Achievement of the Belarusian science of the 21st century. Achievements of Belarusian science in recent years

The formation of Belarusian science began in the 20s of the XX century. Although some scientific research was carried out on the territory of Belarus before that time, in particular, in the Gori-Goritsky agricultural school, etc. Under the conditions of military intervention, the devastation of the government of the republic took a number of measures to eliminate illiteracy, open universities, and also create scientific centers . An important moment in the scientific life of the BSSR was the opening of the Belarusian State University, to which a number of library collections of the Academy of Sciences were transferred. Archaeological Commission, Central Book Chamber, Moscow, St. Petersburg and other universities. However, for the development of the productive forces of the republic, it was necessary to create specialized scientific institutions. Life required significant functional developments aimed at overcoming the technical and economic backwardness and solving the regional problems of the BSSR. On January 30, 1922, the Institute of Belarusian Culture was founded, chaired by S. Nekrashevich. Research work in Inbelkult was carried out in the humanities and natural sciences. The humanitarian section included dictionary, terminological, literary, ethnographic and other commissions. In the section of natural science - geological, local history sections. In 1926, according to the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR, the Institute of Belarusian Culture was separated from the People's Commissariat of Education and reorganized into a state research institution under the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR. In 1928, Inbelkult became the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, which was solemnly opened on January 1, 1929. Among the academicians, its founders, there were well-known scientists and cultural figures Y. Lesik, D. Zhilunovich, V. Ignatovsky, V. Lastovsky, Y. Kupala, Y. Kolas and many others.

In 1924-1930, research institutes were created: sanitary and hygienic, social hygiene, tuberculosis, gynecology, labor, physiotherapy, geological, Central share peat station. Thus, science has moved from research in small laboratories of the university and higher technical schools to systematic, well-organized work in scientific institutes. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, 62 scientific institutions operated on the territory of our republic: 26 scientific research institutes, 15 scientific stations, 2 reserves, 3 museums, 16 universities.

A historical milestone in the training of scientists and teachers in the BSSR was the “Regulations on Researchers of Higher Educational Institutions and Scientific Institutions of June 8, 1927”, which laid the legal foundations for postgraduate education. Since that time, postgraduate studies have become the main form of training intellectual forces in almost all specialties. In 1934, 2 scientific degrees were established - candidate and doctor of sciences, as well as scientific titles - assistant, associate professor, professor in universities and junior and senior researchers in research institutes. Decrees of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (March 20, 1937 and April 26, 1938) regulated the procedure for public defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations. In 1934, the BSSR began training highly qualified personnel - doctors of science through doctoral studies.

Belarusian science suffered great losses during the Stalinist repressions. In the 1930s, the NKVD organs fabricated the cases of "counter-revolutionary organizations." More than 20 employees of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR were unjustifiably accused, including V. Lastovsky, Ya. Lesik, D. Zhilunovich and others. According to the NKVD, as of July 1, 1938, as a result of the "defeat of the anti-Soviet underground of the BSSR," the number of convicts amounted to 2570 people, including academicians and employees of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR - 25, teachers of universities - 41. Repressions significantly weakened the personnel potential of scientists of the republic.
In the post-war period, Belarusian science was literally revived from the ashes.

From the beginning of the 1950s, research in the field of physical, mathematical and technical sciences was significantly expanded in the BSSR, which ensured the creation of new progressive areas of industry and high rates of scientific and technological progress. New directions in the field of the humanities also developed. By the end of the 1980s, more than 160 state scientific institutions operated on the territory of Belarus. The main and most common type were research institutes with branches and departments. 32% of them solved the problems of technical sciences, 27% - related to natural sciences, 17% - social sciences, 12% - agricultural and veterinary sciences, 12% - medical sciences. The total number of people employed in the field of science and scientific services in Belarus amounted to more than 100 thousand people.

The growth dynamics of fixed assets of science is evidenced by the commissioning of scientific campuses of the Institute of Nuclear Energy of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR (Sosny), INSTIT) and Agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture (i Zhodino), the Institute of Oncology and Medical Radiology of the Ministry of Health of Belarus Borovlyany) and others. Since 1970, the construction of a new academic town began, on the territory of which laboratory buildings of institutes began to operate: physico-technical, microbiology, etc. Scientific organizations received technological and energy equipment, electronic computers, complex optical equipment, unique appliances. The achievements of Belarusian scientists in numerous scientific areas have been recognized not only in the USSR, but also abroad. The Academy of Sciences of the BSSR has developed world-class scientific schools in linguistics, theoretical physics, physical optics and quantum electronics, mathematics, chemistry, geology, etc.

