Method for calculating the optimal service standards. Calculation of norms for multi-machine maintenance

The mechanization and automation of production affect the change in the functions of the main workers in production and the forms of organization of their work. With the development of technology, the direct influence of the worker on the object of labor decreases. The worker becomes the predominant function of control over the course production process. In addition, with technological progress, the share of auxiliary workers in production is increasing, engaged in servicing jobs, repairing equipment, moving objects of labor, finished products. Service workers (adjusters, mechanics on duty, electricians, transport workers and controllers) do not create marketable products, but contribute to the high-performance work of production workers. The main feature of the maintenance work performed is their diversity, irregular repetition, and the difficulty of measuring the quantity and quality of labor. For standardization purposes, all production maintenance work can be classified as follows:

adjustment works (adjustment and adjustment of equipment);

Works on repair and on-duty maintenance of equipment (repair, cleaning, lubrication, repair of technological equipment);

control work (quality control of products upon acceptance), including laboratory tests;

Receiving, storing, issuing material assets in warehouses, storerooms and storages;

transport and handling operations (loading, unloading, transportation of materials, parts within the workshop, between workshops and within the factory territory);

Works on cleaning of industrial premises and the territory of the enterprise;

work on the maintenance of buildings and structures.

It is difficult to establish a time limit and a production rate for such work. Under these conditions, labor standards appear in the form of service standards and population standards.

Service rate- this is the established number of pieces of equipment (number of jobs, square meters of area) serviced by one worker or team during the shift.

Service standards can be developed by an enlarged and differentiated method.

The enlarged method is used when there is no stability of the elements of work on servicing objects, both in time and in repeatability.

The differentiated method is used if the work of direct maintenance of attached objects can be divided into regularly recurring elements, the execution time of which can be established by observation.

With the enlarged method, the maintenance rate is set based on the entire scope of work on servicing the facility as a whole and for a certain period (shift, year). At the same time, direct and indirect factors affecting the labor intensity of work are revealed.

When developing service standards by a differentiated method, the functions of workers are conditionally divided into basic and auxiliary. The main functions include those functions that are determined by the purpose of this type of service, have a more stable content and regularly repeated elements (for example, the main functions of the adjuster include adjustment, adjustment and minor repairs of equipment). Additional functions are characterized by irregular repetition and different content of work in different periods of time. They are often of a one-time nature (during the shift) and provide conditions for the performance of basic functions (for example, the additional functions of the adjuster include the preparation and cleaning of the tool). When using a differentiated method, the study of the cost of working time for the performance of all the main and additional functions of a particular worker is carried out, the norms of service time are established by the analytical method.

Service time rate- this is the amount of time required in certain organizational and technical conditions for servicing during a shift or month of a piece of equipment, square meter production area etc.

Thus, the service rate is a derivative of the time rate; to calculate it, it is necessary to determine the service time rate, i.e. the amount of time required to perform all the functions of servicing a piece of equipment or a workplace:

H temp.obs= (Σ T iN i) × K,(3.24)

where N time obs- the norm of time for servicing a piece of equipment, jobs, min, h .;

T i- time taken to complete individual works included in the main functions;

N i is the number of units of work performed at the serviced facility during this period;

K- a coefficient that takes into account the performance of additional functions, as well as time for rest and personal needs.

Peculiarities of labor rationing of workers engaged in maintenance of production. Types of norms and methods of their calculation. Regulatory materials used. Establishment of normalized tasks. Peculiarities of labor rationing of employees.

The main features of the work performed by most of the auxiliary workers are their big variety, irregular repetition, difficulty in measuring the quantity and quality of labor. The direct dependence of the volume and results of their labor on the main workers is also of significant importance, since their activity is determined primarily by the requirements of the main production. Therefore, the methods of establishing labor standards for auxiliary workers have their own characteristics.

To standardize the work of auxiliary workers, it is recommended to use the following types of standards and norms.

Number standards - are designed to determine the number of those groups of auxiliary workers whose labor rationing by direct calculation based on the labor intensity of the work they perform is difficult due to their instability.

Service rates and service time rates used for:

    rationing of works that are unstable in terms of scope, but have periodically repeating elements;

    arrangements for workplaces of workers performing work that is unstable in terms of volume and repeatability.

Norms of time and norms of production are designed to ration the labor of auxiliary workers performing homogeneous work. These are works that are stable in nature, their volume, composition and content are relatively constant. The methodology for calculating the norms for such work is similar to the calculation of norms for the main workers.

The norms for the number of auxiliary workers are developed in a centralized manner, based on standard conditions rational organization of auxiliary work. The methods of their development differ from those considered for the main workers in that the standards are developed not for the elements of the operation, but for the types and groups of auxiliary work by determining the total labor intensity and volume of each type of work performed over a certain period of time. The standards have been developed for the following groups:

    repair and maintenance of equipment;

    work on acceptance, storage and issuance of material assets;

    test papers;

    adjustment works;

    cleaning of industrial premises;

    maintenance of buildings and structures.

The headcount standards for these groups of workers are determined based on the results of preliminary studies of the number of workers performing a particular type of work at various enterprises or in workshops, as well as on the basis of factors affecting the volume of these works, and establishing the relationship between them using the graphic-analytical method. Based on the formulas obtained for the correlation between the number and magnitude of factors that determine the amount of work performed, the standard number of groups of auxiliary workers is calculated.

In practical rationing in the workshop, quantitative expressions of general workshop factors are substituted into the formula. According to the service standards, the number of pieces of equipment or production areas and other serviced facilities that must be assigned to one or a group of workers is determined. The service rate (Н 0) is determined by the formula

- fund of working hours per shift, h or min.; H - the number of workers in a group, brigade;
- the rate of service time for one object, man-hour, man-min.

By studying the time spent on the performance of basic and additional functions performed by specific type service, as well as time for rest and personal needs, the norms of service time are established according to the formula

where T n i - time spent on the performance of individual works included in the main functions, man-hours, man-min. N i - the number of units of such work performed during a given period at the serviced facility; TO- a coefficient that takes into account the performance of additional functions, as well as time for rest and personal needs. (According to the General Machine Building Standards of Service, auxiliary workers spend up to 35% of the total working time on additional functions, rest and personal needs.)

