How to succeed in life tips from the successful. The formula for success - tips from successful people

Reading time: 15 minutes

Celebrity Success Secrets

Success does not come to anyone by birth, but everyone has the potential to become successful. As he says Hollywood actor Will Smith: “Coolness is not something supernatural, inherent only to the elite. It's something that exists in each of us."

Success is not in your pocket yet? Then you should listen to the advice of people who have reached the top, because they are on personal experience tested many principles.

Of course, there is no single key to achieving the goals. However, there are some truths, following which you will be one step closer to what you want!

Everyone has their own way to the top

  1. Focus on the process, not the result.

Life is a journey, not a destination. Never think about defeat, about what will happen in the end, because only now is important.

By thinking negatively, we are programming ourselves to fail. Just because life isn't perfect doesn't mean it's not magical!

  1. Pay attention to the really important things.

As said Steve Jobs : “I don't care that I'm the richest man in the graveyard. But waking up in the middle of the night with the thought that you did something useful - this is what really matters, this is success!

The most important things in life cannot be seen, they can only be felt. Of course, this does not mean that you should not listen to reason. However, it is very important to follow the call of the heart, otherwise there will be no benefit.

It is important to be yourself every second, everywhere and always. Otherwise, let's miss life!

  1. Give more than you expect.

At night we are visited by very bold thoughts 🙂 Photo by Geoffroy Groult

At night we dream that life is pure joy. In the morning we realize that this is patience and work. Ultimately, we understand that work brings joy and success!

Dickens once said: “No one is useless if it lightens the life burden of another person!”

We can’t wear gloves all our lives, because our task is not only to catch, but also to pass. Winston Churchill said: “A person maintains existence by receiving, but lives only from what he gives!”.

  1. Take advantage of your strengths and don't be ashamed of your weaknesses.

Albert Einstein said: “Every person is a genius. But if you start to humiliate a fish for its ability to climb trees, it will live, considering itself mediocre.

Strength does not come with victory. Remember this! Effort and struggle with difficulties is what gives success. Only when we decide not to give up do we grow wings.

  1. Be grateful.

Gratitude opens a thousand ways. Photo by Nate Grigg

Favorite of millions Oprah Winfrey He speaks: “Give thanks for what you have, you will receive even more. If you focus on what isn't there, you'll never have enough."

Gratitude gives us abundance. We get whatever we want in abundance, and sometimes even more. Denial becomes acceptance, chaos becomes order, a family dinner becomes a feast, your homestead becomes cozy house and the stranger is now your friend.

  1. Distinguish impulse from instinct.

wisest Thomas Jefferson said: “Count to 10 when you're angry. If you are very angry - up to 100.

Don't take hasty decisions. think so much options as much as you can. Then the right moment will appear on the horizon very quickly!

Remember: patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet!

  1. Happiness needs to be worked on.
Happiness is the result of your own efforts. We fight for it, endure for it, search at the end of the world! To be happy, a person must move, act, overcome.

happiness is not finished product. BUT handmade each person!

  1. Simplicity is the key to everything.

In fact, there are not so many really important things in the world. It is important to have enough wisdom to distinguish them from the flow of unnecessary information.

Remember, little things do great things!

  1. We cannot and should not please everyone.

It's impossible! Each person is an individual. Everyone has different values: what is true for me is sin for you. This is how the world works.

We cannot please everyone around us, and if so, someone is dishonest with us.

There is no key to success, but the sure way to failure is to please everyone!

A ray of light inspires faith in a successful future. Photo by Pascal Maramis

There are no borders in the world, we build them ourselves. Try to do things that scare you as often as possible. This is one of the shortest paths to happiness.

Cowardice has never done any good. We cannot predict the future, but we can build it with our own hands!

  1. It's all about passion.

Whatever you do, give it your all. Only then will you see results!

If you do nothing and be afraid, fear will win. Therefore, it is very important to stay on the move. It's better to do it and regret than not to try and wonder what would have happened.

You need to be a strong personality, believe in yourself, your strengths and capabilities in order to succeed. A strong enough motivation is the success stories of people who have become successful and achieved their goal. Among those worth noting are Bill Gates, Marilyn Monroe, Walt Disney, Richard Branson, Steve Jobs. And it's far from full list famous people.

