What can you eat when preparing for an abdominal ultrasound. Preparing for an abdominal ultrasound: a reminder for the patient What can you eat on the eve of an abdominal ultrasound

Update: October 2018

The possibilities of ultrasound examination are very wide. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is especially informative, in which the vital organs of a person are localized - the abdominal aorta, liver, spleen, gallbladder, pancreas, etc.

Due to the planned preventive examination, recommended once a year, there is a high probability of diagnosing and preventing further development of the disease at an early stage.

As a rule, patients agree to this type of study because it is painless and does not pose a risk to health. Ultrasound allows you to determine with very high accuracy the size, shape, localization and structure of the abdominal organs, the state of the vessels and ducts.

Focal formations are easily visualized by ultrasound, such as liver, tumor metastasis, cysts, abscesses, hematomas, adenomas, calculi. But confirmation of the diagnosis, especially oncopathology, is possible only after a histological examination of the tissue. Even small amounts of free fluid (from 100 ml) in the abdominal cavity are diagnosed by ultrasound. About what is included in the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, how to properly prepare for it and how the study is done, we will tell in our article.

Symptoms for which abdominal ultrasound is indicated

  • , hypersalivation
  • heaviness in the right hypochondrium
  • arching and pulling pains in the epigastrium after eating
  • pain in the abdomen of a different nature
  • increased gas formation

Diseases that require ultrasound of the BP

Ultrasound is indicated in the presence or suspicion of the following diseases:

  • pancreatitis
  • hepatitis
  • cholecystitis
  • cysts in the organs of BP
  • kidney and gallbladder stones
  • neoplasms of PD organs

If you are assigned an abdominal ultrasound, preparation is no less important than the study itself, because this directly affects the information content of the procedure.

3 days before ultrasound:

The evening before the ultrasound:

Day of the ultrasound:

Eating a small amount of food every 3-4 hours, about 4-5 times a day. Liquid intake is about one and a half liters daily.
A light dinner is allowed, which must be eaten before 20.00. If the study is carried out in the morning, breakfast is excluded.
Foods that increase gas formation are completely excluded from the diet: black bread, muffins, fruits and vegetables, fatty meat and fish, alcohol, soda, milk, juices, legumes, etc. Meat and fish products, even dietary ones, should not be included in dinner. If the examination is scheduled after 15:00, a light breakfast is allowed, which must be eaten before 11:00.
  • Allowed products: cereal cereals (buckwheat, flaxseed, oats in the water, barley), lean poultry meat, beef, lean fish, lean cheese, soft-boiled egg (1 per day).
  • Cooking methods of permitted products: boiling, baking, steaming.
  • With a tendency to constipation, a laxative is prescribed orally, which must be taken at about 4 p.m.: Senadexin, Senade (see).
  • 1 day before the study, the doctor may prescribe 3 times a day, 2 capsules (or 2 teaspoons) of simethicone, analogues of Espumizan, Disflatil, Meteospasmil.
2 hours before the ultrasound, take 5-10 tablets of activated charcoal or simethicone (2 capsules or 2 teaspoons of emulsion)
Adsorbents can be prescribed if the patient has a tendency to flatulence: activated carbon, enterosgel, espumizan, etc. If laxatives are poorly tolerated, it is recommended to introduce a Besacodyl suppository into the rectum (see). With a tendency to flatulence, a cleansing enema can be prescribed in the morning, before the procedure.
Enzyme preparations can be prescribed to improve digestion and prevent gas formation: mezim, festal, pancreatin, creon, etc. If laxatives are ineffective, a cleansing enema is prescribed 12 hours before the ultrasound. Before an ultrasound, you can not chew gum, suck on lollipops, smoke, take antispasmodics.

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity - preparation of the child

  • Babies under 1 year old - it is recommended not to feed for 2-4 hours and not to drink for about 1 hour before the ultrasound.
  • Children 1-3 years old - do not feed 4 hours and do not drink 1 hour before the ultrasound,
  • Children older than 3 years - the preparation before the ultrasound is more strict, you can not eat for about 6-8 hours and drink liquids 1 hour before the examination.

