Construction of the sanitary protection zone of the enterprise. Development and approval of the draft sanitary protection zone (SPZ)

Consulting company "Noosphere" offers complete solution tasks, responsible approach and quality services. Instruct us to develop and approve the draft SPZ.

This type of service is in demand among customers involved in industrial and complex technological activities. A sanitary protection zone is a territory in which a special regime of use is provided. This is a kind of border that separates from the rest of locality enterprises whose activities are associated with a negative impact on the environment or humans.

Draft calculation of sanitary protection zone- This is a type of urban planning documents. It contains a full justification of the proposed boundaries of this zone, a description of its exact location on the map, as well as a list of planned activities for improvement, operation, and repair. The calculation of the sanitary protection zone is a mandatory action during the construction and launch of enterprises whose activities may be associated with a danger to humans or the environment. The tasks that the authors of such a document should set themselves are reduced to defining the boundaries of the “exclusion zone”, beyond which harmful effect not dangerous to people and nature, or at least minimized. A new calculation of the sanitary protection zone should also be carried out for existing enterprises, if reconstruction is carried out there or new activities are introduced.

Organizations that require the development of a SPZ project in accordance with SanPiN 2.2.1/

  • sports organizations;
  • energy facilities;
  • agricultural complexes;
  • experimental production enterprises;
  • retail space;
  • industrial and production facilities;
  • public utility facilities;
  • transport enterprises;
  • catering establishments.

All of the above objects National economy can be sources of environmental pollution. Thus, a competent calculation of the SPZ will perform protective functions.

Indications for the mandatory implementation of measures are the specific values ​​​​of MPC and MPC.

According to the above SanPiN, the definition of a sanitary protection zone is required if the indicators are exceeded by 0.1. As part of the provision of the service, the concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere and the noise level at the boundary of the residential area are calculated. After the received data are compared with the standards.

If the MPC and MPC are within the noma or when designing a class 5 facility, the development of a project for a sanitary protection zone is not required. At the same time, there is no need for full-scale research and air measurements. To document the activities, it will be sufficient to complete the relevant section of the draft EIA.

The procedure for determining a safe area

When developing and coordinating the SPZ project, it is important to assess within the boundaries of which territory the level of permissible impact on the environment and atmosphere exceeds all standards. Thus, outside these boundaries, the impact will be minimal, that is, permitted.

The normative dimensions of the SPZ may depend on various factors, in particular, on the hazard class of the enterprise. There are five such classes:

  • first hazard class. It applies engineering industry, chemical, metallurgical plants. Sanitary zone- not less than 2 km;
  • second class of danger. These are manufacturing companies steel structures, aircraft, gases and organic solvents. The length of the protective zone is 1 km or more;
  • third class of danger. It includes industries related to the manufacture of plastics, perfumes, reagents. SPZ - not less than 500 m;
  • fourth class of danger. These are enterprises producing soap, paper, medical glass, fiberglass. Protective territory - not less than 300 m;
  • fifth class of danger. We include here dry cleaners, drug factories, publishing houses. The length of the zone is from 100 m.

When calculating the sanitary protection zone for industrial complexes, it is necessary to take into account the level of emissions into the atmosphere and the characteristics of the overall physical impact of activities on surrounding area. Thus, it is possible to establish a reasonable extent of the "barrier" territory.

Regulatory framework governing the calculation and approval of projects for sanitary protection zones

Specialists involved in the development of documents of this kind must rely on federal laws governing environmental protection, atmospheric air, as well as methodological manuals, GOSTs, SanPiNs.

Stages of SPZ formation

The process of creating this document includes:

  • preparation of technical specifications;
  • project creation;
  • assessment of the degree of atmospheric pollution and physical impact on it;
  • setting boundaries protective territory;
  • measurements of air quality, noise level and other necessary indicators in kind, within the established boundaries;
  • approval of the finished document in Rospotrebnadzor.

The need for a document

  1. The actual availability of the calculation of the sanitary protection zone is necessary for presentation to the regulatory authorities.
  2. The development of a SPZ project is required for the existence of a justification basis for the enterprise. Protection may be needed if he is sued for violation of safety standards by citizens or other organizations.
  3. The approval of the SPZ project precedes any reconstruction or modernization of production, as well as the processes of its expansion or reduction. A document with detailed calculations guarantees legal security.
  4. In some cases, it is necessary to develop a SPZ to reduce the protective territory. Subsequently, the land can be transferred for industrial use, construction residential buildings, summer cottages etc.

