Basket of willow branches with your own hands. Basic secrets of weaving willow baskets for beginners

Bast weaving has been known since very ancient times, even when our ancestors made bast shoes. Over time, people began to weave containers and household items of various kinds and purposes (boxes, baskets, cradles, etc.). Now basket weaving allows you to create unique and unusual decorative elements, and household items simply diversified their arsenal and style.

Christmas wreath

Necessary materials:

  • grapevine (you can use any grape plant, both wild and cultivated), you will need about 10 sticks vine 0.5 cm in diameter and about 2 meters in length (the number of vine sticks depends on the desired thickness of the future wreath);
  • glue gun;
  • natural materials for decor (cones, Christmas tree branches, acorns, berries);
  • decorative materials (burlap, balls, bows, beads, money, boxes).

Weaving is best done from freshly cut vines. If the vine is dry, you can moisten it and it will regain the necessary moisture and elasticity.

The order of weaving a Christmas wreath:

We take one stick of grapevine and turn it into a ring, as shown in the picture.

With the second stick, you need to braid around the previously obtained ring.

At the beginning and at the end of the action, the edges of the working vine must be fixed between the rods of the first row of weaving.

In the process of weaving, the vine tends to break; in this case, at the point of breaking, you need to cut off the twig, and fill the end between the previously woven rows.

For accuracy finished product, you need to make sure that all the rods in the weaving process lie in the same direction.

The finished ring from the vine can be left without decor, as a talisman, or you can decorate it.

Using a glue gun, you need to glue all the previously prepared decor elements to the vine ring.

You can fill the wreath with twigs and cones using your own imagination.

You can add various kinds of bows and even artificial snow to the wreath.

Weaving a decorative braid

This example will follow the contour of a plywood board with rounded corners.

Necessary materials:

  • plywood board with rounded corners;
  • nail;
  • a hammer;
  • pencil;
  • drill and drill, depending on the thickness of the rods of the vine;
  • wire cutters or secateurs;
  • vine.

First you need to take a plywood board and on the sides you need to mark with a pencil the future holes for inserting the rods of the vine, about 3 centimeters should be left between the marks.

Use a nail and hammer to make small indentations on the marks. With a drill, drill holes about 2 centimeters.

The rods are best used wet, as they are more flexible, so insert the rods into the holes as needed during the weaving process.

Insert rods about 30 centimeters long into the holes.

Weaving a braid must begin from left to right from the place where three paired holes are drilled one after the other. From three places we will have four rods of the vine.

For convenience, we will call these structures of rods “strands”.

Take a separate stick and bend the middle strand through it, using the tips from the picture.

Take the first strand of rods and wind it behind the third, over the second.

We bend the third strand over the first strand wound behind it

We take the second strand of four rods and wind it up behind a strand of two rods over the third strand, which still consists of four.

We bend a pair of strands of rods.

We attach four rods from the first to the already bent pair strand. We have formed six rods in one plane. Further, the upper waves of the braid will consist of four rods, and the lower waves of six.

Start the third strand of four rods behind the next paired strand.

Bend a pair of strands of rods.

Attach four rods from the second strand to the already bent pair strand.

In the fourth strand, we have already formed six rods. We take only four of them and start the next pair of strands for four rods.

We bend a pair of rods by attaching four rods to it. So a wave of six rods is formed.

Repeat the step in which you need to take four rods out of six.

Continue weaving in a circle until the end and the beginning of weaving converge.

Take four of the six rods in the top wave and wind them behind the first strand.

The last time you need to start the next four rods out of six, for the strand from which the weaving of the pigtail began (the strand, which was first bent through an auxiliary stick).

Weave the lower wave with the rods that are left and add four rods in order to each woven section, two more. And cut off the two unused rods at the end of the entire weaving.

Also, at the end, you need to cut off all the protruding rods only carefully so as not to spoil the leading ones.

basket weaving

For weaving, you will need a willow vine, however, not all vines are equally good for this business, some types may break when working with it. To check if the vine is suitable for the job, bend it 90 degrees, if it does not break, then it will do. The vine must be dried before you start working with it.

However, before the process, the dry vine needs to be moistened to make it easier to work with. The duration of the soaking of the vine depends on its length, the longer the vine, the longer it needs to be soaked.

In addition to the vine itself, you will need:

  • scissors;
  • secateurs;
  • long nail or sharp stick.