When Not to Do an Ultrasound

  • After fluoroscopy of the gastrointestinal tract with the use of contrast (irrigoscopy, gastrography).
  • After endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract (fibrogastroduodenoscopy,).
  • After laparoscopy and pneumoperitoneum.

In the first and second cases, a delay of 2 days is made, in the latter - 3-5 days. Preparation of abdominal ultrasound in these cases is the same as described above.

How is an ultrasound performed?

BP ultrasound, as a rule, includes a mandatory study of the gallbladder, liver, retroperitoneal space, spleen, pancreas and blood vessels. The remaining organs are optional for research and are examined according to indications.

The standard study protocol includes:

  • determination of localization and size of organs
  • study of organ structure
  • determination of free fluid in the abdominal space (more precisely, confirmation of its absence)
  • exclusion of formations, cysts, calculi, etc.

Description of the procedure

How is an abdominal ultrasound done? The procedure itself takes an average of 15-20 minutes. An ultrasound is performed by an ultrasound doctor, who is assisted by a nurse, filling out the study protocol. There is no pain or discomfort during the procedure. A special conductive gel is applied to the contact sensor.

The examination is carried out in a supine position on the back, if necessary, the doctor may ask you to roll over on your side, and also hold your breath for a few seconds. With the help of a sensor connected to the monitor of the ultrasound machine, the doctor moves along the skin of the anterior abdominal wall, descending down and to the sides. During the procedure, the doctor will call numbers, medical terms that the nurse enters into the protocol. Immediately after the ultrasound, you can eat and lead a normal life without restrictions.

What is included in the examination - the examined organs and the possibilities of ultrasound

  • Liver . Looked at first. Hepatosis, cirrhosis, cysts, tumors can be diagnosed.
  • Gallbladder and ducts. The patency of the ducts, the presence of polyps, stones in the gallbladder, the condition of the wall of the organ are assessed.
  • Stomach . Examined at the time of exclusion of formations.
  • Pancreas. All shares are valued whenever possible. Pancreatitis tumor and pancreatic necrosis may be detected.
  • Spleen. The structure, location and size of the organ are assessed. Neoplasms, cysts, inflammations are excluded.
  • Intestines. Most often, only the large intestine is examined. If formations and polyps are detected, the patient is sent for a narrow examination.
  • Kidneys. Localization and relative position, sizes are estimated. Inflammatory changes, conglomerates, tumors and cysts can be detected.
  • Bladder. The shape, dimensions, condition of the walls, contents are evaluated.
  • Vessels. Be sure to evaluate the abdominal aorta and large vessels that feed the organs. The blood flow and the state of the vascular wall are determined.
  • The lymph nodes. Their size is estimated (an increase is typical for oncopathology).
  • The uterus in women and the prostate gland in men. These organs are located in the pelvis, however, they can be examined. Tumors and inflammatory processes can be detected.

Features of abdominal ultrasound in children

Of particular interest is ultrasound in infants, since in children from a year and older, ultrasound does not actually differ from that in adults. Young children are referred for abdominal ultrasound when:

  • the presence of congenital pathologies;
  • abdominal injuries;
  • abdominal pain and fever of unknown origin;
  • routine screening, which is mandatory during the neonatal period.

Ultrasound allows you to assess the state of the digestive and excretory systems, namely: the liver, bladder and ureters, kidneys, gallbladder, pancreas, stomach, intestines. Be sure to examine the retroperitoneal space, adrenal glands, arteries, veins and nerve plexuses.

The procedure is carried out according to the same principle as the examination of an adult, but in the presence of one of the parents, who helps to hold the baby.

This study is necessary to exclude (or confirm) congenital pathologies, confirm the normal state and functioning of organs in accordance with age norms.

Ultrasound can reveal:

  • congenital organ pathologies
  • tumors, cysts and polyps of organs
  • reactive pancreatitis
  • kinks and constrictions of the gallbladder
  • hyperplasia, cirrhosis and hepatitis
  • enlargement of the spleen
  • enlargement of regional lymph nodes
  • blood flow disorders

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity - how to evaluate the results of the study

As a rule, the ultrasound doctor at the end of the study makes a brief summary, understandable to the patient, which may sound like “You are doing well” - the most expected and reassuring phrase. But there may be another conclusion, for example: "You need to see a gastroenterologist (urologist, etc.) for a consultation." But this should not be frightening, any, even the most serious pathologies can be treated, the main thing is not to delay it.

