Lesson of social science "economic culture". Lesson summary and presentation in social studies on the topic "economic culture"

Economic culture is called the totality of material and spiritual socially developed means of activity, with the help of which the material and production life of people is carried out.

The structure of economic culture is correlated with the structure of economic activity itself, with the sequence of the main phases social production: the actual production, exchange, distribution and consumption. Therefore, it is legitimate to speak of a culture of production, a culture of exchange, a culture of distribution and a culture of consumption.

The structure-forming factor of economic culture is human labor activity. It is characteristic of the whole variety of forms, types of material and spiritual production. Each specific level of economic culture of labor characterizes the relationship of a person to a person, a person to nature (it is the awareness of this relationship that is the moment of the birth of economic culture), an individual to his own labor abilities.

Any labor activity of a person is associated with the disclosure of his creative abilities, but the degree of their development is different. Scientists distinguish three levels of these abilities.

The first level is the productive-reproductive creative ability, when in the process of labor everything is only repeated, copied, and only as an exception, a new one is accidentally created.

The second level is a generative creative ability, the result of which will be, if not a completely new work, then at least an original variation.

The third level is constructive and innovative activity, the essence of which is the natural appearance of the new. This level of ability in production is manifested in the work of inventors and innovators.

The more creative labor is, the richer the cultural activity of a person, the higher the level of labor culture. The latter ultimately serves as the basis for achieving a higher level of economic culture.

Labor activity in any society is collective, embodied in joint production. Therefore, along with the culture of work, it is necessary to consider the culture of production as an integral system.

Labor culture includes the skills of owning tools, conscious management of the process of creating material and spiritual wealth, the free use of one’s abilities, the use of labor activity achievements of science and technology.

The culture of production includes the following main elements:

1) the culture of working conditions, which is a complex of components of an economic, scientific, technical, organizational, social and legal nature;

2) the culture of the labor process, which finds expression in the activities of a single employee;

3) socio-psychological climate in the production team;

4) a management culture that organically combines the science and art of management, reveals and implements the creative potential, initiative and enterprise of each participant in the production process.

The regulator of the economy is not only such precisely quantified indicators as the rate of interest, government spending or the level of taxation, but also such a difficult-to-measure concept as economic culture. Culture is a specific way of organizing and developing human life activity, represented in the products of material and spiritual labor, in the system of social norms and institutions, in spiritual values, in the totality of people's relations to nature, to each other and to themselves.

Economic culture is defined as a complex of elements and phenomena of culture, stereotypes of economic consciousness, motives of behavior, economic institutions that ensure the reproduction of economic life. The main elements of culture are considered needs, values, norms, preferences, interests, prestige, motivation.

Values are unconsciously accepted notions of what is important or right. They are the foundation of culture. Based on them, they form social norms- precepts for actions common in a given society. Norms realize the values ​​of society. Values ​​and norms are manifested through preferences - the priorities of social benefits. Priority systems are rooted in the historical past of peoples and social groups and change rather slowly.

Needs- the need for certain social benefits. The objects of needs of population groups are different, and the differences are rooted not only in today's or in the cultural situation of the life of different groups inherited from the past.

Values, norms and needs are also manifested in behavior motivation. These are standardized explanations that people give to their actions and deeds, as well as the values ​​and norms that they share. The use by a person of the established "vocabulary of motives" testifies to the identification of the individual with the established system of values.

Another manifestation of culture public prestige individual role positions, occupations, ways of behavior. "Hierarchies of prestige" are formed in society under the influence of its characteristic value systems. All these elements of culture are assimilated by individuals and determine their activity in all spheres. public life including the economy. And since economic activity consists of the actions of subjects of the economy, culture turns out to be a regulator not only of these actions, but also of the economy itself.

Thus, economic culture is a set of social values ​​and norms that regulate the economic behavior of individuals and social groups and perform the function of social memory of economic development.

Thus, an integral part of the economic culture of Russia as a whole is corporate culture Ministry of Railways, RAO Gazprom, RAO UES of Russia, others largest companies. The mass media, especially television, have no less influence on the change in economic culture. In this case, both a special selection of news, films, and direct social advertising can be used. Moreover, television already has relevant experience. With the help of television, ideas of active participation in elections, the need to pay taxes and protect themselves from AIDS, and not use drugs have been introduced and are being introduced in the country.

The state should play the leading role in regulating economic culture. It is it that should determine the main priorities in the economic culture, the priorities and the methods used. The state is able to influence the economic culture without significant costs, both directly and through the subjects described above.

The state can direct the activities of other subjects of economic culture regulation. The state owns a controlling stake in Gazprom and UES, the Ministry of Railways is generally one of the state bodies. Also, the state is the owner of the TV channels "Culture", "Russian Television", etc.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that economic culture is one of the regulators of the economy and that the state can use it. Moreover, if the state really wants to succeed in implementing reforms, it must use this regulator.

Social science lesson in grade 10

Economic culture.

Lesson Objectives: - Find out the essence of economic culture.

Orient students to the perception and

collective solution of complex issues.

Improve students' ability to analyze

compare, compare, generalize, decide

creative tasks.

To educate students in tolerance, kindness

the desired attitude towards the participants of the economy-

activity, social


Lesson Equipment: - Handout

Lesson presentation

Teacher MOU secondary school No. 72, Lipetsk

Kokoreva Olga Mikhailovna

Lipetsk -2011

    Self-determination to activity.

“Ignorance of economic laws is no excuse.”

“Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man how to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.”

Lao Tzu.

Explain the meaning of these statements.

How do these words relate to our lesson?

Do we have enough knowledge of economics?

Economics is an important and interesting science. And no one denies that economic knowledge and thinking are the requirements of today's time. Faced with economic relations in a changing world, only with the help of economic knowledge can one answer the questions: how to make money and how to spend it wisely? According to what economic laws does society live and what needs to be done to make our life worthy?

