Which blanket is better: sheep or camel wool? How to choose the right camel blanket.

One of the most important components of a comfortable sleep is a properly selected blanket that will provide enough warmth without creating a greenhouse effect. In addition, it should be light and unpretentious in care, so as not to deliver to the hostess extra hassle. All these qualities are combined by a blanket made of camel wool, for which people lined up in the Land of the Soviets like a mausoleum.

Camels are unique animals that have managed to adapt to the most difficult conditions of existence in the desert, where during the day it is impossible to get hot, and at night it really freezes. Their wool perfectly copes with temperature fluctuations, reliably protecting the owner, which is what people liked.

The most demanded products from this raw material are blankets, which, if chosen correctly, serve for decades without losing consumer properties. And in order to choose the right cover, and not throw money away, running into a fake, there are proven recommendations.

  • "Age" of wool. The warmest, softest and lightest products are made from the wool of young camels, because the quality of their wool is close to fluff. A conscientious manufacturer will definitely indicate this fact on the label.
  • Tactile sensations. You can also find out how ancient the carrier was by the quality of the surface; a uniform, pleasant to the touch coating without ridges and prickly inclusions is inherent in high-class products. Such a blanket does not prick, even if you use it without a cover on your naked body.
  • Uniformity. Separate hairs should not be knocked out of the cloth, on the contrary, pulling out is accompanied by a serious effort, which proves compliance with the felting technology.
  • Treatment. The edges should be smooth, well sealed with an overlock or inlay.
  • Case material. Not all camel blankets are solo, commercially available and a quilted variant where the wool filler is placed in a fabric cover. When choosing a quilted camel blanket, pay attention to the fabric, it must be natural and durable, because the life of the "camel" is very long.
  • Density. The thermal insulation properties of the product depend on this parameter, denser ones are designed for frosty winters, and thinner blankets for the off-season. Density data is indicated on the label with a numerical value in grams per square meter, usually the indicators range from 200 g / m² to 420 g / m².
  • Price. Camels are a rarity in our country, unlike sheep, and their wool is more valuable and surpasses the “darting” counterpart many times over. Therefore, a high-quality, natural camel blanket simply cannot be cheap. If you got really caught affordable option, it will be either a mix, with the addition of sheep or synthetic raw materials, or counterfeit, which has nothing to do with the ships of the desert. You can see the price and photo of a plaid made of alpaca and merino wool.

Types and their advantages

According to the method of production, such blankets are divided into two types.

By density and weight, blankets are divided into ordinary and lightweight, designed for different conditions operation. Ordinary blankets are designed for cold weather, they are warmer and denser, but also somewhat heavier, although all products made from camel wool weigh less than analogues from other raw materials. The lightweight ones are designed for off-season or daytime use to hide while lying down with a book or watching TV. They usually have interesting design and serve as an element of decor. Find out which blanket is better to choose for sleeping at the link.

Blankets made from the wool of proud desert animals have a lot of advantages, which made them leaders in their segment, even a solid price does not scare off buyers.

  • Lungs- in comparison with quilted wadded blankets, they are practically weightless, even a sheep's woolen blanket is heavier.
  • Warm- inferior in thermal insulation properties only products made from bird down, everyone else wins.
  • hygroscopic- perfectly absorb moisture and quickly release it into the air, thanks to the hollow structure of the hairs, if you suddenly sweat, the discomfort will not make you wake up.
  • Wear-resistant and durable- are designed for 15 years of active use, but in fact, all 30 will boldly work out, proved by our grandmothers, who are still hiding behind these rarities from the era of socialism.
  • elastic- they keep their shape perfectly, the filler does not fall off, does not roll, does not turn into a shapeless lumpy heap after the first wash.
  • Useful- improve blood circulation, stimulate muscle tone and relieve nervous overexcitation.
  • Neutral- do not generate static electricity.
  • breathable- they pass air well, under them it is almost impossible to sweat in a healthy state.

