Major domain registrars. Reviews and ratings of the best domain name registrars

Domain registrar - which one is better to choose? Before dealing with such a burning issue, you need to think about which zone is best to register your own domain in which zone? As you know, a fairly large number of them exist today - we will deal with the most common and popular.

RF zone

The advantages are obvious - you can register a Cyrillic domain, which is focused exclusively on a Russian-speaking user. Domestic search engines are very fond of this kind of domains, providing them with some kind of benefits and advantages. But are there any disadvantages?

Yes, Russian domain registrars that provide Russian names can make it very, very difficult to demonstrate a resource to foreign partners. Not always these same domains will be familiar to all those who work on the Internet. The site, if it is designed for an audience of America or Europe, is almost impossible to promote.

Zone RU

The most famous domains work in this zone. With it, perhaps, every domestic resident is familiar. This is the best option for those who create websites for a Russian user. Excellent indexing not only by domestic, but also by foreign PS.

Of course, foreign domain registrars rarely provide an opportunity to register this kind of domain. It is also not recommended to register a Russian and a foreign version of the same site at the same time. It's best for a European or American visitor to register a different domain so you don't mislead them.

But which domain registrar should you choose? Maybe it's time to pay attention to the SU zone?

SU zone

A perfect domain for anyone who wants to make their own website memorable - also for specific advertising campaigns, as well as thematic resources. The most interesting thing is that this zone was allocated by the world community to Soviet Russia. The field of activity for specialists is simply huge. Russian domain registrars sell names from this zone for more than from the usual RU zone.

Of course, today there is no end to talk about the fact that two zones allocated for Russia at once are a lot and SU needs to be abolished in the near future. To the horror of webmasters, this may well turn out to be true - after all, the RF zone has recently appeared on the network.

COM zone

If you are targeting foreign clients, there is nothing better than the COM zone. Direct association with online stores, as well as with commercial sites. It is she who is best suited to promote the site in foreign search engines. Many overseas domain registrars provide special zone discounts.

However, there is no good without bad (to paraphrase a well-known saying). Often unscrupulous buyers use this zone to register sites - which, in fact, are informational garbage. It is strongly not recommended to create a resource in such a zone when it comes to creating a powerful and profitable site.

ORG Zone

A domain registered in such a zone makes it clear to each visitor that he has landed on the site of a company, holding, firm or corporation. The main disadvantage is the initial focus of ORG on the Western user. Moreover, domestic PSs are not very fond of such zones and there may be difficulties in promoting sites.

So, which domain registrar to choose is a purely personal matter. It is necessary to pay attention, first of all, to the price and to the prestige of the company.

Highly Recommended don't buy too cheap hosting! As a rule, there are a lot of problems with it: the server sometimes does not work, the equipment is old, support takes a long time to respond or cannot solve the problem, the hoster's website is buggy, errors in registration, payment, etc.

We have also collected rates from thousands of hosters so that you can choose hosting at a specific price.

Cloud hosting- distribution of load on several servers, if the server with your site is overloaded or does not work. This ensures that users will be able to see your site anyway. But this is an expensive, more complex option that not all providers provide.

Shared hosting- suitable for most entry-level projects with attendance up to 1000 people per day. In such hosting, the server power is divided between several hosting accounts. The service is easy to set up even for beginners.

VPS- suitable for more complex projects with a sufficiently large load and attendance of up to 10,000 people per day. Here, the server capacity is fixed for each virtual server, while the complexity of the setup increases.

Dedicated server- needed for very complex and resource-intensive projects. A separate server is allocated for you, the power of which will be used only by you. Expensive and difficult to set up.

Accommodation and maintaining your own server in the hosting data center is not a very popular service and is required in exceptional cases.

CMS is a website content management system. Hosters try to make a separate tariff for each of them or simplify the installation. But in general, these are more marketing moves, because. Most popular CMS do not have special hosting requirements, and those that do are supported on most servers.

Test period- provided by the hoster for free for 7-30 days, so that you can verify its quality.

money back- the period during which the hoster undertakes to return the money if you do not like the hosting.

