What are good spirits? How to summon spirits at home

Seance rules

Rules for conducting a seance

1. It is advisable to conduct a session after midnight, but no later than four in the morning, because this is the period of the greatest activity of spiritual entities.
2. Before the beginning of the session, you need to slightly open the window or door so that the essence can freely enter the room.
3. For a successful session, it is necessary to turn off the electric light, and the room where the session is held should be illuminated by the muffled light of candles. If there is a fireplace in the room, then this is very good, because it gives natural energy.
4. There should be no metal objects on the bodies of the session participants.
5. The time of the seance is usually limited to one hour, and the number of called entities should not be more than three.

General rule is such that before sessions of contacts with the other world, one should keep the body and soul clean, avoid abundant food and alcoholic beverages.

Seance with scissors

This is very ancient way communication with the other world, in which two people participate. You will need: a thick book, scissors and a red ribbon. Place the scissors between the pages, leaving the rings on the outside. The book should be tied tightly with ribbon. Now you can start. The rings of the scissors are held with the little fingers, focusing on calling the spirit. After a while, the book will begin to move to the right or left, indicating the presence of the entity. This is a sign that now you can ask questions. Turning the book to the right means a positive answer, and to the left a negative one. A significant drawback of this method is that those who summoned the spirit receive only an unambiguous answer.

Spirit summoning session with a saucer

This rite is much more difficult, because you have to make magic circle. For this purpose, you need to put a plate on a sheet of drawing paper, draw a circle around it. On the outer perimeter of this circle, write all the letters of the alphabet, and with inside circle, write the numbers from 0 to 9. Draw a line in the center of the sheet, on opposite sides of which write “yes” and “no”. You can write at the top or bottom, right or left - as you prefer. In addition, you will need an even saucer made of faience or porcelain. Light the candles, place the magic circle on the table, and warm the saucer over the candle. Then put the saucer in the center of the circle. All participants in the session should put their fingertips on the edges of the saucer and say: “Spirit such and such, come!” Soon the saucer should turn, which means the presence of the entity. It is advisable to ask the spirit if he intends to communicate. The saucer will move with the pointer to the inscription "yes" or "no". You must first set simple questions to then move on to more complex ones.

When communicating with spirits, tact must be observed. As a rule, they do not like questions about the causes of death and where they are and how they live. If you feel that you have angered or offended the spirit, reassure him that you will not ask such questions again. Some entities may speak in a playful tone. In this case, you should not translate the conversation into a serious channel. After communication, thank the spirit, and then turn the saucer over and knock it on the table three times. This is how you let the spirit know that you are letting it go.

And the last. It is necessary to start a seance with pure thoughts, because then not evil, but good spirits will come to you, who will tell you about the past, present and future.

Calling spirits is always an event, no matter good or bad. bad news the called will bring. Contacts with them are of two types:

With a call;

The contact is spontaneous.

Some inexperienced mediums believe that it is better to wait until the ghost itself wants to communicate. This is a dangerous delusion that must be overcome. Around each individual is full of lower spirits that are just waiting for the moment to communicate with a person. Also, if you do not call on anyone in particular, it means opening the door for everyone who wants contact.

Each method has its own advantages, but also disadvantages. There should be no discomfort from messages if those who receive them are confident that the ghosts will not seize power over them and will not instruct them in evil. If in doubt, experts advise taking your time and waiting to make sure that they really want to talk to the medium.

Without putting pressure on the ghosts, you can learn from them about interesting things and understand how they are disposed towards a person. But the surest way to protect yourself from evil spirits is to check attentively to details. In addition, many of them, having become accustomed to regular calls, themselves appear at the appointed time, without waiting for the call.

Also, the ghosts in the case described above can themselves begin to talk without waiting for a question, or develop an earlier thought. Such ghosts are easily distinguished by their manner of speech and habits.

When a desire arises to communicate with a particular spirit, it must be invoked. The ghost can immediately begin to answer questions, without waiting for the moment when they begin to be asked. But if this is the first calling, you should follow some mandatory rules:

  1. The summoned spirit is carefully chosen.
  2. When the callee is addressed with a question, an orderly and harsh tone is contraindicated.
  3. When calling a ghost, love and respect are expressed in order to awaken in him a friendly disposition towards the person who called.

It also happens that the spirit appears before it is called. This happens if such an inhabitant afterlife think ahead. Thought is also a kind of challenge, and since a person is always full of household ghosts, they pave the way for the one who is called. This is valid if no interference is deliberately set.

If the obstacles do not appear, then the invoked spirit may itself appear before the ceremony begins. If this does not happen, then one of the household is engaged in the search for the desired ghost. He needs much less time for such an action than a person.