Overview of manufacturers and brands

On sale are both imported, mainly Mongolian, products, and domestic, represented by several leading factories. GOBI (GOBI) - woven blankets from Mongolian camel wool, considered one of the best. The brand is known not only in our country, but all over the world, their blankets combine high quality, decent appearance and quite reasonable cost. This is a completely natural product from 100% camel raw materials without any admixture of synthetics and merino.

Products differ in their decorative component, manufacturing method, raw material base and cost, but regardless of the brand, natural camel blankets retain all their properties.

Children's sizes

When we are talking about the main members of the family, children, the price of the issue recedes into the background, and high quality, safety and unpretentiousness become the cornerstone, because everything is the best for children. Camel blankets made of wool or down optimal choice for the little ones and for the older kids. They are hypoallergenic, do not shed, do not collect dust, do not cause irritation. Plus, the warm, comfortable blanket weighs next to nothing, which is important when sheltering such a fragile creature. Depending on the manufacturer, you can find several sizes on sale that fully meet the height of the child and the dimensions of the crib, which simplifies the choice.

  • 100 × 135 cm.
  • 100 × 140 cm.
  • 100 × 150 cm.
  • 110 × 140 cm is the most popular size.


The cost consists of several parts, here is the quality of the filler, and density, and dimensions, and the manufacturer. Promoted brands that produce luxury textiles raise prices, even domestic ones. A one-and-a-half all-weather blanket from Runo or Dargez will cost between 4,000 and 7,000 rubles, for a child they will charge from 1,500 rubles. But for the Mongolian "Gobi" you will have to pay more than 11,000 rubles, although the raw materials are the same in both cases.


In order for the “camel” to warm for a long time and always look great, you must follow the rules of care and know a few tricks.

  • Duvet cover- of course, it’s a pity to hide beauty, but wool will not get dirty in a duvet cover and will not require washing for longer.
  • Ventilation- it is enough to hold a new blanket in the air, preferably on the street, for about half an hour, so that it is filled with oxygen. In the future, this procedure should be repeated every six months, after shaking the product.
  • Wash- if there is no contraindication on the label, the blanket can be washed on a delicate machine or by hand, but it must not be actively tangled. Soak, mash slightly, drain and let drain.
  • Use special balms for woolen things, the usual powder will wash out the lanolin from the fibers, and the blanket will lose the lion's share of its properties.
  • Air dry, out of direct sun, on a horizontal surface.

On the video - about how camel wool is harvested in Mongolia:

Which blanket is better - sheep or camel? It is very difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Feelings that arise when using each of the options can vary significantly. Therefore, it is worth listening to your own body, which will definitely tell you right choice. However, immediately before buying, it is worthwhile to properly understand what these beddings are, how to care for them and how durable they are. correct use. This will help you decide on the purchase without first "testing" the product.

What are the blankets?

Today, the market actively offers a wide variety of models of blankets and blankets. They can be made from both natural fibers and synthetic fibers. The most common non-natural options are fleece (with a density of more than 240 g / sq. M.), As well as various heaters - from the usual synthetic winterizer to more modern holofiber and artificial swan down.

In the list of popular natural materials appear:

  • Sheep's wool. It can be used both in needle-punched technique, when clean, dyed combed wool is literally driven into a dense base with many thin needles, and as a filler for quilted products. Weaving is widely practiced, which gives a denser structure, so the blanket holds its shape better and does not wear out for a long time.
  • Camel's wool. Another popular option for insulation. Its properties make it possible to obtain light, warm, environmentally friendly and safe products. Most often, wool is laid between layers thick fabric and stitched with a pre-selected pattern. Blankets quilted in this way are ideal for those who are used to sleeping covered up, even in the warm season. They perfectly keep the temperature, allowing the body to breathe.
  • The most expensive and rare option is yak wool. Due to the limited habitat of these animals, such blankets can be quite expensive. They are performed mainly in the technique of hand weaving and have unique antiseptic and healing properties.
  • Blankets made of bamboo fiber are light, moderately warm, easy to care for and inexpensive models. This material, thanks to its structure, never gets lost inside the case.