The initial stage is the creation of a base for the basket. Make eight sections from a fairly thick vine. For a basket of this size, as in the master class, lengths of about 30 centimeters are enough.

Take four pieces and in the center of each of them make a cut about 5 centimeters long.

Insert the uncut pieces into the cut ones in the middle to form a cross.

Now examine the lengths of the rods and select the thinnest of them, as well as the longest. Of these, it is best to start weaving. Take two pieces and insert the thin ends into the cuts, as shown in the picture.

To start making the basket, we will use the "Twist" weave. Actually it's quite simple technique, but it may not succumb to you the first time if you have never encountered it before. It consists in the following: you need to hold two twigs, and then twist them one above the other so that they change places. Each twist is always done in the same direction. To better understand the technique, look at the pictures.

Wrap four pieces each time, make two rows. This will help secure the base of the basket. Try to pull the twigs as tight as possible and place them as close to each other as possible.

After you finish two rows using the same twisting technique, you need to wrap each piece with rods separately.

Separate the segments from each other by tilting them. Make the distance between the segments as uniform as possible. After you complete this row, your twigs should be distributed like the spokes of a bicycle wheel. Make a few more rows.

Soon your weaving sections will become too short, and you will need to lengthen them in order to continue working. It is best not to add two vines at the same time, as this can make the weave weak. See the picture for how to do this.

The end of the new segment must be inserted between the last two rows, and then bent. After that, cut off the old vine and continue to weave the basket. When adding new twigs, connect the thick end to the thick one, and the thin end to the thin end.

Once you've made the base for the basket, insert another vine in addition to the 16 you have in the base (simply sharpen the end of the vine and insert it into the last two rows). You will have to apply some effort, if necessary, you can expand the distance between the braided rows so that the segment is easier to insert.

Cut off those twigs with which you wove earlier, and continue to weave with only one inserted (above the twig, under the twig, and so on). You can add new twigs by simply tying the new one to the old one. Continue weaving until the base reaches the diameter you need. In this case, the base is 20 centimeters.

Now take sections of the vine of medium thickness. You need to create the sides of the basket. Sharpen the thick end of each of them. Insert these segments next to each of the "knitting needles". Cut off the ends of the old knitting needles at warp level.

One of the new twigs, bend it to the left under the two adjacent ones, and then bend it up, as shown in the picture. Repeat in the same way with the rest of the twigs. After that, take all the twigs in a bundle and tie.

Now insert three twigs to the left of the three twigs at the base of the sides. Take the leftmost one, bend it to the right behind the two adjacent ones and in front of the third, then turning it outward. Continue in the same way and make two rows, then untie the twigs.

Count the number of twigs, take the same amount. Insert a twig to the right of each knitting needle at the base, tilting it to the left and leading it behind the adjacent knitting needle and in front of the third, and then bring the twig out again.

When you paste required amount, you can start weaving. Weave until the segments are short.

It remains to make a bezel. To create it, take one of the twigs and bend it to the right.

Get it behind two adjacent twigs, in front of the third and fourth, then behind the fifth and bring it out.

Repeat in the same way with each of the twigs. At the end, cut off the excess length of the segments.

For many, man-made things are of great value because they help create an atmosphere of comfort.

The situation becomes more original, author's details appear that bring individual features to the interior.

In modern stores big choice interior accessories. Various useful little things can be quite expensive, especially when you need not 2-3 things, but a whole set of baskets, vases, paintings, etc.

For this reason, many choose the option in which you can decorate the house yourself.

From such an undertaking, you can extract many advantages - the thing will turn out beautiful and exactly what you need - it will be easy to use and fit the overall interior. At the same time, it does not require spending big money or it will even cost for free if all the materials are available.

Storage systems will always be useful in a home. Works great with these features. wicker baskets. The process itself can even turn into a hobby that you can captivate your family and friends with.

paper basket

It will take not plain paper, but wrapper. She could stay in the house, if not, then she is not expensive and can be bought at large volume. She comes across in hypermarkets, in flower shops or in shops with similar trifles.

Brown paper looks good on the folds and has a nice color. AT last resort, instead of paper, you can take wallpaper, they have a similar texture.

For work you will need a typewriter, paper clips and glue. The paper needs to be cut into even ribbons and folded several times. The denser our blanks are, the more reliable our paper basket will be.

To make it convenient to work and the product looked more aesthetic, the edges of the tape are stitched with a thread. Indents are made in the region of 5 mm. The color of the thread is chosen according to overall color rooms. You can take black threads, they will look good with any scale.

