How to make a palm tree from plastic bottles templates. Making palm trees from plastic bottles with your own hands

original crafts from plastic bottles, you can easily decorate your site! Such material is quite durable and easy to process, thanks to which a wide variety of products are created.

For example, you can create a wonderful palm tree from plastic bottles with your own hands! Such an evergreen palm will all year round decorate your site or, for example, a playground.

This master class will help you make such a craft!

You will need materials and tools such as:

- plastic bottles brown shade and green;
- scissors;
- stationery knife;
- thick wire for the frame.

To begin with, it is worth deciding how high the palm tree will be. In this case, the palm tree will be approximately 1.5 meters high, and the second one will be 50 cm. For this, you need about 23-25 ​​bottles of brown shade per trunk and 15 bottles of green shade for the crown!

To create a barrel, brown bottles need to be cut in half as in the photo below.

We need bottles of different sizes, those that are larger to use at the base, and smaller ones, at the top of the trunk. Bottle caps must be removed. You will need both the top of the bottle and the bottom.

Then, the edges of the blanks are cut out in the form of petals, about 6 “petals” should be obtained.

After, they need to be bent.

It should turn out like this.

In the future, they will fold into each other. Since there is no hole for the wire at the bottom of the bottle, it must be made using a hot nail, a knife, or it can also be drilled. Having folded the blanks, you get a rather fluffy trunk of a palm tree.

After all the details on the palm tree trunk are ready, you need to start creating palm leaves!

Bottles can be used in different shades of green. You can also experiment with the volume of containers, for example, use two-liter containers at the base, and arrange smaller ones at the top. To do this, on green bottles you need to cut off the neck and bottom.

Then, cut the bottle into three pieces.

If you want wider leaves, you can cut it only into two parts. You will get such a preparation.

After, the strips need to be straightened in different directions.

This will give some splendor to the crown!

Now, the simplest and final stage in creating a palm tree from plastic containers remains!

After all the details are ready, you need to securely install a frame made of wire or other suitable material at the desired location on the site. And then, string on the frame all the received parts of the palm tree.

Using a large cork from a five-liter bottle, make a retainer on top to securely fasten the leaves. To do this, in the center of the cork, you need to make a hole, a slightly smaller diameter than the frame.

Then, after the crown is fully assembled, put it on the wire!

That's all, it turned out to be a very original palm tree that can be installed on the site or on the playground!

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

Such a craft will certainly decorate the area, as well as give positive mood for kids, including, like a plastic basket made by yourself!

A great idea is to decorate your garden with a palm tree. Exotic, beauty, delight of guests. Palm trees in the garden are now at the forefront of amateur garden design.

They are made from different materials, mostly from, but other options happen. For example, excellent palm trees are obtained from,, etc. Ideas for a garden are so versatile in terms of materials and techniques that you can find in their depths such a sample of crafts that fits perfectly into the landscape of the site, and will impress and delight not only random hallways, but also the owners, moreover, all the time.

What materials to use to create a palm tree

  • metal or plastic pipes different diameter. Ideally, you need 3-6 pieces of such pipes (depending on the height of the palm tree). Such pipes are used for ventilation or drainage.
  • Long metal pin (reinforcing) or metal profile. You can use a thin long metal pipe.
  • 1-2 sheets of galvanized iron. There is galvanization in rolls.
  • Fasteners: wire, bolts, nuts.
  • Paint green: if the sheet of metal intended to be palm leaves is not factory dyed.
  • Paint brown: if there is a need to paint the trunk of a palm tree.

How to make a palm tree for the garden. Master Class

First, we prepare the elements of the palm tree and only then we collect it. Otherwise, nothing: a palm tree is a tall tree.

We cut metal or plastic pipes into segments of the required length. If necessary, paint them and set aside to dry.

Galvanized sheets are painted on one side or both. The latter option is preferable, so you don’t have to paint anything. If the sheet is painted on one side, paint the other. We do the same if we have simple unpainted galvanized sheets at our disposal - we paint them on both sides.

On a sheet of metal with a marker, we outline the leaves schematically. They should be large enough to look harmoniously in relation to the trunk. If the palm tree is very tall, we take this into account and make the leaves a little larger, otherwise they will look small from below.

