Karmic significance of the date of birth. Karmic debt by date of birth

Karma binds people, forcing them to correct the mistakes of the past or experience some emotions that are echoes of past lives. Every person has karmic knots.

A karmic knot is a connection between two or more people that has arisen due to unresolved issues in past lives. Perhaps you violated one of the laws of the universe, betrayed someone, or, conversely, became a victim of betrayal. Karmic knots bring huge problems to those people who in past lives did not deal with their debts, did not overcome difficulties. Because of this, the negative connection only becomes stronger.

How to determine the presence of a karmic knot

Calculations by date of birth are necessary in order to understand which knot connects you, if it does not yet appear in any way. There are also situations where the problem resolves itself. This may be a coincidence rather than a knot.

A karmic knot is never untied just like that. Its main feature is the repetition of problems. Here are the main things that indicate that you are related to someone:

  • you want to solve a problem in a relationship by running away from a person or removing him from your life, but he comes back, and not always on purpose;
  • your relationship is constantly improving and deteriorating - you hate a person, but still communicate with him;
  • you dislike or even despise a person for no particular reason.

There are harmless karmic knots, and there are really destructive and dangerous connections that can turn your life into a nightmare.

Numerological calculation

Let's carry out a numerological calculation of the karmic knot using the date 02/27/1980 as an example. You will need to add up all the digits of your date of birth: 2+7+0+2+1+9+8+0=29. Numerology works only with numbers from 1 to 9, so the resulting number will need to be reduced to this form by re-adding its constituent digits: 2 + 9 = 11. Let's add it up again: 1+1=2. The desired karmic number is 2.

Deciphering the karmic number

Each number shows what your karmic knots are. The number indicates possible cause your connection, its strength and impact on a person or group of people.

1. If during the calculations you got a Unit, this indicates that a tyrant person can constantly appear in your life who will manipulate you and hurt you. It will be very difficult for you to kick this person out of your life. There is a possibility that you yourself will be in his place if you want to completely possess some person. The manifestation of your karmic knot is jealousy. Effective conspiracies can help to cope with it.

2. Two is the number of egoists, so your problems may be based on loneliness. If you do not have friends, love, and people often betray you, this will last a lifetime if you do not realize the cause of such a problem. The reason may be hidden, so deep introspection in your case can help to understand everything to the smallest detail.

3. Three is an indicator that three people are constantly to blame for your problems. It can be a karmic knot with parents, with children, or love triangle. A knot can be associated with a lot of misunderstanding, with very divergent views. Two people who know each other can play a big role in your life. Beware of change.

4. Four indicates that the nodes connect you with many people. You have a constant conflict with the whole world, which, like a quagmire, draws you in more and more. If this conflict has not yet manifested itself, it may appear later. There is a chance that you got rid of the problem when it was still in its infancy.

5. Five says that you always have people in your life for whom you want to do something. They take your kindness for granted or as something empty, meaningless. Perhaps you have something that prevents you from properly prioritizing. You constantly run into people who give you nothing but a negative experience.

6. Perhaps in past lives you have committed some crimes against people, so many may consider you an outcast or simply hate you for no reason. These are the same people you have hurt in the past. You can get rid of this only with the help of kindness. You need to try to accept this and correct the cause of people's hatred. This is an extremely difficult karmic task.

7. For those whose karmic number is Seven, the knot is incredibly powerful, but hidden. It lies in the distrust of people. Probably, in past lives you were an overly selfish person, so those whom you trust immensely can turn away from you very often.

8 . The number 8 is a symbol that your karmic knot is like a vicious circle. You may get the impression that everything is repeating itself. You hope for happiness in love and friendship, and then the Universe deceives you again. When you stop hoping for something, a black streak sets in, a period of loneliness. This curse of the past can be broken only by willpower.

9. The karmic knot connects you with one person who can feed on your problems, fears and troubles. In your immediate environment there might be a hidden energetic vampire from which, at first glance, no negative impulses come from. There is a very close connection between you that needs to be broken, and mutually.

How to get rid of karmic knots

First you need to figure out what led to the appearance of a karmic knot. Numerological calculation should have helped you with this. First you realize the cause of the problem, and then you just start to start solving it.

You and your “partner” in the node need to understand each other and the tasks that the Universe sets for you. When your debts are worked off, you will be free from them. If this is not done, then in the next life the problems will be even stronger. You need to get rid of resentment, negativity, claims ..