The service time rate is calculated by the formula


where a i , are labor input coefficients at factors; y, z, p - the magnitude of additional factors that characterize the amount of work or affect its labor intensity; X- the number of serviced production units for which the service rate is calculated.

If the calculation of the norm of service time is performed according to the data for the shift, then the formula is used

where Ch 1, is the standard labor intensity of auxiliary work, man-cm for servicing all production units during the shift.

Due to the fact that the number of serviced units in different shifts may vary, the calculation is made for the largest number of main shifts. If X changes in proportion to the shift factor TO cm , then the number of auxiliary workers in all shifts will be equal to:

In this case, the service time rate is determined in man-shifts, therefore T cm = 1. Then the service rate for one person is calculated by the formula

In case of group servicing of one object, the population norm is determined using the norms of service time or service norms according to the following formulas:

1) in the first case:

where Q is the amount of work at the facility, expressed by the number of units that determine the amount of service; TO cm – shift coefficient;

2) in the second case:

The population norms calculated in this way, firstly, have significant deviations from integers, and secondly, they characterize the necessary labor costs in an enlarged way. Therefore, in all cases, they must be verified with a photograph of the working day.

In jobs where auxiliary workers directly affect the results of the work of the main workers, it is necessary to carry out an economic justification of the norms by optimizing them. With regard to work on maintenance of production, the indicator of the technological cost of production can serve as an optimality criterion. These items include: the cost of wages of the main and auxiliary workers, the cost of maintaining equipment.

Total costs (C) are determined by the formula

where C 0 - the cost of maintaining equipment, including depreciation per 1 min. working hours; Z o.r, 3 c.r - wages, respectively, of the main and auxiliary workers with accruals per 1 min. working hours; TO from coefficient of coincidence of employment of an auxiliary worker with maintenance 1 unit. equipment with downtime of the rest of the equipment in anticipation of maintenance; H 0 - service rate for auxiliary workers; TO ms - multi-machine coefficient in the workshop (on the site), determined by the formula

where P - the number of serviced equipment in the workshop (on the site); H rs - the number of machine operators in the workshop (on the site) in the largest shift.

The effectiveness of managerial work largely depends on the correctness of determining the labor intensity of certain types of work performed and, on this basis, establishing the number required for their implementation. The management staff of the enterprise is usually divided into three groups:



    technical performers.

The main object of rationing are control functions, each of which is characterized by a certain scope of work, united by the generality of the factors of the target direction in the control system and the complexity of implementation.

Depending on the nature of the functions performed, the management personnel of the enterprise for the purposes of regulation can be divided into the following groups:

    heads of the enterprise and their deputies;

    line managers in shops and areas;

    heads of functional divisions;

    specialists who carry out design and technological preparation of production and engineering and technical support for its functioning;

    specialists who carry out economic and organizational preparation of production, analysis and accounting;

    employees engaged in office work, information and economic maintenance of production.

For senior leaders the determining factors that are taken into account in the process of determining their number are: the number of subordinate employees or units, the cost of working time to perform the functions (works) assigned to them.

The theory and practice for the head of the enterprise determined the norm of the number of subordinate links of the management apparatus in the range from 5–6 to 8–10 divisions, services, industries, workshops, the work of which he can effectively manage.

The regulation of the work of managers also includes the regulation of the schedule of their working day and working week: setting the time of meetings and their duration; receiving visitors; consideration of correspondence; visits to workshops, etc.

For line managers when determining the norms for the number of subordinates, the degree of centralization of functional services is taken into account. If services are directly subordinated to the head of the shop, their number is taken into account on a par with production sites. If the number of services exceeds the norm of subordination, the positions of deputies for preparation of production and for shifts are introduced.

The number of workers subordinated to one master varies widely - from 10 to 60 people or more, with an average rate of 25 people. Such differences are associated with the type of production, the complexity of the work performed and other indicators that characterize specific production conditions. In each specific case, the norm of subordination for shop foremen (
) can be determined by the formula

where TO from - coefficient of specialization, expressing the ratio of the number of jobs in the shop to the number of technological operations assigned to them; Z - the largest value of the norm of subordination for this group of shops (it is in the range of 30–50 people); C p - the average level of work in the shop; X- fractional exponent at the value of the average coefficient of specialization; y - fractional exponent at the value of the average rank of work.

For functional leaders the number of employees subordinate to them is determined by the complexity and laboriousness of management processes. Therefore, the number of this category of workers is established according to the norms of manageability.

For functional managers, the number of bureaus, groups, sectors, etc. subordinate to them should be in the range of 5–10. When concretizing the norm, it is necessary to take into account the scope of duties of the head.

For specialists carrying out economic-organizational and design-technological preparation of production, enlarged headcount standards have been developed, which make it possible to calculate the number of functional units. The rationing methodology developed by the Research Institute of Labor is based on the use of actual data on the number of these categories of workers in functional units at the best factories. Using the correlation analysis of the dependence of the number on the most important factors, calculation formulas were developed. The original formula looks like:

where TO - a constant coefficient expressing the relationship of norms with the numerical value of factors; X, U,Z – numerical values ​​of factors; but,b, from- exponents with numerical values ​​of factors characterizing the degree of influence of the corresponding factor on the number of employees by management functions.

For categories of workers whose work cannot be standardized with the help of centrally developed standards, an analytical research method is used, which is based on the development of work procedures. This is essentially a route technology for performing work, containing a list of operations performed and their sequence, external and internal information links, document forms, the use of technical equipment, application software and databases. The time norm for a specialist and an employee is as follows:

The costs of preparatory and final time occur with specialists performing non-repeatable creative work and therefore each time requiring a general understanding, study of the necessary literary sources, collective discussion of implementation methods, etc. Operational time is not divided into main and auxiliary.

In jobs that are stable in content and relatively simple, consisting of a limited number of repetitive operations that are easily regulated, time and output standards are established. In this way, the work of employees of sales departments, certain categories of specialists in economic services, etc. is normalized. At the same time, centrally developed standards can be used with their mandatory verification using methods for studying the cost of working time.

The rationing of labor consists in establishing a measure of the cost of working time for the manufacture of a unit of output or the production of products per unit of time. The task of TNT is the development and implementation of technically sound norms for the cost of living labor:

1) norms of time;

2) production rates;

3) service standards;

4) staff standard.

1. Calculation of the norm of time

    per worker, if known production rate, with individual piecework

where T SM is the duration of the work shift (hours, minutes)

H VYR - shift rate of output (pcs., t.)