The collapse of the USSR and the rupture of economic and scientific ties that it recognized had a negative impact on the position of the spider. Fundamental changes in state building - the formation of an independent Republic of Belarus - required reforming the scientific sphere as well. However, it was carried out and continues to be carried out inconsistently and inconsistently. The constant reduction in funding for science, the destruction of its material and technical base, the low demands on the results of scientific research on the part of the state lead to a reduction in the scientific potential of the republic and the departure of many scientists abroad. According to information provided by the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1999), more than 450 scientists emigrated from the republic to the USA, Western Europe, and Israel in the 1990s. Fundamental research found itself in the most difficult conditions. The emergence of commercial firms, joint ventures and other organizations associated with market relations led to the "transfusion" into these structures of specialists from the most promising areas of science - mathematics, laser physics, radio electronics, instrumentation, etc.

The main scientific center of the Republic of Belarus is the National Academy of Sciences. Its role in organizing, conducting and coordinating fundamental scientific research is determined by the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus", as well as by the order of the President of the Republic of Belarus (1998). They outline the foundations and guarantees of its activities, the principles of interaction with authorities, subjects and participants in scientific and scientific and technical activities.

In our time, the importance of science in the life of society is gradually increasing. The history of mankind testifies that without the use of the achievements of fundamental and applied science, successful economic, social and technical development and an increase in the standard of living are impossible. Therefore, measures to support science and stimulate its development should become an integral component of the state policy of the Republic of Belarus in the 21st century.

Science has always played an important, one might even say, decisive role in the life of society. With the development of writing in the countries of the world, empirical knowledge about nature, man and society was accumulated and comprehended, the beginnings of mathematics, logic, geometry, astronomy, medicine and other scientific areas arose. For the future of Belarus, it is vital to answer the question: “Why should science be in the 21st century?”, because this question is connected with the question of conceptual self-determination: to be in the rearguard of the development of Russian civilization or to be a distant Western barn?

Science is always subordinate to the Concept

Culture is secondary in relation to the concept of organizing (managing) the life of society in the continuity of generations, since any culture is an information-algorithmic system that provides management in accordance with the concept that dominates society and protection of this management from management by concepts that are incompatible with the dominant one.

The science- a part of culture and in management practice it is it that provides non-intuitive means of solving problems about the stability of control objects in the sense of predictability of behavior in all their diversity - from everyday life (like - which light bulb can be connected to which network) to global politics.

Since the entire conceptually legitimate variety of management tasks lies in line with a certain concept, then the concept also limits science as one of the social institutions. However, this restriction is mostly not directive-targeted in nature, but indirect, carried out through the formation of the culture of the personal psyche of scientists, due to which:

  • their circle of interests is formed and there is a differentiation of interests into permissible, unacceptable and those, the implementation of which seems impossible in accordance with the worldview formed by the concept and culture;
  • a system of restrictions on the interpretation (understanding) of the facts observed in life and the results obtained in experiments is also being formed.

This applies to both natural science and humanitarian (human and social science) scientific disciplines.

In practice, this means that the West lives under the Bible (since it is the basis on which the concept of the life of Western civilization is built) and world science, which was initiated by it, is not capable of going beyond the worldview restrictions imposed by it, although the priests, starting from era of the Reformation, for the most part, do not climb into the methodology of science directly, and those of them who themselves are engaged in research activities adhere to its seemingly secular rules in science.


In natural science- N.A. Kozyrev tried to interpret as "the materiality of time" on the basis of the conceptual apparatus of the theory of relativity the results of observations in which it was found that the speed of light is not the limiting speed in the Universe.

The collection "Selected Works" by N.A. Kozyrev, published by the publishing house of Leningrad State University (Leningrad, 1991), is available on the Internet at: Names of some works by N.A. Kozyrev from this collection: "On the possibility of an experimental study of the properties of time"; "Astronomical Observations through the Physical Properties of Time"; "On the influence of time on matter"; "On the possibility of reducing the mass and weight of bodies under the influence of the active properties of time."

Even from the titles (and not just from the texts) of these works, it is clear that N.A. Kozyrev writes about “time” as a specific kind of matter interacting with other types of matter. This is a consequence of the fact that the results of observations cannot be interpreted on the basis of the system of limiting generalizations "substance - spirit (physical fields) - space-receptacle - time", characteristic of the biblical worldview and dating back to ancient Egypt.

In social science disciplines— V.V. Leontiev (Nobel laureate in economics in 1973) in the book "Economic Essay" (Political Publishing House, 1990) writes (pp. 210, 211):

“Unlimited, universal accessibility of knowledge and ideas arising from research is a highly desirable property for society and humanity as a whole. However, it poses a serious problem for anyone who would like to engage in scientific research, that is, the production of knowledge on a commercial basis for profit. In order to justify investment in research, a corporation must be able to sell its results directly or indirectly, as part of some other product, for an appropriate fee. But who will pay for a product that, from the moment of its release, becomes available to everyone in unlimited quantities? Why not wait for someone else to pay for it or invest in it and then get it for free? Who will bake bread if seven loaves can feed not only four thousand men, women and children, as the New Testament tells about it, but also all the hungry?

This position, formed by the Bible, did not allow him to conclude that the price list is a financial expression of all the mismanagement committed by society. As a result, political economy and economic science have reached a dead end, from which they have not been able to get out for more than half a century.