Sometimes people need to endure each other only for a while. Such a karmic knot is pleasant in that you only need patience. It is not necessary to make efforts to untie such a karmic knot. The Universe must lead you through hardships to the stars, through problems to happiness. Usually this does not happen for a very long time - a maximum of a couple of years. A longer connection can already be interrupted. If you have problems in friendship or love for a couple of years, you should think about how to solve them, because without your intervention they will not disappear.

When the karmic knot is untied, you will immediately understand this. There will be peace and even euphoria. You will become strong and internally free. You will no longer be afraid of troubles, because you will learn how to solve them. The universe will make you wiser. Sometimes you need to read between the lines to determine the purpose of the universe. For example, if you live with a tyrant, you need to gain inner strength and the courage to leave this man. So you will untie the knot, return your debts of the past and begin to live happily.

Karmic debt leads to the appearance of knots that connect a person with someone. Thus, the Universe is trying to cleanse the human soul, wash away the stigma of the past. Everyone has karmic knots, it's just that someone gets rid of them in childhood or adolescence, while others have to wait longer. middle age to understand the problem. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Finding out your purpose in life is good luck. It is not easy for everyone to go through the life path, but if you calculate the karmic number by date of birth, a lot will fall into place. To find out with the help of numerology our debts from past reincarnations and correct them, find happiness, peace and love - this is our goal in this life.

What is called karma

All the difficult trials on our way are not a punishment, but a lesson. This is not retribution for past mistakes, these are their consequences sent to us to correct. Karma is unstable and flexible. It changes along with human consciousness. Having solved karmic tasks, the soul will go to new level wisdom, and the question will be removed, dissolved in the air. That's why karmic numbers are hidden in the date of birth so that you can calculate the areas of life that require the most attention.

Facts from past incarnations that affect the current life, and possibly the future:

  • strong emotional shock, experienced disappointment, betrayal;
  • severe injuries and illnesses that affect lifestyle;
  • death from an accident, violent or at a young age - the soul did not have time to fulfill everything planned for this life.

Knowing your karmic code of life and what is written for you, you will learn the lessons that you missed in the past, and draw wisdom and experience from them. They will help you better understand your current incarnation.

What is the karmic code of life

Numbers are a kind of message from the universe to man. Numerology lifts the veil of the past, present and future. She tells how to calculate and interpret the numbers that influence destinies. Having calculated by date of birth, you will understand your purpose in this world, take the right path, correct the mistakes of the past.

Everyone has a secret karmic code - this is the cipher of past reincarnations. It is a kind of DNA in your soul. It talks about who you are, what you went through, how you reacted to what happened, and what you should strive for.

It is a mistake to believe that the code can negatively affect real life. All experienced emotions are stored "in memory" and only suggest the right path. The human soul is immortal, and thanks to the events experienced, special character traits are formed, making you - you.

Numerology says that the karmic code of your life contains the following information:

  • diseases, injuries;
  • experienced strong emotions, shocks;
  • significant conclusions that form the character and basic life principles;
  • memories of important events for the soul of the past incarnation;
  • readiness and openness to new knowledge, personal development and growth;
  • awareness of the world, wisdom bestowed by the universe.

What are the stages of development of the soul

The numbers in the karmic code are divided into subgroups - the stages of development of your soul, each of them has its own meaning:

  1. The first step is codes 10-19. Your main goal is to observe the world without changing it. In this life, you need to work on your body and souls, develop them, improve your perseverance, train willpower;
  2. The second step is 20-29. Your main goal is to work out karma, to avoid mistakes made in the past, not to repeat them in the present;
  3. The third step is 30-39. You have been given the ability to influence people, teach them, lead them. Your goal is to convey wisdom, experience, teach people to see the true picture of the world, bring good to the world;
  4. The fourth, last step is 40-48. Numbers of people with high intelligence, sharp mind and love of science. Your goal is to know the meaning of life, to understand the structure of the world.

How to calculate your code

To find out your code and the stage of development of the soul, you need to add up all the numbers in turn in the date of your birth.

For example, you were born on April 1, 1980: 1+4+1+9+8=23. Your karmic number is 23. The karmic number of life is two-digit, there is no need to translate it into a simple one.

