How to determine karma by date of birth. How to find out your karmic debt by date of birth

29 Jul

Most of humanity believes in karma (consequences for committed deeds), which acts as a kind of analogue of fate. The concept of karma is supported by many Eastern teachings (Buddhism, Hinduism), as well as occultism. With the help of numerology, you can calculate what reward awaits us today for actions from a past life.

Calculate karmic debt by date of birth is not difficult - any adult can handle it. On our website, there are convenient tips and options for this. By calculating online karmic debt by date of birth, you can understand what actions you will be most responsible for and how best to work them out.

Let's say you were born on 07/17/1976. Add these numbers: 1+7+0+7+1 +9+7+6=38. If you get a two-digit number (more than 9), then add the numbers again: 3+8=11.

And once again, to natural: 1+1=2. It is the deuce that is the number of your karmic debt.

Unit. Karmic debt by date of birth is very small. Conscious negative actions in front of the Universe were not very significant. Most likely, there were lies and a little selfishness, or you managed to atone for and close the negative actions at the moment.

deuce. Previously, in other lives, the vector was directed only at itself. Therefore, today's duty of karma is simple - you should help those who are dependent on you (animals, plants). And, of course, relatives: best friends, children, loved one. If you ignore help, then you will be unhappy and lonely, both in friendship and in love. Frequent betrayals of others for no particular reason are due precisely to obligations to the world

Troika. Numerology by date of birth associates karmic debt in this case with revenge. You were vindictive in a past life, but the debt is canceled if you stop remembering the bad, and throw all your strength into reconciliation of the warring. This will nullify the retribution of the Universe.

Four. Your debt is large and accumulated by other lives. It consists of a huge number of actions negative character. Many of recent problems and questions have been living with you for several reincarnations. Having calculated the number of karmic debt, act according to your conscience and your existence will become better.

Five. Your karmic debt is "young" and not heavy. Most likely, he is associated with ingratitude to fate (and in her person to people) for help. You previously took everything for granted, although success and happiness were the result of the efforts of others and their love for you. There is a possibility that you will pay off all obligations, since according to all the teachings, this karma is not the worst.

Six. This is a real symbol of karmic problems, the root of which is based on your relationship to the universe. Luck, which always eludes you, suggests that the Universe is trying to return the “debt” and the boomerang is returning. Perhaps in past lives you appropriated something that does not belong to you (someone else's success, a valuable thing) or betrayed someone who believed in you.

Seven. The calculation of karmic debt by date of birth considers seven to be the most favorable number of all. What happens in the world is exactly what you want and fate favors in all endeavors. Any action has fairly predictable consequences and there should not be too many upheavals in life. If troubles still happen, then the reasons must be sought in your character, but not in karma.

Eight. Your debt does not disappear anywhere because of a bad deed that has left an imprint on further events. Problems will go away only with his redemption. This will happen at any time - in a year or several lives, depending on the severity of the deed. In the meantime, the only way to happiness is to accept yourself and your problems.

Nine. This number indicates the presence of rather large difficulties, especially in spiritual terms. You do not see a guideline in life, so the main state is uncertainty and drifting with the flow. You almost did not use the past life to improve the present, did not develop and remained in laziness.

With the help of this article, it will not be difficult to calculate karmic debts by date of birth for free. You will come to the future with bright karma and earn satisfaction in the present. And the question: “How to find out karmic debt by date of birth?” will be settled once and for all.

When they talk about karma, most often they mean the purpose of a person in life. But in addition to the mission, each person has a kind of "account" on which debts accumulate. Karmic debt is a load of unfulfilled obligations that haunt the soul throughout all its incarnations. To find out what is the purpose of a person in life and his karmic debt, one should turn to numerology.

What is destiny

To understand what fate means, one should study the philosophical teachings, according to which the human soul is embodied in a material body more than once. During its reincarnations, the soul works on lessons and mistakes, forming a chain of events.

A similar phenomenon can be compared with a school report card. If a student finishes the semester with twos, he will have to work off bad grades in the next semester. So the soul of a person, having not fulfilled its destiny, passes into the next life with debts.