When the summoned cannot appear for some reason, the detective spirit gives him additional time from several minutes to several days. If the desired ghost has appeared, then the ghost - the detective informs the medium that the task has been completed, and the wanted person can be asked questions.

But, as mentioned earlier, a spirit - an intermediary is not always needed, since the one with whom they want to talk can find out about it himself. However, it is important to remember that the souls of the dead should not be disturbed out of empty curiosity, because the consequences of this can be terrible.

Spirit summoning with scissors

To perform the ceremony, you need to prepare scissors, they must be purchased specifically for our purpose. You will also need a spiritual book and a red ribbon. There must be two people.

Open the book and put the scissors in it. It is important to place them so that the rings are outside. Close the book and tie it tightly with ribbon. Now, with little fingers, you should take up the rings and call on the spirit. Wait for his appearance, when the essence of the astral world gets in touch, the book will begin to swing. At this point, you can start asking the spirit about something that interests you. With positive answers, the book will move to the right, with negative answers, to the left.

How to call the spirit through the board for spiritualism.

Gather a company interested in spiritualism, it is important that there are several people who believe in the world of the dead. Buy a board or make your own. To do this, buy a regular drawing paper, draw a circle on it, for example, circle a pan or use a compass.

Draw letters on the outside of the circle and numbers on the inside. In the center of the circle, write YES and NO.

It is advisable to do the rite of summoning the spirit at night, so that it is dark. Although it is possible in daytime. Light up wax candles, take a saucer on which draw an arrow with dark paint.

Position yourself around the magic board, heat the saucer over the candles and place it in the center of the witch board. Summon the spirit and start interacting with it. Call do so: Repeat several times "Spirit such and such, come." Until you feel that someone has appeared.

Read the question and touch the saucer with your fingers, look at the answer.


  1. Open the window.
  2. Remove all jewelry.
  3. Be polite.
  4. When the spirit appears, say hello.
  5. At the end, don't forget to let go of the essence. Persistently ask her to go back.
  6. Prepare questions in advance.
  7. Make sober.
  8. For one session no more than 3 spirits.
  9. So that evil entities do not come to you, use incense before calling the spirit.

There are more complex rituals for working with the world of the dead, but for security reasons they are not posted here. If you want to go further, study magic, look for a mentor.

Rite with andalusite to summon the deceased

To call a person who has gone to the world of the dead, prepare the following:

  • andalusite
  • red scarf. It serves for protection.
  • black wax candles (5 pcs)

Arrange the candles in a circle. Then with your left hand you need to set them on fire against ch.s. Now place a stone in the center of the circle. And say:

"I appeal to you, spirit (name)! Come, show yourself to me and help me make my choice."

When the essence appears, the fire from the candle will begin to twitch. Communicate with the spirit, then thank and say:

"Go back where you came from. Don't stay here any longer."

How to attract good spirits

Time passes, but interest in magic remains. Mediumship in the sphere of magical art occupies not last place. For some, spiritualism becomes a vocation, and some are drawn involuntarily, while others are looking for benefits and glory. But soon everyone comes to the conclusion that this is hard work, and above all - on oneself. Most of the mediums remain in the power of evil spirits, but some still some guess that they are being deceived and begin to educate themselves.

The main thing in mediumship is not only to set up a contact, but also to receive messages in an undistorted form. However, the responsibility for the information received lies not only with the spirit, but also with the medium itself. Good and exalted souls fly only to those who make efforts to drive out the evil ones. And for this it is necessary to set yourself up for good, to eradicate pride and selfishness in yourself.

Only the mood for mercy, love and kindness helps the heart to be cleansed and strive for purity and spirituality. Good spirits fly to evil spirits reluctantly and tend to leave them as soon as possible.

Those who yearn for enlightenment must first of all humble themselves and cast off pride, bow before the omnipotence of the Creator. This condition is within the power of everyone and will be the best proof of their honesty. In addition, spirits that are closer to their nature fly to mediums. The good seek the good, and the evil seek the evil. The more a person is morally inferior, the more lower spirits gather nearby and repel the good ones.

Only kindness towards others, detachment from wealth and the desire for self-improvement will attract the forces of Good. All vices attract evil and deceit, and cause many troubles and falls even to the most powerful mediums.

But the most important vice that evil ghosts use is pride. This is their favorite sin. the main problem in the fact that people are the least aware of this kind of vice in themselves. Because of pride, many talented seers have ruined themselves. They could bring a lot of benefits, develop their gift to an incredible level, but because of their own pride they became the prey of spirits - scammers.

The same mediums, for the same reason, begin to suffer the consequences of their work, their gift begins to diminish until it disappears altogether.