A research protocol is handed out, in which there are standard columns describing each organ, as well as a doctor's conclusion. In conclusion, all identified pathologies or suspicions of them are indicated. If the patient is healthy, the conclusion will sound something like this: Abdominal organs without features.

Ultrasound signs of certain diseases


sign on ultrasound

  • Increased echostructure of the liver (frequent and large echoes)
  • Increasing the size of an organ
  • More than 45° enlargement of the inferior angle of the left lobe of the liver
  • Nonvisual collar vein
Cirrhosis of the liver Direct signs:
  • Increasing the size of an organ
  • Echo structure enhancement (frequent and large echoes)
  • uneven contours
  • Rounded lower edge of the liver
  • Reduced elasticity
  • Reduced sound transmission
Indirect signs:
  • Expansion of the portal vein more than 15 mm
  • Expansion of the splenic vein more than 10 mm
  • Enlargement of the spleen
  • Ascites (echo-negative structure)
Congestive circulatory failure of the liver
  • Enlargement of the liver
  • Rounding of the edges of the liver
  • Dilated inferior vena cava
  • Branching at an angle of about 90 hepatic veins
  • Absence of narrowing of the inferior vena cava during breathing
Focal pathologies of the liver: Cysts, abscess, site of tumor necrosis, hematoma Area devoid of echostructure
Cancer metastases (poorly differentiated), hepatocellular carcinoma, malignant lymphoma, sarcoma, adenoma, hemangioma, hematoma, abscess Area with reduced echo structure
Cancer metastases (highly differentiated), adenoma, hepatoma, hemangioma, scars, calcification foci Area with enhanced echo structure
Malignant tumor of the liver Strengthening of the echostructure in the center of the site and a decrease in the echostructure along the edge of the volumetric formation

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is the most frequently performed informative, painless, indicative and safe study. Thanks to this diagnostic method, it is possible to identify pathological processes in the organs of the abdominal cavity, small pelvis and retroperitoneal space, determine the internal location of organs, their size and structure, and clarify possible access to the organ before puncture or biopsy. Proper preparation for this procedure allows you to qualitatively assess the condition of the internal organs, identify the disease and determine the causes of your complaints.

The basis of preparation for ultrasound is the exact adherence to a diet that is aimed at reducing the formation and content of gases in the intestines. 2-3 days before the study, change your diet: food intake should be fractional, with a sufficient amount of liquid (avoid coffee, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, juices, strong tea, milk). Recommended foods on the days of preparation are cereal porridges cooked in water, low-fat hard cheese, boiled unleavened meats and fish, one hard-boiled chicken egg per day is allowed. Eliminate from your diet foods that will contribute to the formation of gases in the intestines:
  • All dairy products;
  • Sweet pastries;
  • Black bread;
  • Sweets;
  • pickled products;
  • Raw vegetables and fruits with high fiber content;
  • All types of legumes;
  • Fatty meats and fish.
Immediately before the procedure, you can not suck lollipops, smoke, chew gum. The best time for this diagnosis is in the morning, on an empty stomach. On the eve of the procedure, refrain from eating for 12 hours. If your examination time is in the afternoon, resist the temptation of even a small snack. An exception is possible only in patients with diabetes mellitus, they are allowed to eat crackers with unsweetened tea. Ensure that the procedure is as comfortable as possible for you and the ultrasound specialist: put on comfortable clothes before the examination, if you have a piercing, remove it. If you suffer from excessive gas formation, then tell your doctor about it. Usually in such cases, activated charcoal (2 tablets 4 times a day) or any of the carminatives is prescribed. To improve digestion, the doctor may prescribe enzyme preparations. If you suffer from persistent constipation, give a cleansing enema 12 to 16 hours before the examination. An alternative to this method of cleansing the intestines would be the setting of microclysters ("Microlax") or the use of herbal laxatives based on hay ("Senade"). Important! Do not use Prelaxan, Normaze, Dufalac! These laxatives, on the contrary, provoke gas formation. It is impossible to do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity after endoscopic or radiopaque studies of the digestive tract. Discuss with your doctor all the nuances about taking medications during the preparation for the study. Antispasmodics most likely will need to be canceled. Diagnosis of the bladder, scrotum and prostate in men, and in women of their reproductive apparatus (through the abdominal wall) is carried out after drinking 1-1.5 liters of non-carbonated liquid. The study of the kidneys, adrenal glands and ureters in some cases is also performed on a full bladder. Important! During pregnancy, an ultrasound examination is recommended to be carried out no more than three times for the entire period of bearing a child.

