How to make a phone stand out of a credit card. DIY phone stand: how to make paper, wood

If you have accumulated unnecessary bank or discount cards, do not rush to throw them away, because you can make useful things out of them - smartphone stands with different designs. We have collected several design options, including quite sophisticated ones.

The first stand is the easiest. It can be done by simply bending the card in two places so that you get something like this:

You can make three bends and get a design that more securely holds the base of the smartphone.

In order to prevent the card from breaking and losing strength at the bending points, it is better to bend it after preheating it with a hair dryer. The plastic will gain increased elasticity for a while, and then harden again.

To create this design, you will need to make cutouts on the map on both sides, forming hooks, and bend it in half. Sharp tatters at the sites of cuts need to be ground off, this can be done with a file or sandpaper, and if they are not there, with a nail file or a clerical knife.

For such a delivery, two cards glued together are required. This provides additional stability - you can put your smartphone on it not only horizontally, but also vertically.

Two cutouts on the map - and such a stand is ready. For greater stability, you can use two cards - one will be attached to the left side of the smartphone, the other to the right. The second card can be cut out by putting the first one on it, so they will be completely symmetrical and the smartphone will not warp.

The Chinese produce such a stand. In size, it is exactly the same as a bank card, which means that you can make it yourself. To do this, you need to make several cuts on the card with a very heated knife and build the same structure by bending the lower holder, the back for fixing and the base of the card. The advantage of this stand is the ability to adjust the angle of inclination.

How often, being at home, in the office or on the road, we cannot remember where we put our phone. To prevent this from happening, you should get comfortable and ergonomic stands that you can make yourself. A phone stand can be made with your own hands from the most unexpected materials at hand. How to do this, our step-by-step master class will tell.

How to make a do-it-yourself phone stand: options for office and car

Whether at work or in the car, we all need to always be in touch. At the same time, you don’t want to spend a lot of money on expensive coasters, because they can be made from waste and outdated materials.

Card stand.

The simplest option for a phone holder is a card holder. To make it, you need to carefully bend the unnecessary plastic card in two places, as shown in the photo below, preventing it from breaking.

Experience shows that a plastic card holder is very reliable and can withstand even air travel at times of strong turbulence.

Stationery clip stand.

To make a phone stand from stationery clips or from binders, as they are also called, you will need one large and one small clip. The legs of the small clamp should be placed between the holding part of the large clamp and placed on the table so that the larger clamp rests on its surface.

Similar coasters can be made in five minutes from clothespins.

Paper clips make a great car stand option. To make it, you need to disassemble the large clamp and slightly bend the metal parts, as shown in the photo below.

In order not to damage the surface of the phone, it is recommended to wrap metal fasteners with threads in several layers. We return the holders to their place, additionally fix them with adhesive tape and clerical gum. We fix the clamp on the ventilation shutters. The phone is securely fastened between the metal parts of the binder.

Paper stand.

Ordinary office paper, folded in a certain way, can even support the weight of a large smartphone. To make a stand out of paper, you need to measure the dimensions of the phone and adjust the pattern below for them.

Cut out the piece from paper, fold it along the dotted lines and insert the side pieces into the slots. This design is good because it allows you to charge your phone without removing it from the stand.

We study popular options for coasters for home comfort

A desktop phone stand for the home should not only be comfortable, but also durable, stylish and fit well into the interior of the home. Consider options for such products.

Stand made of newspaper tubes.

A phone stand made of newspaper tubes will be a wonderful gift and a great decoration for any interior.

To weave such a stand, you will need several pre-painted long newspaper tubes, scissors, knitting needles, a little glue and varnish.

We place six blanks parallel to each other at a distance of about 1-1.5 cm and firmly fix them in the machine or in any convenient way. We lay knitting needles or wire in the extreme racks to make it more convenient to form even and neat contours of the product. We begin to braid the base with a working tube using the “rope” technique or chintz weaving. We monitor the parallelism of the rows and, if necessary, coat them with glue for better fixation.

Weave a rectangular blank of the required length. We take out the knitting needles or wire. The ends of the stands are neatly trimmed and trimmed. We give the workpiece the necessary curved shape, if necessary, wetting it a little with water.