There are signs of pride:

Confidence in the infallibility of oneself as a person and the messages received;

Confidence in the infallibility of the patronizing spirit;

Contempt for other spirits and messages received from them;

Distrust of friends and all who dissuade from friendship with said spirit.

In his blindness, the seer ceases to notice the obvious deception, buys into the false names of power with which the ghosts adorn themselves and refuse to recognize themselves as deceived. Wanting to save their pride, such people even push away friends who think a little - a little critically. And if they agree to listen to the opinion of loved ones, they never act as they are advised, preferring to remain with their inflated conceit.

Calling spirits and communicating with evil ghosts

Being engaged in mediumship, the question arises which of the spirits should be invoked. You can call anyone - it's not forbidden. The ghost can be good or evil - it doesn't matter. This may be a long-dead figure of antiquity or a recently deceased relative, friend.

summoning the spirits

However, regardless of which of the spirits was called, they may not appear at the call for a number of reasons that do not depend on the caller or the spirit itself. Most often for ghosts, these are personal reasons. Among these reasons are often the duties that he must perform or some tasks.

In this case, the visit of the ghost is only postponed. Also, it cannot appear if there are reasons that prevent them from incarnating, especially if the soul remains in the lower world. Other reasons appear when the nature of the medium is manifested.

For the most part, the seer receives messages from household ghosts. Those are more or less sublime. They also send messages based on their own likes or dislikes. Therefore, the relations that are established between a living and a dead person are extremely important.

Ghosts appear much faster to the calls of those who sympathize with them and are morally more open to communication. A large role in such communication is played by the prescription of bonds. How longer man communicates with a specific ghost, the faster a connection is established between them, regardless of emotional attachment. After some time, his soul gets used to the soul of the medium and their mediator.

The first messages are not the most satisfactory and repeated calls are required. And since he appears often, he gets used to the house itself, the seer and those who come to him. All of the above leads to the conclusion that calling a ghost does not impose on him the obligation to be constantly at the services of a clairvoyant. The ghost itself chooses:

The time when he will appear;

Mediums with whom he wants to communicate;

He says what he thinks is necessary;

He leaves when he needs to.

In addition, for reasons beyond its control, the spirit may stop visiting. Therefore, before calling a new ghost, you should consult with your patron ghost whether it is worth calling. If the call is not possible, the patron spirit will always explain the reasons for the refusal.

Summon evil ghosts

The second important topic is whether or not to summon unkind ghosts. It depends on the purpose for which they are called and the ability of the medium to control their charges. There is no inconvenience that they are called for their own improvement and other important purposes. However, if the call is made only out of stupid curiosity or a joke, then the harm will be very great.

Even greater harm happens if evil spirits are asked for a favor. In this case, the good ghosts will allow the evil ones to fulfill their part of the contract, however, both the person and the spirit helping him will be severely punished. No matter how trifling this service may be, the contract has already been concluded, and the retribution will be high.

Man can subjugate spirits to himself only by one thing - moral superiority. If, however, to oppose will and violence, then most often the seer will lose.

Building relationships with spirits

Interest in all mystical manifestations of life is only growing. It doesn’t matter how much time passes, but even deep down, naively believing that this definitely cannot be, a person one way or another encounters a manifestation of the intelligent activity of another world, which is fenced off from ours. thin film, however contacts are still possible.

And such contacts are taking place. At will, or contrary to it, people different ages encounter ghosts, angels, or, more often, demons. But even more often - with ghosts. Restless souls seek to return back, take revenge on enemies, see loved ones, or at least just ask for help, convey a message.

Quite often, ghosts are contacted intentionally, seeking to gain new knowledge, to feel chosen, and for many other similar reasons. Very late, they realize that summoning a spirit is not hiring a servant, that games with otherworldly forces can turn out to be unpredictable and dangerous. And that as a result of such games, a person can suffer greatly.

Communication with spirits takes place different ways. The best known of these is through writing or thought. But there is still an opportunity to communicate with them through music or painting, to speak in a language that was previously unknown. Sometimes even get a message in verse. With the help of high modes of expression, the medium can communicate with the spirit. It depends both on the medium itself and on the spirit. It happens that the medium understands what is happening better than the spirit.

But this refers to the lower spirit. The higher ones possess knowledge in all spheres. Spirits also report that in a previous incarnation a person could have some kind of talent that is dormant in the current one. One ability is dormant so that the other can develop.

The medium understands any languages ​​that exist, because language is the expression of thoughts. But to many ghosts, it seems that the language of people is not fast enough to express thoughts. As a consequence, they try to shorten the negotiations as much as possible. Especially if the medium can hardly express in his own language.