Do not forget that the quality of your preparation for the study depends on the result of the diagnosis, the accuracy of the assessment of the ongoing processes in your body, the appointment of the correct treatment and its further effectiveness.

Ultrasound is a modern non-invasive way to assess the condition of internal organs.

With its help, you can determine their size, structure, shape, the presence of neoplasms. In some cases, ultrasound does not require specific preparation.

But before examining the gastrointestinal tract, in order to obtain a reliable result, the patient must comply with certain rules. Let's figure out what you can not eat before an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

By scanning the abdominal cavity with ultrasound, it is possible to examine the condition of parenchymal (solid tissue) and hollow organs filled with fluid, including:

  • liver;
  • aorta (abdominal);
  • gallbladder;
  • pancreas;
  • spleen;
  • bile ducts;
  • stomach;
  • upper intestine (duodenum).

In addition, the condition of the kidneys located in the retroperitoneal space is usually assessed.

During the procedure, the position, structure and size of the organs are revealed. Their echogenicity is determined - the ability to reflect ultrasonic waves, depending on the density of the tissue. Foreign inclusions, the structure of bile and ducts, as well as all large vessels are visualized.

The duodenum and stomach are hollow organs. Their condition is assessed using fibrogastroduodenoscopy. Ultrasound is used as an auxiliary technique. It allows you to see the thickening of the walls of the stomach and intestines, which may indicate an inflammatory process.

Indications for abdominal ultrasound:

  • flatulence;
  • nausea;
  • belching;
  • a change in the size and shape of the organs, which the doctor discovered during palpation;
  • suspicion of the presence of neoplasms;
  • examination after injury;
  • preparation for abdominal surgery;
  • performing a biopsy.

Ultrasound examination is harmless to the body. If indicated, it can be repeated multiple times.

Factors leading to distortion of the ultrasound picture

To obtain a reliable result when examining the abdominal organs, it is important to exclude all factors that can lead to a distortion of the diagnostic picture. The main ones are:

  • spasm (compression) of the smooth muscles of the intestine due to a previous endoscopic examination;
  • the presence in the intestinal loops of a large amount of gases;
  • filling the stomach and intestines with food masses;
  • a significant layer of subcutaneous fat due to overweight (it reduces the depth of penetration of ultrasound);
  • the remains of a contrast agent in the gastrointestinal tract, after an X-ray examination with its use;
  • extensive wound surface in the scanning area;
  • motor activity at the time of diagnosis.

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is performed in a horizontal position on the back. The specialist may ask you to lie on your right / left side, take a deep breath / exhale.

With an abnormal arrangement of organs, for example, with a high localization of the spleen, it is better for the patient to be in an upright position.

What does preparation for an abdominal ultrasound include?

The essence of preparing for an ultrasound of the abdomen is to provide conditions for the diagnostician to fully visualize the internal organs and assess their condition.

Scanning is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach or after 15:00. In the second case, the last meal should be taken early in the morning. It is important that breakfast is easily digestible.