Bulletproof hosting- companies that allow you to post almost any content, even prohibited (spam, warez, doorways, pornographic materials). These companies do not remove your website content on the first complaint (“abuse”).

Unlimited hosting- hosting that has no limits on the number of sites, databases and mailboxes, traffic, disk space, etc. Usually this is more of a marketing gimmick, but you can find something interesting for yourself.

Secure Hosting- one where the administration constantly updates the software installed on the servers, installs basic protection against DDoS attacks, antivirus and firewalls, blocks hacked sites and helps to "cure" them.

DDOS Protection- companies that provide hosting with DDoS protection. Such packages are significantly more expensive than usual, but they are worth the money, as your site will be protected from all types of network attacks.

Hello friends! Today I want to talk about domain name registrars, which are so similar and yet so different. It seems that it could be easier to choose a registrar and register a domain? But in practice, we often face many pitfalls. Registrars are different, accredited, resellers, time-tested or dubious, as well as with transparent prices or surprises at the wrong time.

What is a domain

Domain - This is the unique name of your site on the Internet, the name by which your site is referred to. It looks like this:, website or In turn, the domain name consists of parts, in our case it is " example» + separating point + « com". Parts are numbered from the end, i.e. " com" is the first part of the domain name (which is also called the domain zone), " example» is the second part of the domain name. A domain can consist of two, three or more parts, for example:,, Depending on the number of components, domains are called differently: second-level domain, third-level domain, fourth-level domain. For example, these domains will be called third-level domains:,

As mentioned above, a domain has a so-called domain zone (the first part from the end in the domain name), for example: .com, .info, .org, .ru, .su, .rf etc. Domain zones differ in types: regional and international. International domains, in turn, carry meaning in the name, for example, a domain zone .com intended for commercial organizations, and .info for information portals, but this does not mean that you cannot use the domain zone .com for information portals and vice versa. Below is a list of regional and international domain zones:


  • .ru - Russia;
  • .su - Post-Soviet space;
  • .by - Belarus;
  • .ua - Ukraine;
  • .de - Germany.

As a rule, a domain is registered for a period of one to two years, then an extension is required.


  • .com - for commercial organizations;
  • .biz - for business companies;
  • .info - for information portals;
  • .gov - for government organizations;
  • .net - for companies providing Internet services.

The domain is registered for up to 10 years, then renewal is required.

How to register a domain

Choosing a name and registering a domain is quite simple, for this you need to go to the website of one of the registrars, choose a suitable name, check it to make sure it is not busy, then go directly to the registration itself. The registration process consists in filling out a domain owner questionnaire with your passport data, as well as specifying DNS servers for delegating a domain to hosting. After registration, your site will become available at a new address, domain name within 24 hours, as long as the process of domain delegation lasts.

Important! Always register a domain with your real passport data. In the event of a sale or transfer of a domain to another administrator, as well as in some other cases, you may be required to identify your identity. And if the data for whom the domain is registered does not match yours, you will be denied these procedures.

What is a DNS server - you can read more.

What is the difference between domain name registrars

And so back to the registrars, how do they differ and what you should pay attention to when choosing.

ICANN accreditation

Is the registrar accredited by ICANN or is the registrar partnering with an accredited registrar and performing all domain transactions through it?

If the registrar is accredited, this means that all operations with the domain from registration to changing contact details are carried out by the registrar directly (at your request). Which, in turn, allows the registrar to perform operations with the domain faster and better, allows you to register a domain for customer data and issue them all the necessary documents for it. As a rule, the presence of accreditation indicates that the company is large enough and can be trusted, such a registrar has its own customer support staff, which is also important. All issues are usually resolved quickly, by competent specialists. But you have to pay for everything, and as a rule, the cost of registering a domain with an accredited registrar is more expensive than with a partner, reseller (not an accredited registrar).


