What tile to choose for the bathroom. Ceramic tiles: how to choose the cladding for the bathroom and toilet

Ceramic tile for the bathroom is the best solution. Almost always, when it comes to the material for finishing the bathroom, preference is given to tiles. But few people know how to choose and lay it correctly. After all, every business has its own subtleties and nuances, and the choice of tiles for the bathroom is no exception.

Main characteristics of bathroom tiles

The main advantage of ceramic tiles is its practicality. It is easy to work with it, it is not afraid of high humidity, it is easy to restore the tile to its original form, having cleaned it of all contaminants.

In addition, such material can be used in almost any conditions. It withstands high temperature fluctuations, and the widest range of colors and sizes of ceramic tiles will allow you to choose the right option for any interior.

But how exactly to choose finishing materials that would not only fit into the interior, but also be able to serve for a long time and reliably? To do this, you need to know a few details.

High quality tiles will be safe for others, as it has sufficient environmental friendliness. When choosing a tile, you need to pay special attention to cracks and splits.

If there are any, the tiles are of poor quality. For high-quality tiles, scratches and bumps are allowed only if this is a design decision.

One of the most important tasks when decorating a bathroom is to correctly calculate the number of tiles needed for work. It should be enough to provide a quality result, but not too much so as not to make unnecessary expenses or litter the free space with the remnants of finishing work.

It is recommended to increase the number of purchased tiles by 5-7 percent in order to insure against accidental damage to the material during operation. An electronic calculator will help you calculate the optimal number of bathroom tiles. It can be found on most construction sites.

To calculate tiles, such calculators use data on the height and length of the wall, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the length and height of windows, doors, bathrooms, and the dimensions of the tile itself.

The output will be the number of tiles required for work. But such calculations will not work if you use complex solutions for decorating the room. For example, a mosaic.

Recently, more and more often mosaics are used to decorate the bathroom. Basically, this is done to give the Greek style, but with the help of a mosaic, you can lay out any other pattern.

If you have made a choice in favor of such a finishing material, it is better to contact a specialist. Independent attempts to work with this material often lead to problems and additional costs for rework.

Mosaic is a very specific type of finish that should not be chosen if it is not possible to invite an experienced master of this kind. When choosing glue for work, it is recommended to pay attention to the advice of the tile manufacturer.

After all, it is the manufacturer who will tell you the option that is best suited for the selected tile. This means that their products will last longer and be more reliable.

The color and size of the tiles for the bathroom is already selected based on personal preferences. Although, do not forget about the generally accepted design rules, and remember that an unsuccessfully chosen color or size of a tile can lead to discomfort while taking a bath.

For example, a light top and a dark bottom will visually reduce the size of the bathroom. The same effect is achieved by large slabs on the floor.

If you want to visually expand the bathroom, designers advise a combination of vertical stripes and small tiles on the floor.

Today, hardware stores offer a huge selection of different types of bathroom tiles. These are ceramic, floor, wall, etc..

But for whatever purpose ceramic tiles for the bathroom would not be bought, it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality certificate. Only then can you be sure of the reliability and durability of the selected material.

The right choice of ceramic tiles for the bathroom

Ceramic tile is a fairly durable and beautiful material that will serve you for a long time. In addition, it is not whimsical in cleaning, and its main advantage is the price.

You can buy ceramic tiles at any hardware store. Today, all hardware stores have a fairly wide range and ceramic tiles are no exception.

In addition, specialists in the store can advise you and help you choose. But still, before going to the store, we advise you to read our article and take into account a few important points that will help you make the right choice.

What should be guided by when choosing ceramic tiles for the bathroom?

1. Decide for what period you are going to buy the material.
Are you doing repairs for a long time? Then do not try to save on material!

Remember the fact that in the manufacture of a cheap version of the tile, cheap material is most often used. In appearance, it is less durable and does not respond well to sudden changes in temperature and humidity.

A better quality tile is another matter, it is clear that its price will be an order of magnitude higher, but you will still win. After all, it will last you longer and, among other things, it will have a coating that repels dirt.

This will greatly simplify your care for this species.

2. Check with the manufacturer.
Italian tile is considered to be the highest quality bathroom tile. This is the best manufacturer in the world and has no analogues.

It is clear that this is not the cheapest tile that is presented on the modern market, but it pays for its price. After all, this is not just a European quality - it is quality, practicality, beauty and durability all rolled into one.

Of course, many will not throw money away and try to get a cheap option, then remember that if you search well, you can get a great option and at affordable prices.

3. The third step to think about is decorating.
Take it seriously. After selecting a picture, you can not change it.

Think about everything: what kind of pattern do you want: discreet or vice versa; what tone: stylish and contrasting or more gentle and calm.