How to interpret the personal code of karma

Understanding the meaning of the numbers in the code of your life, you will quickly figure out which direction to move in, what is written in your family, what mistakes need to be corrected and which of the events of the past are the managers in the present.

10 is one of the most favorable karmic codes. The road of life is bright, cloudless, without barriers and terrible incidents. You are fair, honest and confident in the correctness of your words and actions. In another life you were a farmer, you lived a decent life. You have no karmic debts.

11 is a complex, dual code. You are an open, good-natured person, you deny evil - a real find for scammers. But you are too demanding of partners, changing them like gloves, creating the impression of a libertine. You have many children or could have many (abortions). In the last incarnation, you were a traitor, a bully, a revolutionary.

12 is the code of suffering. A person is easily vulnerable, naive, always worried, weak. You are easily deceived, entangled in intrigues, you are a pawn in the wrong hands. For happiness, look for a strong and powerful partner. In another incarnation, you were an intriguer, a conspirator, a liar.

13 - the code of perpetual motion, changeable nature. You do not stand still, eternal holiday, no boredom. But there is no stability either, the whole life path is like a roller coaster. In another incarnation you were in bondage, freedom was your dream.

14 - warning code. In business and love, everything is going well, but there is a threat from the elements. Avoid hobbies associated with the conquest of natural forces, flights, swimming, fires. In another incarnation, you were a strong and brave warrior, you died in a shipwreck.

15 - code of attraction. You are charming and talented. Even if you do not develop your talents, you can become an artist, a writer. A talent for painting is not ruled out. You have a happy code of life, but sometimes you forget, you are too proud, you deceive, you are hypocritical. In the past, you were a prostitute.

16 - heavy code, carries the danger hanging over everything way of life. You can achieve success only by acting slowly, considering every step you take. In the past, you were a reigning person, a domineering and cruel ruler with a meager mind.

17 is the number of happiness in love. Your success lies in the formation of alliances, family business. Family and close friends are a real support and support. In the past, you were a single man, died in poverty from a heart attack.

18 - the code warns of a violent death. You are a brawler, a tyrant, you do not understand how you can live honestly and calmly. Danger surrounds you, you carry it yourself. In another life, you were fond of black magic, you were hanged for witchcraft.

19 - code of honors. In business and in personal life, everything is going well. You are surrounded by a lot of people who dream of walking beside you. At the end of the journey, you will be surrounded by your family and friends, you will leave calmly, leaving behind a legacy. In a previous life you were a farmer, a shepherd.

20 - the number encourages you to act, not to be afraid of grandiose plans. You are a purposeful person who does not think of existence without achievements. There will be many obstacles on your way, but by developing your spiritual potential, you will realize everything planned. In the past you were a big banker, moneylender.

21 is the winner's code. All your life you are fighting for something, always getting your way. Be afraid of boredom, despondency and laziness. Your karmic code by date of birth guarantees success in business. In another incarnation, you forged iron, were honest with people and devoted to your craft.

22 - code of illusions. You are a dreamy nature, living in a fantasy world, denying everything bad around. IN past life you made a bunch of mistakes that you need to work out: return to real world don't run from adversity. In the past, you were a thief, a card sharper, an illusionist.

23 is the magic code. Higher power favor you, no matter what kind of activity you choose, you will succeed everywhere. In marriage, you will be happy and very loved. In a past life, you were a seamstress or a nanny.

24 - kiss of god. Very light, light happy life filled with joy and love. The main thing is not to embark on the wrong path, remain pious, bring good and joy to help your neighbors. In a past life, you served in the church, painted icons.

25 is the number of knowledge. The whole life path will be littered with mistakes. Only by embarking on the righteous path, you can count on the favor of the Universe and success. In a past life, you were a royal person, loved travel, wine, were conceited.

26 - danger warning. The karmic code by date of birth warns you - you must always be on the alert. You have a highly developed intuition, listen to your inner voice. In a previous life you were a doctor, because of your self-confidence you killed a patient.

27 is the number of industriousness. You are kind, hardworking and selfless, your consolation is in work. Your labors will be judged on merit by both people and heaven. In a past life you were a scientist, you had a big and happy family.

28 is the code of rebellion and contradictions. You have a complex nature, you are talented and capable, but do not want to comply with social norms and orders, this complicates your own life. In the past, you committed suicide, your family mourned and mourned for many years.

