How to make passive income. What is passive income? Creating a YouTube channel

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 7 minutes


In the context of the ongoing economic crisis in Russia, many people want, in addition to the main income, to have additional passive income. Its advantage is one important detail - you don't have to make much effort to get it.

In addition, correct organized method earning passive income can very soon lead to real financial independence.

Renting out real estate is the most popular passive business in Russia

Perhaps the most popular and in a simple way receiving passive income is now the rental of property.

There are two ways to turn this idea into reality - to rent an already available apartment, or to buy a property specifically for rent..

What is the profit from such activities?

Of course, from where the housing is located, from the living conditions and the level of service provided:

  • Renting housing in residential areas of the city can bring low earnings, but it is quite stable.
  • For an apartment located in the center, you can set the price higher.
  • Even more profitable will be the purchase and rental of real estate abroad.

Necessary costs

  • However, this type of passive income cannot do without certain financial investments, and the cost of your precious time. To find tenants, it's a good idea to advertise in newspapers and on the Internet.
  • Plus, you will have to constantly monitor responses and answer countless phone calls.
  • Also, all potential tenants will need to arrange a preliminary showing of housing.
  • In addition, when renting an apartment by the day, the owner will have to clean their square meters, wash and iron clothes. But all these actions also require certain costs.

In any case, despite some expenses, renting out vacant housing can be a great source of passive income.

Bank deposit - who really earns on interest from bank deposits?

Another common way to increase capital is a bank deposit. You can put any amount at interest, however, the higher the size of the investment, the greater the earnings.

When choosing a bank, it is advisable to compare the conditions of each and choose the most optimal option.

It is better to give preference to a proven credit institution that has extensive experience and a reputation that has been tested by time and customers. This will help you avoid problems in case of bankruptcy.

Additionally, to minimize risks, it is recommended insure your savings. Thanks to this, in the event of any force majeure situation, you can receive a guaranteed payment from the insurance company and return most of the invested funds.

Accrued interest in different banks can vary significantly, and this is also worth paying attention to before.

The table shows the maximum interest rates for the largest Russian banks for January 2017.

Thus, if we discard the possible risks, the following conclusion suggests itself - bank deposits are a fairly safe and convenient way to receive passive income.

Investments in shares, mutual funds

The most risky, but also potentially the most profitable is investing in shares and.

  • Buying shares . One of the most popular methods of generating passive income. The advantage is that if the company is doing well, dividends will increase significantly. But there is also the other side of the coin - when choosing a dysfunctional organization, you can easily lose all the money invested.
  • Mutual investment funds (UIFs) . Such funds are formed at the expense of investments of a group of contributors, where each of them becomes the owner of a certain part of the fund (share). It is recommended to use the services of not too large mutual funds, as this significantly reduces the risk of losing invested funds.

Passive earnings through investments can be quite high, but it is always advisable to remember the significant disadvantage of such an investment, namely, the high risks of losing money.

Starting your own business

The next common way to organize passive income is to open your own business.

This idea has many advantages. So, if you create a competent business strategy and at the same time form a staff of qualified personnel, then you can generally move away from control over affairs and simultaneously engage in additional profitable projects.

The downside is that to open your own business, you need not only a certain amount of knowledge, but also start-up capital.

One of the most affordable methods of creating passive income is to work in. Typically, such companies do not require an investment of funds, and if they do, the amount of the initial contribution does not exceed $100.

However, this method of obtaining additional income requires some effort from the investor. Here you can not do without direct sales of goods or services, as well as attracting new employees to form a cohesive team. This is due to the fact that the level of income directly depends on the volume products sold and the number of employees involved.

When choosing a network company, it is very important not to fall into a banal financial pyramid. Therefore, before applying for a job, it is important to clearly study their difference from each other.

Creation of a competitive intellectual product

If you have any talent, for example, the ability to write poetry or music, you can create your own intellectual product. In this case, the receipt of passive income will depend on the replication of finished products.

When creating an unusual invention, the subject of your work can be patented, and then receive interest from its use by other people .

Creating a competitive intellectual product can generate a very large income if it becomes popular enough. However, there are some nuances that complicate the implementation of such an idea. This is the presence of a certain talent that not everyone has.

Development of your own blog, group in social networks

With the development of social networks, creating your own blog or other Internet project has become a very popular way to receive passive income. Such resources can cover any topic, including news, cooking recipes, sale of children's goods and the like.

When or blog on their pages, you can place paid advertising. Even moderately promoted projects can have quite good income.

On your resource on the Internet, you can earn in a variety of ways.

  • Sell links.
  • Place contextual advertisements.
  • Place texts on a given topic from customer companies.
  • Sell places for graphic images of an advertising nature.

The advantage of such an idea is that such projects are successfully created from scratch without initial capital. To open them, you just need to be good at a computer.