Preparation rules:

  1. You can not eat or drink for 8-12 hours before the study. An exception is made for ultrasound of the kidneys and genitourinary system. 1 hour before the procedure, you should drink 0.5-1 l of mineral water (non-carbonated) and do not empty the bladder. Tea and coffee are contraindicated.
  2. 3 days before the session, you must go on a special diet. Its purpose is to minimize the amount of gas in the intestines, as well as the prevention of spasm of smooth muscles and irritation of the mucous membrane.
  3. It is forbidden to smoke for 2 hours before the session, as nicotine leads to a spasm of the gallbladder and stomach, and the process itself leads to the swallowing of air. In addition, it is not recommended to chew gum and eat candy.
  4. Ultrasound scanning of the abdominal cavity is not performed immediately after radiography using a contrast agent (gastrography, irrigoscopy), as well as after colonoscopy and fibrogastroduodenoscopy. The minimum interval between procedures is 2 days.
  5. With a tendency to constipation, care should be taken to cleanse the intestines. To do this, you should take a laxative or do an enema 12-14 hours before the ultrasound.

Violation of any of the rules should be reported to the specialist conducting the diagnosis. Otherwise, he may misinterpret the ultrasound picture, for example, take gas in the intestines for a gallstone. In addition, it is important to inform him about the medications he is taking, especially those with antispasmodic properties (drotaverine, papaverine, dibazol, and others). If possible, their use should be abandoned.

Long-term fasting is contraindicated for diabetics. On the morning before the ultrasound, they are allowed to eat a slice of dried white bread and drink a cup of warm tea.

If ultrasound is performed in childhood, then the requirements for the number of hours of fasting are different. Babies under one year should not eat for 3 hours, from 1 to 3 years - 4 hours, from 3 to 14 years - 6-8 hours. You can not drink for 1 hour.

And in this topic, an overview of the methods of treating colds of the kidneys. How to recognize the disease and how to prevent it?

What can not be eaten before an abdominal ultrasound? For 3 days before the ultrasound, the following should be excluded from the diet:

  1. Whole milk and dairy products. Excess milk sugar (lactose) in the intestine causes fermentation. Moreover, with age, the amount of the enzyme that breaks it down decreases.
  2. Fruits and berries with a sweet taste - apples, pears, figs, cherries, peaches, bananas. They contain fructose and fiber, which contribute to flatulence.
  3. Starchy fruits (potatoes, corn), onions, asparagus and any kind of cabbage. They are rich in polysaccharides.
  4. Juices from the mentioned vegetables and fruits.
  5. Black rye bread, pastries, factory sweets. These products contain carbohydrates, as well as various synthetic additives that provoke fermentation and can irritate the walls of the digestive tract.
  6. Legumes - soybeans, peas, lentils, beans. They are saturated with vegetable protein and polysaccharides, which are difficult for the body to digest. When they are digested, a lot of gases are released.
  7. Fatty meats and fish. The accumulation of fats in the intestine provokes prolonged digestion of food and its decay.
  8. Carbonated drinks. The carbon dioxide they contain accumulates in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, in such drinks there are always a lot of harmful chemical additives (stabilizers, dyes, preservatives) that irritate the mucous membrane.
  9. Cinnamon, cumin, pepper and some other spices, as well as coffee and alcohol. They negatively affect the condition of the inner layer of the gastrointestinal tract.

Within 3 days before the study of the abdominal cavity, the diet should consist of:

  • cereals without sugar, boiled in water - oatmeal, buckwheat, rice;
  • boiled beef, chicken, quail meat;
  • steam or baked low-fat fish;
  • hard cheese with a low percentage of fat;
  • soft-boiled eggs - no more than 1 per day;
  • water, weak tea without sugar - up to 1.5 liters per day.

You need to eat every 3-4 hours in small portions. It is important to chew your food thoroughly. It is worth drinking not during meals, but after 30-40 minutes.

Meals should be held in a calm atmosphere, without haste and conversations. This will help prevent swallowing air.

What drugs help the study?

To reduce the likelihood of distortion of the ultrasound picture during the study of abdominal organs, in agreement with the doctor, the following medications can be used:

  1. Simethicone-based carminatives to reduce gas formation - Espumizan, Infakol, Disflatil. The dosage should be specified in the instructions. For example, "Espumizan" is taken 3 capsules 3-4 times a day for 3 days. Simethicone acts only in the intestines and does not have a systemic effect.
  2. Sorbents for removing toxins and fermentation products - White Coal, Smecta, Enterosgel. One of the drugs should be taken the evening before and in the morning 3 hours before the study.
  3. Enzymes that facilitate the absorption of food - Mezim, Festal, Creon. They should be drunk during meals 3 times a day for 2 days. Pancreatitis is not recommended.
  4. Laxatives based on herbal raw materials - "Senade", "Fortrans". With a tendency to constipation, the drug should be drunk in the evening before the study. Medicines with lactulose should not be taken, as they increase gas formation.