29 is the code of liars. You are very unlucky, you are surrounded by traitors and deceivers. Even the closest and most reliable people will betray you sooner or later. You will find peace in solitude and solitude. In the past, you were a merchant, deceiving people for profit, selling low-quality and damaged goods.

30 is the code of the mind. You are endowed with a sharp mind, quick wit and determination. But greed has subdued you, you need to find a balance, learn to give, serve people. In a past life, you were a famous poet, unable to stand the test of fame, died of drunkenness.

31 is the hermit's code. There is nothing that you would passionately want, you do not need money, family, love, friends. You prefer to communicate with people reading, watching movies, virtual reality in the game. Your happiness is in solitude, in your heart there is no place for anyone. In another life, you were a famous comedian, you had many mistresses and abandoned children.

32 - the number of talker, orator. You are an open nature, sociable, always surrounded by listeners. But you brag too much, because your plans remain in words. In the past, you were a lonely, dumb traveler.

33 is the code for success in love. Your life is harmonious, you get as much as you need, you have a happy and strong marriage. Try to bring good to the people around you, thank the universe for the happiness that has been sent to you, and your expectation of success will come true. In the past, you were the mentor of the ruler, inspired him to do just deeds, pacified his anger.

34 is a late award. The first half of life, up to 35-40 years, will be rich in hardships and troubles. But after you will find prosperity, a strong family, a house full of children's laughter. In a past life, you were a knight, a military man, who died on the battlefield at a young age.

35 - difficult fate. The whole life path will be littered with adversity, betrayal and deceit from the closest people, difficult relationships with children and spouse will lead to dependence on alcoholic beverages. In the past, you were a dancer in a cabaret, led a riotous and depraved lifestyle.

36 - hard work. It is destined for you to work all your life. You will achieve a lot, but alone, you will not be able to trust anyone, rely on anyone. Do not despair, after 35 years you will see the result of your work, build a strong family. In a past life, you were a convicted bandit, worked in hard labor.

37 - a code of good and prosperity. Your life is easy and bright, without misfortune and disappointment. In the past you were a monk.

38 is the code of treason. Your life is easy, you have a successful career, but there is no happiness in your personal life, there are only traitors. After celebrating your 40th birthday, you will meet a decent companion. In another life, you were a courtesan, but you embarked on the path of correction and went to a monastery.

39 - the number of bright mind. You are an intellectual, you will achieve a lot with your mind. But you need to recognize and overcome your vice - envy. In the previous incarnation, you were a gambler, having lost everything, ended your life in poverty on the sidelines.

40 is the hermit's code. You are alone, you prefer books to the society of people. You have no family, no children, no friends. It doesn't bother you. In a past life, you were a writer and a drug addict.

41 - internal magnetism. You are surrounded by people who love you. You may not be very attractive on the outside, but your rich inner world attracts them like a magnet. Direct your spells to good deeds. In another life, you were a public figure.

42 is the number of luck. You are always lucky - this is a reward for a sharp mind and good nature. Your life is easy, not overshadowed by sorrows. In another incarnation, you were a farmer from Bavaria.

43 - test code. You have a quick temper, where you are - there are quarrels and scandals. Curb your temper, otherwise end your life in utter loneliness. In a past life, you were a royal person, you were executed for betraying your spouse.

44 is the number of danger, sudden death. You need to be very careful throughout your life, dangers lie in wait for you everywhere. In a past life, you were an executioner, you executed many people.

45 is a late reward. You will achieve success and great wealth, but only after 40 years. Until this moment, a streak of adversity awaits you, which you will overcome thanks to your mind. In another incarnation, you were a doctor; during the epidemic, the Spanish flu helped many people.

46 is the number of devotion. No matter what happens, your family and friends will always support you. You have a good disposition and an open heart for love. In another incarnation, you were a young recruit who died in the first battle.

47 is the code of intriguers. You like to bathe in attention, you are ready to do anything to get what you want, you have a low level of morality. In old age, illness and lonely death await you. In the past, you were a sectarian, sacrificed animals, were executed at the stake.

48 - leader code. You have strong leadership qualities, great diligence. When choosing a profession, pay attention to finance, military affairs and sports. A successful career awaits you. In the past, you were a master gunsmith, you were loved and respected for your sincere dedication to your work.

How to avoid repeating mistakes

At any difficult situation before any action, analyze, calculate your actions. Think about the significance of your action for others, what message the Universe will receive on your behalf.

