The toilet seat falls what to do. The toilet staggers: a simple and quick way to fix it forever

The toilet bowl is such a familiar attribute of any housing that a person rarely pays attention to it. But sometimes you have to delve into how the device works drain tank or attaching a toilet lid. Replacing one part will cost less than buying new plumbing.

To carry out a successful change of the toilet seat cover, it is necessary to take appropriate measurements, select the desired design in the store, and dismantle the old model. Each stage has its own characteristics and difficulties. Knowing them, the replacement will be faster and will not require a call from the master. This will significantly save the family budget.

How to choose a replacement: taking measurements

Plumbing serves long years but sometimes fail individual parts. Replacing the lid is easier and cheaper than the entire toilet. But you need to choose the part so that it fits the model that is at home. Toilets only look the same, because they are made of faience or porcelain, they have a snow-white appearance. Only during the installation of the toilet lid, all the nuances of the design are noticeable.

It is necessary to measure the width of the toilet model. Behind extreme points places with the greatest distance are taken. The length is measured from the centerline point to the edge of the curb front. It is important to know the distance between the holes for attaching the cover.

Advice! If a person is far from understanding how to conduct measuring work, you can resort to tricks. A sheet of newspaper is placed on the toilet, all holes are outlined with a pencil. In the store, it is enough to show an arbitrary drawing. It is even easier to take a picture of the model on your phone and show it to the store consultant.

Variety of toilet seats

Having decided to change the seat, the owner pays attention not only to classic models, but also to improved options. There are a huge number of them.

Types of chairs according to the material of manufacture:

  • plastic - the most common due to low price, ease of care, low weight, quickly heat up from body heat, but are prone to scratches, cracks;
  • wooden - rare, but practical and comfortable, create a warm atmosphere, if the lid falls, the toilet may be damaged;
  • duroplast - a variant of plastic that has the qualities of ceramics, is resistant to impact, moisture, weak acids, contains antibacterial components, but is rather cold and expensive;
  • fabric - rather decorative option, which perfectly complements the interior, but wears out quickly, losing its attractiveness, unhygienic to use.

Manufacturers are trying to interest consumers with new products by releasing non-standard toilet seat covers with all sorts of functions. Designs in which heating is present are popular. Its installation requires connection to the mains. If the bathroom does not warm up well in winter period the purchase is well justified.

In connection with in great demand manufacturers began to supply backlit models. It does not perform a special function, but it looks beautiful - in dark room visible under the snow-white cover bluish light. There are covers made in unusual shape: guitar, piano, tiger head, chair in classical style. They are designed to diversify the interior, give it zest.

For people with handicapped chairs with handrails are produced. A person will be able to hold on to them so as not to fall. These options are also relevant for older people. There are models that come with a child seat. No matter how high-quality and beautiful it may be, the child may refuse to use it.

Advice! Manufacturers of high-quality sanitary ware and accessories for it prefer to create classic models. New items often come from China. Their quality is sometimes questionable, so you need to carefully choose seats with backlight and other functions.

Dismantling the old seat: unscrewing the bolts

It is usually easy to remove the toilet seat from the toilet. It is enough to remove the cover, bolts. Some models require additional effort and skill, as they are fixed soundly.

Actions depending on the type of bolts:

  • plastic. They have the least problems. They are easy to unscrew, so they can be attributed to quick-release. If the bolts do not give in, it is enough to cut them off with a hot knife. Remains of molten plastic can be easily removed from ceramics or faience;
  • brass. It is not difficult to unscrew them, but they can jam more often. To get them off the ground, a couple of drops of kerosene, machine oil are enough. The mount will give way;
  • steel. With them, the dismantling of the toilet seat cover will be delayed, since the steel bolts quickly become rusty from an excess of moisture. To remove them, a special penetrating lubricant is useful, which freezes rust. After 15-20 minutes, the bolts need to be rotated socket wrench. Another method is associated with the use of an electric drill, but it is extremely dangerous for the integrity of the toilet bowl. It is necessary to drill a hole in the fastening nut and try to break it. The third way is to saw off the bolts with a hacksaw. It will take a lot of effort, time, nerves. It is not always convenient to approach the structure.

If a person at least once encounters a problem rusty bolts on the toilet, he will no longer acquire a mount with them. After removing the cover, bolts and seat, you can install a new model.

Hinged connection

Attaching conventional structures is easy. You need to do all the steps in reverse order. Before this, you may need to assemble the purchased model. Usually fasteners are based on plastic, metal, metal-plastic hinges.

Plastic are more often used in budget series. In addition to the price, they have another advantage - the absence of corrosion. Metal manufacturers use in expensive structures. They last longer.

