How to arrange a hallway. Walk-through living room - how to design a comfortable design (88 photos)

In most cases, the passage room is, and this is logical: it is she who - the best place to meet up with friends and family. Often a passage room has two symmetrically located entrances and exits on one wall. This feature can be advantageously used if any accent object is placed between the openings, thereby making it a visual center. It could be TV large panel Or a bookcase.

2 Make the layout open

A walk-through layout can create a great occasion for both the walk-through room and the one adjacent to it. An interesting move is to make a large opening between the walk-through living room and bedroom and supply it with sliding doors for privacy. In addition, the adjacent wall can be decorated with glass inserts in the floor, which will add volume and airiness to both rooms.

3 Create a cozy corner

If you don't need passage space, there is a solution too. For example, in a standard Khrushchev, you can move the doorway and allocate part of the passage room for a small corridor. Such a reconstruction will have to be coordinated, but this technique will help create an individual personal space.

4 Combine the corridor with the passage room

In it is better to attach the entrance room to the living room. This will increase the space and make common area more comfortable for life. Sometimes apartment owners attach a kitchen to this area, thereby forming a full-fledged living-dining room.

5 Do not arrange furniture around the perimeter

Now in new buildings there are often “beam” type layouts, when doorways from one room to other rooms diverge in different directions, like rays. In this case, due to a large number openings is not easy enough to arrange the interior of this central room so that it is solid and independent. It is worth noting that it is irrational in such a situation to place furniture along the walls, since there are not so many free walls for this. The layout of such a living room would look much better, where the sofa is a zoning element between the guest and dining or working area.

Perhaps each of us is familiar with the delights of apartments with a walk-through room firsthand. Usually this is an oblong and therefore rather awkward room, the geometry of which is complicated by at least two doorways on the different walls. But it can also be made functional and cozy. Natalya Preobrazhenskaya tells how.

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On the picture:

AT Soviet times in order to somehow isolate the passage space, they tried to divide this room into parts as best they could: they used curtains, screens and even cabinets placed across the room. Today, the situation is much better, and the passage room no longer causes such a headache, but I want to use this space as functionally as possible. The head of the interior design studio shares options on how to do this. Cozy Apartment» Natalia Preobrazhenskaya.

Use symmetry

In most cases, the passage room is the living room, and this is logical: this is the place to meet friends and family. Often a passage room has two symmetrically located entrances and exits on one wall. This feature can be advantageously used if any accent object is placed between the openings, thereby making it a visual center. It can be a fireplace, a TV or a bookcase.

Photo: TRANSPARENT PICT® glass block from FRED & FRED.

Make the layout open

A through layout can create an excellent opportunity to expand the space of both the walk-through room and the one adjacent to it. An interesting move would be, for example, to make a large opening between the walk-through living room and bedroom and provide it with sliding doors for privacy. In addition, the adjacent wall can be decorated with glass inserts in the floor, which will add volume and airiness to both rooms.

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On the picture:

Create a personal space

If, on the contrary, you do not need a passage space, there is a solution too. For example, in a standard Khrushchev, you can move the doorway and allocate part of the passage room for a small corridor. Such a reconstruction will have to be coordinated, but this technique will help create an individual personal space.

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Living room design in Khrushchev simple task, but still doable, if you approach the matter with the mind and arrangement.

The apartments in such houses are small, the rooms are compact, the ceilings are very low, and the layout leaves much to be desired. Mass of cons!

In order to realize the basic ideas for arranging an apartment, you need to have endurance, good patience, and imagination.

If the apartment is very small, then whatever is planned new layout, you have to redo the whole apartment.

What is important to pay attention to?

Khrushchev is famous for such a layout that the living room is a walk-through room. Two walls join the bedroom and the kitchen, and one more is external.

That's why the poor lighting in the room. Moreover, it is not easy to maintain a comfortable temperature for housing.

The peculiarity of Khrushchev is its walls - thermal insulation is almost zero. In the summer there is nothing to breathe in the apartment, because it is hot and stuffy, and in winter there is a constant draft and cold dog.

Of course, it is possible to stabilize the temperature using special equipment, for example, heaters, air conditioning, but it is clear that this option is an additional waste of money. You can see a large catalog of air conditioners.

When decorating a living room in Khrushchev, the most difficult thing is to make the correct placement of the cabinet and upholstered furniture.

It is impossible to make standard zoning in such a room, so you have to dodge and cheat in every possible way.

So, the living room is often combined with the kitchen, and several functional zones are created in such a room, most often three - the dining area, the kitchen itself and the guest room. If the walls are load-bearing, this option, unfortunately, is not feasible.

living room design

If the layout makes it possible, then the first step is to expand the window openings so that there is more light in the room.

Of course, the interior of the living room in Khrushchev should be done to the maximum light colors to noticeably expand the room, give it space.

