Invest in yourself: be a professional! The best investment is an investment in yourself.

Many successful sane people have long come to the conclusion that investing in yourself is the most profitable and reliable. And all because personal resource not subject to depreciation and does not deteriorate. It cannot be stolen, taken away or lost. When a person spends money on acquiring material things, he experiences only short-term positive emotions. However, over time, the joy of possession fades, and the acquired item becomes familiar and mundane. The things themselves become obsolete after a while, dilapidated and depreciate.

This trend is not inherent only in certain groups of material values, such as antiques, real estate, and works of art. However, even they do not give a 100% guarantee of saving investments. For example, a villa that was bought in anticipation of a rise in price may become cheaper due to various market changes.

The average person rarely makes such purchases or does not make them at all. But he can spend money on getting pleasant emotions, experiences or impressions. Interestingly, the feelings received will remain with a person forever and will delight him even in conditions of political instability or economic crisis. This is the very investment in oneself, the product of which does not fade even with extraordinary life changes. Experiences stored in memory become more and more valuable and emotionally "more expensive" for us over time. We cannot afford this luxury in relation to tangible objects.

The fact that experiences are practically invulnerable to unfavorable comparisons is very important. At the same time, like any tangible object, it always loses when compared with another that another person owns and which has not yet been acquired. And this state of affairs can be a cause for disappointment. This pattern is confirmed by numerous studies and experiments.

No need to spare money to invest in yourself. If you have a desire to visit some interesting place or try something new for yourself, do it without hesitation and get a pleasant range of emotions. Investing in yourself is profitable investment money, much more profitable than an infusion financial resources in jewelry and real estate investment. If we talk about material things, then they are the more valuable, the brighter emotions they give to their owner and the greater the joy from using them. In this context, buying a guitar or a scarf can in most cases be much more valuable than buying a gold bar.

In addition, you can invest in yourself by visiting trainings personal growth as well as refresher courses. There is an opinion that such investments in yourself bring the most significant benefits. And this is a true statement, because if you actively practice self-development, you open up new areas for yourself to enrich and receive emotions. With this way of life, your horizons will expand significantly, and you yourself will become more attentive, flexible and smart. You will be able to make new interesting acquaintances and establish contacts.

Investing in yourself is always profitable. But there is one point that needs attention. Dry knowledge without practical application significantly reduce the potential value of those. The most successful are those individuals who receive any information, and then use it in practice. It is best to invest in the knowledge that you need at this particular moment to implement any tasks.

The most important investment in yourself is the investment in your health.. It is no secret that most people with age have a number of problems in this area, which significantly reduces the quality of life. It is better to focus in advance on maintaining it than to deal with the consequences of its deterioration. Good health and good health will help you do any job better, save vitality and experience a feeling of happiness. It is worth considering the importance of not only physical, but also mental health. If you start investing in your health right now, you will save big in the future.

Good luck with your investment!

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Each of us wants to receive passive income, while minimizing the risks of investments and not losing what has been accumulated by various efforts and labor. Today it is possible to do this if you pay attention to the investment blog, which has been following all the changes, novelties for almost 3 years and tries to regularly offer you useful articles, recommendations and advice.

Investment blog - all about ways to make money on the Internet

What is an investment blog? This is the platform where:

  • Articles about money, economy and finance;
  • Useful recommendations on how to make money without investments and where you can make a profit online;
  • Up-to-date descriptions of working with cryptocurrency, reviews of profitable crypto coins;
  • Current ways of earning;
  • Interesting news from the world of money that are important for everyone.

