen, you can also hang pictures created by yourself. After all, this trend is now very relevant, because Hand Made has become very popular.

Bedroom Design: Interesting Design Ideas

The main purpose of the bedroom is to give a person the opportunity to relax. Therefore, when choosing a picture, it is best to give preference to the image that, in your opinion, will allow you to better feel the atmosphere of home comfort, tranquility and well-being.

Choosing canvases depicting wildlife is usually always a win-win option, because calm rivers and streams, brooding forests and majestic mountains help create a peaceful atmosphere in the room.

However, if the mood requires romance, then exotic birds flying through the blue sky are quite suitable for this occasion. It is also worth noting that in the interior of the bedroom, muted shades help to better relax and rejuvenate.

Thus, knowing all the nuances, it will be much easier to buy a painting for the interior.

Photo paintings for the interior

Decorating the interior of your own home with paintings is a common trend for our time. Previously, such decoration of the house could be afforded mainly by the wealthy segments of society, and at the same time, original copies of eminent artists were used. The development of technology gave contemporaries a chance to widely use a variety of paintings in the interior of an apartment, without being the owner of an impressive fortune.

General principles for decorating housing with paintings

A diverse range of products offered makes it possible to create harmonious interior in the apartment, emphasizing the dignity of housing and skillfully disguising the shortcomings. Consumers can choose from photo art, print images on glass or canvas. Classical works written in oil also do not lose their relevance. The key task remains the choice of paintings, appropriate general rules interior design of the apartment.

If you have a difficult decision on the design of a room made in a classical style, you should familiarize yourself with the works of artists in galleries, museums and exhibitions, study albums of paintings. New impressions will help you decide on your favorite technique, direction and genre, suitable for the interior of the apartment. In the future, if you wish, you can buy reproductions of paintings by classics or order a copy.

When choosing paintings for the interior of an apartment, it is important to adhere to the principles of design art:

Advice ! It is preferable to place the paintings on the wall, protected from direct sunlight.

Living room interior

The central place in any apartment is occupied by the living room. A room designed to meet friends, communicate with family and receive guests requires a special design approach. The paintings in the living room will allow you to create an original interior filled with comfort and grace. The tasks assigned to the paintings differ in their focus, but ultimately they are designed to create a harmonious environment and evoke positive emotions from being in the living room. In an effort to create a dynamic image, blue and blue shades, which are responsible for activating life flows, will help. In addition to color, the plot and location of the painting are important in the interior of the living room.

When placing the canvas over the sofa, it is important to choose the right size. The optimal ratio in the interior of the width of the frame and the back of the furniture is 1:2. If there are two or three paintings, the free space is 1/3 of the size of the sofa.

In the living room, images of animals and birds, urban and rural landscapes are appropriate. For a high-tech or minimalist interior, abstractions are suitable. Classics welcomes traditional oil painting on canvas. Cherry and brown tones in the interior are combined with Renaissance or Renaissance paintings. Seascapes are appropriate on light walls.

What other techniques will allow you to create a dynamic or restrained atmosphere in the apartment? Let's take a closer look at all the tricks of design art:

  • The effect of stability and fidelity to traditions will be created by symmetrically arranged canvases. Black and white photographs or monochrome paintings will especially enhance the impression of the severity of the interior. The same size will form a business environment more suitable for the office.
  • Pictures hung asymmetrically bring a sense of dynamism to the interior of the apartment.
  • If there is free space, several large images are placed at a sufficient distance from each other in an asymmetric position. This will allow you to perceive separately each work of art.
  • Regardless of the number and size of images, the same frames contribute to the creation of a holistic image.
  • Paintings do an excellent job of structuring the room. The central location will emphasize the symmetry of the design in the interior of the apartment, and, if necessary, indicate the zoning of space.

The creative inclinations of the hostess will allow the embroidered paintings to be displayed in the interior of the apartment. There are many options for ideas - it can be cross-stitch or satin stitch, recently beaded paintings have been especially popular. Individuality and originality in this case is provided one hundred percent.