Today we will once again be convinced of the value of economic knowledge.

Earn flurries (money) during the lesson.

They can be exchanged for grades at the end of the lesson.

II.Knowledge actualization.

What is the meaning of economics?

Branil Homer, Theocritus;

But read Adam Smith

And there was a deep economy,

That is, he was able to judge

How does the state grow rich?

And what lives, and why,

He doesn't need gold

When a simple product has...

Repetition of D / z in groups.

1 group. Working with concepts.

Composes definitions of economic concepts from the listed words.

2 group. Makes sentences and defines concepts.

3rd group. Finds a correspondence between concepts and their definitions.

II row. Work with tests.

III row. Reveals the functions of the state in the economy.

Tasks in Appendix No. 1.

III. Formulation of the problem.

Why have we failed to reveal the meaning of these concepts?

Lack of knowledge in economics.

Knowledge, education - what area are they related to?

What unites these concepts? What word?

Culture can characterize an individual, or it can characterize a sphere of public life.

Try to name the topic of our lesson.

List the objectives of the lesson.

Lesson topic: Economic culture.

The purpose of our lesson is to find out the content of economic culture, its main elements. Once again, we will be convinced of the importance of economic knowledge. To make the choice more conscious in such an area as the economy will help familiarity with the economic culture.

IV. Building a project to solve the problem.

What are the qualities of a cultured person?

What characterizes culture?

Which of the following can be attributed to economic culture?

Knowledge - social attitudes

Thinking - economic freedom

Values ​​- personal qualities of a person




V. Project implementation.

Group work.

1 group. The role of economic knowledge.

2. group. The role of economic thinking.

3rd group. Economic orientation of activity.

4 group. social settings.

Tasks for groups in Appendix No. 2.

VI. Primary consolidation of knowledge in external speech.

Economic relations are an important manifestation of economic culture.

The nature of economic relations between people (relationships of property, exchange, activity and distribution of goods and services) determines not only the development of production, but also social balance, the stability of society.

Economic interests act as a reflection of their economic relations.

What are the economic interests of the entrepreneur and the employee?

Economic interests are the desire of a person to obtain the benefits he needs for his life and family.

The main content of the economic life of society is the interaction of economic interests. Hence the task is to work out principles and methods for the optimal combination of their interests, their harmonization.

Today, in countries with developed market economies, much attention is paid to the moral aspects of economic activity. Ethics is taught in many business schools, and many corporations adopt codes of ethics. An entrepreneur must remember that unscrupulous business will receive a corresponding reaction from society. His personal prestige, the authority of the company will fall, which, in turn, will cast doubt on the quality of the services offered. Ultimately, his profits will be at stake. The slogan "To be honest is profitable" becomes popular.


The level of economic culture of society is also manifested through the state of economic freedom and social responsibility.


Building a house:

the foundation is the personal qualities of a person: diligence, responsibility, the ability to rationally organize one's work, innovation, thrift, discipline.

The bricks in this house are: economic knowledge, economic thinking, economic orientation, social attitudes.

The pinnacle of this house is the economic culture itself.

Thus, we once again confirmed that it is difficult to navigate modern life without economic knowledge.

Cultivate economically significant qualities in yourself that will help you gain greater resilience and competitiveness: efficiency and enterprise, initiative and independence, the need to achieve success and social responsibility, creative activity.

VII. Independent work with verification according to the model.

Application number 3.

VIII. Inclusion in the knowledge system.

Work with creative tasks.

IX. Reflection.

What did we learn in class today?

Where do you need knowledge of economics?

How do you leave class? (choose emoticon)

Finishing today's lesson, I want to tell you, you are great!

Someone will be in business in the future. And do not forget that the entrepreneur must be socially responsible, i.e. should be guided not only by his own personal benefit, but also by the interests of society as a whole.

Thank you and I join the words of the song that you will hear.

Not all of you will be economists, not everyone will choose a specialty in economics, but knowledge is the baggage that will not interfere in life.

Homework. Paragraph 13.

    * Calculate in % your expenses in the family budget.

    *How can students earn money? Suggest your option

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§ 18. Economic culture

Essence and functions

Economic culture is an integral and essential part of the general culture. civilized man- is a person with

developed economic culture. Different scholars define its essence in different ways. However, all these definitions boil down to the fact that economic culture can be considered, like political culture, in the narrow and broad senses of the word.

economic culture in broad sense words - it is a set of material and spiritual means of production activity created by society: machines, structures, cities, roads, etc.; economic knowledge, skills, ways and forms of communication between people, economic intelligence.

economic culture in the narrow sense of the word- this is a typical way of economic thinking and activities of the people, groups, individuals. With its help, people adapt to specific socio-economic conditions.

of its existence. The economic culture also includes a set of economic interests, values, norms, rules, skills, which are the regulators of economic behavior. In other words, economic culture consists of behavioral stereotypes and economic knowledge.

Figuratively speaking, economic culture is the tool, the "language" with which people can communicate with each other in the process of economic activity and behavior and, accordingly, understand the essence of economic phenomena and processes taking place in a given society and throughout the world.

Each economic era is characterized by its own level and type of economic culture of the population. At the same time, of course, different groups population have significantly various levels economic culture. Thus, economists have theoretical economic consciousness. Government officials, directors, managers, entrepreneurs must have culture of practical economic thinking.

And for the mass consciousness in economic culture, production and consumer motivations are primarily important.

Modern economic culture largely coincides with the civilization, sociality of society. In it, the main role is

takes into account the interests of individuals and groups of people. The traditional "idols" of economic development (profit, quantitative growth) are being replaced by more human goals.