The benefits of wool

As mentioned above, natural wool blankets are considered the most common options for creating comfort during sleep. The choice here is small, however, even sheep wool can differ significantly in properties and composition. It all depends on the breed of animals, their age, the method of processing the material and even the time of the haircut. You can buy a blanket made of sheep wool not only in specialized stores, but also via the Internet.

The general benefits of wool include:

  • High hygroscopicity, the material absorbs moisture well, while maintaining heat-insulating properties.
  • Bactericidal - high content of lanolin eliminates the appearance of pathogens in the material. However, over time, the content of lanolin decreases, so the product must be regularly aired, shaken, and dried.
  • Exceptional thermal properties that allow you to keep inside the maximum comfortable temperature regardless of external conditions.

If you want to buy a blanket - camel wool or sheep wool is better, it's up to you.

Wool texture

If we compare the structure of sheep and camel wool, then the first one has a high density, is covered with small scales and is highly crimped. This allows the woolen fabric to retain volume and low thermal conductivity. In addition, the scaly coating of the hair provides a reliable grip with the drag, which is important when creating felt products. As for the second, it is incredibly light due to the hollow structure of the hair. This provides the lowest thermal conductivity, which is second only to that of llama wool - the most expensive material of this type.

For the manufacture of high-quality blankets, as a rule, camel down is used - undercoat. It is very hygroscopic and, due to its elasticity, "breathes" excellently.

Despite the differences, both a camel and a sheep blanket will be a great purchase and will keep you warm in any weather. Buy a camel wool blanket High Quality You can in the online store "Dreamcatcher".

Reading time: 5 minutes

Camel wool blanket - perfect solution to ensure a comfortable sleep. This is a traditional, proven material for centuries and harsh conditions. Why is it appreciated, and what to look for when buying - let's take a closer look.

It can be:

  • with open wool (woven or fur);
  • with closed when the filler is in a fabric case (quilted, cassette or karostep).
Main unique properties camel hair lurk in every hair, or rather, in its emptiness. In the middle of each is air. Inner surface villi can easily absorb moisture, and their outer side has water repellent properties.

For closed type products must be paid Special attention on the fabric composition of the cover, which must be, firstly, natural, and secondly, durable.

The most popular are satin, teak and silk - these fabrics also have hygroscopicity, the ability to thermoregulate, air permeability, due to which they maintain the properties and characteristics of the blanket, and do not extinguish them.


  • thermoregulation

Camel wool has exceptional heat-regulating properties.

The camel's habitat is characterized by huge temperature fluctuations, so its wool is unique and does not lose this property in a blanket - in cold weather it warms and retains heat, and in hot weather it protects from overheating and gives the necessary coolness.

  • breathability

Due to their structure, the products perfectly pass air, have "breathing" properties and provide good air exchange.

  • wear resistance

It is believed that the service life of these blankets is on average: 7-9 years. However, this is a minimum, there are families in which they serve for decades, being passed down from generation to generation.

  • hygroscopicity

During a night's sleep, we release about half a liter of moisture. Therefore, it is necessary that bedding absorb it, while remaining dry themselves. Camel cloth is able to absorb up to 30% of moisture from its own weight.

  • ease

Each bristle is hollow inside, due to which it is very light.

For example, the weight of a woven blanket (plaid) measuring 180x200 cm is only 1300 g. , quilted all-weather blanket 170x200 cm - 2000 gr. For comparison, similar items made of sheep's wool will weigh 2600 and 4000 grams. respectively.