Everyone can succeed and a vivid example of this is history. successful people, stories of ups and downs, mistakes and disappointments, small and big victories.

Bill Gates

Everyone associates the name of this person with the famous Microsoft brand, but Gates' very first invention was traffic meters. For their development and production, Bill and a group of friends created a company that he called "Traf-0-Data". Young entrepreneurs wanted to sell their invention to the local authorities, but at the very first presentation of the product they were expected to fail, because the device did not meet the declared capabilities and did not work as expected. Despite the resounding fiasco of Bill Gates, this event prompted him to invent software for computer technology, as a result of which the world-wide famous company Microsoft. The popular audiobook about the biography and secrets of Bill Gates' success is now being used as a teaching aid.

Marilyn Monroe

The success story of Marilyn Monroe (in the life of Norm Jean Mortenson) began with a little girl wandering around orphanages, orphanages, boarding schools and foster families. The mother could not provide her daughter with care and love. A difficult childhood led to the fact that at the age of sixteen Marilyn got married hastily. She decided to take this step in order to avoid another boarding school.

When the girl was twenty years old, she was fortunately offered a role in the extras in the film of the world famous film studio 20th Century Fox. During this period, Norma became Marilyn Monroe. The first role was not the most successful, but soon the aspiring actress signed a contract with Columbia Pictures, the cooperation with which did not last long, since its employees considered Monroe to be a mediocre and ordinary girl.

The desire to become a famous actress and get a leading role helped Marilyn not to give up everything halfway to recognition, and with diligence and zeal many times she played minor minor roles, until finally she was noticed and her dream came true. Monroe has become a true legend, and even after her death, they do not stop talking about her. Her image has become the standard of femininity and the personification of sex appeal, but few know that she had the deepest mind and insight, which is perfectly confirmed by the sensational book “Marilyn Monroe. Passion, told by herself "This book overturns all previous ideas about the" main blonde in Hollywood.

Walt Disney

Walt Disney's childhood was not easy. His dream of becoming a cartoonist appeared at the age of 12. He stubbornly offered his "masterpieces" to all publishing houses, magazines, but he was refused everywhere, never seeing real talent in the young illustrator.

Only at eighteen he was lucky enough to get a job as a cartoonist, from where he was soon expelled in disgrace, arguing that he was professionally unsuitable. This failure led Walt to the idea of ​​creating own business. He brought this idea to life with best friend. generated $135 in revenue before falling apart.

Disney took up the old again - he drew illustrations for cartoons in the garage. But his first work, Alice in Wonderland, failed. Shortly thereafter, Walt came up with an entirely new and profitable character, Oswald the Rabbit. And this idea was stolen by an insidious attacker.

Despite all the unsuccessful attempts to succeed, Walt did not stop moving towards his goal, working hard and persistently in this direction. As a result, he "born" Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse, who conquered the whole world. One of the fascinating books about the biography of Walt Disney is called: "It was all started by one mouse". As soon as things started to go up, the competitors deprived him of a friend and companion, luring him to their side, which was a severe blow to Walt. And he broke down. He went on a drinking binge and even attempted suicide.

He was rescued and Walt began to slowly but surely get out of this hole, struggling with financial collapse. He distributed souvenirs with images of his cartoon characters, thanks to which he raised the necessary amount for Snow White. Overcoming obstacle after obstacle, Disney went step by step towards his goal, and he achieved it.

Richard Branson

The stories of successful people, including the story of Richard Branson, add strength and inspire. Richard Branson is the founder of the Virgin brand, one of the most successful entrepreneurs, whose fortune is estimated at more than four and a half billion dollars.

In one of his new books, Sir Richard Branson talks about his principles and rules of life. It's called "My Rules".

All that Branson had at the beginning of his journey was his ambition, determination and desire to overcome obstacles. He did very poorly at school, never graduating from it. He did not like to read and was poorly versed in the exact sciences, which in principle is unacceptable for successful businessman. The first attempt to become successful was the publishing house of a student magazine, but an accidental indiscretion almost led him to prison. In one of the issues of the magazine, Branson placed an advertisement that dealt with a remedy for sexually transmitted diseases.