Today's type of market and, moreover, socially oriented economy is already assessed from other positions - as more "concerned", "understanding", "reasonable", "expedient", "useful", more and more corresponding to the interests of each person. Now the foundations are being laid new economic culture: creating conditions in society that provide the necessary social orientations for the behavior of business entities in general and separately - the behavior of decision makers; maintaining mobile system information and communications; improvement of advertising; organization of the activities of economic and financial institutions (stock exchanges, banks, insurance companies, audit services), etc.

All this should lead to the creation of an information and computer society, in which the diversity of people's needs, the differentiation of their interests is the key to the development of the entire society, the condition for its improvement. The features of such a society will be the multivariate choice of economic decisions based on the satisfaction of a plurality of interests, motives of various subjects of economic activity, as well as taking into account many factors and objective conditions: economic, social, economic-psychological, technical.

Economic culture performs several functions: cognitive, applied, educational etc. New economic knowledge stimulates a critical reassessment of old knowledge and

knowledge of trends in the development of society in the future. As for the applied function of economic culture, the activity of the subjects of economic relations largely depends not only on the level of their economic knowledge, but also from the ability to apply them in practice, i.e. from economic consciousness of people.

Economically cultural personality

It is important to be economically cultured today for every person, regardless of whether he works at a state enterprise, whether he is employed own business or doesn't work at all. Let's think about what makes economically culturally developed person? Apparently, first of all, the presence critical economic thinking.

The basis of the critical economic thinking of the individual is the understanding of the essence of economic laws, economic processes and phenomena both within the economic system of their country and between different types of economic systems of other states.

Critical economic thinking is not only the result of mastering the course of economics and other academic disciplines. It is also formed in the family, in the immediate social environment as a system of views and ideas, for example, regarding how it is necessary to plan and manage the family budget, how best to spend money, what economic priorities exist, how you can earn a living, what you need to produce first. turn.

A person always faces specific life, including economic, situations and problems. He needs to strive for a clear statement of the issue, versatile awareness, a holistic consideration of the situation: identifying alternatives; to a consistent, sequential consideration of the parts of a complex whole; analysis specific situations, actions and deeds of the opponent and competitor, etc.

Economic culture is manifested in the ability to realize their individual abilities in each given specific situation.BUT for this it is necessary to constantly replenish their economic knowledge, find strength, if necessary, change their ideas, areas of activity and even economic interests.

One of the complexes of the economic culture of the individual are certain economic skills, abilities, experience.

economic skills called such actions of the individual, which, as a result of frequent repetitions, are performed quickly, accurately, automatically.

In economic activity, useful skills can be

include computer work, calculations, business analysis, development of a business plan, calculation of the rate and mass of profit, determining taxes, drawing up a home budget, etc.

Certain skills are also necessary for business communication, independent choice of the object of labor, planning and organizing one's work, buying and selling products, setting prices, creating and popularizing advertising, etc.

The ability of a person to perform a certain economic activity or certain economic actions based on economic skills is called economic skill. For example, even a seller at the Minsk Komarovsky market, not to mention a designer, manager, etc., needs to be able to organize his workplace, your working day, determine the sequence of the upcoming work, take risks, behave thoughtfully at the auction, etc.

Repeating a certain level of economic skills and abilities is nothing but experience. You can often hear such words: an experienced economist, an experienced entrepreneur, an experienced manager, an experienced consultant, etc. Experience is gained as a result of practical activities.

This means that economic culture is manifested in the presence of functional economic literacy in a person, in knowledge of the basics of economic life not only of a family, enterprise (firm), but of the whole society as a whole.

Economic culture allows you to form such a quality of personality as economic motives of activity.

Motives are the urges of a person to a certain activity. Economic motives determine the direction of a person’s thoughts, his actions, lines of behavior, etc.

In any case, the individual is personally responsible for his own economic behavior.

To answer the question of why a person in a given situation acts in this way, one must know the motives that prompt him to such actions.

Economic motives can be personal and socially significant. Personal motives directly related to human needs. Conscious needs become the leading motive for the behavior of the individual. Awareness of rational needs is impossible without the economic culture of the subject.

Most the best way- unity, coincidence of personal and public interests. If this takes place in a given society, then the level of economic culture is considered to be the highest.

Creativity is one of the main components of economic culture. creative thinking person faster and deeper

acquires economic knowledge. On the other hand, such an employee is able to more quickly and efficiently find ways out of constantly emerging difficult economic situations.

Creativity as an essential component of economic culture accompanies the work of a person of any profession. Creative activity can manifest itself in the analysis of ways to improve working conditions and sales markets, new forms of organization and remuneration; in the improvement of the means of labor; in the economic analysis of labor results, etc.

The economic culture of any business entity should include humanistic origin. This is especially important in the field of entrepreneurship.

Culture of civilized entrepreneurship

Civilized production and entrepreneurship are moral only when they lead to the improvement of living conditions and to the self-disclosure of the talents and desires of each person.

Ideally, the economic principle of civilized entrepreneurial activity is service to man.

Entrepreneur- creator in the economy, and therefore- in the history of the country. Therefore, all the components of economic culture, as just mentioned, should be inherent in it in the first place. In addition, a modern entrepreneur needs other qualities:

ability to make economic choices- what needs to be produced in the first place and how much, so that the goods, services find their consumer, the ability to use resources efficiently, so that the produced goods are not only competitive, but also accessible to the consumer;

economic activity, which is expressed in individual independence in the decision-making process, in the organization of production, in personal responsibility for the results of their activities.

Along with civilized entrepreneurship in almost any country in one form or another, there is also the so-called "shadow economy. It has created a kind of distorted market.

Here, although entrepreneurialism is combined with the ability to establish contacts with potential counterparties and the skills to collect and use local economic and scientific and technical information (mainly through the dating system and random channels), clearly negative aspects of the economy still prevail: lack of guarantees of a business obligation; aggressiveness, rudeness and pressure on a colleague or partner, which are aggravated as a result of the desire for financial success and profit; legal nihilism leading to criminogenic situations, etc.