Reseller - This is an intermediary between the client and the domain name registrar. Often, the reseller has better domain registration conditions than the registrar itself. For example, a reseller can provide its own customer support service, which works better, can provide a number of additional services and services, including free ones. Often the reseller's prices are lower than those of the registrar itself - this is achieved due to the fact that the reseller buys domains from the registrar in whole batches, due to which he receives a solid discount. The disadvantages of registering a domain with a reseller are poor customer support (not always), the inability to get some documents for your domain (usually we solve the issue by request), registering a domain not on your data (in some cases), but on the data of yourself reseller (and if he turns out to be dishonest, there may be problems with proving the rights to the domain). Therefore, when registering a domain through a reseller, you should choose a trustworthy, large and time-tested company. You should avoid young companies for which domain registration is not their main activity, for example, a hosting company with cheap rates that has existed for a couple of months.

Accompanying services

Many registrars provide a number of additional services, which is also important when registering a domain. These services may include: hosting, server rental, provision of an SSL certificate, domain parking, domain DNS records management, sale of scripts and CMS, website builders, mail, and more. When choosing a registrar, you should pay attention to additional services, perhaps some of them will seem attractive and necessary to you, will save money, or, on the contrary, will be completely useless for you.

Case from practice. My client registered a domain with a registrar who offered him free scripts to install on his website. He chose the registrar precisely because of this offer. But when it came time to renew the domain, it turned out that the cost of renewal was 7 times more than the cost of registration. At the same time, he did not use the scripts, moreover, all these scripts are distributed by the developers themselves and, if desired, they can be obtained completely free of charge.

Account security

The domain name of a site is, to some extent, a site. What I mean? The content that we place on the site is indexed by search engines and assigned to the site domain, visitors remember and go to the site by specifying the domain name, advertising and marketing - all this also comes down to the domain name. All ratings, statistics, site ranking indicators, positions in search results, placed ads, income - everything is tied to the domain. There is no website without a domain name. If you change the domain name and do not redirect (redirect) from the old name to the new one, you can assume that the old site is lost and a new site is created from scratch, there are no visitors, no search index, nothing ... The domain name is the most valuable asset of your site and having lost it, we can assume that the site is lost (in one way or another). Therefore, it is extremely important that the registrar that services your domain name has a reliable mechanism for ensuring the security of access to your account and ongoing manipulations with the domain, namely: notifications of actions in your personal account by email and SMS, requesting an additional pin code or password( two-factor authentication), access restriction by IP address, etc. The account must be reliably protected from penetration into it by third parties, because. in the case of transferring the domain to another user, there may no longer be a chance to return it (in most cases, almost always).

A case from one's life. Dmitry registered a domain with a well-known registrar, then worked long and hard to develop the site, the site began to bring good income. But at one point, Dmitry received a notification that the domain had been successfully transferred to another user. Without any agreement from Dmitry, it was simply transferred and that's it. As it turned out later, the attacker hacked Dmitry's email and was able to access his personal registrar account, after which he simply transferred the domain to his account. Then the attacker demanded a ransom of 700 thousand rubles, but Dmitry was not a badass, asked for help in support of the registrar, wrote an article on Habr, wrote a statement to the police, etc. History is silent (although there may already be news) whether Dmitry managed to return the domain. But the fact that a domain can be stolen from you just like that makes you think. .

Price and cost of renewal

One of the most significant factors influencing the choice of a domain name registrar. If everything is simple and clear with the price, then with the cost of renewal, not everything is as smooth as we would like. Namely, often registrars do not indicate the cost of domain renewal, luring the client with a low price for registration. For example, a registrar may list a tempting price for domain registration on the main page of their site, but when the renewal period comes up, they will roll you out a bill 5-8 times higher. Not very pleasant, agree? Therefore, when choosing a registrar, find out the cost of renewal, if it is not indicated on the site, ask support.

Overview and comparison of domain registrars

Operates since 2008, time-tested domain name registrar in the zone .ru and .rf and dozens more , is a reseller of the REG.RU registrar. From pleasant it is the low cost of domain registration and a lot of additional services, the disadvantages include the higher cost of domain renewal. Support works well.

Registrar type - Reseller;

The cost of registration in the zone .ru - 149 rubles;

Cost of renewal in the zone .ru - 549 rubles;

Additional services and services - Hosting, VPS / VDS servers, dedicated servers, mail, SSL certificates;

It has been operating since 2004 and is an accredited domain name registrar in several hundred domain zones. Average cost in the domain registration and renewal market. Of the additional services, only an SSL certificate. Support works well.