The most authoritative scientific institutions in Western countries - the national Academies of Sciences (it came to Russia and Belarus from the West during the time of Petrine reforms) - are not engaged in science itself (not to mention the methodology of its development). They solve another problem, which remains silent: the main purpose of the Academies of Sciences is the certification of scientific achievements and research scientists, i.e.:

  • giving the status of reliable knowledge to scientific results if they correspond to the prevailing concept;
  • the elevation to the rank of reliable scientific knowledge of deliberate nonsense, if this is necessary to ensure management in accordance with the prevailing concept;
  • the declaration of real achievements as deliberate pseudoscience if they go beyond the framework of biblical culture and pose a threat to its existence.

And this state of affairs cannot be called satisfactory.

And what problems do scientists see in science themselves?

Talk about the need for reform

In an interview with DW, the former president of the National Academy of Sciences, academician Alexander Voitovich called the current state of Belarusian science very difficult.

“22 years have passed since the collapse of the Soviet Union, and Belarusian science remains in the same state and at the same level of organization,”

the academician complained. According to him, in 2002-2004, the current chairman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, Mikhail Myasnikovich, when he was the head of the National Academy of Sciences, already tried to reform Belarusian science.

“But that reform,” Voitovich believes, “was almost completely failed. As a result, over the past 10-15 years, the science intensity of Belarus' GDP has been, according to Alexander Voitovich, 0.7-0.8 percent. In the European Union, this figure is on average about 2 percent” (

It is indicative that they are compared with Europe, which means that, by default, the reform should take place according to European or Western patterns, which means - in line with the Western concept of management and building culture. And where is the West moving today, which has given rise to a global biosphere-cultural crisis?

Talk about lack of funding

It is also natural that the “scientists” see the solution to all problems in a purely Western way in increasing the salaries of “scientists”:

“We spend about $23,000 per researcher per year. This is two times less than in the countries of North Africa, and three times less than the average in the CIS countries” (,

- said the ex-president of the National Academy of Sciences. According to him, insufficient funding and the lack of reforms have led to the fact that the Belarusian science has grown old. But are scientific discoveries made for money? “They gave money - they got development” - such a “formula for success” will only lead to collapse.

In our opinion, the development of society is not controlled by money, but is driven by culture as a whole, as a certain set of social attitudes, and, first of all, by the ideas that dominate the minds of people who are the bearers of this culture. It is she who sets the tone for the development of all scientific institutions, which, in turn, form educational standards for various sectors and levels of education (primary, secondary, higher), they also give rise to a certain science, designed to give society answers to solve problems and crises, as well as provide he needs information support for a full life and development. On the basis of these educational standards and the provided information support, the entire personnel base in all sectors of life is trained and retrained.

It is here that the worldview of the new generation is laid in the educational school, which, like a sponge, absorbs all the information from the environment. A new generation of personnel, processing the experience of previous generations, enters life. Proceeding from the provided opportunities for the disclosure of creative potential and the prevailing worldview, it creates new ideas - the foundation of the culture of the future. This is how the spiral of social development closes:

And financing is only one of the nth means of supporting the functioning of this succession of stages, while society and statehood, first of all, should take care of building the entire chain of an upward spiral of development so that it does not turn into a ring of infernal self-copying, in any case, trends towards which are observed today in the West, and especially in the field of artistic creativity.

They say that the scientific community is aging

Alexander Voitovich believes that scientists are still making discoveries, but the backbone of scientists is made up of people of retirement and pre-retirement age, and scientific activity itself is carried out largely by inertia left over from Soviet times.

Which proves the futility of attempts to arrange science "for money". The ideological scientists of the old school are working. And although, it would seem, in the West, science still lives “for money”, but this is not so, since a system of tacit access to knowledge was built there from ancient times according to various systems of initiations, leading its history from the mysteries of the ancient world. That is, Western science has always been ideologized.

Even if you look at the names of scientific degrees, you can see that they are borrowed from the names of positions in the systems of Masonic and other order lodges: master, candidate, master. Since the system was built there for a long time, the concept-forming information of the Bible underwent many refractions, modifications, managed to acquire new terminology several times, but did not change its algorithmic qualities, retained its essence. Do not forget that initially science developed over the centuries in priestly temples and church cloisters, where all vital information flowed, and only in the last century and a half, having changed clothes from church terms to “atheistic”, splashed out into society. That is, Western science has long been conceptually determined and serves the interests of a certain concept of management.

In the Russian civilization, to which Belarus belongs, the Western concept of governance has always faced problems: its ideas were disgusting and were not perceived by the population as “their own”, and therefore its advancement has always been accompanied by sabotage of varying degrees of organization.

At the unconscious levels of the psyche, the ideological heritage of Western civilization among our people has already been processed, which was expressed in the words of A.S. Pushkin:

“What all Europe has read,
There is no need to talk about it again!”