    For a group of workers in a brigade (group) piece work:


where CH WORK - the number of workers in the team

    For single and pilot productions and mechanical repair shops

a) when R PZ is included in the norm of time for the manufacture of a unit of product

N VR \u003d R PZ + R O + R ORM + P OL (3)

b) when R PZ is given for the entire batch of products (in this case, the norm of time is called the norm of piece-calculation time)


where N ShK - the norm of piece-calculation time;

n is the number of products in the batch, pcs.

t pcs - piece time for one product.

4. For mass and serial production, piece time is determined:

a) when there are no standards for R PZ

t PCS \u003d R O + R B + R ORM + P OL (5)

P O + P B \u003d P OPERATOR (6)

b) if there are standards for R ORM and P OL as a percentage of the operational time

t PCS \u003d (P O + P B) × (1 +
) (7)

2. Calculation of production rates

1. If the norm of time is known


2. If you know the time for P PZ , R ORM and P OL


3. If P is known PZ Andt PCS


4. For continuous production processes

where P HOUR - hourly productivity of a piece of equipment (for raw materials);

- the operating time of the equipment for which the production rate is calculated;

- the number of devices serviced by one employee;

- coefficient of output of products from the mass of raw materials supplied;

5. For periodic production processes, when a certain amount of products is produced in one production cycle

where P LOAD - the number of products manufactured by one device in one production cycle (process-turnover);

T RAB - equipment operation time during the shift, including inspection, loading, replacement of parts, filters;

- duration of the cycle;

- coefficient of equipment utilization;


With a decrease in the norm of time, the norm of output increases, and vice versa. The dependence of the increase in the rate of output from the decrease in the rate of time is expressed by the following formulas (in %)



where N HC is the percentage increase in the production rate

N UM - the percentage of the reduction in the norm of time

3. Calculation of the service rate

The service rate is calculated depending on the organization, type of production and the availability of settlement (or regulatory) materials.

1. For continuous production processes


where ∑Т З - total time spent on servicing the same type of equipment

2. For batch instrumentation production processes(in the production of plastics and in the processes of obtaining and processing synthetic rubber):



where T N and T P - the cost of the worker's time that is not overlapped (n) and overlapped (n) by the operating time of the apparatus;

T A - technological operating time of the apparatus without the participation of the worker.

Worker Employment Rate

K Z =

In progress labor activity there is such a thing as the norm of production. It is not applicable to all sectors of the economy, but is a very important indicator when calculating wages worker. Most often used exclusively for manufacturing enterprises. About where and how the production rate is used, we will discuss further.

Theoretical concepts

In any case, labor regulation is necessary. How to assign a salary to an employee? Based on what data and indicators? I first thought about it at the dawn economic theory J. Keynes. Now rationing is being done in any industry, and recommendations for this are indicated in normative documents.

In fact, the output rate determines how many units of output one person must make in the time allotted to him. The parameter is calculated in physical terms: tons, pieces, kilograms, meters, and so on. Despite the fact that there is a single approach to the formation of the production rate, it is completely different for each sector of the economy. At the state level, only practical advice, but specific indicators are set directly at the enterprise and are regulated by a collective agreement.

The procedure for developing a production rate for the food industry

At enterprises Catering It is customary to assume that the work of any cook is estimated in the number of dishes prepared. This approach helps to objectively assess what time, resources and labor costs were necessary to create a particular product. In the regulatory documents for the food industry, special labor intensity factors have been developed, without which it is impossible to calculate the production rate.

The coefficient of labor intensity of the food industry

The labor intensity coefficient shows how much time is needed to prepare one dish in relation to the dish, taken as a unit of labor intensity. In other words, there is a single parameter taken as a unit, and all the rest are equated to it.

For example, the simplest chicken soup in the amount of one serving, 100 s is prepared. This is a unit. Milk soup will take 90 seconds, in which case the labor input will be already 0.9. Timing helps to set such limits. But in order for public catering enterprises not to waste their time studying the standards, state services did it all for them, and now all the norms and labor input coefficients for Food Industry can be found in the regulations.

Yield formula for the food industry

The output rate (formula) has approximately the same form for all sectors of the economy. For its calculation, indicators of the duration of the work shift, the time spent on manufacturing a unit of production, the time for preparation, rest, and so on are used. Let's take an example for the food industry. The formula is shown in the figure:

The required parameters are:

H in - production rate;

T pz - time for preparatory stage, min;

T obs - the time required to service the workplace, min;

T ex - time spent on personal needs, min;

T op - calculated time per unit of production, min.

In general, it does not matter in which dimension to carry out the calculations. You can use minutes, seconds or hours.


The following initial parameters are given:

In total, one cook spends 25220 s to make a curd cake. Preparation time takes 1260 s, preparation of the workplace and necessary materials costs 1008 s. In breaks for rest and personal needs, it takes 1260 s. According to the timing specified in the regulatory documents, 32.39 seconds should be spent on the manufacture of one unit of cottage cheese cake. Find the rate of production.

We substitute the data in our formula and get the result:

H in \u003d (25220 - (1260 + 1008 + 1260)) / 32.39 \u003d 671 pcs.

Thus, one cook is able to produce 671 units of cottage cheese cake in one shift. The results obtained serve as an assessment of labor productivity and are the main data for payroll calculation.

Production rates for cleaners of non-industrial premises

Let's consider another example. Cleaning of industrial premises is carried out according to approximately the same plan, therefore, data from a real-life enterprise, for example, the beer and non-alcoholic industry, are taken as a basis.

The calculation of the production rate is made taking into account the following points:

  • basic operations: washing and sweeping floors, washing and wiping walls, windows, doors;
  • cleaning rooms: technological workshops and auxiliary areas;
  • characteristics of cleaning objects: material of manufacture, labor intensity during work;
  • for optimal work time 8 hour shift is taken.

Calculation formula for cleaning industrial premises

Directly at the enterprise, their own measurements of time are carried out when calculating production rates. This is done in order to most accurately understand how many minutes or hours it takes to wipe windows, for example, 1 by 1 m or 2 by 3 m in size. The same is true for floors. Tiled flooring without chips and cracks is removed much faster than its concrete counterpart. Consider how the production rate (formula) for industrial premises is calculated:

You need to know the following parameters:

H in - production rate;

T cm - the duration of one shift, min;

T obs - the time required to service the workplace during the shift, min;

T otd - time spent on rest, min;

T ln - time for a break for personal needs, min;

T op - calculated time for cleaning 1 sq. m area, sec;

k - coefficient, which is taken into account when cleaning several rooms. It shows how much time a worker spends when moving from one hall to another. Actually set by a stopwatch.

