Why big cats dream. Why is the Cat dreaming? What is the dream of a tricolor cat

Representatives of the cat family have always been considered magical animals. Therefore, if they appeared in dreams (especially women's), this indicated that the intuition of the sleeping woman was greatly aggravated at the moment, so she could independently predict impending life changes and problems. To more accurately understand what a cat is dreaming of for a girl, modern dream books will help.

To correctly decipher a dream, you need to seek help exclusively from trusted reliable sources. For example, choose only well-known dream books from eminent interpreters.

So, in Miller's dream book, a cat always symbolizes the troubles that are approaching the dreamer. The exception is dead animals. For example, if the cat was killed by the sleeping woman herself, then she will easily be able to cope with any problems that arise.

Freud argued that a young affectionate cat is an interesting clue for a woman. It is such a man that she will meet in reality in the very near future. The partner will be much younger than the dreamer. The main thing is to immediately deal with his true intentions. There is a possibility that the young handsome will be the most common gigolo.

Vanga's aggressive scratching cats symbolize jealousy. The storm of emotions that a girl will have to go through due to the increased attention to her soulmate will greatly spoil the love relationship. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn to be more restrained.

An interesting interpretation of dreams with representatives of the cat family is given by modern psychological dream books. If a woman in the story caresses a very small kitten, it is likely that in reality she is looking for a love partner much younger than herself. Does he mock an animal in a dream? This speaks of her penchant for sadism and authoritarian imperious nature. A cat that painfully bites a girl, from which the latter does not even remove her hand, suggests that she is sleeping in reality dependent on other people.

The meaning of sleeping with a dead, sick or injured animal

A dead or injured cat is always a good omen. If a woman in her dream sees only the corpse of a representative of the feline family, then she will soon defeat a rival or a whole team of enemies.

A sick animal suggests that ill-wishers have prepared many unpleasant surprises for the dreamer. But the girl herself will not even notice them. The efforts of the enemies will be in vain.

If the cat is injured, then the woman is doing everything right in the fight against enemies and competitors. We must continue to act in the same spirit and soon an unconditional victory awaits her.

To dream of a red, black, gray, white cat

An important detail for interpretation is the color of the dream character:

  • If a girl dreams of a black cat, then her dream will come true in the very near future. You just need to wait a bit and not rush things.
  • The snow-white beast appears in dreams for imminent life changes. If he was on a tree - you need to expect a move, if in the arms of a sleeping woman - to increase wages.
  • The red cat is a harbinger of funny funny events. Perhaps the girl will soon receive an invitation to the holiday. If an animal with such a bright color scratched a woman, you can expect a salary increase.
  • A gray cat warns of a possible betrayal. You do not need to pour out your soul even to the closest environment, not to mention new acquaintances.

Why is the tricolor cat dreaming?

A tricolor cat for a girl is a symbol of a rival. The dream suggests that soon a woman will appear in the life of the sleeping woman who will claim her legal spouse or young man. The main problem will be the fact that a young lady with insidious intentions will be the owner of a whole set of qualities and skills that are very much appreciated by this man. Therefore, she will have every chance to achieve what she wants.

The sleeping woman will have to make a lot of efforts to prevent betrayal and the departure of her lover from the family. She will need to demonstrate exclusively her best sides for a long time and try with all her might to keep the attention of her beloved exclusively on her own person.

Domestic, wild animal

If in a dream a clean, affectionate cat appears in a dream, which is trying to climb into the hands of a girl, then in reality the sleeping woman will receive a new object of care. It can be not only an animal, but also a baby or even a relative who suddenly moves into a woman's house.

A girl in a dream takes a dirty skinny creature for herself? Surely in real life she is very lonely and dreams of changing her own marital status. In order not to delay this, you need to try to leave the house more often and start to have a more positive attitude towards new acquaintances.

A wild lichen cat that runs away from the dreamer suggests that the woman's enemies have lost their vigilance. It's time to deal with them and avenge all the trouble.

An aggressive street Siamese cat is a sign that in reality the fair sex will have to pay for her own old sins. All the mistakes made by the girl earlier, which she tried to carefully disguise for so long, will come out.

If a woman does not see the wild cat herself, but notices only a trace of her claws on her body, then the dreamer is trying to drown out the feeling of jealousy in herself. It is unlikely that you will be able to cope with it on your own without a frank conversation with a partner.

