Ways to take your mind off problems. How to get rid of obsessive thoughts: doctor's recommendations

The desire to be distracted is a natural reaction that often occurs when we want to avoid some unpleasant or negative moments in life. For example, when we are in physical or mental pain, some of us get distracted in unhealthy ways - getting addicted, hurting ourselves, overeating, and the like. But distractions can also be beneficial, especially if addiction or other harmful behaviors have become a habit. Distractions will help you stop taking drugs by giving you time to shift your attention to something else. When distracted in the right way, it helps to pass the time, switch attention or calm down. Thus, entertainment, relaxation techniques, and so on will help you get distracted.


Choosing the Right Ways to Relax

    Keep in mind that distraction can be both healthy and unhealthy. Distraction is a mechanism that we use to avoid difficulties or an overabundance of emotions. Some unhealthy distractions include eating junk food when you're stressed or using alcohol and drugs. For example, to solve an anger management problem, a person may resort to drugs to drown out overwhelming emotions.

    Acknowledge the emotions you are experiencing. It would be better to accept and part with those negative feelings that you are experiencing. You can still resort to distractions, but keep in mind that this will only distract you from the problem at hand. This will only hide and ignore the negative emotions you experience.

    Recognize that distraction can overcome bad habits. If you're addicted, try distracting yourself so you don't make it worse. The desire to be distracted means that you have realized how harmful it is to indulge your addiction. You make a conscious decision to approach your addiction constructively.

    • Count to 100 to pass the time when you feel like taking drugs or drinking alcohol.
    • Take a break to take a breather before dealing with negative emotions.
  1. Turn a bad habit into a healthy distraction. The natural response to a stressful situation or emotion can be an unhealthy distraction, like consumption. a large number junk food or alcohol. There is nothing wrong with being distracted after accepting your negative emotions. However, you should do something useful in order to treat your body and mind with respect and care. Here are a few things you can keep yourself busy with:

    • go for a walk;
    • eat fruit instead of a candy bar;
    • read a book;
    • tidy up at work.
  2. Go in for sports. Experiencing negative emotions - it's time to exercise. Walking or cycling will allow you to focus on one thing.

    Get some sleep. During sleep, your mind will quieten down and all active thinking will stop. Lie down on the bed and take a short nap.


    Listen to music. Download a new playlist and listen to music. Find a comfortable place to sit and listen carefully to the music. Focus on the lyrics and melody. Try to hear when an instrument starts playing.

    Watch TV or a movie. Watching TV or a good movie can help take your mind off pressing problems or thoughts. Immerse yourself completely in the story of a series or movie.

    • Be sure to choose a movie or series that doesn't remind you of your problems. For example, if you want to take your mind off a heartache or relationship breakup, don't watch a movie where the character breaks up with someone.
  1. Play a video game. Video games have compelling narratives that draw you into their world. While playing a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), you can chat with other people and take your mind off the pressing problems.

    Read a book. Find a book with a good and poignant story, or reread your favorite novel. Choose some light reading. If you constantly think about what you read or look in the dictionary, you will lose the thread of the story and completely get confused in the plot.

    Keep yourself busy. Take on a large project with multiple parts. Thus, all your attention will be occupied by the various stages of the project. Make something, paint a picture or make shelves in the living room.

Strange forebodings that torment every minute, black thoughts foreshadowing misfortune and trouble - do you know such sensations? Surely you will answer in the affirmative. Such a state can haunt a person quite long time And sometimes it's hard to get rid of them. But it is absolutely necessary to do this, because these are the first messengers of depression and even paranoid states! And we absolutely do not need such "fellow travelers". How to get rid of bad thoughts and learn to enjoy even the smallest victories? Let's figure it out, and become happier and stronger!

The nature of the problem

Unfortunately, intrusive and sad thoughts arise for everyone for their own reason: perhaps you are tormented by an unresolved problem or you are too worried about your future, or maybe your relatives, in your opinion, are in danger. But whatever the reason, you need to get rid of it very urgently, otherwise you will turn your life into a real nightmare, where bad forebodings will haunt you. How is an obsessive thought formed? According to psychologists, such a phenomenon is nothing more than a psycho-emotional overload. Analyze the situation when you had such problems: severe stress, trouble or a black streak in life. Negative events form a clear psychological base, on the basis of which a person begins to live. There is a fear of a repetition of the problem, that is, we ourselves begin to project such a state onto the world around us. And as a conclusion, we are constantly waiting for such a situation and are already preparing ourselves for experiences and defeats. How to be in such a situation?