If you need to replace the toilet lid, the system can be disassembled. You don't have to take it off to do this. common mount, it is enough to remove the hinge shafts. The design depends on the manufacturer, it is better to study it according to the instructions. Often a locking pin is used at the end of the shaft. You will need to preload the pin by pulling the shaft out of the hole. There may be latches that have a lock. They must be rotated 90-180° counterclockwise. Shafts can be fixed with screws and screws.

Microlift device

Plumbing manufacturers are improving their models. There is a mechanism for lowering the lid called a microlift. It lies in the fact that the toilet closes on its own.

You need to fix the structure in much the same way as a regular model. The differences are in the hinge mechanism. If the cover has to be replaced, it will be useful to study the operation of the device.

Details that make up the microlift:

  • cylinder;
  • stock;
  • piston;
  • spring.

Breakdowns are usually associated with a malfunction of one of the listed parts. It is difficult to make repairs without experience, although sometimes the problem is hidden in the absence the right amount grease on the surface of the piston cylinders. This is due to improper operation of the mechanism, when a person tries to close the lid by force.

The design should be disassembled, try to evenly distribute the lubricant over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cylinder. Some owners decide to purchase a new seat cover. There are those who find a microlift system for a specific model.

To install a new cover, you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. Place microlifts on the pins of the patches-platforms.
  2. Place the seat cover on the floor, side up.
  3. Place microlift bushings into the holes of the ears.
  4. Left marked Latin letter L, right - R.
  5. Gaskets must be placed on top of the holes located on the rear edge of the toilet.
  6. The design, together with the microlift, is installed on the toilet bowl, the studs are inserted into the holes.
  7. Everything is fastened with nuts that are included in the kit.

There are models that are much easier to mount, just use a hex key. It is usually included in the package.

There are all kinds of seat covers on the market, which differ in the type of material, the presence of additional functions. Good toilet bowls and related products cannot be cheap. In order not to face the constant replacement of the lid and toilet seat from the toilet, you should choose a design for quality, and not external data.

When choosing a toilet bowl, one should not forget about a seat with a lid for it, this thing is not only functional, but can decorate your interior or make it interesting. Modern seats are different forms and may even have different specifications- the presence of a microlift. When choosing a seat, pay attention to the material from which it is made, today it can be plastic, plexiglass, polyacryl. Using various inclusions and patterns will allow you to turn something as simple as a toilet seat into a bathroom interior feature.

In this world, everything tends to break down, fail, lose its relevance, or simply wear out. They are no exception and just a simple device, like a toilet lid. Any person can be unbalanced by a constantly falling cover behind his back. This happens due to the fact that over time the mechanism loosens and its adjustment is disturbed, as a result of which the lid ceases to hold in a vertical position.

Adjusting the toilet seat

You can fix this problem yourself. To do this, you need to adjust the seat and then the lid will not close randomly. And you can purchase a new cover, but for this, first of all, you need to determine the size and presence of a microlift (the very mechanism that is responsible for the smooth lowering of the cover, this device is practically similar to door closer, only smaller).

Today, there are lids that are not only able to slowly lower the lid, but also raise it. If you want the microlift lid to last for a long time, try not to manually lower the lid, as this can lead to rapid wear of the closer.

You will need a screwdriver to work. After examining how the seat is attached and what condition the nuts are in, you can get to work. If you find that the nuts have become unusable over time, then you will need to remove them and replace them with new ones.

To change the closing angle of the lid, simply unscrew the nuts and slide the rubber washers. After adjusting the lid, you can tighten the nuts, check how the lid opens and holds, if the defect is eliminated, then you have completed the task. But if you see that the cover spontaneously falls, then the procedure must be repeated until you find the desired angle.

Adjustment is a simple matter. But if you decide to install a new seat, then you will have to do the same procedures, unscrew the nuts and remove the seat, install a new one in place of the old one, this is also easy. Using the nuts, pre-fix the seat by installing it as needed. After a preliminary check and finding out that everything is installed evenly and the seat cover does not spontaneously fall, you can tighten the nuts tightly.

As you can see, all the operations performed are very simple and do not require special skills and abilities, they are within the power of any man and even a woman, and there is a tool for performing them in any home. By doing any household chores on your own, you will love your home even more.

For the toilet, you must select correct lid, which is installed on its bowl. From the reliability of its fasteners depend comfortable conditions stay in this place. Regardless of which cover design is chosen, it must be free to rise and fall. How to attach the lid to the toilet?