The cost of registration in the zone .ru - 590 rubles;

Cost of renewal in the zone .ru - 699 rubles;

Additional services and services — SSL certificates;

Nic-handle: REGGI-RU

It has been operating since 2005 and is an accredited domain name registrar in several hundred domain zones. It is one of the largest registrars in Russia. High level of reliability. Provides many additional services and services. The disadvantages include the high cost of domain renewal. Support works at a high level.

Type of registrar - Accredited registrar;

The cost of registration in the zone .ru - 189 rubles;

Cost of renewal in the zone .ru - 890 rubles;

Additional services and services - Hosting, VPS / VDS servers, dedicated servers, mail, SSL certificates, cloud services, CMS and CRM scripts, website builder;

Account security - Notifications, code word, IP range for entering the personal account;

Nic-handle: REGRU-RU

It has been operating since 1997 and is one of the oldest and most reliable domain name registrars in several hundred domain zones. It is one of the largest registrars in Russia. High level of reliability. Provides many additional services and services. The disadvantages include the high cost of domain renewal. Support works at a high level.

Type of registrar - Accredited registrar;

The cost of registration in the zone .ru - 189 rubles;

Cost of renewal in the zone .ru - 790 rubles;

Additional services and services - Hosting, VPS / VDS servers, dedicated servers, mail, SSL certificates, cloud services, CMS and CRM scripts, website builder, website monitoring, SEO promotion;

Account security - Notifications, a written application for actions with domains;

Nic-handle: RU-CENTER-RU

It has been operating since 2002 and is an accredited domain name registrar in several hundred domain zones. Average cost in the domain registration and renewal market. There are no additional services. Support works well.

Type of registrar - Accredited registrar;

The cost of registration in the zone .ru - 595 rubles;

Cost of renewal in the zone .ru - 413 rubles;

Nic-handle: RD-RU

It has been operating since 2005 and is an accredited domain name registrar in several dozen domain zones. Average cost in the domain registration and renewal market. Additional services, only hosting. Support works well.

Type of registrar - Accredited registrar;

The cost of registration in the zone .ru - 160 rubles;

Cost of renewal in the zone .ru - 680 rubles;

Additional services and services - Hosting, CMS and CRM scripts;

Account security - SMS notifications;

Nic-handle: NAUNET-RU

It has been operating since 1999 and is an accredited domain name registrar in several dozen domain zones. Low cost of registration and renewal, which makes this registrar one of the most attractive on the market. Additional services - hosting, server rental, SSL certificates, scripts. Support works great.

Type of registrar - Accredited registrar;

The cost of registration in the zone .ru - 190 rubles;

Cost of renewal in the zone .ru - 269 rubles;

Additional services and services - Hosting, server rental, SSL certificates, scripts;

Account security - Notifications, IP restriction;

Nic-handle: BEGET-RU

It has been operating since 2006, is an accredited domain name registrar and registers only two zones: .ru and .rf. Does not provide additional services. Support works well.

Type of registrar - Accredited registrar;

The cost of registration in the zone .ru - 490 rubles;

Cost of renewal in the zone .ru - 490 rubles;

Additional services and services - No;

Account security - No additional protection;

Nic-handle: DOMAINER-EN

It has been operating since 2001, is an accredited domain name registrar, provides an opportunity to register a domain in several hundred domain zones. Many additional services such as hosting, mail, domain auction, SSL certificates. Support works well.

Type of registrar - Accredited registrar;

The cost of registration in the zone .ru - 590 rubles;

Cost of renewal in the zone .ru - 850 rubles;

Additional services and services - Hosting, dedicated servers, mail, domain auction, SSL certificates;

Account Security - Notifications;

Nic-handle: WEBNAMES-EN

It has been operating since 2000, is an accredited domain name registrar, provides an opportunity to register a domain in several dozen domain zones. Of the additional services only hosting. Support works well.

Type of registrar - Accredited registrar;

The cost of registration in the zone .ru - 590 rubles;

Cost of renewal in the zone .ru - 690 rubles;

Additional services and services — Hosting;

Account Security - Notifications;

Nic-handle: R01-EN

Operates since 2005, is an accredited domain name registrar, provides an opportunity to register a domain in domain zones .ru, .su, .rf. There are no additional services. Support works well.