When preparing for an ultrasound scan of a child, you can use children's analogues of the listed drugs in an age dosage. Medical support must be agreed with the pediatrician.

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity allows you to quickly assess the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, without causing discomfort to the patient. It is extremely important to follow the rules for preparing for a scan, especially those related to nutrition. Otherwise, an erroneous result may be obtained, which will lead to the appointment of inappropriate treatment.

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The abdominal space is a part of the body that is located in the lower region of the diaphragm. It is densely filled with various organs that contribute to the vital activity of the body.

The peritoneal cavity consists of:

intestines with its various sections (transverse, colon, small, ascending, descending, ileum, sigmoid, caecum and large intestine, appendix);
behind the peritoneum, you can see the kidneys, adrenal glands, pancreas, in fact, the main part of the duodenum and the organs of the small pelvis.

The abdominal cavity is quite difficult to examine due to various circumstances: the process of digestion, gas formation and other factors of the working state of the body. Therefore, preparation for such a medical examination should always be thorough.

Preparing for an abdominal ultrasound

The preparation of the peritoneum is a responsible and not an easy process that begins in a few days. A referral should be obtained from a general practitioner or specialist.

The appointment of the study should be no earlier than a week after contacting the specialists, so that the patient has enough time to prepare.

The patient will be required to follow a diet for three to four days prior to diagnosis.
Before the diagnosis, cancel any medical interventions: taking medications, injections, operations and any other studies. (Regularly taken drugs that cannot be canceled should be reported to the doctor).
Try to eliminate bad habits within a week that will spoil the overall picture of the work of internal organs. For example, it is no secret that alcohol or drugs will necessarily adversely affect the condition of the liver.
Drink plenty of pure water, which will help cleanse the abdominal organs.
Direct preparation of each organ of the abdominal cavity, according to the recommendations of doctors.

Some doctors prescribe herbal teas or thorough bowel movements. The patient will learn more accurate information regarding medications from a personal conversation. Of course, a morning bowel movement will have a beneficial effect on the results. In cases of prolonged constipation, the doctor may prescribe mild laxatives. It is forbidden to prescribe any drugs on your own, since it is possible that they will be contraindicated for this particular patient. In the early days, dried fruits can come to the rescue for this purpose, but then they should be excluded for thorough preparation.


Before visiting an ultrasound room, many people ask themselves the question: what is the preparation for an abdominal ultrasound, what can I eat and drink? A few days before going to the doctor, the patient will have to recover and thoroughly clean the gastrointestinal tract. First of all, you should talk about those products that need to be excluded in order to avoid excess gas formation (bloating).

We remove from the diet:

dairy and dairy products;
bakery and confectionery products;
yeast-containing products /including sulfur bread/;
carbonated drinks;
raw vegetables;
fish /fatty, in any form/;
meat /fatty in any form/;
coffee and strong tea;

For several days, the diet will consist only of:

cereals / barley, oatmeal, buckwheat /;
hard-boiled eggs;
low-fat boiled chicken meat, young beef/;
low-fat varieties of boiled fish /cod, pollock, pikeperch/;
soup cooked in a secondary broth, without pasta, beets and cabbage.

Food can also be cooked in a double boiler, in a slow cooker or in foil in the oven.

Of course, this seems overwhelming, but for the sake of accurate diagnosis, you can endure several days. Another point to be taken into account in gastronomic preparation for the study: the usual huge portions will have to be reduced. It is best to stick to a fractional, frequent way of eating. A complete diet will help increase the percentage of accuracy of the result. In mild cases, the diet is observed during the day. Sometimes the patient is required to completely abstain from eating during the day, limited only to drinking. Accordingly, the last contact with food should be in the form of a light dinner before 18.00 hours of the previous evening.