All this is very important in choosing ceramic tiles, because the bathroom should give you joy and pleasure, not sadness and irritation.

4. If you decide to buy tiles in a store, be sure to check all packages and make sure that all tiles are the same color. This is also important. After all, often in stores one type of tile is presented in different colors.

Imagine how unpleasant it will be for you if you arrive home and it turns out that you brought different shades. It is clear that you will replace it, but at the same time waste your time.

5. Calculate the right amount of ceramic tiles. It's not hard. To do this, you need to calculate how many square meters in the bathroom you will cover with ceramic tiles.

You have figured out how many tiles you need, but do not take it back to back, it is better to take it with a margin. Approximately another 5% of the required amount.
Considering all the above points, it will be easier for you to make your choice.

But do not forget that in addition to tiles, you will need other materials:

  1. Glue for tiles. It must be calculated individually. It all depends on the dimensions specified by the manufacturer. You can get acquainted with them on the packaging of the glue.
  2. Don't forget to also get gap crosses, puffer, latex grout additive, glue spatula. Be sure to take with a wide gap, this will allow the glue to lie down evenly.
  3. Rubber hammer, it is useful for laying tiles.
  4. And do not forget the main thing - a tile cutter and a glass cutter for tiles.

Choosing ceramic tiles for bathrooms is not an easy task. I want to make it beautiful, reliable and safe. Moreover, it is desirable that the tile last until the next repair. However, the main difficulty of the task is that you rarely have to choose, and therefore you have to figure it out from scratch every time. We have tried to bring together in one article all the information that will help you choose ceramic tiles for the bathroom and toilet.

You should not rely solely on your own taste in this matter. Try to approach the issue objectively. Objective factors, such as the size of the room, will help you choose the right color for bathroom tiles. If the room is small, then you should abandon the dark tones. Light shades will make the room visually larger and help solve the problem with a lack of light. Now in vogue compositions performed in beige and sandy shades, pastel colors. They are ideally combined with the white color characteristic of sanitary ware and furniture in bathrooms.

It is allowed to use bright colors, fruit shades and a sunny palette. Juicy green, crimson and various variations of red and orange. The popularity of marine themes, dominated by azure and turquoise colors, does not decrease.

If you need to choose a tile for a large bathroom, then it is extremely difficult to choose a black tile with gold combination. This option makes the room richer and brighter, but eats up a significant part of the size and few people can afford to adequately use this design option.

The main countries producing bathroom and toilet tiles in the Russian market

The widest choice of ceramic tiles from manufacturers from all over the world is available for Russian buyers, however, the following countries occupy a significant part of the market:

  • Russia is a fairly budget option, which at the same time can boast of good quality. If you liked the design, then, for example, the Kirov Stroyfarforovy Plant and the Ural Ceramic Plant will not disappoint you with their quality.
  • Belarus is the main supplier of bathroom and toilet tiles from Belarus "Keramin". Adequate cost of products, decent quality. There are certain questions about the design, but the line of the Belarusian manufacturer also has noteworthy options. You can also pay attention to the products of "Berezokeramika"
  • Spain - there are official Pamesa Ceramica dealers in Russia. Not the cheapest option, but it has great quality and variety that will satisfy the most picky buyers.
  • Italy - products of Polcolorit, Cerrol and many other Italian brands are presented on the Russian market, both expensive and budget options.
  • Poland - we recommend paying close attention to the products of Polish companies. Italian designers, European technologies and reasonable prices. The products of Opoczno and other Polish manufacturers are often superior in quality to Russian and Belarusian counterparts, while not significantly differing in price.

Which brand of tiles to choose? Our practice shows that the majority of serious manufacturers adhere to production standards and provide their customers with ceramic tiles of decent quality. Therefore, when choosing, be guided by your taste and technical characteristics.


In Europe, ceramic tiles for bathrooms have three grades of quality:

  • the first grade - is marked in red and is the best solution for the bathroom and toilet;
  • second grade - blue, may have minor flaws;
  • the third grade is green, it can have a more serious marriage.

Mechanical characteristics

Relatively speaking, this is the strength of ceramic tiles under load. There are only three such values:

  • limit value of the load when working in bending;
  • ultimate strength under compressive load;
  • surface hardness (wear resistance).

