Making unusual curtains is easy and simple: ideas, photos. Original do-it-yourself curtains for the kitchen (54 photos) - an exclusive in interior design do-it-yourself filament and ribbon curtains

Textile decoration of each individual room has its own characteristics. Beautiful curtains in the bedroom should perform a practical function - darken the room, preventing the sun's rays from disturbing the usual sleep pattern.

Sewing curtains for the bedroom with your own hands allows you to combine these two qualities to the extent that meets the needs of the owners and their individual preferences. This room is not intended for prying eyes, here you can implement your own ideas without regard to someone else's opinion, ignore the aggressively advertised samples of sewing curtains for the bedroom and embody your own unique design.

The created atmosphere is designed to have a rest, as well as create a romantic mood. The basis for the decor can be any style you like:

  • classic is suitable for adherents of stability and constancy;
  • modern, high-tech will suit those who like modern conciseness combined with practicality;
  • ethnic or oriental is appropriate in the bedroom of exotic lovers, travelers;
  • country and Provence styles will bring nostalgic notes to village life;
  • vintage will delight fans of antiquity.

The division into styles is conditional, you can create a unique atmosphere with your own hands, borrowing original ideas from professionals.

Where to begin?

The first thing with which tailoring curtains for the bedroom begins is making a decision and releasing doubts. This process is within the power of everyone: even those who did not hold a needle and thread in their hands can sew straight curtains. Complex patterns require familiarity with sewing techniques, but they are also available for self-implementation: skills are acquired in the process of work.

The second step is the choice of product model and cornice. If the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe desired sample has not been formed, then you can peep the options from friends or on the network, at the same time copying the instructions for sewing curtains for the bedroom with your own hands with patterns. The choice of product model depends on the method of its attachment to the cornice: on hinges, clothespins, rings or eyelets. Perhaps you should start by changing the cornice - hang a beautiful modern piece.

The third step is to determine the color and texture of the fabric. The color of the material can be in tone with the rest of the textiles, walls, or, conversely, contrasting. It is important to remember the rules:

  • the design usually does not use more than three primary colors;
  • calm pastel colors are more acceptable in the bedroom;
  • the color of the curtains should not be the same shade with the walls;
  • a large pattern on the walls suggests plain curtains, and the monotonous decoration of the room will be decorated with colorful textiles.

But the best part about decorating a bedroom is that you can break the rules by following your own creative intuition. According to the texture, it is better to prefer an opaque fabric with 100% blackout or sew curtains in the bedroom with a lining. The choice of material is limited only by financial possibilities.

The bedroom will be decorated:

  • silk;
  • velvet;
  • curtain fabric;
  • polyester;
  • atlas;
  • cotton;
  • batiste.

Of these types, it is more convenient to work with dense cotton. In the West, it is one of the most sought-after materials, along with other natural samples. The lining is best made of cotton with polyester.

Fourth, success in work depends not only on the right choice of fabric, but also on the tool used: a good sewing machine and sharp scissors will allow you to get a quality product and enjoy the sewing process.

We decorate the bedroom with curtains: simple and cozy

Whatever material is used, it is important to remember:royal curtains for bedroom are obtained not due to complicated structures with original names, but with the correct calculation of the proportions of the main elements and the harmonious combination of colors. You can beautifully sew curtains in the bedroom by combining a model of rectangular parts and carefully following the instructions in the process. It is easier for novice decorators to resort to decorating a room by sewing simple curtains into the bedroom:

  • two curtains and a tulle curtain - standard;
  • narrow curtains in the bedroom;
  • short curtains.

Simple samples are cut on a piece of fabric, without the use of templates. A ready-made pattern of curtains for the bedroom will not hurt if you like a model with draped details - lambrequins, flips, swags, bells. However, when decorating a room, one should not forget that complex lush designs require troublesome maintenance: they collect dust, they need to be regularly removed, washed, ironed and hung again. It is recommended to choose complex patterns of curtains for the bedroom if there is time, effort and desire for such procedures. The modern lifestyle dictates its own rules - minimalism is practical and no less attractive. If you want simplicity and comfort, then we sew curtains in the bedroom beautifully and quickly.