To earn approximately $1,000, the owner of a project would have to promote your project every day for 1-5 years and constantly invest in it more and more money.

Perhaps this is the only drawback.

Some passive income options, such as cryptocurrencies or securities trading, require a small amount basic knowledge. Some require large time investments - for example, selling photos on photo stocks, others - financial, for example, all real estate transactions. The simplest ways, for example, cashback on bank card, do not require anything from the user at all, but the yield on them will not be high either.

Index funds

Suitable for those who want to make money on investments in stocks, but are not ready to spend a lot of time and energy on it. The fund frees the investor from the need to analyze what shares of which companies should be sold and bought in this moment time. This is decided by the fund itself, which forms an investment portfolio depending on the state of a particular index. The most famous index fund is the S&P 500.

Index funds include groups of stocks with similar characteristics - the size, value, profitability and geographical location of companies. When stocks go beyond these characteristics, as a rule, the fund sells them.

An investor can choose a fund operating in any industry, from banking sector to precious metals, and invest in it. After that, the stock portfolio will start working on its own. The main disadvantage is the same risks as in ordinary securities trading. Shares of companies may go negative or the company may decide not to pay dividends this year.

Individual investment accounts

Since 2014, individual investment accounts (IIA) have been operating in Russia, through which you can get tax deduction up to 52,000 rubles per year, but there are two conditions: the depositor must work, and his official income must not be lower than the amount he deposits into the account.

The main disadvantage is the limitations of the IIS. One person can open only one account for a period of at least three years and deposit no more than 400,000 rubles on it. If you initially deposited less, you can replenish your account during the year.

Opening an account is very simple - it can be done in the office of any broker offline and online, you only need a passport. There are two tax relief options to choose from: either a 13% income tax deduction or an exemption from tax on income from securities trading.

IIS works like a regular brokerage account: money can be invested in stocks or bonds or left on the account in rubles. You can connect the account to the strategies of management companies in order to choose a ready-made algorithm for increasing profitability.

Comment by Ilya Panteleymonov, International Financial Advisor, Partner of Logic Planning Group

Solid passive income options that are suitable for all people are, for example, passive income for retirement and rent. The annual yield of reliable passive income is 3-5% per annum in foreign currency, on average 4-5% per annum.

It is provided by conservative portfolios of securities funds - bond funds, stocks, real estate, alternative funds. The yield of such portfolios is approximately 4-5% per annum in dollars. Portfolio fluctuations are minimal. This method is used by 70-80% of people in Europe, USA and Canada. To receive an annuity of $1,000 per month, you need to invest $240,000.

Another way is annuities. They guarantee an annuity throughout life, for example, up to 120 years of life. The rent each year is on average 4-5% of the invested amount. This tool is also used as part of an old age pension plan. The vast majority of families in developed countries make annuities.

Annuities are insurance contracts with insurance companies and are a guaranteed annuity for life. One of the biggest fears of people aged 55-70 is that the accumulated savings may not be enough for a lifetime in old age. This is especially true today, when life expectancy is increasing. An annuity helps to solve this problem, as it guarantees payments up to 120 years to the owner of the contract and his spouse.

Cashback from credit and debit cards

The main disadvantages of this method are a small amount of income and following the conditions of the bank. Most often, it is necessary that a certain amount of money be kept on the account or the amount of expenses on the card reaches a certain mark. Nevertheless, it will be useful to everyone who regularly makes purchases with a card, since no additional actions will have to be performed. This is the easiest way to passive income. Almost every bank has its own bonus program that allows you to return an average of 7% of total amount expenses.

For example, the Alfa-Bank MasterCars World card will be beneficial for motorists - maximum amount 10% is returned to the card for purchases at gas stations; Tinkoff Black All Games card - to gamers who will receive 5% back on the card for purchases on Steam, Origin, Xbox Games, Playstation Store and 1C Interest; entertainment card "Premium" of the bank "FC Otkritie" - for those who constantly pay in cafes, bars and restaurants. It will be possible to return from 5% to 10% to the card, depending on the total amount of purchases.

Real estate investment

Investing in real estate requires more attention from the owner than previous methods, but allows you to achieve a stable and relatively high income. In order to relieve your time as much as possible, you can hire a professional property manager for a small commission, and to increase income, you can rent real estate by the day, but this increases the risks, since each time you need to check the solvency and integrity of tenants.

By renting out the property, you can also gradually pay off the housing loan with the money of the tenants, eventually acquiring the property for your own use or for additional income in the future.

Commentary by Irina Zhigina, financial consultant and rentier

Many people call renting apartments a semi-passive source of income, since it is believed that the condition of the apartment must be monitored, tenants checked, and in case of termination of the lease, look for new ones, which requires personal participation. I myself have been renting apartments on my own for many years, refusing the services of realtors, as time has shown that I can rent an apartment much faster than they do.