Conditions for ordering a service and terms of its implementation

To develop a high-quality SPZ project, it is necessary to contact specialists with sufficient level knowledge and experience. The consulting company "Noosphere" guarantees the preparation of documents in a period of 1 to 3 months, depending on the complexity of the object.

By law, enterprises and officials working without registration of this kind binding documents may be held administratively liable. The amount of fines is up to 100,000 rubles.

Service cost

Prices for such work are determined individually for each object. When calculating the price, the following factors are taken into account:

  • specificity of the urban situation;
  • number of emission sources;
  • the amount of air pollutants;
  • noise level.

The cost of the SPZ does not include a fee for a preliminary consultation - the service is provided free of charge.

The consulting company "Noosphere" prepares SPZ projects at a price of 50,000 rubles. Contact right now. Or order the calculation of the cost of the document on the site.

We will help you coordinate and develop a draft sanitary protection zone (SPZ) for Moscow, the Moscow Region and the Republic of Tatarstan. Moderate prices. Short time. We are waiting for your call.

Cost: from 65,000 rubles. Agreement term: 50 working days. Development time: 45 working days.

Sanitary protection zone project (hereinafter referred to as the SPZ project) - project documentation, developed in order to create a special area with a special mode of use, which is established around facilities and industries that are sources of impact on the environment and human health. Impact refers not only to emissions of pollutants, but also noise, vibration, electromagnetic study and others.

Who needs to develop a SPZ project

The main regulatory legal acts that regulate this issue is "On the Protection of Atmospheric Air" and SanPiN 2.2.1 /

the federal law No. 96-FZ of 05/04/1999, article 16, paragraph 3:

In order to protect the atmospheric air in places of residence of the population, sanitary protection zones of organizations are established. The sizes of such sanitary protection zones are determined on the basis of calculations of the dispersion of emissions of harmful (polluting) substances in the atmospheric air and in accordance with the sanitary classification of organizations.

Federal Law No. 96-FZ of May 4, 1999, Article 30, Clause 1:

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs having stationary sources are obliged:
ensure compliance with the regime of sanitary protection zones of objects of economic and other activities that have a harmful effect on the atmospheric air;

SanPiN 2.2.1/, paragraph 3.1:

The design of sanitary protection zones is carried out at all stages of the development of urban planning documentation, construction projects, reconstruction and operation of a separate industrial facility and production and / or a group of industrial facilities and production.
The dimensions and boundaries of the sanitary protection zone are determined in the design of the sanitary protection zone. The development of a project for a sanitary protection zone for objects of I - III hazard class is mandatory.

In short, the development of a SPZ project is necessary for all industrial facilities, in the course of which there is an impact on the environment, including humans. The impact can be sound, electromagnetic radiation, or emissions of pollutants into the air. In this case, it will be easier to reflect objects that do not require project development.

The SPZ project is not developed if:

1. The enterprise is not a source of impact on the environment and human health (that is, the level of pollution created by the enterprise outside the industrial site is not higher than 0.1 MPC and / or MPC).

The maximum permissible level (MPL) is the legally approved upper limit of the magnitude of a certain influencing factor (noise, radioactivity, tension electromagnetic field, concentration of substances, etc.), which is allowed for one or another human activity, as not leading to injury or other damage to the body.

Maximum Permissible Concentration (MAC) - maximum concentration chemical elements and their compounds in environment, which, with daily influence for a long time on the human body, does not cause pathological changes or diseases established modern methods research in any period of life of the present and subsequent generations.

2. The enterprise belongs to IV-V hazard classes and in chapter VII SanPiN 2.2.1 / it is defined approximate size SPZ (at the same time).

If it is not possible to identify your facility in accordance with SanPiN 2.2.1/, then in this case, regardless of the hazard class, you need to develop a SPZ project. It may also arise that in the current urban planning situation it is not impossible to comply with the dimensions of the approximate sanitary protection zone. In this case, justification for the placement of such facilities with approximate calculations of the expected air pollution and physical impact on the air.

3. The enterprise belongs to the objects of small business and belongs to the V class of danger (at the same time).

4. The number of the enterprise does not exceed 15 people.

Scroll required documents for development, see the "note" tab at the top of the page.

In what cases is it necessary to update the SPZ project?

Update (re-registration) of the SPZ project is necessary in the following cases:

1. Changes in the type of activity;

2. Changes in technology and production volume;

3. Development of border areas;

4. Changes in the plan of adjacent land users.

In the event of a change in the owner of the facility and the existence of an agreed SPZ project, it is necessary to write a statement to the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor that a corresponding change has occurred.