You can beautifully make curtains in the bedroom in a few steps:

  1. Calculate the required amount of fabric, taking into account the margin for shrinkage, pattern alignment, technological allowances.
  2. Prepare the material - wash, dry, iron, so that after the first wash the product does not shrink and warp.
  3. Sew curtains, observing the technology of tailoring and seam processing.
  4. Supplement the freely hanging canvas with tiebacks, tassels, fringe (optional).
  5. Decorate with fabric flowers (if the style of the room design involves their use).

curtain fabric

To properly sew curtains for the bedroom, you must begin by measuring the cornice, its position, studying the method of attaching the canvas. These data will help to correctly calculate the required amount of fabric.

The length of the product is determined from the top of the eaves rod to the floor, adding 10–15 cm for seam processing. Do-it-yourself short curtains for the bedroom should be 10-15 cm below the windowsill. Compliance with these proportions gives the room a harmonious look. For a battery that opens and spoils the overall impression, it is recommended to make a decorative screen.

When buying a curtain fabric, its possible shrinkage is taken into account, as well as the presence of a pattern, which requires more material to combine than in the case of a plain canvas. By purchasing a cut, the footage is increased by 10 - 15% compared to the length of the product.

The width of the curtain depends on the length of the cornice. To form beautiful folds, this value is multiplied by a factor of 1.5–4. The denser and more expensive the matter, the less assembly it requires. The size of the tulle fabric usually exceeds the length of the cornice by 2–4 times. On a transparent curtain without a pattern, many folds are appropriate, the larger the pattern on it, the less the fabric drapes.

To form gathers on curtains, there is a special drapery tape sewn from the inside to the upper edge of the fabric. Cords are stretched along its entire length, which must be pulled together, tied in a knot along the edges - uniform folds along the width of the canvas are provided. It is only important not to inadvertently sew the cords to the fabric.

Getting started with the sewing process

Choosing the right fabric, stretching and ironing it, preparing the tools, we get to work. We sew curtains in the bedroom using the following set of tools:

  • sewing machine, set of needles;
  • scissors;
  • pins;
  • centimeter, square;
  • iron.

From the materials you need:

  • selected cloth fabric;
  • curtain tape;
  • threads in tone;
  • accessories as needed (hooks, rings, eyelets).

A master class on sewing curtains in the bedroom consists of four steps:

  • Cut out and cut pieces , allowances for seams - in those places where they are needed. Do-it-yourself ordinary curtains for the bedroom are cut directly onto the fabric. At home, this can be done on the floor. Check the alignment of the corners on the fabric (more often in the store they cut unevenly), make sure they are straight (use a square). If the fabric is slippery, it is recommended that you baste the folded pieces before cutting them off.
  • Process the sides. Many fabrics have a neat side hem that is left unfinished. If the side edges are without an edge or it does not look aesthetically pleasing, then they are processed:
  1. fold and sew (the method is called a "hem seam");
  2. fold and sew on the back of the lining;
  3. sew on a fringe;
  4. sheathed with an oblique trim - a narrow satin ribbon, specially designed for sheathing seams with it.

  • Check out the bottom . The bottom is folded over with a margin for possible shrinkage of at least 5 cm and stitched. If the fibers are fraying a lot, you can pre-process the seam on an overlock, overcast by hand or melt the edge.
  • Process the top edge of the curtain . This is the most crucial stage in tailoring curtains for the bedroom. First, the top edge is visible. Secondly, the processing method will differ depending on the type of attachment to the eaves.

If the canvas is fastened with loops, and a mounting tape is sewn on the reverse side, then the upper edge is folded to the width of the tape plus 1.5–2 cm to cover it.

If eyelets are used - special rings inserted into holes cut into the fabric and sliding along the eaves, then the edge is folded 10 cm - along the width of the adhesive sealing tape, which provides rigidity to the fabric. Place an adhesive strip in the fold and iron. Mark places for eyelets at a distance of 15 - 20 cm from one another. The number of eyelets is necessarily odd, in which case the side edges of the curtains will be wrapped symmetrically. Cut holes with scissors and insert eyelets into them, clamping until a characteristic click.

Mounting on clothespins "crocodile" or magnetic holders involves a neat bend and stitching of the seam, without complicated finishing options. It is convenient to attach light tulle fabrics on magnets.

Often do-it-yourself bedroom curtains are made on the drawstring - a simple way in which the canvas is put on the bar without additional devices. To do this, the edge of the canvas is folded and stitched in such a way that the resulting drawstring is spacious enough for the curtain to move freely along the rod.