Therefore, young people are not so eager for development, both personal and social, in the system of science, tailored according to old patterns, which the current system of education and science cannot provide. And the Soviet ideological heritage is now not so relevant for it, that is, in the language of computer scientists: information and algorithmic support is outdated, and instead of it, a Western surrogate “make money” is offered, which does not contribute to the development of science as a branch of human knowledge, turning it into a branch commercial activities. And there is interesting evidence for this.

Talk about ideological pressure

According to the curator of the Flying University, candidate of sociological sciences Tatyana Vodolazhskaya, people leave Belarusian science, among other things, also because of ideological pressure.

“Moreover, ideology, explains Vodolazhskaya, affects not so much the content of research as the need for scientists to be loyal to the authorities. And often the latter in Belarus becomes more important than the quality of scientific work.”

Vodolazhskaya, making a difference between the requirement for content and the requirement of "loyalty to the authorities", shows that she understands the validity of the above statement that science, as part of culture, is subject to one or another concept. Although it is not clear what exactly she means by “loyalty” and “non-loyalty”. It is possible that it is precisely the requirements for the content of research, arising from a different concept of management, that she interprets for herself as a requirement of loyalty.

“As a result,” Vodolazhskaya continues, “some researchers leave official science on their own, others at the initiative of their direct management, as happened in 2012-2013 at Grodno State University. Some of them go to work in other areas, some go abroad, where they are more in demand than at home” (

And it is symptomatic that the Belarusian political opposition sees only such ways of resolving problems:

  • leave the realm of science
  • go to the West, under the shadow of a different concept of management.

Problem Conclusion

In general, if we evaluate what problems scientists themselves see, then it should be stated that they have no understanding of the historical context in which science is developing today. Not about those problems think our scientists.

the main problem

The main problem, more and more hanging over our society, is the conceptual uncertainty of managing the entire Russian civilization, formerly called the Soviet Union, and today: Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, etc.

Conceptual uncertainty- this is such a course of affairs when sometimes the same people at different times perform actions that are permissible or necessary in one concept of management and forbidden in principle or in specific circumstances in the same concept of management. Which was expressed in the above assessments of scientists of the state of affairs in science.

The overcoming of the conceptual uncertainty of management by society consists in the fact that people in the process of their life and activities themselves and with the help of others or under pressure of circumstances consciously determine what in their intentions and actions corresponds to a fair concept of the structure of life, and what does not, and on On this basis, preference is given either to this concept in its development, or to alternative concepts of preserving and reproducing the crowd-“elitist” structure of society in the continuity of generations, one of which is the Western concept of management, including science.

All people in society, live, overcoming conceptual uncertainties, including uncertainty in answering the affairs of life to the question: in what circumstances is it appropriate to manage collective activities? Under what circumstances is self-management of participants in collective activities appropriate? And in what circumstances and how should self-management and management be combined, mutually complementing and supporting each other?

The conceptual uncertainty of behavior (management) is manifested due to the fact that the Western worldview has not become undividedly dominant in our civilization, and the same people tend to carry out actions in their behavior, both corresponding to Western stereotypes based on the Bible, and contrary to it. This is massive, which explains the causes of all our social disasters over the past millennium, including the current crisis. Hence the inconsistency and incompleteness of all reforms, without exception, both pro-Western and “original development paths”.

On a personal level, the misery of this kind of life is explained by the words of the Apostle James:

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways (James 1:8).

At the level of considering a society in which there are many such people with double thoughts, the prospects are known from the words of Christ:

If the kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom will not be able to stand; and if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand; and if Satan rebelled against himself and divided, he cannot stand, but his end has come (Mark 3:24-26).

And for the leadership of Belarus, this is a very serious reason to think about how to build their relations with the West, Russia and other countries of our common Russian civilization. It should be remembered that the possibility of the collapse of the USSR was considered and modeled in Western political science (Hélène d'Encausse, The Divided Empire, 1978) and the journalism of Soviet dissidents (Andrei Amalrik, Will the Soviet Union Survive Until 1984? , 1969). The division of the USSR into several states was spelled out as one of the goals of Directive 20/1 of the US National Security Council of August 18, 1948, which is still in effect, which means it is also aimed at present-day Belarus.

Criticize, suggest

Now let's move on to those proposals for the development of science as a sphere of society that we want to present for comprehension and, possibly, implementation in the practice of society, if it is in demand.

The structure of science as a sphere of social life

If we talk about the importance of specialized sciences in the life of society, then the majority builds the following hierarchy:

  • natural science (physics, chemistry, biology, geology, geography, astronomy, etc.), mathematics and their applications (technical sciences, medicine);
  • humanities - history, linguistics, psychology, jurisprudence, etc.

In reality, however, the hierarchy of specialized branches of science in terms of their importance should be different.

Since all culture in the historical form of all its branches is a product of people's mental activity, the most significant science is human psychology. It determines the nature of social science, which is obliged to identify and present to society and statehood objectively the best option for organizing the life of society in the continuity of generations. Naturally, we can only talk about the life of a society of physically and mentally healthy people in harmony with healthy biocenoses in the continuity of generations and the biosphere of the Earth as a whole.

