Household signs, the most famous household superstitions. Superstitions and omens

It's no secret that our ancestors great importance attached to various signs, especially those relating to the house. This was necessary in order to protect the dwelling and its inhabitants from evil forces, as well as to bring good luck and prosperity to the house. Folk signs of the house are very diverse and cover different areas. The most famous and effective we will consider in this article.

Signs, beliefs at home about his well-being

Human welfare is required price its comfortable existence in our lives. That is why almost everyone is trying to attract wealth to the house. Folk omens on this subject are very numerous.

  • In order to always have money in the house, in the evenings you should not take out the garbage, and also throw something out the window.
  • If your broom usually stands with the sweeping part down, then there may not be money in this house either. For financial well-being, turn it over.
  • When is pawned new house for construction, you need to put money under the corner so that they are always carried.
  • If you want to live debt-free, don't use the tablecloth as a towel.
  • So that there is no desolation in the house, then never whistle in it.
  • Do not give bread to anyone across the threshold, otherwise you may become impoverished.
  • Do not poke bread into the salt shaker, it is better to salt it. Otherwise, you will not have bread.
  • In order not to sweep away the good, do not keep more than one broom in the house.
  • Keep a money box or purse in the house, put some money in it and count it periodically. It is believed that money goes to money. But the amount of small things you should not worry about, from its recalculation, the money will only decrease.

plant superstitions

Signs about the house include growing in it indoor plants, since some have a negative effect on energy at home, so they are not recommended to be kept in rooms. These plants include:

  • Ivy. It is believed that if he is in the house, then men will not live in it, they will safely leave.
  • Monstera. In general, this plant is considered an “office” plant, as it absorbs a lot of energy. If you want to keep her in the house, then choose for her a place where there is enough energy, such as the living room. It is strictly forbidden to put it in the bedroom.

But there is also positive plants that can bring only good luck to the house.

  • Fat woman. A very powerful plant to attract money luck.
  • Bamboo. Symbolizes good luck in career and business, stimulates promotion career ladder. It is better to put it on the desktop.
  • Hibiscus, aloe and chlorophytum are very useful in the house, as these plants normalize family relationships, bringing peace and tranquility.

It should be said that if plants wither in the house for no reason, then quarrels often occur in it.

Other signs

Of course, there are other signs-superstitions in the house, of which there are quite a lot. Some are warning about something, others are simply stating a fait accompli.

  • When entering a new house, you can not whitewash the ceiling for a whole year.
  • It is not recommended to put the keys on the table, otherwise the memory may deteriorate.
  • If at night the brownie often chokes, then you should expect a change in your life.
  • Mirrors in the bedroom, especially at the head of the bed and above it, are unacceptable. Otherwise, you can expect a large number of troubles and mistakes in life.
  • All mirrors in the house should be framed, as sharp edges can “injure” the subtle energy of a person.
  • On the threshold of the house you can not say goodbye, otherwise you can quarrel.
  • If you had to return home halfway, then be sure to look in the mirror, then your luck will not turn away.
  • A TV cannot be placed in the bedroom of the spouses, as it is believed that they may soon get a divorce.

Bad omens in the house

There are a number of signs that predict that something bad will happen soon with the owners of the house or with their circling. Usually they have always been associated with the influence of evil (impure) forces on a person.

  • If you personally saw a brownie, then be in trouble.
  • If icons fell in the house, then this is for the dead.
  • An unreasonable knock speaks of the imminent death of someone.
  • The cracking of furniture or its bursting also portends death.
  • It is impossible to build a house with gates or windows to the north, otherwise the devils will survive the owner of the house.
  • A broken mirror - to trouble or misfortune, multiplied by many fragments. To avoid this, immerse the fragments in strong water or paint over with black paint.
  • It has always been considered bad luck to enter a house through a window. Also, nothing could be thrown into it, since it was believed that angels were standing near the windows. Although according to some beliefs, the window is the most weakness in the house, through which they can easily enter the house evil forces. That is why a bird that flew into the house predicted illness or even death of a person.

If it so happens that luck has turned away from you and you do not know what to do, seek help from good specialist. He will be able to find the reason for the failure, if necessary, put protection on you, your loved ones and your home.

good omens at home

Of course, there are also good signs. There are quite a lot of them and they always talk about future luck and happiness. Their action was usually associated with light forces, helping people overcome evil forces.

  • When a cat enters the house first, it portends well-being (material and family), health and happiness.
  • The dog should be the last to be allowed into the new housing.
  • An open window from the wind has always been a sign of future news. The birds banging on the glass also talked about this.

As you can see, a person during his existence has collected a lot of different signs and superstitions about the house. Some of them are quite strange, but some are definitely worth paying attention to. The Universe sometimes gives very bright signs about the future, and not only positive ones.