The finished curtain is ironed and hung on the cornice, adding tiebacks and decorative elements. Anyone can sew curtains for the bedroom, enjoying the unique atmosphere and comfort created by their own hands every evening and morning.

Why is the question of individual tailoring of curtains still relevant today, because specialized stores are simply overwhelmed with all sorts of options for finished products, ranging from conventional models a la “two absolutely identical rectangles” to intricate “mazes” made of fabric. And all because we, as women, always want something like this ... Something like that ... What is nowhere and no one has. That's when we rush, first to the warehouses of fabrics, and then to the nearest atelier. Today I suggest you skip the latter and sew the curtains yourself. So, how to cope with this difficult task - to sew something grandiose without much practice? First you need to decide on the style. Do you want something extraordinary? Consider several ways to make your curtains unusual ...

1.Custom mount

Even the most simple and plain curtains can "play" thanks to some intricate method of fastening. Clothespins? And why not?

The curtains on the ties at the very cornice look very nice. If necessary, they can be tied with a beautiful bow or simply left hanging picturesquely from the ceiling. For such curtains, you just need to sew on the top (on the edge where the curtains will be attached to the cornice) on both sides along the tape (approximately 20 cm long). When you attach your piece, simply tie these ribbons around the cornice.

2.Unusual material

Do you think that only fabric can be used as a curtain material? Craftsmen proved that even corks, bottoms of plastic bottles, cloth napkins, weightless scarves, old tablecloths, paper clips, shreds sewn together, beads and even ... an egg tray are quite suitable for this!

To make an unusual kitchen curtain using an egg tray, you first need to soften it in water (sometimes the trays are even boiled and beaten with a mixer to make the mass more homogeneous). Then, after a while, the mass is squeezed out, glue is added to it, and the beads are molded (the process is very similar to clay molding). The texture of such beads is very original, and the paint falls on them in a peculiar way, especially mother-of-pearl.

Tip: in order to make it easier to string beads on threads, sculpt them directly on a wire or a long knitting needle so that the necessary hole is already made inside.

Before painting the beads, you can treat the material with glue or modeling paste to slightly level the surface. But I prefer their "wild" roughness. Remember that after the "tray" mass dries, it will become unsuitable for modeling - it will be hard, like plastic. Therefore, sculpt immediately, without delay.

3. Creative model of curtains

When it comes to models, you have an endless field of possibilities. If you wish, you can come up with several original varieties yourself! But if you feel like taking action right away, then here are a couple of great options…


A very easy way to make an original curtain. You don’t even have to use fabric for this, paper or cardboard is fine (do you understand why this model has such a name?). Cut out the same circles from the material of your choice and start methodically gluing them onto a tape, thread or straw. Glue two circles at once (to each other), so that the thread is between them.


For this original model, you need: fabric of different colors (preferably pastel and solid colors) and a stencil for circles (just take a glass 6-7 cm in diameter). Also, do not forget about the fabric to which you will sew the "petals" themselves. First you need to cut many, many multi-colored circles, and then sew each one individually, as close to each other as possible. It's simple: take one circle, fold it into four and sew in the middle. Drape the top with "petals" completely and reduce their number to the bottom of the curtain. Try to make the transition as smooth as possible. Yes, the robot is painstaking and takes a lot of time, but such a curtain looks very, very original!


It's a good idea to use old photos as material. But there is one "but" here. Exposure to sunlight can fade your pictures very quickly, so place your work away from a window. Let such a curtain become a curtain over the door. You can attach a photo to a friend with paper clips, threads, brackets or glue.


One of the most elegant curtains I have ever seen! And here is a step-by-step simple master class ...

Curtains are one of the important elements of the interior of any room.

In addition to the decorative design of the space, they are able to perform a useful function, for example, they protect against excessively bright lighting, hide the personal life of the owners from outsiders.

Characteristics of curtains (length, thickness, texture) may have different options. At the same time, there are also a large number of varieties of fabrics on the modern market. It should be noted that the curtains can be made by hand.

Varieties of curtains

There are natural fabrics that are especially popular, but at the same time have several drawbacks, for example, individual varieties can easily wrinkle, while returning them to their original appearance is not so easy.

In this case, it is better to resort to purchasing mixed varieties, for example, cotton and synthetics are highly practical.

The most common variety is the traditional classic version. As a rule, it is a hanging tissue without the presence of any additional inclusions.