If the seer himself is not particularly developed mentally, then he receives the same answers from the spirit. Therefore, they can only receive answers to simple questions. To resolve serious issues, a fully formed medium is needed, which will facilitate contact between the spirits.

They do not like the spirits of trials very much out of stupid curiosity, and experienced and formed ones even try to escape from a medium who would think of doing such stupidity. They do not like empty fuss and stupid curiosity.

Spirits also call to themselves not those who in their pride consider themselves irreplaceable, but those who ordinary life seem insignificant, but at least humble. If a person needs proof, let him first learn humility and humility.

And most importantly, let a person find with spirit mutual language, will be able to please him and correctly transmit the received messages. But even then it is necessary to be completely careful in dealing with them.

How messages are transmitted during a seance

In séances, the main role is played by the ghost and the medium. Without one or two actor contact is not possible. The main task of the medium is mediation, the transmission of messages from otherworldly addressees to living people. How fruitful this cooperation will be depends on the nature of the ghost and the seer himself.

Being in a state of trance, the latter may seem insane, but this is all treated with a good and long rest. It is also claimed that the medium's soul can communicate with other ghosts and receive information from them. Even the mediums themselves and the spirits of the dead claim that the contacts described above are possible, because all the laws of nature are unknown to man.

Experts say that messages received from the soul of the spiritualist are possible. By the style of the messages, the nature of the written one can determine from whom exactly the message was received. There are also cases when, having incarnated in the current body, the soul of a medium forgot the knowledge that its past incarnations received. However, with the help of mediumistic practices, she was released and again remembered what had been forgotten.

It is also worth considering that, in terms of the level of development, the spirit of a medium can be higher than the soul that agreed to make contact with him. All this is also reflected in the nature and style of messages. During the séance, the spirit of the medium serves as the link to convey the message.

You should also not get hung up on the answers received, as they can be edited by the soul of the medium himself. Having influence on the transmission of messages, the seer can change the answers, adjust them to his inclinations and ideas. If there is no mutual affection and sympathy between the medium and the called spirit, then the seer will be engaged in the transmission of messages reluctantly and without much concern for quality.

In this case, the ghost goes to look for that medium who will sympathize with him and will not distort the data received. It is also warned that in sessions that require the movement of a pen or table, or other objects, part of the energy for these movements is borrowed from an intermediary - a medium.

In this regard, comparisons of the mechanical medium with the suggestible begin. In some ways a mechanical medium is better, but very often inspired mediums do their job better. The spirits were also asked about the phenomena of talking crosses, tables and other inanimate objects. They explained that by themselves inanimate objects they have no reason, spirits only control such objects in order to convey their messages to people.

Spirits also use the universal language - the language of thoughts. This language is known to all. And to make it clearer to the medium, the spirit uses words from the lexicon of the seer himself to convey his thoughts. However, there are cases when a voluntary or involuntary medium begins to write in a language that he has never known before. This happens if the ghost considers that the message in this form is necessary.

In all other cases, ghosts use vocabulary medium - mediator, trying as accurately as possible to convey their thoughts and ideas.

Principles for evaluating spirits for communication

Being engaged in mediumship, the seer immediately faces the question of choosing spirits for communication. There will be many ghosts willing to offer their services, but not all of them good intentions. Therefore, one must learn to distinguish good ghosts from evil ones. The following principles will help in this medium:

  1. The only criterion for evaluating ghosts is common sense. Any formulas are absurd and are given to the credulous only by deceivers.
  2. Ghosts are judged on language and their activities. Those who profess the principles of goodness cannot think of anything but kindness and mercy. All bad advice comes from evil spirits.
  3. The language of the morally Highest ghosts is devoid of vulgarity and rudeness, it is exalted. They also do not allow boasting and vanity.
  4. Good spirits tend to say only what they know and understand. If the topic is unfamiliar to them, the ghosts will either remain silent or notify that they do not know.
  5. Credulous spirits are greedy for forecasts and always confidently report them, and numbers too.
  6. Righteous ghosts are laconic, but each of their words has a high semantic load.
  7. Good ghosts do not give orders - they only advise and ask. When requests are not heeded, they leave. The spirits of evil are always intrusive and commanding, they require blind faith in oneself.
  8. Adherents of good do not stain themselves with flattery, but good deed always appreciate.
  9. Good ghosts don't give petty directions.
  10. If the ghost is funny or unusual name- Don't trust him. It is also worth being wary if this is a very respected name.
  11. Good ghosts carefully advise on actions. They are reluctant to criticize and try to soften the words, in contrast to the gullible spirits.
  12. Adepts of good adhere to the gospel commandments. They cannot have bad advice a priori.
  13. The advice of good ghosts is not contrary to common sense and natural laws.
  14. The behavior of limited spirits is sharp, they make an unpleasant impression. Their speech is sarcastic, the words are full of abuse and calls to move away from the one to whom these ghosts do not sympathize.
  15. Spirits are judged not only by their knowledge, but by their moral purity.