Being warned, you can try to prevent the negative, for example, carefully monitor your health or visit a specialist. If you want to learn how to influence reality yourself, then sign up for training in our school.

A black cat ran across the road, the mirror shattered, salt spilled onto the table. Where did you come from bad omens? Is there any rational grain in superstitions? What beliefs have survived to our century high technology and pragmatic truths? We will try to penetrate into the anatomy of superstitions, to understand where they came from, what they were invented for and whether there is some truth in them ...

The worst omen: a black cat breaks a mirror with an empty bucket. It's funny and absurd, but many of us, despite the obvious stupidity of some superstitions and signs, continue to believe in them. It’s one thing if it’s harmless pins on clothes or squats on the track, and quite another if on Friday the 13th you take a day off from work and are afraid all day to make an extra gesture in order to avoid trouble.

The very word superstition consists of "sue" - in vain, empty, and "faith": i.e. empty, empty. Most of the signs that we believe in today take their origins in antiquity or the Middle Ages and are associated with specific historical events, customs, living conditions, etc.

Spilled salt - to abuse and quarrels Today salt it is quite inexpensive, but in Russia the universal seasoning was sold for its weight in gold in the truest sense of the word. A symbol of prosperity that was relevant in the old days and an indicator of the well-being of the family, they were put on the table only for the most dear guests.

There are different versions of the origins of this superstition. Leonardo da Vinci's fresco The Last Supper depicts Judas overturning a salt shaker. And many etymologists consider this detail to be the real reason for the superstition. But salt figured in religious ceremonies long before Judas. In some Eastern countries they even sealed contracts with salt - when concluding an alliance, the leaders took it in their mouths from one salt shaker. Maybe this is where the sign came from: if you sprinkle salt, it will lead to a quarrel, enmity. In Russia, salt was considered a symbol of prosperity, because it was worth its weight in gold.

Spilling salt was the height of extravagance, as well as a manifestation of disrespect for a hospitable home. If the ill-wisher wanted to greatly offend the owners, it was enough just to turn the salt shaker over. After such a daring trick, a quarrel was no longer avoided.

Also, in order to save money and respect, a sign about spilled salt was used to intimidate clumsy kitchen servants and sloppy children at the table.

Break a mirror - unfortunately One of the most common superstitions is a broken mirror, which promises trouble. Some even say that a broken mirror promises seven years of misfortune in the house.

According to one version, it has always been believed that the mirror took away some of the energy of people who look into it every day. A person may not always be good location spirit, angry or offended, therefore, when the mirror was broken, the accumulated over the years negative energy And troubles began to happen in the family.

This superstition is supposed to have originated from ancient representation about reflection as about the human soul. If the reflection breaks, the soul also suffers, and the person either dies or is deprived of the opportunity to go to heaven after death.

The roots of this prejudice go back to the Middle Ages. The first glass mirrors were then made in Venice, and they were very expensive. In order to force the servants to treat an expensive item with care, the rich owners came up with this sign: whoever breaks the mirror will be punished.

However, due to the fact that the first mirrors had just appeared, they left much to be desired in terms of quality characteristics - they broke with ease. And the servants, not accustomed to the novelty, did not know how to handle them. The owners, trying to somehow preserve the integrity of the expensive purchase, intimidated domestic servants with misfortunes.

Don't whistle - there will be no money The emergence of this superstition, we, in the first place, are obliged to sailors. When calm, windless weather set in, all crew members, from the captain to the cabin boy, began to whistle loudly, as if calling on the wind to fill the sails.

If you remember, this technique is often illustrated in cartoons. It was not allowed to whistle in the houses, so that the wind that suddenly swept in would not sweep away all the family savings.

This sign has one more - pagan - explanation. Our near relative scientific knowledge about the world and the arrangement of things in it, the ancestors assumed that evil spirits were talking with a whistle.

It was believed that by whistling, a person comes into contact with her, attracts her to himself. Sometimes evil spirits responded and "walked" around the whistler, repaired minor dirty tricks and troubles, for example, arranged for the loss of money.

Black cat crossed the road It is without a doubt one of the most well-known signs found in many nations. In Western culture, charcoal felines have always been symbols of bad omen. People believed in the existence of witches who, for the purpose of disguise, turned into black cats.

The person to whom this animal ran across the road immediately understood that a witch was walking very close to him, which means that you should expect failures and problems. By the way, along with dark cats not good sign a large black raven was also considered.

Cats in ancient times were considered practically holy animals, but in the Middle Ages they moved to the rank of devilish ones. Until now, a black cat that crosses the road causes fears about imminent troubles.

The Middle Ages is the era of epidemics that were carried by rats in large numbers. And cats have always been close to rats, so the bad reputation has not bypassed them either. They tried not to approach them, fearing infection. But black cats became invisible at night, which gave rise to the horror of those who accidentally ran into them on the street.