Stages of drafting and approval of the SPZ project

1. Free initial consultation, during which we establish the existence of a draft MPE, the number of sources of impact (air emissions, noise, vibration, electromagnetic study) and other information.

Settlement project MPE

2. The conclusion of the contract.

3. Compilation of a list of emission sources (organized and unorganized) and noise sources, their mode of operation and location, and substances emitted by all emission sources at a given enterprise.

4. Calculation of emissions of all substances from all sources, calculation of noise and electromagnetic radiation. Obtaining a certificate of the background concentration of substances in the air.

5. Drawing up a calculated (preliminary) project of the SPZ and a program for conducting laboratory and instrumental studies of the environment in the zone of influence of the organization to confirm the established size of the SPZ.



Final draft of the SPZ

8. Conducting field observations of atmospheric air pollution and physical impact according to a specially developed program and (or) within the framework of the program production control within one year.

9. Drawing up an established (final) draft of the SPZ and an explanatory note.

10. Holding sanitary examination project in the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology" or an accredited organization for this type of activity for compliance sanitary rules. Elimination of remarks in case of their occurrence.

11. Innings expert opinion for approval to the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor to obtain a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

LLC "Regional Industrial Strategy"- development and approval of final and settlementSPZ projects. We are waiting for your call.

The list of documents required for the development of the SPZ project:

1. Topographic (situational) plan on a scale of 1:2000.

2. The general plan of the enterprise with the applied existing buildings and an indication of the prospective construction in M ​​1:500.

3. Legal document for land use (certificate / lease agreement).

4. Company details:

Full name of the enterprise;

Position and full name of the director;

Enterprise capacity per year;

Mode of operation of the enterprise.

5. Draft standards for maximum allowable emissions into the atmosphere (MAE) and the results of the last departmental control of compliance with the standards. In the absence of a project - inventory data of sources of pollutant emissions.

6. Draft standards for maximum allowable discharges (MPD). In the absence of documentation, data on the list of the volume of pollutants, disposal sites are provided Wastewater, sediment.

7. Hygienic passports for sources of ionizing radiation, electromagnetic radiation, etc. (provided by the enterprise if such sources are available).

8. Indicators of heat supply - fuel consumption, type of fuel, number of boiler rooms (furnace), brands of boilers.

9. Data on the transport of the enterprise.

10. Draft standards for waste generation and limits for their disposal.

11. Information about background concentrations of air pollution.

12. Balance of the territory of the enterprise (building area, asphalt pavement, ground coverings, lawns)

13. Vegetation on the territory of the enterprise

14. Noise passports ventilation systems and equipment, compressors, pumps, machine tools.

15. Certificate of the enterprise on the mode of operation in general, individual workshops, sections

1. Federal Law No. 96-FZ of 04.05.1999 "On the Protection of Atmospheric Air".

2. SanPiN 2.2.1/ "Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects".

4. Guidelines for the design of SPZ for industrial enterprises. TsNIIP urban planning. Moscow: Stroyizdat, 1984.

5. Collection of methods for determining the concentrations of pollutants in industrial emissions. L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1987.

6. Instructions for the regulation of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. Research Institute Atmosphere.

7. GOST Protection of Nature. Atmosphere. Rules for establishing allowable emissions harmful substances industrial enterprises. M., 1979.

9. List and codes of substances polluting the atmospheric air. Integral, St.Petersburg, 2000.

10. Guidelines for the calculation, standardization and control of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air. St. Petersburg, 2012

11. RD 52.04.186-89 "Guidelines for the control of air pollution".

12. SN 2.2.4 / "Noise at workplaces, in the premises of residential, public buildings and in residential areas."

13. SNiP 23-03-2003 "Protection from noise".

The absence of a draft SPZ is regulated by Article 6.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Violation of legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, expressed in violation of existing sanitary regulations and hygienic standards, failure to comply with sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic measures:

shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one hundred to five hundred roubles;

on the officials- from five hundred to one thousand rubles;

on persons carrying out entrepreneurial activity without formation of a legal entity - from five hundred to one thousand rubles or an administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days;

on the legal entities- from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles or an administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days.

Those who were faced with the establishment of the boundaries of the sanitary protection zone for their enterprise were probably confused in the concepts of indicative, calculated and established SPZ.

Let's clarify the situation.