This did not stop the young entrepreneur, and he opens a chain of Virgin stores in which he sells export records, which is why he gets arrested. To allow this problem, Richard settles all issues with English customs and pays the duty and fines from the money received from the sale of the family home. Richard is an extreme and adventurer by nature. He managed to overcome all the obstacles in his path and fall asleep huge empire Virgin, which brought him success and wealth.

Steve Jobs

The path to success for Steve Jobs was thorny and very difficult. Shortly after his birth, his parents abandoned him, and the Jobs couple became adoptive parents, who, in fact, gave him a name. At the age of 12, Jobs plucked up the nerve and called the president of Hewlett-Packard himself to ask him for parts to assemble a frequency indicator for school.

As a result of this call, the boy not only received everything he needed, but also an offer to work for the company during the holidays. It was there that Jobs met Steven Wozniak, with whom he later began his life's work.

The history of Apple Corporation begins with a garage and wooden machine, which were given to Jobs by his adoptive father for full use. Soon, Stephen and his company received an order for 50 computers, but they did not have the funds to purchase parts to assemble such a number of machines. Jobs found a way out of the situation and took out a loan for a month. The order was completed within 10 days. The boys worked day and night.

They soon had those who believed in ideas and third-party investments that allowed them to go beyond the garage and expand production. The number of orders grew every day and reached thousands. Diligence, dedication and faith in success helped Steve Jobs become a great inventor and successful businessman.

The statements of Steve Jobs, full of wisdom and sharpness, are an indispensable attribute of the speeches of many modern lecturers. They are filled with the book "Steve Jobs" by Walter Isaacson, which was based on conversations with Steve himself.

History of Elon Musk

Elon Reeve Musk was born on June 28, 1971 in Pretoria, South Africa. The thirst for new knowledge was largely laid down by his father, who was a pilot and engineer. At the age of 10, his father gave Ilan a computer and at the age of 12 the boy mastered programming. Even then, the young boy created his first Blastar game and sold it for $500. At the age of 17, he moved to Canada, where he earned his living hard work in agricultural work and sawmills. At 21, Elon Musk enters Stanford University. Here it starts entrepreneurial activity. He seriously studied physics and attended a business school in parallel. The scale of his ambitions exceeded the standard knowledge of the university. He voraciously absorbed all the information about new technologies and read a lot. While studying physics, Musk said, “I want to know. how the universe works. While studying economics, he added: "and I want to know how much to make from it."

Elon Musk's first major projects

Large-scale ambitions, acquired knowledge and first entrepreneurial experience became the basis for the creation of the first major projects. At the age of 24, together with his brother Elon, he created the company ZIP 2 to develop software for online publications. Subsequently, the company was sold for $301 million. Funds, of course. were invested in the next idea.


The next big idea was the first online bank. The company was named Now it is known as Pay Pal. But a complete understanding between the co-founders was not achieved. In 2002, it was sold to ebay for $1.5 billion.

Elon Musk and Space X

By this time, Ilan was no longer driven by money, but by some irrepressible energy of global innovative solutions. He formulated his life purpose as follows: "take actions that will prolong the life of civilization and reduce the possibility of returning to" dark ages". The object of his study was space. this is how Space X was born. Elon Musk invested $100 million in it. The main idea was to reduce the cost of launching spacecraft. This was achieved by the development of reusable rockets. The global goal is the colonization of Mars. And it's not a joke.

Tesla is the trend of the future

Another famous project of the innovator is Tesla motors. The company could not reach the targets for a long time. But with the support of the US Department of Energy and invested funds from the sale of other assets, Elonn Musk was able to develop the company and set a trend in the car manufacturer market. All leading brands. such as BMW, Mercedes and others were forced to start developing, if not pure electric cars, then at least hybrid cars.

New ideas Elon Musk

But his vigorous innovation activity did not stop there. Now Elon and his team are actively developing projects such as a high-speed tunnel train that can reach speeds of up to 1200 km/h. His SolarCity project involves the construction of a plant three times the size of the most large factories in America. And another project for the benefit of humanity - a device for curing brain diseases Neuralink.