Good ghosts never contradict their previous judgments, their nature is loosely related to matter. One should not immediately admire the learning of the spirit if its morality leaves much to be desired. Learning is not a sign high level development.

Such inhabitants of the underworld can bring much more harm than good, because gullible people will be impressed by their knowledge of a certain topic or subject. People also may not pay attention to those theories that are contrary to science and common sense.

In some cases, if the ghosts themselves cannot come to the call, they send instead of themselves an empowered spirit, whom they themselves completely trust. If something seems suspicious, the spirit must be evaluated according to the above parameters. If they are kind, they will not be offended by precautions.

In order to learn to distinguish between good and evil in others, you must learn to adequately evaluate yourself. This is what the ghosts themselves advise and the Bible requires.

Caution in dealing with spirits

Proclaiming themselves the kings of nature, people for the most part have not gone too far from their ancestors sitting in caves. Boasting about their enlightenment, many figures with a serious education sow stupidity, ignorance and hatred. The blackest human vices are on display.

And those who could resist the onslaught of this rudeness and ignorance rot in prisons, burn at the stake or become food for vultures. Those who are aware of their limitations are looking for ways to fill in the gaps. Some turn to the forces of Good in search of protection, others seek the patronage of Chaos, and still others associate themselves so strongly with the underworld that they have every chance of being there.

However, it would be simply foolish to ignore the connection of this world with the afterlife. From time to time there are people who somehow come into contact with the dead. Some of them are charlatans, and, alas, there are many of them. But there are real mediums too. It is also worth noting that mentally ill people feel the presence of beings from another world very well. This fact received documentary and experimental confirmation.

The most common species category of mediums is writing. Enlisting the support of the spirit - the patron and the Guardian Angel, they come into contact with the deceased. They can ask them for advice or learn something new if they managed to get sympathy from wayward ghosts. The latter is not always easy to get, because even after being in the next world, the ghost remains with the same habits that he had during his lifetime.

And even more difficulties can arise if the medium does not want to work on himself. But there are also cases when ghosts forced the medium to develop a hand without much benefit, but clearly with "good" intentions. It turned out that they have such a sense of humor, and the spirits turned out to be frivolous. Serious and developed inhabitants of the afterlife will never mock a living person, but on the contrary, they will try to help him.

But the cases described do not mean at all that you need to ignore the advice of spirits in every possible way and not work on your development as a person and a medium. It is necessary to work carefully to attract benevolent ghosts to your side. However, if there is no further progress, you need to stop. There is nothing to waste paper and nerves, and also to amuse ghosts - scoffers.

It is also worth remembering that almost all the first messages were created under the influence of lower spirits, and they do not need to be given serious significance. If the medium does not set himself significant tasks, these lower spirits remain with him. Whether a person acquires the sympathy of more developed representatives of the other world depends solely on himself.

The main problem for novice mediums is communication with lower spirits. Well, if they are frivolous and cheerful. However, if these spirits like it in a particular place, it will be difficult to get rid of them. Special attention is given to the struggle to ensure that these mockingbirds do not seize power over the medium. Therefore, you need to constantly ask for help and intercession from God and the Guardian Angel.

Simple Spirit Summoning Technique
What spirit is better to invoke

Draw on a piece of paper a simple circle with a diameter two to three times the size of the chosen saucer. On the outer side of the circle, you need to write the letters of the Russian (or other) alphabet in any order, as well as the numbers from 0 to 9. From the top of the circle you need to write the words "Hello" and "Yes", and from the bottom - "Farewell" and "No". In addition, on one of the edges of the saucer you need to draw an arrow (the saucer can be replaced with a pendulum).
Spirit Summoning Ritual

It is better to start the rite of summoning the spirit after midnight, it is important to remember that the fortuneteller should be dressed in simple clothes. It is also worth removing all jewelry and metal objects from yourself, they will not provide any help in the ritual, but they can harm. If the ritual is performed with the participation of several people, then each of those present must fulfill these requirements.

Before starting the ritual, it is also necessary to open a window or window, which will simplify the process of getting the spirit into the dwelling, as well as turn off the light and that's it. electrical devices, the only source of light should be simple candles from natural wax.

Be hospitable and polite with the spirit - say hello to it.

In order for a simple ritual not to turn into a tragedy, the performer must clearly know what kind of spirit he invokes. When all the preparations are completed, put the prepared sheet of paper (witch board) in the center of the table, warm the saucer a little on the candle fire, place it in the center of the board and you can proceed to the action itself.