Profitability and ease of renting depends on several factors: the region, the number of rented apartments, the rental format and the chosen tax regime. Now there are many companies that, for a fee, will take care of managing your property. In this case, you will not worry about how to find a client, what kind of contract is better to draw up, what to do if the tenants flooded the neighbors.

The main tip for renting out an apartment is to find good tenants. If you were able to find tenants with whom you speak the same language, who are completely satisfied with your apartment and who are ready to rent it long time, then renting out an apartment will be an excellent source of passive income for you.

The yield from renting apartments on average is only 6% per annum, and you need to understand that investing in real estate is always a long-term game. Of course, there are, so to speak, “aggressive” ways of the rental business, for example, renting apartments for daily rent. In this case, the profitability will be higher, but you will also get more risks. In this case, it is definitely better to use the services of a management company.

I know many examples when people at first wanted to receive passive income from renting out real estate, but then they got involved, bought several apartments, rented them all out on a daily basis, and at the same time hired a couple of people to manage the rented real estate. In this case, their initial desire to have a passive income grew into a business of renting out apartments.

In general, the option of passive income through renting out apartments is suitable for people who want to receive a low, but stable income from the money invested.

When buying property abroad on your own, I advise you to pay attention to the following:

1. It is important to learn the basics of the tax laws of the country where you are going to buy property.

2. It is not always possible to rent apartments with the help of a management company, and then you will have to look for tenants yourself.

3. In some cases, you will have to bear additional expenses for the maintenance of your apartments.

4. You will need to open an account to receive rental property rent.

There is an alternative option that I used when buying apartments abroad. At first, I also wanted to do everything myself and save money, but I ran into a number of difficulties and almost lost money because the developer went bankrupt. After that, I hired a lawyer who acted on my behalf by proxy and formalized everything Required documents. In the end, I paid the agreed amount, which in fact turned out to be not such a big price for my peace of mind.

I would like to note that renting apartments abroad has even lower profitability if we are talking about seasonal demand. So, apartments located near the sea are rented out only a few months a year. I use my apartments a couple of months a year myself, so for me this species investment was profitable.

Obtaining passive income by renting out apartments is practiced enough a large number of of people. This option is suitable for beginners who do not understand investments and do not have special knowledge. Compared to other ways of earning passive income, the risks are minimal, and there are more and more opportunities to find tenants every year.

P2P loans

P2P loans (from the English peer-to-peers - "from person to person") - loans to individuals from individuals, and banks are completely excluded from this system. To complete the transaction, you can use online services that help reduce risks by checking potential borrowers. One of the most famous P2P services in the world is the American Lending Club, in which Yuri Milner, the owner of Group, invested $57 million.

For example, in the Russian "Credit Exchange" Webmoney, if you have an electronic wallet, you can specify the amount, term and interest of the loan, and the system will offer you borrowers. The average loan rate on such sites is 25%.

To ensure the safety of deposits, users are attested and a loan agreement is drawn up, which can be relied upon in court. The main disadvantage of this method is rather high risks, since the money invested can be lost if the borrower becomes insolvent.

Passive business partnership

Many start-ups need capital to launch or expand a business, and for a stake in the company, an investor can provide that capital. Then the founder and owner will take care of all operational activities, and you can become a passive partner who receives a part of the income. Main cons - human factor(after all, you need to find an understanding with the owner of the business) and a high risk that the company may go bankrupt.


Now the cost of one bitcoin - the most famous cryptocurrency - on August 17, 2017 was 263,617 rubles. It is expected that bitcoins will continue to rise in price, and in ten years their value could reach $100,000 per bitcoin. The advantage is that anyone can start issuing bitcoins, but for this the user needs a powerful computer.

Bitcoins are not well suited for short-term investments, as their exchange rate fluctuates rapidly. To feel the benefits of investments, you need to wait several decades. Besides, legal status cryptocurrencies in Russia is not defined: operations with them are not considered illegal, but they are not regulated by law either.

Photo stocks

This method is suitable for those who take a lot of photographs while traveling or at home. There are many platforms for selling photos, from Shutterstock to Fotolia and Depositphotos. Such services are popular among designers, advertising companies and editors of publications - each of them prefers a certain style of work, but, as a rule, any topic remains in demand. For the sale of one photo, you can get from $0.25 to $50, monthly income can vary from $100 to several thousand dollars, subject to a large portfolio and demand for work.

As a rule, the more works in the portfolio and the higher their quality, the higher the income. Relatively stable high income begins after adding at least 200 photos to the service, and they must be accepted by the administration of the photo stock.