In order to additionally fasten the product, the strips are smeared with glue. Silicone is best, it sets quickly.

Newspaper basket

A do-it-yourself basket can be made from both paper and newspapers. The principle will be about the same. Even decorators often use this method of decorating. Black and white stripes look quite original and bright.

Newspapers are quite relevant today, despite digital technologies. People appreciate them, like books - for the opportunity to touch and smell the seal.

Many have large stacks of old editions at home that have nowhere to locate. It is quite possible to make a dense product out of them - it can be a fruit basket or a container for storing small items.

We need scissors and glue. As with paper, we make many blanks in the form of even ribbons and weave them together. To give the basket more reliability, it is sheathed with a dense tape of any color.

fabric baskets

From old fabric you can make a good laundry basket. You can also store children's toys, magazines and newspapers in it, and even use it as a cover for flower pots.


To work, you need a monophonic and decorative fabric, threads. From decorative and plain material, you need to cut 2 blanks - a circle and a rectangle. They must be the same length.

Then you need to fold 2 circles and 2 rectangles on the wrong side and stitch them. After that, sew everything together and you're done.

Perhaps the first works will not look like a master class on how to make a basket, but after practicing, you can make quite decent products that will not only be free, but also beautiful and functional.

Many housewives will agree that sometimes some things simply have nowhere to go. This is especially true for small things that seem to be very necessary in the household, but interfere or are not always at hand. At the same time, find suitable option in the store is quite difficult.

In the photo of the baskets, you can see options that are easy to make at home, and it’s completely free or for little money.


DIY basket photo


AT old days items woven from wicker were widely used in subsistence farming. Today weaving willow baskets is an art, a hobby, and a business. An experienced craftsman has perfected the process of making baskets, and the product itself costs a lot of money. Colourful, bright, most different forms baskets are used as decorative elements. But there are also models that are used in everyday life.

Weaving is a very simple craft that you can master on your own. Do-it-yourself baskets, vases, boxes will take their rightful place in the interior, and, most importantly, they will be in a single copy. Made by hand, they will delight the eye, warm the soul and keep the warmth of human hands.

Necessary material for weaving wicker baskets

For weaving willow baskets, long and straight rods are used without knots and outgrowths. The best branches are no more than one centimeter thick, which bend well and do not crack at the folds. Willow branches with orange, red or purple bark are suitable for crafting.

Masters who master the skill of basket weaving prepare the material on their own. best time for the collection of basket willow, the winter season or early spring is recognized. To work, the rods are soaked and then dried.

For the craft, uncleaned and cleaned rods are used. From unpeeled branches weave simple baskets for home use, hedges, gazebos. The purified material is used for decor items: flowerpots, boxes, trays, furniture. Over time, the peeled branches acquire a golden hue, which will give the future product a special charm.

The following tools are used in the work:

  • awl;
  • sharp knife;
  • pinch;
  • columns.

Willow basket weaving process

For the convenience of weaving products from wicker, you should familiarize yourself with the terminology:

  • knitting needles - straight rods diverging from the center in the form of rays, from which the bottom of the basket is woven;
  • racks - knitting needles bent up, necessary for the formation of walls;
  • knitting or weaving - rods that braid knitting needles and racks.

The classic willow basket weaving process starts from the base. Then the spokes are bent up and the walls are created. At the final stage, the edge of the product is formed, and lastly, the handle.

When weaving the bottom, you need to tighten the branches around the knitting needles as tightly as possible. In this case, it is undesirable to move the spokes up or down. This technique will ensure the quality and reliability of the basket.

It is advisable for beginners to start weaving baskets from willow with round-shaped products using the simple weaving method.

Types and methods of weaving a willow basket with your own hands

The standard basket weaving pattern is circular in one direction (left to right). The left branch is the working branch. But before weaving willow baskets, you should learn the methods of weaving.

There are basic weaving techniques:

If the basket is woven in a closed loop, an odd number of racks must be used. This is due to the fact that on one turn the rod wraps around the rack from the outside, and on the next - from the inside. Otherwise, the circle will not close.

This technique involves the use of branches of the same length and thickness. This will create the same number of rows, which will be reflected in the even walls of the basket.

Weaving methods abound, but they all use basic weaving techniques. Beginners who have never engaged in such a craft should watch a video on the Internet on how to weave baskets from willow. And to make the products even and beautiful, it is better to practice making simple items - souvenirs, pots, boxes.