Cat with kittens

Did you dream of a cat with kittens that gently licked its babies and openly showed tenderness to them? The same emotions should be expected for a girl in reality. Either she will meet a new very emotional loving man, or the current partner will change his attitude towards her for the better. If in reality the fair sex has her children, then this plot may not pay enough attention to them. It is not worth sacrificing time that could be spent with the family for the sake of a career.

An animal that treats its own kittens badly dreams of unpleasant gossip and rumors around the dreamer. Most likely, close relatives of the woman will dissolve them.

If a girl has been dreaming of her own children for a long time and suddenly sees a newly born animal in a dream, her wish will soon come true. You can get pregnant quickly and easily.

It happens that both the cat herself and all her kittens in a dream turn out to be completely black. Such characters of your dream can be considered harbingers of strong soul-eating jealousy. By the way, it is not at all necessary that it will be justified. If a snow-white cat gives birth to babies of the same color, then this is a good sign. In reality, you can expect a valuable gift from your soulmate or an offer to become a legal wife.

Feed, stroke, bathe, play in a dream

Dreamed of feeding a cat? Most likely, in real life, the sleeping person provides help and support to those people who do not deserve it. She needs to stop "feeding" her enemies, or the amount of trouble behind her will only increase.

Stroking and holding a cat in your arms is a difficult situation, the solution of which can only be found with outside help. Perhaps a completely unfamiliar person will come to the rescue of the girl.

Did you dream of bathing a cat, which in the process scratched the dreamer? In reality, the girl has a great risk of losing her main income. It is better to start looking for a new place to earn money in advance or to strengthen your position in the old one.

Games with a cat in a dream suggest that the girl is behaving imprudently and committing rash acts. Especially if, according to such a plot, the sleeping person eventually gets injured from the animal.

Lose, kill or save a cat

Sleeping woman loses her cat in a dream? This means that she will be able to eliminate competitors without even realizing it.

Killing felines in a dream always symbolizes victory over enemies. The same dream can be a hint that the things started the day before will turn out to be very successful for the girl. You can safely invest in them forces and means.

But saving a cat from death is a sign that the sleeping person does not understand people at all. She believes everyone unconditionally and does not even notice the intrigues of some friends in her direction.

If an animal catches a mouse in a dream

If a cat catches mice in a dream, it means that in the very near future a woman will have a calm period in her life. Enemies will lag behind her for a long time and will be engaged in other matters or even showdowns with each other.

There are a lot of mice, and they scatter from the cat in different directions? This is a bad sign for the sleeper. In reality, in no case should she share her own thoughts and plans with others. Otherwise, someone else will quickly take possession of them and use them for their own selfish purposes.

The active noisy hunting of a cat for rodents portends a sleeping anxiety and turmoil. She will probably be very busy with work, or unwanted guests will unexpectedly come to her in large numbers.

Receive a cat in a dream as a gift

A cat as a gift in a dream promises loss to the fair sex. The reason for them will be a complete stranger, a conflict with which is subsequently inevitable.

If a woman receives a tiny kitten as a present in a dream, it means that in life she has already despaired of becoming a mother. Surely the sleeping person began to think about adoption and other similar options, allowing you to find a son or daughter. In fact, the best solution to the problem may be to contact a competent, experienced family planner.

Our experts will help you find out what the Big Cat is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I dreamed that not far from home, where I once lived for a long time, in childhood, there is a litter with kittens. And I just want a kitten. I opened that place. Atam kittens were of some special breed (there is no such breed on earth in real life), they were large (the size of an adult spaniel) and amazing. And I thought, oh how lucky I am. And then I immediately chose the most beautiful and original kitten - he was cheerful and richly red.
    I brought it home and it turned out that this kitten is very neat and goes to the toilet on the toilet by itself.
    I decided to tell my sister about such joy, and show how he goes to the toilet.
    What surprised me in a dream - he put his hind legs into the toilet, and these are no longer paws, but human children's legs and the water there is black and unpleasant, stinking. I quickly pulled the cat out of there, and began to wash. For the most part, it was still a kitten, but only with hind legs like a person.
    I don't remember what happened next.
    And here is a day after sleep, today. My sister actually brought home a ginger kitten. Sister is older and younger.