In a civilized market, relations between partners must be civilized, that is, mutually beneficial and safe.

Conclusions./. Economic culture is an integral part of the general culture. A civilized society without it is unthinkable. 2. Economic culture is such a "language" with which people can communicate with each other in the process of economic activity and behavior. 3. Each economic epoch has its own level and type of people's economic culture. 4. Economically cultural personality- this is a person who has modern economic knowledge, skills, experience, helping him to navigate well in the existing socio-economic relations and avoid mistakes, wrong economic actions.


"Shadow economy- an economy carried out for the purpose of profit outside the officially existing rules, norms and conditions for doing business.

Economic culture in the narrow sense of the word- a set of economic knowledge, skills, intelligence, ways and forms of communication between people in the process of their socio-economic actions and relationships.

Economically culturally developed personality- a person with a system of knowledge, skills and abilities that allows them to successfully operate in production economic sphere.

economic consciousness- a way for a person to reflect economic relations, a form of knowledge and meaningful use of the laws of economics.

A 1. What is economic culture?

2. What does it mean to be an economically cultured person?

3. What is the difference between civilized and "shadow" economies in terms of




Test your economic knowledge. What is the name of:

  • The house where money lives and works.
  • An institution that sells goods in bulk.
  • A security, a document indicating that the share of the capital and part of the profits of the company belong to you.
  • A legally permitted medium of exchange that has the property of being exchanged for any commodity.
  • Part total amount net profit of a joint stock company, distributed among the shareholders in proportion to the number of shares they have.
  • The price at which the share is sold.
  • The amount of money that a bank lends to a customer for a specific period of time.
  • Monetary expression of the value of goods, depending on the ratio of supply and demand.
  • The amount of money that the subject has lent to the bank.

10. A product that is an object of sale (teacher G. Venis)?


The higher the culture, the higher the value of labor.

V. Rosher

Time is money. B. Franklin

What matters is not the place we occupy, but the direction in which we are moving.

L. N. Tolstoy

Ponomarev LN et al. Economic culture (essence, direction of development). M., 1987.

Mishatkina T.V., Borozdina G.V. Culture of business communication: Proc. allowance / Under the total. ed. T. V. Mishatkina. Mn., 1997.

Cultural development involves the selection of a cultural standard (sample) and consists in following it as much as possible.

These standards are in the field of politics, economics, public relations etc. It depends on a person whether he chooses the path of development in accordance with the cultural standard of his era or simply adapts to life circumstances. But he cannot evade his own choice. To make the choice more conscious in such a field as economics, familiarity with economic culture will help you.

The economic culture of a society is a system of values ​​and motives for economic activity, the level and quality of economic knowledge, assessments and actions of a person, as well as the content of traditions and norms that regulate economic relations and behavior. The economic culture of the individual is an organic unity of consciousness and practical activity. It determines the creative direction of human economic activity in the process of production, distribution and consumption. The economic culture of an individual can correspond to the economic culture of society, get ahead of it, but it can also lag behind it, hinder its development.

In the structure of economic culture, the most important elements can be identified: knowledge and practical skills, economic orientation, ways of organizing activities, norms governing relations and human behavior in it.

The basis of the economic culture of the individual is consciousness, and economic knowledge is its important component. This knowledge is a set of economic ideas about production, exchange, distribution and consumption. wealth, the impact of economic life on the development of society, about the ways and forms, methods that contribute to the sustainable development of society. Modern production, economic relations require a large and constantly growing amount of knowledge from the worker. Economic knowledge forms an idea of ​​economic interrelations in the surrounding world, patterns of development of the economic life of society. On their basis, economic thinking and practical skills of economically competent, morally justified behavior, which are significant in modern conditions, develop economic qualities of the individual.

A person actively uses the accumulated knowledge in everyday activities, therefore an important component of his economic culture is economic thinking. It allows you to learn the essence of economic phenomena and processes, to operate with learned economic concepts, analyze specific economic situations. Knowledge of modern economic reality is an analysis of economic laws (for example, the operation of the laws of supply and demand), the essence of various economic phenomena (for example, the causes and consequences of inflation, unemployment, etc.), economic relations (for example, employer and employee, creditor and the borrower), links of economic life with other spheres of society.

The choice of behavioral standards in the economy, the effectiveness of solving economic problems largely depend on the socio-psychological qualities of participants in economic activity. Among them, it is necessary to single out such an important element of economic culture as the economic orientation of the individual, the components of which are the needs, interests and motives of human activity in the economic sphere. The orientation of the personality includes a social attitude and socially significant values. Thus, in the reformed Russian society, social attitudes are being formed to study
contemporary economic theory(this is required by the transition to new, market economic conditions), to active participation in the management of production (this is facilitated by the provision of economic freedom to business entities and the emergence of enterprises based on private ownership), to participate in solving various economic problems. Received its development and the system value orientations personality, including economic freedom, competition, respect for any form of ownership, commercial success as a great social achievement.

Social attitudes play an important role in the development of the economic culture of the individual. A person who, for example, has a mindset for creative work, participates in activities with great interest, supports innovative projects, introduces technical achievements, etc. A formed mindset for a formal attitude to work will not give such results. (Give examples of the manifestation of various attitudes to work known to you, compare the results of their action.) If a person has a social attitude to consume more than to produce, then he subordinates his activity only to hoarding, acquisitiveness, etc.

The economic culture of a person can be traced through the totality of his personal properties and qualities, which are a certain result of his participation in the activity. Such qualities include diligence, responsibility, prudence, the ability to rationally organize one's work, enterprise, innovation, etc. The economic qualities of a person and the norms of behavior can be both positive (thrift, discipline) and negative (waste, mismanagement, extortion, fraud ). Based on the totality of economic qualities, one can assess the level of economic culture of an individual.