Touch the saucer with your fingertips (if several people participate in the ritual, everyone should do the same), and say the words: "Spirit (name of the spirit), come." The words must be repeated until you clearly feel the presence of the spirit in the room, or until the saucer starts to move. When the spirit appears, first of all, say hello to him (he should do the same), and only after that start asking questions that interest you.
When all questions have been asked, everyone present should say goodbye to the spirit. And then persistently ask him to leave the home forever.
What spirit is better to invoke

The very opportunity to summon an otherworldly entity and communicate with it arouses great interest in this process, especially among young people. Those who were in the children's camp not only tried to summon the ubiquitous mermaids and "queens of spades", but also heard many scary stories about what bad things happened to people who dealt with such challenges.

Most of these stories are children's horror stories, but they are united by one simple truth - you should not try to call something unknown. All these mermaids and queens of spades are flare, but in the process of calling them, a person can really open the doors to other worlds, from where not the most pleasant entities can crawl out. Such spirits not only can and know how to harm people, but they will definitely do it at the first opportunity.

Start with the simplest and safest ritual - calling a brownie.

Among the "children's" summoning rituals, now and then quite interesting rituals flicker, which, perhaps, really have some kind of power. As an example, consider the safe ritual of calling a brownie.

The brownie should be called only by the owner of the house or a blood relative of the owner. The ritual must be carried out in the dark. Put some treat for the brownie on a saucer and place it on a table covered with a clean tablecloth.

Turn away from the saucer and call the owner of the house three times, moreover, you need to address him very respectfully, for example, “Father” or “Grandfather”. Say the words “Father, come to me for a treat, but for fellowship” three times. After that, listen, the brownie should appear behind you. Whatever happens next, you need to remember one thing: never look back.

As soon as you feel someone's presence behind you. You can start asking questions, having previously agreed on the conditions, since the brownie will not talk to you, but may perform some actions that will symbolize the answer. For example, you can first clearly say: “Father, if yes, your answer, touch me on the right shoulder, if not, on the left.” As soon as all questions are answered, release the brownie, and bury the remaining treat under a tree not far from the house.

Finally, I would like to once again warn novice magicians against calling unknown entities and recall one old legend. One day a young girl asked an old woman to teach her how to summon demons. Old woman took a piece of bread and led the girl to the pond. When the old woman threw the bread into the water, he was surrounded by a flock of fry, pinching off a piece from the crumb. And then the sorceress said: "this is how your soul will be tormented by whole hordes of demons."

Simple Spirit Summoning Technique

You need to conduct a seance in a room where there are no icons.

There are many different magical rituals, the main purpose of which is to summon an otherworldly entity. In some of them, the performer is required to perform a set difficult conditions, offering sacrifices, etc. But there is also simple methods, allowing you to contact the desired spirit, the most accessible of which is a rite with a witch's board.
What kind of spirit and how to call with a witch board

The witch board is a universal tool for any spiritualist. It allows you to contact a variety of entities, from the spirits of dead people, to representatives of dark forces and natural entities. The main advantages of this way of communicating with the spirit are accessibility, safety and simplicity. Subject to certain rules you will not risk anything at all, in addition, even a Ouija board (or its likeness) can be created independently.
Creating a board

A magic board is very easy to make from improvised materials.

An analogue of the witch's board can be made from plain sheet cardboard or paper. For this you will need: material, compasses, felt-tip pen, a simple saucer.

The future always remains a mystery, even if a person knows exactly how he wants to spend tomorrow, he cannot be completely sure that it will happen that way. Perhaps every person wants to look a day, a month and even a year ahead. The most courageous people for this go to fortune-tellers, psychics and ask for help from their ancestors. The last option is the most effective and free, it remains only to find out who can be called at home so as not to harm yourself and your loved ones.

Who can be called harmless?

For a conversation in a spiritualistic session, you can call for a dialogue of the good, harmless spirit. Such otherworldly forces they are always happy to make contact, answer questions of interest and do not try to create dirty tricks for those who called them.

To the number good spirits may include the following:

  • deceased relative, with which real life had a good relationship. It is desirable that this person die in old age and live happy life. It is impossible to call those who died less than one year ago, they are not yet accustomed to the other world, and such a rite can frighten them greatly;
  • deceased person who was not with family ties. For example, a kind grandfather who once lived in a neighboring entrance, a grandmother who liked to sit on a bench near the house, a good-natured old woman who traded in old days newspapers at home and so on. It is important that this person recognize the one who calls him and treat him well;
  • Neutral Spirit. If there are no dead good people that could help, then you can call just any good spirit.