General requirements for production workshops before harvesting

The above indicated production standards will make sense if a number of requirements for production premises. As we understand, in the workshop, where work is in full swing all day long, everything should be put in order by the end of the shift. This time is taken into account by the worker standing behind the machine, and not by the cleaner. So let's bring General requirements to production facilities:

  • at the entrance there must be special floor grates or rugs that collect dirt from the street;
  • floors should be repaired in a timely manner when cracks and potholes appear;
  • all transport trolleys must have rubber wheels that do not damage the floor;
  • walls must be made in accordance with the standards adopted public services(painted with paint or covered with light tiles);
  • garbage and broken containers must be removed by the employee in appropriate containers;
  • special attention is paid to the norms of the distance between the equipment;
  • All employees must monitor their workplace and keep it clean.


The definition of the production rate has key value for businesses today. Many experts believe that well-established quantitative boundaries infringe on workers, preventing them from expressing themselves and increasing their productivity. But at the same time, labor rationing will not be canceled soon, because this is the only way to regulate wages.

Another issue is that standards should be reviewed regularly to reflect new conditions or more productive equipment. Another nonsense today in the realities of production structures - most of the time standards are set according to samples. There may be more difficult conditions in the workshop, which will entail a great waste of time, which means failure to comply with the standards. Consideration of all factors when measuring the timing of time is a fundamentally important task for calculating the production rate.

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Calculation of norms for multi-machine maintenance


2. Practical part




Multi-station work is important element in the process of organizing work. It is multi-machine maintenance that is an important reserve for increasing labor productivity and saving labor resources.

Multi-machine work requires especially high qualifications of workers, whose earnings when servicing machines exceed established norms increases depending on the use of working time and equipment, the complexity of the job or operation and working conditions.

Target term paper- study of the calculation of labor standards for multi-machine maintenance.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were solved:

The definition and forms of multi-machine service, the problem of rationing multi-machine operations have been studied;

The main indicators and coefficients used in the calculation of norms for multi-machine maintenance have been studied;

Studied the establishment of the norm of service;

Studied the definition of the duration of the service cycle;

Studied the calculation of maintenance standards for backup machines;

Studied the calculation of maintenance standards for machine tools in the processing of various parts;

The calculation of the norms of time, output and the number of workers in multi-machine work has been studied.

The object of the course work is the organization of multi-machine service.

The subject is the calculation of labor standards for multi-machine maintenance.

1. Calculation of norms for multi-machine maintenance

1.1 Definition and forms of multi-machine service, tasks of rationing multi-machine work

Multi-machine (multi-unit) maintenance is the simultaneous maintenance of several machines (aggregates) by one or a group of workers when all necessary manual operations on each of them and actively monitoring their work.

The conditions for the use of multi-unit maintenance arise as a result of complex mechanization and automation of production, when a separate technological process (or part of it) is mainly carried out on a machine tool (unit) without the direct participation of the worker, and thus he frees up time for servicing other machines (aggregates). However, it is often economically feasible even if this balance of time is violated, in particular, when there is a shortage of labor, when there is free equipment.

The basis of multi-machine maintenance is the use of machine-automatic operation of equipment to perform manual and machine-manual work on other serviced working machines and transitions from one machine to another.

This condition can be expressed by the formula:

where T a is the time of machine-automatic operation on this machine; n? number of serviced machines; - time of employment of the worker on all other machines and transitions to them.

In the general case, when rationing multi-machine work, it is necessary to solve three main tasks:

The forms of multi-machine service and the organization of labor of multi-machine workers depend on the available equipment and the organization of production.

From the point of view of the technological homogeneity of equipment, maintenance is distinguished:

Double machine tools, i.e. the same type of machines on which the same operations are performed;

The same type of equipment on which different operations are performed;

Technologically heterogeneous equipment, if the equipment includes different machines.

According to the ratio of the duration of operations performed by a multi-machine complex (with different combination operating time - machine and manual) are distinguished:

Operations on all machines, the same in duration and structure;

Operations that are different in structure, but the same in duration;

Operations whose duration is unequal, but multiple.

According to the form of organization of work, there are:

Individual multi-machine service, if one worker serves several machines;

Collective multi-machine service, if several machines, units or devices are serviced by a link or team of workers of different specialties and skill levels.

The organizational prerequisites for the introduction of multi-machine maintenance are:

Rational layout of equipment in the workplace, ensuring the convenience of its maintenance;

The shortest routes of transition from machine to machine;

Implementation of the most efficient system for servicing jobs;

Changing the forms of division and cooperation of labor in such a way that most of the functions (setting up machines, transferring parts, sharpening tools, etc.) were performed by auxiliary workers.

1.2 Main indicators and coefficients used in the calculation of norms for multi-machine maintenance

The possibility of organizing multi-machine work is determined by the presence of appropriate ratios of machine-free time and the worker's employment time on other serviced machines (aggregates).

Machine-free time is the time of equipment operation, during which the worker is completely freed from the functions of servicing and monitoring the machine (apparatus, unit), i.e. when the worker may not be at the workplace.

Busy time is the execution time of auxiliary non-overlapping techniques, the time of active observation, and also the time of transition from one machine to another.

The operating time for each machine is calculated taking into account the duration of machine-free time and busy time:

where T ms is machine-free time during which the worker is free from maintenance work this machine; T s - time of employment.

Double machines - machines of the same type, on which the same parts are processed.

From the formula of the basic condition for multi-machine maintenance, the number of machines possible for maintenance when working on backup machines is:

where Tms - machine-free time during which the worker is not busy performing handmade and active monitoring technological process on this machine

Tz - time of employment of a worker on one machine,

n is the number of serviced machines.

When performing manual elements of work, the worker often has fluctuations in the cost of time. In addition, micro-pauses are necessary in the course of work to prevent increased fatigue of the worker. With this in mind, the formula will take the following form:

where is a coefficient that takes into account fluctuations in the time spent when performing manual techniques and micropauses in work, is established by industry organizations.