According to karma, the soul itself chooses its next incarnation. Her current life is a lesson to be learned. Good deeds and a righteous life purify karma. Life becomes easier for a person. Bad deeds, on the contrary, burden the soul. She goes through life with a load of sins.

At the same time, past actions that seemed to get away with it can suddenly turn into failure in the future. Human consciousness will not connect these events, but such a turn will be evidence of retribution.

But the ease of karma is affected not only by good and evil deeds. Each soul comes into this world with its own mission. That is why destructive events often occur in people's lives, turning life upside down - this karma returns a person to his destiny. Fate pushes the traveler back to the path he left.

That is why it is extremely important to understand your mission. Following fate, a person not only makes his own life easier, but also makes his subsequent incarnation better.

Where do debts come from

Thus, failures in life may well be the result of accumulated debt in past lives. Unfulfilled debt prevents the individual from arranging his personal life, getting the desired profession, or simply developing. Having corrected the existing debt, the person opens the way for himself to new tasks. They, too, will either have to be fulfilled or transferred to the next life.

Stained karma complicates existence. There are some factors that lead to karmic debts:

  • Promises that were not kept;
  • Unwillingness to develop and follow one's destiny;
  • Desire to get rich at the expense of others, dishonest life;
  • Violation of elementary moral laws and rules.

There are also events that not only complicate karma, but also lead to almost tangible debts. It is rather difficult to list all the errors, but they can be generalized into several groups:

  • Violation of the commandments of God;
  • Apostasy from religion or atheism;
  • Denial of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount;
  • Unwillingness to recognize shrines;
  • Questioning the power of prayers;
  • Disrespect for parents
  • Failure to fulfill one's own parental duty.

Debt Analysis

Before proceeding to the analysis of karmic debt, its type should be determined. There are several types of debt:

  • Failure to fulfill the mission in the current life;
  • Duty, passed with the soul into a new incarnation;
  • Lineage debts, or the so-called acquired karma.

If everything is more or less clear with the first two points, then the last one is often puzzling. Having calculated the karmic destiny according to the date of birth, a person turns out to be “rewarded” with other people's sins.

Some religions develop such a concept as succession. In simple words The debts of parents go to their children. By the way, such an inheritance can pass to the younger generation only after his consent. Such humility can be seen in religious traditions. For example, the phrase "about the dead is either good or nothing" carries a hidden consent to the fulfillment of someone else's duty. At the same time, the soul, which has been forgiven of sins, is freed from its debt. It goes to the one who sincerely forgave the deceased. The same principle is inherent in the tradition of fulfilling the last will of the dying.

But present generations are far from the fate of Christ. Not every soul is able to cope with its own debts, so the burden of other people's sins follows the soul from life to life. At the same time, the accumulated sins in each of the subsequent incarnations will manifest themselves more and more aggressively. Such injustice of karma can be compared to bank interest. This explains the injustice that people often cry about. “One is everything, and the other is nothing.” Or terrible events that fall to the lot of people. To the question "why me?" karma will answer.

Calculations by date of birth

Finding out if a particular soul has debts is very simple. Some people feel the invisible pressure of karma without counting. Personal life is destroyed, it is difficult to communicate with others, illnesses do not recede.

To understand where the troubles that fell on your head came from, you should calculate your karmic debts. To do this, it is enough to know the exact day and year of birth.

According to numerology, there are numbers indicating karmic debts. These are 13, 14, 16, 19. Those whose birth number fell on these dates definitely carry a “trail” of past mistakes. This also includes those who were born in 2014 or 2016. This is the karmic significance of the date of birth.

To carry out a more detailed calculation, you should use the formula:

  • Date of birth, for example, May 27, 1986.
  • Add up the numbers of the birthday: 2 + 7 = 9.
  • The same is done with the month: 0+5=5.
  • Numbers of the year: 1+9+8+6=24. A two-digit number should be added: 2+4=6.
  • All the results obtained are summarized: 9+5+6=20. The result indicates the absence of karmic debts.

In the case when, as a result of the calculation, 13, 14 or other numbers of debtors were received, you should reconsider your life rules and try to work on karma.

Some services on the Internet allow you to automatically determine karmic debt by date of birth. You can calculate your code online by entering your date of birth in the appropriate fields.