The more positive energy you release into the world, the milder the consequences of past mistakes will be. Do not count on the fact that half your life you will bear devastation, and this will go unpunished. Evil done purposefully, you will not remake with good deeds.

Only through gratitude can one come to well-being. Meditate, pray, say "thank you" for everything you have and for difficulties as a lesson.

Many people believe in karma - some equivalent of fate. This is not just because the doctrine of karma comes from the Eastern philosophy of Buddhism and other religions. The differences from fate are quite understandable and solid.

Karma is not just destiny, which is a life path partially or completely prescribed by Heaven, God. Fate is more extensive 99% of the time, but karma is something else. First, it can be cleaned. Secondly, it is almost never decisive in the construction life situations. That is, this is a kind of stigma that hangs on you from a past life, which is believed in in China, India and some other countries. Karma can be pure, that is, not affect you in any way, or it can have some kind of burden that will pull you to the bottom. It is this burden that is called karmic debt.

Numerological calculation by date of birth

First of all, it should be noted that in this regard, numerology and the teachings of karma intersect rather mediocrely, because initially karma was not calculated in any way. Only later it became clear that the numbers are a reflection of our destiny and our karmic debt, respectively.

It's about about date of birth. Experts in numerology and bioenergetics claim that your debt can be calculated. To do this, you will need the day, month and year of your birth, as well as a personal karmic number, which can be found using simple calculations. Let's say you were born on 04/13/1982. You just need to add up all these numbers. It turns out in most cases a two-digit number. 1+3+0+4+1+9+8+2=28. All karmic numbers, like any others in numerology, should lie in the range from 1 to 9. If you get a number greater than 9, then add the constituent numbers again. 2+8=10. And again: 1+0=1. One is the number of karmic debt for such a date of birth.

There is one important point to consider: birthdays 11 and 22 are considered to be 1 and 2 in calculations. For example: 03/11/1988. is not counted as 1+1+0+3+1+9+8+8, but simply as 1+0+3+1+9+8+8. The same goes for the final number itself. If the result of the calculations was the numbers: 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, then you do not need to add up the numbers that make them up, but you just need to reduce them to simple ones: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

Deciphering numbers

Unit: the number 1 is obtained from people who have a fairly small amount of debt to the universe. What is most interesting and positive is that it is not at all necessary to get rid of them, because they are transferred from one life to another, and there are not many of them. That is, there will simply be no punishment of fate for failure to fulfill obligations. In past lives, your bad deeds were insignificant and harmless. Even if their number was large, it does not mean anything. Most likely, you limited yourself to a little selfishness and lies, or you closed your bad deeds in the same life.

Deuce: you did everything in past lives for yourself. Karmic debt yours is quite simple - you should always help those who at least somehow depend on you. This applies to best friends, relatives, soulmate. If this is not done, you will be lonely and unhappy in love and friendship. You may have noticed more than once how you are betrayed for no particular reason. This is due to your debt.

Troika: number 3 is the karmic number of revenge. You were vengeful in past lives, or rather, in the past. Your karmic debt is canceled if you do not show this quality, and you should also try to reconcile people who are at enmity. This will allow you to reduce the retribution of the universe.

Four: if you got this number in the calculations, then you have a rather large debt to the Universe. It consists of many diverse obligations. It is possible that many of the problems have been with you for many lifetimes. There is no need to try to analyze the karmic debt in your case, because it is very large. Try to act according to your conscience as often as possible.

Five: this number indicates that your karmic debt is quite "young". Most likely, it is connected with the fact that you were not grateful to fate and people for help. You took everything for granted in past lives, although your happiness was the result of the work of other people and the result of their love. Most likely, already in this life you will be able to pay off these debts, because in Eastern religions and teachings such karma is not the most “dark”.

Six: the number 6 is a symbol of karmic problems fixated on your attitude to the world. If you feel that something is wrong, for example, with your mood, with luck, then the Universe is trying to take your “debt”. Unfortunately, with regard to the number 6, it is not known what led to your problems. It is only known that the troubles occur in a completely random way. Perhaps in past lives you appropriated someone else's success to yourself, betrayed someone.

Seven: your debts are almost completely paid. In past lives, you were most likely far from problems, so now you live without karmic debt. Everything in your life happens just the way you want it to. All your actions have fairly predictable consequences, so there should not be too much trouble. If they are, then the reasons must be sought in themselves, and not in karma.