  • healing properties

The therapeutic effect is

  • enhances tissue nutrition, improves metabolism;
  • neutralizes toxins produced by the body;
  • has a rejuvenating effect on skin, increases firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • helps to relieve inflammation in the body;
  • protects against exposure to electromagnetic fields;
  • helps to get rid of pain in arthritis, radiculitis and osteochondrosis;
  • improves the functioning of the circulatory system, enhancing blood microcirculation.


  • may cause allergic reactions
There is information that camel hair is hypoallergenic. This is not entirely true. An allergic reaction to the wool itself is quite rare. But the lanolin contained in it is an allergen. It is also loved by various microorganisms, the waste products of which can cause a reaction.

In addition, an allergic reaction may be to chemicals used in dry cleaning.

So people prone to allergies or suffering from bronchial asthma should use these products with great care. It may well be suitable, which is considered safe even for people with bronchial asthma. But it is desirable to refuse.

  • quite difficult to care for

If washing is allowed, then hand washing is preferable, it requires the use of special means. Must be protected from moths.

  • high price

However, this disadvantage, with proper care, is compensated by the practicality and durability of the blanket.

Manufacturers and price overview

A quality camel blanket cannot be cheap.

On the pricing is influenced by the following parameters:

  • quality and quantity of raw materials

It is heterogeneous - consists of outer hair and downy undercoat. Both wool and down are used, which are separated by hand. But the latter is more valued. According to world standards, Mongolian Bactrian down is considered the highest quality.

The most valuable is the down of young non-working camels (Baby camel) for its special softness and lightness. Camel down blankets belong to the elite category, their cost starts from 10,000 rubles.

Wool is cheaper than down. it is rougher, heavier and tougher. Products from it will cost 3000-7000 rubles.

Price 2000-3000 rubles with indication on the label "wool - 100%" - in front of you is most likely a filler from a mixture of camel and sheep raw materials. good manufacturer will indicate the percentage, and it will most likely be 40x60 or 50x50. A blanket with mixed filler is heavier, more voluminous, but cheaper and still natural.

Cheaper than 1500 rubles - an option with a thermally bonded filler. This is a uniform fabric, for which the wool is passed through a hot roller, where it is glued together with a synthetic fiber. The percentage of the camel component in such a filler is directly proportional to the price finished product.

Product data

Pay attention to the composition indicated on the sewn-in label. When using a natural component, "camel hair - 100%" should be indicated. If it is written simply “camel”, then the manufacturer hides from you exactly how much wool is there and what kind of wool it will be according to technology (most likely, it will be a thermally bonded type of filler).
The manufacturer, who has nothing to hide, will provide complete information about himself, about the composition of the filler, about the fabric of the cover, about the care of the product on a sewn-in label that will retain information for a long time. Pay attention to the quality of workmanship, to the packaging. This can say a lot.

  • quilt assembly method and cover material

In descending order of price: cassette, karostep-quilted and silk-satin-teak, respectively.

  • manufacturer

fame, positive reviews and the long history of the manufacturer always increases not only the prestige of the product, but also its value.

Some well-established companies: Billerbeck (Germany), Irisette (Germany), Jork&Larsen A/S (Denmark), Dargez (Russia).

Open wool colors are not very diverse. This is due to the fact that the camel cannot be dyed, so all colors are the natural color of the animal. The color range is from white to dark brown (beige, cream, light brown, brick - a total of 14 shades). The color depends on the age and breed of the camel. Most valued White color, since all camels up to a year old have a white color, namely, their wool is characterized by the highest quality.

Despite the apparent monotony, it is these warm and calm natural tones that have the most beneficial effect on the body, as evidenced by the numerous reviews of people who have been using this product for more than one year.

How to use it correctly - with or without a duvet cover?

A duvet cover is essential for everyday use. It performs a protective function, protecting from dust and pollution. different kind. In addition, it is more hygienic - we wash bed linen much more often than the blanket itself. However, the therapeutic effect is stronger if the skin is in direct contact with the hair. Therefore, if you are the owner of a woven or fur product and want to have a session of "camel therapy", then during the session it is more expedient to remove the duvet cover to ensure direct skin contact with the open product.