Design solutions in the bedroom

For a corner in an apartment intended for a night's rest, it is preferable to choose paintings that can enhance the atmosphere of comfort, coziness and tranquility. Trust your inner feelings, let them materialize in painting. Love flowers - give preference to images of the landscape in the interior of the apartment, admire the majesty of water flows - this theme will fill the bedroom positive energy. However, the presence in the interior of paintings that focus on water requires special care when choosing:

  • To attract financial flows images of calm rivers and streams are welcome. It is better to refuse seething waterfalls and powerful whirlpools in the bedroom.
  • A majestic sailboat against the backdrop of a clear sky and white clouds, swinging on the endless water surface, will cause peace and tranquility. Contemplation of works of art evokes pleasant travel dreams and at the same time helps to visually increase the interior space of the apartment.
  • The storyline in the picture with raging waves, hanging dark clouds and a ship fighting the elements provokes an injection of negative emotions, feelings of anxiety and makes it impossible to relax after a busy day in your own apartment.

A few more nuances that should be considered when choosing paintings for the interior of a bedroom in an apartment:

  • canvases with pastoral motifs or an image of a forest will help to create a peaceful atmosphere;
  • soft pastel colors provide comfort and coziness in the apartment;
  • clear sky with exotic birds in the picture will bring a romantic touch to the interior of the bedroom;
  • Paintings depicting couples in love, portraits, made mainly in black and white, will help to complement the art deco style.
  • The finished composition of the interior of the apartment will be given by paintings, where the color prevails, combined with the rest of the decor elements - curtains, pillows or bedspreads.

If you are not a supporter of the classical approach to interior design, paintings made in different genres contribute to the realization fresh ideas in design. The desire to emphasize the individuality of the interior in the house will help paintings in the style of kanzashi. The essence of the creative direction lies in the implementation flower arrangements using ribbons and decorating them with beads. DIY decor always remains at the peak of popularity, allowing the hostess to show off her talents and amaze the guests of the apartment with exquisite taste.

Options for decorating the kitchen and hallway

The paintings selected for the interior of the kitchen should not have historical value and should be considered excessively expensive items. Still, in the living room of an apartment, decoration elements become unusable faster, so it is better to replace them with a fresh sample in a timely manner than to admire a spoiled product. Oil paintings on canvas are best placed under glass. Depending on the interior of the kitchen, the paintings are selected taking into account the following rules:

  • the predominance of cold and metallic shades is combined with a black and white image;
  • having a Provence-style kitchen in the apartment, give preference to paintings in yellow;
  • minimalism in the interior welcomes bright paintings that can become the leading accent in the room;
  • the combination of the color content of the image with the elements of the apartment's furnishings (chairs, ceiling, curtains) will form a complete image.

Advice ! If the kitchen smoothly flows into the hallway, the paintings for the interior in this part of the apartment are selected in one theme.

The kitchen in the apartment is a great place to unleash the creative potential of the hostess. There are many directions for decorating paintings for the interior. with my own hands. Panels are distinguished by originality, for the manufacture of which coffee beans, various cereals, cinnamon, beans and pumpkin seeds. To create a masterpiece in the apartment, you will need to cut out the cardboard to the required frame size, cover it with a cloth or process it with wallpaper and form a picture. Having achieved a harmonious arrangement of the elements, you can begin to fix them with glue.

An installation for an apartment made of cutlery will allow you to show ingenuity. cold metal will organically fit into a strict high-tech style interior. In the manufacturing process, care should be taken to securely fasten the components of the picture. To do this, you will need to purchase a gun with silicone glue in the apartment. It is also useful for mosaic paintings. The main elements suitable for the interior of the kitchen are glass and broken tiles, eggshell and rhinestones. Tinting individual details, you can create a kind of decoration for the interior of the apartment, filling it with warmth and comfort. Ideas may not come immediately, accumulate impressions, collect bit by bit the details you like. Over time, this will transform into a harmonious image for the apartment.

Even a typical interior will become creative if unusual decorative elements are added to it. Paintings - stylish decoration walls that can emphasize strengths design, change the visual perception of space, create perspective or bright accent. Images placed in frames can be large, small, have a complex configuration and different stylistic plots. Recently, modular paintings, consisting of several segments, have come into fashion. Handmade canvases are also popular, as handemade is now valued quite highly. In elite apartments, designer paintings are used - expensive, unique interior decorations. Modern painting is not limited to oil and canvas. To create, you can use a wide variety of materials: from buttons to sand. The main thing in this business is inspiration. Consider a series of master classes on creating unusual paintings for the interior.

sand paintings

To create sand paintings, you can use both the artist's own talent and templates.

