How to promote your business online. Practical checklist on the example of perfumery

The perfume business has always been very profitable, because it is very easy to sell perfumes. You just need to take into account all the nuances and find the right approach to organizing your own business. All these nuances are described in this article.

Everyone knows that perfume is one of the most expensive and favorite gifts. After all, the aroma of perfume can change a person, his style, one might say - decides his fate. That is why the perfume business is very profitable for the seller. This market is still developing in our country, stable growth is observed. Moreover, the growth was even in the crisis years, which is very important. Since the main target audience is women who want to look attractive, perfume products will always be bought, therefore, without hesitation, you need to build your business. By the way, well-known world perfume brands have invested a lot of money in advertising, so you do not need to do part of the work.

The cost of the perfume business is extremely low, since from the start you can only buy the most popular brands of perfumes, in addition, wholesale perfumes are much cheaper than retail ones. Profitability ranges from 50%, but can reach up to 100 - 120%.

Stage 1. Selection of products.

What are perfume products? The first thing you need to decide is what type of product to sell.

Original perfume products are perfumes produced in the original factory, usually in France. Such perfumes are packaged in beautiful original boxes and belong to the premium class. It goes without saying that such products are above average. The target audience is the wealthy and the middle class. To sell such products, you need to invest a certain amount of money, because in addition to purchasing goods (which are quite expensive), you also need to spend money on the design of the store. Note that rich people will come to you to buy perfumes, because they cannot shop at the kiosk of the underpass.

Licensed perfumery products are perfumes produced under license at non-original factories. Usually made in China or Turkey. It is produced in the same packaging as the original, but the raw materials are used a little different, cheaper. The purchase price of such perfumes is 4-5 times lower. Target audience - middle class and below average.

Bulk products - perfumes supplied in cans. The packaging falls on the shoulders of the seller, that is, he pours perfume into the necessary container for a specific buyer. This is the most best business in terms of investing small capital. Target audience - class below average, average.

Stage 2. Determination of the business model.

The most common business models are:

- cosmetics and perfume shop. It can be as separate standing shop, and a pavilion in a shopping center. Pros - you can significantly expand the range of products. Cons - significant investment in renting space, staff salaries, store advertising.

- Point of sale of perfumery. As a rule, this is a small area up to 4 square meters where one seller sits and sells products. Naturally, capital investments are needed an order of magnitude smaller than in a store.

- Perfume online store. Most cheap option, because the costs will be only in the development of the site and its placement, as well as a small advertising campaign. The main plus is that you do not need to rent a site for storing products.

Stage 3. Calculation of the amount of financing.

If you want to invest not a very large amount, then it makes sense to trade only licensed and draft products. Also, you should not open a large store, a small outlet in a supermarket or shopping center is enough. Better yet, open an online store.

If you have enough finances, then, without hesitation, open a store with original perfume products.

Stage 4. We start implementing the business idea.

While you are reading this article, someone is already putting it into practice. So feel free to start, even if you have no experience in business. Otherwise, you won't get any experience.

Let's talk about how to open a perfume store from scratch, how to name it and how much money you need to start. And although many details will depend on your region, the size of the city, the preferences and solvency of buyers, most organizational plan matches in all cases.

And although the competition in this field of activity is quite high, you can fight and compete with it. To do this, you need to correctly prepare a business plan, think over the range of goods well, install affordable prices and attract as many customers as possible through advertising. But we will describe all the stages in more detail.

Relevance of the issue

Modern women with special care they approach the creation of their own image, take care of beauty and health. It is statistically estimated that they spend about 12% of their income only on cosmetics and perfumes. And this is quite a large amount, even according to average calculations.

In addition, men also often go to perfume shops and give gifts to their wives, girlfriends, sisters and mothers. And they are not averse to pampering themselves with sometimes pleasant smells from the men's series. Therefore, in almost any city, you can safely open your perfume shop and expect a stable, constant profit.

Business registration

To get started, you will definitely need to draw up documents in various instances. In the tax service, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The first form is preferable, since it will be easier to maintain accounting records, taxes are lower, and the registration process takes much less time.

But if you decide not to sell perfumes alone, but with partners and divide investments in the business in half, then only the second form of organization is available to you. Specify OKVED code 47.11 for retail and 47.91.1 if you also offer the product through the online store.

The taxation system is selected in accordance with the expected income. For an individual entrepreneur, when opening a small perfumery store, the USN (simplified scheme) or the acquisition of a patent will be the most profitable.