And it's far from full list where exactly a blog might come in handy. I am glad that both beginners, with whom we are going to the Olympus of financial independence, and experienced market sharks, who received their Oscar, are cooperating with me, approaching good indicators of total income. Many people choose GQ Blog Monitor, and they do it for 10 reasons:

  1. I share own experience absolutely free, which is rare in today's world;
  2. I blog regularly useful articles anticipating your information requests;
  3. I draw conclusions and analyzes, so I publish weekly detailed and complete reports on the work of the blog;
  4. I do not force anything, but only recommend;
  5. I always point out the pros and cons of specific proposals;
  6. I regularly offer a variety of contests where you can get financial rewards;
  7. I am open to new suggestions;
  8. I provide a platform for the publication of young and talented authors;
  9. I am glad for every comment under the materials;
  10. I am in touch with you in many social networks.

Ganesa Private Investor Blog

Having gone through many stages of the starting path on my own, I came across a rake that made me smarter, and set the work in a productive direction. And I know how important it is at the very start to have qualified and professional support from an investor who himself went through everything on his own.

“Why a blog?”, you ask, and I will hasten to answer that this is a convenient form of communication, content filling and communication. And in the financial world, where something changes every second, the bitcoin rate loses or gains up to a hundred dollars, and miners mine a new block, it is extremely important to be constantly in touch and respond quickly to everything. GQ Blog Monitor can boast of this. I do not just advise, I also simplify your life. Launched at the beginning of the year, the crypto portfolio is a convenient way to streamline investments and only follow positive updates. If earlier you kept records on your own, now everything is much simpler.

Investment articles on blogs appear every day, but I fill the content taking into account the desires, opportunities and interests of everyone. I do not have a separate blog dedicated to an experienced trader or a beginner, I do not write separate articles about investing in stocks, as in a highly specialized investor blog. My blog combines advice from a practical investor, reviews, tips, news from different financial spheres. Together with me, you will not only be able to learn how to make money work, but also what needs to be done so that the slogan “Keep and increase” becomes basic rule for all partners.

Taking into account the tastes and informational preferences of each investor, I propose to choose priority areas and follow the latest Hot Topics. The blog of a private investor is open to criticism and comments, and all your questions are sure to find answers: prompt and in full. You can always see how I work and with what projects. The blog sections contain the most relevant articles about everything that will help you become a financially independent person: from the principles of the cryptocurrency mining algorithm and how to work with faucets and earn money on paid surveys.

In reviews and feedback on new projects, I offer HYIP monitoring with detailed analysis and regular reports on the work of the sites. Each investment project is submitted from different sides to partners:

  • legend;
  • marketing;
  • information about the administrator;
  • my personal opinion;
  • technical part.

This is done so that the decisions you make and certain investments are objective and effective.

My conclusions about investment blogs and about my blog

In order to develop and follow all current trends, I read the blogs of partners “Save the money!”, The popular blog of the practical investor talks a lot about various bonus programs and plastic cards; and leafing through a blog from an experienced homebody investor, you can learn more about the forex market and the rules for working on it. I often visit the blog from Denis, a free investor who works with cryptocurrency. You can work with PAMM accounts and learn about investing in stocks and gold by reading the materials of a lazy investor who has been blogging for a long time. They learn a lot from me, I learn a lot from them. And this is good: the exchange of data and information always has a positive effect on each side.

Each blog is individual and interesting, and the investor's platform in its own way. I can say: the content of my blog is for everyone: investors, those who work online and are looking for ways of anonymity, who are interested in stocks and cryptocurrency, choose HYIPs, stocks, and look for options for remote earnings. For the convenience of accounting, the investor's portfolio functions.

I work for all investors, no matter what the total amount of your investments per week or month. GQ Blog Monitor is your guide, advisor and companion in the world of investment and financial literacy. I hope that when the next wave of voting among readers and users for the best investment blog of Runet takes place, you will bet on my investment blog, which contains in one place recommendations on how to increase money during the Super Moon, tips on how to invest for big profits are small sums and the best fresh HYIPs.

My investment blog is an encyclopedia, address book, reliable assistant and consultant with a news feed for everyone.