Cut out the leaves. You can do this using metal shears or an electric tool.

Slightly bend the leaves (see photo). In this case, they will hang beautifully and “naturally” from the top of the palm tree.

We attach the leaves to the pipe, which will be the final element of the trunk.

We fix a thin metal pipe in the ground or metallic profile. For reliability, it is better to concrete the pipe / profile into the ground, but if there is no such desire or possibility, the pin must be inserted as deep as possible into the ground. We compact the soil around the pin as best as possible.

We put pipe sections on the pin. At the bottom of the trunk - pipes of a larger diameter, at the top of a smaller one. Last we put on the element with the leaves.

The palm tree is done, and it is truly luxurious.

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A palm tree is considered a symbol of summer and relaxation. But most people do not have enough to visit near a living palm tree. Money. Therefore, you can combine business with pleasure and make such a decoration for your garden as a palm tree from plastic bottles with your own hands.

Original decor

For this we need:

  • Plastic bottles 15 pieces Brown color, with a capacity of 2.5 liters - for the barrel;
  • Plastic bottles of 10 pieces of green color, with a capacity of 2 liters - for leaves;
  • Any wires with a diameter of 12 mm for fastening;
  • Metal sheet 0.5 cm thick;
  • Two iron rods 25 cm long;
  • Metal tubes 20 mm thick.

How to make a palm tree from plastic bottles, we will tell you step by step in an easy master class.

Cut leaves for palm trees. We take a plastic green bottle and cut it into two equal parts. We need the top one.

We cut the upper part of the bottle lengthwise into strips 3 mm thick.

Please note that the shape of the bottle itself is not so important when making a palm tree.

Thus, we make all the green bottles that are available. We fix the prepared parts on the wire and connect them together. Such a preparation should not be alone.

We proceed to the manufacture of the trunk. For this we take brown bottles. We make cuts along the bottles. Most importantly, they must be wide. And cut out the bottom, as shown in the photo.

Next we produce welding work. To do this, we take a metal sheet and weld two iron rods to it as follows: the first rod is at an angle of ninety degrees, and the second rod is approximately at an angle of 60-70 degrees.

It is necessary to put metal tubes on the welded rods. The height that you want to make a palm tree.

We weld metal bushings at the end of the rod. They are necessary in order to fix the leaves made there.

Attach leaves to metal pipe. It is better to bend them so that it looks more like a palm tree.

The leaves have been collected, now we move on to the trunk itself.

The main points in the manufacture of leaves for palm trees:

  • If you want your palm tree to have wide leaves, then for this you must first cut off the bottoms of the bottle. Next, we cut it into three parts. Can also be used yellow bottles, or both colors. So the palm tree will be more expressive and bright. The most important thing is to cut almost to the end of the bottle, you can literally leave half a centimeter;
  • Using scissors, round the leaves to the base;
  • Next, we make a fringe on the cut strips. Thus, we do on both sides of the sheet. The middle of the sheet should be about one and a half centimeters. To make your palm tree more magnificent, you need to bend the fringe with scissors in the following order: one cut up and the second down.

The main points in the manufacture of a palm tree trunk:

  • Cut off the bottom of the bottles;
  • We retreat half a centimeter from the lid and cut out eight petals;
  • We turn each of them in the opposite direction;
  • To save material, you can use the cut off part. Only in order to fix it, you have to make a hole in it.

Key points to consider when assembling a palm tree:

As a barrel, it is best to use a metal-plastic pipe. And the most the best choice diameter is 20 mm. You choose the height you want.

It is best to collect the palm tree itself from below. The higher the palm, the smaller the details of the trunk should be, that is, it is best to use the largest blanks for the bottom. The method is the simplest and not complicated - a glass in a glass. It would be better if their arrangement is staggered.

The bottom itself is best fixed on glue "Moment" , so it will be most reliable. Approximately 30 cm before the top of the stem, it is necessary to complete the assembly of the stem and continue to fix the leaves. It is also recommended to use a checkerboard pattern.