A minimum of cabinet and upholstered furniture, a very concise to the smallest detail thought-out design is best decoration small living room.

It is best to decorate the hall in neutral colors, using only soft shades so that the end result is warm, cozy.

To correct the shape of the room, all cabinet furniture is placed along the wall. In the center is a light sofa.

With the help of contrasting design (different colors of upholstery and furniture), the shape of the room is compensated.

The floor is also made in the most light colors. Irrelevant flooring- linoleum, parquet - the color matches the furniture upholstery, maybe a little lighter. Khrushchev always has low ceilings, and therefore, to “raise” them, they use stretch ceiling with gloss.

Wall insulation

It is not always necessary to insulate the walls from the outside, but if the house is panel, then the decision is right and necessary. The thing is that the insulation of the apartment from the inside will noticeably destroy the outer wall.

To perform external insulation of the apartment, use special materials that are suitable for such work.

Living room zoning

The living room in Khrushchev is most often not a separate room, but a place that is combined with a bedroom, with a work room.

To zone a room, you need to use special partitions or use furniture for this purpose.

To separate the living room from the “study”, bookshelves are used, which, by design, fit into the style of the room as a whole.

Are you planning a room zoning, and have you been visited by super brilliant ideas for a living room in Khrushchev?

For example, to perform zoning with the help of furniture, then immediately discard them as far as possible so that the interior is not overloaded.

The guest room is comfortable and cozy - this is the main rule! In order not to violate the integrity of the room, in the design of the "office" is used simple furniture, matching the color of the wall, sofa.

Is it necessary to hide the "bed" from sight? Basically, a sofa is a sleeping place, and it cannot be disguised, because the integrity of the created design will be lost.

In some photos of living rooms in Khrushchev, you can see that sleeping place sometimes stands out podiums.

In order to give a special personality to the living room interior, curtains are used for zoning, which both divide the room into zones and are a decor.

The easiest way to zone with a special design of the walls.

So, on the walls are most often used different materials finishes. Imitation of bricklaying, panels - with the help of everything, as can be seen in the photo of the living room in Khrushchev, zoning is performed.

Photo design living room in Khrushchev

Modern designers often face the problem of walk-through rooms.

During the construction of premises in Soviet times, the passage room was an integral part of the layout: it became popular due to space savings, which negatively affected the functionality and originality of the room.

Houses that have retained the old layout do not look very good and organic, but there are many creative solutions this problem.

Walk-through living room - stylish and elegant

Any bad layout of the house can always be corrected. It is enough to correctly compose the interior, and the unwanted walk-through room will easily turn into a spectacular hall.

All decor items, from furniture to a chandelier, should harmoniously complement each other. A walk-through room, tastefully furnished, will look like an ordinary living room, and not the result of an unsuccessful layout.

Designers recommend abandoning a large accumulation of furniture and other unnecessary items: the walk-through living room should be comfortable and concise. Fragile things like vases hanging shelves or glass jewelry, should be in moderation.

In order to avoid difficulties in moving, the room should have a lot of free space and good lighting.

An excellent solution for the interior of the walk-through living room will be glass partitions instead of extra walls; it is good if the room is equipped with wide windows. If the room small size and insufficiently lit, the interior should be replenished with white objects.

Passage doors

Doors play an important role in the design of the passage room. We should not forget that they take up a lot of space in the open position, and with frequent movement, the owners rarely close them.

Therefore, doors are not at all necessary for living rooms, especially for small rooms, where doors take up most of the free space.

Doors will become the best option for the design of walk-through rooms, which often serve as a bedroom.

Today, the following door layouts are common:

Adjacent doors (doors will occupy only one corner without taking up free space in the room; often doors that are close to each other are fenced off with curtains for greater aesthetics);

Diagonal doors (the use of diagonal doors with faceted glass will visually increase the volume of the living room; the space that separates the doors can be occupied by a sofa or TV);

Doors on one wall (this layout will allow you to equip the room not only conveniently, but also effectively: the walls between the doors are often decorated with paintings, collages from photographs or shelves with books).

If there is no need to supply a walk-through living room with doors, designers advise using various kinds of curtains or curtains. Before executing the design, it is better to get acquainted with the photos of walk-through living rooms, which will create the necessary idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe location of the doors.

Interior details

The passage room plays an important role in the house, so in order not to spoil the beauty of the apartment, you need to seriously consider decorating this room. How more sizes rooms, the easier it is to equip it competently and stylishly.

If the walk-through living room is very tiny, it is recommended to attach a kitchen or a corridor to it, which will positively appear on the layout of the house.

suitable furniture for large rooms are wardrobes, sofas or armchairs. Look harmonious bookshelves along the entire wall, but for small walk-through living rooms it is better to use small hanging shelves.

It is undesirable to occupy space with unnecessary objects, the main thing is to maintain the symmetry of the room.