The first two characteristics on the package do not appear and are checked in the laboratory, they must comply with the requirements of GOST and are of no particular importance to the consumer. Extremely wear resistance is important here - this is a key characteristic when choosing ceramic tiles for the floor, because. it is she who characterizes the ability of the front part to resist the appearance of scratches and abrasive effects. It must be indicated on the packaging, either on the Mohs scale in Arabic numerals from 1 to 10 (the strongest), or the P.E.I. scale: I, II, III, IV and V (the strongest).

physical characteristics

Tile porosity

An important characteristic when choosing tiles for the bathroom and toilet. It is very convenient to make warm floors in bathrooms and tiles with lower porosity coefficients are better suited for them, because. it has better thermal conductivity. If warm floors are not planned, then it is better to take average porosity indicators, then the tile will not be so cold. It is also worth considering that unglazed tiles with low porosity are resistant to dirt and stains.

In Russia, the following system of designations for the porosity coefficient is adopted, from A (minimum) and further alphabetically - B, C, etc.

Thermal conductivity of tiles

You will not find this characteristic on the box, so you need to focus solely on the porosity coefficient.

Water absorption of finishing tiles

In fact, this characteristic is not the key when choosing tiles for a bathroom or toilet. For interior decoration, any of the four groups is suitable. Therefore, we present the data solely for your understanding of the characteristics displayed on the packaging:

group I - less than 3%, it can be used anywhere, up to pool lining and exterior decoration;

group IIa - (3 - 6)%;

group IIb - (6 - 10)%;

group III - more than 10%, unsuitable for outdoor finishing work.

Chemical characteristics of tiles

There are 5 classes of resistance of the front surface of ceramic tiles to chemicals. AA - the most resistant, A - stable, B - average loss in quality, C - partial loss, D - not resistant.

This important characteristic is also necessarily displayed on the packaging. Which class to choose for your bathrooms? You decide based on your favorite detergents.

Ceramic tile safety

The main characteristics of safety tiles:

  • antistatic;
  • fire safety;
  • dielectric properties;
  • coefficient of friction of the front part of the surface (R).

It is R that is the key characteristic when choosing bathroom floor tiles. This coefficient is responsible for the safety of movement on the floor. International standards divide tiles into four categories:

  • dangerous from 0 to 0.19;
  • not very dangerous from 0.2 to 0.39;
  • satisfactory level from 0.4 to 0.74;
  • safe tiles from 0.75.

What should be the tiles in the bathroom and toilet?

To sum up and answer the same question of how to choose tiles for the bathroom and toilet:

  1. For the floor it is necessary to use ceramic tiles with a footprint icon, for walls - palms.
  2. Glossy tiles get dirty faster and wash faster. Matte is the opposite.
  3. The coefficient of friction of the front part of the surface (R) for bathrooms is better to take above 0.75 and never less than 0.4.
  4. If there is a warm floor on the floor in the bathroom or toilet, then the porosity coefficient should be minimal (A, according to the Russian standard), if there is no warm floor, then vice versa.
  5. Abrasion resistance for bathrooms of private houses and apartments is not important, the load on the tiles is minimal.
  6. Water absorption is not important, unless, of course, you tend to cool your bathrooms to freezing temperatures
  7. Chemical resistance - knowing the passion of Russians for aggressive chemistry, it is better to play it safe and choose between AA and A
  8. Color - for small rooms, these are light or bright colors, for large bathrooms, you can stop at more expensive, dark colors.
  9. Manufacturers - the key difference in this case is the appearance, so you should rely on your taste. The gap in quality between the middle and high price segments is practically not noticeable.

Everyone knows that tiles are most often used for finishing the bathroom. This is due to its properties, as it is ideal for conditions of high humidity and temperature changes that are observed in this room. Moreover, the variety of colors and textures allows you to find a tile for every taste, for any interior and style.

But how, with such a variety of types and manufacturers, how to understand which tile is better to choose for finishing the bathroom? Let's try to understand this issue.

Deciding on a color

The color scheme, of course, depends on your preferences. There are many original combinations, thanks to which the room will turn out stylish and bright.

White coatings are usually used in laconic, calm interiors in cool colors. This decor refreshes the space, it goes well with any other shades.

In addition, traces of mechanical impurities are less visible on white surfaces, and with their help you can expand the boundaries of the bathroom.

If you want to get a more calm and gentle interior, opt for beige or pastel shades. Beige color serves as an impeccable backdrop for plumbing, it does not bother and always looks trendy.

Tones such as cornflower blue, lavender, pale pink, vanilla, tangerine, light green emphasize your ability to create a unique romantic atmosphere. They can be safely combined with each other, and not be afraid that the room will turn out to be overloaded.

The red color makes it possible to enjoy a dynamic and intriguing decor. It can act as an independent design solution, or set off more calm tones. In any case, using it you will get a far from everyday and memorable design.

Here you can also apply the effect of "degrade" with the transition of several shades into each other. Thanks to this design, the room “loses” corners, it turns out incredibly cozy and cute.