It should be noted that this variety has several significant positive qualities:

  • an excellent solution for any type of interior, while such a modest variety will not clutter up the overall design ideas;
  • any type of material can be used, as well as color scheme, thickness and ornament;
  • control the length of the curtains depending on individual preferences;
  • have different cost options depending on the individual characteristics.

There are also several types of curtains. So, for example, a vertical variety of curtains, which, if necessary, can be assembled into several large folds are called Roman.

As a rule, with the help of such curtains, part of the window space is closed (up to the window sill). They are mainly in demand in the kitchen or offices.

Roller blinds are another type of curtains. Their fastening is carried out to the ceiling or window opening.

The principle of operation resembles the previous version, the only difference is that it is not assembled into folds, but into rolls.

No less popular are French curtains. Outwardly, they resemble decorations for a theatrical stage due to the presence of scallops in the upper part.

For the design of modern interiors, the Japanese version is often used. This variety is distinguished by its appearance due to hanging pieces of high-density fabric. Outwardly, such curtains may resemble elevator doors.

But Italian curtains can be pulled together with lacing on the sides. It should be noted that many varieties can be made by hand or purchased ready-made options.

What can original curtains be made of?

To create a suitable version of the curtains, you may need a variety of available tools. To maintain organicity, it is better to use the same type of materials.

Consider the most unconventional types of curtains.

From disks. For manufacturing, in addition to the base material, you will need a drill and fasteners (you can use tapes, fasteners or rings). The creation process itself is quite simple.

First of all, it is necessary to divide the outer edge of the disk into 4 parts, making holes equal in size and marks. Next, carry out the bonding process. Thus, you can get a classic version, triangular or reminiscent of steps. It is better to hang such a curtain with the mirror side into the room.

Using coins. The material itself can be in its original state or be dyed in the most suitable color shade.

The creation process begins with making holes, and creating a semblance of a chain from coins. The number of chains depends on the window space.

With the help of beads and beads. Creating this view resembles the previous version. In this case, a combination with coins is possible.

The use of pieces of various fabrics. The creation is carried out according to the principle of a vertical variety of blinds.

At the final stage, it is important to leave a small remainder of the length for subsequent fastening with Velcro.

All these varieties can significantly save your budget and create curtains with your own hands together with children.

Photo of unusual curtains in the interior

Since ancient times, it has been customary to curtain the window with curtains and curtains. This element of decor makes the room cozier and darkens it from the sun. There are many types of curtains, and the fabrics and materials are endless! But it also happens that even such a variety is not able to help realize the original idea of ​​the owner of the apartment. Here non-standard curtains for extraordinary interiors will come to the rescue.

So what can be unusual in the most ordinary curtain?


▸ Sew a ribbon to the edge of the curtain and tie chic bows on the curtain. The work will not take time at all, and unusual curtains will surprise your guests and decorate the room.

▸ All sorts of unusual clips, buckles and even curved cutlery are also used to fasten curtains.


In addition to traditional fabrics for the manufacture of curtains, you can risk using unusual materials.

▸ Build stunning DIY curtains with colored beads. Of course, they will not shade the room, but the view of such curtains will be fantastic.

▸ Curtains can even be made from tinted corks. They can be used for doorways in an eco-style interior.

▸ Photo printed fabric. Modern technologies allow you to create fabric with absolutely any pattern. The Stickboutique online store offers its services for the manufacture of original photocurtains from three types of fabric: blackout, satin and gabardine.

▸ Original curtains can be sewn from leftover fabric. Collect bright pieces of fabric and create your own designer curtain. You can think of a pattern or sew as your heart desires.

▸ The most ordinary curtains can be made original by using fabric of different textures to decorate the window.

Unusual pickups with your own hands:

Even if you have the most ordinary and familiar curtains, but you want to do something extraordinary, add original decorative elements.

▸ Tiebacks in the form of ribbons. A beautiful pickup can be made from one wide ribbon or from several thin ones. You can tie a chic complex bow, or string beads on the ends and leave them to fall freely. Artificial flower arrangements can be used along with the ribbon.

▸ Tiebacks from soft toys. This option of pickups is perfect for the rooms of your children.

▸ Tie-beads. Old beads can be used as tiebacks for your new curtains.

▸ And hundreds more ideas that will come to your mind after reading this article.