In some services, you need to pass an exam of works and provide documents. It's important to include keywords in your photo description so that users can easily find it.

affiliate marketing

This is a great way for owners of popular blogs and websites to earn money by advertising some products and services on their website and receive a percentage of sales from the owners.

This works best if what you are promoting is in line with the topic of the site. Let's say if you have a food blog, you can advertise kitchen appliances or aprons, and if the blog is about travel, talk about outdoor clothing and insurance options for traveling abroad. Accountants, webmasters, SMM-specialists involved in the promotion of services in social networks, as well as owners of portals and blogs about accounting and business can become partners of SKB Kontura and receive a commission of 8% to 30%. The amount of remuneration can reach 17,250 rubles. for one sale. on the promotion of high-quality and popular web services of SKB Kontur.

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Passive income is the dream of a huge number of people. Many are trying to come up with and implement schemes that would provide a stable income without the participation of the creator. And some people even succeed.

In this article we will talk about how to learn how to get a stable passive income on the Internet.

Is it possible to receive passive income on the Internet without investments?

Indeed, a large number of people have achieved their dream - they have learned to receive passive income. But when other people look at them, they only see the tip of the iceberg. They see Internet entrepreneurs or investors who do not work, travel and live for their own pleasure, but at the same time they lose sight of how hard they came to such a life.

I want to disappoint those who believe that the Internet has reliable and highly profitable ways of passive income without investment, available to a beginner - there is no freebie on the Internet. In order to receive money on the Internet you need:

  • To invest money.
  • Invest your own time.
  • Invest in self-education.

In order to increase your chances of success, you need to use all these 3 points. Success will directly depend on your diligence and determination.

How to come to passive income on the Internet?

Yes, passive income online is quite real. But we found out that nothing will work without investments. How more money you want to receive in the future, the harder you need to work in the beginning.

To be honest, completely passive income is unlikely. But, at a minimum, you will be able to delegate all your duties to hired employees, devoting only a few hours a week only to analyzing your earnings.

Below we will look at the 7 best ways to earn passive income using the Internet.

1. Sale of advertising on the site.

One of the most common ways to make passive income on the Internet is to create and promote one or more information sites. This method has several advantages:

  • High probability of making a profit. If you do everything right, then getting required amount visitors are easy to predict and reach.
  • Stable results. If the site was promoted by "white" methods, then it will attract visitors without the participation of the owner for one to two years. And with minimal administration and updating for many years.
  • Simplicity. It is not very difficult to achieve results in promoting an information site. There are proven step by step instructions, which will allow you to achieve results without professional SEO skills.

How to make money by selling ads from the site?

One of the simplest and effective ways earnings on the site is the placement on its pages of advertising blocks from Yandex and Google. You can see these blocks on most information sites that are presented on the Internet.

In these blocks, ads will be shown to site visitors, depending on what queries they entered into search engines and what sites they visited before. This means that this ad will be relevant to visitors, which will ensure a high probability of clicking on the ad.

As soon as the visitor clicks on the ad, a certain amount is deducted from the advertiser's account, which is divided in half between the advertising network and the site owner.

Earnings with the help of contextual advertising strongly depend on the subject of the site and on the number and location of ad units on the page. On average, a webmaster can earn about 3,000 rubles a month from a resource with 1,000 visitors a day.

  • Sale of links.

Search engines are actively fighting the buying and selling of links. The result of this struggle was that the rental links market was practically destroyed.

But eternal links are still one of the most effective tools for website promotion. Therefore, a huge number of SEO specialists are ready to line up to buy a link from a quality site.

In order to sell a link, you need to register in one of the exchanges of eternal links, for example: and, or sell them directly by posting information about it on your website.

Link Exchange Miralinks.

  • Direct sale of banners.

2. Earnings on affiliate programs.

Another highly profitable way to make money on the Internet is affiliate programs. The essence of affiliate programs is simple - attracting potential customers through referral links.

Many companies create multi-level affiliate programs. This means that if the referral attracted by you attracts his referrals, then you will receive money from the company for this. Under such conditions, you can count on passive income, because the more partners you attract, the more money you will receive from their partners.

Where to find referrals?

3. Investment.

It can be said that earnings through investments are the most passive. After all, the very concept of investing is that your money is working while you are resting.

For those who want to try to invest their money and receive from them stable income I collected everything in one article better ways investments and compared them with each other:

In fact, in order to become a successful investor, knowledge and experience are needed. Therefore, for a beginner, it is recommended to choose the least profitable and least risky ways to invest money.

4. Passive income in social networks.

As with your own website, you can earn affiliate income by selling ads if you have a well-established group or account in social networks.

With today's competition, it is unlikely to be possible to do this for free, because social networks impose a limit on the number of free additions to friends or invitations to a group.

How to recruit members to a group on social networks?