Willow basket weaving - video

Weaving from a vine is a very exciting activity. In Belarus and other CIS countries, basket weaving is very popular. Making crafts from the vine with your own hands is not only exciting, but also useful. Knot weaving allows you to develop attentiveness and perseverance, and also improves fine motor skills of the hands. You can find many master classes for beginners, which describe step by step how to weave correctly.

Weaving from a vine is a very exciting activity.

There are patterns for weaving baskets. Those who like this activity can go to special courses. There they give not only the basics of this craft, but also dedicate to all the subtleties and nuances of the weaving process.

So, the work consists of the following successive stages:

  1. To get started, the rods need to be prepared. You should take a bunch of willow twigs and put them on a flat surface. The preparation of the material involves its preliminary drying, but if a person uses purchased rods, then you can do without it.
  2. An artificial basket should be made from pre-soaked rods. This should be done in order for them to become flexible. Keep them in water for at least 2 days. During this time, they will become flexible enough and will not break.
  3. Then you need to cut the twigs to their base. They are cut depending on the desired size of the basket. If there is a desire to weave a small basket, then it is enough to use 30 cm twigs. More overall products are woven from 60-centimeter twigs.
  4. Next, 4 twigs are taken for the base of the product. They need to make a cut. It is made in the middle, the length is approximately 5 cm.
  5. After that, you can start collecting the base. To do this, other rods that do not have slots are placed crosswise on 4 rods with slots. They should lie perpendicular.
  6. Now the process of weaving the basket begins. Surface preparation. 2 rods are inserted into it. They will be braided around other twigs, and thus create the shape of the product.
  7. To strengthen the base, weaving should be paired. All rods should lie in the same direction and not twist. Each willow twig should fit snugly against the rest of the twigs.
  8. After the master managed to weave 2 rows, the rays of the base must be divided.
  9. Work rods should be added as needed.
  10. Weaving of the walls occurs by setting the side racks.
  11. When the walls are ready, you can start making the handle of the basket. You can make it from 5 thin twigs.

Gallery: wicker weaving (25 photos)

How to make a basket from a vine with your own hands (video)

Willow weaving: differences and secrets

In such a craft, you can not do without some features:

  • The twigs must be soaked in water for a couple of days, as this will make them flexible. Some even have to boil them.
  • If willow twigs lose their flexibility during work, they should be sprayed with water.
  • In such work, it is important to use twigs of different thicknesses. For example, the base of the product must be made from thick rods.
  • Before using willow twigs soaked in water, you need to make sure that they are completely dry.
  • To make the product beautiful, it is important to ensure that all the twigs fit very tightly to each other. It is also important to lay them in one direction so that the rods do not twist.

If willow twigs lose their flexibility during work, they should be sprayed with water.

What tools might be needed for the job?

The weaving technique is not always easy, so the master may need tools such as:

  • Awl.
  • Secateurs.
  • Mallet or nippers.
  • Pliers.
  • Templates.

Tip: the preparatory stage greatly facilitates the work. If the vine is pre-dried and soaked in water, then it will be much easier to work with it, and you will not have to use some tools.

Vine Harvesting

When to prepare?

Most auspicious time for harvesting - autumn. The vine begins to be harvested when the leaves begin to fall.

The most favorable time for harvesting is autumn

How to make a cut?

Twigs are cut hand tools, for example, secateurs. An oblique cut is made. When a cut is made, it is important to ensure that there are no contaminants on the twig, because during cleaning it can be damaged. The cut should be smooth, there should be no flakes of wood on it.

How to store them?

Thin rods are stored with thin rods, and thick rods with thick ones.

Do not store it in a damp room, as it will turn black and mold.

How to prepare the vine for work?

You need to use only clean vines for weaving, so if there is dirt or dirt on it, you need to start cleaning. Next, the twigs are cleaned of bark. If the vine is properly treated, it will become white and shiny. Only then can you start drying.

Vine weaving: furniture

Grapevine furniture looks very presentable and expensive. Such products are always nice to have in the house, so why not make something from this material with your own hands?

