I dreamed of firing a weapon at people. You have become a victim

People shooting in a dream or just the sounds of gunshots in a dream - mean discord between lovers and spouses caused by exorbitant selfishness, and also a dream promises dissatisfaction in work and failures caused by one's own indiscretion.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream about Shooting

If in a dream you shoot and hit a bird, this is prophetic dream. It means for the merchant that he will achieve his goal, for the lover - that he will strengthen his position and marry happily. But if you see in a dream that you missed, this is a bad omen that promises failure. To dream that you are hunting game is a promise of wealth and family happiness. Shooting a bird of prey is a sign that you will overcome your enemies.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

What does shooting dream mean

If you dream that they are shooting around, this means that discord awaits you. For lovers, such a dream promises quarrels and disagreements.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

See in a dream Shooting

If you dream of a shootout between armed people or you just hear shots, this means discord between lovers and spouses in reality, caused by the exorbitant selfishness of one of them. Also, shooting in a dream may portend dissatisfaction with one's work or problems as a result of rash acts.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What do dreams mean Shooting

Hear the sounds of shooting (but not see it) - learn something unpleasant about yourself or yourself close person. Perhaps this will be news of a long-standing betrayal ...

If you heard shooting in a dream, imagine that the shooting is not real. Children play war and imitate the sounds of shooting with their voices. It's all right, no one shoots anyone.

To see a shootout - you will witness someone's family quarrel. You may have to appear in court about divorce proceedings.

Imagine that a shootout does not take place in real life, but in a movie. You take out the remote, press the button - the screen goes blank, the movie stops.

Participate in a shootout - worldly storms await you.

Imagine that the shooting from the enemy side suddenly ends. The enemy leaves, there is no one else to shoot. As a result of the shooting, no one was injured on either side.

If you were wounded as a result of the shooting, you will suffer from the insincerity of your friends.

Imagine that you are taken from the scene of a shootout to the hospital, an experienced surgeon stitches up the wound and applies a bandage. You are recovering quickly.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Dream about Shooting

The sounds of shots heard in a dream portend discord with a loved one, dissatisfaction at work and different kind failures. And everything is to blame for exorbitant selfishness and indiscretion.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

What does shooting mean in a dream

Random shooting: in your dream, or shooting without aiming is a harbinger of conflicts and quarrels that can break out over a completely trifling matter.

At the same time, shoot after careful aiming: a sign of your readiness to implement a particular plan.

Shooting target shooting - Concentrating efforts on a specific target.

Shooting someone means your desire to kill a certain part of yourself.

If they shoot at you, it means that you feel that your life is being invaded, you feel like a victim.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the 20th century

Meaning of dreams Shooting

Shoot accurately, hit the center of the target - to success in everything.

Seeing people shooting, participating in a shootout, hearing the sounds of gunshots is a sign of disagreement, contradictions between spouses, friends, lovers, partners, colleagues.

If you yourself specifically shoot at someone, you will commit an unseemly act or go far from home.

If they shoot at you, wait for the arrival of guests from distant countries.

Interpretation of dreams from

Not always dreams in which they shoot are favorable. Sometimes they mean future worries, troubles and misfortunes. For example, to see any dream associated with shooting, spouses - to a quarrel, family troubles. Interestingly, in most cases family drama will, of course, be a betrayal by one of the spouses.

If he dreamed, like a dreamer in his acquaintance, then in reality he feels a terrible dislike for him, his patience may soon burst. In order not to break firewood, it is necessary to defuse the situation as soon as possible: talk with this acquaintance, explain yourself, dot the “and”.

If the dreamer sees how he shoots point-blank at his enemy, then in reality the insult that he will soon inflict on his envious person will leave a mark on the soul of the latter for a long time. If like one man shot another, then in real life with the owner of such a dream, many things will go uphill. Random shooting at birds - good luck! The most important thing here is to shoot as many birds as possible. Any mistake is some kind of petty trouble in life.

Why dream of target shooting? Miller's dream book

The dream of shooting at a target symbolizes the focus of the dreamer's thoughts and actions on some particular life purpose. Often such pictures are seen by people engaged in one or another lengthy and tedious business. However, such a dream carries a positive omen: a person is on the right track, he boldly needs to move forward.

Why dream of a shootout?

In general, many dream books believe that skirmishes in a dream with other people mean the anxiety of the dreamer, who is very disturbed by something. Often such dreams can be seen if in reality there is a discord between the dreamer and his work colleagues, or some kind of conflict situation in family. Interpreters recommend resolving such problems and conflicts as soon as possible, otherwise you can seriously get bogged down in this "swamp".