Of course, this is an inspiring story of the life of a successful person, which, by the way, he would like to finish on Mars.

Journalist Ashley Wens managed to get first-hand information about the unique path of this brilliant man. His book "Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX and the road to the future" is a bestseller and is very popular.

Having overcome all the obstacles that stood in their way, struggling with obstacles and competitors, each time they made new attempts and, in the end, achieved success, fame, recognition. And only on their mistakes they were able to learn and achieve what they wanted.

  • Live here and now. Many losers cannot break the vicious circle and escape from the clutches of poverty and poverty, because they live in the past, they worry, they regret something. There is no point in regretting what happened in the past. What we have today determines what tomorrow will be.
  • Don't get hung up on the little things. Any problem over time seems to be a mere trifle. You should not waste precious time, energy and your own nerves on some trifle, if you can do something more useful and substantial.
  • Do not look for those responsible for your failure. It depends only on a person how his life will turn out, on the direction of his thoughts and specific ones, on decisions taken. If a person still lives in poverty and, then, that was his decision - to do nothing and wait for success to fall right on his head. That doesn't happen.
  • Never complain about your own failures. By pouring out his indignation at fate, a person angers her even more, thereby attracting even more negativity and problems to himself. Only positively minded people are lucky and success shines. Be optimistic.
  • Don't be afraid to try. You can't succeed until the person is. And you can do this when you try your hand in different directions.
  • Do not hide from problems, learn to solve them. The problem will not be solved by itself if a person hides from it. She will only get worse. It is better to solve problems immediately, not postponing for later.
  • Believe in yourself, in your strengths and abilities, believe in success. Only faith fills a person with strength and inspires decisive and courageous deeds.
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help and don't be afraid to accept it. Successful entrepreneurs know how to rationally use their potential, as well as time and effort. They would not have achieved what they have if they did everything alone.
  • Don't wait for the right moment, it will never come. The right moment can only be now, in this moment. implementation of their plans and ideas. Time is fleeting, so appreciate every second.

What is success in life and how to become a successful person? Almost everyone has thought about this question. To date, millions of books have already been written on this topic, and magazines often flaunt on the windows, on the covers of which "successful people" smile.

A person is made by his habits, so you only need to acquire. They will pull you to the top, while the habits of losers can quickly sink anyone to the very bottom. It is necessary to constantly engage in self-development, sports, pay attention to psychology. The Internet resource contains a lot of materials on these topics. Join a large number people who do not want to live a gray life.

  1. When you fall, always get up. Do not give up after a small or even major setback. Only weak people do this, and strong people learn from their mistakes.
  2. Take risks. A person never regrets what he did, but regrets that he was afraid to take risks and missed the chance.
  3. Believe in yourself. Don't believe what other people say about you.
  4. Follow your dreams and set big goals. An insecure person is chasing small goals.
  5. Take action. Always do self development. Only losers put everything off until “tomorrow”, fearing change. Act even in spite of the fear of something new, despite the ignorance.
  6. Look for offers and opportunities. And agree to them, get into the habit of saying “yes” to something scary more often. A lazy person will only look for excuses.
  7. Motivate yourself. Don't wait for a "push" from someone else. You can only be successful on your own.
  8. The key to everything is patience. Remember that it is impossible to quickly and without effort, or to make a minimum of them. Work for your dream so that your dream can work for you in the future. Wanting the whole world at once and immediately is the main sign of a loser and an unreasonable person. Only regular hard work, the path through mistakes and failures - and then your goal will be achieved.
  9. Manage your time rationally. The main and urgent matters do not tolerate being put off to a distant shelf.
  10. Forget about the fear of responsibility. Show initiative. Only those who do a lot for this can become successful. A rolling stone gathers no moss!

What should a successful person look like?

Of course, appearance and the ability to present oneself in any business are also an integral part of such people. Firstly, the main quality is always a competent and delivered speech, as well as the ability to interest people.

Expand your vocabulary, start reading more or be like special courses to improve speech. A person always betrays the way he expresses his thoughts. And in practice, what happens is that no one wants to have anything to do with a bad interlocutor.