For work you will need:

  • Colored sand (can be purchased at art stores);
  • PVA glue;
  • A sheet of thick cardboard;
  • Marker and template;
  • Glue brush (bristle).

Begin work by transferring the outline of the image to a sheet of cardboard. The template is applied to paper and outlined with a marker. Then the individual parts of the image, which should be painted in one color, are smeared with glue. The future picture is sprinkled with sand, the excess of which is whisked back into the container. Now you need to wait until the glue dries and you can take on the next fragments of the picture. Consistently sand "paint over" the entire canvas completely. So that the image does not crumble over time, it is covered with a layer of transparent varnish. Sand paintings look unusual and creative. Craft stores sell whole sets in which you can find tools, a template, and cardboard canvas. This decor is ideal for decorating a children's room or kitchen, if the plot is centered on a juicy still life or a picturesque landscape.

Creating sand paintings is considered a rather complicated technique. The higher the clarity of the image, the more colors you will have to use and the smaller the individual details will be.

From felt - felting technique

Craftswomen using the felting technique create genuine masterpieces of needlework with their own hands: cute little animals with beady eyes, original dolls and bright, colorful paintings, which exude homely warmth and comfort. Wool is the main material in this kind of creativity. It is rolled in two ways:

  • Wet felting. The paintings are flat, like painted canvases.
  • Dry felting. The pictures are more voluminous, fluffy, a slight 3D effect is created.

To work with wool, you will need a special needle for felting. First, a sketch of the image is applied to the canvas. It is gradually filled with shreds of wool of different colors, which are then tangled and compacted with a needle.

Thread drawing

Thread drawing is a type of needlework that includes many techniques. Pictures can be knitted and glued to the canvas, embroidered, created from pieces of wool, which are simply applied to the canvas, and then pressed down tightly with glass. Relatively recently, another unusual technique has appeared, which has not yet received an “official” name. The thread is dipped in watercolor paint, and then gently applied to a clean sheet of paper. You need to arrange intricately with bends and loops. After that, the future picture is covered with a second sheet of paper, pressed down with something heavy. Now you need to pull the ends and sharply pull the thread out of the two-layer structure. In addition to the main outline, it will leave blurry marks on paper. In a similar technique, it is recommended to draw flowers or abstractions, that is, fuzzy images. Such decor will look original in high-tech, minimalism, loft styles.

Gluing technique

One of the simple but time-consuming options for drawing with threads is flocking. To work in this technique you will need PVA glue, paper base, scissors and colorful yarn. First, the sketch of the image is transferred to cardboard. Then the yarn is cut into small pieces. Separate fragments of the pattern are coated with PVA glue and sprinkled with crushed threads. The work is somewhat similar to creating paintings from sand, instead of which yarn is used. The result is an interesting beautiful decor that can decorate any room.

With nails and thread

A panel of nails and threads without a template can only be made by a person with a certain talent as an artist who can subtly convey shades and halftones. If the desire is great, but the skill is not enough, then you will have to pick up simple pictures that will be samples. The basis is a wooden plank or a sheet of foam. If desired, it is covered with leather or plain fabric to give the background the desired shade. Small carnations are driven into the board at an equal distance from each other. They are then used as pegs to hook the threads to. If the drawing is simple and repeats only the contours of the object, then the carnations are driven in along the edge of the image. If you need to create a complex picture with numerous small details, then the entire canvas is dotted with pegs. The more turns of thread that are made, the more "filled" the element will look. You don't need to tie knots every time. The main thing is that the thread is pulled tight, without sagging, and only the ends are fixed. It is better to use yarn for knitting, it is considered the most durable. The “voids” inside the picture are filled with numerous intersections of threads that “meet” each other at different angles.

Pictures from buttons, coins, beads and beads

Buttons and coins usually fill only the accent areas of the picture. For example, the background is painted with paints and a brush, and a bouquet of flowers is made voluminous, convex. Buttons are fastened with threads, and coins are glued or hooked to rings that are threaded into pre-drilled holes. Often these materials are combined with ribbons, beads and glass beads. If the picture is completely filled with buttons, then they must be carefully selected by color. Beads are embroidered on fabric. For work, a hoop, a needle and fishing line are used. This is the same painstaking work as embroidery with threads. It will take a lot of time to create a small canvas. However, the drawing shimmering in the light will be a worthy reward for the master. Using a similar technique, "diamond" embroidery is performed. Only pebbles are not sewn on, but glued to a sticky base, on which a pattern has already been applied. By the way, for beginners, special fabrics with sketches are sold to make it easier to embroider with beads. Coins in the image are decorated mainly with lush crowns of trees and fish scales.

