When the teeth come off. Dazzling smile - good luck

In dreams, some things and phenomena carry a meaning that is especially important for the sleeping person.

One of the most powerful and striking symbols is human tooth. Even in ancient times, people knew for sure that teeth never dream without a reason.

This is always or an important warning from higher powers, or indication, or - valuable advice. But it’s not easy to understand correctly what teeth are dreaming of - after all, the meaning of sleep can change dramatically depending on its details.

It is generally accepted that teeth in a dream - bad sign. This is not true, and it is too early to draw such conclusions without interpreting the dream. After all, the tooth itself can be a symbol of the family, mean close people, but at the same time, symbolize health or the state of affairs.

So, before you understand what teeth are dreaming of, it is worth remembering the components of sleep. As a rule, "dental" dreams are as follows:

  • Just to see your own teeth, to examine them.
  • Look at a handful of teeth on the table, or hold them in your hands.
  • To see your smile is very beautiful, "Hollywood".
  • On the contrary, to see that your teeth are terrible, rotten, black.
  • Suffer from toothache in a dream.
  • See how one, several or even all of your teeth fall out.
  • Get treated by a dentist
  • You dream about having a tooth pulled out.
  • Your teeth are loose in a dream.
  • You have a broken or knocked out tooth in a dream.
  • You are brushing your teeth.
  • You have fangs, or iron teeth, or none at all.

Of course, most dental dreams are unpleasant, but this does not mean at all that such a dream bodes trouble. Let's turn to wise interpreters and find out why teeth are dreaming - no matter what they appear in the world of night dreams.

Just to see

Consider such dreams in which you only had to see teeth. Yours or someone else's, it doesn't matter, the main thing is that you only observed them in your dreams.

And here, of course, the whole interpretation depends on what exactly they were, how they looked.

1. In general, to see teeth in a dream - ordinary, inconspicuous - this promises communication. And, most likely, with people either unpleasant or unhealthy.

You are likely to have a forced meeting and not the most pleasant communication. Try to pull yourself together and not react negatively.

2. If you were lucky enough to see yourself in a dream with a beautiful, truly “Hollywood” smile, to consider your own perfectly white, even teeth in a dream - this promises the imminent onset of the same even white streak in your life.

Luck will soon just fall on you - and will pursue literally everything. Seize the moment!

3. To see dentures, false teeth in a dream is not a good sign, rather a warning. Trouble may lie in wait for you, but nothing tragic, you should not be afraid.

It's just that not everything in business will go absolutely smoothly, there will be some friction, difficulties. You can do it.

4. FAQ to the interpreter - why dream of rotten teeth, dilapidated, black? The sight is incredibly repulsive and creepy.

If you see ugly, rotten teeth in a dream, this indicates that you may have health problems in the near future, you may be overcome by ailments. Moreover, according to interpreters, this is due to excessive stress.

It will be very useful to take a vacation, relax, try to relax and not exaggerate the problems. Otherwise, it can result in a protracted illness.

5. If in a dream you saw a plaque, tartar is a sign that you are surrounded, or will soon meet, unreliable people. The dream, as it were, warns you - be careful, be responsible for things that are important to you yourself, do not rely on anyone too much. Because you may be disappointed later.

6. Fallout dreams in the most various options, but if you had to see yourself in a dream without teeth at all - this, of course, can cause a genuine shock! A toothless mouth in a dream is a symbol of poor health in reality.

This is a “bell”: even if you, as it seems to you now, are completely healthy, take the time to be examined by doctors. Such a dream will not be dreamed for nothing, it is better to find out about ailments in advance, so that later, later, more serious problems with precious health do not arise.

7. A strange and creepy dream in which you found metal teeth in your own mouth - no matter whether they are gold, pewter or silver - means that exposure, shame, great shame await you. And this means that some of your actions are unclean, they can lead to this.

Before it's too late, listen to the interpreter, think about your behavior. You can fix everything to avoid shame and a damaged reputation.

8. But if white fangs somehow mysteriously appeared in your mouth - this dream indicates your connection with the subtle, other world. Perhaps you will receive some kind of knowledge, or simply feel the strength in yourself, but be extremely careful, use it for good purposes, otherwise there will be big trouble.

9. If in a dream you are busy with a strange thing, namely, sorting out your teeth, playing with them, holding them in your hands, and so on, this promises you joy. Expect good news, surprise, surprise. Better not wait - let go of the dream and try to forget, the faster it will come true!

10. Often, mothers have the opportunity to see in dreams that the baby has grown the first white teeth. Such a dream is very favorable - it promises the baby good health, very good, rapid development, strength. For a mother to see her baby in a dream as “toothy” is a happy sign!

What are you complaining about

Unfortunately, often in dreams you have to experience truly shocking things. Sometimes it happens not only to brush or treat teeth in a dream, but also to experience their loss, suffering from pain, and other troubles.

Dental topics are extremely unpleasant for many in reality, but what do they mean in dreams?

1. Brushing your teeth in a dream is a simple matter, and such a dream will not surprise anyone. Few people are interested in what dreams Toothbrush and the very procedure of brushing your teeth, but in vain.

Indeed, in fact, as the interpreter says, brushing your teeth in dreams is a warning. In the near future, obviously, you will have to properly fight for your own interests, defend them with all your might, literally “clinging your teeth” to every opportunity to win.

And the dream books say that you definitely have enough strength for this fight - do not back down, be ready to fight, it's worth it. You will expect a very worthy reward.

2. Toothache is a real hell. Pulpit, throbbing, sharp, irrepressible pain - what could be worse? After such a dream, in the morning everyone will breathe a sigh of relief, rejoicing that it was only in night dreams.

However, such a dream means something very good! Namely - a pleasant pastime, a holiday, noisy fun, and if a young lady had a dream - a pleasant, promising acquaintance. Get ready for good surprises, fate prepares them for you!

3. It also happens that in your dreams your teeth stagger, crumble, crack, but at the same time remain in your mouth. As the dream book says, teeth crumble and stagger in a dream for a reason - this indicates instability in your life, and this may apply to both health and business.

Pay attention to this, take a sober look around - maybe it's time to put things in order in any of the areas of your own life?

4. In dreams, dental procedures often occur. And this is a very good sign - treating teeth in a dream means fighting diseases and difficulties.

Moreover, this struggle will be yours, only your forces, and you should have enough of them. If your teeth were cured in a dream, they are healthy, white, do not hurt - this is very good, which means that very soon troubles, problems or illnesses will recede, you are almost there.

5. And if a tooth is removed in the dental office, this is a bad sign, a warning that there is a risk of getting seriously and permanently ill. Maybe the disease that already exists will worsen, or a new ailment will appear. Strengthen and protect your health like never before, be attentive to yourself in order to avoid a protracted illness.

6. On the contrary, if in a dream a tooth is inserted into you - for example, a prosthesis is placed - this is a sign that if you have trials or difficulties today, you will overcome them. Such a dream, as it were, is the support of higher powers, a reminder that you have a lot of strength to overcome any difficulties, no doubt.

7. Losing teeth in a dream is a separate issue. Such a dream is unpleasant, because everyone intuitively feels that fallen teeth do not bode well. This is what every dream book says - they fall out to losses, anxieties, quarrels.

  • If the teeth that fell out in a dream were without blood, clean - this promises a quarrel, maybe even separation from someone close, friends, a serious break in relations.
  • But falling out with blood is a more serious warning. You can expect not only separation from a very close person, but also the illness of a spouse, parents, sister or brother. Be careful and take care of your loved ones.

8. If in a dream you had to spit out a tooth - with or without blood - this is definitely a warning about the illness of one of your close, dear people. The disease can be very serious.

9. Sometimes teeth fall out not by themselves, but with someone's help. If you had a tooth knocked out or broken in a dream, whether with or without blood, this is an important dream - it warns that unexpected problems in business may soon fall on you.

Knowing what a broken tooth is dreaming of, or knocked out by someone, you can be prepared for unpleasant surprises, and unpleasant surprises will not take you by surprise.