Fear and Anxiety – Dealing with Them

First of all, you need to clearly understand what is happening to you. Do not think that such a situation is hopeless, understand that it is simply emotional condition which you can change. Unfortunately, in some people a negative attitude towards themselves and the world around them is formed in childhood and haunts them all their lives. How to act in such situations:

  • We fight fears - in order to overcome this feeling, you need to realize that you are nothing, and no one threatens you intentionally. What you feel is based on personal experience and possibly partly vaccinated by others. “You won’t succeed, you are a loser, you are a poor man and mediocrity” - such suggestions can play a cruel joke on a person. Over time, he will believe that things are the way they are and will begin to torment himself with thoughts that nothing can be fixed. The most useful thing in such a situation is to prepare a certain retrospective of your life. The most lucky moment of your life and all achievements are recorded, even the smallest ones: you are an excellent cook, or you have raised a wonderful dog, or maybe you were the best reader at school. Write down everything that ever made you happy. Analyze and you will see that the situation was not always like this;
  • Anxiety - this obsession is perhaps the most common! After all, you can worry about anything. But when this thought just settled in your head, it's not normal. You yourself are exhausted over yourself, but there may not be visible reasons. How to proceed? It is important to understand such a thing - the more you "wind" yourself, the more your condition will worsen. We learn to constantly control ourselves: do not feed the obsession with conversation, do not allow yourself to think about the bad. As soon as such a thought comes to mind, try to be distracted by some important matter, or start singing, or repeat the multiplication table in your mind. You can do whatever you want, distract yourself.

It is important not only to think about the future, it is necessary to do it right. Only positive attitude and self-confidence will help overcome any black thought!

Control is the main assistant

How to get rid of bad thoughts? It is very important to learn how to control yourself - only you can help yourself. It is necessary to understand the groundlessness of your fears and black thoughts. A great exercise is to write down your biggest fear, and then predict how your life will change if it comes true. It is important to describe this process in detail. For example, I am afraid that I will not be able to pay off a loan. What will happen: they will call me to intimidate, so what? Then I will turn to a specialist who will help restructure the debt, what if they sue? And what, it's even for the better, fines and penalties will be written off there, the loan will be broken into parts. I'll just pay it later - well, how do you feel now? After all, there are no hopeless situations in life! I hope you understood the principle - we think only in a positive way, you can pick up similar information on each problem. As soon as you see that there is nothing to fear, in principle, bad thoughts will start to let go of you. Control yourself every time the blues start to come - try to switch to other important things.

Lowering the importance

Each person believes that his problems are the most global! And it is very difficult to perceive the world as a whole - that is, many different events take place in the world, and unpleasant ones too. Prioritize:

  • Your life is the main value - everything else is just dust that will scatter and disappear;
  • Everything passes and this will pass. Think about what your life will look like when this problem is solved;
  • Envy is the source of dark and obsessive thoughts. Never compare yourself to others! You can gain more experience successful people but do not try on their lives. You are a person and you have your own mission in life;
  • We control emotions - too strong a manifestation of emotions harms our psyche. I would like to think about the problem - please, but you should not draw scary pictures, we present only a positive outcome of the situation;
  • We form the right worldview - you should not constantly return to the past, forbid yourself to remember failures. You must love and forgive yourself. You can't change anything anyway, so is it worth torturing yourself?

Learn both negative and positive. Be ready to accept the situation in a neutral "key", and then any thought will be perceived only as information for reflection!