In ancient times in Russia, cats were very valued, the hostess would never have kicked them out of the yard. If the cat ran all over the village, this could only mean some kind of misfortune: the death of the owners or a fire. And if a distraught animal suddenly threw itself at the feet of passers-by, then people were afraid of it, seeing in it a harbinger of trouble.

This notoriety made black cats what witches were - they were also burned at the stake during the Inquisition. Before the battle of Waterloo, a black cat crossed the road to Napoleon, and, as you know, the defeat was the collapse of the emperor.

In England, this animal is not considered a harbinger of suffering, but on the contrary, it brings happiness. In countries North Africa a black cat is a symbol of good luck, and bad luck is believed to be brought by a black dog.

Danger lurks under the stairs Passing under a ladder leaning against a wall is considered unfavorable all over the world, so most people who know about this sign try to avoid it in every possible way.

Some believe that the ladder, which stands on the ground and leans against the wall, forms a triangle - an integral and inseparable symbol and even the personification of the Holy Trinity, and to go into this triangle means to break the balance, harmony.

Knock on wood Many of us perform this simple ritual several times a day just automatically. Thus, we are trying to prevent some kind of trouble or get away from the evil eye. The ancients did the same. Our ancestors believed that spirits live in trees, which at any moment can be called for help by knocking.

Along with the pagan explanation of superstition, there is also a religious one. In the old days, Christians believed that by touching wooden surface, they cry out to Jesus, who, according to the Bible, was crucified on a wooden cross.

This superstition arose from the custom of giving refuge to a fugitive criminal in a church. If he touched the church gates, he considered himself saved, because from that moment the church took him under protection. However, this custom originated not so long ago. And the tradition of “grabbing a tree” apparently appeared even when people worshiped tree spirits in order to escape from troubles.

It is believed that by knocking on wood, a person protects himself from harm, so in some countries people even carry with them in their purse small piece tree to feel safe.

four leaf clover This is another universal omen of happiness in most nations. In general, a four-leaf clover is considered an anomaly, and it occurs only one in 10,000 flowers. It turns out that you need to be really lucky to find it.

The point is that each clover leaf is prescribed certain value. Hope, honor, love - this is a standard set for a three-leaf, and the fourth leaf is endowed with a sign of happiness. Hence the sign.

However, there is even a clover with five and six leaves, but since such miracles are incredibly rare, they will definitely bring happiness, as people believe.

Horseshoe for good luck This sign stretches from the Middle Ages, when they began to hang horseshoes over the door to ward off trouble. Shoeing a horse was considered an expensive pleasure: “shoes” for an ungulate cost a lot of money. Therefore, people believed that finding a horseshoe was a great success.

Iron among the Celts was considered a fertile material capable of warding off misfortunes. The found horseshoe was considered a particularly good sign and a symbol of happiness for the one who found it. The lucky man realized that he was marked by fortune, he would certainly hang a horseshoe at home in a conspicuous place, so that it, like a magnet, would attract all that was good.

There is another explanation for this superstition. According to legend, Saint Dunstan, the Archbishop of Canterbury, who at first was a simple blacksmith, once nailed the devil to the wall, who came to him to shoe his hooves. He let him go only after the evil one promised never to touch the houses, over the door of which a horseshoe hangs.

But in order for a horseshoe to bring happiness, it must hang with its ends down, otherwise it may fall - which means that happiness will also “fall.” Sues

Three Cigarette Rule There is a superstition that one should not light three cigarettes at once, from one match or lighter. It is common in European countries, including Russia, and has gone since the First World War.

It was noticed that at night German soldiers watched the enemy army, guided by the lights of matches and cigarettes of the soldiers carrying the night watch. They first noticed the first flame of a cigarette, when the second one was lit, they took aim, and the third soldier, lighting a cigarette, became a target.

Friday the 13th The basis of this most popular sign was the real historical event. April 13, 1307, Friday, caught and arrested big number representatives of the Knights Templar - the richest in medieval Europe organizations. After a short stay behind bars, all the prisoners were burned at the stake of the Inquisition.

AT Ancient Rome Friday was the day of execution, Jesus was also crucified on Friday.

Today, the fear of Friday the 13th is global. There is even the concept of "paraskevidekatriaphobia" - an obsessive fear of an unlucky calendar combination. Americans have calculated that people suffering from this disease cause about $800-900 million in damage to the national economy every Friday the 13th, fearing trouble and not coming to work that day.

But Dutch scientists conducted studies on the events that take place on Friday the 13th over the past 20 years - and came to the conclusion that these days are even safer than all the rest of the year: non-superstitious people behave unchanged, and paraskevidekatriaphobes act with special caution.

This superstition does not apply to all cultures: in Spain and Latin America Tuesday the 13th is considered unlucky.

Why can't you pass things over the threshold? Surely everyone knows the sign that you can’t say hello or pass any things over the threshold. But what is the basis of such a strange belief?