Social science is also obliged to identify the factors that led in the past to the deviation of social development from the identified ideal, and which continue to operate in the present. Accordingly, social science should also give rise to the concept of society's transition to this ideal in order to further develop humanity as a biological species and culture of global civilization.

The duty of historical science is not only to know the facts of the past, but also to identify causal relationships in the course of history in the past and the consequences of past events in the present, which is necessary for the development and implementation of a socially useful policy for the future in accordance with the concept of the development of civilization, which should give social science.

At the same time, it should be noted that the current political life of society and international relations that take place in the present are constantly flowing into an accomplished history.

With regard to the structure of the National Academy of Sciences, this means that historical science should be part of the department of social sciences, and not part of the historical and philological department of the National Academy of Sciences.

Those. even the very organizational structure of the National Academy of Sciences, which for many decades excluded historical science from the department of social sciences, contributes to the separation of sociology as such and historical science, which is fraught with the flourishing of pseudoscience both in history and in sociology.

What has been said about the hierarchical significance of the particular sciences does not mean that natural science, mathematics and their applied branches can be neglected, or that they should be almost administratively subordinated to "humanitologists", just as in the days of the USSR the so-called "philosophers" - for the most part capable of mastering higher mathematics, which blocked their access to understanding the theories and problems of natural science and social statistics, based on their alleged knowledge of the “general laws of being” — almost dictatorially monopoly decided what is true in science and what is pseudoscience. What is said means:

  • errors and quackery in the field of history and sociology have much more serious consequences for society than the current errors of natural science;
  • the mistakes of natural science and applied sciences based on it are caused (programmed) by the mistakes of social sciences and quackery in them, since the personal culture of mental activity is a factor that determines the results of the activity of any person in any branch of activity, including natural science. At the same time, the purposeful cultivation of a personal culture of mental activity presupposes a special role for psychological science, which should be based on the achievements of natural science, and not on the fantasies of graphomaniacs and psychopaths (such as Z. Freud).

Philosophy occupies a special position in the system of specialized sciences.

One can enter into philosophizing (understood as an expression of some new philosophy or the development of some previously established philosophy) only after gaining a sufficiently broad outlook in the course of scientific and practical work in the branches of natural science and its applications, showing interest in the life of society as a whole, i.e. to the subject area of ​​the so-called "humanitarian disciplines". It is for this reason that philosophy occupies a special position in the system of sciences. If you try to enter philosophizing directly, bypassing practical activities in natural science, in its applications, and the subject area of ​​the "humanities" sciences, then inevitably graphomania under the guise of philosophy is what Yu.N. Efremov called "quasi-philosophy", i.e. false philosophy.

If the totality of sciences is likened to music, then philosophy is similar to a tuning fork:

  • firstly, on a tuning fork as such it is impossible to play a single melody, even the simplest one;
  • secondly, without a tuning fork, musicians and tuners who do not have absolute pitch are not able to tune their instruments, as a result of which the playing of many instruments in orchestras becomes impossible;
  • thirdly, people with absolute pitch do not need a tuning fork ...

So is philosophy:

  • firstly, by itself it is useless, in the sense that, unlike other sciences, it is not capable of solving any applied problems;
  • secondly, if it is false, then the conflicts of different branches of science, the incompatibility of different theories within the same science, the inadequacy of life as such of scientific theories and the practice of their applications in some aspects are inevitable;
  • thirdly, there are scientists who do not need a philosophical tuning fork, since their sense of proportion is not false (in the sense that the consequences of some falsehood, inevitable for a person limited by subjectivism, affect the result of activity, without devaluing it based on the application of the principle “practice is the criterion of truth ").

Accordingly, one who claims to be a philosopher claims to be the manufacturer of a “tuning fork” for science as a whole: this is an activity that is absolutely necessary, but requires a broad outlook and certain personal-psychological qualities from a person.

If the philosophical tuning fork is false, then under the yoke of the opinions of such philosophy, instead of objective science, something similar to that described by I.A. Krylov in the fable "The Quartet" will turn out. Therefore, philosophy is very significant for society, and therefore it cannot be left at the mercy of all sorts of "humanitarians" - notorious careerist swindlers and sincere "polymundists" who, due to the defectiveness of their psyche, are unable to master mathematics and, as a result, the achievements of natural science, on based on the principle of "practice is the criterion of truth" ...