How to get rid of bad thoughts? Start with yourself. First of all, you need to forgive not only yourself, but also the person because of whom dark thoughts came into your life. Perhaps you are angry about the situation? How to do it:

  • We got attitudes from childhood - forgive your parents and convince yourself that this is only their personal opinion;
  • You can’t get rid of a bad thought - keep yourself busy with some project: draw, write a book, develop a business plan own business, anything just to realize their creative potential;
  • Do not be afraid of the future - you must understand that only you shape it and the longer you fear it, the more bleak it will be for you. Write a plan for the future - it helps a lot! At least for the next month: write down in points what you will do, and strive to clearly fulfill it;
  • Punish yourself for being negative. There is a great method developed by psychologists: put an elastic band around your wrist and every time an obsessive thought comes to mind, pull it back and hit your hand! Does this seem strange? But our brain will very quickly realize that such thoughts are fraught with physical punishment and cease to produce such fears. You can, of course, not so drastically: a gloomy thought visited - 10 push-ups from the floor, or anything, if only you were uncomfortable doing it.

Dear readers, please note that your thoughts are just a psycho-emotional reaction to external stimuli. As soon as you become calmer and begin to understand that such a state interferes with your life, your subconscious mind will tell you new methods of getting rid of bad thoughts.

Image: blameless-eyes (flickr.com)

Man is what he thinks. In this article, we will talk about how to distract yourself from negative thoughts. Here you will find the most effective ways how to deal with obsessive thoughts that plague our lives.

Every person in life has periods when they are sucked into the abyss of negative thoughts, which sometimes turn into obsessive ones. We play them over and over in our heads. This poisons our lives, our mood deteriorates, we fall into depression, despair. Life becomes unbearable, devoid of joy.

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An obsessive thought, as a projection of your fantasy.

We all know that thought is material. What happens to us is what we think about, what we fear the most. And when we hang in negative thoughts, then life is completely painted in black.

Before we talk about how to overcome such thoughts, let's first understand why this happens to us. Why do we dwell on bad thoughts and can't just let go of the situation?

Intrusive negative thoughts are a kind of bad habit. A person understands that it harms his health, but cannot get rid of it. Obsessive thoughts can bother a person for several days, and sometimes months. It can be certain fears, resentments, experiences, painful memories.

But what is most interesting, when time passes and these thoughts disappear, a person realizes that these thoughts did not pose any threat to him. Often, after a while, a person realizes that the thoughts that poisoned his life long time, this is generally dust and you should not even think about them.

Negative obsessive thoughts arise in the mind of a person involuntarily, against his will. A person is aware of pain, these thoughts are accompanied by depression, anxiety.

Causes of intrusive thoughts:

  1. The most common cause of obsessive thoughts is stress. No matter how a person tries to forget a difficult situation, it is still reproduced in memory again and again.
  2. Obsessive thoughts can arise as a consequence of psychological trauma.
  3. The cause may be severe overwork and exhaustion of the nervous system.

How to get rid of negative thoughts?

“You need not get rid of thoughts, but direct your attention to them: what they are about, dive into them and find the reason from which they come. Perhaps this is some event in your life that gives rise to fear in you ... You need to deal with the reason. And then the “bad thoughts” will go away by themselves.”
D. Krok Freeskiing