Dark shades are a solution for bold and adventurous users. Of course they look amazing. Especially if you choose non-standard options: cobalt, plum, burgundy, malachite, olive or slate.

The black bathroom will also not go unnoticed. It envelops the space with its depth, making all pieces of furniture, sanitary ware and decorative elements look more expressive.

This room looks simply luxurious in black tiles, which are complemented by metal elements. For example, a bathroom with wrought iron legs or an oval mirror in a complex frame.

The only disadvantage in using dark tiles is that any pollution is more visible on it. Therefore, it will take a little more effort from you to keep it clean and attractive.

Size matters

To date, the range of bathroom tiles is amazingly large. Therefore, it will not be difficult for you to choose one that will balance the space with its size and make it neat.

Small square tiles are suitable for a small bathroom. It can be plain or colored, the main thing is not to overdo it with the number of shades, otherwise the room will turn out to be too catchy.

A tile of this size, laid out in a pattern of rhombuses, looks very impressive. It will add sophistication and sophistication to the room.

Large tiles are usually used for flooring. It is laid in a strict graphic pattern: straight or diagonal.

For walls, it can be used exclusively in spacious rooms or decorate only one wall with it. By the way, it is the combination of tiles of several sizes that is one of the most fashionable and advantageous in recent times.

Matte or glossy?

Traditionally, it is believed that glossy surfaces are more suitable for small spaces. They reflect well the light and all the objects in the room. Thanks to this, the space visually expands and becomes lighter.

Glossy tiles look more elegant, but you should not use them for decorating walls and ceilings. It is better to choose one of these planes for this.

Speaking of a stylistic decision, gloss is suitable for such trends as art deco, baroque and classicism. It adds luxury and shine to the interior, especially in combination with metal decorative elements.

Matte tiles look noble and restrained. It is used in more spacious bathrooms and complemented by a multi-level lighting system.

Matte looks great in a space that has a lot of mirrors or furniture with glossy fronts. In this case, it is better to opt for light coatings, since traces of smudges and dust pollution will be too noticeable on dark ones.

In this design, the bathroom is very cozy and aristocratic. It has a pleasant pastime and complete relaxation.

Which tile is better to choose for the bathroom of your dreams, you can evaluate from the photo. Just look for images with rooms that resemble yours in terms of layout, and you are sure to find an interior that will interest and inspire you.

Tile "metro", or "boar"

The boar tile is a small rectangular tile resembling a brick. It is widely used not only for decorating the bathroom, but also for the kitchen. All because it looks very advantageous in a room of any size.

The length of one "metro" tile can reach 12-30 cm, in width - 6-10 cm. It is installed horizontally, at a right angle and at the same distance from each other.

One of the features of this coating is the presence of a beveled end edge. Due to it, the wall covered with this type of tile turns out to be voluminous and textured. To emphasize this effect, contrasting grout is often used.

Among stylistic preferences, designers recommend using it for art deco, Scandinavian style, as well as for loft and retro industrial trends.

It looks very unusual in white. But most often, in connection with the issue of functionality, they choose options in gray, gray and jade shades.

"Boar" has not lost its relevance for almost a hundred years, so by and large you can use it in any interior, especially if you want to get an eclectic space.

The combination of black and white in the interior

Contrasting combinations always fill the interior with bright colors. They greatly complicate the space, so they are best used in large rooms.

One of the leading "duets" in this case is the contrast of black and white. It is suitable for any style, allows you to create absolutely, which does not need to be supplemented.

Starting from such a traditional combination, you can experiment and pick up something more extraordinary. For example, pearl and wine, gray and purple, milky and blue.

Contrasting tiles can be laid out in straight lines resembling a chessboard. Often it is laid diagonally. In addition, you can create some completely unexpected pattern. For example, lay out three light tiles in a row, and then one dark one, etc. The number of such variations can be infinite. The main thing is to give scope to your imagination.

Textured bathroom tiles

Textured tile is a stunning accessory that adds variety and personality to decor. Its surface can serve as an imitation of brickwork, metal, cracked stone, quartz sand, or some other natural or artificial material.

It can cover all the walls, or use only a few tiles that will be found among plain surfaces. With its help, you can radically change the mood of the room, especially if it is required in connection with a stylistic decision.

For example, a loft-style bathroom would look incredible with a wall tiled with antique-look metal tiles. While the English style will become even more expressive with a coating that imitates wooden surfaces.

To draw the most attention to the textured tile, it must be mounted on the central wall opposite which the door is located. Thus, using it, you can maintain the natural proportions of the room.

What to look for when choosing a tile?

