The smartest women. Sociologists have learned who Russians consider the smartest and most beautiful women

Is your zodiac sign on this list?

They say that at the sight of smart and self-confident women, men "take their breath away." They rarely consider them as a companion for life, but the fact that such women have achieved some success in their professional and life fields causes respect among the stronger sex.

Psychologists say that such women, in fact, have a male consciousness, but for them it is quite comfortable and does not interfere in life.

So, representatives of which zodiac sign are the most intelligent and purposeful?


Aries - different innate insight. At a young age, they try to win the “yard” trust and gain a monopoly in relations with their peers. It is quite easy and simple for women born under this sign to take the lead and she likes it, but the fact that it hits the male pride of Aries is somehow not interesting. Such women are very hardy and have a high life potential. They tend to take on difficult cases, even if these cases are truly masculine.

The only flaw in the character of such women is naivety, although they are quite aggressive towards others, although in the face of injustice and anger they can get angry for just a few seconds, because they instantly correct the situation, they do not intend to endure for a long time. Aries women are sure if they are not like that, they will easily break under the blows of public opinion, and they cannot afford this.


Scorpio - femininity and masculine traits. A Scorpio woman from birth to the end of her life understands that her fate is a female share, although not the same as that of other women. They believe that human life is simpler, despite the fact that it contains various types of female cunning and deceit.

Everything is quite simple for Scorpio Women, they have high intuition, which allows them to turn this into an advantage, because seeing “a person through” is what they need. Know that it is easier for such a woman to recognize a scammer. Women - Scorpios have a rather vengeful character and the main thing is that they will never suffer losses, remember this.


Capricorn - special care from a young age. They are not childishly calm and serious. Pranks are not for them, the social circle of Capricorn women is quite narrow for a mere mortal not to get into it. Such women perfectly find a common language with representatives of the opposite sex. Competition at a professional level can only be created at a respectable age.

They always perfectly control emotions, and you will never see them as the instigators of the conflict. Nature awarded them with special stubbornness and therefore they can piss off any member of the opposite sex, no matter which of the signs of the Zodiac he is.

Only a narrow-minded person can believe that the average man is a priori smarter than any woman. Both Russian and foreign history are known for many smart, ambitious and successful ladies. Is there women with an exceptionally high level of intelligence, which, perhaps, the late Stephen Hawking would have envied (his IQ was estimated at 160 points).

Here are the top 10 smartest women ever born.

10. Olivia Manning (IQ 162)

At the age of 12, when many kids love to play with friends and hate doing homework, Olivia Manning from Liverpool took the Mensa IQ Supervised test and scored over 160. Even celebrities like Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking scored 160 each on an IQ test. Thanks to her genius mind, Olivia is one of the smartest girls in the world.

9. Fabiola Mann (IQ 162)

Born in Goa and now living in England, this 21-year-old young woman scored 162 on the Mensa IQ Supervised test. Not much is known about Mann's life other than that she loves to play chess, plays the guitar, took up karate, and has always wanted to study and work in the medical field. Like the rest of the participants in our selection, Fabiola is included in the 1% of the smartest people in the world.

8. Judit Polgar (IQ 170)

Considered the best chess player in the world. When Judit was only 15 years old, she received the title of grandmaster, surpassing the achievement of Robert Fischer by a month. Also, her name is included in the list of the best players according to FIDE.

Judit has played against many famous chess masters including Viswanathan Anand, Alexei Shirov and Garry Kasparov. She is the only female chess player to have the unofficial but very prestigious title of "super grandmaster".

7. Ruth Lawrence (IQ 175)

British female mathematician and mathematics professor working in knot theory and algebraic topology. In her youth, she was known as a child prodigy, and subsequently became one of the most intelligent women in the world. At the age of 10, Ruth easily passed the entrance exams at Oxford and became the youngest girl in modern history to successfully graduate from Oxford.

6 Grace Hopper (IQ 175)

Renowned American scientist and commodore of the US Navy. It was she who developed the first working compiler for a computer programming language and contributed to the development of the concept of machine-independent programming languages.