Type of registrar - Accredited registrar;

The cost of registration in the zone .ru - 600 rubles;

Cost of renewal in the zone .ru - 600 rubles;

Additional services and services - No;

Account Security - Notifications;

Nic-handle: SALENAMES-EN

It has been operating since 2007, is an accredited domain name registrar, provides an opportunity to register a domain in several hundred domain zones. From additional services hosting, SSL certificates. Support works well.

Type of registrar - Accredited registrar;

The cost of registration in the zone .ru - 450 rubles;

Cost of renewal in the zone .ru - 450 rubles;

Additional services and services - Hosting, SSL certificates;

Account Security - Notifications;

Nic handle: 101DOMAIN

It has been operating since 1999, it is an accredited domain name registrar and at the same time one of the largest in the world, it provides an opportunity to register a domain in several hundred domain zones. From additional services hosting, VDS, servers, free hosting, SSL certificates. The service is an American company, but it allows you to register domains in the .ru zone and has a Russian-language support service. Support works satisfactorily, although it is possible for US residents the quality of support is much better.

Type of registrar - Accredited registrar;

The cost of registration in the zone .ru - 449 rubles;

Cost of renewal in the zone .ru - 889 rubles;

Additional services and services - Hosting, VDS, servers, free hosting, SSL certificates

Account security - Notifications, PIN code, two-factor authentication;

pivot table

To compare all the presented domain registrars, we will compile a comparison table in which we will put down the cost of services, the assessment of security and additional services on a five-point scale.

2domains.com4 4 149 rub549 rub + 3 3 590 rub599 rub + 5 4 189 rub890 rub + 5 4 189 rub790 rub + 4 3 160 rub680 rub + 4 4 190 rub269 ​​rub + 2 2 490 rub490 rub + 4 3 590 rub850 rub + 3 3 590 rub690 rub + 2 3 600 rub600 rub + 4 3 450 rub450 rub + 4 4 160 rub680 rub 4 5 449 rub889 rub

How to find out where a domain is registered?

If you need to find out which registrar a particular domain was registered with, you can use the service, just go to the site and enter the desired domain name. After that, information on the domain will be displayed, we are interested in the field register or Nic-handle , it is in this field that the name of the registrar will be indicated. For example, for the site domain, the field value register looks like that: BEGET-EN, i.e. registrar.

How to transfer a domain to another registrar?

The process of transferring a domain from one registrar to another is quite simple, despite the fact that the procedure for different registrars may differ, the scheme is almost the same everywhere. To transfer a domain, you must submit an appropriate application through your personal account on the website of the current registrar. When submitting an application, the system may ask you for passport data and confirmation of the transfer of the domain. In some cases, a written application to transfer the domain to another registrar with a notarized signature may be required. You also need to add the domain in the personal account of the new registrar, through a special form "domain transfer". Basically, all registrars provide instructions describing how to proceed.

On August 30, 2016, a new regulation for changing the domain registrar in the .RU and .РФ zones came into force, which provides for the transfer of a domain using a special AuthInfo-code. Having received this code from the current registrar, you can specify it in a special form on the website of the new registrar and the domain will be automatically transferred to him for maintenance. AuthInfo-code is designed to simplify the process of transferring a domain, you can get it by email, SMS or at the registrar's office by making a request.


All registrars provide the same opportunities for domain registration, but the cost of their registration and renewal services varies significantly. Many registrars do not disclose the cost of renewal, luring customers with advertising with cheap prices for domain registration, hoping to make money on renewal. Registrars differ in the level of service and the provision of related services, but often this does not play any role, additional services, such as hosting, are best ordered elsewhere, from a company that specializes purely in this. Separately, the situation is with customer support, for a number of registrars it works slowly and does not always seek to delve into users' problems. The issue of ensuring the security of access to the user's account is very important, because if an attacker gets into it, there is a risk of losing the domain, unfortunately, not all registrars allow you to set up two-factor authentication and additional restrictions on access to the account.