  1. Compliment yourself, praise yourself. As soon as a negative thought visits you, start saying the phrase in your head: “Shut up immediately.” Then start complimenting yourself. This is the methodology of the psychologist V.K. Nevyarovich, who described this method in the book Soul Therapy.
  2. The right mindset will help you get rid of negative thoughts. Always confidently say: I can! I can do it!
  3. Relaxation will help to distract from bad thoughts. Relax your body and enjoy. Our body immediately reacts to negative thoughts. We have wrinkles, the corners of the lips are lowered, we look older by 5 years. Go for a massage, take a bath with aromatic oils, visit a beauty salon, go to the pool, sleep off. Yoga and meditation will help you with this.
  4. You can get rid of bad thoughts if you throw them out. Feel free to cry, yell, or talk to someone you trust. In the process of speaking out the problem, much becomes clear and resolves itself.
  5. You can write down all your negative thoughts on paper and burn them. This is a kind of ritual of purification and release of the situation.
  6. Imagine your thoughts very small. Clench them in your fist so hard that they crumble and scatter them in the wind.
  7. The nature of the problem needs to be established. Analyze when problems with negative and obsessive thoughts appeared. You must clearly understand what is happening to you. There are no hopeless situations and your emotional state can be changed. Some people have been haunted by negative thoughts since childhood, this develops in them a general negative attitude towards themselves and the world around them.
  8. To get rid of negative thoughts, you need to be aware of your fears. Often your fears are instilled in you by your parents or those around you. Perhaps you have often been told: "You are a loser, you are poor, you have no talents, etc." Such phrases sit in the head of a person, he begins to believe in them and feel and behave accordingly. To get rid of this kind of thoughts, you need to write down all your achievements and joys, even the smallest ones. This will show you who you really are and distract you from the bad thoughts in your head.
  9. The main cause of obsessive thoughts is anxiety. People worry all the time, about anything. These thoughts are exhausting, although often real reasons no worries. In this case, it is necessary to control the obsession, this means not talking about it, not allowing yourself to think about the bad. You can distract from negative obsessive thoughts if you do some important business, start singing or repeating the multiplication table in your mind.
  10. The main reason for negative thoughts is the inability to be in the present moment. We can worry only when we think about the future and we are upset only by what has already happened, that is, the past. Therefore, in order to distract from bad restless thoughts, you need not think about the future. Self-confidence and a positive attitude will help to distract from any negative thought.
  11. Controlling your thoughts will help you not only get rid of them, but also get rid of them forever. You must understand that only you can help yourself. Write down your biggest fear on paper and what will happen if it comes true. For example, I can't pay off a loan. What will happen? They start calling and threatening. What will I do? I will contact a specialist. which restructures the loan. What if they get sued? In this case, they will break the loan into parts, and it will be easier for me to pay it off. Any problem can be disassembled and analyzed in this way. Then it will not seem so scary, because there is a way out of any situation.
  12. Repeat to yourself in your head the phrase: "Everything passes and this will pass."
  13. Learn to correctly understand life priorities. There is nothing more important and valuable than your life. Everything else is dust that will disperse and be forgotten.
  14. Never compare yourself to others! You have your own life and your own life mission. You can learn from successful people, but don't try on their lives. Envy is the source of obsessive dark thoughts.
  15. Don't get stuck in the past! You must love and forgive yourself. It is already impossible to change what happened, so why torture yourself. There is no need to remember failures. Concentrate better on what you can do.
  16. Learn to control your emotions. It is necessary to accept the situation in a neutral way, then any thought is perceived simply as information for reflection. After all, you yourself paint situations in colors with your emotions.
  17. Learn to forgive yourself and those around you. If you received negative attitudes from your parents, then you must understand that they simply did not know how to live differently.
  18. To take your mind off bad thoughts, keep yourself occupied interesting project. You can draw pictures, start writing a book, develop a business plan. When a person is busy with something interesting, he does not have time to think about the bad.
  19. Write plans for the future. Write down what you want to do one month ahead. Planning will help get rid of constant anxiety and distract from negative thoughts.
  20. Psychologists recommend that every time you have a bad thought, punish yourself. For example, put an elastic band on your hand and, when a bad thought appears, pull and hit yourself with an elastic band on your arm. It sounds crazy, but our brain begins to understand that a negative thought will be punished, and it will be less and less likely to reduce such thoughts.
  21. The acceptance of a thought means the cessation of the struggle with it. Learn not to drive away thoughts, but to find the positive aspects of your problem.
  22. When negative thoughts hit you, remember a moment when you were happy. Keep this picture in your head and replay it whenever a bad thought comes up.
  23. Think about it, you may have a secondary benefit from obsessive thoughts. For example, by thinking constantly about one situation, you avoid thinking about something else. Perhaps there are more important issues for you, but you are afraid to think about them. This disguise must be recognized.
  24. Very often, obsessive negative thoughts are the reason to consider yourself unhappy and this relieves you of some responsibilities. For example, a person believes that he cannot find a job until he gets rid of obsessive thoughts. This is a secondary benefit. Obsessive thoughts are an excuse. In fact, a person simply does not want to look for a job.
  25. Obsessive thoughts cause a lot of tension, so in order to cope with them, you need to learn how to relax with every cell of your body. Relaxation meditation is the best way to help you.
  26. If you believe in God, prayer for protection from bad thoughts will help to cope with a bad mood, relieve despondency. Take good care of your soul. Take care of spiritual purity, because any thought is material and it is the first step towards the abyss. The words of prayer have tremendous healing power. As soon as you feel that a negative thought overcomes you, pray.