Bathroom tile should be as durable and practical as possible so that it is not difficult to care for it. Modern manufacturers provide the market with products that meet these parameters.

What else do you need to pay attention to before buying directly?

  • The tile will be constantly exposed to high temperatures and steam. In the event that it is made of toxic materials, in such conditions it will begin to release substances that are unsafe for health. Therefore, be sure to check with the seller the composition of the material for the tile and its coating.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage. On a quality coating should not remain any scratches or cracks. To clean this room, abrasive substances are often used, with the help of which plaque is eliminated. The tile must endure such exposure without consequences, otherwise it will quickly lose its original appearance.
  • The optimal number of tiles. The consumption of this material is calculated taking into account the total surface area and the presence of doors and windows. After that, it is advisable to add another 5-7% to this volume in order to insure yourself in case of unforeseen circumstances. If you want to decorate the walls with mosaics, the number of tiles may vary. In this case, it is better to seek the advice of a specialist.
  • Materials for fastening and processing seams. Usually the tiles are attached with a special adhesive. The joints are treated with special solutions that provide a flat surface and protect the tile from chipping. It is thanks to them that the design turns out to be holistic. Therefore, the quality of these materials should also be given enough attention.

When choosing a tile, there are several key parameters to consider. Starting from the size of the room, ending with the lighting system and a variety of accessories. It will serve as a backdrop for the entire filling of the bathroom, so its choice should be taken as responsibly as possible. We think that thanks to the posted photos, now you have an understanding of which particular tile is better to choose for your new bathroom.

What tile to choose for the bathroom? This question often becomes the cause of many days of painful reflection, accompanied by trips to building supermarkets and the purchase of fashion design magazines. Meanwhile, among the variety of colors, sizes and textures of the tiled surface that the modern construction market offers us, you can easily get lost. And then the choice of tiles is delayed for many weeks, or even months. Let's try to shorten this process by understanding the basic rules for choosing tiles and their impact on bathroom design.

Attention to consumer qualities

Tiled material can be intended for both wall and floor decoration. Or be produced immediately in a kit (collection) along with auxiliary accessories. In this case, the style is made in one color scheme, a characteristic pattern and a specific theme.

In general terms, the material for the bathroom must meet the following consumer requirements:

  • the correctness of the geometric shape and compliance with the dimensions indicated on the package;
  • integrity of the material: fragments should not be cracked, with chips and foreign inclusions;
  • indelible surface stability;
  • resistance to changes in air temperature;
  • non-susceptibility to mechanical damage (should not be scratched);
  • have moisture resistance;
  • not be destroyed by water under the influence of cleaning chemicals;
  • do not lose the quality of color shades, lines of patterns;
  • durability of use;
  • have an anti-slip effect.

By the way, in order to find out whether the soles will slide on the floor, it is not necessary to wait for the lining to finish. It is enough to drop water on the tiled surface and check with your finger to the touch how easily it slides over it.

Cladding tiles differ in their characteristics from standard flooring. It should be easy to cut to give various shapes to the structure of the floor or walls and fit well in bends. The best option is considered if the water absorption of the material is 20%. Enamel on ceramic coating gives shine and protects the surface from destruction, resists detergents. In places of maximum wall contact with water, where tile joints are considered a weak point, it is best to choose large glazed ceramic tiles with a thickness (according to the standard) of 6–9 mm.

You can choose a suitable facing material in online stores. The tile catalog presents various collections and design options.

Choosing a color scheme

The color of the tile affects the overall impression of the bathroom. It should not be too bright, annoying and pressing on the eyes. The main thing is that the bathroom should be comfortable, a special mood is created - the right color will successfully cope with this:

  • White tile in the bathroom is a neutral classic that some people find too boring. However, this color is the best thing you can think of to expand a small space. Moreover, white tiles can be combined with any other shade, creating a variety of wall compositions. The only thing to avoid is a pure white, cold color that evokes persistent associations with hospital walls. There are many other variations: ivory, ice cream, baked milk, etc.;
  • Blue or green tiles - creates a feeling of coolness, freshness, energizes;
  • Coffee, beige, "woody" shades - soothe, give the bathroom coziness, warmth;
  • Juicy shades of turquoise, gold, red - are used mainly to create accent motifs. A bathroom completely tiled with too bright tiles will cause emotional stress;
  • Black tiles - reduces space, acts depressingly. If there is no window in the bathroom, then dark cladding will greatly enhance the feeling of a closed, “pressing” space. In addition, dirt is especially visible on black tiles: traces of water, varnish, detergents.