Great, the first step has already been taken. Now we have to do the second one: choose a name for your brainchild and register a domain. What does this mean, where can it be done? I remember asking myself these questions when I was a beginner. Let's figure it out.

What is a domain name?

In short, "domain" or "domain name" is a symbolic record of the address of your site. And now a little more:

There are large first-level domains on the Internet: .com, .ru, .su, .org, etc. The name of your site, what you have to come up with, is a second-level domain, it is written to the left of the dot, for example, copyrayter in the name of the site.

The totality of all names included in the first-level domain is called the domain zone.. Don't get confused? Yes, the concept of "domain" is really not so simple. But let's dwell on the fact that calling the name of your site a domain is quite correct.

And I wrote more about the domain.

Where to register a domain

In the article "" I already talked about this. In order for the site to be available on the network by the name you invented, this name, or domain, must be registered, i.e. add it to the database. Domain registration is carried out by special organizations - domain registrars and their partners. Surely you are interested - the registrar of this blog -. I register my sites only here.

There are many services available on the Internet where you can register a domain, as well as use various services for creating and promoting websites. What services are usually offered to us?

  • verification and registration of a domain, transfer of an existing one;
  • website hosting;
  • registration of SSL-certificates;
  • Additional services

Let's very briefly go over these services - we will build on them when choosing the best registrar.


The site name must be unique, so you need to check if the name you choose is available. All registrar sites have implemented such a check: enter a name, and they show you whether it is busy or not.

If the domain is free, you can register it. The cost of domain registration on different services varies, sometimes quite significantly. Please note that registration must be renewed every year. The cost of renewal is also different.


Your website files must be physically located on some server; providing the service of hosting and maintaining your website on the company's servers is called hosting. Registrar companies usually provide a choice of several tariff plans, differing in the amount of disk space provided, the number of sites supported, and of course the price.

SSL Certificates

If you plan to host or receive data on your website that needs to be protected (for example, personal data of users), you need to obtain digital SSL certificates that provide reliable encryption of information. Probably, you saw in the address bar of some sites not http, but https or a green lock? If you haven't seen it, take a look at my blog post. This is just an indicator that the site provides data encryption. Registrar sites provide an opportunity to select and buy an SSL certificate.

Other services

Registrars compete with each other, respectively, trying to attract a client with various additional services. What services can be obtained?

  • , with which you can do site building yourself;
  • website promotion - will help you to occupy high lines in search engine results;
  • transfer of maintenance of an already registered domain to;
  • selection of domains, their “parking” (in case you do not plan to create a website on the purchased domain yet), redirection, autoconfiguration and other operations with domains.

Well, we know what we need to do, what services we can get. Let's have a little competition now. Let's review 11 registrar sites and choose the best of them.

We will pay attention to prices and tariffs, what services and in what volume you can get on them, and the usability, or “usability”, of sites.

The Russian domain name registrar was founded 10 years ago, is an accredited official domain name registrar. Serves more than 2 million domains, including this blog.

The first thing we see upon entering the site is the domain name selection form. Enter the word in Russian or English that you want to see in the site name, for example, the name of your company - and it will select the appropriate domain names in the 14 most popular domain zones and show whether they are free or not. Here you can immediately buy the name you like.


In total, you can register in 755 zones. Well, you are unlikely to need exotic zones in other countries, and domain prices in the most popular domain zones (.ru, .рф) start from 199 rubles. When buying a domain, 2 months of hosting as a gift and an SSL certificate are provided; when buying several domains, there is a discount system. Very favorable conditions, right?

Tariff plans for the provision of hosting services are divided into four groups:

  1. Unlimited - from 199 rubles. per month for one site, while providing unlimited disk space, the number of databases and traffic;
  2. Classic - from 99 rubles. per month (Host-Lite tariff - 5GB of disk space, 10 sites), up to 389 rubles. (Host-3 tariff - 10GB, 30 sites, 4 domain names as a gift);
  3. VIP - from 479 rubles. up to 1199 p. VIP-tariffs differ from the "Classic" ones in greater capacity of server disks, a large number of allocated resources and are suitable for highly loaded projects.
  4. Hosting specially optimized for the popular CMS system (environment for developing and maintaining the site, "engine") 1C-Bitrix - from 240 rubles. There are also tariffs for hosting optimized for other CMS, such as WordPress (from 149 rubles), Joomla (from 119 rubles) and others.