To become a successful and comprehensively literate person, you need to constantly develop. This postulate is both a hackneyed cliché and the wisdom of life. If you, my friends, have read this phrase now, then you are striving for self-development and craving success. Otherwise, why would you go to a blog dedicated to making money on the Internet?

Do you want to know as much as possible about passive income, on investments in various funds and investment instruments. By reading my blog, you are investing in yourself.

What can you invest in yourself and why?

Experience, wisdom and understanding of what you are doing do not come by themselves. Knowledge must be invested in the head. What exactly do you need to invest in yourself to be successful? These are “three whales”, three most important resources:

  1. Time.
  2. Forces.
  3. Money.

The process of investing in yourself is about continuous learning: constantly using existing skills and gaining new ones. It takes a lot of time, physical and mental strength, as well as Money. With time and effort, it’s understandable, but where does the money go?

Spending money is not a waste, but an investment

If you are not a full-time student of the budget department, then you will have to pay for your education. There are offers on the network about numerous seminars, webinars, courses, trainings and conferences. You choose the direction you need, pay money and sign up for training. These activities, especially those that are really useful (you need to find out about this on thematic forums), will greatly increase your professionalism.

Reading relevant literature can also be called an investment in yourself. Much can be downloaded for free, but something valuable is worth buying.

Implement what you have learned right away. Otherwise, you will quickly forget what you have learned.

Read more!

In general, reading specialized literature is a powerful tool for self-development. You will learn everything about the subject from the basics to the secrets of craftsmanship. Develop the habit of reading a little each day. Psychologists say that people perceive the printed text better and assimilate it more firmly. This is the so-called visual perception of information. While some are more audible, they are in the minority. If you are more of a listener than a reader, Skype webinars are the way to go.

Allow me one spicy advice). If you don't have time to read (in fact, you do, you just don't know the art of time management), but you need to read a book, put it in the closet. There you will begin to read, and if it seems interesting to you, then you will choose the time further.

21 days of training

Business coach Brian Tracy (America) says in his seminars that it takes 21 days to develop a stable habit for something (no more, no less!). Then the "autopilot" will turn on. That is, for three weeks you must force yourself to read useful literature every day, write down and plan, set small goals. This is all part of the concept of effective time management. You accustom yourself and rebuild your brain for productive activities. And after 21 days, a new most useful habit is ready! And it's not a joke.

Don't go overboard

However, I want to warn you against going too far. You must be able to distinguish between a reasonable investment in your self-development and a thoughtless waste of money on everything. It is clear that you dream of becoming a super professional in the investment business. You may have a desire to participate in all the trainings you come across and give in to calls to buy the most effective course for making money on the Internet. Or even cooler - do not listen to the webinar on Skype, but go to distant lands to participate in the event personally. However, make reasonable purchases, do not rush to extremes.

Thematically paper books are quite expensive. Buy only those in which you find answers to practical matters, rather than reasoning for general development. In general, buying useful books and participating in seminars are the most effective investments in yourself, the future successful investor. Do not treat these expense items as expenses. This is an investment in your future.

Read motivating and smart books, communicate with interesting people, attend trainings, look for new knowledge. Investing in your knowledge is interesting in itself, but it can still pay off many times over in work.

I recently came across a saying that investing in yourself is not subject to inflation (that is, depreciation over time). That is why it is believed that investing in yourself is the most best idea. All in all, it's a pretty reasonable idea. And today we will just talk about what a personal resource is and how we can invest money in ourselves so that these costs may bring returns in the future.

When I studied the topic of knowledge management, it turned out that the main part of the assets of any company is just knowledge. That is, the totality of skills, abilities and intelligence of the team and the entire firm. It is no coincidence that innovative companies are significantly more expensive than other large organizations, but with less intellectual potential. Through knowledge and self-development, you can qualitatively improve your life, but at the same time, when you invest time and money in yourself, these new abilities not only will not depreciate over time, they will become the driving force for your self-development in the future. At the same time, investments in oneself cannot be taken away, stolen or depreciated due to the economic crisis.