White tile in this bathroom doesn't look boring. Light green inserts on a white background remind you of the purity of a spring morning, charge you with freshness

Tile size and its role in design

Which tile is better for the bathroom: small or large? In large bathrooms, the size of the tiles will not play a special role. Mosaic facings, large tiles, and even ceramic panels laid out on the entire wall will fit perfectly here. You can combine tiles of different textures and colors, create three-dimensional drawings, highlight individual zones - full scope for imagination.

Mosaic somewhat narrows the space, makes a large bathroom more comfortable.

In a small bathroom, the choice of tile size should be taken more seriously. One would think that in this case it is ideal to select a mosaic. But it's not. Small tiles are able to visually correct the space "for themselves", that is, significantly reduce it. The same is done by a small, but often repeated motley pattern. Using it in a small space is a big mistake.

Large tiles for a small bathroom, especially with seams contrasting with the main color, will break the walls into several large geometric shapes (squares or rectangles). Very bad. In this scenario, a small bathroom will seem quite miserable.

In a small bathroom, designers recommend laying medium-sized tiles on the walls and floor. If it is square, then with sides of 20x20 cm, if it is rectangular, then 20x30 cm. By the way, you can experiment with rectangular, elongated tiles. Horizontal laying of such tiles will stretch the walls to the sides, that is, expand the space, and vertical laying will raise the level of low ceilings. You can increase the floor space with a square or rectangular tile if you lay it diagonally.

This small bathroom uses 2 design tricks. Rectangular tiles on the walls are laid out vertically, which visually increases the height of the ceilings. Diagonal tiling on the floor acts in the other direction: it expands the floor space

Style orientation

We have come to the most important and difficult issue - the choice of tile design. Without impeccable taste and imagination, it is difficult to come up with your own version of the cladding style solution and decide which tile is best for the bathroom. Therefore, when cladding, it is better to adhere to existing schemes that are implemented by many interior designers.

Classic - universal solution

The simplest option that always looks stylish. At the same time, the upper part of the wall is finished with light tiles, and the lower part is darker. The transition zone is emphasized with a border - a narrow rectangular tile with a pattern. In a classic design, the color of the floor should be dark, ideally matching the color of the bottom of the walls. If you move away from these principles and make the floor light, then the style of the bathroom will turn out to be more contrasting, the visual “depth” of the room will increase.

White top, dark bottom - classic tile design

Natural motives

For a bathroom in a natural style, tiles of green, blue, beige, warm "woody" shades are suitable. If the main tile is plain, several elements with a pattern on a marine or natural theme are selected for her company. It can be both full-fledged tiles (4-5 per wall is enough), and a border.

Tiles with a "bamboo" pattern on a background of different shades of green

In a large bathroom, you can truly convey the atmosphere of a sea beach, a flowering meadow, a desert oasis, if the entire wall is lined with a mosaic or tile panel with a suitable pattern. To implement this solution, 3D tiles are especially effective, which create an incredibly believable feeling that the walls do not exist in the room. Imagine: around you in the bathroom you see not flat walls, but a three-dimensional sea coast that goes deep and disappears beyond the horizon. Miracles, and more!

3D effect tiles create the effect of the presence of marine life

East is a delicate matter

Oriental style is always bright, colorful and outstanding. In the store you can pick up tiles with oriental ornaments: Turkish cucumbers, exotic flowers, birds, hieroglyphs, Damascus. All this is done in bright, saturated colors. Colors - gold, bright blue, juicy green, turquoise, yellow, red. The oriental style will be especially accurately conveyed by a bright mosaic, which can be tiled not only on walls and ceilings, but also on sanitary equipment: a bathtub, a washstand, a bidet.

Traditional oriental style with an abundance of colors and bright motifs is more suitable for large rooms. However, if you have a small bathroom, you should not completely abandon this solution. Try to muffle the colors a little, choose a less extreme and large drawing. As a last resort, let the main cladding be plain in a calm color, and let the border be primordially oriental, with traditional Turkish cucumbers.

Oriental style is always bright, saturated with deep colors and shades.

Mirror reflection in tiles

For lovers of everything extraordinary, we can advise you to purchase mirror tiles. It can lay out the entire wall and visually enlarge the bathroom by 2 times! Or act less radically and make mirror inserts between ordinary ceramic tiles. Such "additions" are quite capable of replacing a real mirror.

If the bathroom is small, then with the help of mirror inserts you can create the illusion of depth of space. To do this, it is enough to lay them diagonally on the floor and walls. Another way to visually “raise” the ceilings is to lay out mirror tiles on the ceiling.

A row of mirror tiles on the walls of the bathroom expands the space, creates the illusion of a niche.