Master class on making a chair from a vine:

  1. At the first stage, the material for work must be selected. A beautiful chair can be made only from high-quality material.
  2. Next, the selected material must be processed. The vine is cleaned, the bark is removed from it. Then it is dried and soaked in water for several days. Don't neglect it preparatory stage, since without it it will not be easy to work with rods.
  3. The structure is being assembled. You need to decide in advance on the size of the chair. The vine is cut according to the desired parameters of the product. The chair frame is made first.
  4. After that, the legs should be attached to the frame. In order for the legs to attach firmly, in addition to the vine, you can use a rope.
  5. Weaving takes place according to a simple pattern: horizontal twigs are superimposed on vertical ones, then braids are knitted and knots are woven.

Grapevine furniture looks very presentable and expensive

At the last stage, the product must be varnished or painted.

Knot weaving from a vine

The technology of nodular weaving does not require any special talents from a person. Everyone can cope with such work, the main thing is to have a desire.

For beginner craftsmen, it is best to start with simple jobs, for example, you can make a small basket. As for those craftsmen who wish to improve their skills and learn how to create something more complex, they are advised to attend special courses on knot weaving.

In this work, it is important not only to be assiduous. The master requires attention and concentration. If he follows the instructions, he will definitely be able to create his own beautiful product knot weaving method.

Collection and preparation of wicker (video)

It is easy to make sure that wicker weaving is a great activity for representatives of different age categories. Interest is not only the desire to get a finished "product", but even the process of working on it.




Must try, very interesting. Thank you!

One of the most popular types of needlework is weaving things from wicker and wicker. The information presented will be of particular interest to beginners who want to master this art form.

Brief overview of the article

The article will address the following questions:

  • Collection of wicker and its preparation for further work.
  • Important aspects that you need to master for productive work.
  • Tools and devices to facilitate the weaving of willow baskets.
  • The simplest and most popular weaving technique.

Having mastered the weaving of a willow basket with your own hands, you can touch the art that was valued in ancient times. In the distant past, dishes of various shapes were woven from the branches of the vine, furniture was made and roofs were built. Progress took away modern man the warmth radiated by handmade objects from natural materials.

Despite this, things made from willow branches do not cease to be popular among connoisseurs of beauty and luxury. Each product radiates warmth and a positive charge of the sun's energy, as well as the warmth of the master's hand. Each item fits perfectly into any interior and complements it with its elegance and beauty. For this reason, from day to day there is an active growth of admirers who appreciate objects made from willow tree branches, especially willow basket weaving. For beginners, this material will be especially useful.

Collection of wicker and its preparation for further work

Willow is an unpretentious tree, therefore it grows on almost all continents, has numerous species and forms of growth. Almost every type of willow tree is suitable for weaving. The only thing that is important is to properly collect the branches and prepare them for further work. It is necessary to harvest rods between late autumn and in early spring, because just at this time the sap flow in the tree stops. Visually, this is manifested by the absence of leaves in autumn and the absence of new buds in spring.

For proper cutting, you will need a sharp pruner or a well-sharpened knife. Both thin branches of a tree and thicker ones are suitable for weaving. The cut rods should be as long as possible without branches. The best is to cut at a slight angle, while you can not cut all the rods from one branch - you need to leave 2-3 buds so as not to harm the tree. If everything is done correctly, pruning will not harm the willow, on the contrary, it will make it healthier.

Sophisticated masters of vine weaving do not collect branches, they prefer to buy them in order to save time and effort that will be needed for further fruitful creativity. Some weavers grow the vine, but this is much less common. For beginners, it is better to collect rods on their own in order to understand all the intricacies of wicker harvesting, as well as to thoroughly study all the ways of weaving willow baskets.

For weaving, you can use both uncleaned rods and cleaned ones - it all depends on the further application. Baskets for collecting roots and berries, hedges, arbors are woven from unpeeled branches. Cleaned rods are used to make more elegant things: flowerpots, home furniture, baskets. After a certain period of time, the cleaned twigs acquire a beautiful golden hue, which gives the product a special charm. Experienced craftsmen they cut wide rods into 4 parts and at the output they get willow ribbons, from which very beautiful items interior.

How to properly clean branches?

Every beginner can clean the rods. To do this, you need to know just one trick. Before proceeding with cleaning, it is necessary to boil the rods for 2 hours. It is better to use a cooking container according to the size of the rods, since the rods twisted into a ring will retain their shape, the creative process will be long and laborious. Immediately after cooking, you can start cleaning the branches. This process will be facilitated by a special tool - a pinch. If this tool is not at hand, you can do without it.