5. Passive income on YouTube.

You can make money on YouTube by earning money for views, by selling ads on your channel, or by posting referral links.

The first way to fill the channel with content is to shoot videos yourself. For this you don't need professional equipment. You can make high-quality video using a regular smartphone.

The video recording method depends on your subject. You can simply record your screen. At the same time, you can shoot your face on the webcam and display it in the corner of the video.

Also, you can make your own video in the form of a presentation. Record the voice separately and overlay it on your slides using a standard presentation program or video editor.

6. Internet business.

Another way to passively earn money on the Internet is to create and automate a business. The Internet makes it easy to automate business processes, which makes it easier to earn passive income.

Of course, at the first stage, you will have to actively participate in the promotion and creation of your online business. But gradually, you will be able to devote less and less time to it, while receiving a stable income.

What types of Internet business exist?

  • Online store.

In order to create an online store, you do not have to rent a warehouse and fill it with goods. You can use dropshipping and sell products that are in stock at another online store.

To do this, you need to create an online store. After that, agree with another online store that you will regularly buy goods from them and agree on a discount for the fact that you will buy constantly.

After that, fill your site with goods that are placed in the partner online store. Set about the same prices and start attracting visitors.

To attract visitors, you can use SEO optimization, contextual advertising, social networks, etc. After a client orders a product from you, you buy it in a partner online store and resell it to the client, earning a discount.

You can organize the delivery yourself or arrange for a partner online store to send the package on your behalf.

  • Services.

You can choose any service, even if you don't know anything. You can design legal services, repair, etc.

To do this, you need to create a selling website or a group or account on social networks. After that, find a specialist in the field in which you decide to create a business. You can hire him for a salary, as an employee, or take him as a partner.

After that, you will split up: you will be engaged in the promotion of the site or group and generate a flow of customers. The specialist will do the work, providing services to clients.

If you cannot find such a specialist, you can come or call any company and offer to involve them additional clients getting rewarded for it.

  • Service.

To do this, you need to be an expert in the field in which you plan to build such a business. It can be access to a closed database or a useful service that solves a user problem.

  • Infobusiness.

Selling information via the Internet is one of the most profitable types of earnings. The fact is that the monetary costs of creating information products are minimal, and they can be sold an infinite number of times.

The most common type of information products are training courses. In our information overloaded time, it is becoming increasingly difficult to sell information. But with the right approach, this type of income is still very profitable.

7. Newsletter.

Many businessmen note that e-mail mailing is the most effective and profitable way to make money on the Internet. But this is not about spam, but about the case when users voluntarily leave their email address.

You can collect a subscriber base using the subscription form on the site, advertising the capture page using paid advertising methods, changing the e-mail to some useful information etc. And mailing is carried out using special services, such as,,,

In order for subscribers to willingly read your newsletter and not unsubscribe from it, you need to send them useful information in 70-90% of your letters. And only 10-30% need to send letters with advertising or a call to buy.

The content of the article:

What is passive income

According to Wikipedia, passive income is earnings that do not depend on daily activities. But this is not a complete definition.

Passive income is the income you receive even when you are not working. The simplest example is renting out an apartment. You can work at your main job, but receive passive income from your property.

However, there are a lot of types and sources for obtaining passive income, and their essence is to create passive income from scratch.

You need to understand that in order to receive a constant income and do nothing, at first you will have to work hard.

But 6-18 months of work can provide you with stable profits for many years to come, even when you are no longer working.

The difference between passive and active income

The principle of active work: did the job - got paid. He wanted more money - he did another job. For example the driver UBER, he gets money as long as he takes people. If he stops driving, he will stop earning.

The principle of passive income: created a source of income once - you get a profit on an ongoing basis.

Passive income is the dream of any normal person.

There are so many ideas for generating passive income that we will break them down by type and try to understand how much profit each option can bring.

Sources of passive income

What can bring us profit? An asset that we will create or buy. Most sources of passive income require some investment, and absolutely all assets require some initial effort.

Let's start with options for creating passive income from scratch, without investment.

Passive income without investments. Creation of intellectual property

There are a great many ways to get passive income here, and each of the options will be of interest to a certain circle of people.

1. Book, text material

Once you write a book, you can sell it for years. It is not necessary to write novels or detective stories, educational books are also in great demand.

There are many services for aspiring writers, such as writing a book online. You will receive instant feedback, and if your idea is successful, a publishing contract will be signed with you immediately.

An e-book can bring $100-200 per month, but the greater the interest, the greater the profits.

Do you think no one does it? Mike Piper wrote a book Investments in plain language” and started selling it on . The interest was so high that he went on and wrote a whole series of books. Now they bring him six figures.

2. Sale of author's photos

Special services called microstocks allow you to buy and sell unique photos and images ( created in graphic editors like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator…).