Matte, glossy or textured

Most often on sale you can find glossy tiles. It is easy to care for and reflects light beautifully. However, dark glossy tiles in bright electric light can produce strong glare that irritates the eyes. These glare, of course, are reflected from light tiles, but they are not as contrasting and therefore almost invisible.

Our eyes perceive matte tiles as calmer. With exactly the same color, glossy tiles always seem brighter. Since matte tiles are a little rough, they are especially recommended for use on floors.

Tiles "under the tree" also looks great in the bathroom

Another option is a textured tile that imitates pebbles, snake scales, leather, cracked stone, air bubbles, wooden plates, metal. Such a tile with incredible plausibility conveys the surface of another material. If it is metal, then it can be covered with artificial rust, patina, scuffs.

Reasonable savings - we calculate the quantity

Having chosen the tile you like, you should decide on the required quantity. For this you need to know:

  • The total area to be covered. It consists of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls and the floor. Moreover, this does not include the doorway, so its dimensions are excluded from the calculations.
  • The dimensions of the selected tile covering (tiles) and determine how many square meters per unit. This will make it possible to clarify how many such tiled units are in 1 m 2.
  • Knowing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom and the number of tiles per unit area, it is easy to determine by multiplying the total number of tiles.
  • We should not forget about the inevitable battle, non-standard cuts and pieces. This increases the calculated amount for flooring by another 12%, and for wall covering by 10%.
  • You should not buy goods in parts. In the case of a second purchase, such a color scheme may no longer exist, because. different batches differ in color;
  • The phrase “the economy should be economical” does not matter to the tile: having saved on it, you will have to overpay twice for frequent repairs and replacement of low-quality coating;
  • Make a purchase only from trusted manufacturers or official shopping centers with all documentation and warranty obligations.

When deciding which tile to choose for the bathroom, pay attention to all the subtleties. On color, size, texture, style decision. Modern tiles can create any mood in the bathroom. You just have to take advantage of this opportunity and make your dream bathroom renovation!

The bathroom becomes not only functional, but also a beautiful, fashionable room in a modern apartment. This is a place to relax and unwind after a busy day at work. That is why the design of the bathroom should be unobtrusive, harmonious, cozy. As a rule, tiles or porcelain stoneware are used to finish a modern bathroom. And the choice of this finishing material depends on what your bathroom will end up with.

If you don’t know what style to decorate your bathroom in, what tile to choose for this, how to think about a combination of colors, then read this article. In it, we will see the latest trends in bathroom design, current color and stylistic solutions, popular finishing materials 2017-2018.

Bathroom decor with tiles: the latest trends and design novelties 2017 - 2018

Recently, minimalist urban and stylish light Scandinavian design has been rapidly gaining popularity. These two trends in interior design have won the hearts of many owners of modern homes. The loft is gradually moving from cafe interiors to our homes, and the discreet Scandinavian style imposed by IKEA catalogs is increasingly being chosen by designers to decorate modern kitchens and bathrooms. Both directions are distinguished by their conciseness and practicality.

Popular styles

If you have a small bathroom, then it is better to resort to decorating it in a light Scandinavian style. To do this, you will need either a white tile or a very light one. The floor can be decorated in black and white colors. To do this, choose a mosaic, a hexagonal tile or a beautiful tile with an interesting black and white ornament. Often, in the design of a Scandinavian-style bathroom, they use rectangular white tiles that imitate brickwork, and, in dry areas, they do not put it on the entire wall, but end it in the middle of the wall, decorating the end with a beautiful border. The rest of the wall can be painted light blue, purple, grey, turquoise or whatever color you like.

If you have a large bathroom, then you can decorate it in an urban style. As a rule, the creation of such an interior requires walls imitating “bare” concrete, but you can also finish it with textured tiles in dark shades, but it is better to use natural stone or porcelain stoneware slabs. Recently, matte tiles of a fairly large size with the texture of natural stone or wood are gaining popularity. Examples, photos of a bathroom with dark-colored tiles are presented below.

Actual forms and design of ceramic tiles

The favorite among the materials for finishing the bathroom is still tile. Only the shape, color, ornaments and texture of the tiles change. Recently, a rectangular tile measuring 60 x 30 cm has been used to decorate the bathroom. Natural stone and porcelain stoneware are also in fashion, which has a different shape, but the slab itself is quite large. Such materials are good for decorating large and spacious rooms. The latest trend in bathroom design is the use of marble slabs, see examples of such interiors in the photo.