It turns out that in ancient times, the ashes of ancestors who had gone to another world were buried under the threshold, therefore, by performing some actions on the threshold, the residents could disturb the peace of the dead, which, of course, did not bode well.

In addition, the threshold of the house is a kind of border that separates the two worlds and symbolizes the separation of the world of the living from the world of the dead.

Woman with an empty bucket... Since ancient times, it was believed that if in the morning, leaving the house, you met a woman - then this is a failure, and if a man - good luck. It came from the Hindus, who were sure that a woman absorbs energy, and a man always gives it away.

A sign from India has come down to us in a slightly modified form: if you meet a woman with empty buckets, this bodes trouble. By the way, this sign has a continuation: a man with a bucket - good luck!

Seeing a woman with empty buckets, you should go around her in an arc. You can also cross yourself and spit three times over your left shoulder. From the women with empty buckets, two crossed fingers in your pocket also help (but not the fig).

And one more interpretation - this superstition arose from peasant life, in those days when drinking water was extracted not from a tap, and not from the nearest store, but exclusively from a well. In the morning, the housewives with buckets of water were drawn to the outskirts. Not only to collect water, but also gossip about the news. And if suddenly a hostess comes towards you from the well with empty buckets, then it’s bad, the well has dried up.

How can you live without water? No drink, no food to cook. And so far, subconsciously, we are waiting - is there anything in the buckets?

Returning halfway threatens with failures? This sign is based on the belief that the threshold of the house is a kind of boundary between the worlds. If a person left the house, but did not achieve his goal, but returned halfway, then his spiritual strength weakens, and unpleasant surprises may await him in the form of offended ancestral spirits who were disturbed in vain or even in the form of negative entities that strive to enter our world.

In order to neutralize the negative impact, the belief recommends looking in the mirror before leaving the house again, in this case the spiritual power reflected by the glass will double, and nothing will threaten the person.

Giving a watch is a bad omen This superstition came to Europe from China, where a watch presented as a gift acts as something of an invitation to a funeral. Our belief has undergone some changes, since it is believed that a donated watch counts down the period of friendship with the recipient. Although in some places they continue to believe that the donated clock measures the time left to live.

It is not difficult to neutralize the effect of this sign; it is enough to give any small coin in return for the donated watch. So it will be considered that the watch was not donated, but bought and the gift will not have any negative impact.

Why not celebrate the fortieth anniversary? The custom of not celebrating the fortieth anniversary, especially for men, is associated not only with the mystical fortieth day after death, which is fatal in all religions. But also with the accepted Kievan Rus the practice of conducting "tests" for the incorruptibility of relics. It was forty days that were allowed to make sure that the relics would remain incorrupt.

For these two reasons, it is considered that the celebration of the fortieth birthday is a manifestation of disrespect for death. Many believe that ignoring signs can bring on the hero of the day various failures, illnesses, and even premature departure to another world.

Sit on the track This superstition was born in those days when people believed that the world was inhabited by a variety of spirits. So, the spirits of the house are not very happy when one of the household members goes on the road, they can cling to the departing person, interfere with him on the way and try to return him back.

It is clear that in such a company the trip will not work out. Therefore, counteraction was invented when all those present sit down on the track. House spirits, seeing that people are sitting quietly and not going anywhere, lose their vigilance and are distracted, at this time the traveler will be able to set off on a journey without extra "baggage" in the form of stubborn entities.

By the way, household spirits may be offended by such a deceit, therefore it is considered extremely undesirable to return halfway home.

It must be said that this sign also has a purely practical meaning, because it is useful for everyone to sit down and gather their thoughts before a long journey so as not to miss something important in a hurry

Don't eat with a knife! It is believed that if you eat from a knife, you will become cruel and evil. Where did this belief come from? The fact is that a knife is one of the first tools of a person with which he could get his own food and protect his life. Therefore, this item was not just a tool, but also a thing that had a sacred meaning.

Such an important subject was endowed with special magical properties and used not only for practical purposes, but also in various rituals. Using a knife for something as mundane as eating was considered sacrilegious, as the spirits might get angry at such obvious disrespect.

In addition, the requirement not to eat with a knife has the most rational explanation, because acting in this way, you can cut your lips.

Why can't you pick up anything at the crossroads? The crossroads has always been considered a mystical place, where intersect in parallel existing worlds- ours and invisible. At the crossroads, a huge number of rituals are performed, which are not always aimed at goodness and justice. Many people, passing through the intersection, say that they feel an incomprehensible unease there. It is likely that the power of self-hypnosis comes into play, or maybe not ...

For example, there are rituals that allow you to "translate" life's troubles or illnesses into some objects, then these things are supposed to be thrown at the crossroads, where they can be taken away by evil spirits. Therefore, it is forbidden to pick up some items at the crossroads, because this way you can pick up other people's failures or ailments. Moreover, the more valuable thing is found at the crossroads, the more serious troubles the one who picks it up can incur.