10. Such weird dream, the teeth in which you take out of your mouth, examine and insert into place, also warns that someone close to you may be in danger. Pay more attention to loved ones. Very great importance has what emotions and feelings you experienced during sleep. It should be borne in mind that the pleasant sensations from a dream never accompany negative predictions! Author: Vasilina Serova

According to the dream book, teeth in a dream promise a person problems, sad news, loneliness, illness, deprivation. Enemies weave intrigues, and scammers are waiting for the right moment to deceive. Why else do they dream? Sometimes they promise good luck in their endeavors, the support of friends, and even the fulfillment of a wish.

Miller's dream book: illness, problems

Did you dream that the doctor pulled out your tooth? Miller believes that an unpleasant illness is ahead, which will turn out to be quite protracted.

In a dream, the dentist whitened, and after a while the teeth turned yellow again? Entrust representing your interests or doing business to people who will succumb to the persuasion of a clever scammer and harm you.

Have you seen one tooth fall out? According to Miller, you will learn the sad news. Two - trouble due to their own negligence. Three - serious disasters ahead.

Interpretation according to Vanga's dream book?

Their falling out in a dream means, according to Vanga's interpretation: you will find out the sad news about the death of someone you know. If they fell out with blood, you can lose one of your blood relatives.

Why dream of discovering the absence of the entire dentition? In reality, you will be alone. fate promises long life, but all close people will leave earlier.

Were they dark, rotten in a dream? Vanga's dream interpretation gives the following interpretation: more attention should be paid to health. You work too hard, you need to rest more.

Why dream of doing something with them?

Recall what you have done:

  • gnash - correct what you have done without thinking;
  • squeeze - little benefit from the enterprise;
  • click - annoying interference in the planned enterprise;
  • stagger - you are going to start a business that you can’t pull;
  • take out with your fingers - betrayal of a loved one.

Did you break your teeth on something hard? Apply yourself great harm yourself or loved ones. Clicking them from impotence - something will make you suffer. Listen to someone gnashing - enemies start intrigues.

Squeeze in a dream

Did you have to compress them? Someone will promise a profitable business, but as a result of risk and investment, it will turn out to be more than good.

Clenching your teeth in a dream portends suffering that will greatly damage your nerves - the dream book indicates. Do not despair: circumstances will soon change.

Why dream of clenching your jaw, angry with someone? Be patient - there are difficulties ahead.

Don't dwell on the difficulties, just do what you have to. Difficulties appear from time to time, and thanks to them we learn to act in various situations. This experience of overcoming difficulties or obstacles helps in planning to take into account different details.

Did you dream of knocking them?

Teeth chattering in fear indicates: intrusive thoughts can lead to frustration. Stop dwelling on negative speculation - maybe the situation will turn out for the better.

Knocking them from the cold is a harbinger, according to the dream book, of unforeseen complications where you have clearly planned everything.

And a knock from impatience in a dream promises a new business, but so far with an unclear outcome. Think carefully about your steps.

Split and break off

Had a dream of splitting a tooth into several parts? Soon you will receive favorable opportunities that you will successfully use.

Did you have to break off a piece? You need help to recuperate. Chat with friends - their support will give energy.

Did you see it in your palm, after you painlessly took it out of your mouth? The dream interpretation explains: there will be a profit. It can be any - even replenishment in the family.

Shatter and tear

Why dream of loosening and pulling out a tooth? If there was blood at the same time, it means that one of the household members can become seriously ill.

If a growth has formed or a fang has crawled out in a dream, but the sleeper managed to loosen it and remove it painlessly, this is a good sign. Difficulties poison the dreamer's life, but he will be able to cope with them.

To pull out a tooth in a night dream that has begun to deteriorate or rot - unpleasant situations that threatened with complications, scandal or even shame will be safely settled.

Shake healthy

The shaking of healthy teeth warns, according to the dream book: a child may soon get sick. Carry out prevention colds and explain about the inadmissibility of hypothermia. Watch his diet.

To tear healthy in your dream - vitality leaves you. Lethargy, apathy will prevent you from realizing your potential.

Remove an aching tooth

Why dream of tearing out a damaged or diseased tooth? To achieve the desired result, you should act, and not wait for everything to work out by itself.

Was there pus? In reality, the situation is rapidly deteriorating, a person is in danger of need and deprivation. It is time to do something immediately, otherwise it will be too late.

Even if the situation is unpleasant for you, you don’t need to hide your head in the sand or panic, because no one will fix it instead of you, and if you fix it, then it’s not in your favor. Yes, sometimes you have to admit your mistakes, ask for forgiveness or do what you don’t like, but this is necessary for the result.

What tooth did you see?

Remember which tooth you saw in a dream:

  1. healthy - good luck in the intended business;
  2. spoiled - a chronic illness may worsen;
  3. cracked - ahead of trouble, but they can still be fixed;
  4. front - symbolizes the spouse (wife);
  5. root - a symbol of a not so close, but dear person;
  6. upper - indicates the man with whom you are doing business;
  7. lower - symbolizes a familiar woman;
  8. soft - a scandal between relatives;
  9. transparent - get down to business, do not let it drift;
  10. full of holes - there is a traitor among friends.

Long in a dream means, according to the dream book: some people have become very significant for the dreamer. They attract too much attention to themselves, distracting from other important areas of life.

Did you see scary ones?

Why dream of seeing terrible teeth - crooked or darkened? In reality, you will experience discomfort. The vision also warns: someone will spread gossip.

Unattractive, yellowed, with a touch in a dream promise slander from colleagues or acquaintances. You will have to experience unpleasant moments when you hear attacks on yourself.

Like animals

Seeing teeth like animals? The dream book says: there is a serious fight with a competitor. You need to show determination and willpower.

They were in two rows, like a shark? The vision tells you: stop walking in circles, it's time to lay claim to what belongs to you. Show your opponents that you intend to achieve a result.

Difficulties with eating

In a dream, meat stuck in your teeth? There is some annoying person in your environment who will impose his company or ask for something that you cannot fulfill.

Why dream of chewing gum that has stuck and interferes? Take part in a dispute for money. However, you can exaggerate your chances of winning or succumb to excitement and bet a large amount, and the bet will end in loss.

Scraping and cleaning the gum means: you are in a difficult situation. It takes a lot of effort to fix.

In a dream, while eating, the teeth fell off and spilled out of the mouth, but there was no blood? The dream interpretation explains: troubles will happen to loved ones.

What do dental problems mean?

The interpretation of the vision depends on what troubles have occurred:

  • crumble - minor annoying failures;
  • pieces break off - multiple losses;
  • collapse - the collapse of all hopes;
  • several broke down - relatives need your help;
  • fall off - parting with a loved one;
  • fell out - difficulties in business due to empty talk.

Why dream that, for some unknown reason, they began to deteriorate quickly and fell down one after another? Overwork and overexertion adversely affect your health. Are the healthy ones falling apart? Breaking up relationships, life is falling apart.

Lose them to injury or in a fight

In a dream, you hit hard, damaged your teeth and heard how they crunch, breaking? The dream book warns: something will happen that can dramatically change your life.

To see the knocking out of someone's teeth - troubles in business may begin. Was the man spitting blood and teeth? Relatives are at risk of illness.

To spit their fragments yourself - your health will worsen. Chronic diseases may worsen.

Have you counted the fallen teeth? If there were two of them, a streak of bad luck is ahead. Three or more - problems will pile up due to their own carelessness.

Treatment, drilling of teeth

Why dream of drilling with a dental drill? The dream interpretation indicates: you have to do something unpleasant, but so far you cannot get rid of this duty. Be patient.

Dental treatment means: the sleeper will survive the stress, but will quickly cope with it. He can improve his position.

After the treatment, the teeth became white, beautiful, which in reality do not exist? The vision portends the fulfillment of desire, the support of reliable friends, success at work.

If they themselves become healthy from bad ones and you sparkle with a snow-white smile, troubles or illness will be temporary and will soon pass.

Place a filling, crown

Did the doctor put a filling in a dream? You can hide your ugly secret from everyone. The dream also indicates: soon get rid of the annoying problem.

Why dream about how you got a crown? The dream interpretation claims: in reality, difficulties will begin due to the lack of some knowledge or experience, skills for the sleeping person to perform new work.