Economic relations are an important manifestation of economic culture. Not only the development of production, but also the social balance in society, its stability depends on the nature of economic relations between people (relationships of property, exchange of activities and distribution of goods and services). Their content is directly related to the solution of the problem of social justice, when each person and social group gets the opportunity to enjoy social benefits depending on the social usefulness of their activity, its necessity for other people, society.

The economic interests of people act as a reflection of their economic relations. Thus, the economic interests of an entrepreneur (maximizing profit) and a hired worker (selling their labor services at a higher price and getting a higher salary) are determined by their place in the system of economic relations. (Think about how the economic interests of a doctor, scientist, farmer are determined by the content and place in existing economic relations.) Economic interest is the desire of a person to obtain the benefits he needs to provide for his life and family. Interests express ways and means of satisfying people's needs. For example, making a profit (which is the economic interest of the entrepreneur) is the way to satisfy the personal needs of a person and the needs of production. Interest is the direct cause of human actions.

The need to resolve the contradiction between the natural human desire to save own forces and the satisfaction of growing needs forced people to organize the economy in such a way that it encouraged them to work intensively and through labor to achieve an increase in their well-being. History shows us two levers of influence on people in order to achieve greater productivity (and, accordingly, greater satisfaction of their needs) - this is violence and economic interest. Age-old practice has convinced humanity that violence is not The best way economic cooperation and increasing labor productivity. At the same time, there is a need for such ways of organizing joint life that would guarantee the right of everyone to act according to their own benefit, realizing their own interests, but at the same time their actions would contribute to the growth of the well-being of everyone and not infringe on the rights of other people.

One of the ways of economic cooperation of people, the main means of struggle against human egoism has become the mechanism of the market economy. This mechanism has made it possible for humanity to put its own desire for profit into a framework that allows people to constantly cooperate with each other on mutually beneficial terms. (Remember how the invisible hand of the market works.)

In search of ways to harmonize the economic interests of the individual and society, various forms impact on people's minds: philosophical teachings, morality, art, religion. They played a big role in the formation of a special element of the economy - business ethics, which reveals the norms and rules of conduct in economic activity. These norms are an important element of economic culture, their observance facilitates the conduct of business, the cooperation of people, reducing mistrust and hostility.

If we turn to history, we will see that, for example, the Russian school of economic thought was characterized by the recognition of the priority of the common good over individual interest, the role of spiritual and moral principles in the development of initiative and entrepreneurial ethics. So, the Russian scientist-economist, professor d. i. Pikhto called the cultural and historical forces of the people one of the factors of production influencing economic development. He considered the most important of these forces to be morals and customs, morality, education, the spirit of enterprise, legislation, the state and social system of life. Academician I. I. Yanzhul, who published the book “The Economic Importance of Honesty (Forgotten Factor of Production)” in 1912, wrote in it that “none of the virtues that create the greatest wealth in the country has such of great importance, as honesty ... Therefore, all civilized states consider it their duty to ensure the existence of this virtue with the most stringent laws and require their implementation. Here of course: 1) honesty
as the fulfillment of a promise; 2) honesty as respect for someone else's property; 3) honesty as respect for other people's rights; 4) honesty as respect for existing laws and moral rules.

Today, in countries with developed market economies, the moral aspects of economic activity are given serious attention. Ethics is taught in most business schools, and many corporations adopt codes of ethics. Interest in ethics stems from the understanding of the harm that unethical, dishonest business behavior causes to society. A civilized understanding of entrepreneurial success today is also associated primarily with moral and ethical, and then with financial aspects. But what makes an entrepreneur, who seems to be interested only in making a profit, think about morality and the good of the whole society? A partial answer can be found in the American automobile manufacturer, entrepreneur H. Ford, who put the idea of ​​serving society at the forefront of entrepreneurial activity: “Doing business on the basis of pure profit is an extremely risky enterprise ... The task of an enterprise is to produce for consumption, for profit and speculation ... It is worthwhile for the people to realize that the manufacturer does not serve them, and the end of it is not far off. Favorable prospects for every entrepreneur open up when the basis of his activity is not just the desire to "make big money", but to earn it, focusing on the needs of people, and the more specific this orientation is, the more success this activity will bring.

An entrepreneur must remember that unscrupulous business will receive a corresponding reaction from society. His personal prestige, the authority of the company will fall, which, in turn, will call into question the quality of the goods and services he offers. Ultimately, his profits will be at stake. For these reasons, in a market economy, the slogan “Being honest is profitable” is becoming increasingly popular. The practice of management itself educates a person, focusing on the choice of a standard of behavior. Entrepreneurship forms such economically and morally valuable qualities of a person as responsibility, independence, prudence (the ability to navigate in an environment, correlate one’s desires with the desires of other people, goals - with the means to achieve them), high efficiency, creativity to the point, etc.

However, the social conditions that prevailed in Russia in the 1990s - economic, political, social instability, the lack of experience of economic amateur activity among the majority of the population - made it difficult to develop a civilized type of economic activity. Real moral and psychological relations in entrepreneurship and other forms of economic activity are still far from ideal today. The desire for easy money, indifference to public interests, dishonesty, promiscuity are quite often associated in the minds of Russians with the moral character of modern business people. There is reason to hope that the new generation, who grew up in conditions of economic freedom, will form new values ​​associated not only with material well-being, but also with ethical principles of activity.


The word “freedom”, already familiar to you, can be considered from different positions: the protection of a person from undesirable influence, violence; the ability to act of one's own free will and in accordance with a perceived need; availability of alternatives, possibility of choice, pluralism. What is economic freedom?