Requirements for cover fasteners and their varieties

When buying a seat they like, some do not think about its fasteners, and it is even GOST-certified and, according to this document, must meet several requirements:
  • Mounts can be a structural part of the seat.
  • Installation of the seat to the toilet bowl is carried out with the fittings provided with it.
  • The threads on the cover fasteners must be free to unscrew without special tools.
  • The fixing bolts must be rated for 25,000 lid opening and closing cycles.
  • The fittings should not interfere with the free rotation of the lid circle.
  • The mount can be made from any polymer material: polypropylene, polyethylene, polyurethane.

When choosing between plastic and metal fastening of the cover, the first variety should be preferred, since it facilitates installation, although steel fasteners are more reliable.

Now you can buy two types of fasteners:
  • With a shelf. To fix the lid, holes are used through which the fasteners of the tank pass. In this case, separate fasteners are not needed.
  • Without shelf. To fix the seat, the holes in the toilet bowl are used, the fittings for this are included in the kit.

How to attach a lid to a toilet?

The process of mounting the lid on the old toilet begins with the dismantling of the seat previously installed on it:

Removing the old cover

Before carrying out this process, you need to prepare a tool that is selected depending on the material of the bolts:

  • Plastic products you can simply cut it with a sharp knife, only its blade needs to be heated over an open fire. If the rest of the melted plastic gets on the toilet, it's okay - they are easily scraped off in a frozen state.
  • Bolts made of brass and other non-ferrous materials are removed quickly, if the nut on them does not unscrew, then you can moisten it with kerosene or kerosene grease.
  • Steel bolts dismantling is the most difficult, since rust can form on them after prolonged contact with moisture, due to which they are difficult to unwind. You can use a grinder and cut off their heads or use a hacksaw, but in this case, in order not to accidentally hit the toilet, put plywood or thick paper under the cut.

Installing a new seat

The selected seat is first applied to the toilet, if this is an option with built-in fittings, then you can immediately check the symmetry of its bolts relative to the holes in the bowl of the plumbing fixture. If the fittings come separately, then you need to combine the ears of the cover with the places for fasteners on the toilet and insert the fixing bolts into them.

The lid moves as far forward as possible. Having chosen its convenient location, you can begin to fix the bolts on the threads of which the nuts are screwed. After installation, it is necessary to check the fasteners by moving the cover slightly from side to side - it should remain in place and not move out.

The process of installing a toilet seat with your own hands is presented in the video:

Installation of a toilet lid with a microlift

The "Microlift" function guarantees a smooth lowering of the lid, due to which the product can work properly for several years. Such seats are made of quality materials, but this is reflected in the cost of the product.

Installation of such a device is also made in two holes in the toilet bowl. The process is similar to installing a standard lid, just make sure the seat is snug and soft against the toilet. If this is not achieved right away, then you need to adjust.

With a long-term use of an incorrectly installed cover with a microlift, its breakdown cannot be avoided, and this is tantamount to buying a new device.

The cover position is adjusted by screwing the adjusting cups onto the fixing bolt. Ultimately, the nuts holding the seat should be tight.

The seat fastener with a microlift is shown in the video:

When using the cover model with a microlift, it must be remembered that forced manual lowering of it can lead to product breakage.

In order to fix a wobbly toilet in 15 minutes, you will need:

  • Chinese cabbage and bean salad - an easy and quick recipe for dinner
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    • transparent sanitary silicone sealant, it is sold in any economic or hardware store. If you do not have a special gun, buy this sealant in a regular tube. Applying it from a tube is not so convenient, but it will not affect the result in any way;
    • Gun for adhesives and sealant 330 ml. (not necessary);
    • Scraper to remove excess sealant. If it is not there, you can adapt the cardboard for these purposes by cutting out a convenient piece;
    • 2-3 household disposable towels, can be replaced with napkins or rags;
    • Approximately 100 grams of vodka or alcohol;

    The toilet is staggering: instructions for fixing

    1. Wipe or mop the floor around the toilet so there is no dirt or debris.

    2. Take a disposable towel, soak it with plenty of vodka or alcohol and wipe the joint of the toilet with the floor well:

    3. Take the sealant and gently pour it into the gap between the toilet and the floor around the entire perimeter. The most important thing is that the sealant fills the entire gap. If it doesn’t work out very carefully, don’t worry, excess sealant can be removed with a disposable towel until it dries:

    4. Remove excess sealant with a special scraper (or any improvised means):

    Wipe the sealant off the floor with a disposable towel if spilled or smeared during application.

    5. It should look like this:

    It’s not scary if it doesn’t turn out quite evenly, the sealant will smooth out the bumps when it dries.

    6. Do not use the toilet for 2-3 hours to allow the sealant to dry well. This is what the end result looks like:

    The toilet is now firmly fixed and will never wobble again.

    If you have any questions or need clarification - please ask a question or leave a comment.