Look for someone who can tell you how to get the job done right. Even if you are sure that you yourself know everything - ask a more experienced person to check whether you are doing the right thing. It is better to correct immediately if you make a mistake than to redo all the work later. Don't be afraid to learn!

heal, insert

Did the dreamer himself treat, repair someone's teeth? He should not trust new acquaintances too much. We must beware of scammers.

If he was treated in a dream, but there was no pain, there will be unrest, losses, but the sleeper will overcome all trials with dignity.

Dreamed of dental implantation? According to the dream book, a favorable period will begin soon. Restore health, strengthen internal forces. Broken relationships can also be rekindled.

Questions to the expert


Yesterday I dreamed that all my teeth fell out, and then they erupted and new ones began to grow. There was no pain. What does it mean? What can be expected or feared?

Inga Arkhangelskaya:

This plot has a double interpretation. The patient's vision promises a speedy recovery. If he dreamed of a poor person, there is an improvement in well-being ahead. Perhaps the dreamer will receive an inheritance or find a well-paid job.

Ask a Question
  • An ordinary dream in which you see teeth portends an unpleasant encounter with illness and restless, disturbing people.
  • If you dream that you have lost your teeth. Misfortune awaits you.
  • If in a dream the doctor pulled out your tooth. A terrible, lingering illness awaits you.
  • If in a dream you observe the number of teeth in your mouth due to a person, it means that after numerous trials, the lost jewelry will return to you.
  • If in a dream you brush or rinse your teeth, this means that you will need a huge fight to save your happiness.
  • If you dream that you have in your mouth artificial teeth- means. You should expect severe trials that will fall on you, and you have to overcome them.
  • If in a dream you lose your teeth, a heavy burden awaits you, which will crush your pride and ruin your work.
  • If you dream that your teeth were knocked out, it means that you should be attentive to your affairs, as the enemies are not asleep.
  • If in a dream your teeth are destroyed or broken, it means. Your work or health will suffer from overwork.
  • If you dream that you are spitting out your teeth, then the disease threatens you or your family.
  • Wrong teeth with some flaws - the most terrible dream. He threatens many misfortunes to those who see him. This is poverty, and the collapse of personal plans and hopes, and illness, and nervous exhaustion, even among hitherto healthy people.
  • If one tooth falls out in a dream, this means sad news; if two, then a streak of bad luck into which the dreamer will be plunged due to his own negligence. If three teeth fall out, very serious disasters will follow.
  • If you see that all your teeth have fallen out, this means that misfortunes are coming.
  • If you dream that your teeth have deteriorated and you pulled them out, it means that hunger and death await you.
  • If you dream that plaque flies off your teeth, why they become healthy and white - it means. Your discomfort is temporary; when it passes. You will come to your senses, and the realization of a duty fulfilled will delight you.
  • If in a dream you admire the whiteness and perfection of your teeth. Friends dear to your heart and all the fullness of happiness that fulfillment of desires can give you are waiting for you.
  • If in a dream you, pulling out one of your teeth, lose it, and then look for a cavity in your mouth with your tongue, not finding it, and you leave this riddle unsolved, then this means that you will meet with some person whom you completely do not want and which you want to neglect. Nevertheless, this meeting will take place. And in the future you will continue to see this person and, despite the sidelong glances of your friends, you will receive exciting pleasure from these meetings.
  • If you dream that your dentist cleaned your teeth perfectly, and the next morning you find that they have turned yellow again - this means that you will entrust the protection of your interests to certain people, but you will soon find out that they will not resist the flattering promises of some clever deceiver.

Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff

Why dream of Teeth in a dream?

According to the dream book, see Teeth - Dreams in which you lose teeth with blood or pain are dreams about a serious illness of family members, relatives, or their possible imminent death. If you lose your teeth in a dream due to falling out, while you do not experience any pain or fear, then this is a symbol that something outdated will fade into the background or will be completely deleted from life, although until that time it was of tremendous importance For you.

Dream Interpretation of Gypsy Seraphim

Why dream of Teeth in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Teeth - often associated with speech, although they can also indicate problems with the teeth. A mouth full of teeth is too much talk; lack of teeth - careless, careless speech; false teeth - deceit, treachery, angry words; crooked teeth - deceit, betrayal; tooth loss - incessant chatter, unkind and incorrect words; plate on the teeth - the need to control speech; sick teeth - "dirty" tongue; toothbrush - watch your words; chipped teeth - curses that cause a negative reaction, according to the dream book - the predictor.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why dream Teeth in a dream?

Seeing Teeth in a dream means - Teeth. Seeing someone's teeth is a chore, a disease. To lose a tooth is, unfortunately, a serious protracted illness. Seeing someone with a full mouth of teeth - the lost, lost jewelry will return to you. Brushing or rinsing your teeth is a stubborn struggle for your happiness. You have artificial teeth in a dream - to severe trials; teeth are destroyed or broken - work and health will suffer from overload. Spit out fallen teeth - a serious illness threatens you or your relatives. The number of teeth that have fallen out also matters: the loss of one tooth is sad news; two teeth - a streak of bad luck, in which the dreamer will be involved due to his own stupidity, oversight; three teeth - to serious troubles; loss of all teeth - unfortunately. If in a dream you removed bad teeth - impoverishment, hunger and danger of death; saw that you have improperly growing, flawed teeth - many misfortunes, the collapse of plans, illness. Plaque flies off your teeth, from which they become white and healthy - troubles pass, you will overcome difficulties for your own benefit. White teeth - To admire the whiteness and beauty of your teeth - there is a chance to fulfill secret desires. If in a dream the dentist put all your teeth in order, and the next morning they became the same again, you entrusted the protection of your interests to people who will betray them. If in a dream, pulling out one tooth, you find that all your teeth are in place - to a meeting with a person who is condemned by many, but in the future you will receive support and help in business from him. Knocking out teeth, especially the front ones, is a threat of death, most likely also associated with trauma. Toothless mouth - to the loss of something valuable, as the dream book says about this dream.

Psychological dream book

Why dream of Teeth in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Teeth - Symbolize our relatives and friends. Tooth loss - to death loved one, the tooth will fall out with blood - to the death of a relative. Clean straight teeth promise good health

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Teeth, what does sleep mean?

Seeing Teeth in a Dream - An ordinary dream in which you see teeth portends an unpleasant encounter with illness and restless people. If you dream that you have lost your teeth, misfortunes await you. If in a dream the doctor pulled out your tooth, you can get sick. I dreamed that you were brushing or rinsing your teeth - it would take a lot of strength from you to save family happiness. I dreamed that you had artificial teeth in your mouth - expect severe trials. If your teeth were knocked out in a dream, be attentive to your affairs, as you have enemies who are just waiting for a chance to harm you. If in a dream your teeth are destroyed or broken, then you have taken on too much load. I dreamed that one tooth fell out, wait for the sad news. Two teeth fell out - a streak of bad luck will begin, three - serious troubles lie ahead. They spit out their teeth in a dream - the disease threatens you or your family. The dream in which you saw crooked teeth, with some kind of flaws, is the most terrible. It is fraught with misfortunes - poverty, the collapse of personal plans and hopes, illnesses, nervous exhaustion. If you dreamed that your teeth had deteriorated and you had them removed, then trouble awaits you. It seemed that plaque flies off your teeth and they become healthy and white - your malaise is temporary. If in a dream you admired the whiteness and perfection of your teeth, then in real life dear friends, great happiness and fulfillment of desires await you. A dream in which you, having pulled out one of your teeth, lose it, and then look for a hollow in your mouth with your tongue, but do not find it, prophesies an unwanted meeting with some person. In the future, you will continue to see him and enjoy these meetings. If you dreamed that the dentist brushed your teeth, and then they turned yellow again, then in reality you will entrust the protection of your interests to unreliable people. Nostradamus considered teeth a symbol of the loss of vital energy, experiences. He interpreted dreams about teeth as follows: If you saw in a dream how your teeth are being pulled out, then in reality you are afraid of losing someone close to you. If your teeth fall out in a dream, then know that your inaction interferes with the realization of the goal. We saw rotten and decaying teeth in a dream - health problems are ahead. A dream in which you saw an empty place in your mouth instead of a tooth warns of a loss of vitality and premature old age. A sore tooth means that you will have to deal with personal problems. And here is what D. Loff said about such dreams: “Dreams about teeth and tooth loss are widespread. Often such a dream is disturbing, although it does not carry the same fear or anxiety as a nightmare. In a dream, teeth often excite only the dreamer. Other characters sleep either do not notice the loss of teeth, or do not attach any importance to it. Dreams of missing teeth are often dreams of embarrassment or potentially embarrassing situations. A similar experience in real life can be summed up in the expression "losing face" in public. Another possible cause Dreams of losing teeth can be physical sensations such as teeth grinding or tooth sensitivity."