Look for a blanket for yourself

In order for the blanket to serve for a long time without losing its positive properties, it is important to follow simple rules care:
  • washing is allowed, ideally hand washing, but machine washing is also allowed in a gentle mode. Maximum allowable temperature water - 30 degrees C;
  • wash better by special means containing lanolin;
  • squeeze gently and carefully, without squeezing hard or twisting;
  • dry after washing in a horizontal position in a well-ventilated area;
  • bed linen, in particular, a duvet cover, should be made of natural fabrics, with good hygroscopicity and breathability;
  • at least twice a year it is necessary to air the blanket, preferably on fresh air but keep away from direct sunlight.
  • store in a well-ventilated area in a cotton bag, separate from other bedding.

Video review of a blanket made of camel down Tailak ()

The most important attribute of good and healthy sleep- it's a blanket. It must be properly selected in order to retain heat without creating a greenhouse effect. It is also worth remembering that you need to pay due attention to those models, the care of which does not require unnecessary trouble. All of these qualities have camel wool blankets, which have long been gaining popularity among buyers. From this article you will learn what a camel wool blanket is, which company is better and whether it is worth buying.

Making the right choice

The most popular camel wool products are blankets. No wonder, because such a thing is very high quality and durable. To make the right choice, you must follow these recommendations:

  • Make sure that the “age” of the camel is small. The warmest and soft blankets are made from the wool of young animals, because their wool is very much like bird fluff.

Important! Many manufacturers indicate that their products are made only from camel down.

  • Pay attention to non-tactile sensations. Feel the blanket - it should not be prickly. Quality products should not prick even without a duvet cover.
  • It is important that the bed attribute is uniform. Hairs should not fall out of the finished product. On the contrary, it should be so that it would be problematic to pull them out.

Important! If it is difficult to pull out the villi, then the felting technique of the product was very high quality.

  • The best manufacturers of camel blankets carefully work the edges of their products and make sure that they are even.
  • Pay attention to the cover. It is often attached to a camel blanket and is usually made from cloth. Make sure the fabric is natural.
  • Decide in advance which product you want to purchase. Thicker blankets are most often used in winter, and less dense blankets are most often used in summer.

Important! The density of the camel can be found on the label.

  • One of the main points when choosing is the price. As a rule, products made from camel wool are much cheaper than products made from sheep wool or down. For this reason, quality products simply cannot have a low price.

Advantages and disadvantages

Camel wool products are leaders in their segment. It is not surprising, because they have a huge number of advantages, because of which they have become popular:

  • Lightness is perhaps the most important plus of this product.
  • High heat retention - such products can only be compared with down.
  • Durability - These blankets will last you from 10 to 30 years.
  • Hygroscopicity - products made from such wool perfectly absorb moisture and quickly evaporate it.
  • Elasticity - they keep their original shape for a very long time.
  • They do not form static electricity, which cannot be said about other materials.
  • Good air circulation.

Before you choose a camel wool blanket, you need to understand its shortcomings. They are few, but they exist:

  • In rare cases, the bed attribute may prick.
  • Allergies may occur.
  • High price.

Popular manufacturers

Both domestic and imported products are presented on the domestic market. Consider which company better blanket from camel wool, so that you can evaluate in the store how quality products differ from fakes:

  • GOBI are blankets made from the wool of Mongolian camels, which is considered one of the best. This brand is popular all over the world. Not surprising, because the quality of products in combination with the price are among the most acceptable.

Important! This product is 100% natural, it does not contain any synthetic impurities.

  • AlViTech is a Russian product. Blankets of this brand are made in the Moscow region and have many warm and lightweight varieties.
  • Aelita is a company in Ivanovo. They have both lightweight and thickened models. Covers are made only from natural materials.
  • Runo is another Russian manufacturer with high-quality home textile products.
  • Dargez is a concern that focuses on the production of home textiles. It produces high-quality products from camel wool: "Sahara" - for adults, "Camel" - for children.
  • Sluggard - domestic manufacturer, producing quilts for all seasons. The products are made from the down of the Mongolian camel.

