How to feed cucumbers with yeast. Yeast dressing for cucumbers

The phrase “grows by leaps and bounds” is on everyone’s lips, but this phraseological unit is not perceived as a guide for including “culinary” bacteria in the feeding schedule.

Meanwhile, the use of these microorganisms available to each can significantly increase crop tolerance and yield. From my own experience, I will say that cucumbers and tomatoes are the most responsive to this kind of top dressing.

The positive impact of yeast and their metabolic products on plants and soil is expressed in the whole complex of vitamins, proteins, amino acids, iron and other elements produced by bacteria, as a result of which:

  • plants become stronger and more resilient;
  • increases the immunity of cultures;
  • the rate of root formation accelerates;
  • cuttings and shoots of shrubs take root better;
  • increases the rate of vegetative mass recruitment in plants.

After the application of yeast top dressing in the soil, the volume of beneficial bacteria increases, which actively decompose the organic matter present in it.

The formed humus contains a high content of nitrogen, which is necessary for the development of stems and the formation of fruits in cucumbers and tomatoes.

Yeast Fertilizer Recipes

Basically, yeast top dressing is applied at the beginning of the season, when seedlings are rooted and new shoots appear. This fertilizer helps the sprouts to quickly adapt and gain strength.

To prepare a nutritious and healthy fertilizer, you can use both dry powder and pressed yeast, which you can purchase at any online store:

  1. Dry yeast fertilizer. Buy a bag of dry baker's yeast(100 gr.) And pour it into a bucket of warm water. To feed the bacteria themselves, it is necessary to introduce 2 tbsp into the liquid. l. Sahara. Then let the sourdough brew for 2 hours and dilute with water 1:5. 60 liters of nutritional yeast fertilizer are ready.
  2. Pressed yeast nutrition. Place a briquette weighing 1 kg in a bucket of warm water, helping the mass disperse. To feed bacteria, add 2-3 tbsp. sugar and leave for 2 hours. Then dilute the starter to a volume of 60 liters.

It is important to know that yeast bacteria, in the course of their life, take a lot of potassium from the soil, which is important for vegetable crops. To prevent this deficiency, many gardeners add a little chicken manure and 2 kg to top dressing before applying it to the beds. wood ash or use these important fertilizers 1 week after yeast.

Previously, in the villages, garden crops were fertilized by insisting the remains of bread and yeast dough, as well as pouring acidified kvass, milk or sour-milk products into them. The fermented liquid served as an effective and nutritious top dressing for all plants grown in the beds, flower beds and fruit bushes.

You can also add grass to yeast nutrition recipes - the fermented liquid will become a rich source of mass useful for vegetables and fruit crops micro and macro elements. You can use nettles, tops, hop creepers, weed grass without seeds, etc. for nutritional fertilizer.

Method of application

Like any fertilizer, yeast nutrition should be used in doses and on a specific schedule. It is important to consider that it is a source of nitrogen for plants: this trace element is important for the growth of crops, but during the period of fruiting or preparing perennials and shrubs for autumn, its excess will be superfluous.

Melons and nightshades react especially well to yeast top dressing. I will tell you how to apply this fertilizer on cucumber and tomato beds, as these are the most popular crops growing in every vegetable garden.

Yeast fertilizers for cucumbers

Cucumbers need nutritious top dressing all the time: it is used both during the growing season, when the first leaves appear, and during the fruiting period. Yeast fertilizer is applied to the beds from 2 to 5 times per season with a break between manipulations of 2 weeks. The number of waterings depends on what complexes you still use, in addition to folk methods.

If you did not apply nitrogen-containing complexes before sowing or when planting seedlings in the garden, shed the soil well around the sprouts and seedlings with ready-made yeast fertilizer, and “feed” the entire planting area through the divider. This method of watering will give nutrition to plants now and “store” important microelements in the soil for the future.

The result of the first watering will become noticeable after a few days - the sprouts will get stronger and begin to develop faster. Cucumbers really like this kind of "cocktail" of vitamins, minerals and proteins. It even seems to me that in shed plants, the number of male flowers decreases, and the number of ovaries increases.

If you do not apply chemical complexes, repeat nutritious watering of cucumbers every 2 weeks. If you feed crops with granules and certain elements, you can fertilize the bed with yeast a second time after adding phosphorus.