Economic freedom includes the freedom to make economic decisions, the freedom of economic action. The individual (and only he) has the right to decide which type of activity is preferable for him (employment, entrepreneurship, etc.), which form of proprietary participation seems more appropriate to him, in which area and in which region of the country he will show his activity. The basis of the market, as you know, is the principle of economic freedom. The consumer is free to choose a product, manufacturer, forms of consumption. The manufacturer is free to choose the type of activity, its scope and forms.

The market economy is often referred to as a free enterprise economy. What does the word "Free" mean? The economic freedom of an entrepreneur, according to scientists, implies that he has a certain set of rights that guarantee autonomy, independent decision-making on the search and choice of the type, form and scope of economic activity, methods of its implementation, use of the produced product and profits.

Human economic freedom has gone through an evolutionary path. Throughout history, its ebbs and flows, various aspects of human bondage in production were exposed: personal dependence, material dependence (including the debtor from the creditor), the pressure of external circumstances (crop failure, unfavorable economic situation on the market, etc.). Social development, as it were, balances between, on the one hand, greater personal freedom, but with a high degree of economic risk, on the other hand, greater economic security, but with vassalage.

Experience shows that the principle of "nothing beyond measure" applies to the ratio of different aspects of economic freedom. Otherwise, neither freedom of creativity nor guaranteed well-being is achieved. Economic freedom without the regulation of property rights by law or tradition passes into chaos, in which the right of force triumphs. At the same time, for example, a command-administrative economy that claims to be exempt from the power of chance and limits economic initiative is doomed to stagnation in development.

The boundaries within which economic freedom serves the efficiency of production are determined by specific historical circumstances. Thus, a modern market economy, as a rule, does not need systematic, brutal violence, which is its advantage. However, the restriction of market freedom for the sake of strengthening the economic situation is practiced in our time. For example, state regulation market economy often acts as a tool to accelerate its development. (Remember what methods of regulation the state uses.) The growth of production ensured in this way can become the basis for strengthening the sovereignty of the individual. After all, freedom also needs a material basis: for a hungry person, self-expression means first of all the satisfaction of hunger, and only then its other possibilities.

The economic freedom of the individual is inseparable from his social responsibility. Theorists and practitioners of economics initially drew attention to the contradiction inherent in the nature of economic activity. On the one hand, the desire for maximum profit and selfish protection of private property interests, and on the other hand, the need to take into account the interests and values ​​of society, that is, to show social responsibility.

Responsibility is a special social and moral-legal attitude of an individual to society as a whole and to other people, which is characterized by the fulfillment of one's moral duty and legal norms. The idea of ​​corporate social responsibility, for example, became widespread in the 1970s and 1980s in the United States and then in other countries. It assumes that an entrepreneur should be guided not only by personal economic interests, but also by the interests of society as a whole. Initially, social responsibility was associated primarily with the observance of laws. Then its necessary sign was the anticipation of the future. Specifically, this could be expressed in the formation of the consumer (American manufacturers set the goal of business to create "tomorrow's consumer"), providing environmental safety. Social, political stability of society, raising the level of education and culture.

The ability of participants in economic activity to consciously fulfill the moral and legal requirements of society and be responsible for their activities today immeasurably increases in connection with the breakthrough of science and technology into the deep levels of the universe (the use of intra-atomic and other energies, the discovery of molecular biology, genetic engineering). Here, every careless step can become dangerous for humanity. Remember the catastrophic consequences of man's invasion of the natural environment with the help of science.

For many years, industrial activity in most countries was characterized mainly by the unsustainable use of raw materials and a high degree of environmental pollution. There was a very widespread opinion in the world that entrepreneurship and environmental protection are incompatible. Profit was linked to merciless exploitation and destruction natural resources, and the improvement of the environmental situation led to a decrease in the income of entrepreneurs and an increase in prices for consumer goods. Therefore, it is not surprising that the reaction of business to the requirements to comply with environmental standards was often negative, and the implementation of these requirements was not voluntary (with the help of laws, administrative control). However, the strengthening of the global environmental movement, the development of the concept and principles of sustainable development contributed to a change in the attitude of entrepreneurs towards the environment. Sustainable development is the development of a society that satisfies the needs of the present generation without compromising future generations to meet their needs. An important step in this direction was the creation of the Business Council for Sustainable Development at the UN Conference on Environment and Development, which included representatives of many of the largest transnational companies in the world. These companies and individual entrepreneurs who have adopted the principles of sustainable development are effectively using improved production processes, strive to meet environmental requirements (prevention of pollution, reduction of production waste, etc.) and make the best use of market opportunities. Such companies and businessmen gain advantages over competitors who do not use new approaches to entrepreneurial activity. As world experience shows, a combination of entrepreneurial activity, economic growth and environmental safety is possible.

IN modern Russia the level of environmental consciousness in the business environment is still quite low. Thus, by mid-1995, according to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, only about 18,000 of the 800,000 registered small and medium-sized enterprises provided for environmental activities in their charters. And only 20% of them act in this direction. Improving the quality of life of Russians largely depends on how the economy and the environment will complement each other. To do this, it is necessary to combine legal and control methods with economic mechanisms and self-control of entrepreneurs, increasing their social responsibility. Using world experience, Russian entrepreneurs need to develop standards of conduct for national firms in the field of environmental protection and the transition to a sustainable development model.


Practice proves the close relationship and interdependence of economic culture and economic activity. Ways of organizing activities, the fulfillment by a person of such basic social roles as a producer, consumer, owner, influence the formation and development of all elements of economic culture. In turn, the level of economic culture of the individual undoubtedly affects the effectiveness of economic activity, the success of fulfilling social roles.