Once you have collected all the palm, it is necessary to bury the welded reinforcement in the ground to a depth of thirty centimeters. Then we put the finished palm tree on the armature.

table palm

For its manufacture we need:

  • Bottles with a capacity of 1.0 liters of brown color - 3 pieces;
  • A bottle with a capacity of 0.6 liters of green color - 1 piece;
  • Stationery scissors;
  • Glue "Moment".

Let's get started, here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. We cut each of the brown bottles into four parts, it is desirable that they be the same. In each of the parts we make cuts in the form of triangles. The size of which will be approximately one centimeter;
  2. Carefully bend the resulting triangles;
  3. We take a green bottle and divide it into three parts. We cut each part in the form of triangles. The part with the neck will be the largest of all;
  4. We assemble palm trees. We assemble the trunk: first the bottom itself, then all the other parts. When assembling, all parts must be glued. We make the leaves as follows, first insert the largest part with the throat into the trunk, then the middle part, and attach the bottom to the very top.

Palm is ready!

Video on the topic of the article

many owners summer cottages tend to decorate household territory. Gypsum figurines are often used for this. Recently, however, handicrafts from improvised, often junk materials have become increasingly popular. Products made from plastic bottles have won special love among craftsmen. Craftsmen create a wide variety of compositions from them with their own hands, including exotic trees.

Bottle crafts: a variety of options

Decorate your household plot You can use various crafts made on the basis of plastic bottles. This solution simultaneously solves 2 problems - waste disposal and decoration of the territory.

With the help of this improvised material, you can arrange flower beds. Craftsmen also create from it:

  • stuffed;
  • curly flowers;
  • sparrows;
  • trees.

From waste raw materials, original volumetric flower arrangements, decor for decoration mirror frames, unusual pots, plants, seals. Through such garbage, you can make cute and funny cats that will become calling card garden.

However, in recent years, unusual plastic palm trees. There are several manufacturing technologies tropical tree. In any case, the composition is extraordinary and catchy.

Palm tree from plastic bottles: step-by-step instructions with a photo for creating the base of the trunk

Based on photos and step by step instructions, creating a palm tree with your own hands will be quite easy. You can involve children and all household members in the process, as it is truly exciting and interesting.

For work you will need to prepare:

  • at least 100 pieces of plastic bottles of brown and green color;
  • a candle;
  • wire;
  • iron pin or fittings;
  • scissors.

On a note! To create an extravagant tree, you can use material in other shades. If there is no raw material of the required color, it is worth using transparent bottles, which are then easy to paint.

It is optimal to use containers with a volume of 1.5-2 liters. From them the construction of the most natural appearance.

Step 1 - First prepare the trunk of the palm tree. Brown containers are used for this. With a knife they are cut in the middle. The bottom fragment is recommended to be made a little larger. You don't need to throw anything away. Everything will be used in the work.

Step 2 - The half with the neck is cut. This must be done in eight places. The incisions are made to the area of ​​narrowing of the container.

Step 3 - A petal is formed from each received fragment. It is optimal to give each part the shape of a triangle. At the same time, a fold must be made at the base, after which peculiar flowers should be opened from them.

Step 4 - Fragments with a bottom will need to be cut in the same way. In the middle of each part, it is still necessary to make a hole with a diameter equal to the size of the neck.

On a note! To make it easier to work with plastic, it is recommended to use a hot knife.

Do-it-yourself palm tree from bottles: we make foliage

After the base is ready, you can proceed to the creation of foliage. Based on the master class, the work will not seem difficult. For this you need to use green bottles.

Step 1 - Cut off the bottom of the bottles and the neck.

Step 2 - Moving from below, it is necessary to cut the workpiece into equal parts with scissors. Should get at least 3-4 fragments. In this case, you do not need to reach the very edge. It is optimal to leave an edge 2-3 cm wide. The fragments should have a base.

Step 3 - Shaping the sheets. The lower parts of the cuts will need to be slightly twisted to make them round. In the neck area, it is recommended to narrow the fragments, after which they need to be straightened on a flat surface.

Step 4 - All large parts must also be cut on each side. 2 cm should remain in the center. Scissors must be placed along an oblique path. The cuts should go to a narrower center from the sides that have been rounded.