    My sleep sensations are pleasant when I found a kitten, held it and brought it home. The tones around are gray-blue.
    But when I saw that dirty water in the toilet, and incomprehensible legs, I felt uncomfortable, there were dirty yellow tones around, the room seemed not to be clean.

    I dream of a house - this is not my house, I see a window, I look out of it and see my cat running - and next to it is a cat of enormous size, I understand that this is still a very small kitten, and I decide to leave it to myself. the kitten is not fluffy - smooth - but his tail is very fluffy. then a parrot flies through the window - a big colorful one ...

    We have hamsters.
    And now I dream that 2 cages ended up with hamsters in the backyard, let's say, not quite in good condition and it's already dark. Around full of cats of all stripes. I rush to protect my hamsters, but I see that there are not only hamsters in the cage, but mice and hamsters with long tails. I began to throw mice and hamsters with long tails to cats. Then I see that there are too many cats, I can't cope. Then I began to throw cats to my shepherd dog. And then a huge black cat, similar to a panther, appeared in front of me, larger than my height. I remember her face - horror. The feeling of fear was not only excitement and understanding that it was necessary to drive her away and get into the house. And I began to hiss at her like a cat - it did not help, began to bark like a dog - she stepped back very importantly and lay down under the windows of my house. I woke up.

    I dreamed about my mother-in-law's former house, we used to live there, and here I am, and a big cat fawns over me and calls me to the bedroom, and there is a big box where he goes to the toilet and meowing, as if asking me to clean it, so I take it and take it to the toilet .And the box is full….

    I go to the apartment where I used to live, a dirty black and white skinny cat appears, she tries to bite me, hisses at me, I kick her, and in the end I manage to drive her away. we go up to the 4th floor, open the door and it turns out that I didn’t open it, but some other man and a gray cat hisses at me, wants to jump very angry, I’m afraid and I manage to close the door. I wake up all the time.

    In general, I dreamed that I was in America in some kind of youth company. I arrived there from Berlin (where I am now for my studies) and I had a feeling that this was for me, as it were, such a new round of tests. There are new people around, I don’t know anyone, hot and bright sun, suddenly one guy with whom I spend time has an idea to buy a Saber-toothed Tiger to roast in honor of my arrival. Our tiger turns out to be barely alive, I feel sorry for him and I propose to let him go. The tiger bit me a little, but on the whole behaved decently. Gave him some water. Then he let go and woke up. What can all this mean?

    Hello. I had a dream as if I had come to my friends in a hostel and people were sitting in the corridor, a big black cat with big blue eyes was sitting on a bench and among them, but before that I also met a big dog!

    In the store in the children's clothing department, I saw a huge black cat, I thought it was a toy. When I got closer to look, I saw that he was blinking. The cat did not growl, did not rush at me, he just lay calmly and looked at me

    I am stroking one huge cat with my hand, and pink small worms are crawling out of her fur, then I took a closer look, and two cats were constantly moving, their dawn was black and red, the cat whose worms crawled out, they disappeared when I stopped petting her.

    i dreamed that in a village unknown to me I was walking with my child and suddenly a very large cat jumped out and hissed, there was a village toilet nearby, we ran in there and closed the door watching through the cracks behind her across the road there was a shop from there the seller came out the cat grabbed it and there was a lot of blood she dragged sacrifice to her shed and left it there. after she came out and began to caress people no longer attacking and we were able to get out

    We were in some type of shelter on a hike. It was wooden, I was with a girl and, as it were, either a lioness or a leopard was looking out the door. Her father tried to drag her out of the shelter from the side of the street, I tried to push her there, but she jumped in and let's run in circles to the shelter from the shelter, etc.

    Hello! I dreamed that I was in some place unfamiliar to me and there a big dog was heading towards me, as it seemed to me, and when she approached, I saw that it was a big cat. I have a feeling that she is not very friendly to me and so that she would not rush at me, I tried to pretend that I was not afraid of her and caressed her. picked up. at first she reacted normally to my kind attitude, but then she wanted to bite and lightly grabbed my finger, but still did not bite. I continued stroking her.