As for the philosophical tuning fork that we share, in a brief thesis form it can be expressed as follows:

  1. Practice is the criterion of truth.
  2. Morality determines the relationship of rational subjects in the range from complete denial to complete mutual bestowal.
  3. In accordance with paragraph 1 and paragraph 2: God exists, and He is the Creator and Almighty.
  4. Life (the Universe and God) in all its aspects is cognizable adequately to itself in line with the Almighty, which is confirmed by paragraph 1.
  5. The universe (including the physical vacuum) objectively exists materially. All matter in all its stable states of aggregation and transitional forms (dissimilar radiation of material objects) is the bearer of objectively existing information and measures. Those. The universe and its fragments are the trinity of matter-information-measure:
    1. measure is a numerical certainty - quantitative and ordinal;
    2. in relation to matter, the measure is a matrix of its possible states and transitions from one state to another;
    3. in relation to information, the measure is a system of encoding information.

It is clear that the philosophical tuning fork expressed above does not coincide with the philosophical tuning forks of atheistic science, as well as with the philosophical tuning forks of various kinds of “polymundists”. This discrepancy allows us to see in the science cultivated by the National Academy of Sciences (and the Russian Academy of Sciences) falsehood - the seeds of pseudoscience and pseudoscience as such.

The fight against pseudoscience is a delicate issue...

The “subtlety” of the issue of pseudoscience is explained by the fact that has taken root in scientific circles since the late 1950s. proverb:

“You may not be a scientist, but you must be a candidate ...”

This saying characterizes a fair share of defended dissertations for scientific degrees. This applies to both candidates and doctors of various sciences. It is supplemented by another joke of the "scientists" themselves:

"The dissertation is a lengthy statement about a pay rise."

Recall that a simple engineer in a research institute or design bureau in the USSR in the 1970s. had a salary of 120 - 140 rubles, while a vocational school graduate earned at least 250, and a color TV (ULPTST-61) with a screen size of 61 cm diagonally cost 675 rubles. Those. a more or less economically secure life for the family of an engineer at a research institute or design bureau, as well as a simple scientist in the USSR, began only after he defended his dissertation.

Such professional "folklore" suggests that the spread of pseudoscience in society has long gone far enough. And the Academy of Sciences itself (that is, many "outstanding" figures of science and technology personally), many academic councils for awarding degrees in universities, which allow careerists, research institutes and design bureaus to defend themselves, and supervisory over all of them, the body is the VAK (i.e., members of the expert councils of the VAK personally). And the problem of reforming the National Academy of Sciences has been brewing for a very long time.

Accordingly, the question of pseudoscience in the Academy of Sciences itself will cease to be “subtle”, but becomes quite definite, if a fundamental difference between science and pseudoscience is revealed. After that, one can look at the development of both science and pseudoscience, as social phenomena in the life of society.

Truth criterion

Objective truth, as a component of objective reality, exists so that anarchist postmodern philosophers and others who join them do not talk about it. But along with objective truth, there is the subjectivism of people, both personal and corporate, i.e. inherent in a group of people united by certain stereotypes. As a result, people's opinions about objective reality and the processes in it, to a greater or lesser extent, for various reasons, move away from objective truth or simply overshadow it. This is how it happens in the psyche of heterogeneous agnostics and solipsists.

Evasion from the truth can take place:

  • as in the very principle, when the opinion about this or that phenomenon is simply nonsense,
  • and in applied problems, when in some specific circumstances (conditions) the opinion is adequate to objective truth, and in other circumstances it ceases to be adequate.

In science, only the results of observations and experiments are objective, and to the extent that the observer or experimenter himself does not introduce distortions during the process he observes or the experiment he conducts.

Everything else in science purely subjective interpretations of observations over the natural course of processes and over ongoing experiments.

These subjective opinions can be assessed:

  • as objectively scientific, if on their basis it is possible to develop decisions with predictable consequences and put these decisions into practice, obtaining the result promised by theories;
  • and as objectively pseudoscientific, if on their basis the decisions necessary in life are either impossible to develop, or the implementation of the developed decisions leads to consequences that are unpredictable or directly opposite to those expected.

This distinction between the results of actions based on science and pseudoscience is expressed in a minted formula: “ practice is the criterion of truth».

The boundary between science and pseudoscience

And practice is the criterion of truth, knowing no exceptions, for all scientific disciplines from natural science through the humanities to theology inclusive (in a sequence understandable to atheists) and from theology through the humanities to natural science and its applications (in a sequence understandable to religious people).

Strictly speaking, this distinction between the results of practical activity based on subjective opinions and behavior based on them is what separates science and pseudoscience objectively.

But, having drawn this conclusion, we must remember about subjectivism. He can be arbitrarily erroneous, as a result of which true science can appear to him quite sincerely as pseudoscience, and pseudoscience as true science.

But if subjectivism is chronically unable to distinguish between science and pseudoscience, then what happens is what all the opponents of agnosticism and the plurality of truths have been talking about for centuries: those who act on the basis of pseudoscientific ideas make mistakes that are incompatible with the continuation of the life of themselves or their cultures and disappear from the historical scene. - as the Quran says:

“... conjecture in no way eliminates the truth” (10:36).

If we look for deep psychological reasons for this, then they lie in persistently vicious morality subjects who mindlessly elevate deliberate lies and falsehood to the rank of Truth-Truth, and label Truth-Truth as deliberate lies and falsehood.

