How to make a car wash profitable. What offers of existing car washes are on the market

The car wash business is getting more and more advantageous view activities. Every day, new cars appear on the roads of the whole world, the owners of which strive to keep their iron friend clean.

A car wash can generate income all year round. With the right approach, the business will pay off in the shortest possible time. What you need to know before opening a car wash.

Choosing the right place for a car wash

How profitable a car wash will be depends on its location. It is best to locate a car wash where cars are moving intensively. A large number of visitors are provided for those who decide to place a car wash in a residential area of ​​the city, not far from service stations, gas stations and parking lots. Pay attention to the road leading to the sink and the direct entrance to it. If, for example, an institution specializes in trucks, then the entrance to the car wash should be appropriate.

Suitable car wash area

At the initial stage of business development, there will be enough space in which 2-3 cars can be accommodated at the same time. Over time, the number of boxes can be increased. The main condition for the normal functioning of the car wash is a constant supply of water. When choosing a room, think about how expensive it will be to connect water and sewerage. After finishing the dry cleaning, the car interior should be dried in a warm room. Take care of the heating system, especially since it will be relevant for employees working in the cold winter months.

Choosing car wash personnel

Every client appreciates good relationship to themselves and the quality of the services received, so the staff should be as polite and qualified as possible. Direct control over the work of employees will not be superfluous. It is not recommended to save on staff salaries, because it has a direct impact on the quality of work. The price of services will be justified by their quality, and as numerous surveys show, most drivers are reluctant to save on car care, not sparing to pay a decent amount of money for a quality service.

Car Wash Opening Equipment

To start a business you will need washing vacuum cleaner or vacuum cleaner (worth about $ 500), apparatus high pressure heated (about $ 1,500), compressor (about $ 300). A cleaning system will not be superfluous, which will cost about $ 5,000. It's not the best important element, but rather an investment that will allow you to save in the future by using purified water again.

Car wash services

The average car wash provides services such as interior dry cleaning, car exterior washing, engine washing, body polishing, dry and wet cleaning. Be sure to think about how to make a random client a permanent one. It's a good idea to implement subscriptions for 10-20 car washes so that the cost of one car wash is less. In addition to the basic services, some additional services can be provided, for example, tire fitting, car service or a cafe. Delight customers with pleasant little things that will make them come back and use the services of the institution again. After washing, you can, for example, fill the windshield washer reservoir with water (in summer) and frost-resistant liquid (in winter) free of charge. Will attract new customers and such an interesting service as car washing sexy girls in bathing suits.

Advertising and promotion of a car wash

It is very important to demonstrate to potential customers all the advantages of your car wash. It would be nice to come up with non-standard advertising, for example, with the participation of celebrities. The main options for advertising are traditional - the media, the Internet, billboards, signs, flyers, business cards, etc.


Business profitability depends on the season. According to statistics, most people who want to wash cars appear in spring and autumn. If the winter is warm and the summer is rainy, then in these seasons high income will be provided. Approximately 30 percent of revenue is spent on staff salaries, the same amount on expendable materials and payment of premises rent, taxes, etc. Net income is approximately 40% of revenue. Speaking about the number of customers depending on the time of day, it should be noted that most often they come to the car wash at 8-10 am. Usually, the peak subsides by lunchtime to reach a maximum after 4 p.m., when many drivers stop by the car wash on their way home from work. At night, a car wash is rarely visited. Weekends are characterized by a smaller influx of customers.

Or starting from scratch? Choose a convenient time for this - "dead season". Why? Start in the off-season to get a feel for the car wash business. Otherwise, the profit during the peak itself will float away from you.

You will learn about what is considered off-season and peak in this article. The material is devoted to the seasonality of car washes: read about the features of their work in autumn, winter, spring and summer. With the help of the article, you will understand in which months the car wash business is especially profitable.

When is car wash season?

The car wash business has a pronounced seasonality. Profitable seasons for the car wash owner are spring and autumn.

Spring period at car washes

Spring is favorable for sinks - this is one hundred percent season. The snow has melted, the rains have ended, the asphalt has dried up. Car owners wash cars from garage dust, rain smudges and put them in order for the summer.

During this period, there is a stir at car washes: those who want to "wash" line up. The peak of demand falls on April, after which the demand slowly decreases - the profitable season subsides until September-October.

Autumn seasonality of car washes

In autumn, with the onset of rains, motorists visit car washes with enviable regularity. Even if the weather is sunny, the number of customers does not decrease. This season usually runs from October to November.

Snowfall as the reason for the decline in car washes

In winter, the demand for car wash services is sharply reduced. Snow porridge on the roads, outside the window - constant precipitation. Car owners are in no hurry to throw money down the drain, because in such conditions washing the car loses its meaning.

Here's what's more interesting. Last winter, public utilities in Russia for the first time refused reagents. How did the rejection of chemicals affect the popularity of car washes?

Demand for their services winter time and without that was low. After giving up salt and other caustic substances, this figure has become even lower! The car wash's only hope winter period- dry weather and light frost, which rarely happens in the European part of Russia. The situation is at least somehow corrected by the New Year's Eve - for about a week for car washes, the season is coming again.

Car wash in summer: drought for profit

Summer is the unfavorable season. Problems in the work of a car wash in the summer are due to the fact that there is simply nowhere for cars to get dirty. The situation is saved by periods of rain - between them, the business makes a profit, but it is not necessary to talk about its stability.

Car wash season and off season - results

  • October to November - high demand and high incomes
  • Spring is also good time to make money at a car wash
  • Summer and winter - it's great to start a business during these months, but don't expect high profits

Thinking about buying a car wash, but don't know how profitable this business is? We figure out how to evaluate the profitability of car washes, calculate costs and profits.