If you have, then it is better to give preference to light or white tiles of a small size, or even use a small mosaic for decoration. Now a small tile imitating brick has become fashionable. Also in trend is glass mosaic, it is used to decorate the area near the sink or shower wall. If you are decorating in a Scandinavian style or with art deco motifs, then the floor can be laid out with stylish pixel tiles with geometric black and white ornaments. At first glance, it is somewhat reminiscent of a mosaic, but this tile design looks much more interesting. You can find pixel tiles in the catalogs of online stores selling Italian ceramics.

Now designers are experimenting not only with a combination of colors and textures, but are also in constant search for new ideas and shapes. Therefore, now, when developing, they are increasingly using tiles of non-standard shapes and colors. They are also experimenting with options for laying ceramic tiles. It is laid out with a herringbone, narrow rectangular plates, different forms of tiles and mosaics are combined in one interior. Hexagon-shaped tiles are back in fashion again.

Tile bathroom interior photo: a new look at the classic hexagonal tile

Facing wet areas with glass mosaics

Trendy shades of tiles for the bathroom

In 2017-2018, designs with an application for naturalness and naturalness will remain popular. “Natural” finishing materials such as wood, stone, clay, etc. will be in fashion. Therefore, for the design of modern bathrooms, matte tiles in beige, brown, gray shades with the texture of wood or stone will be used. If funds allow, you can finish the bathroom with natural stone, while laying out the floor and walls with tiles in the same color scheme. Monochromatic designs are very popular right now.

No less stylish look bathrooms, decorated in black and white colors. For large baths, it is important to use tiles of various shapes and colors to create a visual separation between the wet and dry areas in the bathroom.

In catalogs with Italian tiles, more and more tile options with Scandinavian-style ornaments come across. By choosing a similar colored tile, you can very easily create an interesting and at the same time uncomplicated interior. Just divide the space into zones, lay out one part of the wall with colored tiles with ornaments, and the rest of the wall with classic white tiles. An example of such a tile design in the bathroom, see the photo.

Which bathroom tile to choose?

As already indicated above, when choosing tiles and finishing materials in general, one should start first of all from the size of the room. It will be easier to tile walls with small tiles, and finishing a large room will be less laborious if you opt for large rectangular or square tiles.

The color of the tiles will depend on the overall concept that will be used in the design and decoration of the room. If we talk about the combination of furniture color and tile shade, then it is better to choose either very similar tones, or, on the contrary, very contrasting ones.

The most fashionable color this season, without a doubt, will be gray. But do not think that the interior with gray tiles will be boring. Using a rich variety of shades and textures of this finishing material, you can create an atmosphere of luxury and relaxation in a gray bathroom. Given the trend of using natural materials, stone tiles will be very relevant this year. Here is an example of a bathroom tile design photo showing how the nobility of stone combined with minimalism and other natural materials creates a truly stylish and modern atmosphere.

Often, to create a single harmonious atmosphere for decoration, ceramic tiles are chosen to duplicate the texture of bathroom furniture, i.e. if the furniture has glossy facades, then the tiles should also be glossy, and if you plan to buy furniture made of natural wood, then the tiles should repeat its texture.

Life hack: how to lay out the tiles yourself?

If you decide to make repairs and design the bathroom yourself, then video tutorials that are devoted to laying tiles for the bathroom and little bathroom design tricks can help you.

Tutorial video: bathroom tiling

Tutorial video: how to make a hole in a tile

Beautiful bathroom tiles: photo with design ideas

You can create a beautiful, thoughtful bathroom interior, in which everything is carefully planned, and you can do it yourself. Get inspired by a collection of photos with an interesting design of bathroom tiles and come up with your own interior solutions. After all, absolutely any bathroom can be stylishly and beautifully decorated, no matter if it is in Khrushchev, in a panel house or a cottage.

Stylish tile

Interior solutions for the bathroom

Non-standard ways of laying tiles in the bathroom

Modern bathrooms

Hexagon bathroom tile

Magnificent interiors with mosaics

Variety of bathroom cladding solutions

Restraint and minimalism are in fashion

Bathroom interior with hexagon tiles

Interior with blue tiles

Bathroom interior with trendy hexagon tiles

Bathroom tile color options

Orange tiles in the bathroom

Photo gallery of ceramic tiles from the collections of Russian and European manufacturers

In this section you will find interesting collections of ceramic tiles from Russian and foreign manufacturers.

Alcor bathroom tiles, interior design photo

Bathroom tiles Kerama Marazzi, interior design photo

Bathroom tiles Europa Ceramica, interior design photo

Cersanit bathroom tiles, interior design photo

Cersanit bathroom tiles, interior design photo

Cersanit bathroom tiles, interior design photo

Ceradim bathroom tiles, interior design photo

You can find prices for ceramic tiles on the official websites of manufacturers. If you want to save money, you can do it with a pattern imitating tiles.