To understand what the debt is, you should analyze the number indicating the debt. Each of them points to certain sins, which you can get rid of only by understanding their true essence:

Working methods

By date of birth, you can calculate not only karmic debts, but also your destiny. Knowing what is the fault of the soul and what is its mission, a person discovers the true path for himself.

The first step in the fight against debt is the realization of wrongdoing. Religion also offers reflection and repentance. This can be done through confession.

Also philosophy advises to ask for forgiveness from those offended by a person and get rid of all sorts of debts. This is not about financial debts, but about given promises. It should be remembered that broken oaths follow the soul from life to life.

Ways to cleanse karma:

  • Rejection of revenge;
  • Favor for loved ones and loved ones;
  • Feeling of compassion and mercy to others;
  • Ability and willingness to help those in need;
  • Take responsibility for your own failures;
  • Analyze your actions
  • Do not wish evil to people and do not harm them;
  • Do not expect reward for good deeds;
  • Do good deeds more often.

Knowing your mistakes and starting to work on them, it is important to know your own purpose. Each person comes into this world with a specific purpose. Not following its mission, the soul acquires a burden that will follow it in the next incarnations. It is not excluded that the current life will be unsweetened if the person leaves the path prescribed for him.

To find out your karmic destiny, you should write down the date of birth starting from the year, month and ending with the day.

For example, 1964, 06 month and 25 day. 19640625. The last number (5) indicates the main mission of a person. This is the code for the main karmic task. The remaining codes are determined by those numbers that are not in the row. In this case, it's 3.7 and 8.

By the way, the numbers already available are the tasks that the soul successfully completed in a past life. The missing numbers are task codes that, in addition to the main one, the individual will have to work on.

Karmic debts - interesting feature human destiny. Knowing your purpose will be very useful for those who think about the meaning of life. The science of numerology answers these questions.

The concept of karma came into our culture from ancient Indian philosophy. People are accustomed to investing in it an exclusively negative meaning, although at its core karma is a retribution for everything that has been said, done or even thought out by a specific person. It can be not only, but also good. There is also such a thing as "karmic debt", it should be discussed in more detail.

Karmic debt occurs in the following situations:

  • when a person does not fulfill the obligations entrusted to him - most importantly, before the Almighty and Higher Powers, that is, he commits a sin, which is inevitably followed by the imposition of a certain karmic restriction with punishment;
  • when there is a violation (of one or more), which is fraught with the occurrence of negative karmic consequences - this includes various crimes against others or oneself.

In fact, there are a huge number of reasons why karmic debts arise. But now we will not name only general phrases, but we will analyze the most important examples of violations that provoke the appearance of the most significant karmic debts.

  1. Man makes commitments and promises in relation to other people or Higher Forces, but does not fulfill them. Remember that not a single, even the slightest promise, ever goes unnoticed.

Those individuals who do not know how to do what has been said fall into the category of the most delinquent karmic debtors. Each given, but unfulfilled promise is a heavy karmic burden on the fate of such a person and prevents him from achieving happiness and harmony.

  1. A person does not realize his karmic destiny- that is, he refuses his life goals and does not want to fulfill the karmic tasks assigned to him.

When the Soul does not fulfill its Highest Duty, it automatically goes into the category of karmic ones, which means that later you will have to pay for it until the guilt is fully atoned for.

  1. A person illegally takes something from another or he appropriates other people's achievements (that is, steals). In this case, the inexorable law of Karma will operate:
  • if you take away the life of another, you will part with yours;
  • you waste someone else's time - you will pay off your own time;
  • you take other people's money - for several incarnations you will be forced to live in need, not being able to rise to the final atonement of your sin;
  • you take away someone else's energy - you will certainly find yourself in a position where other people will consume your energy in excess;
  • if you appropriate other people's material values ​​for yourself, you will lose ten times more.

At the same time, retribution can come both in this life and in the next - eternity has no concept of time.

  1. Another kind of karmic debt to your Soul arises in those cases when a person does not take into account the needs of his Soul and does not give it proper development. When we stop developing, there is no spiritual or personal growth- a karmic debt to oneself is invariably formed, which is punished by negative well-being, a feeling of devastation and the appearance of various pathologies.
  2. Karmic debt arising from irresponsibility:
  • failure to fulfill one's job duties - will form a karmic debt to a specific institution;
  • when a person does not want to take care of his family, refuses to take responsibility for it;
  • irresponsibility in the process of raising their children and so on.