What is the dream of Toothless Man. Seeing a toothless man in a dream - wait for news of the deceased. Seeing yourself without teeth is a tragedy. Seeing a toothless spouse (wife) is a theft, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had.

Toothless man - If you dream that you have no teeth, then in reality you are unlikely to be able to make a career. Probably, some kind of illness will prevent the achievement of the goal. If you see someone else toothless, the enemies are not able to discredit you.

Dream Interpretation Toothlessness (tooth loss) is the loss of something valuable.

Dreamed / dreamed White teeth - If you dream of healthy white teeth - this is a disease. If you dream that in a dream you take out your teeth with your fingers and without any pain, this is a betrayal of a loved one.

Autumn dream book

Why see Teeth in a dream?

Why dream White teeth - Seeing dazzling white teeth in a dream - to some kind of deception.

Knock out teeth - See above.

Why dream of pulling out a tooth - for the upcoming flour.

Dream Interpretation Rotten teeth - to a quarrel.

I dreamed / dreamed of a rotten tooth (teeth). - If you dream in a dream that you have a rotten tooth, this is a disease of the teeth.

Rotten tooth - If you dream in a dream that you have a rotten tooth, get ready for a quarrel with your wife or husband.

Pulling teeth - Pulling teeth at the dentist - to a painful condition.

Gums - If the gum bleeds in a dream, its inflammation will begin in reality.

Caries - Treat caries in a dream - to a disease of the teeth.

Tooth nerve - To remove a dental nerve in a dream is to great suffering: your nerves are taut like a string, but so far nothing can be changed.

Toothpaste - Buy in a dream toothpaste- to prosthetics of teeth.

To fill a tooth - They will close the case on you.

Tooth powder - To problems with teeth.

Rare teeth - They will grin at you, laugh.

Spring dream book

Why see Teeth in a dream?

According to the dream book White teeth. Seeing white teeth in a person - to health, well-being; to see the white teeth of the beast is a delusion about the enemy, you will be flattered, deceived. To see white teeth outside of a person - to the dead.

Dream Interpretation To insert teeth - All dreams associated with damaged teeth are bad dreams.

To insert teeth - to a new relative, marriage or the birth of a new family member.

Why dream of Knocking out a tooth - with blood - for the arrival of blood relatives, without blood - strangers.

Rotten tooth - the patient will die.

Pulling teeth - to the loss of a loved one.

Gums - to see a swollen gum in a dream - to profit, to money.

Caries - to see destroyed teeth in a dream - to an incurable illness of a relative.

Dental nerve. Seeing in a dream how a dental nerve is pulled out - to indescribable pain, suffering through the closest people. You will be afraid for your family.

Toothpaste - to bad teeth or a broken tooth.

Filling (filling). - to seal something - to justify trust.

Tooth powder - to scoffing.

Rare teeth - to deception.

Summer dream book

Why see Teeth in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep: Insert teeth - Seeing yourself in a dream in a dentist's chair inserting teeth - to the loss of the remaining teeth.

Knock out teeth - If a tooth is knocked out in a dream, you will be unsettled for a long time.

Pulling teeth - Seeing in a dream how you pull out your teeth means that your ill-wishers will kick you out of the saddle.

Gums - Gums hurt in a dream - to a toothache.

Caries - Seeing teeth damaged by caries in a dream - to a toothache.

Dental nerve (teeth). - To remove a dental nerve in a dream, experiencing unbearable pain, means that one person is acting on your nerves, which you cannot cope with.

Toothpaste - There will be problems with the teeth.

To fill teeth - To patching holes.

Tooth powder - Tooth powder dreams of a dangerous moment.

Rare teeth - To a long, empty conversation.

Dreams are different. Some are a reflection of our thoughts and desires, others warn us and warn of impending dangers, and others portend good luck and the achievement of goals. There are no dreams that do not carry any meaning. Don't know what a falling tooth means? Dream Interpretations will help you.

  • If you just dream of teeth with which nothing is happening, then expect meetings with people whom you would not like to see in the near future.
  • If you dreamed of a mouth without teeth, then misfortune will soon overtake you. Be ready for anything.
  • If you dreamed of a dentist pulling out your tooth, then you may soon get sick. Try not to put your health at risk once again.
  • The 32 teeth that come off in your jaw means a big find. You will be able to regain what you have long lost.
  • If in your dream you brush your teeth, then get ready to overcome obstacles on the personal front. You have to endure many trials in order to maintain your relationship with loved ones.
  • If the teeth begin to fall out, then sleep means the collapse of your plans. Everything that you have worked long and hard for can be ruined in one moment.
  • If you dreamed of a fight in which your teeth were knocked out, then get ready to fight in real life. One of your competitors is probably preparing a plan that could undermine your business or reputation.
  • If in a dream your teeth crumble, then stress awaits you. Try to avoid all controversial situations to keep your nerves in order.
  • If in a dream you spit out your teeth, then illness awaits you.
  • Plaque on the teeth begins to disappear and the teeth turn white - your health will soon return to normal and you will be able to look with new eyes at some things that worried you.
  • If in a dream you brush your teeth, and plaque reappears on them, then take a closer look at the people around you. Perhaps those who promised to help you will turn their backs on you at the most inopportune moment.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov. What are the teeth for?

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus. What do dreams with teeth mean?

According to the dream book of Nostradamus, any dream in which there are teeth means your concern for people dear to you.

  • If your teeth are pulled out in a dream, it means that you are afraid of losing a loved one.
  • If in a dream your teeth fall out, then this means your uncertainty about other people. You have to collect your thoughts and tell people what is in your head.
  • Sick or rotten teeth that come off mean your mental disorders and illnesses. You need to take a break from the people around you and worries and put your spiritual balance in order.
  • If in a dream your tooth starts to hurt and you are trying to feel it with your tongue, then this means that the moment will soon come when you will have to face the problems that you tried so hard to avoid.

In most dream books, teeth have practically same values. You can read any of them and get answers to your questions.

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Teeth

See teeth in a dream. Teeth - this is a classic dream - has several interpretations. It can literally mean that you were afraid of losing your teeth. It can show the beginning of a new stage in your life, just as we lose our teeth in early childhood and move into adulthood. You may be concerned about your self-esteem, or the dream may mean hidden anxiety.

To have artificial teeth in a dream - to false love, to pull out teeth - you will stop communicating with an annoying person, if you fill your teeth - streamline your affairs, falling out or loose teeth - to death, however, if your teeth fall out in a dream, then a dream can mean and the fact that you will learn a certain secret.

You see very bad, rotten teeth - a disease, brushing your teeth - you will work for others, inserting new teeth - to dubious deeds, beautiful, white teeth - to healthy offspring, golden teeth - to wealth.

If in a dream you admire your white and beautiful teeth, this promises happiness in love and prosperity.

A dream in which you lose your teeth or your teeth are uneven and ugly does not bode well.

Dentistry in a dream means a wise friend who is always ready, just waiting to help you, whenever you turn to him.

Bloody teeth in a dream are a reminder of the existence of important legal or official matters that require a written decision.

In our dream book, you can learn not only about what dreams about teeth mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see teeth in a dream in online dream book Miller.

Dreaming of Teeth? Tell me your dream!

Ask the dream book why teeth dream in a dream! What to expect if you dreamed that you yourself pulled out your teeth?

Losing teeth in a dream is not a good sign. If a girl dreamed that she pulled out her teeth herself, such a vision is far from always negative and, rather, serves as a reflection of her state of mind and serious inner experiences.

If a girl pulled her teeth out in a dream, most likely, not everything suits her in life. Removal of teeth in this case symbolizes a change for the better.

Perhaps very soon events will occur that will turn her inner world upside down. To remove sick, rotten teeth in a dream - to get rid of everything old and boring in real life. This may be a harbinger of a break in relations that have long outlived their usefulness.