Why dream of shooting from a gun?

Shooting from a gun is usually a dream of hunters. Probably no need to explain why. If hunters dream of such pictures, then this dream is a dummy, since it is a projection of real events onto the subconscious. But if ordinary person dreams that he hunts any animals with a gun, then in real life strong love is coming for him, serious relationship and understanding!

Shooting at a target means focusing a person's thoughts and actions on a specific target. Such a dream is often seen during any long and tedious business, but it carries a good omen - a person is on the right track, efforts must be continued.

Actually, a shootout with other people may mean that the sleeper feels anxiety, anxiety. Perhaps such shooting means discord between colleagues, management and subordinates, or a conflict in the family. Such problems must be urgently removed, otherwise the failures will continue.

Long aiming means a willingness to fulfill a long-planned plan. Such a dream should be an incentive to action.

Hunting, shooting at animals, can mean success in trading and a justified risk that is worth taking in the future to achieve the goal. Killing a bird of prey means a quick victory over enemies.

And finally, be careful if a miss occurs in a dream, even if it happens in a shootout, this is a bad sign that promises failure. But do not worry, this is only a warning to attentiveness, and not a sentence.

What if you dream of a gunfight?

Sleep-shootout belongs to the category aggressive dreams. This means that the one who sees this dream seethes with energy, and this energy has a destructive character. But, one way or another, often such a dream carries a good omen.

Since shooting can be of a completely different nature, then the meanings of similar dreams happens a lot. Here are a few of them.

What portends?

Seeing a shootout in a dream means realizing your own fears and anxieties. One way or another, it is useful, such a dream should become an incentive for ennobling actions, and not a cause for even greater fears.

You should pay attention to your dreams, they are a reflection of the human self, in other words, the subconscious, which always has something to say. Now everyone knows why the shootout is dreaming.

Often, shooting reflects the level of preparedness of a sleeping person to carry out bold actions, and be able to be responsible for them. When you dreamed that you shot straight at the target, the dream can be attributed to the positive. At the same time, to miss in a dream means to make a mistake in reality. Explaining what it means when a stranger shoots or aims in your direction, the dream book indicates a lack of a sense of protection.

The echoes of gunshots often express real fears, or are considered an omen of violent conflicts and misunderstandings.

Volleys also embody a lack of satisfaction with oneself, and with the actions of other people, which forever forced the dreamer to turn away from them.

As the dream interpreter explains, the shooting also speaks of a real dream to leave the battlefield and stop defending one's opinion. This can lead to quarrels, but this will not scare you in the least.

An explanation of why shooting from is dreamed of is determined by whether you managed to get where you were aiming. When you were lucky enough to do this, the dream predicts victory over a competitor, but if you shot past the target, expect trouble.

How weapon selection affects interpretation

The dream book compares with excessive riskiness what dreams of shooting from a machine gun. You constantly think over your actions carefully. Your inner intuition will not deceive you: chance can take an independent course of development.

When you happened to see a weapon firing in a dream and feel like a target, you are probably in real danger in reality. Even though the opponent's weapon is his language, stop taking it lightly.

Anchor points:

Why dream of shooting

Shoot in a dream - be lucky and successful. If you shot at a specific person, then the dream speaks of hostility to him, you shot at close range - the insult that you inflict will not be forgotten soon. You shot a person in a dream - in reality you can accomplish your plan without interference. They shot at - such a dream is good luck, it is important to hit, otherwise the dream will turn into trouble. A dream that was shooting at animals or hunting predicts strong love relationship. To failure, dreaming of a wound from a firearm. A quarrel is foreshadowed by a dream about archery or a crossbow, which you watched from the side. Shooting them yourself is a mutually beneficial offer. The conflict portends a dream where you fired a pistol and other firearms. Hearing the sound of a shot means receiving unexpected news. To shoot at some targets, while clearly hitting the target - to achieve what you want no matter what. In your dream, you watched a plot with shooting on television, which means you will have difficulties at work. Engage in a shooting game with a child, see toy weapons - your difficulties are surmountable, you need to concentrate on what you want.

They shot...

A dream in which someone tried to shoot at you portends danger. If you were shot in a dream, then you will have an unpleasant conversation that will upset your plans. To unexpected sympathy, there is a dream in which someone else shot, if the shooter hit the target, then the sympathy will be mutual, a miss speaks of feelings without reciprocity. To become a participant in a shootout means to face insurmountable difficulties. Seeing yourself at someone's front sight means that they are interested in you. To fall under shelling - a dream symbolizes circumstances that will force you to go against your will.

Shooting eyes in a dream, in reality speaks of your desire to please the opposite sex.