Yeast for tomatoes

Yeast top dressing for tomatoes is used twice a season, apply it big number times does not make sense, since the high nitrogen content will thicken the tomato bushes to the detriment of their yield. The nutrient liquid for this culture serves quick helper for adaptation, rooting and strengthening of plants.

You need to water the tomatoes with yeast dressing in 2 stages:

  1. One week after planting seedlings on permanent place in several passes, shed both the plants themselves and the soil around the watering can with a divider. After such help, the tomatoes will quickly recover and take root in the greenhouse or in the garden. It will be good to mulch the soil - this will create a favorable warm environment for bacteria and will not allow moisture to evaporate from the garden.
  2. The second and last time the tomatoes are spilled with yeast fertilizer when the beginnings of flower ovaries begin to appear on the bushes. For mature plants, this stage you need to give about 2 liters of nutrient fluid to each. Please note that during flowering, tomatoes should not be fed with this product.

Yeast top dressing serves as an effective growth stimulator for tomatoes: the bushes quickly gain strength, and the leaves become fleshy. Learn more about the use of this fertilizer and the rules for watering different cultures you will learn from the video:

The use of yeast top dressing has its own nuances based on the characteristics of bacteria and the preferences of garden crops:

  • top dressing should be applied to warm soil, because bacteria will not work in a cold environment;
  • yeast is a growth stimulator for plants, so it must be applied no later than mid-summer;
  • yeast top dressing is contraindicated for onions, garlic and potatoes.

Do not forget that plants need a lot of useful elements that are not in yeast nutrition, so fertilize the beds with mineral complexes.

If you do not want to use "chemistry", use crushed eggshell and ash to replenish the reserves of potassium and calcium in the soil.

The effectiveness of using yeast on cucumbers has already been proven by the practice of vegetable growers. We offer you to get acquainted with the best cucumber dressing recipes, which are easy to prepare and do not require any money or physical effort. This method will be especially appreciated by lovers of natural farming, for whom the quality of fruits and their benefits are a priority.

Yeast - food product rich in protein, fats and carbohydrates. The composition of this product also includes rare amino acids, organic iron and other trace elements necessary for plant organisms. It would seem that the beneficial effect of yeast on plants is explained precisely by the valuable composition, but this is not entirely true.

The effectiveness of top dressing is due to the action of yeast fungi - the simplest microorganisms, which, after being introduced into the soil, begin to multiply intensively, displace the pathogenic flora and create favorable conditions other beneficial soil bacteria. Due to this, cucumbers get sick less, they increase their resistance to adverse climate and pests.

Yeast fungi accelerate the processing of previously introduced organic fertilizers and agrochemicals, saturate the soil with nitrogen and phosphorus available to plants. But despite the above useful qualities, you need to use yeast dressing in the garden carefully.

Yeast absorbs during fermentation a large number of calcium and potassium. Often, ground egg shells and wood ash are added to top dressing to compensate for the lack of nutrients.

If yeast fertilizer is applied to soils that do not contain enough humus, this will lead to soil depletion, although a short-term positive effect of top dressing will be observed.

How to properly feed plants with yeast so as not to harm the soil:

  • carry out yeast feeding only after the introduction of organic matter and mineral fertilizers with an interval of 7 to 14 days;
  • together with top dressing or a few days before it, wood ash and eggshells are applied on moist soil with loosening or irrigation solutions;
  • strictly adhere to the scheme of dressings and dosages indicated in the recipe.

If top dressing is applied correctly, the positive effect will become noticeable already within 2-3 days in adult plants and on the first day on seedlings.

The best results from fertilizing with yeast are observed in cucumbers and tomatoes. A large amount of organic matter and mineral fertilizers are planted under these crops, a favorable environment is created for the vital activity of yeast fungi.

The use of yeast top dressing on cucumbers helps to increase the yield due to the following factors:

  1. The beginning of fruiting of cucumbers is accelerated by an average of 10 to 14 days.
  2. Cucumber seedlings take root better and do not get sick.
  3. A large number of inflorescences and ovaries are formed on cucumber lashes, the number of barren flowers is reduced.
  4. Longer periods of fruiting are noted.
  5. The taste of fruits improves, cucumbers become more juicy and sweet.

Preplant seed treatment in a yeast solution allows you to reduce the germination time and get friendly seedlings.