When buying hosting services from 3 months, a discount of up to 35% is provided.

The company offers SSL-certificates at a price of 1499 rubles. per year, with the purchase of most hosting plans, the certificate is provided free of charge.

On one of my sites, I put an ssl certificate for free just from Everything is clear, easy and simple.

As for additional services: there are many, and here are some of them:

  • Website builders, templates and ready-made solutions for various CMS, there is even a ready-made online store (not free, from 590 rubles per month).
  • Forwarding, parking, other actions with domains, a domain store - you can buy a name already registered by someone and put up for sale there (yes, you can make money on the Internet anyway).
  • Server rental - if you have a large project, you can rent an individual server for it in the data center. This pleasure is, of course, not cheap: from 6675 rubles. per month. You are unlikely to need this service in the near future, but you never know ...
  • Various services: promotion, site monitoring (a system that allows you to monitor the health and performance of the site), several security systems, cloud services (we won’t even go into details of what it is).

The design of the site is very attractive due to the presence of large blocks, the absence of "flickering" and the convenience of finding the necessary information. On such a site, even a beginner will simply figure out where to go and what to do. Usability is top notch.

– partner of Having entered this site, we immediately see a list of tariffs for domain registration. Enter your name in the box in the "header" of the site, and you will immediately see the result - whether the domain is free or not. Fast and convenient, right?


If the domain is free, you can immediately register it. The cost of registering one domain in the .ru or .rf zone is 99 rubles, which is a very good offer. The cost of renewing registration in the for the second year is 449 rubles. The more domains you register, the lower the price.

Hosting Services

2domains offers pricing plans:

  1. Unlimited (224 rubles for 1 site);
  2. Classic (124-799 rubles, depending on the provided disk space, the number of possible sites, etc.).

On you can pick up and buy an SSL certificate. Prices - from 2340 rubles.

Other services

The site offers many additional services, their list practically coincides with the list of services.

The design of the site is a little "variegated", but all the necessary information is quickly found: in the right side bar there is a convenient structured menu. In general, a very worthy official registrar.

The site has a very restrained design. With the help of the top menu, convenient navigation through the services of the service is organized, there are no distracting elements. All prices are in dollars.


The price for domain registration is from $ 1.49 (95 rubles) in the .ru zone (according to the promotion at the time of writing the review). Name verification can be done in the "Domains" menu by ticking the desired zones. When buying a domain, one month of hosting is offered as a gift.


Offers 4 tariff plans:

  1. Domain (50MB, 1 site) — $1 (64 rubles) per month;
  2. Initial (1000MB, 5 sites) – $2 (128 rubles);
  3. Advanced (4000MB, 10 sites) - $4 (256 rubles);
  4. Special (8000MB, unlimited sites) - $7 (449 rubles)

What other services does offer?

  • SSL certificates - from $15 (962 rubles) per year;
  • Dedicated servers - from $ 47 (3015 rubles) per year;
  • Server management software licenses;
  • Installing popular CMS on the site

Everything here is quite concise, the choice is small, which, in general, is an advantage for a beginner, and the prices are very attractive.

The Russian domain name registrar is one of the oldest registrars: the company was founded in 2000.


The cost of registration in the is 500 rubles. Too much compared to the companies already reviewed? However, offers for customers who have already bought or transferred a certain number of domains, or on whose account the turnover of funds has reached a certain amount, various profitable service plans, including domain registration from 100 rubles.


  1. Classic tariffs - from 139 rubles. per month (118 rubles when paid for the year) up to 410 rubles. (349 rubles)
  2. Special rates - for CMS. Also from 139 p.

SSL certificates from 1230 rubles, while there is an opportunity to test the certificate for a month for free.

Additional services

There are quite a few services:

  • Various operations with domains, including an auction - you can put your domain up for sale and buy the one you like;
  • Server rental;
  • Security systems;
  • Legal support

As for the usability of the site: not everything is safe. There is a drop-down menu that tends to close, navigating through it is not very convenient.