You will become an orphan in one shoe! The sign says that one who allows himself to walk shod in only one shoe (slippers, boots, shoes) will be orphaned early. Indeed, even in the Holy Book it is said that "each creature should be in pairs."

Paired items, including shoes, are a symbol of unity, therefore, by separating them, a person separates those who gave birth to him, that is, his own parents. It’s good if the family just breaks up, that is, the parents get divorced, and everyone starts to build their own life. But if love reigns in a couple, then only death can separate them.

Don't take out the trash in the dark... This sign has many interpretations. For example, it is believed that those who take out the trash late at night will be subject to unpleasant gossip. This belief has a completely rational explanation, because it is unlikely that someone who has nothing to hide will take out the garbage exclusively under the cover of night. So, regularly staying up late with the removal of waste, a person provides food for discussion among curious neighbors.

Another interpretation is that by taking out the garbage at night, a person takes out his luck and well-being with him. This belief was born, probably, because of the belief in household spirits.

Good night spirits of the house should enter the dwelling at sunset. But they will come only where they were expected and prepared, that is, they cleaned the rooms and took out the waste. If the owners have gaped and did not prepare the house on time, then after sunset it is useless to restore order, since good spirits went to stay with more careful homeowners.

Baker's dozen Numbers are one of the main sources of unrest on various occasions. Either the number is lucky, or it promises trouble. The last one is, according to popular opinion, the number 13. This figure is recognized as unlucky in most countries and religions. In some countries, such as the United States, there is no number 13 in hotels, and even on airplanes there is no seat with this number.

Since ancient times, the number 12 was considered the most harmonious, literally a sign of perfection. It is only necessary to remember the number of the gods of Olympus, the apostles of Christ, the signs of the zodiac, the months of the year. There are only a dozen everywhere. Thus, 13 is seen as something violating this perfection, introducing confusion and discord.

But this superstition does not apply to all countries. For example, in Italy the number 17 is considered unlucky, and in Japan - 4, and even the word "death" is the same with it in pronunciation.

Superstitions and signs are of great importance: they tell us when luck awaits us and warn of possible troubles. But most signs are often misinterpreted, not knowing their true meaning.

From time immemorial, the Russian people have been considered superstitious. Signs based on observation hide much more meaning than we used to think. For example, spilled salt promises discord in the family and tears. Why exactly salt? Many people think that this sign is associated with palatability product, but this is not the case. Now salt has become affordable and cheap, but in the old days only rich people could afford it. If such a valuable product appeared on the table in a poor family, they used it sparingly and tried to save it. Spilling salt, the culprit incurred the wrath of the household. To neutralize this superstition, it is enough to throw a pinch of spilled salt over your left shoulder and laugh.

One way or another, all superstitions are time-tested and are often signs of Fate. They warn us against rash actions, warn of difficulties, or, on the contrary, promise luck and joy. This knowledge will be the key to a happy and successful life every person who believes in their action.

Whistle in the house

Many have come across the expression "don't whistle - there will be no money." According to popular beliefs, the whistle attracted evil spirits and scared away the brownie, who guarded the dwelling from negative encroachments. The whistle also calls for the wind that blows from the house. financial well-being. Sailors are wary of whistling on a ship for fear of attracting a strong storm. According to the sign, by whistling we turn away the Higher powers from ourselves and attract failures into life.

clothes inside out

In the old days, people treated their clothes with care and tried to keep them as long as possible. Sewn by hand, it kept the warmth of the hands and protected the owner from damage and the evil eye. A casual attitude to clothing was usually accompanied by a caustic comment: “clothes inside out - you will be beaten.” This expression meant that a person has lost protection and is subject to negative influence from outside.

Sewing on yourself

"You sew on yourself - you sew up a memory." Another sign that means that repairing clothes on yourself is taking unjustified risk. Negligence was never encouraged, and in ancient times threatened with serious illness and even death. It was possible to infect with a needle prick, and in the absence of drugs, it was difficult to prevent the disease.

Knock on wood

It is believed that the tree is a strong source of earthly strength, capable of turning away adversity. In the old days, and even now, people, having heard unflattering words addressed to them or saying too much, try to cancel Negative consequences by knocking three times on wood. Three is a symbol Higher powers- also mystically affects a successful outcome. A knock on a tree was complemented by a triple spit over the left shoulder: they believed that this gesture drives away evil spirits located on the left side.

empty bucket

To meet a person with empty buckets is at a loss. In the past, a woman with empty buckets did not bode well: in times of drought, wells dried up, and people had to look for water in remote places. Often this was a risky occupation, because inadvertently slipping on the river bank, one could miss valuable inventory and hurt oneself painfully. Now, having met someone with an empty bucket or a wheelbarrow, people spit over their left shoulder and say: “Stay away from me, stay away.”