The best recipes for yeast dressing for cucumbers

In the preparation of top dressing, you can use nutritional, fodder or brewer's yeast. most accessible and inexpensive option become food, used for baking. You can use both dry and pressed yeast sold in briquettes.

In order for the fermentation process to start faster, sugar is added to the top dressing, and the solution is infused in a warm place at a temperature of +30 - +40 ° C. Yeast fungi multiply more actively in the acidic environment that sugar creates.

Basic recipes from dry and pressed yeast can be supplemented with dairy products, which prevent the occurrence of fungal infections on cucumbers and provide calcium necessary for fermentation. The ash will also perform the function of a natural fungicide, which will make up for the deficiency of potassium, and the eggshell will also provide the necessary calcium.

Wood ash infusion is prepared separately and added to the yeast solution immediately before watering.

An infusion of ash is prepared within 12 hours, a yeast solution without adding sugar is infused for 6 hours, with sugar - 2-4 hours. Consider these nuances when preparing complex compositions from yeast. To prepare a solution, sugar is often replaced with jam, honey or syrup.

Basic pressed yeast recipe

To prepare 100 g of live yeast, pour a liter of warm water and add 50 g of sugar to speed up the start of fermentation. When a frothy head appears on top of the diluted yeast, the solution is slowly adjusted with water to a volume of 10 liters and used immediately after dilution.

Basic Dry Yeast Recipe

The preparation of a solution with dry yeast is carried out in a similar way, 10 g of the product will be needed per liter of warm water.

Top dressings prepared according to basic recipes are already ready for use, but you can complicate them and make yeast fertilizer for cucumbers as useful as possible.

Yeast milk supplement

There are two ways to prepare milk feed. For the first method, the basic recipe is taken, but instead of water, the yeast is diluted with a liter of heated milk. The solution is not diluted when ready and is used for spraying cucumber lashes against powdery mildew and other fungal infections.

In the second option, it is necessary to prepare a basic top dressing, to which 1 liter of milk and a glass of eggshell powder are added immediately before use. Milk can be replaced with kefir or whey. The prepared solution is recommended to fertilize the soil around adult cucumber lashes.

Yeast fertilizer with wood ash

First, an ash infusion is prepared in advance. A glass of ash is poured into 3 liters of boiling water and infused for at least 12 hours, after which the prepared concentrate is filtered and brought to 10 liters.

100 g of pressed yeast (or 10 g of dry) are infused in a liter of warm water. When a lush foam is formed, the yeast concentrate is carefully introduced into the ash infusion, half a glass of eggshell powder or 15 g of any potash fertilizer (except potassium chloride) is added.

They use top dressing with ash for watering the soil around cucumber bushes in the open field, for fertilizing seedlings at home, in polycarbonate greenhouses and greenhouses.

Green fertilizer for cucumbers with yeast

This recipe is useful for owners of plots whose soil is not rich in humus. For top dressing, a concentrate of ash is prepared separately, as in the previous recipe, and 100 g of fresh yeast are separately diluted in a liter of water.

Herbal infusion must be prepared in advance. Why is a ten-liter bucket a quarter filled with any grass: nettle, calendula, freshly cut lawn, green manure and even weeds, if they have not yet formed seed pods.

Herbs are pre-crushed, brought to the volume of a full bucket with water and insisted for a day. Then the herbal infusion is drained and 3 liters of ash concentrate and diluted yeast are added to it. Top dressing is used for cucumbers on open garden, in greenhouses and greenhouses.

Yeast nutrition scheme and dosage

Fertilizing cucumbers with yeast is carried out strictly according to the scheme and in the dosages indicated in the recipes.

Feed consumption:

  • for adult cucumbers: 1 liter / 1 bush;
  • for seedlings that have just been transplanted to a permanent place - 300 - 500 ml / 1 seedling;
  • for seedlings on the windowsill: 15 - 30 ml / 1 plant.

Yeast fertilizer is applied under cucumbers no more than three times per season by the root method and no more than two times by spraying. Spraying is carried out in warm but cloudy weather to avoid burns of cucumber lashes. If after processing the leaves it rained, spraying is repeated, since the yeast composition is easily washed off with water.

First feeding with yeast

It is carried out at the stage of growing seedlings after the appearance of 2-4 true leaves at seedlings. Please note that on cucumber seedlings, yeast dressings are used only if there is a quality soil mixture with a high content of humus and nutrients. Otherwise, it is better to postpone the first fertilizer of cucumbers with yeast until the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place.