    In a dream, there was a room with a large window, the glass seemed to fall out of the frame and mom climbed onto the windowsill and put it back in, it was huge and pulled her along, a little more and she would have fallen. I yelled at her and told her to come down from the window. Then she easily inserted the glass and closed the window. A huge silver cat was sitting on the sofa, which looked more like a small panther, it frightened me, I felt fear, a slightly smaller ginger cat was sitting next to it. I said that they are girls and there is hope to get the same kittens. My sister, with a mysterious air, said that the house needed to be cleaned.

    came out of the great hall where the parent meeting was being held. on the way I saw a black panther, but it didn’t growl at me, but meowed. next to it was a car somehow strangely suspended on ropes. I calmly walked around them and went to the car where my sister and two guys were sitting. and I ask that they didn’t bring it again (meaning my husband). No, they didn't, they answered. i get in the car and see how he leans towards me and smiles i kiss him and i'm very happy (in fact i haven't seen my snake for a year)

    I was in my city and went to the area, in fact it does not exist in my city. there I met several boys and I saw one of them only once in my life (quite by chance and didn’t communicate), then the boy I saw earlier left. I don’t quite remember then, but I remember exactly how we approached a small slope and there was a white tiger with big fangs, probably a saber-toothed tiger. He was sleeping, but he immediately woke up and ran after us, I realized that I had this dream a very long time ago, and that I ran away from him for a very long time, this time I just sat down on the ground and looked at the phone, the tiger passed past me and ran after the others. There was someone with me, I was definitely not alone. Then I decided to return home. this man showed me the way. In this period of sleep, there was a sunset, the sun shone quite brightly than in the previous one (there was a gray sky and there were no bright colors). The road was straight (there was nowhere to turn. I walked along the sidewalk, on the right side of which there were flower beds that were not planted with anything, and on the left side the road along which cars drove. I met my girlfriend and we started digging one of these flower beds. The earth was black and very soft, we dug with our hands and it was a pleasant experience.We found some shoes, it was female…

It is best to interpret dreams in which cats dream with the help of different dream books. Since by analyzing and comparing various information, you can make the most correct conclusion about the meaning of sleep.

Miller's dream book

According to Miller, dreams about cats are a sign of bad luck. Except when the cat can be killed or driven away. If a cat attacks the dreamer, this means that he will soon have enemies who are trying their best to cast a shadow on his reputation or deprive him of his property. However, if the dreamer drives the cat away, then he will be able to successfully survive all the difficulties and even increase what is available.

If cats dream of being skinny and dirty, then soon the dreamer will hear bad news about a friend's illness. If the cat can be driven away at the same time, then the friend will definitely recover.
If in a dream only a cat's squeal and meow are heard, but the cats themselves are not visible, then this means that the dreamer's false friend is trying to harm him.
A dream in which a cat scratches the dreamer means that the enemies will successfully deprive him of part of the fat from the deal, for which the dreamer put a lot of effort and spent time.

A young woman who sees a kitten or a cat in her arms in a dream will soon have to take part in unseemly deeds. If cats dream of a pure white color, then this means the occurrence of some kind of confusion, entailing grief and deprivation of property.

Freud's dream book

Cats in a dream, according to Freud's interpretation, indicate the dreamer's excessive sensitivity and excitability. If the dreamer strokes the cat, then this indicates his desire for intimacy with a younger partner.
If in a dream there are cats that themselves fawn on the dreamer, then this means that the dreamer's attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex is very high.
Feeding a cat in a dream may indicate an unhealthy desire for intimacy with minors.
Bullying a cat or killing it indicates that the dreamer prefers to enliven intimacy with elements of sadism. If in a dream the cat scratched the dreamer, then this means that the dreamer enjoys intimacy with a masochistic bias.

Assyrian dream book

Catching a cat in a dream promises the fulfillment of desires. In the near future, the dreamer may have a wise patron.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Cats in a dream, according to Tsvetkov, dream of tears and betrayal. At the same time, a black cat in a dream personifies a clear enemy, and a white one - a false friend.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

According to Nostradamus, dreams in which cats flood the city portend a drought or an ecological disaster.
If you dream of a basket with kittens, which, accompanied by a column of people, is carried to the city center, then in 10 years a strong and independent person in his actions will come to power.

Russian dream book

If cats dream, then soon there will be a meeting with enemies or false friends. Also, cats in a dream portend treason.