As you can see, there are many ways to work through negative thoughts, get rid of them or distract from them. The most important thing is to have the desire and faith in yourself. If you can’t get your mind off negative thoughts on your own, see a therapist.

People suffering from depression are shackled by their own negative emotions, thoughts, doubts and prejudices. These frameworks press so hard that a person cannot reasonably assess the situation and listen to the opinions of other people.

Dealing with depression takes a lot of effort. However, even the most seemingly simple actions will help to cope with this problem.

1. Meditate

Meditation has been proven to stimulate the production of serotonin and norepinephrine. Low levels of these two important neurotransmitters lead to feelings of sadness. Regular meditation helps to pacify negative thoughts, see the beauty of the world around you and feel cheerful and alive.

Start practicing meditation for one minute a day in the morning and before bed. You can increase the time if you wish.

2. Chat with friends

Even if you can't talk to anyone, force yourself to do it. Isolation from society will only increase your depression. Friends can cheer you up and energize you.

3. Exercise

Increases the level of endorphins - the hormone of joy and happiness. Regular exercise will help to cope not only with depression, but also with other diseases. Sport strengthens the body, restores blood pressure, reduces the risk of heart disease.

Scientists advise moderate exercise physical activity such as walking for 30-60 minutes 3-4 times a week.

4. Eat Right

Health conditions can directly affect our thoughts and emotions. The disease takes away energy and worsens mood. Proper nutrition is the key to good health.

Eat in a balanced way. The body must receive all the vitamins it needs.

5. Read motivational books

Constant self-development is very important for every person. Most of our knowledge comes from books.

In recent years, motivational books have become popular. They talk about how to think positively, teach introspection and help to cope with many problems. You can choose what is right for you.

6. Talk to a psychiatrist

A qualified psychiatrist can help you deal with depression. He will listen to you and tell you how to start thinking positively.

There are also support groups where people share their experiences with each other. Fighting depression alone is much harder. It is also a great opportunity to make new acquaintances.

7. Take part in social life

Do not sit within four walls. Attend social events, communicate with people. Good mood around is contagious. This will give you the necessary boost of energy and get rid of negative thoughts.

8. Keep a gratitude journal

Write it down every night good events that happened to you during the day. Describe in detail why these events make you happier. List the things you are grateful for this day.

This method will reduce stress levels and calm you down before bed.

9. Set three goals for the day ahead

Planning helps you focus on specific task that you want to complete before the end of the day. When you reach a goal, your mood improves, and you gain confidence in your abilities. You will not notice how small steps will lead you to big results.

10. Listen to energetic music

Music has an amazing ability to influence our emotional state. Therefore, there is no need to aggravate the situation by listening to depressing songs about unhappy love.

11. Laugh more often

Everyone knows that laughter prolongs life. When you laugh, your brain releases dopamine, the hormone of joy and pleasure. So the more we laugh, the happier we become.

With a smile, then all day you will feel much better.

12. Go on a seven-day mental diet

To get rid of depressive thoughts, you need to reprogram your thinking. To do this, work on changing it within one week.

As soon as you feel yourself sinking into negative thoughts, switch to something positive. Think about what gives you pleasure. Become the master of your thoughts.

13. Let go of old grudges

Being angry is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.


When we dwell on resentment, we accumulate negative energy. Anger reflects on our condition, not on other people.

14. Forgive others

Unresolved problems, like old grievances, are a source of depression. It's pretty easy to forget about minor infractions. But not everyone can forgive a person for something really bad. It requires mental strength and self-control.

But if you cannot forgive someone, this feeling will gnaw at you for many years and will not let you live in peace.

15. Help people

It has been proven that we enjoy helping other people. At this moment, as during laughter, dopamine is produced. By doing good, we get positive emotions and get rid of the feeling of emptiness and uselessness.

16. Get out in the sun more often.

In the sun, the body produces vitamin D, which is involved in all vital functions. important processes. It also uplifts the mood.

17. Surround yourself with people who will support you.

Be with those who care about your life. It is very important that you feel comfortable and confident with them. Protect yourself from those who drag you down.

18. Analyze your negative thoughts

Self-doubt and depressive thoughts lead to feelings of worthlessness and worthlessness. Try to write down what is bothering you. Then find out which of these thoughts and statements are actually true.