If you like taking photos, editing images, creating interesting pictures in Photoshop, you can earn decent money just by selling your images.

The bottom line is that you put up for sale your photos, but the buyer does not redeem it, but simply buys the opportunity to download it in highest quality. Thus, one photo can be sold an infinite number of times.

  • The buyers are magazines, blogs, advertising agencies, designers and other businesses that need images.

We will give an example of one of our familiar designers. Six years ago he drew icons, pictograms and other web elements. He did this for 3 months. All of his work is up for sale on Shutterstock. In the first months, he got into the tops and earned about $1000 per month.

For next years his earnings fell steadily, but Last year (sixth) his profit is stable at the level $100 per month. This is despite the fact that for 6 years he has not added new images for sale. Since it is Shutterstock's policy not to reveal the designer's earnings, we will not reveal the identity of the creator.

The most famous and profitable microstocks in the world:

  1. Shutterstock (This is the leader among microstocks in the world, everyone is here)
  2. Fotolia (All Russia and the CIS are here, the microstock belongs to Adobe)
  3. DepositPhotos (The largest microstock with good sales)

Videos on Youtube

This type of passive income on the Internet brings a lot of money: for example, a Youtube channel Mister Max who makes videos about children earns his owner 2-7 thousand dollars a day.

To create passive income from video clips, you need to create a series of useful and always actual videos. It can be instructions like “How to make…”, “How to cook…” that people will find and look through in the long run.

You can connect Google contextual advertising to each video, plus YouTube itself will pay you for every 1000 views.

3. Online courses and master classes

If you know something that others do not know, then you can start a series of training courses. The format of the master class can be different: a video, an audiobook, instructions on the site, an offline school. It is important that your students are satisfied with the quality of the material and receive new knowledge.

On video lessons, you can earn 20-50 or more dollars daily. For example, courses on playing the guitar and other musical instruments, drawing lessons, foreign languages other. More highly specialized knowledge can be sold more expensively. For example, trading rates on the NYSE can cost from $500 .

4. Music

On texts, photos and videos, creativity that brings passive income is not limited.

Music is an interesting direction, which is also not suitable for every user. To create music tracks, it is enough to learn how to work with programs like Fruity Loop or Adobe Audition, Steinberg Cubase and etc.

All presentations, sales, videos… are accompanied by background music. These are the first buyers of your tracks, without them they simply cannot.

Just as microstocks sell images, they also sell audio. The most famous audiostock is AudioJungle.

Internet products

5. Site creation

Anyone can create their own website. Little money to spend on Domain name (in the - from 150 rubles. in year) and a hosting that will display your site on the Internet ( from 900 rub. in year).

The biggest challenge is finding interesting information that will really grab readers. It is not necessary to maintain a blog or a live journal, some resources are gaining popularity thanks to convenient tools: compound interest calculators, parsing currency quotes, a free SMS widget, an online translator and much more.

The average monthly earnings on the site varies from $50 to $1000, depending on the number of visitors, resource popularity, citation index, etc. It will take from 6 months to 3 years to promote the site.

Let's take a closer look at how you can make money on your own website.

6. Contextual advertising and banners

On almost all sites you can find ad units from Google and Yandex. Each click on them brings the site owner from 20 cents to several dollars. The more visitors you have, the more clicks on your ads.

If you add 1000 useful articles to the site and stop visiting it, you will continue to earn for many years to come, since your site will remain on the Internet and will work around the clock.

7. Perpetual Links

Many companies and just other sites order the purchase of links on other sites so that search engines see that many people are talking about their site, thereby increasing their ranking in search results. Customers buy paid reviews, praise articles, or just posting a link anywhere.

Selling space on the site for such reviews can bring the owner 100-300$ per month. However, for this, your site must have a lot of visitors and good search engine rankings. This way of earning is suitable for a site that is more than a year or two old, however, it will be an additional source of income that does not require special efforts from you.

8. SMM and social networks

Another way to make money available to everyone: maintaining a group in social networks. networks. To create your own public, just register on the site and go through a simple procedure.

This is where content comes first. Finding interesting unique information is difficult: be prepared for brazen theft of your content. But if you attract 100 thousand subscribers, then the monthly earnings will be in the thousands of dollars.

At in large numbers subscribers, advertisers themselves will find you daily. For example, well-known bloggers have an advertising post on Instagram worth from 500 000 rubles. Even if you have about 30 thousand subscribers, you can already sell ads through special services.

Where to invest for passive income

9. Renting out property

Everything seems simple here: we buy a house or an apartment, put it on Airbnb or Booking, rent and make a profit.

Such passive income from each premises can bring 5000-30000 rubles per month and cover utility bills.