But if we go beyond the limits of a narrow professional specialization and really take a civic position (the state, society - that's us), then purely in a common human way - i.e. everyone— the following should be clear.


  • pseudoscience due to the subjectivism of people, prone to errors and amounting to a fundamental unwillingness to overestimate one's opinions, is always generated in society;
  • but if science is common sense, due to which it is able to answer the practical questions of people who are consumers of knowledge generated by science, then pseudoscience cannot have a mass distribution, much less claim to dominate people's minds;
  • but if science is sick, due to which it is not able to give answers to some practical questions that are significant for many people, as well as for current politicians, then people, pushed by the very inconsistency of science, are forced to look for an alternative to it, which can be twofold:
    • independently generate new knowledge and practical skills as the need for these knowledge and skills arises in their lives and do it at the pace of the activity;
    • to find a “consultant on the problem”, an alternative to professional scientists, who may turn out to be a charlatan or a graphomaniac psychopath, or may turn out to be a scientifically successful amateur who did not find a place in the professional environment of “great scientists” precisely because moral and ethical and (as a consequence) intellectual the ill health of science itself as a branch of professional activity in this society.


  • If a country has a sociological science (social science) adequate to life, and not a pseudoscience under the guise of sociology, and if a country has a system of general and professional sociological education, then there cannot be a protracted general cultural crisis and permanent economic ruin in that country.
  • If in the country there is a general cultural crisis that has been incessant for decades and an incessantly inefficient economic system, then this means that under the guise of history, sociology, philosophy, psychology, and economic science, pseudoscience flourishes in it. And based on it education system inadequate life representations of the vast majority of people are formed, including those who eventually become officials of the state apparatus, including employees of the special services. Under such conditions, the development of science becomes almost impossible, but pseudoscience begins to flourish, because in conditions of economic devastation and a general cultural crisis, it becomes a more reliable source of income than creative activities.

In this regard, we bring to your attention the Soviet view from 1982 on the exam:

Some of the activities that need to be carried out in the education system are described in the article (, which we recommend reading.


Accordingly, if the scientists of the National Academy of Sciences and other scientific institutions were really concerned about the problem of eradicating pseudoscience and the development of science, they would be engaged in identifying charlatans, swindlers and half-witted graphomaniacs in their own department of social sciences (international relations, philosophy, sociology, psychology and law, economics, as well as the historical and philological department). Sociology, if it is really scientific, does not have the right to obey the norms of "polites" or "political correctness", but must characterize the morality, ethics and intelligence of individuals, without avoiding such words as "half-wit", rogue, charlatan, swindler, etc. In the context of this article, this is not an outburst of negative emotions, but a characteristic of personal qualities.

Of course, the participants in these feeders under the guise of “Department of Social Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences” + malicious “historians” to them would squeal on the topic of “persecution of science, which is carried out by rude officials of the National Academy of Sciences who are incompetent in “subtle humanitarian issues” and natural scientists and techies who joined them.” However, you should remember:

Practice is the criterion of truth, and most of the minds that have achieved real results in natural science and technology are able to enter into an understanding of the social sciences.

The entry of “humanitarians” into the problems of natural science and technical sciences is for the most part impossible, due to their lack of mastery of the mathematical apparatus.

Take care of natural scientists and techies of the NAS application principle without exception“practice is the criterion of truth” to the activities of historians and the department of social sciences of the National Academy of Sciences, then little will remain of the now legitimate sociology, the concepts of international relations, history, philosophy, psychological science, jurisprudence, and “economic” science and others. After that, the rest of pseudoscience would also decline following the shrinkage of its “ecological niche” and the general moral and intellectual improvement of society.

The organization of industries based on intellectual labor is a new and, undoubtedly, the most promising stage in the economic development of Belarus.

The country's highest scientific organization is the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Recently, its structure has been noticeably transformed: new types of organizations (scientific and practical centers and associations) have been created, approaches and methods for managing innovation activity have been improved. Today, the topics of fundamental and applied research of the academy are formed only according to the priorities of the economy. At the same time, scientists provide their customers with a full range of services: from a scientific idea to specific development work, organization of production.

Not the last place in the innovation infrastructure is occupied by scientific and technical centers. They increase the efficiency of interaction between science and production in agriculture, metallurgy, mechanical engineering and other industries.

The State Committee for Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus is a government body that implements the function of regulation and management in the areas of scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities. In addition, the committee is the guarantor of the protection of intellectual property rights. But the main task of the committee is to create innovative enterprises that will produce export-oriented innovative products with high added value.

Achievements of Belarusian scientists

In June 2012, Belarus became a space power. A Belarusian Earth remote sensing satellite was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The spacecraft (BKA) was launched into space in a cluster of five vehicles - together with the Russian Kanopus-V and MKA-FKI (Zond-PP), the German TET-1 and the Canadian ADS-1B.