Eight: your debt is not removed because you did something bad in past lives. Now you are paying the debts of the Universe according to its unwritten laws. You can only accept, because the problems will go away when the debts are paid in full. It will happen in a year, two, ten or in a few lifetimes - it is not known. You just need to accept yourself and your problems. This is the only way to happiness.

Nine: the last number means the presence of quite significant problems of a spiritual nature. It is very difficult for you to find a guide in life, so you can often be in a state of uncertainty. These are all reasons for your past mistakes that were associated with betrayals.

Remember that everything in our life obeys the laws of the Universe, that everything around does not happen by chance. Only you can control the world around you. Your thoughts are your salvation, the source of your successes and failures. Karma is just something that makes your life harder at times. The end result is up to you. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

29 Jul

Most of humanity believes in karma (consequences for committed deeds), which acts as a kind of analogue of fate. The concept of karma is supported by many Eastern teachings (Buddhism, Hinduism), as well as occultism. With the help of numerology, you can calculate what reward awaits us today for actions from a past life.

Calculating karmic debt by date of birth is not difficult - any adult can handle it. On our website, there are convenient tips and options for this. By calculating online karmic debt by date of birth, you can understand what actions you will be most responsible for and how best to work them out.

Let's say you were born on 07/17/1976. Add these numbers: 1+7+0+7+1 +9+7+6=38. If you get a two-digit number (more than 9), then add the numbers again: 3+8=11.

And once again, to natural: 1+1=2. It is the deuce that is the number of your karmic debt.

Unit. Karmic debt by date of birth is very small. Conscious negative actions in front of the Universe were not very significant. Most likely, there were lies and a little selfishness, or you managed to atone for and close the negative actions at the moment.

deuce. Previously, in other lives, the vector was directed only at itself. Therefore, today's duty of karma is simple - you should help those who are dependent on you (animals, plants). And, of course, relatives: best friends, children, loved one. If you ignore help, then you will be unhappy and lonely, both in friendship and in love. Frequent betrayals of others for no particular reason are due precisely to obligations to the world

Troika. Numerology by date of birth associates karmic debt in this case with revenge. You were vindictive in a past life, but the debt is canceled if you stop remembering the bad, and throw all your strength into reconciliation of the warring. This will nullify the retribution of the Universe.

Four. Your debt is large and accumulated by other lives. It consists of a huge number of actions negative character. Many of recent problems and questions have been living with you for several reincarnations. Having calculated the number of karmic debt, act according to your conscience and your existence will become better.

Five. Your karmic debt is "young" and not heavy. Most likely, he is associated with ingratitude to fate (and in her person to people) for help. You previously took everything for granted, although success and happiness were the result of the efforts of others and their love for you. There is a possibility that you will pay off all obligations, since according to all the teachings, this karma is not the worst.

Six. This is a real symbol of karmic problems, the root of which is based on your relationship to the universe. Luck, which always eludes you, suggests that the Universe is trying to return the “debt” and the boomerang is returning. Perhaps in past lives you appropriated something that does not belong to you (someone else's success, a valuable thing) or betrayed someone who believed in you.

Seven. The calculation of karmic debt by date of birth considers seven to be the most favorable number of all. What happens in the world is exactly what you want and fate favors in all endeavors. Any action has fairly predictable consequences and there should not be too many upheavals in life. If troubles still happen, then the reasons must be sought in your character, but not in karma.

Eight. Your debt does not disappear anywhere because of a bad deed that has left an imprint on further events. Problems will go away only with his redemption. This will happen at any time - in a year or several lives, depending on the severity of the deed. In the meantime, the only way to happiness is to accept yourself and your problems.

Nine. This number indicates the presence of rather large difficulties, especially in spiritual terms. You do not see a guideline in life, so the main state is uncertainty and drifting with the flow. You almost did not use the past life to improve the present, did not develop and remained in laziness.

With the help of this article, it will not be difficult to calculate karmic debts by date of birth for free. You will come to the future with bright karma and earn satisfaction in the present. And the question: “How to find out karmic debt by date of birth?” will be settled once and for all.

A person has access to a lot of information. You can use astrology to make an online horoscope, and with the help of some knowledge of numerology, everyone can determine the number of fate or a karmic code by date of birth. This code contains information about life purpose and the fate of man. Calculating karma is simple, for this you need to know your date, month and year of birth. It is necessary to add each component of the date in turn. Consider an example of calculating karma.