When Grace was 34 years old, she enlisted in the US Navy Reserve, and then worked with the first programmable under Howard Aiken and participated in the development of the Mark II and UNIVAC I.

During her academic career, Hopper has received 40 honorary degrees from many universities around the world. She became the first woman to receive an "Outstanding Membership" of the British Computer Society.

Thanks to the huge achievements in science and high military rank, this woman received the nickname "Amazing Grace". She died in 1992 at the age of 85.

5. Anne-Louise Germaine de Stael (IQ 180-185)

The Frenchwoman, also known as Madame de Stael, was born in Paris in 1766 to the finance minister, Jacques Necker. In adulthood, she became widely known as a writer, literary theorist, and political activist. Her book "On Germany" influenced the worldview of many French people in the 19th century.

Germain was the main opponent and critic of Napoleon, who expelled her from the country and forbade her to return. In 1812, Madame de Stael visited Russia, where she was received with great warmth. The well-known artist V. Borovikovsky painted a portrait of Germaine, and the poet K. Batyushkov expressed his opinion about the French writer as follows: "... Bad as hell and smart as an angel."

Now it is impossible to know exactly how smart Germaine de Stael was. Personality researchers of the famous writer suggest that her IQ is from 180 to 185.

4. Marie Curie (IQ 185)

If you arrange a poll on the topic "who is the smartest woman in the world?" then most educated people would probably call Marie Curie. This woman is one of the most iconic and influential figures in history. She is known for her research in the field of radioactivity. Maria and her husband Pierre Curie discovered the elements polonium and radium.

She received two Nobel Prizes, one in physics in 1903 and another in chemistry in 1911.

Marie Curie is still the most popular female scientist in the world.

3. Hypatia of Alexandria (IQ 190)

The daughter of the mathematician Theon of Alexandria was a prominent philosopher, astronomer and mathematician in Egypt and later the Eastern Roman Empire. Hypatia is credited with inventing many scientific instruments such as the astrolabe and the hydrometer. She was a commentator, co-author and author of various treatises, and it is to this woman that science owes the appearance of such concepts as the ellipse, hyperbola and parabola. Contemporaries compared her with Athena in sharpness of mind, with Aphrodite in beauty and with Hero in posture.

Hypatia of Alexandria is known as one of the greatest minds of her time. Researchers estimate her IQ at 190.

2. Marilyn vos Savant (IQ 190)

The name of this American writer and journalist is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the woman with the highest IQ.

In the popular Parade magazine, she has a special "Ask Marilyn" section, where she answers important questions for readers and solves various difficult puzzles (such as the Monty Hall paradox).

1. Edith Stern (IQ 200)

The rating of the most brilliant women on Earth is headed by the “ideal human being,” as her father Aaron Stern once called a newborn girl. Already at the age of 12, Edith entered college at the University of Michigan, and at the age of 15 she taught students of trigonometry.

Edith has over 128 US patents in her name. According to various tests, her IQ is about 200 points. However, the childhood of this woman cannot be called joyful. For the sake of developing the daughter's intellect, her father forbade her to play with her peers and engage in simple childish pranks. All her leisure time was filled with reading books and discussing what she read with her parent. When Edith was 7 years old, her brother David was born. He was brought up as an ordinary child, and when asked if he wanted to become a child prodigy, like a sister, the boy confidently answered “no”.

Edith must be 66 now. Nothing is known about her current life.

They say that the stronger sex at the sight of smart and self-confident women "breath stops." Very few men like such women, rather, men like that such women have achieved some success in their professional and life fields, as they are incredibly competent in some matters and such a smart girlfriend is close to match a man. Although these women also have their drawbacks, one of which is purely diplomatic relations with partners. Astrologers also say that such women think like men and feel quite comfortable doing so, despite the fact that, in fact, they have a male consciousness.


Aries - different innate insight. At a young age, they try to win the “yard” trust and gain a monopoly in relations with their peers. It is quite easy and simple for women born under this sign to take the lead and she likes it, but the fact that it hits the male pride of Aries is somehow not interesting. Such women are very hardy and have a high life potential. They tend to take on difficult cases, even if these cases are truly masculine. The only flaw in the character of such women is naivety, although they are quite aggressive towards others, although in the face of injustice and anger they can get angry for just a few seconds, because they instantly correct the situation, they do not intend to endure for a long time. Aries women are sure if they are not like that, they will easily break under the blows of public opinion, and they cannot afford this.