The Belarusian spacecraft provides full coverage of the territory of Belarus with satellite imagery. Its weight is about 400 kg, its resolution in the panchromatic range is about 2 m.

Thanks to the launch of the satellite, Belarus can create an independent system for remote sensing of the Earth, which will make it possible to refuse the services of other states on the issues of receiving and processing space information.

Supercomputer "SKIF-GRID"

Scientists of the Joint Institute for Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus have developed the SKIF-GRID supercomputer based on 12-core AMD Opteron processors and graphic accelerators. This is the most productive configuration in the SKIF family of Belarusian supercomputer models. Peak performance, excluding GPU acceleration, is 8 Teraflops.

New generation lasers

Employees of the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus have developed a new generation of lasers. The scope of application is wide: from medicine to industry. Unlike traditional lasers, these lasers are much safer for the eyes. In addition, they are much smaller and more functional. It is expected that in the future, devices and technologies using them will facilitate the work of specialists in various sectors of the national economy. In parallel with this, new developments of Belarusian physicists are already in demand abroad.

Medical advances

Employees of the Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences have developed a series of original preparations based on amino acids and their modified derivatives. These are drugs of various therapeutic effects, including Asparkam, a cardiovascular disease treatment agent, Taurine, a radioprotective drug, Leucine, an immunocorrector, and Teturam and Glian anti-alcohol drugs. Antitumor, antianemic, antinarcotic and other agents are under development. By 2015, the share of domestic medicines in the domestic market of Belarus in value terms will grow to 50%.

A unique DNA Biotechnology Center has been opened at the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The new structure will make it possible to more effectively implement the achievements of genetics and genomics in healthcare, agriculture, sports and environmental protection in Belarus. The specialists of the Institute have begun to create a modern testing ground for testing transgenic plants. Transgenic varieties of agricultural plants will be grown here and their first tests will be carried out.

Belarusian and Russian scientists have obtained human lactoferrin from transgenic milk goats for the first time. It has unique anti-cancer, antibacterial and anti-allergic properties. In many countries of the world, technologies for obtaining lactoferrin from cow's milk have already been mastered. But the methodology created by the scientists of Belarus and Russia has significant advantages over foreign ones. One liter of milk from transgenic goats contains about six grams of lactoferrin, and this is one of the highest rates in the world. Until 2015, Belarusian scientists expect to implement two important projects at once: to build a special farm and an experimental processing module, where it will be possible to isolate protein and obtain products with lactoferrin.

Know-how of Belarusian scientists

Scientists from Belarus have grown a red emerald - this has never been done before. An unusual gem was first grown at the Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Materials Science. In nature, red emerald is extremely rare, and it is mined in only one place on Earth - in the Waho-Waho Mountains, located in Utah, USA. An artificial analogue is in no way inferior in beauty, composition and quality to nuggets, but it costs almost 100 times cheaper.

For several years, the Research and Production Center for Materials Science has been producing synthetic emeralds and rubies, having occupied, according to experts, a worthy niche in the global jewelry market. About 6 million carats of precious stones are “mined” in it annually.

Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences Vladimir Gusakov told journalists on December 22 about the main achievements of Belarusian scientists in the Year of Science.

The most significant achievements of Belarusian science, which were discussed at the Second Congress of Scientists, include the development of a portable supercomputer that performs up to 20 trillion operations per second and is 2.5 times more powerful than the original SKIF supercomputer, but much smaller. BELTA.

An important event was the development of an electric car and small personal electric transport, work on its own energy storage device. “We are working on improving the electric car. I think next year we will be able to position it as our integrated Belarusian development,” said Vladimir Gusakov.

The Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences highlighted the creation of the Belarusian national system of identification, labeling and tracking of goods and vehicles, which makes it possible to avoid falsification of goods, the development of the doctrine of food security until 2030 as the basic document for the development of the agro-industrial complex, DNA certification of a person, which makes it possible to edit the gene mechanism and proceed to personalized medicine, including the use of stem cells.

Among the achievements of domestic scientists is the creation of a series of highly effective drugs, new varieties of agricultural plants, machines for the agro-industrial complex. Belarusian scientists were engaged in space research and began work on a new spacecraft for remote sensing of the Earth.

The discovery of world significance - the most ancient settlements of the Slavs were found in the Zhitkovichi district of the Gomel region.

"A number of scientific studies have yielded world-renowned results. These are artificial diamonds, highly effective vitamin preparations, chemical and biochemical substances, microbiological preparations, and others. The developments of Belarusian scientists in the field of laser and plasma technologies, optical and laser devices, are known far beyond the borders of the country. new materials with special properties," said Vladimir Gusakov.

As a reminder, this week the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus summed up the results of the competition for awards of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in 2017. Based on the decisions of the Commission of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Prizes, it was decided to award 7 prizes of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: three prizes in the field of physics, mathematics, computer science and physical and technical sciences: three prizes in the field of biology, chemistry, medicine, agricultural sciences and earth sciences; one award in the humanities and social sciences. The amount of the premium is 250 base units.

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