Opening a car wash from scratch will require investments from 3'000'000 - 5'000'000 ₽. In large cities, competition is high and it is difficult to calculate the payback. It is influenced by a number of factors: location, rental cost, monthly expenses, investments in advertising and the presence of other car washes nearby.

Buying a ready-made business will speed up the payback. In this article, we will look at how much money a car wash brings, which is already working.

What is the income of the operating car wash

Let's look at an example. Suppose a car wash with 2 posts is located in the center big city. Good location - near the road, residential buildings and retail outlets. There are no competitors nearby.

The business brings about 500,000 ₽ per month. The cost of maintaining a car wash is half - 250’000 ₽. At the same time, the approximate profit is 80’000 ₽. The car wash has been running for 5 years. There are regular customers. Profitability - 60% per annum.

This is a specific type of business, the main advantage of which is autonomy. Significant minus - high costs, which will pay off only with a good location and good advertising.

On average, opening such a business from scratch will require 30’000’000 - 40’000’000 ₽. The investment of an operating self-service car wash is significantly lower: an object for 4 posts costs from 15’000’000 ₽. Average profit- 350’000 ₽. Such car washes are located next to large gas stations.

This business is for major cities. In small ones, the profitability of a self-service car wash will be low.

What offers of existing car washes are on the market

We calculated how much income a car wash can bring as ready business. Check out the offers in our catalogs.

When opening a particular business, the main issue is the profitability of this event. This criterion is key when choosing your field of activity. Of course, no one will undertake to predict future profits with absolute accuracy, but it is quite possible to outline the general picture.

A person who decides to open a car wash, regardless of the reason that prompted him to do so (dream, desire to organize own business, the intention to wisely invest financial resources, or just a lucky coincidence), acts, at least, far-sighted. After all, a car wash is not just a stable and sustainable enterprise, but also a very profitable business that anyone can do, regardless of their entrepreneurial experience. Nevertheless, the car wash business, like any other, has not only advantages, but also some, albeit minor, disadvantages.

Is a car wash really a guaranteed demand?

The question posed in the subtitle is absolutely not far-fetched. Everyone who has seen queues in front of car washes cannot help but respond positively to it. Nevertheless, some part of entrepreneurs, especially start-ups, in an effort to have some kind of illusory right to a monopoly, are trying to invent new idea which would allow them to avoid competition. However, the monopoly successful businessman concepts are not always related. A seller of square balls, for example, is by definition a monopolist, but one cannot expect to have a large clientele.

The most promising strategy for a developing business is to focus sales on goods that are in high demand. And this is quite logical, since the reinvention of the bicycle is not only hopeless, but also expensive.

You should not be afraid of competition, because it is a kind of entrepreneurial engine. Therefore, while the quantity Vehicle on the territory of the Russian Federation is steadily growing, car washes are a business that guarantees a profit.

Investment attractiveness and liquidity of the car wash business

These most important qualities of business in general, and the car wash business in particular, are especially vividly manifested in the conditions of approaching economic crisis. Therefore, at present, finances invested in real production are considered the most reliable investments. This means that liquidity this business remains high enough regardless of further development events. In other words, the money invested in your own profitable business will not be lost even in a financial crisis.

These findings are confirmed by statistics on the popularity of sales of a particular business. Car washes confidently occupy the third place in the sales ranking after beauty salons and the Internet. Summarizing the above, we can state that a newly built own car wash is an exceptionally liquid business, and, it is also built on its own land plot- doubly liquid.

Transparency and ease of management

The ease of running the washing business is due to several basic provisions, expressed in the absence of not only the absence of complex technical processes and acute dependence on suppliers, but also the lack of suitable personnel. Opening your own car wash does not require the entrepreneur to have special technical knowledge or skills, which makes it accessible to the vast majority of our compatriots.

High level of profitability

Yield monitoring car washes, conducted by experts, shows that the minimum profitability of this business rarely falls below the 30% level.

As a rule, an entrepreneur who opens his own car wash, based on a well-written business plan, which includes not only a development strategy and an analysis of the existing market, but also marketing, has the right to expect a profitability of about 50%.

The main financial costs of the owner of a car wash, in most cases, are small and consist of the following items:

    staff salaries;

    communal payments;

  • rent (in some cases).

    So, undoubtedly, the profitability of a car wash promises to be high, but subject to certain rules of this business. This is an off-season business that is in demand every day and even around the clock. In this regard, when asked whether it is profitable to open a car wash, all motorists will answer in the affirmative. The owner of a car wash is not threatened with downtime and lack of customers with well-organized work.

    A well-chosen placement is 50% success. Knowledgeable people are looking for a place closer to a gas station or service station, near busy highways or shopping centers. And this is the right move - after refueling the car, it is convenient to immediately send it to the car wash, without doing tens of kilometers. Or leave the car for half an hour, and go shopping yourself.

    The equipment and type of car wash is of great importance. After all, it is known that the more you invest, the more chances you have to get a return. Car washes range from simple, using handmade, to fully automated, so-called contactless. According to surveys conducted by the editors of the site site, a modern car owner, especially the owner of a good and expensive car, does not want to save on car care and is ready to pay, but pay for quality services that guarantee flawless look and the absence of scratches on an expensive coating.

    This rule applies to the choice of detergents and other car care products. Automotive cosmetics is a whole science. Again, any car owner wants his car to be treated with a proven and certified products not washing powder.

    Having received one satisfied customer, the owner of a car wash can be sure that he will get a dozen more people into the ranks of his regular customers. A good reputation is earned by conscientious work, not by advertising and low prices. This, simple at first glance, business requires serious organization and responsible work.