Ukrainian dream book

Cats in a dream personify enemies. If a man dreams of cats, then this is a sign that a young woman is trying to bewitch him. A cat dreaming of a woman warns her of the appearance of a rival.
A cat in a dream - to a fatal accident. Beating a cat in a dream is bad, which means that the dreamer will be repaid with ingratitude.
A black cat dreams of a spree, a white cat in a dream means that there are many deceivers and pretenders around the dreamer.
A young cat dreams of betrayal, a wild cat - a quarrel with neighbors. Many cats in a dream portend relationships with unreliable people. If in a dream a cat bites or scratches, then this portends a betrayal in love or the triumph of the enemy.

Muslim dream book

A dream in which a cat scratches the dreamer portends malaise and anxiety.

English dream book

According to the English dream book, cats dream not for good. These are the harbingers of lies and betrayal.
If a girl sees a cat in a dream, then this means that her chosen one cannot be relied upon.
A cat dreamed of by a young man will also not bring happiness. This means that his beloved girl will become a real vixen in the future.
A dreaming cat family portends a large family, but the dreamer's life will be fussy and empty.
Killing a cat in a dream means that the dreamer will soon have to reveal the plans of his enemies.

French dream book

The French dream book claims that cats dream of trouble. A white cat promises the betrayal of a close friend, a black cat - a betrayal of a woman. A cat fight in a dream warns of a night robbery that will probably take place in the future.

Dream Interpretation of Veles

A cat in a dream is a bad sign, portending quarrels, fights, tears, betrayal. But eating cat meat in a dream is good, because it promises the return of lost property.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

The modern dream book also interprets dreams in which cats dream as portending quarrels and failures.
So, stroking a cat in a dream - to distrust and doubt; to meet a cat walking towards - to a collision with an enemy or a deceitful person; caressing a cat portends misfortune in the dreamer's house.
Cat meowing is also interpreted extremely negatively:
- a cat's meow portends that the dreamer will soon hear hypocritical assurances of love;
- hysterical cat meowing means that the dreamer will be asked for help that he cannot provide;
- to hear a cat's meow, but not to see the animal itself, means that the dreamer is deceived.
If in a dream a cat scratches or bites, then the dreamer will soon be unfairly slandered. But the capture of a cat in a dream is interpreted favorably, since this means that the dreamer will be able to completely refute the erected slander. At the same time, harming a cat in a dream means that the dreamer is tormented by an unclean conscience.
A cat fight in a dream promises the dreamer experiences, and a dead cat and getting rid of an unpleasant person. However, a strangled cat in a dream is a warning to the dreamer that his lifestyle will lead to sad consequences.
If a cat caught a mouse in a dream, then this is a good sign, portending profit and wealth.

Why do spiders dream

Miller's dream book promises that if a spider weaves a web in a dream, then everything will be calm and peaceful in the house, and if spiders just dream, then you need to be more careful about your work, and then ...

The appearance of cats in a dream is an important sign that requires the dreamer to correctly interpret and take appropriate measures. Why do cats dream (a lot of cats)?

Depending on the circumstances, gender and lifestyle of the dreamer, a dream involving several cats at once can dream of both joyful events and sad ones. Most often, such a dream is a harbinger of something bad, a warning or a danger signal.

  • A flock of cats in a dream portends bad news in the dreamer's life.. Sad events, problems and failures can affect both the dreamer himself and his environment: relatives, friends and colleagues.
  • A pack of aggressive cats in a dream trying to bite the dreamer is a bad sign. Such a dream portends the appearance of many enemies, envious and competitors in the dreamer.
  • Hungry, shabby and thin cats portend illness to the dreamer's friends and family. However, if cats can be driven away in a dream, troubles will bypass the dreamer and his entourage.
  • If, in the near future, they want to drag her into a dangerous scam. She should be careful not to trust unfamiliar people and protect her good name.