More profitable ways to generate passive income from real estate are renting out garages and commercial real estate. A garage costs 5-6 times cheaper than an apartment, while the cost of rent is only 2-3 times lower.

That is, instead of one apartment, it is more profitable to rent 5 garages.

But the apartment is different. If you have a whole package of services - linen, cleaning, internet, TV, beautiful view, food, parking and so on, the cost here will be different. A lot of people own several properties like this, hire 1-2 people to maintain them, and get a decent passive income.

10. Leasing equipment, car, other asset

By analogy with real estate, here are possible different variants earnings. If you have unused property that can be rented out, consider making a profit from it. After all, when a thing lies dead weight - it is a liability, if you receive income from its existence, it turns into an asset.

  • It could be a jet ski PlayStation or xbox, car or other equipment.

Thus, by investing in items that can be rented, you can recoup and then receive a net passive income.

11. Trust management

Trust management in financial markets is one of the most profitable types of passive income. can bring on average from 60 to 120% per annum in passive mode.

Many brokers offer trust management in the form of investment funds, PAMM accounts, copying transactions of managers.

12. Indices and ETFs

If you look at the charts of stock indexes, you will see that their returns are not great, but they always are. - these are shares of companies that buy shares from a basket of stock indices and their value dynamics is fully correlated with stock indices. When you buy one share of an ETF fund, you buy the entire basket of the index.

At the moment, ETF funds are very popular in the US and Europe, because these are portfolio investments that are highly protected from all kinds of risks.

In addition, there are industry ETFs, balanced and uncommon, such as Whiskey ETF, where stocks of whiskey producers are in the basket.

13. Building a Passive Income Business

This is a promising way to earn money, because it allows you to fully control investments. We don't mean active business where you have to work. You can organize or buy a company with an established work structure, with a director and his deputies.

If you turn to the Internet, then there are even more examples. You can hire developers and create some kind of automatic service, program or service, which will then bring you a stable passive income.

Now such types are services for checking the uniqueness of texts, analyzing sites, collecting data, creating presentations, logos, etc.

Other types of passive income

14. Benefits and government programs

Consult with a lawyer: you may be eligible to participate in state program support. A nationwide youth housing loan project could make it easier to buy an apartment. And the maternity capital and the family support program will help in the maintenance of children.

Find out if you are entitled to a benefit from the state, you just need to apply for it?

15. Create passive income from your main job

Many people do not notice the advantages in their work, they get used to it and it seems to them that no one appreciates it.

A striking comparison is the artists. Here they will draw a cat and everyone will say - wow, how beautiful ... but the artist believes that there is nothing special, everyone can do it.

Perhaps your job can provide a lot of people with some kind of bonus, as if along the way to your main job. Perhaps it will be additional services or knowledge that would be useful to people.

If you work in the tax office, then your outside advice would be useful to many. If you are a chef, then many people would benefit from your advice on recipes that you can sell - write a column on the site, publish a book or blog ... And so on.

Make money doing what you would do anyway. For example, if you like to play games, then you can also earn money on this. In addition to tournaments, there are many games where they sell characters, items ... that you can earn in the game, and sell it for real money.

As you can see, there are many ways to earn extra money. But they are always associated with the use of existing resources or the creation of a new product.. Before you organize a new source of passive income, ask yourself a couple of questions:

  1. What is your soul for? Do you like taking pictures, writing, making videos? Perhaps you have a craving for the financial sector, for mathematical calculations? Are you an enterprising person? The answers to these questions will determine the area in which you should develop.
  2. Do you have capital to invest? Free resources will greatly facilitate the search for sources of passive income.

The choice of a source of passive income ultimately depends only on you, do not shift this responsibility to others. By all known ways, you can come up with something of your own, and this will be an even better option.

And finally, a couple of tips:

  • Diversify your sources of income. Try to create as much as possible more assets that will bring you profit. So you protect yourself from crises and force majeure.
  • And shield best options passive income, don't stop there. If you have found a stable, highly profitable instrument, transfer part of the funds from a bank deposit to this source. Thus, you will increase the profitability and efficiency of the entire portfolio of assets.
  • Improve your financial literacy. Learn more about investment programs, working conditions of companies, don't be afraid to discover new sources, experiment with creating investment options.
  • Don't spray. It is better to devote all your time to one source until you finish the job. Working on multiple projects is not prohibited, but it can affect the quality of each product individually.


Passive income is the key to a good life. We have listed a dozen ways to create your own source of extra income, but the list goes on and on.

The fact that you have thought about the need for passive income already elevates you above most of the people around you. There are many methods available to each of us to improve our financial condition, but they need to be worked on. We wish you good luck in organizing sources of passive income and achieving financial independence.