Pass things over the threshold

Our ancestors always protected the threshold of the house from negative influence, therefore, the transfer of something was carried out only if the person's foot was on the threshold. Conspired things are not uncommon in modern world, That's why energy protection not prevent. If something is being passed to you, stand with one foot on the threshold and cross your fingers - this will help to cancel the negative impact of the thing being passed to you.

sit on the table

The table has always been a revered place among Russians. All meals and holidays were held at the spacious tables located in the upper room. Each household member was assigned a specific place. Also on the table was food collected and obtained by hard work, so sitting on the table defiled both the meal and the food. He who sits on the table brings poverty not only on himself, but also on the owners of the house.

Sit on the track

Traveling used to be a risky business, especially during times of mud. Predatory animals, bandits and bad weather could delay the traveler and bring trouble on his head. “Sit down on the path”, people attracted good luck, because the help of their native walls gave confidence in the successful outcome of any trip.

Black cat

Everyone knows that a black cat running across the road is unfortunate. This superstition also comes from ancient Russia. In those days, black cats were valued and tried not to let out of the house. They were a kind of amulets against fires and were the keepers of the hearth along with the brownie. The lonely roaming owner cat was a symbol of the misfortune of the family from which she ran away.

Broken mirror

An expensive mirror in the old days was not the same as we see it now. In those days, mirrors were not just expensive, but status items that spoke of prosperity. The difficulty in manufacturing and transporting a fragile item further raised its cost. No wonder that a broken mirror brought 7 years of misfortune - just such a period our ancestors considered sufficient to save up for a new attribute.

Table corner

According to beliefs unmarried girl should not have sat on the corner of the table. It was believed that she would not be able to marry and would remain an old maid. They came up with an excuse later. If a girl had to crowd and sit where it was not supposed to, she said in a whisper: "The groom will be with a corner." This meant that her betrothed would take the bride to his house and provide a roof over her head.

You sweep badly - the groom will be crooked

Young girls often say this phrase when cleaning. It means that a decent bridegroom will not like a bad mistress and only a loser will be able to woo her. Previously, matchmakers came to the bride's house and agreed on marriage. What mistress the future bride will show herself, such will be her future fate and marriage.

Signs and beliefs are also able to attract luck and prosperity into our lives. Careful attention to them will help to avoid trouble. Remember that the more positive thoughts in your life, the more protected you are from negative impacts. Set yourself up for positive emotions, boldly strive for your goal and don't forget to press the buttons and

Beliefs were of great importance for our ancestors and, despite the fact that life has changed a lot, knowledge of folk secrets will help not to lose luck from hands.

In the article:

Signs - a role in human life

In the past, superstitions touched every aspect of being. There is a scientific definition of a sign. This is a non-strict pattern between two seemingly unrelated incidents. Some of them have scientific rationale, for example, the behavior of insects and birds before the rain. Almost all signs of the weather are based on many years of human observations of nature, so few doubt their reliability.

A number of superstitions had educational value. Bullying the kids evil spirit, they were weaned from bad habits such as swinging your leg or spitting. Signs for marriage, most of which are connected with everyday life, were invented in order to raise an excellent hostess. With the help of signs, our ancestors taught their descendants to respect food and other resources.

In the old days there were not just superstitions, but rules of life. They differ greatly depending on the region and are aimed at saving natural resources for posterity. For example, in Siberia, you can not beat cedar cones before they ripen. In some regions, they did not build houses where for this it would be necessary to uproot a birch. Hunting during the mass offspring of animals is avoided even now.

There are beliefs that are considered to be superstitions to this day. These include folk wisdom, which cannot be explained logically. They also have noticeable differences depending on the region. Such superstitions exist in almost every country, and what portends good luck in one city may turn out to be a sign of death in another. It is up to you to decide whether to believe in such signs. They have many followers, but there are also enough people who have never come true beliefs.

Many signs are based on religious beliefs. For example, Christian holidays. With their help, in the old days they tried to provide a rich and happy life, acquire family happiness. In addition, on the thirteenth day on Friday, Cain killed Abel, according to one of the interpretations. Old Testament. In pagan times, the remains of family members were kept under the threshold of the house, and therefore even now it is not customary to shake hands and pass things through the threshold.

The church treats signs mostly negatively, except for the conclusions drawn as a result of observations of the world.

Signs and superstitions about life

Beliefs exist for every more or less important event, from birth to funeral.

There is such an expression - "born in a shirt." So they say about those who are lucky in literally everything. But few people know that in the old days a newborn was wrapped in his father's worn shirt to protect him from the evil eye and other troubles, and also to guarantee him a happy life. This expression is also associated with the uterine "shirt", it is believed that it remains intact only for those children who will be lucky all their lives.