Second fertilizing with yeast

Executed after rooting cucumber seedlings in the main place and a week after the introduction of organics: infusion of chicken manure or mullein. If pre-planting organic matter was planted on cucumber beds, then the yeast solution can be applied earlier: 10 days after transplanting the seedlings.

Third fertilizing with yeast

It is carried out during flowering and the formation of ovaries. Later, it is not recommended to introduce yeast solutions into the soil, since during the fruiting period, plants need potassium in large quantities and the yeast takes it out of the soil. After flowering, yeast is used to spray cucumber lashes.

Rules for the use of yeast nutrition

Yeast actively develops in warm, but not dry weather. Active reproduction of fungi is observed at a temperature of +30 - +35°C, after +40°C mass death of microorganisms begins.

Keep this in mind when using yeast in greenhouses where the air temperature is daytime sometimes reaches +45 - +50°C. Before adding the solution greenhouse cucumbers air out first or choose the morning hours for the procedure.

Early top dressing in the open field is not beneficial, at temperatures below +4 - + 8 ° C, fungi completely inhibit their development. Use yeast on cucumbers with stable warm weather.

Please note that a humid environment activates the activity of microorganisms, so the soil is well moistened before top dressing.

Some sources say that yeast solutions can be stored for weeks, but this is only if the fungi have a sufficient nutrient medium consisting of sugars. If top dressing is prepared in a standard way, it must be used immediately, otherwise it will “ferment” and there will no longer be living microorganisms in it.

Positive feedback from farmers proves the beneficial effect of yeast feeding on cucumbers: weak seedlings become strong after transplantation, the number of ovaries increases, cucumbers become dense, without internal voids.

We told you how to properly apply yeast for cucumbers, and suggested best recipes top dressing. Take advantage of them to get a rich harvest in the coming season.

Many amateur gardeners are unaware of the existence of an effective natural replacement for chemical fertilizers. Yeast is one such natural stimulant. About how to properly fertilize tomatoes and cucumbers with yeast, and will be discussed in this article.

The method of feeding garden plants with yeast is not new: our great-grandmothers used it at a time when they did not yet know about mineral fertilizers.

The product used in cooking can be successfully used to feed tomatoes and cucumbers. Experienced gardeners they say that yeast nutrition in some cases is even more effective than chemical preparations.

Environmental friendliness - huge advantage yeast-based nutrition. Cultures grown with these mushrooms harmful substances do not accumulate in themselves.

You can apply top dressing at any stage of plant development: from the seedling period to fruiting. It contains a large number of trace elements that are necessary for plants.

Yeast improves soil microflora, enriching the soil with essential substances. Foliar feeding of plants with yeast helps cucumbers get rid of spotting, and tomatoes - from phytophthora.

The disadvantages of using yeast to feed cucumbers and tomatoes include their ability to acidify the soil, washing out potassium and calcium from it. It is impossible to achieve good fruiting without these elements. The solution to the problem is to sprinkle the soil surface with wood ash before using the fertilizer.

The action of yeast top dressing for tomatoes and cucumbers is complex:

  1. Tomatoes and cucumbers quickly build up the root system and green mass, which contributes to increased yields.
  2. Even under unfavorable growing conditions, the stress resistance of plants increases.
  3. Due to the increased immunity, cucumbers and tomatoes take root better when planted in the ground.
  4. Yeast-fed plants successfully fight pests and diseases.

Yeast top dressing contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc.

Its effectiveness is comparable to complex mineral fertilizers. Experienced gardeners note that yeast as a fertilizer for tomatoes and cucumbers gives very good results: already a few days after the introduction of mushrooms, the condition of the plants improves markedly.

Use of yeast nutrition: how often and when?

Cucumbers are recommended to be fed with yeast no more than 1 time in 10 days. Top dressing of tomatoes should be carried out once every 2 weeks. If such frequent use of yeast is necessary, eggshells or wood ash should be added to the soil in parallel.

For the preparation of yeast dressings, fresh (live) or dry granulated baker's yeast is used. It is believed that fresh ones are more effective.

For their breeding use only warm water. Do not use hot or cold water. When using dry yeast, it is recommended to add sugar, which is necessary for fermentation.

Yeast top dressing is useful to make 4 times:

  • during the seedling period;
  • after planting plants in a permanent place;
  • during the flowering period;
  • during fruiting.