You will also need to think in advance how to name your outlet. It is better that the name is memorable, bright and connected in meaning with the chosen direction of the product. Do not forget to invite representatives of the Fire Inspectorate to inspect the premises and prepare it in accordance with all rules and regulations. After receiving permission from them, you can open.

If you are going to hire at least one seller for consultations, you will need to register as an employer in the FSS and pension fund. The entire registration will take no more than 10 days, although it will require you to pay close attention to all the details.

Here you can download for free as an example.

Selection and arrangement of premises

First, decide where exactly your perfume store will be located. It is desirable that it turns out to be a crowded place where many potential customers walk every day. Choose shopping malls, proximity to shops with related products (, accessories), city center, etc.

Such premises can be owned or rented out. The first option is more preferable, albeit expensive initially. The second is only suitable if you enter into a long-term contract for several years with a fixed fee for the entire period without the right to increase it, and it does not exceed 10% of monthly revenue. Otherwise, all your income will be spent only on paying for the building.

The next step is to prepare the retail space for sale. In addition to the fact that it needs to be equipped according to the requirements fire inspection, it is also important to properly zone the space. Most of the space is allocated to the hall for goods and visitors, but a bathroom for sellers and a warehouse are also needed.

Think carefully about the interior of the store. After all, it should attract buyers, be pleasing to the eye, but not very catchy. All racks are arranged taking into account the convenience for visitors, and advertising posters of the products sold can be hung on the walls. It is also important that it be light.

The following expenses for organizing a perfume store as a business will be used to purchase commercial equipment. And you don't have to spend too much here. So, it will be enough for you to buy:

  1. Cash register.
  2. Rack for the seller.
  3. Racks and shelves for displaying goods.
  4. Air conditioning.
  5. Showcases.
  6. Alarm system.

Perfume assortment

In accordance with the main direction, you will offer customers various perfumes, toilet water and deodorants. First, decide what target audience you are targeting:

  • With low solvency, choosing a cheap and not always well-known product.
  • with an average and high level income, wishing to acquire only recognizable and world famous brands.

Usually the first batch is trial. To do this, purchase the most popular and hot goods different price category but in a few pieces. And only after the opening you will be able to better navigate what exactly buyers are interested in, what they buy more often and what items should be ordered.

In addition to perfumes, other products can also be offered. Often its sale is combined with cosmetics (decorative or body care) or accessories, jewelry. Properly expanding the range, you can count on increasing profits and making the store more attractive to customers.

Do not forget that men will also drop in on you, so some of the goods must be from the men's series. For the purpose of competent sales, be sure to take care of the availability of samplers, small test volumes of perfumes, especially when it comes to new products on the market.

Additional services

In addition to the successful selection of the assortment, you can use other ways to increase profits:

  1. Pack the goods in the form of gifts, offer different designs and even accompanying postcards, etc. After all, very often perfumes are purchased just for the holidays for relatives and loved ones. In addition to ordinary and cheap wrapping paper, use branded beautiful bags, expensive luxury boxes, etc. All this is offered for an additional fee.
  2. Give customers the opportunity to pay by bank transfer ( bank cards, credit cards). To do this, you need to purchase special equipment and conclude an appropriate agreement with any bank. Today this service is in great demand and popular, especially in major cities.
  3. Offer your customers gift certificates. This is convenient if a person wants to please a loved one, but it is difficult to make a specific choice. Think over a convenient denomination of cards in accordance with the proposed assortment.
  4. Another simple and modern solution– additional opening of an online store and the sale of goods online with delivery. Thus, it will greatly expand your customer base.


After you have purchased and equipped everything you need to open a perfume store, you should take care of the employees. This is very important point, as sellers will not only count money for goods, but also advise customers, help them choose the right scent. In this case, the following qualities play an important role:

  • knowledge of all provided goods;
  • the ability to successfully describe it and select it in accordance with the wishes of the client;
  • sociability and politeness;
  • nice appearance.

When selecting consultants, make sure they have experience in similar work. Age also matters. And since most of your potential customers are women 30-45 years old, then the sellers should be approximately from the same category.

But their number depends on the size of the store, the volume of goods and customers. To get started, hire 1-2 salespeople for each shift. You can work on a 2:2 or 3:3 schedule, as well as on a weekly basis. If they cannot cope with the influx, then increase the staff further. In addition, you will need to hire a cleaning lady.

Marketing strategy

One of key points for business development is to carry out the right advertising. And the more of it, the better. There are a lot of ways in which you can achieve customer acquisition:

  1. Hang a bright and visible sign above the entrance.
  2. Distribute flyers throughout the city on the most crowded streets.
  3. Arrange promotions and discounts for the opening, upcoming holidays, etc.
  4. Set up your billboard in a good location.
  5. Use banners.
  6. Make announcements in the media.
  7. Think over discount cards for regular customers with great deals for them.
  8. Place information about the opening and the proposed product in social networks, forums, etc.
  9. Take advantage of advertising on public transport.