Pulling out strong and healthy teeth is poverty. The vision also portends that a person will make some kind of mistake in real life. He wants changes for the better, but in fact he will quarrel with the people he needs.

For married people, removing front teeth in a dream is a betrayal. Most likely, the other half will be wrong. If a married woman sees such a dream, she will have to face temptation. The dreamer will need to make a very difficult choice. If she stays with her husband, the decision will be right. New romance won't last long.

If the sleeping woman visited a dental clinic the day before and she dreams that she is pulling out her teeth, such a dream most likely means absolutely nothing. It simply reflects her fear of pain. Perhaps the vision will come more than once.

Psychologists consider visions in which women pull out their own teeth a symbol of an unstable state of mind. Most likely, the dreamer cannot decide with whom it is better for her to build relationships, how to live on.

To pull out teeth in a dream to someone you know is to commit a not very beautiful act in reality. Subsequently, the sleeping woman will be very ashamed of what she has done, but it will be difficult to regain her lost reputation.

To remove a tooth to your spouse - in real life to convict him of treason. This stage will be very painful for the dreamer. But her closest people will unexpectedly support her.

Pulling teeth in a dream is a sign of self-doubt. The dreamer, most likely, considers herself not very attractive. She wants to be liked opposite sex, but does not know how to interest men. For business women similar dream symbolizes doubts about their professional qualities. To become more confident, you need to improve your educational level or just work on yourself.

Some interpreters of dreams are sure that the removal of teeth in a dream symbolizes the fear of losing close relatives. Such visions very often come to people whose parents or children are seriously ill.

To pull out your child's teeth in a dream - in real life, wish him to grow up as soon as possible.

To remove your teeth in a dream for people in a relationship can also be a reflection of a secret desire to change a partner. Most likely, the dreamer is not satisfied with the man who is currently nearby, but she does not dare to tell him about it. After such a vision, the sleeping woman will gain courage and make the right decision.

To remove teeth in a dream with your hands - in reality to be defenseless before certain circumstances. The dreamer will have almost no strength left to deal with the troubles that have fallen on her overnight. If a woman's teeth are pulled out by her man in a dream, in reality her chosen one will behave aggressively, or a serious quarrel will break out between lovers.

To pull out one's own teeth in a dream - in reality, strive to get rid of not entirely sincere people and obsolete relationships. To remove a diseased tooth is a positive change. Also, the vision may be a reflection of internal fears. Perhaps the dreamer is simply afraid of losing her family.

Teeth with and without blood according to the dream book

In any dream book, teeth are a symbol of health, and if something is wrong with them, then there will also be problems with the physical condition. But not everything is always so sad, depending on the details in the dream, the predictions may be less negative. Remember how your teeth were damaged - with or without blood, and then you will know exactly why such a plot is dreaming.

It is also important to note whether you felt pain, what happened to your teeth - they fell out, or they were knocked out to you, or maybe they broke or crumbled, bleeding opened at the same time, what emotions did you experience in a dream?

Blood loss of a tooth

According to Aesop's dream book, if teeth fall out with blood in a dream, then in reality you will not achieve your goal, no matter how hard you put in for this. The reason for this will be ill-wishers who are not profitable for you to succeed.

Velesov's dream book gives an even more unfavorable prognosis: what such a plot is dreaming of portends a disease very close relative- children or parents, which can end very badly.

Also, the dream book predicts that if you dream of losing a tooth with blood, then in reality a loved one will not keep his promise. But if you feel pain when falling out, then the death of a loved one awaits you.

Pay attention to what kind of tooth fell out in a dream - a root, a cutter or a fang - each of them is a symbol of a certain relative. According to the interpretation of the dream book, the root is a father or grandfather, the canine is a brother or sister, the upper incisor is a son, the lower incisor is a daughter.

If in a dream you had to pull out a tooth with blood, then you will find a painful and offensive break in relations with your soulmate. This interpretation is especially true for married couples, during those periods when conflicts and quarrels often began to repeat.

But not pulling out with your own hands, but let's say in the dentist's office, in the setting of a hospital ward, means that the state of the body leaves much to be desired, the dream book advises you to urgently consult a doctor, but if you feel quite normal.

man having own business who dreamed of a pulled out tooth with blood, according to the forecast of the dream book, can expect a complete decline in business. Competitors do not sleep, and are constantly trying to achieve their success at the expense of the dreamer.

Such a plot in a dream can portend complete bankruptcy - finances will only go away, but there will be no profit at all. Get ready to tighten your belt, and with your head held high, go through a period of crisis - it will not last forever.

If a woman has a loose tooth with blood in a dream, then in real life, due to her extravagance, she will receive serious losses. The dream interpretation recommends not lending to anyone, especially relatives - the money will not be returned back.

For married people who saw such a picture in a dream, the dream book gives advice: with such a precarious situation in the family, you should not independently raise topics that can lead to misunderstanding. Any difficult situation can cause a wave of anger in the second half, and there will be no trace of the couple.

Why dream of broken teeth with blood? If in this moment If you are striving to achieve your desired goal, then in no case do you ask for help from relatives: they will do a disservice, and failure will lie in wait for you in the very step before your desires come true.

But if the incisor knocked out in a dream turned out to be sick, black, then the dream book predicts good luck. All obstacles and traps on the way to the goal will be successfully overcome, you will not even notice how love and prosperity will come to you.

Loss of teeth without blood

According to the interpretation of the idiomatic dream book, why dream of pulling out a tooth without blood is an ambiguous symbol. If in reality it worries you, it hurts, there is a hole in it, then in reality you will get rid of an annoying person who does not allow you to live in peace.

If in a dream you were attacked and given in the jaw with consequences, then the dream book portends that in the near future a hostile attack will be made in your direction. Do not get involved in quarrels with those who are obviously stronger than you, this will end badly.

Miller's dream book gives a slightly different interpretation of what dreams of pulling a tooth without blood. If after this action in a dream you feel your jaw with your tongue and feel that there is a painless hole left there, then expect a meeting with a person whose society will give you a lot of trouble.

And if in a dream artificial teeth were inserted to replace the lost teeth, then the dream book predicts a series of serious, fateful trials, which only own strength will - no one can count on support.

Why dream of spitting out teeth without blood? By interpretation female dream book, such a plot in a dream will bring only one trouble. They will be associated either with illness or with an accident, due to which you will have to move away from important matters for a long time.

If in a dream you loosened your tongue and knocked out your teeth without blood, and then spit them out, then Grandma's dream book gives positive predictions. Incredible success awaits you in all endeavors, but in order to achieve luck, you need to make every effort - victory over circumstances will not come as easily as you expected.

According to the Muslim dream book, for a man whose tooth fell without blood in a dream, fate prepared a pleasant surprise. If at the moment you have started some kind of business, then do not doubt why such a picture is dreaming - you will make a big profit.

For married woman the plot, where she herself pulls out her teeth without blood and pain, is a favorable prediction of the dream book. Soon you will become pregnant, and if you are already pregnant, then the baby born will be extremely healthy and strong.

An esoteric dream book predicts that seeing a rotten tooth without blood in a dream is a bad omen. Be careful with those who you consider friends. Among those who are dear to you there is an informer hiding behind the guise of a reliable and faithful friend.

If in the place of a rotten incisor you groped for an empty place in a dream, then this indicates that in your soul there will soon be no room for anger and rage. You will meet a person of the opposite sex who will bring only positive moments and love to life. The soul will be filled with harmony and happiness.

Why dream when teeth crumble with or without blood

If a bloody tooth breaks in a dream, then warn your relatives so that they do not plan any long trips. Now luck is not on their side, and any long journey can end in an accident, an accident.

According to another interpretation of the dream book, what dreams of broken teeth with blood is a symbol of the moral and physical overload of the body. You do not need to devote yourself to work, and work tirelessly - this can lead to disastrous consequences, and will suffer not only physical health but also the psyche.

Why dream if a tooth breaks without blood? By dream book XXI, such a plot in a dream does not bode well: you will have a conflict with good friend, and it is likely that after a violent quarrel you will never make peace.

Also, this dream, with damage to all teeth without blood, may mean that the profit from work will be significantly lower than how much effort you put into it. In this case, it is better to turn to friends for help, they will help you earn more and relieve you of burdensome duties.