Learn more about karmic debt by watching the following video

How to calculate your karmic debt

Of course, the most correct decision is to seek help from a professional numerologist. The expert will be able, knowing the date of birth of a particular person, to calculate, establish what kind of karmic debt you personally have and how best to deal with it.

The numbers of karmic debt are:

  • thirteen;
  • fourteen;
  • sixteen;
  • nineteen.

The easiest way is if the number of karmic debt corresponds to the number of birth. In other situations, you can calculate karmic debt by date of birth.

For example, the date of your birth is 05/25/1994.

The following calculations will need to be made:

  • 2+5=7;
  • 0+5=5;
  • 1+9+9+4= 23=2+3=5.

Now we add all the resulting numbers:

  • 7+5+5 = 17.

We are interested in a two-digit figure. In this example, we do not observe karmic debt, but let's now figure out who and what people owe who have the numbers 13, 14, 16 and 19?

Description of karmic debts

Number thirteen

If in the process of calculations you received the number "thirteen", then your karmic debt is associated with laziness and hard work, laxity and concentration, as well as self-love and the ability to share with others.

In your past incarnations, you did not really appreciate work, you tried to shift your work to others if possible, you tried to go the easiest ways, to easily and pleasantly spend time at someone else's expense.

Since you used to love to "ride others" - in real life you will be forced to process very much. Success will only come to you through hard work. You may have already noticed that it is very easy for someone to achieve what they want, and you have to remove obstacles and deal with obstacles.

advice for you: do not rely on luck and do not wait for "manna from heaven", but make your own efforts to the maximum.

Often for people with the number 13, the process of working off karmic debt involves suffering, but this is completely avoidable. You just need to learn to perceive life as a wonderful gift, put things in order, both in your soul and in your head, always fulfill your obligations, and also not be afraid to work.

Number fourteen

For this figure of karmic debt, a huge role is played by correct execution abilities obtained from above, revealing one's talent. In past incarnations, as they say, you sought to "bury talent in the ground" and the abilities that were given in order to bring to life some global goal, applied to momentary satisfaction of their own needs.

It is likely that you were afraid of something new, you chose to remain in the old, comfortable position. You had chances for change, but you didn't use them.

Therefore, many changes will occur in this life, and they will break into your life on their own, without waiting for your permission. You can change your place of residence, occupation, your environment - this is just a small part of what you will probably have to face. At the same time, it is important not to lose yourself in this storm of events, not to change your principles and ideals.

Tip for you: change, but always remember the higher goal. Also avoid the temptations that will be encountered at every turn.

Number sixteen

If you received exactly this figure in your calculations, then your karmic debt concerns selfishness and the manipulation of love. In your past life, you did not properly treat the feelings of the people around you, you easily made them suffer.

Therefore, in the present, you have to pay off those whose love you used, while not giving anything in return. Various problems with relationships, loneliness, unrequited feelings will act as such a retribution.

Due to excessive pride and selfishness, it will be difficult for you to find true intimacy and get real warmth in a relationship. You can be deceived, betrayed for no apparent reason.

advice for you: do not flatter yourself with the illusion that relationships do not work out because you are not beautiful enough or rich enough - your selfishness is to blame. It is important for you to show wisdom and humility. Learn not to put yourself above others, and also to accept others for who they are (the same applies to yourself).

Number nineteen

Your karmic duty tells you to learn to interact positively with other people, avoiding complete self-sufficiency. In past incarnations, you were blinded by power and your capabilities, you sought to subjugate those around you to your will. They did not help the needy, and the power was used as an end in itself.

In real life, situations will often arise when you will need the help of others, but it will be quite difficult for you to get it. You may encounter indifference from other people.

Ways to atone for karmic debts

To completely "repay" the karmic debt, you need to follow this algorithm:

  • To establish the root cause of the situation, as well as the Law of the Universe, which was violated (it is best to do this with the help of people with paranormal abilities).
  • Learn from Higher powers how you can redeem your karmic debt.
  • Engage in the development of the necessary qualities, apologize to whom it is necessary.
  • Often you have to resort to a special ritual, which is carried out by spiritual healers.