Scorpio - femininity and masculine traits. A Scorpio woman from birth to the end of her life understands that her fate is a female share, although not the same as that of other women. They believe that human life is simpler, despite the fact that it contains various types of female cunning and deceit. For Scorpio Women, everything is quite simple, they have high intuition, which allows them to turn this into an advantage, because seeing “a person through and through” is what they need. Know that it is easier for such a woman to recognize a scammer. Women - Scorpios have a rather vindictive character and the main thing is that they will never suffer losses, remember this.


Capricorn - special care from a young age. They are not childishly calm and serious. Pranks are not for them, the social circle of Capricorn women is quite narrow for a mere mortal not to get into it. Such women perfectly find a common language with representatives of the opposite sex. Competition at a professional level can only be created at a respectable age. They always perfectly control emotions, and you will never see them as the instigators of the conflict. Nature awarded them with special stubbornness and therefore they can piss off any member of the opposite sex, no matter which of the signs of the Zodiac he is.

Who said that a woman's destiny is only family and children, and the greatest achievement is to marry a man with a big wallet?

Today, probably, there is no such growth in which a woman would not show herself. But for so many centuries of human history, women have come up with, built and invented many useful innovations, significantly ahead of men. Who are they - the smartest women on the planet?

Hypatia of Alexandria - the most intelligent woman of the ancient world

She was the daughter of Theon of Alexandria, manager of the Library of Alexandria. Hypatia received an excellent education. According to her contemporaries, Hypatia surpassed the intelligence of all modern scientists. She taught philosophy, and there was no limit to those who wanted to learn from her. The works of Hypatia have practically not been preserved, only a few of her works have come down to us - and then in fragments or in rewritten documents.

Her most famous creation, which has survived to this day, is the astrolabe. It can rightly be called the most ancient computer. It has many functions - determining time, latitude, longitude, determining the position of stars, and even the possibility of predictions.

The fate of Hypatia was sad. She was killed by religious fanatics, almost all of her works were destroyed, but the memory of this legendary scientist still lives on.

Ancient Egypt. Cleopatra the Alchemist

A contemporary of Hypatia Cleopatra Alchemist. This is not the well-known Egyptian beauty and seductress. Her real name and facts of life are unknown to us. Cleopatra is considered the founder of alchemy. There is an assumption that she managed to get the philosopher's stone.

Poland. Maria Kunits

Maria Kunits - famous astronomer of the 17th century. She spoke several foreign languages, played musical instruments beautifully, made horoscopes, and found a solution to the Kepler problem. One of the Venus craters was named after Maria Kunits.

United Kingdom. Ada Lovelace

Ada Lovelace is Byron's daughter. She was a brilliant mathematician. Once she translated the work of her friend, the inventor of the first analytical engine - the great-grandfather of all computers, making edits and adding comments, which practically created and explained the way information was programmed. One of the first programming languages ​​is named after this talented woman.

Russia. Sofia Kovalevskaya

Sofia Kovalevskaya is the world's first female professor of mathematics. Although she is also known as a doctor of philosophy and a writer. Having a grandiose intellect, she could not study at home, since women in the Russian Empire could not enter higher educational institutions. She even went for a fake marriage to study in Göttingen.

Italy. Maria Montessori

Maria Montessori is an educator who has dedicated her life to working with children with special needs. She founded a system of education that became very popular in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Maria Montessori has been recognized as one of several scientists who, in their field of science, went much further than their time.

Russia. Maria Sklodowska-Curie

Maria Sklodowska-Curie - the only person in the world to win the Nobel Prize twice. Once in the field of physics, the second - in the field of chemistry. It is thanks to her that we know about such a chemical element as radium. Without the discovery of Marie Sklodowska-Curie, there would be no advances in the treatment of cancer, in the field of nuclear energy and the study of space.