When servicing backup machines, there may be the following relationship between the employment of the worker and the duration of the operation:

Maintenance of machines with the same duration of operations and the same busy time, a multiple of the operational time:

where Tzi is the time the worker is busy with the maintenance of one machine,

Top - operational time of the operation.

Maintenance of machines with the same duration of operations and the same busy time that is not a multiple of the operational time:

To establish the operating time of machines and a worker, we introduce the concept of the duration of a multi-machine service cycle.

Cycle duration - the time between the start of maintenance by the multi-machine operator of the first machine of the multi-machine complex until the start of re-maintenance of the first machine after all maintenance work has been carried out on the remaining machines of the complex.

The duration of the cycle depends on the nature of compliance with the basic conditions of multi-machine maintenance.

There are 3 options for determining the duration of the cycle:

1. If, then the duration of the cycle equally depends on the duration of the machine-free time (Tms) on the first machine and the busy time (Tz) on the remaining machines. Then the duration of the cycle (TC) can be set by the formula:

Then the free time of the worker (Tsv) and the downtime of the equipment (Tpr) will be equal to:

where Top is the operational time for processing parts.

2. If, then the first machine works longer than the worker is busy on the other machines. Therefore, the duration of the cycle will be determined by the machine, i.e. operational time for processing parts on the first machine.

Then the worker in each cycle will have free time:

Equipment downtime (except for the first cycle) in this option missing, because

If, then the worker is busy servicing the machines longer than the part is being processed on the first machine. Consequently, the duration of the cycle will be determined by the total time the worker is busy with the maintenance of all machines or the sum of the operational time for processing parts and the downtime of the equipment.

In this case, the worker will not have free time in the cycle of multi-machine maintenance.

The idle time of each machine in a cycle can be set using the formula:

And the total downtime of all machines in one cycle of multi-machine maintenance will be:

where n is the number of serviced machines.

The calculation of the maintenance rate when working on backup machines can be carried out according to the formula:

where - the rate of maintenance of machines by one worker,

Machine-free time in the manufacture of parts,

The time the worker is busy in the manufacture of parts in minutes.

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1.3 Calculation of maintenance standards for machine tools when processing various parts

The estimated maintenance rate of machines on which various parts are manufactured can be established by the formula:

where is the maintenance rate of machines,

- machine-free time in the manufacture of the i-th part,

- time of employment of the worker in the manufacture of the i-th part in minutes,

- the production program for the release of the i-th part in pieces.

The resulting estimated service rate is recommended to be rounded down to the nearest whole number, because its excess reduces the production of one machine.

The combination of several machines in a multi-machine complex with different and non-multiple duration of parts manufactured on them is associated with downtime of those machines for which Top

The machine is selected, included in the multi-machine complex, on which the part with the largest machine-free time (Tms max.) is manufactured. The value of Tms is most comparable with the time of the total employment of the worker on the rest of the machines of the complex. In this case, there are 2 options for determining the duration of the cycle:

1. If the largest machine-free time is greater than the total time the worker is busy on other machines, then the machine on which the part with the largest operational time is manufactured will determine the cycle time:

where TC is the duration of the cycle,

- the largest operational time for the manufacture of the part.

In this case, the free time of the employee and the downtime of one machine will be found by the formulas:

where - the total time of employment of the worker in the manufacture of parts, - the free time of the worker.


And the total downtime of all machines is equal to:

where is the total operational time for manufacturing parts,

- total idle time of all machines,

m - the rate of maintenance of machines.

.If the greatest machine-free time is less than the total time of the worker's employment on the other machines, then the worker is busy servicing all the machines longer than the part is processed on the machine that produces the part with the greatest machine-free time.

The duration of the cycle will be determined by the total time the worker is busy on all machines:

Then the free time of the employee, the downtime of one machine and the total downtime are defined as:


1.4 Calculation of norms of time, production and number of workers in multi-machine work

The tasks of labor rationing in multi-machine maintenance include determining the necessary costs of working time (labor intensity) and equipment operation time (machine-intensiveness) to perform certain technological operations. Unlike the work of a machine operator on one machine, with multi-machine maintenance, these quantities are not the same, but there is a certain relationship between them:

where is the complexity of the operation, min.,

- machine-tool operation, min.,

Taking into account the regularities of cyclic and non-cyclic multi-machine maintenance, the following formulas can be used to calculate the operational time for multi-machine maintenance:

Table 1. Calculation of operational time for multi-machine maintenance

Where, - the norm of operational time,

- operational time when working on one machine,

- coefficient of coincidence,

- the number of cycles on this machine for one cycle of multi-machine maintenance.

With multi-machine maintenance, depending on the accepted forms of functional division of labor, maintenance of the workplace can be performed either by the adjuster or by the operator himself.

The norm of preparatory and final time for multi-machine maintenance is determined by:

When performing the functions of setting up machines by the operator:

where is the norm of the preparatory-final time,

- preparatory and final time when servicing one machine by a worker, min.

When performing the functions of setting up machines by the adjuster:

where H is the number of machines serviced by the worker.

The unit time rate for multi-machine maintenance is calculated by the formula:

where is the norm of piece time,

- respectively, the time for technical and organizational maintenance of the workplace,

- time for rest and personal needs.

In small-scale and single-piece production, it is advisable to use an enlarged method for standardizing work during multi-machine maintenance, in which the piece time rate is calculated by the formula:

where - the norm of piece time when servicing one machine by a worker,

- the coefficient of change in unit time during multi-machine maintenance, its value is determined based on the average standard value of the workplace maintenance time.

The production rate for multi-machine maintenance is calculated for each machine separately according to the formula:

Where is the production rate,

- shift fund of working time, min.,

- the norm of piece time for the conditions of multi-machine maintenance,

n is the number of machines served by the worker.

Also, the rate of production can be found by the formula:

Where is the production rate,

- the norm of time,

- number of serviced machines.

In this case, the time norm in the conditions of multi-machine service is determined by:

where is the time limit,

n is the number of parts in the batch.

Accordingly, the percentage of fulfillment of production standards per shift (P) is determined by the formula:

where is the sum of the normalized time (including piece and preparatory-final time) worked by the worker per shift.

If we consider the technique of Genkin B.M., then he determines the operational time for one machine as:

In cyclic processes

where is the operating time for one machine,

- the duration of the cycle of multi-machine work,

q - the number of parts manufactured on this machine during the cycle.