You also need to understand that you can get rid of many karmic debts automatically if you keep right life, to do good deeds, to act with dignity and, if possible, to help the world around us.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

By date of birth, you can find out what awaits us in the future, for what reason our fate develops this way and not otherwise. A simple calculation will help determine this.

Eight. The number Eight is a symbol of obsession. The universe is trying to push you into problems that don't have a quick fix. Because of this, anger, insecurity and negativity accumulate in you. To prevent this from happening, you need to be able to ignore problems and accept defeat. Vanity and pride are your main enemies.

Nine. The number Nine inclines a person to search for friends and a soul mate, but it is important not to forget about your calling. Develop natural talents and appreciate the moments when you can give yourself completely to what you love. Finding a use for your abilities, you will become a happy person.

Very often people are hindered by negative attitudes, not karma. You should not explain all your problems with karmic problems, because often people themselves are to blame for the fact that luck turns away from them. Believe in yourself, communicate with good people, set a specific goal for yourself - and you will notice how life changes for the better. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

03.10.2018 02:39

Many people believe in karma - some equivalent of fate. It's not just that, because the teaching ...

The number of the karmic lesson, which is calculated from the date of birth of a person, determines his fate and the destiny indicated by the Universe.

So people who have received a karmic number of 40-49 reincarnate into philosophers, sages who are entrusted with the creation, knowledge and education of others. Home life purpose is an exit to the next level of consciousness, to highest point personal and spiritual development.

Karma number 40

Personalities with this numerological characteristic voluntarily plunge into loneliness, seclusion. This is partly due to a lack of understanding in relationships with others. This character helps them become good composers and writers. AT financial matters a person is not collected, therefore he is not rich in money. If he manages to create a family, then in it he behaves selfishly.

Magical practices once captivate a person, but attempts do not lead to significant success. The karmic code of fate 40 goes to those who in a previous life were a writer who, despite all his efforts, did not become famous. He was in great demand among women, but he did not experience true love.

Karmic number 41

People of this number have extraordinary charisma and emotionality. Attractiveness has a certain magical nature, since external beauty or virtuosity in communicating with people is not inherent in a person. Nevertheless, charm gives the individual many friends and good acquaintances. He is open with them, but keeps his personal plans secret. Has selfish character traits, but successfully hides them. He does not feel strong remorse when he deceives.

People with this karmic code often become victims of the evil eye, and they themselves prefer astrology and predictions in magic. Significant results are not achieved. Past life, most likely, was associated with poetic activity. She was a famous and beautiful woman. Despite constant moving and traveling, she managed to have several children.

Number 42 - karma

This code is considered very lucky, because it predicts love and business luck. A person necessarily finds support in his endeavors, easily achieves success in a team and individual work. Karmic number 42 predicts favorable life without falling to the social bottom and tragic events. To create a strong and happy family, you should choose a person with a karmic number of 24.

The past earthly incarnation of man is associated with animal husbandry in the German lands. The man, most likely, was a Bavarian in every way: he adored beer and was fond of women. For this, by the way, he had constant conflicts with his wife. This may be due to the emergence of constant difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex in the current reincarnation.

Karmic Code 43

This is not the most positive numerological symbol. The number itself is the embodiment of change, upheaval, revolution, associated with suffering and tragic events. Therefore, in the future, karma code 43 does not bring much luck. A person is forced to deal with difficulties both in the family and at work.

They even say about him that he is a magnet for troubles, conflicts and blows. Despite this, he is able to achieve success if he shows enviable performance and resilience in the face of obstacles.

People with this karmic code are forbidden to practice or turn to magic. Bad karma can harm both the magician himself and those he is trying to help. In a previous life, the personality reigned in southern countries, was a woman. She cheated on her husband and was severely punished - she was walled up in a crypt alive.

Karmic number 44

Karmic code 44 is a warning about the proximity of deadly risks in the future. However, this rarely leads to tragedies, since a person is saved by an innate foreboding of catastrophes. Fate does not favor friendly and business relations, and over the years, the experience of betrayal and deceit only grows.

Caution saves from the loss of money, well-deserved posts and social status. Marriage is rarely successful, because the other half rarely keeps life on the verge of risk.