Germany. Maria Goeppert-Mayer

Maria Goeppert-Mayer is an eminent physicist, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics "for her discoveries concerning the shell structure of the nucleus".

Bulgaria. Daniela Simidcheva

Daniela Simidcheva has five master's degrees, an electrical engineer qualification, and an English teacher. Her IQ level almost 200, but she lives on unemployment benefits because no firm is willing to hire such a smart worker. Well, who agrees that the subordinate was twice as smart as the leader?

USA. Marilyn vos Savant

Marilyn vos Savant is the smartest woman in the world. When she was 10 years old, she took an IQ test. The result showed 228 units. For comparison: Marilyn's husband is the creator of an artificial heart. His IQ is 180, Stephen Hawking has an IQ of -160.

She believes that only he can know the truth, who will discard all emotions and prejudices, and will use only facts. Marilyn considers art to be only an expression of emotions, having nothing to do with intellect. And the disciplines that are connected specifically with intelligence are mathematics and nuclear physics.

Hungary. Judit Polgar

Judit Polgar is the youngest chess grandmaster in the world. She received this title at the age of 15. She won against Kasparov and Karpov. This is the only woman in the world who is in the first hundred FIFA chess players.

We very much hope that this list can be continued very soon, adding young and smart representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

How often have you ended a relationship beating yourself up for not noticing something in time, or for wasting time on someone you immediately knew was not right for you? Looking at a few recent boyfriends, do you have much in common with their stories?You can talk as much as you like about what men have gone today, but the truth is that women have long been able to control the relationship process themselves.

Perhaps the following 10 tips will help you meet smarter next time:

You don't trust your first impression

The very first moment when you meet a person gives you a lot of the right emotions from the person, because you are not emotionally attached to him yet and look as objectively as possible. If he immediately impressed you as a womanizer, then it is better to stay away from him until his Don Juan charms affect you and overshadow your common sense.

You are not focused enough on your relationship with yourself

There is a lot of talk about this, but it's true: first you have to love yourself, so that later you can love another, so that this other loves and respects you. When you know your worth, you will not settle for less and worse for yourself. You should not waste your time, energy and feelings on a person who does not appreciate it and does not reciprocate.

You don't want to believe that not all dates lead to relationships.

If you expect every new guy to be your One and only, you are setting yourself up for inevitable disappointment. Rather, look at it as an opportunity to meet a new person and gain new experience, on the basis of which you will better understand who you need in life.

You are afraid to immediately ask a man serious questions

Of course, the first date should be easy and carefree, but on the 2nd or 3rd date, you should already clarify issues that are important to you. If he says that he just got divorced, or that he is not yet ready for children, and your goal is a husband and family, then you may well find out from him what kind of relationship he is looking for. Be honest about what you want so you don't waste time and beat yourself up about it later.

You stay in a relationship that leads nowhere, and so constantly

These constant messages with offers to meet for one evening, although you have never really met. The problem isn't with having so much fun, it's that it distracts you from finding a real relationship. If you need another level, don't settle for less.

You don't set your boundaries

You don't have to set rules in a relationship, but you do need to make it clear what you accept and what you don't. If someone crosses the line, then it is your job to let him know about it. No need to justify his bad behavior - it will not change anything.

You let your fantasy blind you

It kills romance. You just give yourself up to passion, the euphoria of love, wonderful fantasies that you forget to see a person properly, to see common values ​​and an objective perspective.

You rarely meet

First dates are non-binding. See point… Don't think that you will only date the right person. But how to find and recognize it? The more you date, the more you will understand what you need, the easier you will feel and the easier it will be for you to turn down the wrong people.

you hate men

Stop blaming everything on the fact that, they say, men are now extinct. Stop judging everyone by the few you've met or heard about. It's not fair. There are good guys, and you don’t need to treat them a priori as deceivers, womanizers and jerks.

You live from relationship to relationship

Many women think that their life is not complete if they are not dating anyone. And thus repel potential love from themselves. After all, there is nothing more attractive than a happy woman who loves her life and is open to sharing it with those who deserve to be in it.