Coffee tables and chairs are best placed away from doors so as not to block the path for movement. To create an atmosphere of comfort, tables are recommended to be placed near the fireplace or along the wall.

Photo of design ideas for a walk-through living room

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How to solve the layout problem once and for all: spectacular design walk-through room

Khrushchev's apartments have never been distinguished by rationality and sophistication of planning; it is in them that adjoining rooms that are so inconvenient for living are most often found. And since a good half of the population lives in Khrushchevs, many are familiar with the problem associated with their arrangement. I will look at the main aspects and tricks of decorating, in which the design of the walk-through room will look elegant and attractive.

Opening options

The decoration of the entrance room personally reminds me of a dice game in which the chance of winning is 50/50. You will either successfully dispose of the existing “nuance” of the layout by placing pieces of furniture appropriately, or you will only aggravate the situation by creating a cluttered and uncomfortable space.


Provided that the entrances to the room are parallel to each other, the best option would be to divide the room into two zones.

  1. In the first zone, located in the walk-through area, you can install a TV, as well as a rack or several. Arrange all kinds of accessories and souvenirs dear to your heart on the shelves. Naturally, make sure that objects do not interfere with the movement from room to room.
    If the TV is placed in front of a window, sunlight Glare may appear on it, making it difficult to see. The problem is solved very simply - by buying thick curtains.

  1. The second zone you will get much more spacious, here you can already put the main pieces of furniture. So in this part of the room a sofa, a small original table and a couple of easy chairs.


Another inconvenient type of layout, which is not so easy to arrange with your own hands. This option greatly reduces the options for arranging furniture, dictating its conditions.

  • The best solution would be to place the TV against one of the walls with a door. You can place it both in the corner and parallel to the wall.
  • The free space in front of the TV should be filled with a sofa, table, vases and other decorative elements.

I also want to note that the interior of the entrance hall would be incomplete without a comfortable and compact furniture, which is easy to rearrange if necessary (arrival of guests, for example).


In fact, I find adjoining openings the most the best option planning, under which to create comfortable interior walk-through room is not so difficult. In this scenario, only one corner of the room is, as it were, "blocked" with doors, while most of the space is free for experiments. Of course, you can fence off the passage with a thin screen, but most often this is unnecessary trouble.

So, what can you think of with a similar arrangement of doors?

  • Install a TV on one of the walls with an opening. About what to do if sun glare appears on the screen, I wrote above.
  • You can attach a pair of shelving or a whole furniture set to the adjacent wall.
  • At the opposite end of the room, it is best to install a sofa and small couches, armchairs or ottomans.

  • If the space between adjacent doors allows, install a beautiful floor lamp or a large decorative vase in the aisle.

Two doors on one wall

A similar interior of a walk-through living room is mostly based on the distance between the doors. If space allows, install a TV or a neat fireplace over which to hang family photos.

The main advantage of this arrangement of openings is complete freedom in the design of most of the room. In it you can arrange furniture according to own will. However, do not forget that you should beware of excessive clutter in the room.

Secrets of decorating a walk-through room

The main feature of the design of the passage room is to make sure that every centimeter is used as efficiently as possible. The instructions below will show you how to do this without much effort.

  1. Don't forget about symmetry. If the openings are located on the same wall, try to fill the space between them with an accent object that will become the visual center of the room. Otherwise, place the same accessories on both sides of the door, which will balance appearance premises.

  1. Don't be afraid of the open floor plan. Due to small tricks, you can visually expand and improve the design of the entrance hall. As an option, I can recommend making a large opening between the bedroom and the living room, framing it with sliding doors, which will make it possible to retire if necessary.
    The adjacent wall can be decorated with glass inserts. This will add some lightness and airiness to the atmosphere.
  2. Experiment. If the passage space does not suit you at all, do not despair and look for another apartment. If you live in a standard Khrushchev, then the next option may suit your taste.
    Move the doorway, and allocate part of the passage room under a small corridor. However, do not forget that such changes in the layout require approval by the relevant authorities, and the price for it is higher than for other options. You definitely can't do anything if desired wall carrier.

  1. Connect the living room with the corridor. Do you want to expand the space of the walk-through room? Then I can recommend attaching the entrance area to the hall.

If you do not want to stop there, then you can add a kitchen to the resulting space.
In this case, you will get a full dining / living room.

As you can see, there are ways to create a spectacular one in the passage room, the main thing is to show a little imagination and have good taste. More more options on arrangement you can find in the video in this article.

Summing up

Despite the fact that the walk-through room can hardly be called the dream of every homeowner, the situation with such a layout is far from hopeless. Using one of the options I have described, you can easily get a cozy and stylish design, in which the flaws will be almost invisible.

If you have experience in arranging a walk-through living room, be sure to share it in the comments. You can also write there if you have any questions on the topic.

June 27, 2016

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