Immediately before the ultrasound examination, breakfast is prohibited, as is the use of water when it comes to the stomach or gallbladder.

Ultrasound examination of infants, children, adolescents

As for children, they are in principle limited by their parents from fatty, unhealthy and fried foods. But there are also such educators of a young organism who do not follow the recommendations of a pediatrician. Therefore, we must try to exclude from the diet of the child:

Modern baked goods (any burgers, pizza, etc.);
any confectionery;
carbonated drinks;

Such products are, in principle, harmful to any child and sooner or later will lead to doctors.

For infants, one feeding is allowed before the ultrasound, early in the morning, preferably two hours before the examination. It is not recommended to drink water for the baby one hour before visiting the doctor's office. It is best if the procedure takes place during sleep. An awake, hungry baby will be active and may interfere with the doctor's work.

The approach to teenagers is almost the same as to adults. The only difference will be that abstinence from junk food is recommended during the day, since their body is not yet as clogged as it is in an adult.

emergency research

Doctors often diagnose patients who come to them urgently. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is most associated with a violation of the diet in obese people or on holidays, when there is no end to dining. Fatty and fried foods, mayonnaise salads and other fatty and unhealthy foods, as well as alcohol, carbonated drinks. Not only diseased organs can be indignant, but also healthy ones.

The diagnosis can be very serious, even requiring surgical intervention. But, if no operations are scheduled, the patient will be prescribed a strict diet and enzyme treatment, after which a second ultrasound will be prescribed. The result after following all the recommendations will be amazing. The digestive organs will rest and recover for further work.

It is advisable not to use painkillers on your own before receiving an ambulance! Any analgesic medications can relieve not only pain, but also symptoms. Such treatment is called symptomatic.

How exactly is an ultrasound performed?

Ultrasound is a completely painless procedure. The patient is asked to undress to the waist and lie down on the couch. The only uncomfortable feeling for him will be the touch of the gel mass, which is necessary for good contact of the sensor with the skin surface. Standard examination includes abdominal organs, vessels; sometimes look beyond the peritoneal space. The intestine is actually not amenable to research, as it has a very intricate structure and a large amount of gases that interfere with a clear view. There is another procedure for this.

Causes of ultrasound distortion

There are several reasons for an incorrect examination, and the patient should be aware of all of them.

First of all, the patient's nervousness can become the cause of incorrect diagnosis. Motor activity will prevent the doctor from drawing the right conclusions.
Also, the reason will be non-compliance with the diet and other nuances in the process of preparing for the procedure.
An important reason for a good study will be the overweight of the patient. Fat space does not allow the device to produce a bright image.
Damage to the skin surface, which prevents the correct position of the electronic sensor.
Procedures that the patient underwent before the ultrasound examination.


Ultrasound is a subjective opinion of a specialist, you should remember this. If for some reason the result does not satisfy you, you can safely be examined again by another specialist. A twice proven result in 90 rays is considered correct.

Here we are talking about another analysis, which is also an indicator when making a diagnosis - this is.

To date, ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal organs is the most popular procedure.

This method is considered the most informative. What you can eat and drink before abdominal ultrasound, as it helps to quickly identify problem areas of internal organs, diagnose the level of damage to the pancreas, gallbladder and ducts, as well as the liver.

Ultrasound diagnostics is carried out in such cases as:

  • Pain in the abdomen of an indeterminate nature.
  • Identification and diagnosis of features of abdominal aortic aneurysm.
  • Diagnosis of liver diseases.
  • Identification of stones in the gallbladder and its ducts.
  • Diagnosis of tumors and inflammatory processes of the pancreas.
  • Treatment of the digestive system.

At the same time, it can be noted that the intestines, both thick and thin, reflect ultrasonic waves due to their structure and are difficult to diagnose. Ultrasound can only detect their visible structural changes. But with all this, intestinal spasms, food masses or accumulation of gases complicate the procedure for ultrasound diagnosis. This, in turn, can lead to an incorrect diagnosis and, as a result, aggravation of the general condition of the patient.

Therefore, in order for an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity to be correct and give maximum information, careful and responsible preparation is necessary for undergoing this procedure, namely dieting. So what can you eat before an abdominal ultrasound?