One of the most important social roles of the individual is the role of the producer. Under the conditions of the transition to a new, information-computer, technological mode of production, the worker is required not only a high level of educational and professional training, but also high morality, high level general culture. Modern labor more and more filled with creative content, which requires not so much discipline supported from the outside (boss, foreman, product controller), but self-discipline and self-control. The main controller in this case is conscience, personal responsibility and other moral qualities.

The level of development of the main elements of economic culture, in turn, determines the nature and effectiveness of economic activity. An example of this is the Japanese market economy. There, the systematic advance from selfish behavior towards behavior based on rules and concepts such as "duty", "loyalty" and "good will" proved essential to the achievement of individual and group efficiency and played an essential role in industrial progress.

in Russian society in the 1990s. the ongoing changes led to the rejection of the social and ethical values ​​that had developed under the conditions of the command-administrative system, the destruction of past experience. Creative work often began to be replaced by consumer aspirations and the struggle for survival. Comprehending the experience of the transition period shows that the liberal thinking prevailing in economic policy contributed to the development of a market economy, but at the same time caused unjustified social stratification, an increase in poverty, and a decrease in the quality of life. Many experts believe that this process of liberalization was accompanied by the formation of a new value system, where "everything is decided only by money."

This shift in values ​​confirms the fact that during the transition to the market in our country, fraud took on a large scale. This phenomenon has many faces, but at the heart of any of its varieties (theft, embezzlement, forgery, forgery of documents, fraud, etc.) is the malicious appropriation of someone else's property, regardless of the form in which it appears: money (for example, the activity of financial pyramids ), others material assets, intellectual developments, etc. In 1998 alone, about 150 thousand economic crimes were revealed in Russia. The state is forced to take measures to ensure changes in the legal and economic conditions that are favorable for business, to establish public control over the activities of economic entities within the boundaries of the “legal field”, to look for ways to protect the population from financial fraudsters, protect savings, and the very institution of private property.

The process of forming the values ​​of the new economy in Russia continues, which is illustrated by the following two polar judgments in relation to the market economy. The first of them reads: “The principle of utility destroys the conscience, dries up the moral feelings of a person. Private property binds a person to itself in such a way that it separates him from other people. The market, with its deification of economic freedom, is incompatible with true equality, and therefore the entire market society is inherently both anti-democratic and anti-people.” The second states: “Under civilized market relations, the seeming incompatibility of “interest” and “ideal”, material abundance and spirituality is overcome. It is privatized property that makes a person independent, serves as a reliable guarantor of his freedom. Market demands establish immutable standards of honesty, integrity and trust as prerequisites for the effectiveness of business relationships. Competition is a tough thing, but it's a fight by rules that are vigilantly enforced. public opinion. The secret of democracy lies above all in freedom - economic, political and intellectual. And equality in poverty inevitably leads to a crisis of public morality.” Which of the judgments is more reasonable - you decide.

The changes taking place in the country have put a person and society before a choice options development. This choice takes place not only in politics and economics, but also in the socio-cultural sphere, on which the direction of life, its value orientations, and the stability of any human community largely depend.


1 Involving in this or that practical economic activity, use economic knowledge and norms of economic culture to right choice and making decisions that are optimal for the success of your business.

2 Expand your economic horizons, follow the socio-economic changes taking place in society, which will help you fulfill your responsibilities as a citizen. As a voter, by participating in elections, you will be able to influence the economic policy of the state.

3 Determine your position in relation to such negative phenomena as the cult of profit, money, deception and embezzlement of other people's property, unfair competition.

4 Try to refuse from uncivilized forms of participation in economic life, from "playing not by the rules." When making a decision, not only weigh it on the scales of the mind, but also listen to the natural judge - conscience.

5 Cultivate economically significant qualities that will help you gain greater resilience and competitiveness: efficiency and enterprise, initiative and independence, the need to achieve success and social responsibility, creative activity.


From the work of the Russian statesman, doctor of economic sciences E. S. Stroev "State, society and reforms in Russia".

At turning points like the current one, it is extremely dangerous to stop, limit ourselves to ... a dump filled with various fragments of political, economic and former socio-cultural accumulations.

Pitirim Sorokin drew attention to this phenomenon long ago: “... Any people, society or nation that cannot create a new socio-cultural order instead of the one that has collapsed, ceases to be the leading “historical” people or nation and simply turns into “economic human material”. that will be absorbed and used by other, more creative societies and nations."

This provision is a warning for Russia and other countries within the area of ​​its interests, since now science, culture, education, morality, ideology here are increasingly reminiscent of a "historical dump" of heterogeneous, incompatible socio-cultural types, and the energy of creative transformations to some extent resides in stagnation.

Questions and tasks for the document

1. What does the author warn the Russian society about? What choice should it make and why?
2. Does Russia need a new socio-cultural order?
3. What past cultural accumulations associated with the command economy could be sent to the “historical dustbin”?
4. Based on the text of the paragraph, suggest the values ​​of the "new economy", which would become significant elements of the economic culture of the XXI century.


1. What are the main elements of economic culture?
2. What is the significance of the economic orientation and social attitudes of the individual?
3. Is self-interest the only basis for economic choice?
4. What determines a person's choice of the standard of economic behavior?
5. Should economic freedom be restricted?
6. Is a “voluntary marriage” between economy and ecology possible?
7. What is the essence and significance of economically competent and morally valuable human behavior in the economy?
8. What are the challenges facing the new economy in Russia?


1 What words do you associate with market relations in the Russian economy: anarchy, economic
efficiency, barbarism, honesty, social partnership, deceit, stability, justice, legality, profit, rationality? Illustrate with examples and justify your choice.

2. These lines are from a letter from your peer to the editorial office of the newspaper: “Only the mind, only a sober calculation - that's what you need in life. Rely only on yourself, then you will achieve everything. And believe less in the so-called feelings, which also do not exist. Rationalism, dynamism - these are the ideals of our era. What can you agree or disagree with the author of the letter?