Pictures from fabric and lace

Fabric paintings are created flat and voluminous. For the first option (application), soft felt or multi-colored patches of velvet, velor, polyester, silk are used. A drawing is transferred to the base, which is subsequently filled with shreds. Fix them with glue. To create patchwork-style paintings, a base is not needed. The canvas is sewn from shreds, and then fixed directly to the wall. Such a cozy decor will suit the style of fusion, country, Provence. It is much more difficult and more interesting to create three-dimensional paintings. Craftsmen work in the technique of kinusaiga, oshie, wet cloth and sew fantastic flowers from silk ribbons. For the first method you will need:

  • Foam base;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Pencil;
  • Scraps of fabrics;
  • PVA glue;
  • Tassel.

Work in the kinusaiga technique begins with drawing a sketch on a foam base. Then the contours of the parts are cut with a clerical knife. The depth of the incision is approximately 1-2 cm. Separate fragments, previously lubricated with glue, are applied with tissue shreds, which are pre-cut under desired shape with stocks. Now a piece of fabric is pressed into the incisions, thus masking the edges. The oshie technique is much more complicated. First, the image is applied to a sheet of paper, then it is cut into separate fragments. They are pasted over with foam rubber, and then with a cloth. On the basis of the drawing, they are “assembled” again into a single composition.

To work in the wet cloth technique, you will need a large piece of textile, glue, paints, and a brush. First, dilute the glue in a container. Then the fabric is dipped into it, carefully impregnated with the composition. After that, the textiles are applied to the base, crushing and creating random folds. When the fabric dries, paint on it. Urban panoramas with voluminous clouds, seascapes with relief waves, picturesque forests with textured tree crowns will look original and unusually beautiful. Lace patterns are flat. Usually they do not have a clear plot, only a set of flowers or snowflakes. Works made of white lace, which is pasted on a black background, will look stylish and contrasting.

Modular wallpapers from wallpaper

Modular wallpaper paintings are made according to a simple algorithm. First you need to get a plywood base for each segment of the future composition or ordinary blank canvases with stretchers. Then the wallpaper is cut into pieces of the desired size (always with margins for wrapping the edges). You can fix them on the basis with wallpaper glue or paper clips. In the first case, the entire canvas is necessarily smeared, and the glued paper is carefully leveled so that tubercles do not form from the air. By the way, they use not only wallpaper, but also fabric. A triptych or quadriptych will look stylish, in which modules with an unobtrusive ornament and bright, juicy plots alternate. Such paintings will organically merge into the modern design of the kitchen, bedroom or living room.

Segments of modular paintings should be united by a common plot. If wallpaper is used, then the composition will turn out to be abstract. In this situation, you need to combine shades and patterns.

Leather as a material for creativity

Magnificent three-dimensional paintings with floral motifs are created from leather. To work with the material you will need:

  • Scissors;
  • Glue gun;
  • Tweezers;
  • Paraffin candle;
  • Templates.

First, patterns are drawn around the contours on a piece of skin. Then they are cut out and a candle is lit. Each piece is brought to the fire in such a way that only the edges are heated. Under the influence of temperature, they will slightly bend inward, shrink and form a petal. They are collected in buds and fastened with glue. Finished flowers are placed on a base covered with burlap. The leaves are simply crushed by hand along the "veins" to give them volume and glued in this form to the canvas.

Draw with a can of paint and plants

Among designers, this method is called spray paint art or the "quick drawing" technique. For work, they use spray paints, a sheet of paper, stencils (mostly improvised means), scrapers, sharp metal sticks. The image is applied in several layers, mixing colors along the way with the help of tools. The most popular theme for spray paint art is space. Fantastic, slightly abstract landscapes of distant planets are easy to create by mixing colors that form unusual “swirls” and overflows. To create vegetable drawing, use real twigs, stems with leaves and flowers. They act as stencils. First, separate areas are painted over with the color in which the plants will be painted. Then they are applied to the canvas and background paint is sprayed on top.