The first bathing took place in water with cow's milk to protect the baby from the evil eye or to remove it. It is believed that young children are poorly protected from such troubles. Therefore, the name of the child is not told to strangers before baptism, and for the first forty days the children are not shown to anyone. Previously, it was believed that during this period after birth, the mother was excommunicated from the church, and only after their expiration was she allowed to bring the baby to the temple.

There are many superstitions associated with the name. You can’t name children after someone, especially if they are deceased relatives. There are signs about a haircut, which is prohibited for up to a year, the first gifts for young children for happiness and health, and many others.

Baptism is the next reason to think about superstitions. First of all, they concern the choice of godfathers. You can not invite to the godparents married couple, as well as a pregnant woman, which can harm both your baby and your baby. However, priests do not object to a pregnant woman at this sacrament.

Baptismal things are not customary to give and wash, they are needed so that the child does not forget his parents. With their help, you can cure any disease. Children are not baptized in the same clothes. It is believed that they will become strongly attached to each other and will not quarrel, but if one gets sick, the other is also in danger.

A lot is complicated. Our ancestors had all the answers. They knew how to choose the right dress to live happily ever after. On our site you will find several individual articles that will help you prepare for your wedding. For example, few people know that the groom must not enter the puddles, the bride is forbidden to accept red roses as a gift, and the witness must be younger. In addition, there are many superstitions that are designed to protect young people from the evil eye and the envy of others.

Pregnancy is another reason to turn to grandmother's methods. To conceive a child, you can start a ficus, ask a girlfriend in a position to sneeze on you or drink tea after her. There are many pregnancy signs that had to replace a whole layer of medical knowledge about conception. Therefore, they are trusted in our time.

Signs and superstitions for pregnant women helped our great-grandmothers endure and give birth healthy child. With their help, you can even, not to mention the protection of the mother and fetus from the evil eye, to which, as is commonly believed, pregnant women are highly susceptible. Most of the beliefs about that have a logical justification.

And the graves of deceased relatives need to know. No one can predict grief. But if you don’t think about how to behave correctly during a funeral, you can let the ill-wisher cause damage or get other unpleasant consequences, not to mention the fact that ignorance of some things can simply offend the deceased.

Household superstitions

Russians folk omens concern not only important events but every day Everyday life. There are many household beliefs that have always been adhered to in the old days. Some follow them to this day.

Many people know that you can’t say hello and pass things over the threshold, friends who go around a high obstacle from different sides will quarrel, and if you forget something at home and return, the day will be unsuccessful. They do not sew up clothes and do not sew buttons on the body, so as not to drive away luck. You can’t show on yourself when you have to describe someone’s shortcomings or injuries in a conversation.

There are many. They are used in magic, and far from always good goals are pursued. In the past, every hair that fell out was treated carefully and not allowed to fall into the wrong hands. This applies not only to hair, but also to used wipes with traces of blood or sweat, as well as cut nails. If these attributes are in bad hands problems cannot be avoided. In the old days, such things were burned in a furnace.

Fortunately. In some regions, for example, in the Urals, dishes were specially beaten during the wedding ceremony for good luck. But dropping a mirror is a bad omen. There are several articles on our site that will tell you what to do in this case and explain why you should not keep antique mirrors in the house.

Is it itchy part of the body, bruised, or ears? Russian folk signs will answer any question. If you believe them, even

What does the word sign mean? Signs are a connection between two events, when one of them occurs as a fact, and the second as a consequence. At the same time, the phenomenon that actually happens is perceived as a sign that is interpreted in a certain way, and entails the events that follow it.

Signs and superstitions have their roots in antiquity. Previously, people did not understand many phenomena, but they noticed a certain connection between some events. The word "sign" itself comes from "notice". This is how the human brain is arranged to look for cause-and-effect relationships everywhere and try to somehow predict the future. If people noticed that some event was followed by a certain incident, and this happened more than once, then it was further interpreted as a sign. What is the meaning of the word "sign"? It is explained as a harbinger of some event, good or bad. Signs and superstitions are so firmly rooted in the human mind that, despite all the scientific and technological progress, they continue to be passed down from generation to generation, and many people believe in them just as they did in ancient times.

Signs are good and bad. Some people can manage themselves (for example, getting up in the morning on the right foot - so that the day is a success, or in case of forgetfulness and the need to return to the house - look at yourself in the mirror to avert failure). And some occur regardless of human will (a bird hit the window, crows croaked over the house, etc.).

good omens

Belief in good omens helps a person to tune in to a positive mood, because they are interpreted as the help of light forces that protect and protect from evil. Many people in the modern world understand that the so-called " good sign"- does not always promise 100% luck. But when, for example, a person sees a rainbow, which is considered a harbinger of happiness, then even for a split second, hope will arise in the soul. what is an omen. good omens- this is a kind of opportunity to perceive the world around us more optimistically, reading certain “signs” and believing that they will bring good luck. People in general have a need to believe in something good, otherwise life will not be joyful.