Why Conventional Investments Don't Work Well

Investing in buying a dream or experience

For example, I dreamed of buying a car for a very long time. And in my life there was a period when I managed to get a very good income in business. I walked around car dealerships for a long time and thought about which car to take. At some point, I thought: what is the use of the money that I have earned if I do not use this money for intended purpose? I collected all the money from all bank accounts and also borrowed a lot of money from my parents. As a result, I bought a car, which initially did not even dream of. It was a very big and meaningful purchase for me. The first car in the family has become a true friend. The first months it brought a huge amount of positive emotions, brought new experience. And today the car helps in everyday affairs and is a true friend and helper of the family. For me it was a good investment.

Yes, from a financial point of view, the car is a real black hole. She constantly demands money for maintenance. For example, this month I had to buy a new set of tires, which cost about 25 thousand rubles. But the help that the machine provides in business and how much time it saves cannot be counted in money. It's high quality new level life.

You don't have to buy a car. For some, travel is an important part of life. Why not go to interesting places and not to rest in Europe, the countries of America or where you have dreamed of going all your life. Invest in experiences or in your dream business.

For example, if I have free money, I will try to launch new business. For example, a mini-coffee shop. My first business was related to the creation of online media. Now it smoothly flows into the creation of his own video channel on Youtube. And in the future I will surely find where to use the new money. Because for me own business– it's always a new thrill and that's interesting to me.

You can invest in your hobby. For example, you can take up photography. It is not certain that these investments will ever pay off. But you are unlikely to regret spending your money on such things.

Buying a vacation for yourself

Last summer, I completely relaxed. Almost all the time I was engaged in walks around the city, jogging in the forest with friends, and bike rides. Worked in so far as. And, oddly enough, after the end of the summer I had new idea What can you do now. It was then that I finally decided that I would try to deal with video content. And you know? It is worth trying at least once - to devote the whole summer to yourself, not to think about work and some business. It was best summer in my life without exaggeration. Previously, I was always engaged in work, study, entrepreneurship. Anything but yourself.

Investing money in self-development: books, trainings and so on

A great idea is to develop yourself. Upgrade your skills, review your habits, read books in the specialty and general developing in business topics. All this costs a penny, but can dramatically improve the quality of life. Here, of course, it will be necessary to invest not only and not so much money, but rather - we are talking about investing your time in self-development.

In particular, I try to read developmental literature and some interesting ideas implement into life. For example, I recently read Willpower by Kelly McGonigal. This book helped me get rid of the habit of playing Online Games. What I'm doing right now is reading Art Markman's book. The book is called Rational Change. Thanks to this book, I began to work on the second website about self-development. I included in my daily routine a habit - an hour before bedtime to deal with the portal site and for the third day in a row this new habit has not failed. If everything goes in the same spirit and further, then in a year or two the site will become quite famous and promoted.

Investing in health

A simple revision of your diet and the inclusion of sports in everyday life can improve your health. Ultimately, healthy sleep, good nutrition and sports in the long run can improve the quality of your life.

Here and now you may not notice it. But every year we are not getting younger. And thinking ahead here is something that would be useful to every person.

In the dry matter

Some financiers advise investing in health, education, and recreation. In fact, we talked about all these aspects today. Whatever happens to the stock market or the exchange rates of the dollar, euro and ruble, but your health, the level of personal development will give you more than the thickest bank account. Remove stress from life, invest time and effort in self-development. And you will see results very quickly.

Investing in yourself and your development is The best way increase your personal capital, everyone is writing and talking about this today. Why should you invest in yourself first? And what does it mean - "investing in yourself"?

Invest in yourself

Investment is the investment of funds in a certain project with the aim of making a profit, and although the term was originally used exclusively for financial transactions, today it has a broader meaning. You can invest not only money, but also any other resources: time, energy, effort, etc.