Kind people can also be in a bad mood and have no time for conversation. If the spirit is in no hurry to come or does not want to answer questions, then it is better to let it go and call it another day.

Who can be called at home during the day?

In the daytime, when the sun's rays penetrate through the window, you can call gnome-sweet tooth . He is able to fulfill any desire, bring spices and happiness to the house.

There is everything two ways summon a good gnome:

The gnome is a small, kind, but shy creature. When he is at home no need to rumble, turn on the music and make sudden movements, otherwise, he can be scared, and he will continue to be afraid to enter this room.

Who can be summoned from the spirits?

It’s not worth joking with the call of spirits, otherwise, they can be offended and harm a person. I have a list of entities the call of which will not lead to unpleasant consequences:

  • For beginners in a séance, it is best to call mermaid spirit. This can be done quite simply and safely. To do this, you need a bottle filled with water, and any other oblong container. It must be placed in front of the doorway and hang a candy over it. Next, you need to turn off the light, call the little mermaid and leave the room. It is believed that if the candy was gone, then the essence came;
  • Another simple ritual is the challenge queen of spades. She comes to the house only at night, respectively, it needs to be done only at this time of day. On the front door you should draw a ladder and call the queen of spades in front of it, holding a candle in your hands. When queen of spades will come to the house, laughter and quiet steps will be heard;
  • To call the lady of diamonds, you need to put a basin filled with water in the middle of the room and place 13 candles around it. Drawing the number 8 with your finger in the water, you need to invite the lady of diamonds to the house.

Spirits can be asked questions, they will give answers to them with the help of certain signs, which a person must recognize himself.

Preparing for a séance

The séance is widespread among young girls. He lets them find correct resolution situations and find answers to your questions. Before summoning the spirit, one should prepare carefully:

  1. Useful paper, it is desirable that it be clean, it should not have drawings and records. You need to make a small table on it, indicating all the letters of the alphabet, numbers, positive and negative answers to the question;
  2. In the middle of the table is draw a hexagon, in the center of which you need to write the name of the summoned spirit;
  3. The main element of the seance is needle on thread or a saucer with a glued arrow.

The ritual can only be performed at night in a quiet room. In order not to frighten off the spirit, it is necessary to turn off the light and turn it on. church candle. It is advisable to conduct a session for one person or small company, up to five people.

How is a spiritualistic session of summoning spirits?

When everything is ready, you can start hold a séance.

  1. The first thing to think about is who to call.
  2. Next, you need to open the window, and invite him into the house, shouting three times: “ spirit come!».
  3. Now you can expect the appropriate signal that he has arrived, for example, a rustle, stomping or tapping.
  4. You need to ask questions loudly and follow the movement of the saucer or needle, it can indicate letters or numbers.
  5. Periodically, you should ask if the spirit is ready to communicate further, if he answers “yes”, then you can continue to perform the session.
  6. At the end of the ritual, you need to thank him for his help and say “Shoo out of here”, closing the window behind him.

It would seem that a harmless session, but if you anger the spirit, then after it health problems may arise and a losing streak may begin. Therefore, you should think carefully about who you can call at home.

Video Lesson: How to Summon a Harmless Spirit

Spirits often agree to help people. But many inexperienced spellcasters first try to summon an evil spirit. Their call is easier, they respond faster, answer questions, but charge a high fee. At the same time, trying to continue to maintain contact with the caller in order to pump out the vitality from him.

Why it is worth summoning a good spirit, and not an evil one

Good spirits, like evil spirits, charge a fee for their help. But it is not so big, and you can negotiate with the spirit. Already more experienced spellcasters themselves set the price for their help. The ritual of summoning a good spirit is more difficult than summoning an evil one. But it’s also safer - you don’t have to worry that the spirit will continue to be fueled by vital energy.

Good spirits answer questions, bring good luck, help find love and happiness. But they also do not like to be called often and for nothing. So it's better to think a few times before summoning the spirit.

Preparation for the ritual

It is difficult to summon a good spirit without special training. They are quite picky, or they may not have enough strength. Therefore, it is worth preparing thoroughly for the summoning of the spirit.

Christian traditions

The spirit will be easier to invoke if you are inclined to faith. This will give additional strength for the ritual. For people of faith, there are special procedures for preparing for the call of the spirit. It all starts with confession - you should go to church and repent of your sins. It will not be superfluous to visit several services. Be sure to spend two ablutions with holy water per day during the week. What will give more efficiency is fasting.

In addition, before invoking a good spirit, it is highly desirable to fast. All week before the ritual, you must not engage in public affairs, do not drink alcohol, do not smoke, forget about sex for this period. In advance, you need to choose a place for the ritual. For proper preparation places should be remembered that in the chosen place you need to pray every day until the moment of the ritual.