With non-cyclic multi-machine work

where is free-machine time,

- the time of single employment of one worker on one machine,

- coefficient of coincidence.

And the matching coefficient is found by the formula:

where is the average time of a single downtime of the machine in anticipation of a multi-machine operator.

Now consider the establishment of population standards for multi-machine work. The average number of workers employed by the main functions is determined by the formula:

where H is the average number of workers employed by the main functions,

K1 - the load factor of one worker or their group, simultaneously engaged in servicing one machine,

D is the average number of operating machines.

where T is the average time of a single maintenance of the machine by the workers of this group,

U - the average time of a single operation of the machine without the participation of the workers of this group.

In cases where there are no standards for determining the values ​​of T and U, the coefficient K1 can be determined using momentary observations based on the ratio:

- the number of moments when the maintenance of machines by workers was observed, the number of which is determined,

- the number of moments when the machines functioned without the participation of the workers of the analyzed group.Posted on

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1.5 Calculation of service standards for backup machines

Machine-free time on one machine should be equal to all costs (or overlap costs) of time for servicing other machines, i.e.


where m is the number of simultaneously serviced machines.

If there is more machine-free time, then the worker has free time. When equipment downtime is formed.

To determine the optimal number of serviced machines, for each of them, the worker's employment coefficient (K s) is calculated by dividing the employment time by the operational time, i.e.


The sum of the employment coefficients of a worker on all serviced machines should not exceed one (or 100%):


The maximum number of machines (m max) that a worker can serve is determined taking into account the most complete use of working time by the performer:


where T c -- the sum of the time of cyclic operation of all serviced machines during the shift;

T 3 -- the sum of the worker's employment time on all machines, including transitions;

K d is a coefficient that takes into account micropauses in work and possible deviations of the actual busy time from its average values ​​included in the formula.

For multi-machine maintenance, it is necessary to set the multi-machine operation cycle.

The cycle time of each machine is calculated by the formulas

T c \u003d T op + T p or T c \u003d T op * K s (50)

where T op \u003d T cm + T s

T p -- the time of interruptions in the operation of the machine during cyclic operation, caused by waiting for service due to coincidences,

K with -- the coefficient of coincidence of employment time on one of the machines.

With multi-machine maintenance, one group can be combined: machines that perform the same operations with equal operational time (backup machines); different operations with the same operational time; operations that have a multiple of each other operational time; operations with different operating times.

The number of simultaneously serviced backup machines is determined by the dependence


For backup machines, the cycle time is equal to the time per operation:

T c \u003d T op or T c \u003d T ms + T s (52)

With multi-machine maintenance, time and production standards are set. Under the conditions of cyclic maintenance, operational work is performed on all machines during the cycle. On each of the machines, the operational time is determined by the formula


where T c -- cycle time, min;

p c - the number of products produced in one cycle, or the repeatability of the operation in the cycle.

Knowing the operational time for backup machines, you can calculate the piece time using the formula


where K is the time for technical and organizational maintenance of the workplace, rest and personal needs, set as a percentage of the operational time.

When servicing machines that are not connected by a common rhythm, i.e. during the non-cyclic operation of a multi-machine, as a rule, downtime occurs due to the coincidence of the service time of the machines. In these cases, the coefficient of coincidences (K s) is determined. For practical purposes, a table is used in which pre-calculated coincidence rates are given depending on the number of machines serviced and the employment rate. The operating time is calculated by the formula


where t op -- operational time for multi-machine maintenance;

T op -- operational time on one machine;

K with -- the coefficient of coincidence of the time of employment on one of the machines with the stop of other machines;

m -- the number of machines serviced by the worker.

Then the piece time can be determined by the formula


The production rate per shift is set for each machine. For a worker, it is calculated taking into account the number of serviced machines (t) according to the formula


When servicing different machines, the output for each of them in one cycle is calculated and summarized.

The output rate for a worker per shift is equal to the product of the number of cycles per shift and the output of all machines in one cycle:

N vyr \u003d And c * N vyr. c (58)

where And c -- the number of cycles per shift;

N vyr.ts - production of all machines per cycle.

The methodology for calculating the norms of time and norms of service in mass production differs significantly from the considered methodology for calculating serial and unit production. In the first case, the worker during the shift a certain number of times (usually equal to the planned task) repeats the same cycle of servicing the machines assigned to him, and in the second, he approaches the machines after the completion of the processing of the part, regardless of the number of previously made approaches to each serviced machine.

In mass production, synchronization of the process is achieved mainly through organizational measures that make it possible to ensure such an organization of labor, in which the processing time of a part at one workplace by one worker is equal to or a multiple of the flow cycle.

When determining piece time norms and service norms for existing production lines, the time the worker is busy processing one part and the operational time for each operation per one part (the so-called reduced time value). By comparing the given occupancy time and the given operative time, the given cycle time is determined. According to specially developed standards, the time for office maintenance, rest and personal needs is calculated and added to the given cycle time. The piece rate of time of a multi-station workplace calculated in this way is compared with the tact for each workplace and for each placement option. Workplaces, where the piece rate of time is somewhat larger, are subject to "embroidery" with the help of organizational and technical measures.

The best option for the placement of workers on the production line (the most progressive service standards) is the one that provides the minimum amount of working time spent on processing a given program for the production of parts, i.e. a minimum of jobs on the line, provided that each worker can perform the operations assigned to him during the takt time.

1.6 Setting the rate of service

The basis of calculations in the organization of multi-machine maintenance is the determination of the minimum required number of machines (assemblies), which ensures the full employment of the worker (production team) during the cycle of multi-machine maintenance. The number of serviced machines is determined based on the main condition for organizing multi-machine maintenance and for the option of combining into a group for multi-machine maintenance of backup machines and machines with equal duration of operations, it is calculated by the formula

n \u003d T ms K d / T s + 1 (59)

In all other cases, with cyclic maintenance, the number of machines in the group is

n \u003d Y T ms K d / T srm + 1 (60)

In these formulas K d? coefficient that takes into account fluctuations in the time spent by the worker when performing labor processes and the required time

Its use in the design of multi-station service enables the worker to use micro-pauses in work, which prevent increased fatigue.