However main point term - investment with the goal of getting a return - remained unchanged. And investing in yourself is essentially no different from other investments: you invest money, time and effort in your own development in order to get a result.

The result may be an increase in your status, an improvement in the quality of life or career achievements - what exactly you want to achieve is up to you. But there are also universal "self-investments" - ones that will help you achieve your goals faster, whatever those goals are.

Investment in planning

The best way to achieve goals is to know what those goals are. No matter how strange it may sound, despite the fact that we all know how important it is to set goals for ourselves, few people really approach setting life goals systematically and generally seriously bother about this.

Most often, we have a vague idea of ​​what we want - for example, "make enough money so that we can put it in the bank and live on interest" - but things don’t go beyond a vague wording. Years go by, but the goal is not approaching ...

An investment in planning is the time and possibly money spent on a coach or mentor to help you: and b) help develop a detailed plan to achieve them.

With steps, stages, timing, intermediate results and so on. If you are a highly organized person, you can easily manage this on your own, but it's easier to find someone to help you develop a coordinate system for the near future.

Investment in health

This item includes not only regular visits to the doctor and good insurance, but also everything that has a direct impact on your health:

  • investment in shoes that do not cripple the feet;
  • investment in office chair on which the back is not injured during work;
  • investing time in finding and collecting contacts of the best doctors in your city;
  • investment in good quality food;
  • investment in recreation;
  • etc.

In other words, investing in health is a philosophy of anti-saving what affects the well-being and condition of the body, both in the short and long term.

An investment in self-esteem

It is worth investing time and possibly money to learn how to say “no” and learn to appreciate your point of view, as well as learn how to weed out unconstructive criticism, not allowing yourself to be destroyed by those who want to assert themselves at your expense.

This is a complex process that may require the help of specialists, but there is hardly an investment more valuable than that which increases self-esteem.

Investment in talent

No wonder talents are called "God's gifts" - our talents are what we are strong in. Even if you haven't found a way to make your talent your life's work yet, it's definitely worth cultivating. Talent does not have to be creative or applied at all - the ability to listen to people and support them, or the ability to see the positive side in everything - these are also talents that deserve to be used.

Investment in education

Anything that develops your professional or personal skills is worth spending time, money and resources on. Investments in education usually pay off faster than others, as they are directly related to an increase in professional and social status.

Investing in Mentors

Self-education is great, but sometimes it's better to find a specialist with a system that will greatly reduce the time spent on mastering a new skill. The money spent on a mentor will be repaid by the fact that you will begin to apply a new skill much faster than if you search for information and create a system from scratch.

There are not so many unique situations in this world, almost all the tasks and difficulties that we face have already been solved and passed by someone. And you can always find someone who will not only share experience, but also guide you along the difficult path.

Investment in a foreign language

Knowledge foreign language not only useful in terms of career or communication with people in different countries, there are many studies that prove that the second and third languages ​​protect our brain from premature extinction. It's not just about new neural connections, but also about the information and cultural exchange that we have access to when we master a new language - all together is a great cocktail for a clear mind for a long time.

investment in looks

“You can be a smart person and think about the beauty of your nails” - the words of a classic can answer all statements that appearance does not play a role. Personal style is worth the time to create it, as long as this style is a reflection of your personality, and one of its facets. Understanding your basic wardrobe, learning the basics of makeup, creating your own personal care routine - these investments in your own appearance will be repaid to the penny.

An investment in happiness

Happiness is a relative and very subjective concept, but it is not for nothing that they say that happiness is a choice. you can choose to be happy man and consciously move towards filling your life with happy moments and experiences. Quit a job that makes you money but makes you unhappy, remove toxic people from your environment, and so on.

Why is this an investment? because happy life is a process, not a goal. This is a road that consists of small daily steps and choices, making which every time you ask yourself the question “will this make me happier? ..”

And if the answer is “yes”, then a world of opportunities opens up before you, each of which is a return that you get by spending time, money and effort on self-development and self-care.