When doing this, be sure to use a respirator. The artist will inevitably inhale microparticles of paint, which can harm the respiratory system.

Other interesting ideas for creating paintings

Design paintings are made using the quilling technique, from coffee beans and cereals, from bouquets of dried flowers, flour, multi-colored glasses, twine, matches, pieces ceramic tiles and even soft toys. The last method is original. The teddy bear is floured on the front and then the toy is pressed against the black canvas. Flour dust crumbles, leaving a "cast" of the bear cub. Fix the image with varnish. From an eggshell, you can make a picture using the mosaic technique: it is glued to the canvas and then painted. This material perfectly imitates the texture of reptile skin. From cigar bows, connoisseurs of tobacco products create wonderful surreal canvases. Pictures are bright and contrasting. Cigar bows are glued to the base.

To make an airy, smoky tulle image, you have to work hard. The material must be folded in such a way that blurry contours of the image are obtained. Then the tulle is ironed so that it "melts" to the base, but does not burn out. Luxurious in this technique, portraits are obtained that will decorate the decoration of any home. Pictures from spare parts (bicycle chains, old batteries, bolts, wrenches, chips) are suitable only for modern styles, steampunk, futurism. Paintings from butterfly wings look completely different in the interior. Delicate, soft plots are made of fragile material, which is subsequently painted. The technique was created by our compatriot Vadim Zaritsky. In his studio, the experimental artist creates genuine masterpieces.

For another original "recipe" for creating a picture, use sparklers, a template with a small animal, water with citric acid, a spray gun and a sheet of plywood painted with white paint for internal works. Liquid is sprayed on the base and abstract lines are drawn with a brush. After the plywood dries, animal silhouettes are applied. Then sparklers are set on fire and carefully arranged in a row on the base while they are still burning. You will get an original “pattern” with tree branches and white silhouettes of animals. Making an engraving using the scratching technique with your own hands is quite simple. Melted paraffin is applied to a white canvas. After it hardens, the surface is painted black. Then, a drawing is “scratched” on it with a sharp needle. Animals are best obtained in this technique, because you can get high detail and “draw” every hair.


It is not enough to create a picture, it still needs to be properly positioned so that the image attracts attention to itself, but does not suppress other decorative elements in the interior. Use a contrasting combination of the background (wall) and the plot of the canvas. If the wallpaper is colorful with bright ornaments, then the picture is done in soothing shades. When the wall covering is plain, faded, bright scenes with rich colors are used. When placing a whole group of paintings, there is no need for additional decor.

Modern paintings in the interior of the apartment can be seen in almost every dwelling, regardless of the preferences and level of prosperity of its inhabitants. All because stylish decor it is impossible to imagine without this design element.

It can be stylish work in pastel colors, which practically do not stand out against the general background, and nevertheless - give the room an exquisite zest. And there may be bright creative works that can make even the walls of an office decorated in cold colors stylish and interesting.

Contemporary art involves a huge variety of directions, solutions and designs, which means that there is plenty to choose from. This applies to any room in the apartment, from the living room to the hallway. Paintings can and should be purchased for decoration of residential premises. This is also required modern tendencies. Today, not a single fashionable interior is complete without a picture that complements the general mood of the room.

What to choose: classic or creative

Artistic works can be bought literally anywhere, at fairs, markets, exhibitions, on the Internet, or you can order a work directly from the artist. Choose paintings in rich colors for the kitchen, or black and white masterpieces for the hallway, living room or office.. From magnificent offers, eyes literally run up, but it is far from always possible to buy exactly the option that will fit perfectly into the interior, which means that its inhabitants will like it.

First of all, you have to decide on the style of work. It could be:

  • classic;
  • modern trends;
  • a photo.

If you want to purchase not only a beautiful, but also a fashionable picture for the kitchen or bedroom, choose the classics. The main thing in choosing should be guided by the overall decor of the room.

Creative canvases are not always bright colors and unusual shapes.

Therefore, if there are enough elegant things in the room, and general design does not involve any unexpected solutions, then a classic landscape or still life is exactly what you need. Often such solutions are used for the office. If the colors are soft - then for the bedroom.

Modernism, abstractionism, pop art or hi-tech in images are suitable for stylish rooms decorated in such directions. In this case, the main task is the choice of colors and the nature of the decor. Such works can look great both in the kitchen and in the bedroom. The main thing is to choose the optimal combination with the general background of the room. But in general, such paintings or posters can make the room more interesting.