Taking into account certain fluctuations in the time spent when performing manual work elements and the need to create some micropauses in the work of multi-machine operators, the formula will take the form for backup machines, i.e. machines with the same duration of operations

n \u003d (T ms / T s + 1) * K d.z (61)

for machines with different duration of operations

n \u003d (UT ms / T s.r.m + 1) * K d.z (62)

where is UT ms? the sum of machine-free time on all machines;

To d.z? the coefficient of optimal employment, at which the highest productivity of a multi-machine worker is achieved, and the severity of labor is within the normative limits;

T s.r.m. ? the time of employment of the multi-machine operator at the workplace (that is, on all serviced machines).

Table 2 Values ​​of the coefficient of optimal employment depending on working conditions

Indicator of working conditions, points

Fatigue index U, rel. units

Optimal employment coefficient K d.z.

from -6 to -20

from -21 to -35

-36 to -50

-51 to -65

-66 to -80

The coefficient K d.z is established by industry organizations, as a rule, within the following limits:

a) homogeneous systematically performed work on automatic equipment (weaving and spinning production in the textile industry, machine tool production lines in mechanical engineering, etc.)? 0.85? 0.95;

b) heterogeneous technological operations with a changing range of manufactured parts or other products, performed on: automatic equipment? 0.8? 0.9; semi-automatic equipment? 0.75? 0.85; universal non-automated equipment? 0.7? 0.8.

Under adverse working conditions (large physical and neuro-emotional stress, unfavorable sanitary and hygienic working conditions, etc.), the value of K d.z is limited to the following limits: for the third category of labor severity? 0.8, the fourth category? 0.75, the fifth category? 0.7.

When forming a multi-machine workplace from technologically heterogeneous equipment, the selection of machines is carried out on the basis of calculations of the worker's employment coefficient K zan for each machine

K zan \u003d T s / T op. (63)

The sum of K zan for all serviced machines should be close to one, but not more.

The organization of multi-machine jobs that are part of the production lines is carried out taking into account the coordination of the employment of the worker at the workplace with the cycle r of the production line:

T srm? T c? r(64)

1.7 Determining the duration of the maintenance cycle

An important concept in the organization of multi-machine maintenance is the multi-machine maintenance cycle.

The cycle of multi-machine maintenance T c is a period of time during which the worker regularly performs the entire range of maintenance work on all machines united in a group. If the worker does not have free time for maintenance, then the cycle time of multi-machine maintenance is equal to the sum of the time spent on maintenance of all machines in the group:

T c \u003d T srm (65)

Such a case is typical for the maintenance of backup machines and for machines on which operations of equal duration are performed.

With cyclic maintenance of machines that have an unequal, but multiple duration of operations, the worker may have free time. The duration of free time working T pr in this case is determined by the formula

T pr \u003d T c - T srm (66)

Cyclic maintenance of machines on which operations with unequal and non-multiple durations are performed, as well as for multi-step operations, is characterized by the presence of machine downtime and free time for the worker. The cycle of multi-machine service in this case is determined by comparing the largest value of the operating time for the serviced machines and the time the workplace is occupied. That of the compared values, which is the largest, determines the duration of the multi-machine maintenance cycle. The idle time of machines T ps for the cycle of multi-machine maintenance is calculated by the formula

T ps \u003d nT c - Y T op i (67)

where is T op? operating time on one machine.

You can determine the cycle time for multi-machine maintenance using cyclograms

In non-cyclic maintenance, there are times when machine work has ended on one or more serviced machines, while the worker is busy servicing another machine. At the same time, the machines wait for service during some periods of time, and during some others the worker has free time. Cycle time (conditional) can be defined as the sum of:

T c \u003d T ms + T c + T ps \u003d T op + T ps, min (68)

where T ps is the time of interruptions in the operation of the machine due to waiting, related to one cycle, min.

Free machine time and the worker's employment time are determined in the same way as when a worker maintains one machine.

The time of interruptions in the operation of the machine due to waiting for service is determined using the mathematical theory of queuing, which allows you to calculate the value of the downtime of the machine due to waiting for the maintenance of several machines by one or more workers. The queuing theory also makes it possible to determine the amount of free time for workers servicing equipment during those periods of time when all machines are working and do not require maintenance.

To solve this problem, you can use the ratio of cycle time to operational time, which will be called the coincidence coefficient (K s):

K s \u003d T c / T op \u003d (T ms + T s + T ps) / (T ms + T s) \u003d n / (n - n cool), (69)

where n is the total number of machines serviced by a worker (group);

n exp - the average number of machines waiting for service.

At the final stage of the organization of multi-machine maintenance, the rate of piece time and the rate of production are calculated.

For the conditions of multi-machine maintenance, a typical structure of the norm of piece time is used:

T w \u003d T op + T those + T org + T exc (70)

However, there are some peculiarities in the calculations of each element. Operational time includes the main technological time T s and the time of employment of the worker T s not overlapped by the technological time of work on this machine.

The busy time of the worker T s is defined as the sum of the time:

T s \u003d T r + T mr + T an + T obh (71)

where is T an? time of active monitoring of the progress of work on the machine.

The main technological time T o, manual time T r and machine-manual time T mr are determined according to the relevant standards in a similar way to a certain time during single-station work.

The time of active monitoring of the progress of work on machines Tan for the conditions of serial and large-scale production is taken equal to 5% of the main technological time. For automatic lathes and semi-automatic machines, the active observation time is determined according to the data in Table. 3.

Table 3 Time of active monitoring of work on automatic and semi-automatic lathes

The time to bypass the equipment T obx can be determined using the formulas given earlier.

The operational time for manufacturing one part is determined by the formulas:

when using duplicate machines

T "op \u003d T c / m (72)

where m? the number of parts produced during the cycle of multi-machine maintenance;

when combining operations of unequal and non-multiple duration

T "op \u003d T c / (mK s) (73)

where is k? coefficient for non-cyclic service conditions, taking into account the coincidence of the end time of one of the machines with the time the worker is busy on other machines (determined according to the standards).

The time of organizational maintenance of the workplace T "org as a percentage of the time of operational work T op is determined by the formula

T "org \u003d Ub org i T" op / 100 (74)

where b org? time of organizational maintenance of the workplace, % of the time of operational work;

n? number of serviced machines.