You can use it at any time. With excessively frequent use, the vegetative part grows rapidly, which leads to a decrease in yield. Plants in some cases may even die.

It is optimal to carry out 3 yeast fertilizing of tomatoes and cucumbers per season. They have a stimulating effect on the growth and fruiting of these crops.

The nutrient mixture should not be applied to cold soil. The earth must warm up to activate fermentation. The shelf life of yeast should be long. The soil must be moistened before fertilizing. Yeast should be used separately from organic fertilizers.

If the recipe calls for the addition of milk, it should only be fresh and not boiled. Packaged pasteurized milk is not suitable. Top dressing, in the recipe of which the fermentation process of the solution is provided, is best used for adult bushes. Seedlings are fed with a freshly prepared solution.

Top dressing with yeast tomato

Yeast nutrition is effective for tomatoes. These mushrooms have a positive effect on the growth, yield and taste of tomatoes. Thanks to this fertilizer, the fruits become sweeter.

For the preparation of top dressing, you can use the following recipes:

  1. To a 10-liter bucket of water, add 1 pack of dry yeast, a little less than half a glass of sugar, 500 milliliters of wood ash. After 15 minutes, the fertilizer can be watered under the bushes, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.
  2. Dilute 1 kilogram of alcohol yeast in a 5-liter vessel with water. Before watering, add 5 buckets of liquid to the solution. One mature bush will need 2 liters of fertilizer, a seedling of seedlings - 500 milliliters.
  3. For fermentation, you can use not only unicellular fungi, but also hops. In 0.5 liters of boiling water, add 200 grams of hop cones and put on the stove to languish for an hour. After cooling, add 80 grams of flour and 40 grams of sugar. The fermented mixture is kept for a day, then 2 chopped potatoes are added. Diluted in a ratio of 1:10, used for watering vegetables. Instead of hops, you can take germinated wheat grains (boil in a water bath for 15 minutes).
  4. A good effect for a tomato is given by top dressing with chicken manure. A third cup of granulated sugar should be mixed with 2 cups of chicken manure, 2 cups of wood ash, add 250 grams of wet yeast. Leave for a few hours to ferment. The resulting mass for the preparation of the working solution must be poured into a bucket with warm water.

Before flowering and fruiting, tomato bushes can be sprayed with a yeast solution to protect against diseases. To do this, it is recommended to dilute 100 grams of yeast in 1 liter of milk or whey and allow time for fermentation. After that, add 30 drops of iodine and 9 liters of water.

Top dressing of cucumbers

Nutrient yeast mixture can fertilize cucumbers up to 3 times:

  • after the appearance of 2 true leaves in plants;
  • water during the flowering period;
  • after active fruiting.

Fertilizing seedlings of cucumbers with yeast should be carried out immediately after planting in open ground. Do not forget that an excessive amount of these unicellular fungi cannot be applied. This has a detrimental effect on the condition of the plants themselves and the amount of yield.

In a greenhouse, such top dressing for cucumbers works best after planting in a permanent place of growth. It is applied in closed ground only a few weeks after planting.

Yeast fertilizer can be applied under the root and used to spray the leaves as a foliar top dressing.

Prepare it according to the following recipes:

  1. Place 200 grams of fresh yeast in a 10-liter vessel, pour 1 liter of settled warm water. Close the container and leave to ferment for 3 hours. Fill the vessel to the brim with liquid. This amount of solution is enough for a dozen plants.
  2. Dissolve 100 grams of yeast in a small amount of water, add half a glass of sugar, 2.5 liters of liquid. Put in a warm room. To prepare the fertilizer, you need to take 200 milliliters of the resulting dough and dilute it in 10 liters of water. For one bush of cucumbers, 1 liter of fertilizer is required. For one seedling of seedlings, 250 milliliters is enough.
  3. Dilute 10 grams of yeast in a 3-liter vessel, add sugar, let stand for a week. Dilute a glass of dough for watering under the root in 10 liters of liquid. The resulting solution can be sprayed on the leaves.
  4. Dilute 1 pack of dry yeast in a bucket of water, add a quarter cup of sugar, put in warm place. The resulting fertilizer for watering vegetables is recommended to be filled with 5 buckets of liquid.

The use of such useful mixtures has a positive effect on the quality of cucumbers. They help to reduce the number of empty flowers, reduce the number of hollow fruits.