Similarly, weave the leg of the stand on a smaller number of tubes. We bend the finished leg, install it on the main part and fix its racks between the rows of the stand. Cut off the excess and hide it. We coat the product with glue, if desired, additionally paint and cover with 1-2 layers of varnish. After complete drying, the stand can be used for its intended purpose.

Stand made of origami modules.

Modular origami is a fairly young, but very popular type of needlework. With it, you can make a lot of unusual and original gizmos, including a phone stand from modules.

To make the stand, you will need double-sided blue and pink paper. We cut the sheets into blanks and fold the modules.

We start weaving from the base of the stand. For it, you will need 28 blue modules, which must be connected to each other and closed in a ring. We make three more rows in the same way. From the fifth row, we reduce the number of modules by 1, 2, 3, 4 pieces. In the seventh row we put one pink module in the middle.

In the eighth row we put 6 modules, make a pass, another 10 modules, a pass, 6 modules. The number of pink modules is 2 pieces. In the next row, we put three pink modules on the pink section. We begin to make out the curly edging of the stand, as shown in the photo below.

In the back, we form a pattern in the form of a heart, above which we install a row of blue modules. Gradually narrow the stand until a triangular wedge forms in its back.

Stand of modules is ready!

Video on the topic of the article

We suggest watching the video tutorials below on making other options for phone stands.

It happens that in some places there is not always a stable connection, in my case, the Beeline operator, since the tower is far away and the nearby trees prevent it from transmitting a signal calmly. I didn’t want to make any antenna for the phone, I came up with a simpler one, this is a phone stand that could be placed in the place where the connection is stable and does not depend on weather conditions. And about how to make a stand for the phone, I will tell you in this article.

As in any other homemade product, we need to decide on the necessary materials.

In order to make this stand you will need:
* Parquet.
* Board width 8cm.
* Epoxy adhesive.
* Threads, matches.
* Black felt.
* Hacksaw for metal.
* Drill and drills for it with a diameter of 3 and 6 mm.
* Coarse and fine-grained sandpaper.
* Screw length 55mm.

That's all the materials that we need, which is not hard to get, and if there is no parquet, then any strong board will do.

Now you can proceed to the gradual manufacture of the stand.

Step one.
First of all, you need to determine the dimensions of the future stand, for this we measure the dimensions of the phone that you want to install in the stand in the future, and do not forget to measure the thickness.

In my case, the thickness of the phone turned out to be quite large for the current time, after all, 1.5 cm is not small for a phone in 2017, but all this, taking into account the fact that the phone has a protective bumper.
For convenience, we make a drawing on paper or in a program, as I did.

Step two.
After you have decided on the size of the stand, you can take the tools and cut out the main part. The basis in the stand is its so-called back, the dimensions of which are 8 * 9 cm. We take the thickness of the base 5 mm, no more and no less, because we don’t want the stand to be heavy or too fragile due to lack of thickness. To do this, I sawed across an already sawn board 8 * 9, reducing the thickness from 18 to 5 mm.

Now you need to drill a hole for attaching the stand to the wall, first drill with a 3mm drill, then 6mm, but not through, in order to hide the screw head. Then we round the corners with sandpaper.

Step three.
When the base is ready, you can start making legs that, with their design, will not allow the phone to fall.
To make paws, as it seemed to me, is best from the parquet that I found in my garage.

At first it was conceived so that the paws were composite, that is, assembled from two parts.

But due to the loss of strength with such a connection, I decided to make them solid. The result is such a foot in the form of the letter G.

There are three such paws in my design.

Step four.
At first, I did not attach much importance to the appearance, but in the course of manufacturing I realized that all sharp edges needed to be rounded off, which I did.

It is best to round sharp edges with coarse-grained sandpaper. Upon reaching the desired result, we grind with a finer grit to remove all teases.
Also, do not forget to sand the main part, since the surface of contact with the phone should be even.
Step five.
After all the component parts are sanded, you can proceed to fixing them to the base.
For these purposes, epoxy glue is best suited, which I have tested repeatedly and has proven to be high-strength.