When determining the maintenance time of the workplace T those, it should be taken into account that during multi-machine operation, the periods of tool life are taken longer than when working on a single machine, since processing is often carried out at reduced modes. Accordingly, the maintenance time of the workplace is also reduced. This change in the maintenance time of the workplace is taken into account using the coefficient K t, which depends on the number of serviced machines and is determined from the following data:

The maintenance time of the workplace per one part is determined by the formulas:

for conditions of large-scale and mass production

T "those \u003d K t / m Y in those i T o / 100 (75)

for serial and small-scale production conditions

T" those \u003d K t / m U b those i T "op / 100 (76)

where would those? maintenance time of the workplace, % of the time of operational work with multi-machine maintenance;

in those? maintenance time of the workplace, % of the main (technological) time.

T about - the main technological time;

T "op - operational time for the manufacture of the 1st part.

Time for rest and personal needs per item is determined by the formula

T "exc \u003d b exc / m * T c / 100 (77)

where would excel? time for rest and personal needs, % of the time of the cycle of multi-machine maintenance T c;

m is the number of parts produced per cycle.

2. Practical part

Table 4 Conventions used in formulas and calculations


Meaning of a letter character

Labor productivity

Labor intensity

Industrial and production personnel

Specific weight, %

Number of employees

Salary fund


Volume of production

Working Time Fund

Fixed costs

Exercise 1

Based on the data of the previous task, determine what kind of savings from reducing the cost of production could be obtained by implementing the plan to improve the use of working time, if the average wage increased by 2%, the wage bill in the cost of production was 25%, and the cost was 92% of gross output.

Table 5

Savings from reducing the cost of production is determined by the formula:

E c \u003d US 1 q 1 -- US p q 1;

where C 1 and C p - the cost of production actually in the reporting period and the cost according to the plan, respectively;

q 1 - produced products actually in the reporting period.

Let's determine the cost of production:

S-st plan \u003d 8400 * 0.92 \u003d 7728

Let's define the payroll:

FZP plan \u003d 7728 * 0.25 \u003d 1932

We determine the average salary when the plan is fulfilled:

Average salary plan = 1932/730=2.65

Let's determine the average salary in fact:

Average salary actual = 2.65*1.02=2.70

Salary fund:

FZP fact \u003d 2.7 * 740 \u003d 1998

Actual cost:

C-st fact \u003d 1998 / 0.25 \u003d 7992

Based on the calculations made, we determine the savings from cost reduction:

E c \u003d 7992 * 8800-7728 * 8800 \u003d 2323 thousand rubles.

Task 2

Determine the planned wage bill for the industry sector based on the following data:

The volume of production in the base period is 12 billion rubles.

The number of SPP is stable

Increase in labor productivity 7%

Basic wage fund 3 billion rubles.

Increase in fixed production assets in the planned year 250 million rubles.

Labor productivity increased due to an increase in the OPF by 250 million rubles. The volume of production in the planned period increased by 7% and amounted to 12.84 billion rubles (12 * 1.07 = 12.84). The wage bill increased in proportion to the increase in the volume of production and amounted to 3.21 billion rubles (12.84*3/12=3.2)

multi-unit machine norm cycle


Multi-machine (multi-aggregate) service is the service by one or a group of workers of several machines (aggregates), in which the machine-automatic operating time of one machine is used to perform manual (requiring the presence of a worker) elements of the operation, as well as all or part of the functions of servicing the workplace, on others machines (aggregates).

The technical prerequisites for the development of multi-machine maintenance are an increase in the level of automation of the equipment used, an improvement in the equipment control system and the design of technological equipment, as a result of which the share of manual labor in equipment maintenance decreases and the share of automatic operation increases.

The economic feasibility of multi-machine maintenance lies in the possibility of ensuring full employment of machine operators and the equipment they service.

Forms of multi-machine service The organization of labor of multi-machine workers depends on the available equipment and the organization of production. From the point of view of technological homogeneity of equipment, maintenance is distinguished: backup machines, that is, machines of the same type on which the same operations are performed; the same type of equipment on which different operations are performed; technologically heterogeneous equipment, if the composition includes different machines.

When rationing multi-machine work, the following tasks are necessary:

1) to find the optimal standards of service and number for operators and adjusters, taking into account the interaction between them and the characteristics of team work;

2) determine the duration of the manufacturing cycle of a unit of production on one machine, taking into account its possible downtime while waiting for maintenance by workers. This value is called the norm of duration. It characterizes the machine intensity of a unit of production for a given operation and is measured in units of time: seconds, minutes, etc.

3) to establish the norm of time per unit of output for the workers of each group, based on the norms of duration, service and number. Time standards characterize the labor intensity of a unit of production for a given operation and are measured in man-seconds, man-minutes, etc.

In the course work, the establishment of a service standard, the calculation of service standards for backup machines, the calculation of service standards for machine tools when processing various parts, the calculation of time standards, output and the number of workers in multi-machine work were studied.


1. Adamchuk V.V. Organization and rationing of labor: Textbook for universities in economic specialties / Ed. V. V. Adamchuk. - M. : Finstatinform, 1999 .

2. Adamchuk V.V., Romashov O.V., Sorokina M.E. Economics and sociology of labor: Textbook for universities. -- M.: UNITI, 1999.

3. Vorotnikova V.V., Pavlenko A.P. Organization and regulation of labor in multi-machine maintenance. - M.: Economics, 2012.

4. Galtsov A.D. Organization of work on labor rationing at a machine-building enterprise. - M.: Economics, 2013.

5. Genkin B.M. Optimization of labor standards. - M.: Economics, 2011.

6. Genkin B.M. Organization, rationing and wages at enterprises: a textbook. - 5th ed., rev. and additional - M.: Norma, 2014.

7. Intersectoral normative materials on the choice of optimal options for organizing labor in multi-machine maintenance and combining professions. - M., 2014.

8. Pashuto V.P. Organization, rationing and wages at the enterprise: a training manual. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: KNORUS, 2013.

9. Pashuto V.P. Organization, rationing and wages at the enterprise: a training manual. - 6th ed., erased. - M.: CROCUS, 2011.

10. Smirnov E.L. Reference manual for NOT.-3rd ed. / Smirnov E.L. - M.: Economics, 2014.

11. Rofe A.I. Organization and regulation of labor. - M.: MIK, 2011.

12. General machine-building time standards for the regulation of multi-machine work on metal-cutting machines. - M.: Economics, 2010.

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