3. “Freedom can be preserved only where it is conscious and responsibility for it is felt,” says the German philosopher of the 20th century. K. Jaspers. Can we agree with scientists? Give examples to support his idea. Name the three main, in your opinion, values ​​of a free person.

4. International experts rank Russia 149th in the world in terms of investment reliability. Thus, according to domestic experts, more than 80% of Russian businessmen believe that it is better not to break the law. But in practice, more than 90% are faced with optional partners. At the same time, only 60% of them feel guilty. How do you feel about the existence of two morals among the participants in economic relations - for yourself and for a partner? Is it possible to create in the country a system of protection and support for economic behavior that is characterized as reliable, predictable and credible? What would you suggest to do for this?

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economic culture is a set of social-economic. norms and values ​​that govern the economy. behavior.

Main economic features. culture :

1) includes those values, needs, preferences that arise from the needs of the economy and have an important (positive or negative) impact on it.

2) channels through which economic interaction is regulated. consciousness and economics. thinking.

3) focus on economic management. people's behavior.

Economic structure. highlight crops T:

1. Social economical norms (rules of conduct in the economy) formal and informal rules governing the economic. activity. They can arise as models of mass behavior and as models for establishing the laws of the state.

2. Social economical values :

1 ur. micro-level values- everything that is valuable for a person in everyday life, in everyday life (housing, clothing, food)

Level 2 organizational level values I am everything a person needs to work (relationships in a team, with superiors)

Level 3 macro-level values(for country)

3. Social economical knowledge - consist of economic consciousness (theoretical scientific knowledge) and economic. thinking (practical knowledge gained as a result of economic and economic activities).

4. Economic ideologies - an orderly view of how society should organize economic life

economy functions. culture

1) Translational There is a transfer of norms and values ​​from one generation to another.

2) Breeding - associated with the selection of values ​​and norms that are adequate in modern conditions

3) innovative manifested through the introduction of new norms and values. 1st way - borrowed, 2nd way - own invention.

4) socializing - the process of accumulation and reproduction.

Main features of a market economy. cultures:

High degree of rationality

High degree of innovation

High degree of legality

Performing discipline

Political neutrality

That. economical culture is a social mechanism, the characteristic features of which are the global manifestation and functional universality. The scope of this mechanism is from the system of norms, rules and patterns of behavior of an individual economic entity (at the micro level) to the sphere of interaction between collective and even mass entities (socioprofessional groups, strata, classes, societies) in the process of social production (at the macro level).

14. Economic behavior of entrepreneurs

Economical behavior is behavior associated with the enumeration of economic alternatives for the purpose of rational choice, i.e. the choice that maximizes cost and maximizes net benefit.

Entrepreneurship- this is an innovative modification of economic behavior, focused on residual income, inaccessible to other standard agents of the market process.

The innovative effect of entrepreneurial behavior consists of at least 3 components:

1. Unique personal qualities and abilities of individuals;

2. Market environment, saturated with a huge variety of potential and real combinations, which are a multi-alternative field of entrepreneurial choice;

3. Entrepreneurial culture, which includes a certain set of instrumental and terminal values, standards and patterns of behavior.

Functions of entrepreneurial behavior:

Permanent search for rare economic resources;

Invention of new economic resources;

Accumulation and concentration of rare resources in the ownership of individual agents of the market process with the aim of their subsequent launch into business circulation;

Protection of confidential information and other economic benefits from the encroachment of competitors;

Ensuring the stability and survival of entrepreneurial cells and structures;

Transfer of entrepreneurial culture;

Operational search for information in order to select those market sectors where the success of production is most likely.

In the system of entrepreneurial activity, there is a spectrum of division of labor, where highly professional programs (models) of entrepreneurial behavior are formed: 1) investment (organization and implementation of venture investment projects); 2) intermediary (integration of the economic interests of various agents of the market process); 3) commercial (creation of new non-standard channels for the exchange of various goods, services, information); 4) etc.

The characteristic features of the economic behavior of an entrepreneur can be represented through a certain model that expresses the most typical patterns and trends of entrepreneurial behavior.

The economic behavior of an entrepreneur is characterized by:

Vigor and initiative, which are based on legal guarantees of economic freedom, free choice of the type, forms and scope of economic activity, methods of its implementation;

Competence and intelligence; entrepreneurial activity makes it possible to fully realize the creative potential of a person, it is capable of making non-standard decisions, correctly assesses the situation with a significant lack of information;

The ability to select a “team” for oneself and lead it, to direct and organize the effective work of their colleagues, to give them the opportunity to ensure their own independence with their work; the entrepreneur subordinates his comrades with high efficiency and dynamism;

The ability to take risks; independently making a decision, the entrepreneur is financially responsible for their consequences; in all his achievements he owes only to himself; ups and downs in entrepreneurial activity are inevitable;

Striving for leadership and competition; an entrepreneur is able to lead people in the name of business and success; to achieve a result, he is ready for complete exhaustion in work;

Directions and innovations; an entrepreneur is an innovator who, in order to achieve commercial success at minimal cost, always focuses on the introduction of new equipment and technology for the organization and regulation of labor.

It is the typical characteristics of the entrepreneur as a social stratum in modern society that constitute one of the most important components of the subject area of ​​economic sociology. If we bring all these characteristics together, then we will get a social portrait of an entrepreneur that is more or less adequate to reality. In such a portrait, the following typical features of the social portrait of an entrepreneur should be embodied:

1) ownership or disposal of capital;

2) entrepreneurial spirit;

3) initiative

4) responsibility;

5) ability and willingness to take risks;

6) focus on innovation;

7) entrepreneurial spirit;

8) freedom of enterprise;

9) an irresistible desire for profit.