Creative individuals are never satisfied with what stores offer them. Even the curtains in their home should be an expression of their personality. Fortunately, to create unusual curtains on your own, you only need inspiration and the desire to work with your hands.

Create designer things at home, surprise your guests!

Since ancient times, it has been customary in houses to frame windows with curtains. These fabric canvases are designed to decorate window openings, bring comfort and harmony to the house. There are many types of curtains, they can be classic, Roman, Japanese, French. The number of material options for curtains and their colors is generally innumerable. But sometimes even all this diversity is not able to satisfy the flight of fancy of the owner of the house. If the design of the entire room is extraordinary and non-standard, then, of course, only unusual curtains will help to complement and emphasize it.

An example of an unusual curtain


First of all, fastening curtains to cornices can be non-standard:

  • You won’t surprise anyone with decorative rings and cords, but curtains on clothespins or on ties, as shown in the photo, are really original;
  • If ribbons are sewn along the upper edge of the curtain and fixed on the cornice in the form of beautiful bows, then the simplest curtain will turn into a designer find;
  • All sorts of unusual clips, buckles and even curved cutlery are also used to fasten the curtains, as seen in the photo.


You can also experiment with materials for curtains and curtains. Useful here:

  • non-standard fabrics;
  • beads;
  • threads;
  • old towels;
  • tablecloths;
  • bottle caps;
  • and even plastic waste.

The main thing is that it all comes together in a single unusual composition.

Ideas for the kitchen

Curtains made of kitchen towels or napkins will be quite appropriate in the kitchen. Skillful housewives will spend only a couple of hours on towel curtains, but they are guaranteed a unique atmosphere in the kitchen:

  • for such an exclusive, light or colorful towels with and without patterns are suitable;
  • the top edge of the towel must be folded so that the bottom edge reaches the window sill;
  • the tucked-up fabric must be sewn to the rest of the fabric, and the seam line should be decorated with braid or buttons;
  • thanks to the received through pocket, the curtain is hung on the eaves.

It will take a little more time to make curtains from linen napkins:

  • for each curtain you will need several napkins;
  • the top one needs to be bent by 7-8 cm, then to hang the curtain on the eaves;
  • the resulting fold must be stitched and decorated with beads, buttons or twine, depending on the rest of the interior;
  • the rest of the canvases are hemmed one after another with an overlap and decorated with the same decorative details, as shown in the photo.

With the help of old scarves, you can create a colorful and unusual composition:

  • it is better to hang them on a cornice decorated with fabric or ribbons;
  • scarves are fixed in the form of successively arranged triangles, which eventually form amazing curtains with assemblies;
  • they have a small length, so they do not interfere with any kitchen work.

In the kitchen, if dimensions and furnishings allow, you can hang long curtains:

  • if you take a long curtain with a width exceeding the transverse size of the window by 2-2.5 times and sheathe it with a beautiful edging, it will gather into beautiful free folds;
  • you can make the window opening even more attractive if you assemble such a curtain on one side and pull it off with a decorative tape or a tourniquet at the level of the window sill or a little higher. At the same time, care must be taken to ensure that the unassembled edge of the canvas hangs strictly horizontally and does not lean towards the middle of the window. For this, a hook or clip is usually provided, clinging to the tape, as shown in the photo.

Ideas for the bedroom and living room

Depending on the style in which the decoration of the room and interior design are made, the curtains can also have a different look. The main thing is to make them aesthetic and unusual. To do this, you can use any fabrics, decorative details and decorations:

  • curtains in a luxurious living room can be decorated with embroidery and fringe;
  • and in a glamorous bedroom - sequins and rhinestones.

You can also make the shape of the curtains unusual. Bored rectangular curtains in the hall can be diversified:

  • triangular or wavy lambrequins;
  • free folds;
  • crossing curtains;
  • various draperies and garlands.

Attaching curtains to the cornices in the hall can be decorated with:

  • fabric;
  • ribbons;
  • bows;
  • twine.

Taffeta curtains will look very elegant in the living room. This iridescent fabric in itself will make the window frame interesting and attractive.

Summing up

Creative individuals who express individuality in everything, including the arrangement of their own home, are usually not satisfied with standard solutions. Therefore, even the curtains decorating the windows in their homes should be unusual. The best part is that every experimenter who is even remotely familiar with the art of sewing can create such curtains. To do this, you just need to catch inspiration and create your own masterpiece.