For men related to trade, such a dream promises the appearance of many competitors. The dreamer should be alert, show firmness of character and not allow envious people to unsettle themselves.
  • If in a dream cats scratch a dreamer or a dreamer, in the near future they run the risk of suffering serious financial setbacks.
  • A flock of white cats in a dream personifies doubts and mental anguish. dreamer or dreamer. Such a dream means that lately he or she is subject to strong feelings. Circumstances require decisive action, but willpower and strength of character are not enough for their implementation.
  • Several white cats in a dream can also portend getting into an awkward situation. At first glance, it may seem innocent and harmless, while leading to the most serious consequences.
  • Hearing a cat meow in a dream is a bad sign.. Such a dream portends the appearance of deceitful, hypocritical and simply insincere people in the life of a dreamer or dreamer.
  • Cats showing their fangs and claws in a dream are a harbinger of quarrels and scandals motivated by jealousy.
  • Chasing cats in a dream promises the dreamer a meeting with a narcissistic, selfish and sarcastic person.
  • If in a dream cats surround a dreamer or dreamer in a ring, such a dream portends getting into an awkward, even shameful, situation in public.
Hearing a loud cat meow in a dream is an important warning. Soon the dreamer or dreamer will be asked to fulfill some request. It may seem easy, but in reality it can be overwhelming, taking too much effort, time and nerves.
  • Green cats or cats in a dream indicate that the dreamer puts himself too high in comparison with those around him.
  • Gray cats approaching the dreamer or trying to catch up with him in a dream portend the approach of depression and melancholy.

Positive interpretations

However, such a dream can have positive interpretations. Why do cats dream?

  • If in a dream the girl sees a cat, soon she herself will be pregnant, if only she herself aspires to this. If, on the contrary, the thought of pregnancy frightens her, and she considers such a situation undesirable, the dream promises her an early disappearance of all fears and a favorable outcome: the girl will change her mind or will not allow undesirable consequences.
  • Seeing dead cats in a dream is a harbinger of resolved problems and settled conflicts.

The appearance in a dream of friendly cats asking for affection and allowing themselves to be stroked speaks of the dreamer's or dreamer's lasting peace of mind. If recently the dreamer has been worried about the need to make an important choice, such a dream suggests that if he trusts his sixth sense, he will certainly make the right decision.

There are many different dream books, and, accordingly, interpretations of night stories about cats. But from all the information available in such literature, several main points can be distinguished. So, according to interpreters, a cat in a dream can be a sign:

  • the presence of the enemy in the environment;
  • future quarrels and conflicts;
  • increased sensitivity of the dreamer himself due to the lack of a suitable partner;
  • future ecological catastrophe;
  • the dreamer's secret interest in the mystical sciences.

The interpretation of such dreams, therefore, can be different. But most dream books answer the question of what cats dream of as follows: a cat in a dream is a symbol of the enemy in real life. Accordingly, if the animal also attacks, bites and scratches, it means that the ill-wishers have activated and are trying to cause serious harm in some way. It is very good if the dreamer drives the cat away in his dreams. This will mean that he will soon deal with his enemies. A dead cat in a dream is a symbol of the complete disappearance of ill-wishers, even existing ones.

Many cats dream - why?

Such a plot of night dreams accordingly warns of the presence of many enemies and gossips. Most likely, unpleasant defamatory rumors are already circulating about the dreamer or will soon creep. It will be possible to avoid this only if the purring pack was dispersed.

The color of a cat in a dream

By the color of the coat of a dreaming animal, you can also determine the upcoming events of real life. Black cats, for example, in themselves have always been considered the personification of dark forces. In this case, the interpretation of sleep will be the same - the presence of an enemy in the environment. But the probability of the veracity of such a dream in the case of a black cat increases significantly. Also, such a purr in a dream can personify the dark side of the soul of the dreamer himself. In this case, the answer to the question of what the black cat is dreaming of will depend on the plot of the dream.

A white cat, despite its harmless color, in night dreams is also a harbinger of not very pleasant events in life. Most often, such a dream warns of imminent confusion in business and large financial losses.

What is the dream of a cat with kittens

Even such a seemingly pleasant plot, according to the interpretation of most dream books, does not bode well. A pregnant cat or a cat with kittens means an increase in the number of enemies in real life. But still, with regard to such nightly plots, dream books are less unambiguous. In some books, a cat with kittens or a pregnant one is just a symbol of not too burdensome troubles and subsequent great luck.

Cat or cat?

All the interpretations discussed above about what cats dream of refer, for the most part, to female animals. Dreaming cats also portend enemies and troubles, but to a much lesser extent. But be that as it may, in any case, of course, you should not attach too much importance to a dream about fluffy purrs. Whatever dream books predict, a person himself is the master of his own destiny. And perhaps, having received such a warning, the dreamer will simply become more attentive to his surroundings and will not allow any particularly unpleasant events in the future.