Possible risks

In this area of ​​business, there are certain difficulties that must be taken into account and be able to prevent in a timely manner.

Risks How to decide?
Many serious competitors Conduct periodic market analysis, study their strengths and weak spots, offered range and prices. Run profitable promotions, offer unique products
Unexpected rent hike Sign a contract for a long period with an indication of a fixed price
Increase in prices for wholesale supply Try to get the most popular positions for the future, in large batches
The economic crisis and, as a result, a decrease in purchasing power Organize sales, offer cheaper perfumes from lesser known brands
Unsuccessful selection of the first batch of assortment Initially, carefully analyze the demand, select popular positions. Do not buy a lot of goods if you are not sure that they will be sold out

Financial part

All expenses are divided into starting (one-time) and monthly.

Capital investment Amount, in rubles
1 Registration 3 000
2 Redecorating premises 150 000
3 Trade software 45 000
Total: 198 000

More will be required for the permanent maintenance of the store.

Be prepared for the fact that you will not be able to go to good level income. It will take months for enough customers to know about the store and they become regular customers. Experienced entrepreneurs say that with a competent approach, it is possible to reach full payback in a year or even a little earlier.

Video: how to open a perfume store in 1 day?

The best perfume in the company mlm. How to promote any business on the Internet.

I will lay out for you a complete step-by-step script

promotion of any business on the Internet

and on the example of the sale of perfumes in a network company.

We will now look at how online business is done,

without triple conversations, without objections and persuasion

How to choose a network marketing company and

a quality product? How to start building your network:

a team of partners and consumers without calls?

What technical and computer skills are needed

know and in any case use in order to

build a business on a semi-automatic? What subtleties

must be taken into account that your business partners

asked, seeing in you a professional and an expert? how

build a duplication system without wasting time

to help each partner in depth by demonstration

screen on skype?

The best perfume reviews for men

The best perfume business all year round. How to promote your business online.

So, you know perfectly well that perfumery uses

Demand 12 months a year, especially during holidays.

So, let's imagine that we found such a company

With good marketing, quality perfumes and

Prices for today's pocket.

The most important thing in business is the database. This is the one

A tool that brings you money. And our

The task is to turn cold contacts into warm ones. For

this, first of all, we are not talking about business

The best perfume from Europe

The best perfume, where to start promoting a business.

First we select the keys, this is the beginning of the beginning

any appearance on the Internet: article, video,

keywords that search engines search for.

Keys. We write out on our subject about

100 pieces. You can choose for google.

And check our prepared list.

We give priority to the domain that is registered

for the first time on the internet. Because the domain

used once - this is a big risk.

Look for a completely clean domain.

Hosting. If you already have a blog, you can

Hang another domain on it, most importantly,

To allow the amount of disk space.

Personally, I have been using it for a long time and not only here

A lot of useful and necessary resources for business,

but the main thing is those. support that always works

promptly, efficiently and solves issues with

individual approach of the user.

So, we make a colorful capture page in 5 minutes,

Let's say beautiful women with perfume, happiness on the face

And we write, for example, “Quality Spanish perfumes with

unimaginable aroma that drives you crazy

surrounding, 46 times cheaper than Letoile, Rive Gauche

and Ile de Beaute!”

Well, you can also put it there to increase the conversion,

a beautiful avatar girl who talks about gifts and

big New Year's discounts for Her and for Him.

Cold to warm contacts occur in letters.

So here you need to be well prepared.

According to marketing laws in the first letters

We don’t talk about business, unless from that resource

Already specifically about this.

So, back to our business example

With perfume. In the first three letters we speak only

About the benefits of these perfumes, their composition, which

Better than a Russian barrel one for all, about how

The fragrance remains for a long time even after a shower, or remains

On clothes with a pleasant train after washing, because

Made on the latest technologies and it's just know-how...

Let's say brazilian shrub oil lambramore de

genuaria, $1000 per 100 ml, produced by natives

at the risk of life, which is why it is so rare and valuable. What

we have the newest and yet not hackneyed fragrances,

who fall in love from the first time, and not because it is

untwisted package, from Chanel which is poured

in the cellars of Lyublino), but the real desire of the company is to

you become their customers forever...

best perfume new smell and long lasting fragrance

The best perfume for women reviews of men. Subtleties of marketing business.