19. Get enough sleep

Of course, in adult life It is not always possible to sleep for eight hours a day. However, unhealthy sleep and exacerbate the depressive state.

20. Dedicate time to your favorite activities

Do what you used to enjoy: go to the movies, swim in the pool, ride the merry-go-round. Of course, in a depressed state it is difficult to enjoy life. You need to re-learn this. At first, you may even have to force yourself. But over time, you will again experience the former pleasure from hobbies and hobbies.

21. Root out perfectionism

Perfectionism provokes constant stress and leads to despair, self-doubt, mental exhaustion, insomnia and health problems.

There is nothing perfect in life. Everything and everyone has flaws. Be happy with what you have. If something doesn't suit you, fix it, but don't take it to extremes.

22. Take time for yourself

Get out of your familiar environment. Spend the weekend in an unfamiliar place. Relax, be a little alone with yourself, clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts. This is a great time to try out the tips in this article.

23. Be open to new things

Do something completely new to you. Visit an unknown place. You don't even need to go anywhere for this. Surely in your city there is some museum or gallery where you have never been. Read a book, get busy, start learning a foreign language.

24. Walk in nature

Nature has an amazing power to heal our spiritual wounds. Clean Fresh air, singing birds, rustling leaves and a beautiful landscape. Peace and quiet. There is only the present moment and no worries. And if you go for a walk with your loved one, then there will be no limit to happiness at all.

25. Don't give up

Everyone can give up. But to fight and enjoy life is much more difficult. Every person faces difficulties and experiences. If you learn how to overcome them, everything will be on your shoulder.

There is only one life. Don't waste it on sadness and negativity.

Many scientists, having conducted a series of studies, have made amazing conclusions. It turned out that people who carry negative emotions for a long time are exposed to various diseases much more often than optimists. Let's take a look in this article on how to divert attention from bad thoughts to something bright. And how to change a bad mood to a good one.

Let's initially consider a few important points regarding what should be done if negativity has settled in your soul and everything is annoying.

How to distract yourself from bad thoughts

  • Don't pretend like nothing bad is happening. After all, any life situation needs analysis.
  • Don't put yourself in anyone's place. If something happened to someone you know, then try not to focus on it. Shut off negative thoughts.
  • Don't keep bad thoughts. Try to find an outlet for all negative emotions. There are times when you just need to scream or cry.
  • If it seems to you that everything is very bad for you and it simply cannot be worse, then drive away all bad thoughts from yourself and try to imagine your near future in a rainbow light. After all, life is beautiful!
  • Do not consider all minor troubles and failures as your failure. Try to ignore all the useless information. If you were rude in public transport, then most likely it’s not at all about you, but about the fact that something happened to your offender and someone already spoiled his mood, and he, in turn, decided to take revenge on you.
  • If you began to notice behind yourself that you do not expect anything bright and good from your life, then urgently change your worldview.
  • Do not cherish your bad mood, do not fall on the sofa with thoughts that no one needs you and you do not need anything else. Try to distract yourself. For these purposes, any housework, going to visit friends or acquaintances, visiting the theater, exhibitions, etc. is suitable. You can also change your environment and make new acquaintances. Having plunged into new sensations, you will forget about your blues.
  • If you have depression, then this does not mean at all that you need to eat up to satiety or, on the contrary, do not eat anything for days. Remember that you should eat at least once a day a hot dish. The body needs food and vitamins. Bananas, raisins, vegetables, basil, celery, hazelnuts, coriander, sea ​​fish are famous for their ability to change the mood for the better.
  • In order for you to overcome your negative emotions, you need to: engage in treatment chronic diseases, if any, get enough sleep, do only your favorite thing, and radiate goodwill to others.

Now you know how to distract yourself from the accumulated negativity. If you use the advice of famous psychologists, then try not to run your problems, otherwise they can grow and grow like a snowball, but analyze the problem and try to solve it. After all, just finding suitable solution you will get rid of all bad thoughts. Look to the future, enjoy life. Whatever it is, she's still beautiful. The sun is shining, the air is fresh, which means there is a reason to rejoice. We wish you good luck and always good mood!