To call good essence, the best place for the ritual will be a room in own house or apartment. This place is most comfortable for the caller. And quiet enough for the spirit itself. If it is not possible to conduct a ritual in a room, you should choose a quiet place in nature.

The main thing to remember is that the ritual is carried out alone, there should be no strangers. And no noise - it will bring down the rite, and the spirit may not hear the call. If the venue is a room, then it is necessary to carry out a thorough cleaning in it. There should be enough light in the room. Therefore, you should cover the table with a white tablecloth (cloth), the same can be done with the walls.

Spirit Challenge

The best time for the ceremony is the new moon or the days of the growing moon. It is important to remember that before entering the room for the ritual, you must dress in all white. And only in such clothes you can enter the already prepared bright room.

The floor in the center of the room should be covered with a white cloth. It is obligatory only white, the fabric even a little darker than this color can lead to not the best consequences or call the wrong spirit. First of all, you need to draw a protective circle on the fabric.

It is drawn with charcoal previously consecrated in the church. The names of the angels are written along the line of the circle. Initiates can indicate the sacred name of God. But if you are not sure, just skip this step. Incense is placed on each side of the world from the circle. It is recommended not to overeat on the day of the ritual. It is better to enter the circle with an empty stomach.

The performer is obliged to perform ablution during the ritual. To do this, before the ceremony, a vessel with holy water is placed in the center of the figure depicted on the floor. After that, the active part of the ritual begins. That is, reading the conspiracy itself.

Conspiracies include:

  1. Prayers addressed to angels.
  2. Calling words.
  3. Spells related to white spirits.

After pronouncing the invocative words, there is an appeal to the spirit itself. First you need to voice a request to him so that he puts the caster on the true path. Next - voice your questions that arouse interest, or indicate the matter in which the help of the summoned spirit is required. This ritual is not performed in one day. The steps described above must be repeated within six days. On the seventh day, the ceremony ends.

It is required to visit the drawn circle on an empty stomach, before having washed with holy water, kneel down and repeat the invocative words. Having said all that is required, get up from your knees and walk a few circles along the circle line, asking the spirit to appear. After that, a spirit will appear, and it will be possible to finally agree with him on the topic of your request to him and that you will owe him for this. It is worth remembering that the entire ritual must be carried out strictly according to the instructions. Otherwise, its effectiveness will be significantly reduced and, possibly, there will be problems with the evocation of the spirit. In addition, there is a possibility that the wrong entity will come to the call.

The peculiarity of this rite is that it depends on the energy of Christianity. Therefore, the words of the call should be chosen according to this religious canon. Do not forget that this ritual works only for those who really believe in God and in the effectiveness of this rite. If all requirements are not met, there will be no effect from its implementation.

Summoning the Good Spirit - Day and Night

To invoke a good spirit, Christianity is not a mandatory criterion. Not the most believing people can also cause it. To do this, there are opportunities to call the entity. The chance to summon a good spirit is increased by the fact that they are sufficiently responsive to the call. Unfortunately, people prefer to use the services of evil entities. A similar stereotype that only evil can respond to the call of a person has long existed in the minds of novice spellcasters.

Good Spirit Summoning Ritual

To call a good spirit, it does not matter at all whether it is day or night in the yard. At the same time, you can do this in a company, this will not affect the ritual. It is only necessary to fulfill the only requirement - each participant must take seriously the conduct of the ceremony. Faith in the success of the event is an integral part of its accomplishment.

In addition to the primordially bright Christian essences, an elemental spirit can act as a good spirit. Of course, one cannot call them one hundred percent good, since they adhere to neutrality. In the list of their goals, there is no desire to harm the caster until he himself runs into a rebuff. At the same time, we must not forget that even a good spirit loves to have fun. Therefore, entities often play pranks on the callers, and this should not be feared. Whatever the spirit does, it will not bring consequences for the caster.

First you need to choose the very spirit to which you want to turn. Based on the choice, the time and place of the ritual is selected. Of course, if all conditions are met, it can be done at home, but whenever possible, natural spirits should be called in their element - in nature.

For a home ritual, you need to prepare a room. Incense should be placed in the corners of the room, and an altar in its center. Instead of an altar, you can use a nightstand or table. The elemental spirit will come only when its element is on the altar - fire, water, earth or air. In addition, to call the entity, you must follow the dress code - only white or light gray clothes. In this case, the fabric should, ideally, be natural.

To summon a light elemental essence, any spell known to the caster can be used. Only the only requirement is put forward to him - it must correspond to the spirit chosen by the magician.