The only nuance in cleaning the rods with your own hands is that it is best to start peeling off the peel from the thick end. It is necessary to clean the rods while they are wet. If you do not have time to clean the entire volume, just leave them in the water to prevent the top layer from drying out. After cleaning all the rods, leave them to dry completely. It is best to do this procedure on the street under the rays of the sun. You can arrange the finished rods by tying them in size, which will help in choosing the right length for the manufacture of the product. After this preparation procedure, willow basket weaving will become fun and easy.

Important aspects to know

After the rods are ready, you can start weaving. For beginners, it is best to start with training and try to weave the bottom. It is the bottom that is the main element of many woven things. The main thing to remember is that weaving willow baskets requires a lot of time and maximum perseverance.

Before you start weaving the bottom, you need to soak the selected rods in hot water for 15-20 minutes - this will make the material more elastic and facilitate the work of the master. It is worth noting that the better the branches are soaked, the less they will crack and break. During weaving, it is necessary to wet the wickerwork in order to maintain its elastic properties.

Having mastered the process of weaving the bottom, you can proceed to more responsible work, for example, weaving a basket based on an already made bottom. The technique of weaving baskets from willow is simple, so having mastered it, you can easily start making a handle and a bend. Be sure that each subsequent work will be better than the previous one, as the experience gained leads each beginner to mastering the skill.

Tools and fixtures to facilitate the work with the vine

Exist minimum set tools that are necessary for high-quality weaving:

  • Garden pruner or very sharp knife.
  • Sharp big scissors.
  • Large bowl for boiling and steaming wicker.
  • Accessories: pliers, tweezers and clothespins.
  • Metal ruler and sharp pencil.
  • Power tools: a jigsaw and a drill, as well as everything you need for their correct operation.
  • Furniture varnish, stain and brushes.

All these tools are needed for weaving not only flowerpots and baskets, but also for the manufacture of furniture and other large-sized products.

The simplest and most popular willow basket weaving technique

The algorithm and technology of weaving willow baskets consists of several stages:

  1. Weaving the bottom of the basket.
  2. Weaving the correct transition to the walls and walls of the basket.
  3. Weaving the edge of the basket.
  4. Handle weaving.

Weaving the bottom of the basket

Weaving the bottom of the basket begins with the selection of the necessary rods. The ideal option would be a choice of branches middle length and thickness. For a classic bottom, you need to take 8 rods. In four, make through slots and insert the remaining rods into the cut holes.

The created base must be braided with two thinner rods. Then gradually bend the adjacent rods of the base and braid everything in turn. Having finished braiding the first row, you should get 16 rays. The beginning of the bottom for the basket is laid.

Thus, it is necessary to weave to the desired diameter.

Weaving the correct transition to the walls and walls of the basket

The transition of weaving from the bottom to the walls is the most difficult moment in creating a basket. To make the transition, you need 17 rods of medium thickness. Make sure they are even. If the thickest edge of the branch is cut evenly, sharpen it. The sharp edge of each rod must be inserted adjacent to the bottom base rods. After that, the newly inserted branches must be bent, and those that were the base should be cut off without leaving a protruding end.

Thus, you will get 16 protruding rods located perpendicular to the bottom. The remaining rod must be passed through a couple of sectors and weaving continues in the already familiar technique.

For beginners, it is best to choose classic willow basket weaving. The photo below shows the elementary nature of the weaving scheme, which will not cause any difficulties.

Weaving the edge of the basket

After the walls of the basket are woven, it is necessary to correctly braid the edge. There are a lot of ways to braid the edge. The most elementary method includes several steps. Each twig in turn must be passed through the next two sectors and pulled out before the next pair of twigs. This way you get a beautiful and finished edge of the basket.

Having finished these manipulations, it is necessary to cut off the excess ends of the branches with inside baskets.

Handle weaving

Weaving a handle is the final step in creating a basket. For the manufacture will need a thick flexible rod. Next, you need to measure desired length and cut off at an acute angle everything superfluous. Next, you need to insert the ends of the branch into opposite sides of the already finished base of the basket. Next, you need to wrap the base of the future handle with thinner branches. It remains only to wrap the handles with thin rods and secure at the end in the same way.

This weaving technology is suitable for the manufacture of any other items. Weaving oval willow baskets is not much different from classical technology, the only difference is what shape the bottom of the basket will be. The entire subsequent process remains unchanged. The main thing in making things from wicker is following intuition and having imagination. Remember that weaving willow baskets is a very interesting and exciting process.