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Numerology - Karma in date of birth

Each of us has karma by date of birth, someone’s life is going well, things are going up, there is no need for money, the family is prospering, and someone can constantly try to change life for the better, but all his efforts will be in vain. Numerologists lay responsibility on karma and offer the following decoding of karmic numbers. The description of numbers can be conditionally divided into four groups:

  • 10 to 19
  • from 20 to 29
  • from 30 to 39
  • from 40 to 49

Karmic numbers from 10 to 19

If the karmic number by date of birth fell into this gap, such a person is at the very first stage of development on the scale of the world outlook. People who fall into this range should not think that they are capable of changing the world. Your karmic age makes you an inexperienced person. Representatives of this gap are not yet sufficiently developed themselves and require spiritual training.

The number 10 - people born under this number are real lucky ones. They are self-confident, able to analyze the situation and always make the right decisions. Life will be cloudless, you will not encounter trouble. All spheres of life are harmonious, you have a soulmate, good health, favorite work. In past lives, you were an exemplary person, did not break the law, did only good deeds, for this in your current life you are rewarded in the form of a comfortable and happy existence. The only thing karma warns against is that you should not practice magic, as this does not bode well for you.

11 is a difficult number. On the path of life, with a high probability, such a person may meet trials that he will not always be able to overcome. You should not trust everyone in a row, trust will be repeatedly used, each time causing harm. The number 11 indicates that your family will be large, there will be more than two children. As for marriage, there will also be several of them, and, most likely, will bring disappointment in a serious relationship.

12 - a symbol of naivety and defenselessness. Holders of the number 12 constantly need guardianship and approval. Their significance is very great. Naivety is used by ill-wishers, it causes a lot of trouble and trouble. In a past life, representatives of the number 12 were most likely public figures who could be followed by a crowd.

13 - life is full of adventure. Representatives of this number cannot sit still for five minutes, it is vital for them to feel in the thick of things. Change is your life credo, the owners of the number 13 are happy to change their place of residence, hairstyle, clothing style, and so on. As for past lives, things are not as rosy here as they are now. Most likely, a person with a karmic number of 13 was a female prisoner.

14 - this figure warns its owners. They must be very careful while in water or air, since in a past life work could be associated with these elements.

15 - a charming person. Representatives of this figure have natural magnetism. However, you should not use it for selfish purposes, although due to your character, you are not averse to using people to your advantage, betraying or deceiving them. Such people have magical abilities and can make magic the main purpose, changing other people's destinies.

16 is a bad number, as it promises misfortune to the owner. You need to be sensitive to your decisions and analyze the situation. In the past, the owner of the number 16 could be a member of the royal family.

17 is a lucky symbol. First of all, it promises happiness in your personal life, love itself will find you. The future looks bright in all areas. This is a reward for suffering in a past life.

18 – distinguishing feature- cruelty. Even if it has not yet manifested itself, in certain situations, such people can kill or maim a person or animal in cold blood. It is worth avoiding such situations and following your instincts in order to correct the karmic code.

19 is the number of fertility, the purpose is the continuation of the family, you should have many children. In the past, such people were associated with work in the field, in this one, this kind of employment should be avoided.

Karmic numbers from 20 to 29

The number 20 is a man of action. Everything that is conceived must certainly be realized in life. You should not be afraid of obstacles on the way, they should, on the contrary, temper you. In the past, a person with a karmic destiny number of 20 could be a banker, successfully working with money.

21 is a symbol of victory. Karma is pure, success will always accompany you. Any business that you initiate is doomed to success. In a past life, you could be a man and most likely worked as a blacksmith.

22 - the owners of this karmic number made a lot of mistakes in their past life, for which they have to pay now. However, if you remain kind and sympathetic person, trouble will not overtake you and life will be bright and cloudless.

23 - very good combination digits in the date of birth. 23 promises success in your career and personal life. Try to devote more time to your self-development, it will still come in handy.

24 - in love you will be happy, and the marriage will be early. Alliances with a person whose karmic number is 11 are especially successful, your karmic compatibility is almost perfect. As for the professional sphere, most likely it will not be possible to build a career. Only temporary earnings await you.