Approximate sanitary protection zone

SanPin 2.2.1 /, in addition to other information related to sanitary protection zones, provides " Sanitary classification industrial facilities and production of thermal power stations, warehouse buildings and structures and the size of the indicative sanitary protection zones for them. The classification indicates the boundaries in meters from the source of exposure, site or industrial site to its external boundary, beyond which harm from the activities of the enterprise will not be caused to either the environment or the population. This is the approximate sanitary protection zone, or rather, its borders.

Let us give an example of classes, types of industries and the size of the SPZ.

I class- (carbon disulfide production, alumina production, mining and processing plants, wood chemical complexes, pig breeding complexes, etc.) - SPZ=1000 m;
II class- (hydrochloric acid production, automobile production, gypsum mining facilities, charcoal, cattle farms from 1200 to 2000 cows and up to 6000 livestock places for young animals, etc.) - SPZ=500 m;
III class- (nicotine production, ship repair enterprises, industrial facilities for the extraction of peat by milling, woodworking, sheep farms for 5 - 30 thousand heads, etc.) - SPZ=300 m;
IV class– (manufacturing of soap, printing houses using lead, assembling furniture with varnishing and painting, greenhouses and greenhouses, etc.) - SPZ=100 m;
V class
- (production of matches, production of boilers, industrial facilities (quarries) for the extraction of potassium carbonate by open pit mining, assembly of furniture from finished products without varnishing and coloring, storage of fruits, vegetables, potatoes, grains, etc.) - SPZ=50 m.

If you did not find the type of your enterprise in the classification of industrial facilities and industries (Section VII SanPin 2.2.1 /, this means that an approximate size has not been established for your type of activity. In this case, you need to develop a draft design SPZ.

If you found your enterprise in the document, and it belongs to I-III hazard class, the project of the estimated SPZ is still necessary. For enterprises of the V class of danger, the project is not required to be developed. However development of SPZ desirable for enterprises of all types of production, if residents of nearby houses complain about noise / smoke / smell.

Estimated sanitary protection zone

So, you need to calculate the sanitary protection zone. To do this, an environmental engineer carries out a project that is fully called "Project justifying the size of the calculated sanitary protection zone"

(abbreviated as the SPZ project).

In the course of project preparation, the SPZ boundary is calculated in meters. It substantiates the size of the sanitary protection zone for the enterprise based on the results of calculations of atmospheric air pollution and physical impact on the environment.

Calculations of pollutant emissions are carried out using the current teaching aids and specialized software. Dispersion calculations are made using the UPRZA Ecolog program of the Integral company.

Noise calculations are made in accordance with the current normative documents, as well as using specialized programs.

Final sanitary protection zone

The final sanitary protection zone is the SPZ established on the basis of the results obtained from field measurements and observations in order to fully confirm the calculated parameters.

After the environmental engineer has prepared a draft justification for the size of the estimated SPZ, the document is sent to the FBUZ for an expert opinion and then to Rospotrebnadzor. Based on the expert opinion of the FBUZ "TsGiE" and the project, Rospotrebnadzor issues a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

The conclusion states that the project justification of the calculated SPZ corresponds to epidemiological rules and standards SanPin 2.2.1/, SanPin 1.6.1032-01, GN, GN, SN 2.2.4/

This suggests that the environmental engineer, as a specialist, correctly calculated the size of the SPZ and the boundary, on it and beyond which there is no excess of the maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants for the atmospheric air of populated areas and the maximum acceptable levels physical impact on the atmosphere.

However, the engineer's calculations must be verified empirically. To do this, an accredited laboratory is involved, which, using the project, and specifically the table "Plan for conducting field studies of atmospheric air and noise levels to justify the size of the sanitary protection zone for the enterprise," makes measurements throughout the whole year.

A year after the transfer of the data from the monitoring table to an accredited laboratory and after receiving all the measurement protocols, the enterprise must prepare a report confirming the sufficiency of the SPZ.

The report proves that the size of the sanitary protection zone has been determined correctly on the basis of the design SPZ and measurement protocols. That is, at the border of the SPZ, the maximum allowable concentrations(MAC) of harmful substances and noise levels do not exceed the established standards. This means that outside the SPZ, the activity of the enterprise does not provide negative impact on the environment.

After preparing a report on confirmation of the sufficiency of the sanitary protection zone, the report is again sent to Rospotrebnadzor.

After 30 working days, Rospotrebnadzor sends a response letter to the customer enterprise on the establishment of a (final) sanitary protection zone for enterprise N.