If in a dream a tooth broke off without blood, and a snow-white surface opened at the place of the chip, then deception and betrayal await you. Meanness will come from the one whom you consider your friend and even mentor. Do not trust your experiences and emotions to everyone, but it is better to limit communication as much as possible for some time, thereby protecting yourself from trouble.

On the contrary, if in a dream there was a rotten core at the place of the chip, then the dream book predicts the exposure of dishonest, hypocritical friends. No need to take any action, corrupt and cynical friends will give themselves away, without anyone's participation.

If in a dream your tooth crumbled without blood, and this happened due to the fact that you tightly clenched your jaws, then in reality you will have to experience the moments of success of your sworn enemy that are unpleasant for you. Moderate your envy, and do not obstruct an exalted competitor - this will lead to even greater success on his part.

Teeth crumbled due to the fact that you pulled out stuck food particles from them is a symbol of failure in getting rid of a boring person. What such a plot is dreaming of predicts that by expecting an improvement in the situation from this, you endanger yourself. An annoying person is not so safe, and attempts to drive him away will only embitter him.

If teeth without blood crumbled in a dream, and not a single whole and healthy one remained in the mouth, then in real life the dream book portends a series of failures that will lead to loss of money. Spend less on unnecessary things, soon funds will be needed for more significant things.

If the dentition, after it has crumbled, looks uneven - one incisor is shorter or longer than the other, then a lawsuit for an inheritance is expected in the family. It will lead to misunderstandings and quarrels among relatives, and as a result, one of them will be wrong and deprived, and harbor a grudge against you.

Brushing your teeth with blood in a dream is a dream book warning that relatives will try to interfere with relationships with a person you like. Do not be influenced by them, communication with someone you like will bring love and peace in the future.

If there are no bloody marks left on the toothbrush when brushing in a dream, then the dream book predicts that you will have to invest your labor and funds in an unprofitable unpromising business. In essence, you will work for others, and they in turn will reap the benefits.

Dream Interpretation Teeth crumble, why dream Teeth crumble in a dream to see

Why dream, teeth crumble - this is to quarrels with relatives, illnesses in the family and problems at work. A dream in which you see crumbling teeth is considered unfavorable.

Dream Interpretation of psychologist G. Miller Why dream Teeth crumble in a dream:

Teeth crumble - this is a bad sign. Such a dream speaks of impending problems and troubles, bad news from relatives. If teeth crumble in a dream and you see blood, you will receive news of the death of one of your relatives.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation What does it mean if you dream of crumbling teeth?

To see in a dream Teeth are crumbling interpretation of sleep. Teeth crumbling in a dream symbolize illness and lonely old age. Blood in a dream in which teeth crumble - to the death of a relative.

Psychologist Z. Freud's dream book Why do teeth crumble in a dream:

If you dreamed that your teeth were crumbling and falling out, you are afraid to have sexual intercourse with a more experienced person. If your teeth crumble in a dream, you experience complexes regarding your appearance. Most likely, all your complexes are far-fetched and there are actually no problems with appearance.

Family dream book If you dream Teeth crumble according to the dream book:

Why dream that teeth crumble in a dream - your loved ones are in dire need of you and your support. If you dreamed that your teeth were crumbling, this is a quarrel with relatives. Perhaps in the near future you will quarrel with distant relatives over real estate or inheritance. Teeth crumble in a dream - to a quarrel with a lover, a separation or a complete break in relations is possible.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov Dream Interpretation: Teeth crumble, which means

If you dreamed that your teeth were crumbling, this is a warning dream. There are people in your environment who envy your position and want to spoil everything with gossip and intrigue. Be attentive to your loved ones - such a dream may portend a breakup with your soulmate and a quarrel with friends.

Dream Interpretation of medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Teeth crumble in a dream

Teeth crumble - pay attention to your health. Such dreams usually dream of serious illnesses that occur without symptoms. Contact the hospital to diagnose your health condition so as not to start the disease and start treatment in a timely manner.

Dream Interpretation Teeth in a child

Why does a child dream about Teeth in a dream from a dream book?

Seeing a baby's teeth in a dream - an unexpected event will occur. You should be careful and be on the lookout, your joyful expectations can turn into completely unhappy events.

The baby's teeth have grown - good luck awaits you in all matters, life will be filled only with joyful events.

Dream Interpretation Pull out a tooth, why dream of pulling out a tooth in a dream to see

Why dream of pulling out a tooth in a dream - to deprivation, loss, loss of profit or deterioration in health.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Why dream of pulling out a tooth in a dream on your own - to strive to get rid of something that is boring and superfluous, but has tightly entered your life. Most dream books interpret the loss of a tooth in a dream as a sign of self-doubt and negligence in professional field. Be observant - you may be threatened by the unexpected loss of property due to natural disaster or other disaster.

Dream Interpretation of a Psychologist Z. Freud Why dream of pulling out a tooth:

To pull out a tooth - Sigmund Freud, according to his writings, was absolutely sure that to see a dream in which you pulled out your own or pulled out a tooth - to experience excruciating fear in reality before losing one of the family members. The condition of the tooth in this case is associated with the condition of the relative. If you dreamed that the pulled out tooth was healthy - such a dream can be deciphered as fear or fear of losing a close family member who is completely healthy at the moment. I dreamed that a bad tooth was pulled out - you are afraid that a relative who is currently seriously ill will leave your life. I dreamed that they pulled out a tooth with blood - the fear of surviving the death of a blood relative or spouse.

Women's dream book

Why dream of pulling out a tooth in a dream on your own - the desire to change a partner. Perhaps your relationship has cracked and soon you will have to leave. But in the near future you will meet exactly the person you have been dreaming about all your life. They pulled out a tooth for you - to a quarrel, betrayal of one of your close friends. If you prevented a tooth being pulled out in a dream, your loved one may not be completely honest with you. A pulled out tooth often dreams of the betrayal of one of the spouses. A tooth torn out without blood - to replenish the financial situation.

Family dream book If you dream of pulling out a tooth from a dream book:

Why dream of pulling out a tooth - serious illnesses, squabbles, quarrels in the family. If you dreamed that you pulled out a bad tooth, this symbolizes getting rid of everything bad and oppressive. In this case, you will find peace of mind, stabilization of relations within the family. They pulled out a tooth with blood - a serious illness of one of the family members, possibly even with a fatal outcome. You pulled out a tooth for someone - in reality you strive to become the master of the situation. Be careful with subordinates at work, friends and family members. Perhaps they will be offended by you for undeservedly harsh attitude towards them.



I had a dream, as if I were brushing my child's teeth; I clean it not with a brush, but with a cotton swab, and after that the fleece becomes a little dirty, gray. the child's teeth are healthy, white ... only on one tooth-painter there is a small brown dot. I can’t find a definite answer anywhere, but it’s very interesting why I had such a dream ...


i dreamed of a little girl that I hold in my arms, as if it were the daughter of my employee, who gave birth a year and a half ago, my employee’s brother is standing nearby, I ask him if the baby has teeth? he answers there is one, I look into her mouth, and she already has several teeth climbing there, her teeth are neat, they are just starting to climb out. What is it for?


my son is 6 months old and I saw that it was as if a tooth had come out and there was a small stick


I dreamed that I gave birth to a little girl (actually I am pregnant), I look and she has two teeth in front, hairs are short on her head.


dreamed that small child teeth appeared, but not all, but in parts, two at the bottom and along the chewing sides, all the teeth are good, even. I was so happy in my dream, I told everyone. I have had this dream more than once.


I had a dream that my eldest son was playing, and then he cried that his mouth hurts, I saw some blood and sent him to wash his mouth. After that, in the kitchen, where all the actions took place, I found his tooth, it was the size of a palm, clean and beautiful, even for an exhibition, the only thing in it was caries, the same hole as it really is now, and then I also found a tooth, it was small, also clean. There was no blood at all, only the child had a couple of drops at once.


Hello Tatiana.
I dreamed that my child, a 2-year-old son, had all his teeth covered with black plaque. I look into his mouth, and the lower jaw, teeth, are covered with black plaque, one might say progressive caries.
I don't remember anything else.
Before going to bed, there was a quarrel with my wife, she is pregnant with me, she will give birth soon.