Second, watch how you dress. Chasing millions, you should look the part. Know your worth. Third, pay attention to how your body looks. No clothing can hide flaws and illnesses, therefore, by all means

Becoming successful is not easy, and you need to devote your whole life to this. But, if you do this and pass on the knowledge to your children and grandchildren, then many generations in your family will be proud of you.

A person's success lies not only in total workaholism, but also in the ability to plan and use their time for relaxation. All the most successful people set aside some time to indulge in their favorite sport or hobby, spend time with family and friends, relax and gain strength while traveling.

We have compiled a list of tips from ten of the most famous and richest people on how to relax in order to become even more successful.

Steve Jobs

Founder of Apple

The famous expression of the legendary entrepreneur Steve Jobs: "Things don't have to be important to change the world" is always relevant. We must constantly remember the simple, small things that are so important to maintain balance and harmony between work and life. personal life. It is weekends that can become the time that we can devote to family, children and friends. Perhaps this will not affect the growth of your financial condition, but it is necessary to achieve life harmony.

Bill Gates

American entrepreneur, founder of Microsoft, public figure

This successful man once said: "Celebrating success is great, but it's more important to learn from mistakes and defeats, learning from them." Learn to meditate daily. And it is on weekends that there is enough time to look back and think about what you have already done and what still needs to be done. Choose your own personal day when you can reflect on the work done, take stock, and outline future prospects.

Robert Eggers

Famous American director, screenwriter, artist

Successful people don't spend half the day in bed on weekends. According to research results, the most productive time the work of your brain - half an hour after waking up. And it lasts about 3, 4 hours. Wake up early on weekends and you will always be ahead of the competition.

Anna Wintour

Journalist, Chief Editor Vogue magazine

This well-known business woman spends 1 hour a day playing tennis. Successful people are constantly involved in some kind of favorite sport. People who have reached great heights understand the importance of not only the mind, but also the body. Set aside at least 2 hours for sports training: attend gym, swim in the pool, go cycling. Even if you have nothing to do on Saturday evening, do not rush to sit near the TV with a glass of wine and pizza, but take care of your favorite physical work. Leading an active lifestyle is an important key to success.

Benjamin Franklin

One of the founders of the United States of America, politician

Wake up with the question: "What useful thing should I do today?". Successful people understand the importance of setting goals every day. However, Sundays are no exception. Naturally, it is necessary to allocate time for rest, walks and communication with friends. But you should always know and remember that laziness does not lead to success. So plan your time.

Oprah Winfrey

American television host, actress, producer, social activist

Most famous people Always find time to sit quietly and relax. They spend 20 minutes on it twice a day. This secret of yoga is used in practice by most successful people. Meditation allows you to avoid stress, increase work efficiency and improve your mood. And even on Sundays, when there are a lot of other household chores, successful people find time to calm down. And you too learn to be calm.

Timothy Ferris

American writer, public speaker

Focus your attention on one problem. At first glance, it seems reasonable to do several things at the same time. For example, while exercising on an exercise bike, chatting on a mobile phone, writing a message or checking mail. But this only reduces the productivity and efficiency of your activities. Do the opposite - aboutlead certain time to solve one specific task . According to Ferris, you need to set at least two goals a day and achieve them.

Richard Branson

British entrepreneur, founder of the Virgin Group

One of Britain's richest men says: "It's amazing how focusing on issues like health, poverty, the environment can change your mindset." Most successful people claim that none of us have become poorer from charity. American financial advisor and author of The Habits of the Rich: The Daily Successful Habits of the Rich Tom Corley has been studying rich people for 5 years. He came to the conclusion that 73% of them devote more than 5 hours a month to charitable causes. It is on Sundays that it is best to do this noble deed. Take care of donations.

Warren Buffett

The largest American entrepreneur and one of the most famous investors

His favorite pastime is playing the ukulele. Successful people tend to be interesting people. Passion for what they love helps them not only to relax their body and soul, but, for example, playing golf on weekends will provide an opportunity to communicate and help make new business acquaintances. That's how useful have a favorite hobby.