25 - the first stage of life (up to 25 years) will be gray and inconspicuous, nothing special awaits you. In the future, due to the fact that the character will become softer, you will better find mutual language with people, you will have true friends.

26 is the number of the negative. In a past life, you were a bad person, committed inappropriate acts. Now karma answers the same. You need to make a lot of efforts in order to carry out your plans.

27 - fate has prepared many surprises for you, and all of them are joyful. You will suddenly receive a rich inheritance, all that remains is to properly manage your wealth.

28 is a controversial number. Such people are talented, but at the same time they do not always comply with elementary rules behavior, violating the law and human morality. If this behavior is not changed, then the future will not be bright. Past life is over naturally, most likely you are stuck in a mass brawl.

29 - an honest person who can be trusted. Unfortunately, many will use these qualities, so you should carefully approach the issue of choosing friends.

Karmic numbers from 30 to 39

Number 30 - such people are leaders in any situation. you borrow leadership positions, entire departments work under your supervision, you are able to lead any undertaking to success. However, you should not put money above everything else.

31 is a sign of loneliness. This does not mean that you do not have friends or a significant other, just that you are comfortable being alone. It is in this state that you can generate brilliant ideas or decide difficult problems finding a way out of any situation.

32 is a sign of harmony. You combine an active life position and faith in the best. The circle of communication is quite wide, you find a common language with people, but there are few true friends.

33 - such people often become educators or teachers. Your vocation is to teach, you have a desire to transfer knowledge to others.

34 - in a past life, you had to endure a lot, for this reason your karma is favorable this time. Succeed in professional field, personal life will be just as cloudless.

35 - unfortunately, most of life does not bode well, such a person will have health problems, there will not be enough money even for the most necessary things. But by the age of fifty, the situation will change dramatically, there will be a meeting with the second half, you will live happily ever after. But you will not see the birth of common children.

36 - such people have to rely only on themselves, unfortunately, nothing happens by itself. As for your personal life, love will find you after forty years. It is very likely that the first marriage experience will be unsuccessful, there will be no feeling of love between you, since the partner will have an exclusively monetary interest.

37 - in a past life you were a deeply unhappy person, so in this karma you were blessed with success. You can succeed in any field, in any position.

38 - fate has prepared many surprises for you, and all of them are joyful. You can suddenly receive a rich inheritance, all that remains is to properly manage the wealth received.

39 is a smart person who skillfully uses intellect. Often get in the way bad habits, which can interfere with success and make days dull and monotonous.

Karmic numbers from 40 to 49

40 - this number indicates the desire for perfectionism. If you do something, then you must achieve 100% of the result, the other is unacceptable for you. Such people become writers or composers.

41 - your emotionality rolls over. But there will always be people who will love you just for that. In the past there were successful person who did nothing wrong, so your karma will be positive.

42 - you will have to fight for a cloudless future, nothing will happen by itself. Best Compatibility in marriage with the number 24, such a union will be durable.

43 - trials will not bypass you, such people have to go through a lot life tests. However, if you are ready to go all the way to your goal, you will achieve considerable success.

44 - used to living on the edge, bordering on common sense and logic. But this lifestyle will not appeal to the second half, so the marriage is likely to be unhappy.

45 - the first half of life is full of losses and disappointments. But after stuffed bumps, you will learn to recognize the good in people and successfully marry. As for professional employment, it is better to work with money, it is this area that promises good luck.

46 - numerology says that this is a happy symbol for life. First of all, it promises happiness in your personal life, love itself will find you. The future looks bright in all areas. This is a reward for suffering in a past life.

47 - people with such a karmic number have to meet people, find comfort in their company. But don't be too open, because this information in can be used against you. Do not resort to magic, it will have the opposite effect.

48 is the number of struggle. Such people become athletes or reach heights in jurisprudence.

49 is a man of action. Everything that is conceived must certainly be realized in life. You should not be afraid of obstacles on the way, they should, on the contrary, temper you. In the past, such a person was a banker, successfully working with money.

Now you know how to find out your person's karmic code by date of birth. It’s good if the fate destined for a person is positive, but if this is not the case, how can you correct the karmic program and prescribe new code? In order to correct karma, they resort to reading a cleansing mantra, which can be found in special Vedic books. There is a working off of karma that can cleanse the sins of a person committed in the past, up to the present birth. Numerology is able to know strengths and help avoid those situations that can be dangerous.