What can and cannot be eaten with ultrasound

It takes 3 or 2 days to prepare for the ultrasound diagnostic procedure, while it is important to remove from the diet those foods that can cause irritation or contribute to the development of flatulence in the intestines. Under no circumstances should you use:

Peppers and spices of any kind also have an irritating effect.

The most popular irritants are strong tea and coffee. The fact that it is important to stop drinking alcohol, even in small quantities, is not worth mentioning. Can I smoke? In no case!

Not only does smoking in itself negatively affect the body, this procedure also accompanies the process of "absorption" of air that accumulates in the intestines. In addition, chewing gum is also accompanied by the effect of air accumulation in the intestines.

You will learn about the correct preparation for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity from the presented video:

What foods can be used with ultrasound

What can you eat before an abdominal ultrasound? The menu during preparation for ultrasound must necessarily consist of easily digestible products, which include:

  • Cereals from cereals such as rice, buckwheat and oatmeal cooked in water.
  • You can boiled poultry meat or boiled beef.
  • Fish that does not contain fat, boiled or steamed.
  • You can skimmed hard cheese.
  • Soft-boiled egg, but not more than one per day.

Meals should be frequent at regular intervals. Portions should be small, and food should be taken slowly so as not to “swallow” air. You can drink water or weakly brewed tea, no more than 1.5 liters per day.

Often, ultrasound is performed in the morning on an empty stomach, but even if this is the case, then the last time you need to eat no later than 8 pm the previous day. Before an ultrasound, you should not take liquid, this will worsen the image and complicate the diagnosis. It also happens that ultrasound diagnostics is carried out in the afternoon or towards the end of the working day. In this case, a light breakfast is allowed, which must be taken no later than 11 am. After it, it is forbidden to eat, drink and smoke.

It is also important to know that a doctor can prescribe special enzymes for people with increased flatulence. Also, additional medical support is prescribed for people suffering from constipation. If the patient is already taking any drugs, then it is worth informing the attending physician about this, he can prescribe special enzymes that neutralize the effect of the drugs. The diet does not change.

Ultrasound should not be performed after radiopaque diagnosis of the gastrointestinal tract and endoscopic diagnosis.

Do not forget that not only adult patients, but also children are preparing for an ultrasound examination. So, before the ultrasound examination, children under 1 year of age skip one feeding, that is, they do not eat for 24 hours, and you should not drink water 1 hour before the diagnosis. The same applies to children aged 1 to 3 years: 4 hours before the ultrasound diagnosis, they stop eating and drinking. If the child is older than 3 years, then he follows a strict "diet": 6 hours before the study, he refrains from eating and drinking.

If the patient has had an ultrasound scan done in the past, they should take the results with them. They will help the attending physician to track the dynamics of changes and make the correct diagnosis.

It is also worth remembering that there are factors that can distort the ultrasound picture of the diagnosis and a second examination may be necessary. These factors include:

  • Spasms of the intestinal muscles, which may occur after a previous endoscopy.
  • Often, intestinal spasms are observed in those patients who have bad habits.
  • Increased flatulence.
  • Excess weight can also distort the ultrasound image, as the penetration depth of the ultrasound beam decreases.
  • Any movements not approved by the doctor can also cause repeated ultrasound diagnostics.

If the above points do not always directly depend on the person, then preparing your own intestine for ultrasound diagnostics is entirely the responsibility of the patient. It should be remembered that a correctly diagnosed diagnosis is the key to a positive recovery dynamics, so you do not need to neglect the two-day diet and know exactly what you can eat. It is necessary to throw out from your diet all milk-containing products, bakery and confectionery products (only a small amount of white bread is allowed), legumes, carbonated drinks, spices and peppers, hot sauces, cabbage, potatoes, fruits, fatty meats and fish. In addition to regulating your diet, you need to take care of other intestinal problems, if any.

You should consult a doctor about this, perhaps he will advise special drugs that reduce flatulence or improve digestion. Before an ultrasound, it is also worth getting rid of constipation and excess feces. Only in this case, ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal organs will be productive. Now you know what you can eat before ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.