Stir with matches one to one the right amount of epoxy glue and smear the places where the paws will be installed.

Epoxy glue dries for a long time, but holding the glued parts with your hands for a long time is simply not enough patience. Without thinking twice, I decided that the easiest way to fasten such a design with thread and matches, wrapping a dozen turns around its edges. Due to the large number of turns of thread, everything is held securely, and most importantly, the parts are pressed quite tightly.
We first glue the lower foot in the middle, and then the two side ones.

I had to tinker a little with the side ones, in this case it is better to ask a friend to help, since two hands were clearly not enough to hold two parts, and also wrap it all around with a thread.

Leave everything to dry completely.
Step six.
The epoxy glue has dried up and despite the fact that the width of the touching plane is only 5 mm, the paws hold very tightly.

Many people buy smartphones. These are convenient gadgets that allow you to watch videos and read books directly from your phone, and talk on Skype. All this is convenient to do at the table. You just need a stand to keep your phone in a tilted position. Then the hands remain free, and it is more convenient to look at the screen. You can buy a ready-made plastic or metal stand with a suction cup, or you can make a stand for your phone with your own hands. A little material will go, this is not a costly business, and it will take almost no time. But the product will be unique, it can be painted in any color, make a drawing or carving on a wooden stand. Consider several different options for do-it-yourself phone stands.


For such a cute stand that you can give to your girlfriend, you will need: a jigsaw, a chisel, PVA or D3 glue (based on PVA), grit No. 80 and No. 120, acrylic paint, acrylic varnish, and of course, a piece of wooden board and planer. First, a blank of the desired thickness is sawn off and a circle and a cat are drawn with a simple pencil. Then, using a jigsaw, cut out the desired shapes. In a circle, a strip for the phone is cut out or cut out with a chisel.

Do-it-yourself blank of a phone stand must be carefully processed with sandpaper. First, we take a coarser grit - No. 80, then we open it with red paint. It is better to take acrylic paint, as it has no smell. You can carry out the whole process at home. Then, after the paint has completely dried, the surface is again treated with sandpaper, but with a finer grit - No. 120. Then you need to cover the product with another layer of paint. After drying, a layer of acrylic varnish is also applied. This is a must when choosing acrylic paint. No other varnish will work.

After complete drying, the do-it-yourself phone stand is assembled together. The cat is glued to the stand using thick PVA glue or an analogue of D3, but also based on PVA. It is stronger than PVA and you won't have to worry about the phone. The stand will support any weight. You can also cut out any character instead of a cat, for a child - a favorite cartoon character, and for yourself - a little man.

simple wooden stand

Such an unpretentious stand can only be made if you are the owner of a manual router. Then a thin strip (slightly larger than the thickness of your smartphone) and a compartment for small items are cut out of a simple workpiece of the required thickness. In the recess, you can put a recharge for your phone or hold headphones so that they do not get lost.

It remains only to walk several times with sandpaper and acrylic varnish. We will not repeat the sequence of actions, since everything is described in detail in the first subheading.

Hiking option

This do-it-yourself phone stand is hung on the keys and is constantly in the access zone. It can be used at work and on the go. This small wooden "stick" does not take up any space in your pocket, but it performs its function of supporting the inclined position in full.

It is better to make it from hardwoods - beech, oak, ash, hornbeam, walnut, etc. This is necessary so that a piece does not break off when pressing the keys in your pocket. The length of the product is 6-7 cm, the width is 3 cm. Stepping back a little from the edge, they cut out a small square cut with a jigsaw. Then, on the opposite side, a hole is drilled for the ring, on which the keys are hung.

Then, according to a well-known scheme, everything is processed with sandpaper and opened with varnish. You can also pre-treat the wood with stain, giving the tree the desired shade.

Temporary cardboard option

While you are thinking, with your own hands made of wood, we can offer a temporary option made of cardboard. Look carefully at the photo, how to cut out the necessary detail from a simple rectangle of corrugated cardboard, bent in half.

But this option can be used temporarily, as it does not look very nice. As you can see, it is not difficult to make an original and spectacular stand, the main thing is the desire and the availability of the necessary tools.