In the fourth letter, we begin to bring a person to that

that perfumery is very profitable business, judge for yourself

perfume most best gift for women of all ages

Regardless of the holidays ... Just love is enough) Yes, and

Men always use after shaving a different kind

Perfumes. And this is definitely a regular customer.

Our top leaders, how they changed the life of just something

For a couple of months of simple movements that he teaches you

The team at the weekly meetings in the webinar room.

Then be sure to send it to your subscribers

Broadcasts (a letter to the entire base at once) an invitation, and

You don’t need to conduct webinars yourself, especially since

If you are not strong in the conversational genre.

best perfume special fragrance

The best perfume for women from Europe. Traffic and more traffic.

Traffic. The theme of perfumery, you can and should run

to Yandex direct. Spirits will seek. They are already looking for. All

start with a small amount until you get your hands on it.

For everyone who uses the platform, we have

video course on direct, which you need to study and act.

Videos traffic, first you create a channel, strictly according to perfume,

Like your blog, be sure to include keywords.

Making a simple video, let's say perfume pictures,

With colorful screaming text. And upload the video

To the channel, be sure to write keywords

and tags Full description(fast).

Article or blog post. Writing a unique post

Or retell a similar article in your own words.

We pull out unique pictures from the video, and in

The design of the pictures in the article must be filled

Titles (various similar keys), description, captions

Using keywords. An example is in the picture below.

The best perfume how to fill in the properties of the picture

If this company has a banner, put it up

Above and below the article, but its task is: when a person clicks

on this banner, it should still get into your mailing list.

We insert the video into the article, and the text of the article into the description

below the video. Share this post on all social media. networks

through the buttons on the blog. Don't forget to use

keywords in the description.

For spirits, tumblr groups on google+ will also work well

(perfumes, perfumes, loreal), Live Journal.

Blog sidebar. This is side panel your site.

There should also be banners here, but it is desirable

Bright flashing, maybe with perfume girls

Alluring and bewitching:

subscribe only we make big gifts...

Best perfume trendy fragrances 2017-2018

The best perfume and fragrances. Business promotion in social networks.

Groups in social networks. Let's take Facebook as an example.

(on others the same principle). Create a group with keys

And we share articles directly in groups. In such groups

We collect only those who are interested in this topic

Perfumes and everything related to it. Here is the goal

Appear in Facebook searches for perfumes, perfumes.

Minor blogs. Rewriting in other words

6-10 times our main blog post in order to

Place articles on a blogger (6-10 we have created

Blogging on blogger via gmail). Making an article

Like the main blog. In every post in a keyword

Later, when there will be more of them, then 2-3 links are possible.

The best perfume Be special. Be a star

The best perfume, paid traffic from social networks.

Later, when the main work is done and there is advertising

We select women from 16 to 65 years. Interests - perfume, perfume,

Cosmetics ... and specifically we appear to them with what they love,

with big discounts, breathtaking perfumes better than Letuals

And only today it is 52 times cheaper (usually only 46)

Then, when the money has already gone, you can do the same with Facebook.

And then, when the money is pouring in, we cover everything at once:

Your people write blogs for you, make videos, mess around with a blogger, yule,

Collect subscribers in . A series of letters translates into warm ...

Then the partners - everything according to the created plan.

According to numerous observations, Internet commerce is not only gaining momentum and popularity. It is less expensive and easier to maintain than offline. We can agree with this statement on one condition - each business project has its own nuances and rules, non-observance of which negatively affects the results.

If you want to open a cosmetics store: how to create an assortment

The sale of beauty products via the Internet has its own differences when compared with offline trading. Expensive branded cosmetics and perfumes are quite demanding on the appropriate framing: sparkling showcases with exquisite design, attentive and smiling staff, enchanting aromas hovering in the air.

Naturally, the virtual site cannot provide visitors with these sensations. When deciding how to open an online perfume store and what assortment to focus on, it is better to abandon the luxury segment (at least at the beginning of work). And not only because there is no corresponding entourage, but because of the skeptical attitude of customers to the guarantees of the authenticity of the offered goods.

When thinking about how to open your own cosmetics store, the problem of various guarantees must be addressed Special attention. The presence of certificates for the goods, the possibility of returning or exchanging the purchased item, the obligation to comply with all legal requirements ... If all this is written on the site, then the client's confidence will increase significantly.

When working out the question of how to open a cosmetics and perfumery store in a democratic price segment, one should not lose sight of not only the cost of the product, but also its quality. Once you “slip” something to the client that is very remotely reminiscent of what was declared on the virtual shelf, and you can safely count on a drop in sales as a whole.