You should also be more careful in magical practices, as there is a high risk of causing psychological trauma. Astrology is not recommended due to poor calculation accuracy and erroneous data analysis. Most likely, in the previous incarnation, it was a royal person from Europe.

This man had a craving for alcohol and did not know the measure, which was the cause of his death. The karma of the number 44 makes a man cheat on his wife, since in a previous life he was a cuckold - the queen preferred young favorites to him. Women with this karmic code continue to cheat on their chosen one in their current life, and three times more often than in the past.

Karmic number 45

Favorable numerological indicator. Productive mental work, selflessness in creation and excellent intellectual qualities bring a reward from life to a person.

The future of individuals with this code is almost always easy and cloudless, although in the first half of the life path one has to endure many disappointments. The ability to analyze past mistakes allows you to spend your future life calmly and beneficially. Success is most likely in professions related to financial transactions.

Astrological and magical hobbies do not give a tangible result. Moreover, such an individual becomes an easy target and test subject in tantric and sexual magic. Most likely, in the previous incarnation it was a woman who wooed people. Many wonderful alliances were created by her efforts, but she herself family happiness didn't get it. Her death was accidental and somewhat stupid - having gone through one feast, she died from frostbite.

Karma Number 46

A good sign that portends a strong friendship and sincere love to a person. On the life path he himself will share good things with people and receive the same from them. Fate has prepared good luck in collective activity and relationships with the opposite sex. Life after marriage is highly dependent on the partner. If he is good in all respects, there will be harmony and happiness. If the marriage was forced, everything will go sideways not only in the family, but also in the business sphere.

Astrological and magical activities are of little interest to the individual, and do not bring significant success. Past life was associated with a military career. This was a man not of the lowest position in army society - a commander, or at least an officer. There were many battles in his life, in one of which he died, retaining courage, honor and respect.

Karmic code 47

Dooms a person to lies, betrayal, hypocrisy and meanness on the part of others. Heavy life tests will fall on him throughout his life. Even close friends and love partners will betray and change. In the future, there is a serious danger to life and social status. Care is needed in all areas.

Astrological and magical activities are of little interest. In general, it is potentially dangerous, as it has a strong impact that undermines health. In the previous earthly incarnation, it was a lonely man who lived in isolation from society. This is due to the presence of a large circle of friends and acquaintances in this reincarnation.

Karmic number 48

This code speaks of a pronounced intellectual and mental elevation of the individual over his environment. The number itself does not promise bad or bad things in the future. good events, it is neutral. Therefore, fate largely depends on the thoughts and actions of the carriers of the number of karma 48. A person has a passion for wealth and openly demonstrates his willingness to fight for them. An innate passion to be the best helps you excel in the legal profession and in sports.

None of the magical branches becomes for these individuals a lifelong business or a hobby. They simply lack endurance if a tangible result does not appear immediately. The former life was strongly associated with weapons. Most likely, a person designed it, collected it or sold it.

In the current incarnation, the person strives for family well-being, since he could not achieve it in the previous one. An individual with a karmic number of 48 rarely cheats on his partner. However, the reason for this is not strong moral principles, but sexual narrow-mindedness and insecurity.

Karma Number 49

The code of a lonely, deep self-contained person. He maintains an introverted demeanor even while participating in high-profile events and campaigns. The number does not portend a good future in material terms, therefore, in business and financial sector need foresight. This person is stubborn and ready to wait, so he will certainly bring his plans to life. Obstacles are not terrible, they only temper character.

You should only get carried away with magical directions if you have an experienced mentor. Self-practice is likely to undermine health. In the previous incarnation, the person was in the center of attention. And he did things that surprised and delighted others. Most likely, this is a tightrope walker, a juggler or another circus artist. His life was cut short as a result of an accident directly during the execution of the number. It happened on tour in Africa.

The number of the karmic code is not a sentence or an exact scenario of life. Even the one who received the number of karma 44 is able to become respected and successful person not prone to self-interest, meanness and crime.

Avoid thoughts and deeds that give rise to karmic debt, strive for harmony with the world and the environment, and spiritual growth will be provided. With due diligence, self-improvement and the transition to the next level of development are more than real.