Mobile communication devices are in every home, they have become almost indispensable for a modern person and perform a lot of functions. Therefore, quite often they need to be kept not in your pocket, but on your desktop, so a smartphone stand is a necessary thing for everyone. There are many ways to make a phone stand, but one of the best options is of course wood, as it, despite its hardness, will not scratch the smartphone and will look good both in the office and at home on the table.

The easiest way to make a wooden phone stand with your own hands is to simply make it from a regular plank. The design of such a product is as simple as possible - a groove of the required width is made in the board and the stand is ready. Since the board has a large plane, and after you put the mobile into the slot, it will stand firmly and securely on the table.

The most important thing about this wooden phone stand is the area of ​​the base that will be in contact with the table, it must be large enough to handle the functional load. As a base, such a homemade phone stand can have any wood and can be shaped into any shape. And the manufacturing process itself is limited to the fact that a groove is simply made in the plank with the help of a milling cutter. The groove can be made flat or sloped, depending on the angle at which the device should stand.

When you make a stand for a smartphone with your own hands, it is important to sand it well, especially in the groove area where the mobile will stand. After all, if there are irregularities, then you can scratch the glass, and this will spoil the appearance of your gadget.

Complex design

If you want your mobile device to be always in sight, not lost in documents, and at the same time your table looks beautiful, solid, then the stand should be appropriate. To do this, you can make it not just from a plank, but from several parts. Don't worry, it doesn't require a lot of tools or material either. The most important thing is not to rush and carefully consider the design that your homemade product will have.

A good do-it-yourself smartphone stand, which is suitable not only for any phone, but also for a tablet, and at the same time will be as stable as possible, can be made from two small planks.

The design of such a stand is as simple as possible, two identical rectangular wooden blanks are taken. On the one hand, about a quarter from the edge, a slot is made to the middle of the board. It is important that the slot does not run at a right angle, but obliquely, so that the stand is more stable and has the correct slope of the plane that will support the phone. On both blanks, a slot is made up to half the width of the blank.

For someone who is just starting out, it can be problematic to find the right angle for the slot. But this is not difficult to do, just attach two parts to one another at the planned angle and just make marks on the side of the end. Well, in addition, so that the phone does not slip, you need to make a groove on a horizontal plank, or stick a small bar that will be a stopper.

After all the cuts are ready, it is enough just to sand the stand well so that the bumps do not scratch the phone case, and cover it with tinting or just varnish.

There are many ways to make a phone stand of this design, for example, you can make a curly vertical part of the stand, which will greatly improve its appearance. Forms can be a variety of hand, leaf, animals, and in general everything that you think of, since a tree can be given almost any shape.

How to choose a stand design

There are quite a few ways to make a smartphone stand, but wood options are not only durable, but also beautiful. In addition, they look much nobler than other materials, as a properly selected wooden accessory will decorate any design, regardless of its style.

Therefore, in order for your handmade mobile phone stand to be beautiful and original, try to choose the right design, size and color. Of course, you should not forget about such parameters as functionality and stability, since if a cell phone falls, it can simply be damaged.

You can make a variety of phone accessories at home and you don’t need a special tool for this. In most cases, with due diligence and patience, you can get by with a simple hacksaw, chisel, sandpaper and a piece of plywood. Then just glue your sample from small parts and at home it will also be easy.

Do not be afraid to experiment and fantasize so that the stand you made is unique, and not like everyone else. After all, mass production is organized in such a way that anyone can afford to buy beautiful and seemingly diverse things. But truly bright individuals prefer unique things in a single copy. Such things are not sold in stores, they can only be ordered or made independently. The second option is much better, not only in terms of economy, but also in terms of the manifestation of individuality.

Even if you do not have experience in making any wood crafts, do not be upset, as there is nothing difficult in this. It is enough to carefully plan everything, calculate what tools and materials will be needed, and only after that proceed to the work itself. If something doesn’t work out for you, then you can try again, rarely does anyone manage to do everything right the first time, everyone learns and everyone makes mistakes. But this is the only way to gain experience and learn to do things right.