Signs for the fulfillment of desires

There are a number of signs that promise good luck. For example, if you run across the road tricolor cat- this is good. Or if you see a beetle in flight on the road, this is also a good omen. However, the most significant period of time for performing rituals for the fulfillment of desires is the meeting of the New Year. It is believed that on this magical night, if you make a wish under the chiming clock, it will certainly come true. Like it or not, but from year to year, most people do just that. Some still write their desire on paper and burn it, believing that this will bring success.

bad omens

It is common for a person to quickly forget the good, taking it for granted, but at the same time focus on unpleasant events. Therefore, in the world there are many signs "not good." Bad omens are when certain phenomena are perceived as signs that portend negative events. The danger of believing in bad omens is that a person programs himself for failure in advance, interpreting some event as a bad sign. If you set the setting to negative, it is quite possible that the trouble will actually happen, and it will not be the sign that is to blame, but the strong belief that something bad must definitely happen. What we attract to ourselves is what we usually receive. Therefore, do not pay too much attention to any signs that promise trouble.

Signs about birds, animals and insects

Everyone knows the sign about a black cat. what are omens and superstitions. It is so firmly rooted in the minds that some people to this day curse the poor animals who dared to cross their path. It’s not clear what they deserved this, because every person in his life has already had several dozen cases when a black cat that crossed the road did not bring any trouble, and the day passed as usual. However, this sign does not lose its relevance. There are also bad omens associated with birds and insects. It is considered a very bad omen if a bird hits a window and dies. Killing a spider also counts. bad sign. Among animals, it is also notorious bat. If she flew into the house - this is not good. These are just some of bad omens associated with birds, animals and insects. In fact, there are many more.

household signs

There are many signs associated with everyday life. Such signs are a set of signs that can be observed in everyday life from day to day. For example, there is a belief that spilled salt will certainly lead to a quarrel. folk signs and their meaning. This is one of the most common household signs. There is also a superstition that after sunset you can’t sweep the house or take out the trash - the house will leave the well-being. Of the well-known signs, there is still a belief that keeping broken or broken dishes at home means attracting trouble. There are also a large number of less common superstitions: to give loved ones a watch - to a quarrel, to put the keys on the table - to lack of money, and others. There are also household signs that are interpreted in a positive way. For example, an accidentally broken cup or other utensil is fortunately; accidentally pour tea - to a pleasant surprise, etc.

weather notes

Many signs are also associated with weather conditions. They are for bad weather, rain, or, conversely, for good weather. For example, a quiet forest - to a thunderstorm; crows and jackdaws cry - to the rain; and if in the evening mosquitoes swirl in a flock - this is for favorable weather. There are signs associated with the months of the year. For example, signs of September: mild autumn portends a long winter; if thunderstorms often occur in September, it means that autumn will be warm; if there are a lot of acorns on the oaks, it will be snowy before Christmas. Almost every day of any month has its own beliefs. Many people believe that folk omens and their meaning help predict the weather for the coming seasons. Like it or not, it is difficult to judge. On the one hand, people have accumulated this experience for centuries, on the other hand, beliefs do not always come true. It follows from this that it may not hurt to know signs about the weather, but you probably should not rely on them entirely.

Controversy will take

What are omens and superstitions different peoples? The same events in different countries can carry the exact opposite meaning. There are practically no universal signs that would be interpreted the same way all over the world. The same notorious black cat, which we do not favor, in England, for example, brings good luck and prosperity. signs for the fulfillment of desires. Sailors also believe that absolutely black cat on the ship will make swimming successful. This suggests that belief in omens is completely subjective. It's just that in every country the indigenous people have their own remnants of the past, some customs and beliefs that are passed down from generation to generation. And there is no objective connection between certain events, there is simply a need to believe in something and a tribute to traditions.

The opinion of the clergy about superstitions

The Church in no way encourages belief in all sorts of signs. And that's why. What is a sign, according to the Church? Priests believe that superstition has its roots in paganism, when people worshiped one God, but to invented idols. Not knowing how to explain certain events, people endowed various physical phenomena, inanimate objects with supernatural abilities. There were whole rituals on how to make it rain, how to appease the spirits of the harvest, and so on. After the Messiah came to earth and gave humanity the true faith, it is sinful to continue to worship idols. Superstition is a belief in vain, empty, something that has absolutely no meaning. You need to believe only in Divine protection and rely only on the Creator.

What is an omen? This is what you can believe in and what you can ignore. Everyone chooses for himself. However, you should always remember that it is not worth becoming a hostage to superstitions and building your life on signs alone. This can develop into a phobia and a painful addiction. Compliance with empty rituals, as well as expecting something bad after seeing "signs" can significantly poison life and bring considerable harm. It is better to always believe in the good, and hope for a favorable outcome of any business.