How to care?

In order for the selected camel blanket to serve you for the maximum period, we recommend that you follow some simple rules care:

  1. Always use a duvet cover.
  2. A newly bought “camel” needs to be kept in the fresh air for an hour so that it can get oxygen. The same procedure should be repeated about once every six months.
  3. Follow the washing instructions.
  4. Use specially designed balms for wool products.
  5. Dry only on a horizontal surface, in the fresh air. Make sure there is no direct sunlight.

Even our ancestors used camel hair not only for warming, but also for the treatment of certain diseases. In modern industry, many manufacturers of blankets and various bedspreads have returned to this tradition. After all, camel hair has incredible properties.

What is a camel wool blanket

This is a textile product filled with camel hair. It is intended for home use.

Camel wool has a light structure and retains heat well. In addition, such a filler does not electrify at all and repels dust. Practicality and lightness are the main advantages of a camel wool blanket. User reviews confirm positive traits this product.

Camel wool itself is considered a unique raw material due to its composition. All products with this filler are lightweight and durable. Wool absorbs moisture quickly, keeping you dry and comfortable all the time. And the most important quality of such a filler is the ability to retain heat for a long time. It is for this reason that most people choose camel wool blankets. Customer reviews also relate to the ease of care for such products. If you follow all the recommendations from the manufacturer, the blanket will last a very long time.

Benefits of camel wool blankets

A blanket filled with camel hair has many advantages:

  • reliably retains heat;
  • provides a comfortable sleep in any weather;
  • has a therapeutic effect on the human body;
  • perfectly passes air;
  • not electrified;
  • improves blood circulation and the general condition of a sleeping person;
  • well relieves muscle tension and helps with joint pain;
  • has a positive effect on the skin;
  • the natural wax present on the hairs has antiseptic properties.

Healing qualities of a blanket

Camel hair has exceptional properties and is able to treat many diseases. No wonder our ancestors used this raw material to make many medical devices. The use of medical corsets and belts made of camel hair has been preserved to this day.

First, camel hair contains a natural animal wax called lanolin. Due to its composition, it neutralizes toxins that accumulate over time in the human body. At normal temperature Lanolin is able to be absorbed into the skin, improving overall well-being.

Secondly, camel hair has a beneficial effect on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Doctors often recommend products with such a filler for the treatment and prevention of rheumatism, arthritis, osteochondrosis.

For people who get sick often colds It is also very useful to use camel wool blankets. User reviews also relate to the ability to treat some diseases of the musculoskeletal system with products with such a filler. The dry heat that camel hair creates has a beneficial effect on problem areas and improves blood circulation.

There are many blankets on the textile market today. different manufacturers. Consider the most popular.

Blanket with camel hair "Adamas"

Among all well-known manufacturers bedspreads and blankets are very popular products Russian manufacturer"Adamas". The company produces a wide range of products for sleep.

The main reason people buy the Adamas blanket is camel hair. Reviews are mostly positive. Buyers are satisfied with the quality of this manufacturer's products and the excellent properties of the filler. People who have been using the blanket for more than a year note its extraordinary lightness. At the same time, the manufacturer uses high-quality fabrics that are practical and do not lose appearance after cleaning the product. With regard to thermal properties, Adamas blankets have proven to be simply indispensable in cold period of the year. According to buyers, they are no worse than warm duvets.

Blanket "Verossa"

Very high quality blankets under the brand name "Verossa" produces Russian company Northdex. The main advantages of the products of this manufacturer are high-strength materials and affordable cost.

The developers have been researching the needs of customers for a long time. After observations and analysis, the leaders decided that the most practical raw material, with which they filled the Verossa blanket, was camel hair.