Randy Zuckerberg

Supervisor own company Zuckerberg Media, host and sister of Facebook owner Mark Zuckerberg

The usual activities for everyone - posting on social networks, viewing the news feed of friends, counting our followers, the number of likes and comments - repeatedly took hours of our precious time from us. This is the so-called FOMO space (fear out of missing - fear of missing something). And on weekends, we head to FOMO. However, people should strive for JOMO (the joy of missing out - the joy of missing something). Many famous people long out of the sphere of influence social networks and FOMO. This will be the key to a happy weekend.

An example should be taken only from those people whose results are already visible. If the results of people's lives and activities leave much to be desired over a long period, then no advice should be taken from them. This article contains ten tips from those people who have been able to succeed in their lives, become prosperous, self-sufficient, wealthy and happy individuals. Let's take a look at these recommendations.

1. Become aware of your time

Successful people are never afraid of their thoughts, much less run away from them. However, they do not focus on the negative. They know how to realistically assess their capabilities, and most importantly, their time potential. They are aware of the limitations of their time in this life and strive to distribute it so that later they do not regret that they have wasted their life, which consists of time. Not what you wanted.

2. Don't spray

You will never notice a person who has become successful, fussy and trying to do three things at the same time. Successful people understand that there are no Julio Caesars, and the ability to perform several tasks at the same time is inherent in every person, but its effectiveness is reduced. Do not waste your vital energy in vain, do only what is really necessary, and only in order - without fuss and undue haste.

3. Work for Joy

Exit eight o'clock in the morning to a stop public transport and look into the faces of the people who are standing there waiting for their minibus or tram. Most of them curse the day they were born, hate their jobs, and mentally kill their boss twenty times a day. What kind of “work for joy” can we talk about, you say? Joy can and should be. When a person is engaged in "his" business, it brings him moral satisfaction, inexhaustible enthusiasm and a sense of joy. Moreover, it is in such a matter that a person can be as efficient as possible and achieve high results. Find yourself, find your own and work in joy - for yourself and others!

4. Watch your health

Our health, like our time, is a non-renewable potential that must be spent wisely and try not to waste it. If in the case of time we are not able to slow down its course, then maintaining our health and staying active longer is in our power. Leave all your bad habits, consciously begin to take care of your body. Eat to feel good and be productive. Be tempered, engage in disease prevention. Sports - the best remedy to keep your body in good condition.

5. Keep in touch

Do not stop wishing happy birthday to your old friends, business partners and just acquaintances with whom you have previously communicated. Maintain your connections with people. which are dear to you. Even if your paths diverge or they do not support your life position. In addition, make new connections. Money is not everything. People are everything. Don't be around people you can rely on - what can you do even if you have money?

6. Keep evolving

A wise person will never be able to say "I know and can do everything, I have nothing more to strive for, and nowhere to develop." It's impossible. Always develop and thereby open new horizons for yourself. Do not stop discovering new knowledge, acquiring new experience. But, be reasonable in development and move only in the direction that you need.

7. Don't waste energy on flaws

If you have met a person without flaws, then you can safely say that with one hundred percent probability you do not live on our planet. All people have shortcomings, and we will live with this forever. Some of our shortcomings are in dire need of correction, and some can stop wasting our strength. Focus your efforts on developing your strengths, otherwise life is very short, and it will not be very good if you spend it on eradicating shortcomings. Wisdom will help you determine what shortcomings need to be eradicated.

8. Forget about the existence of "tomorrow"

The habit of putting off important things, thoughts and decisions until later is not just an addiction. It is a vice that is designed to prevent you from becoming happy man. If you notice such encroachments in yourself - chop them in the bud! This is how procrastination is born - a mental deviation. When a person puts everything off and puts it off for later. And that “later” will never come. Live today in such a way that tomorrow you will live even better.

9. Think and care about loved ones

You can lose business - become bankrupt, beggar, and then rise to the top again financial prosperity and well-being. But, if you lose your loved ones, only a miracle will help you regain their trust. Relationships are built over the years, but one quiet word can destroy them. And our loved ones are the greatest wealth that can be. So take care of them. Take care of their good attitude towards you, take care of them while there is still time and opportunity. This is happiness.