Many have always dreamed of having a passive income on the Internet without investments with the withdrawal of money. Today, thanks to a global network, there are many more opportunities to realize such a dream. The main thing is not to rely on free money. To get passive income without investments with daily payments, you must meet the following requirements:

  • the presence of primary investments, that is, start-up capital;
  • continuous self-education and study of trends in the chosen field;
  • independent work at the first stages of investment.

How to have passive income and where to start?

Passive income on a computer is a constant profit on "autopilot" without your participation and active actions. In the classical sense, "liability" is income from existing bank deposits, shares and investments.

I note that making money on the Internet is very controversial. Many who are burned on a similar topic argue that it is impossible to receive passive income on the Internet. But most of them simply fell for advertising companies that promise foreign interest dividends without serious investment. This is usually done by scammers who lure a certain amount of money into intoxicated customers. In fact, without serious investments in proven industries and a commercial streak, it is almost impossible to get a "passive". How to organize passive income?

Watch the passive income video from millionaire Robert Kiyosaki:

What are the types of passive income?

Today we can distinguish the following ways of passive income on the Internet:

  • Invest a large amount of money in your chosen business area and earn income through automation, making money with someone else's hands.
  • Creating passive income from scratch on your own without large investments, but this method requires a lot of effort. At the same time, few are able to give everything to the fullest and stop working until the first profit is received.

What are the options for passive income? How to invest money wisely? Types of passive income in Russia on the Internet will delight you with their diversity. I will talk about the most popular and proven methods.

Passive income ranking top 10

Let's take a look at the top 10 ready-made examples passive income, from which you can identify the most promising options for yourself.

Create a blog

This type of income does not require large financial investment but requires an investment of free time. At the same time, creating a blog is not possible without creative resourcefulness. In order not to invest in your own website, you can start a blog on third-party specialized resources. Earnings in this case, you will receive from advertising posted blog. If you have a sufficient amount of free time, then you can purchase a ready-made blog that brings stable profit. To do this, there are special resources on which sellers post their blogs.

You can also purchase a ready-made online store, with automated work. Very often, such stores act as intermediaries between the seller and the buyer. Therefore, there is no need to pre-purchase the goods.

YouTube channel

Video blogging on YouTube is a new type of passive income that is gaining more and more popularity. You can earn income from official advertising from Google, affiliate programs, cooperation with famous brands, media networks.

Earnings on subscribers in social networks

When promoting a public on Vkontakte, Instagram, Odnoklassniki and collecting a large number subscribers, they can be easily monetized through advertising, CPA networks, affiliate programs.

Earning income from intellectual property

This type of income also requires a large investment of money or time. If you are a creative person with free time, you can try to create an intellectual product yourself.

If you have sufficient capital, you can purchase copyrights for intellectual property. Then, by advertising it, we receive passive income from its use by third parties.

Where to invest money for passive income?

Examples of investment portfolios

There are many investment opportunities online. Many of them are fraudulent. Therefore, the choice of investment object must be taken seriously. You can invest in stocks, government bonds or cryptocurrencies. Investments in cryptocurrency are the most promising for experienced investors. If you don't have time to study current trends, you can invest in a trusted trader who will take your assets into circulation.

Internet business

On the website, you can buy a ready-made Internet business with passive income from 1000 rubles. up to 2 million rubles.

There are a lot of options for business projects on the Internet. At the same time, such a business does not always require the intervention of an investor, modern algorithms for automating Internet business allow you to receive passive income by hiring managers. Creating a business from scratch is risky, but you have a great opportunity to buy a finished project on the site exchange. Here you can find online magazines, online stores, blogs that already bring a steady income.

Startup projects

Investing in startups is a great opportunity to support young geniuses and share the income from their creative business ideas with them. Despite the existing share of risk, if successful, the investor will be able to recoup his investment with interest and receive a stable passive income without putting any effort into it. You can find passive income investment projects on the startup exchanges Here you can filter proposals by the size of investments, the payback period of investments and the conditions for paying out profits, and get acquainted with the proposed business plan.

Partnership programs

The essence of the affiliate program is to attract customers to advertisers. This happens with the help of a referral link, which can be placed on your website, blog or on third-party resources using advertising.

mutual funds

Mutual funds are a promising and highly liquid tool for obtaining liabilities for those who have their own savings. Mutual funds allow you to receive income from 10 to 50% per annum and enter the stock market without having much experience in trading. When you buy a share, you entrust your savings to competent portfolio managers who, with the help of their knowledge, multiply the capital entrusted to them.

Internet traffic trading

Selling traffic is a great way to make money without much effort. The essence of this income is that you buy cheap traffic and resell it at a higher price on the exchange or redirect it to selling pages, partnership programs, CPA networks, getting paid for clicks, registrations, sales. You can get cheap traffic using SEO, teaser networks, context, targeted advertising in social networks.