I dreamed that my son's lower tooth turned black and staggered. And it happened suddenly, in a dream we are talking about the fact that a few days ago everything was fine. We want to extract a tooth, we come to the doctor. And when we just entered the doctor's office, the dream ended ..


I had a dream that my daughter had two lower front teeth and one immediately fell out. How to understand it?


I dreamed that my daughter (she is 11 months old) lost a tooth, she bit something and it fell out. What could such a dream mean?


I saw my son, he is 23 years old with friends and girls that I don’t like, then I lost my son and started looking, I found a maniac in the apartment, behind a chiffoner, as if he was dead, I started doing artificial respiration and his friend gave a heart massage, my son opened his eyes and I saw that he had no teeth in his mouth, but crumbled gums, I realized that the maniac pulled his teeth out alive - a terrible dream !!! what does it mean? thanks!


Hello! Please help, I can't find any information on the Internet. i dreamed as if my child on the left side had molars with holes and rotten ones. in the same dream, I was in a hurry somewhere and was late all the time, due to the fact that I constantly forgot my bag somewhere, but they either returned it to me or found it myself. there was also a dog there, which at first barked at me, and then became attached and I did not know where to escape from it. I don't think it's very good dream. please tell me


I see my son is small, he doesn’t obey, he runs away, I catch up and slap a belt on the pope)) then I see his open mouth on the lower jaw on the right, many teeth are missing, and where the molars are some kind of irregular rotten teeth and four teeth grow from one hole


the child has a hole in his cheek and I decided to see what was there. I looked and there you can see a rotten black tooth, I took it and pulled it out with my little finger, and there was a healthy tooth under it. She put a rotten tooth in her palm and looked at him. And so she woke up


In a dream, I dreamed that I opened my daughter's mouth and began to count how many teeth needed to be treated, and then, with surprise, I began to count how many rotten teeth ... well, that is. somewhere with a small hole, somewhere more




from my son (1 year, 8 months) I easily took out 2 loose, but healthy white teeth in my palm from the gums, and then I lost them. for what?


in a dream she defended herself from an unknown man, she was afraid that she would hurt me a lot, because. in reality and in a dream, I am in a late position, and my daughter ran to me from afar and fell hard, she shows tears in her mouth, and there is one tooth missing, and the other is barely moving.


It's just that my child's two back teeth fell out, without blood. I also thought about how she would be 4 years old without teeth (the child is 3, but they will not grow up soon).


I dreamed that the baby’s teeth were climbing (about 3-4 months), the sex of the child could not be determined. There were 4 teeth. 3 half crawled out from above (1 in the center and 2 along the edges of the gums, the farthest) and 1 starting to crawl out from the bottom in the center. Milk teeth, normal white.


Hello! I dreamed that the eldest son was 4 years old, pushed or hit the younger one, he was 2 years old, I didn’t see it, I just heard it. Then the younger one came to me in tears, I asked: “What happened?” He points to my teeth, I thought the front tooth was staggering, but he gets it. The tooth is white, even, like a prosthesis. The place of the tooth is like that of a baby when there are no teeth. The gums are pink, without blood.


I don’t remember the whole dream, but this is what I remember: it’s not clear whose child (a fair-haired boy aged 6-8) had some kind of anxiety and I asked him to open his mouth wide. I was surprised when I saw a lot of white teeth in 2-3 rows at the top and bottom; moreover, almost all the teeth were molars, wide, round. Thanks to.


Hello. i dreamed that my child’s molars were coming out from the top and bottom, but not completely, they just erupted in one part and were white.


i dreamed that my child (he is now 5 months old, has no teeth yet, only on the way) got out 7 teeth at the bottom, I didn’t have time to see at the top, I woke up.



tamara vasilievna:

all the teeth of my grandson have caries. I began to brush and all the teeth fell out without blood. My grandson was two years old. I had a dream today.


In my arms, my child (boy) is pulled out of his milk tooth sharply and without warning in a warehouse-type room


I dreamed that I was looking at my child’s teeth, and food stuck to them in thick stripes. I take them off, and under them my teeth are in holes, only walls, black voids in my teeth. And I say to myself in a dream: “I haven’t cleaned the itch for only 2 months, and there are such holes!”


i dreamed of a two-month-old girl and she seemed to have already got 4 beautiful white teeth and I played with her and she smiled at me


My daughter is teething right now. In her dream, she had a 4th or 5th swinging on each side. I go up and just pull them out. they are white and empty. without pain and blood.


dreamed that the child pulled out the upper incisor tooth without pain, but with blood, there was a very long root on the tooth


Hello! I dreamed that my son's milk teeth fell out immediately 3-4, at the top in front, without blood and crying, and then the lower front teeth began to stagger.


my 8-year-old daughter is at home, she, smiling, takes her rotten milk front upper second incisor from the left out of her mouth, and hands it to me, saying that it doesn’t hurt at all.


I dreamed that my daughter ran away from me to the balcony, stumbled on the threshold, fell and her front upper tooth fell out, I didn’t see blood (because I was in another room), but my husband saw and said that there were a lot of her . What does this mean? Thanks!


the baby's front milk teeth fell out and new molars were visible in their place. one is white without blood. and the other gum is slightly swollen and a little bloody.


Hello, I had such a dream, I have a child in real life, his teeth are climbing at night, today I went to bed and at night I dreamed that she already had a lot of teeth and new ones were climbing, all even, white, 4 teeth were climbing , 2 on top and 2 on the bottom, and 2 of them are a little bit with blood. Tell me why it would be, I'm worried


i dreamed that my daughter's teeth came out, one upper, two lower, she is 6 months old, there are actually no teeth yet, and in a dream I saw such good white teeth


Good afternoon! i dreamed that I was looking at my child’s teeth and as if he had several rotten teeth. Although in fact, while all the teeth are healthy. What does this mean? Health problems?


I dreamed that my Small child opens his mouth, I see that three small teeth appear from the bottom of him and I was very glad about this


Hello! A few days ago I dreamed that my tooth fell out, at first there was no blood, but my son came up to me and said that I had blood on my cheek ... .. And today I dreamed that my son had a back tooth, but it was still milky, all black, and he pulls it out himself .... What does this mean? What is it for?


Hello. That night, both my wife and I dreamed that our child was teething, our baby still had no teeth, I dreamed that he already had 3 teeth and 2 were climbing, my wife dreamed that 3 teeth were climbing, What could it be ?? ?


I saw in a dream a rotten milk tooth of my child. In reality, sometimes he complains that they hurt. The doctor looked and said that all the teeth are good, in reality.


good afternoon, please help me interpret my dream.
i dreamed that my daughter was crying, I go up to her and see that she does not have an upper tooth, that when biting it entered the lower gum, I try to examine and see her two rotten teeth. then I try to pull out this tooth, which entered the lower gum and pull out a pin instead of a tooth with a drop of blood on it.

please help interpret the dream, my child is a year and three months old, I am very afraid.
thank you in advance.


Hello, I can’t find the answer to my dream. I dreamed that my child had a milk tooth with blood, he was crying, and my husband and I were glad that the first tooth had fallen out and that the root would soon go


Hello. i dreamed that my father (he is alive), cut his incisors (2 pcs). and a bit of current to see. and it seems to say that they don’t grow further ... that it may be necessary to remove them and put new ones or something else. dreamed from Sunday to Monday. more grateful. [email protected]


I dreamed that I was sitting with a friend in nannies with her child (she doesn’t have a small child). And I see that the child is chewing on the nipple, I look and two teeth are climbing. The child is a boy.
TO a word from a friend not everything is fine in the family, the husband drinks, does not appreciate her.
Soe was very realistic, like in reality.

Thank you in advance!!!


I don’t remember anything else, I only remember that my child’s teeth are erupting and 5 in a row, and only 7 teeth. although my child is 10 months old and we still have only 2 teeth and the third is just being cut


Good afternoon! I dreamed that my 5 -year-old child hit and his milk tooth fell out, when I took the tooth to inspect - it was damaged (with a hole)! And the baby didn't cry! I had a dream in the morning after waking up, I just closed my eyes to lie down a little more (at 9 am) Before that, I thought about the fact that the child needed to treat a tooth! help me please


In a dream I saw my son, he is 5 years old, in life he has beautiful even white teeth, and in a dream they were rotten in different directions and rare. What does this mean?