Note! To make the composition lush and voluminous, each strip must be unbent through one up and down.

How to make a palm tree from plastic bottles: assembly video

When all the fragments for the palm tree are prepared, you can start assembling the composition with your own hands.

On a note! Iron pin or polypropylene pipe perfect for stock. The main thing is that the diameter is small, since all workpieces will need to be attached to this material.

After selecting the stem and forming the elements of the plastic exotic tree you can assemble the composition. It is recommended to alternately thread fragments onto the barrel. Parts are fixed upside down. Larger parts come first, and then smaller ones.

When most of the trunk is ready, you can move on to the foliage. At a height between the brown elements, petals must be inserted. It is recommended to work in a checkerboard pattern. The first piece of green color should be fixed on the pipe with tape. Then the leaves also need to be fastened alternately so that the gaps are securely hidden.

You can decorate the finished palm tree with balls resembling coconuts, or make bananas from improvised materials.

Olesya S.

Date palm, coconut palm, banana palm. And which one do you like? Today we will make an evergreen, beautiful palm tree from plastic bottles, which will decorate your estate and give an exotic and warm mood. Feel the atmosphere of the tropics right in your yard, thanks to the very simple master class for the manufacture of palm trees with their own hands.

To make an exotic tree from plastic bottles, you will need the following materials:

  • Brown plastic bottles of the same diameter (approx. 2 liters), for the barrel;
  • Green plastic bottles (allowed different sizes) for palm leaves;
  • Scissors, clerical knife;
  • Scotch;
  • Plastic pipe or metal rod.

1. Let's start making a palm tree trunk. To do this, take a brown bottle and a knife. Remove the cork, you won't need it anymore.

2. Cut the bottle across, while the bottom should be slightly larger than the top.

3. Cut a part of the bottle with a neck with scissors into six identical parts, reaching the beginning of the narrowing of the upper part, stop. Each cut part must be shaped into an oblong triangle or petals. To do this, round and narrow the cut parts.

4. Do the same procedure with the remaining half. Also, use a hot knife or awl to make a hole in the bottom of the bottom half of the bottle with a diameter of the neck hole.

5. Make a fold at the base and bend the resulting plastic petals in turn.

6. Having opened all the petals, you get a six-sided flower.

7. Do the same procedure with the second remaining half.

8. Cut the remaining brown bottles in the same way, make cuts and form petals. You will get many halves that will need to be inserted one into the other, neck to the bottom.

9. We proceed to the formation of the trunk of an exotic beauty. To do this, take a metal rod or plastic pipe and thread all the blanks of the brown bottle onto it. Secure the bottom part with tape. When shaping the trunk, it is important to distribute the bottles so that the petals occupy all the free space and do not leave empty seats(in checkerboard pattern). The height of the palm tree also depends on the number of blanks. The trunk of the palm tree is ready!

10. Let's start making palm leaves. To do this, take green bottles and a clerical knife. Remove the corks from the bottles, they are no longer needed.

11. Cut off the neck and bottom.

12. Then cut the resulting workpiece lengthwise into three identical parts, starting from the bottom, not reaching the top about 2-3 centimeters.

13. Open the cut parts, a hole remains in the center for fixing the greenery to the base of the trunk.

14. Bring palm foliage to a natural and familiar look. To do this, make cuts on all sides of the petal, not reaching the middle of about 1.5 centimeters.

15. Slightly round the petals, and make the cuts obliquely.

16. Bend the resulting thin strips through one. Thus, the foliage of the palm tree will become more magnificent.

17. Do the same with the rest of the remaining petals. For more lush palm greens, use a large number of green bottles.

18. Let's start assembling an exotic beauty. On the remaining pin of the previously prepared table, put on the plastic greenery made. If the bottles are different in size, then first stack the large ones, and then the smaller ones. You need to form a palm tree cap by stacking the bottles in a checkerboard pattern to get rid of unnecessary green spaces. We attach the last green blank to the pipe with adhesive tape. So that the palm tree is not blown away by the wind, it is important to fix it by digging the bottom of the rod on which the palm blanks are threaded into the ground for half a meter.