Another plus of the modern style is that you can look at such a picture for hours, which is very useful for the psyche. But with motives where there are clear black and white colors, you need to be careful.

The walls of the room can also be decorated with modern photos, which in their execution will compete with the paintings of the best artists. Technological progress allows you to make literally anything from photography, and there are a lot of such works on the art market. Fashionable and creative solutions are black and white photos, which can look great in the bedroom, living room, kitchen or hallway. They are also used for office decoration.

What painting to choose for the bedroom

There are several rules that must be used when choosing pieces for bedroom decor:

  • you should never choose paintings that depict a storm or a hurricane, they subconsciously evoke a feeling of anxiety, for a bedroom this is a losing option. As a result, it is impossible to fall asleep after contemplating such a picture; they cannot be hung over the bed either;
  • you need to carefully choose bright pictures in modern style. Not all neon shades will calm the psyche before going to bed. Black and white colors also do not always stimulate a good mood.

Ideal options for bedroom decor are floral motifs, calm landscapes in light, smoky shades.. For a children's bedroom, it is preferable to choose motifs with cute characters sleeping or getting ready for bed.

It must be remembered that all bedrooms are designed for relaxation. And no matter how much you want to bring creative and bright notes to the rooms, this should be done with extreme caution.

Living room decor

For living room decor, there are many more options. Everything will depend on the style of the living room. If it's minimalism, then black and white will do. stylish photos in a metal frame. If the classic prevails in the living room, you should give preference to the Art Nouveau style, which is universal for almost any occasion.

And do not be afraid to choose large paintings for the living room. They can be placed between the branches of a furniture set, above a coffee table, TV or on a free wall. In the latter case, a huge picture can completely fill the feeling of emptiness in the living room if the room is large and there is not much furniture in it.

If the classic direction prevails in the living room, you should give preference to the Art Nouveau style, which is universal for almost any occasion.

Wall decor in the hallway and kitchen

For the kitchen, buying a suitable picture is the easiest way. A win-win option is “edible” motives. A classic still life depicting fruits and vegetables, photos of food in any form, including black and white photos of old dishes, which is very fashionable today. The masters of the Flemish school of the seventeenth century were especially successful in still lifes; hanging such a still life in the kitchen, you can immediately pass for a connoisseur of fine art.

In the kitchen, you can use any colors and shades. Moreover, usually the kitchen is not decorated very brightly. So, the paintings will not be superfluous at all in a restrained interior. For the kitchen, it is better to choose a lot of small paintings made in the same style and color scheme.

As for the hallway, in this part of the apartment you do not need to get carried away with bright colors. If they are used in the work, then there should not be many of them. You should not choose paintings with complex motifs; no one stays in the hallway for a long time. The ideal option would be, again, black and white photo medium sizes.

It is better to choose horizontal paintings for the hallway, they visually expand the space.

These can be photos of cityscapes in an urban style and restrained colors. In the hallway, the backlit photo option will look great. This will simultaneously bring additional lighting to the room.

Fashionable options for the office

It is customary to decorate the walls of the office with paintings in a restrained style. Most often, stylish landscapes of modern cities, marine motifs are suitable for the office, but it must be a calm sea, or fields and steppes. Popular plots for the office are images of mountains, preferably snowy ones.

The office is one of the few rooms where it is appropriate to use motifs with large quantity black shades.

Certainly, modern office it is hard to imagine without a picture in the style of pop art or hi-tech with their restraint and saturation at the same time. When necessary, such works can attract the eye and soothe, although they look quite unobtrusive in the interior.

fashion poster design

The paintings, divided into two or more parts, became quite popular. They may have different sizes and shapes, or - all parts are the same. The main thing is that they are made in the same style and color scheme. This solution looks both unusual and elegant. It is advantageous that the paintings, divided into sections, will look equally elegant in both spacious and small rooms. Thus, in small room can be placed great work, and it will not be out of place due to its impressive size.

Pictures divided into sections will look equally elegant in both spacious and small rooms.

Also popular are paintings made of various materials, such as stones, lace, feathers, metal, sand, etc., they look both fascinating and very stylish at the same time, I want to consider their detailing. Especially if you correctly combine interesting textures in the picture with those that can be seen in other decorative elements.

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