I don't remember the start of the dream. I'm driving down the road in a car, everyone stops, something has happened. I look to the left, a man completely made of iron, even an iron cloak, overtakes me, turns his head and says something to me. I get out of the car and run after him uphill on the sand, it's getting dark. I turn into the archway of some house. From somewhere it snowed everywhere and winter came, although before that it was summer. I see an ordinary yard and a yard road. On the road is my current boyfriend in a black coat. Then we both turn our heads at the strange sound. Passenger car white color spinning on its roof on the icy road like a beetle that can't stand up. My former common-law husband does not fly out, frightened and nervous, runs up to me and says: give me money. I say "No. Then he runs up to my boyfriend, grabs him “by the chest” and says: give me money, I really need it. My boyfriend looks at me, I shake my head and whisper to him with my lips: say no. My boyfriend takes out a wad of money, about 0.5 cm thick, folded in half, with a 50-ruble bill on top. I snatch the money out of his hand so my ex doesn't get the wad. Then my boyfriend grabs the ex by the front tooth and pulls it out with blood, the ex writhes in pain. I turn my head, my daughter is sitting on the sidewalk (she is now 9 years old, she dreamed at the same age) and she does not look at me and she does not have one tooth in her mouth. And then I wake up in horror.


I dreamed that I pulled out all my child's teeth. I look at one tooth, and it is empty inside, but not rotten. Then, with horror, I realized that I had vomited both indigenous and dairy. And the child sits and smiles.
Please explain what this means.


my son comes up to me and says two of my teeth are loose, and 4 teeth have already fallen out in reality, well, I answer with a laugh, son, well, what is it, now you will completely be left without teeth, then in the same dream I saw my dead mother as if alive, she didn’t talk to me, she just looked at me when I asked her all sorts of stupid questions


I dreamed that my 6 month old baby got 2 lower teeth! Maybe this is due to the fact that we are very much waiting for the teeth to come out, but I was a little worried about sleep


Hello Tatiana! i dreamed that I was looking into my child’s mouth, and he had 6 teeth erupted there at once. fangs, lateral troikas and the very last ones. what could that mean?


I dreamed that my daughter was sitting in a chair at the dentist and after they looked at her, the doctor said that her teeth were climbing

Your name:

I had a conversation with my ex and she said in a dream that the child already had 11 teeth. What is it for?


Hello! Today I dreamed that my granddaughter had a tooth pulled out, he was with blood, but almost healthy. so slightly, slightly broken.


I dreamed that my daughter's first tooth began to cut, she cried a lot and I felt her pain, like a tooth was being cut. (I have no children, but I'm pregnant) and when I woke up, I really had a toothache .. (rather just lay like that so that the cheek and tooth lay down)..


i dreamed that my child's teeth were climbing as much as 5-6 of them could be said at once .... we're just really waiting for when we start teething


Hello! On the night of Tuesday to Wednesday (from December 8 to 9), I had a dream that my eldest daughter (she is 4 years old) (I have two daughters, the youngest is 1 year old) bit into a sucking candy that her husband gave her. And her upper front tooth breaks off (left two or three), then she bites the candy again and another front tooth breaks off (left one). All teeth broke painlessly and without blood. I was terribly unhappy that my husband gave her a candy, from which 2 teeth fell off. And in a dream she was very worried, screaming, saying what did you do and what to do now, can it be increased and how much will it cost? In a dream, the front tooth (one), which fell off the second, seemed to be a little darker inside, as if it had been treated, as if we had treated it a lot before and I was very afraid that it would not fall out. In real life, we really treat a child's teeth, including the front teeth ( exactly the year cured back). They do not bother her now, but the other day we are going (signed up) to the dentist for prophylaxis (we periodically visit the doctor).


i dreamed that my child's primary milk teeth fell out without pain and blood, and I try to insert them for him, but they still fall out.


i dreamed about my child’s teeth (I have a 2-year-old son) and they were in a dream like he was even and white, but on top there was some kind of dark coating around the edges, as if with caries, but there were no holes.


I had a dream on Friday afternoon, I dreamed that my husband and I took the child to the dentist and the doctor removed his baby tooth with his hands. The child had a whole mouth in the blood.


I know that this child, although in a dream he doesn’t look like him at all and is 2 years younger than he really is, I look into his mouth and there are teeth with an ugly coating, and other beautiful white ones have grown under them


Hello Tatyana. I don’t remember the details of the dream, but the bottom line is that my two-year-old child (girl) had her front upper teeth fall out, 4 at once, without blood (she didn’t cry at that moment). So I was alert. Tell me what this dream was ?!


My child has no teeth, but I dream for three nights. that they appeared. And not just one, but several.


Hello, today I dreamed that my daughter was 5 years old, her molars began to grow, as if the milk teeth had not yet fallen out and were not even staggering, and the molars had already cut through on the gums, in a dream I thought that I should go to the dentist, remove milk ones, otherwise the root ones will grow crookedly, why would it be .. Thank you


Hello, my husband dreamed that he came home and saw our daughter had rotten teeth. What is it for?


Hello, my name is Tatyana. Today I dreamed: that I was with a close friend and was feeding my 6-month-old son, and suddenly he opens his mouth, and he has almost all his teeth in his mouth. so many teeth have grown, he only had 2, ”then I looked closely, and the teeth are like fake nails, I take him and he doesn’t pull out, but is removed like false nails, but without blood and pain


A dream about my daughter that her upper molars had collapsed, I looked at her teeth and was horrified that they were all mobile and uneven, as if they should change to a permanent bite, but for some reason they grew in three rows, then I dreamed that I was lying on I’m about to leave the couch and my head itches, then ants fell from my head, spiders,


I had a dream about how my child had a molar tooth pulled out (he is 1.8 now, he still does not have molars). And without blood, but he cried in a dream, and I hold his tooth and look at it half divided, and gums are ingrown on the sides of the tooth, and in the middle there is a small speck of caries. Please write. What is this dream for?


I dreamed that my child’s molar tooth was craving, it hurt, it broke into two parts and staggered.


the father who left the family dreamed of how he tried to forcefully climb into his five-year-old son’s mouth, wanting to pull out the milk tooth, the lower one. There was even blood, but I didn’t scream and ran up to the child and covered him with myself, the child cried very much

A bad sign is the appearance of rotten, crumbling or diseased teeth in a dream. In this case, they may even be harbingers of dangerous ailments. And why do teeth dream?

Why do teeth dream - interpretation from dream books

In Russian folk dream book teeth symbolize the activity and vitality of a sleeping person. True, this applies only to those cases when they were very strong and snow-white. If strong teeth are chattering in the dreamer's own mouth, it means that he harbored strong anger at someone. Aggression boils inside a person, which he needs to throw out in peaceful ways. Otherwise, tragedy cannot be avoided.

Miller notes that a dream with teeth can portend a man or woman gaining lost valuables or money. This applies to those plots when the sleeper counts his teeth and finds each in its place. True, before he gets what he wants, he will have to go through a thorny difficult path.

IN Muslim dream books teeth are associated with relatives. So 4 central incisors symbolize the dreamer's children, his sisters and brothers. Fangs - parents, as well as an aunt and / or uncle. The rest are older or more distant relatives. From such a dream, one can understand that one of the loved ones is expected to have health problems or even death.

Vanga was sure that clean healthy teeth promise favorable changes. A calm, successful streak will begin in the dreamer's life.

See the loss in yourself, in another person

No matter how scary it may sound, but in most cases Tooth loss in a dream portends the death of relatives. This interpretation is especially relevant if the remaining empty place a person sees a lot of blood, and in the process experiences pain and fear.

If the sleeper himself pulls his own teeth out of his mouth, then he will be freed from burdensome duties, problems and someone else's responsibility. These conditions long time interfered with his life.

Lost a decayed tooth? Difficult times will begin for a person. Most serious problems arise in the financial sector. Perhaps the sleeper will be on the verge of poverty.

But the loss of the central incisor without blood and pain is a good sign. If at the same time the dreamer experienced joy, then such a plot portends the birth of a new family member.