Perfume business: how to get started on the Internet

Since the creation of the site. He will be a salesman and a store. When deciding how to open a perfume store and make an effective website, you need to take into account several specific factors.

Ease of use, simplicity of the interface will be a major plus. But there is one more point regarding this product segment - high-quality photos and clear description each unit. It is also a good idea to open a perfume shop not “naked”, but with additions, for example, a thematic women's forum or a make-up school.

In the task of how to open a perfume shop operating in virtual space, one should not forget about real conveniences. The process of ordering and paying for the selected product should not cause the slightest questions from the buyer, he needs to be provided with as many tips and options as possible. In addition, it is worth taking care of convenient and varied delivery at the customer's choice. When following all these simple rules, the answer to the question: “Is it profitable to open a cosmetics store on the Internet?” will be a resounding "yes".

If your dream is an online perfume store, but you still don’t know how to open it, develop a project and turn it into a profitable business of your own, then you should think about training. School of Business Youth can be a good way out. Here they not only give theoretical knowledge, they teach practical entrepreneurship.

Despite the fact that perfumery does not belong to the category of essential goods, the demand for it almost never falls. Naturally, the regular customers of perfumery stores are mostly women. Statistics show that the fair sex spend about a tenth of their income on perfumes. Nevertheless, on the eve of the holidays, the demand for men's fragrances also increases. Naturally, it is advisable to maintain the assortment of the store based on regular customers, but for the holidays it is worth increasing the number of men's perfumes. By the way, the production of Russian cosmetics is in a depressed state, therefore, for the most part, foreign-made perfumes are on the market.

The disadvantages of the perfume business include the fact that occupying a niche by displacing any major player, won't work anymore. In all major cities there are shops of world famous brands. Open a perfume shop small towns impractical, since the purchasing power of their inhabitants is extremely limited. Of course, in such cities there is practically no competition, however, the demand for perfumes there is extremely low, so, most likely, the store will operate at a loss.

A good option for a novice entrepreneur would be to open a franchise perfume store. In this case, you will have to give up the prospect of development and periodic deductions of funds for the use trademark. However, running a perfume business in this format has its advantages, in particular, the new store will be assisted in window dressing, assortment selection, and a company logo will be provided, due to the popularity of which more customers can be attracted to the store.


A perfume shop should be opened near shopping centers and office buildings. If in the first case one can hope that people, having come to the shopping center, will purchase several bottles of perfume along the way, then in the second case, office workers who want to buy perfume for any holiday or corporate event will be the main customers.

You can also open a small perfume shop in the middle of a sleeping area, in the expectation that the main target audience will be its inhabitants. In this case, it is imperative to study the infrastructure, since there may already be a similar point there. In a residential area, it is better to open a store on the ground floor, since not all people will want to go up to the second or third floor. Of course, the traffic in the residential area will be lower, but the cost of rent is correspondingly lower.

The optimal area of ​​a perfume shop is 50-60 square meters. m. Taking into account the fact that the main visitors will be women, the design of the store must be made appropriate. The development of the interior of the premises can be ordered from the company that will carry out the repair work.


To equip a perfume shop you need to purchase:

  • Cash register - 1 pc.;
  • Shelves - 15-20 pieces;
  • Glass showcases - 6-8 pieces;
  • Glass shelves - 8-10 pcs.

In general, the equipment is typical for almost any regular store, its total will fluctuate between 250-270 thousand rubles.


For the functioning of a perfume shop, its staff must include:

  • Manager - 1 person;
  • Senior salesperson - 1 person;
  • Seller - 3 people;
  • Cleaning lady - 1 person;
  • Accountant - 1 person.

In the pre-holiday months, it is advisable to hire an additional seller, since during these periods there are 1.5-2 times more visitors.

Costs and payback

The estimated amount of capital expenditures for entering the perfumery business is 3.25-3.27 million rubles. will be distributed cash something like this:

  1. Repair of the premises - 100 thousand rubles;
  2. Purchase of equipment - 250-270 thousand rubles;
  3. Purchase of a consignment of goods - 2.5 million rubles;
  4. Advertising - 100 thousand rubles;
  5. Working capital - 300 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses:

  1. Rent - 70 thousand rubles;
  2. Salary fund - 250 thousand rubles;
  3. Advertising - 15 thousand rubles;
  4. Others - 5 thousand rubles.

Total: 340 thousand rubles.

The average monthly revenue of such a perfume store is about 1.5 million rubles, while the margin on products is 40%. The average monthly profit of the store is 90 thousand rubles. Thus, the approximate payback period for capital expenditures is approximately 3 years.