What to say in general? The tariff policy is clearly not designed for beginners.

Unlike previous registrars, it sells domains in only three zones.

Both registration and renewal of domains in the .ru and .rf zones cost 199 rubles, in the .su zone - 350 rubles.

There are several services for servers:

  • Administration
  • DNS server - special servers for converting a domain name into an address;
  • Backup;
  • New Generation Special IP Addresses

That, in general, is all that you can get on this site. Hosting and services for the site are not provided here. Server rental - apparently, it does not work either, when you go to this menu item, we see the inscription "Coming soon ..."

The site design is simple and clear, but is it worth registering here? Hardly, to be honest. After all, then you will have to link the domain name to the hosting where you will be served. It's easier to do everything in one place.

- registrar-hosting with a full range of functions.


You can register on in more than 200 domain zones. At the time of writing the review, an action was taking place - for the purchase of a domain in the .ru zone, the price was 189 rubles. The basic tariff for registration in the and.rf is 590 rubles, and the renewal is 890. Think ...

Hosting offers two tariff options:

  1. Standard solutions - from 149 rubles. per month, hosting for CMS - from 369 rubles;
  2. High-load projects - from 869 rubles. up to 2589 p.

SSL certificates are available. Price from 3600 r. in year.

Additional services

The Registrar provides many services:

  • Domain maintenance, operations with them, including the domain store;
  • Website builder, various CMS;
  • Support, monitoring, website promotion;
  • Special offers, service packages, promotions

The site is quite convenient to use, although the somewhat faded colors and not very thoughtful menu spoil the impression somewhat. In general - not bad.

The company registers domains in 422 zones. Does it not cheap: .ru and.rf - 590 rubles. No promotions found, only up to 40% discount for regular customers.

In addition to registration, on you can purchase an SSL certificate costing from 2450 rubles. for a year, and of course transfer the domain.

There is not much else to say about this service. The design is pleasant, navigation is simple and convenient. Everything.

The company is part of the group of companies and registers domains in the .ru, .rf and .su zones.


Tariffs for domains at are as follows:

  1. in the - 595 rubles. registration, 413 rubles. extension;
  2. .rf - 490 rubles. and 350 rubles;
  3. .su - 602 and 602 p.

For partners, which legal entities and individual entrepreneurs can become, prices start from 91 rubles. To receive such discounts, you need to register in an affiliate program and have a certain number of domains under management. Again, not for beginners...

The rest of the services are related to the maintenance of domains. Hosting site does not provide, however, this service can be obtained on the partner site

  • Hosting rates start at $200. for 1 site and unlimited disk space;
  • In addition, there is a "Designer" tariff, in which the user himself can choose a set of required parameters;
  • An SSL certificate can be obtained for 1523 rubles. in year,
  • There are server rental services, software rental, special package offers.
  • You can also register a domain in many zones there, registration in the .ru, .rf and .su zones is carried out through ru (as an accredited registrar) with the same prices.

Navigation on both sites is convenient, although the design of is too contrasting, but the information is found quickly enough. However, it makes no sense for a beginner to register on, given the prices and lack of hosting.

The next service is the registrar reseller.


Registration of domains in 18 zones, in the registration - 99 rubles, renewal - 175 rubles. Members of affiliate programs and wholesale buyers - additional discounts.

Services become visible only after user registration - a rather original solution. Without it, you can only read about the tariffs, and information about hosting is given at the end of the page where prices are shown.

After registration - entering all your data, including passport data - access to the control panel becomes available. Here you can buy domains and order hosting, the rates are as follows:

  1. Mini (3000MB, 6 sites): 195 rubles
  2. Maxi (7000MB, 12 sites): 395 rubles
  3. Ultra (12000MB, 24 sites): 595 rubles.

No other available services were found. Well, the prices at are very attractive, but the interface of interaction with the client is not very friendly, it is difficult to understand it.

We go to . Here is a familiar and convenient design. You can check the domain name right away.

The service offers registration in more than 3000 zones. Surely you did not even suspect that there are so many domain zones.

The cost of registration in the is 450 rubles.

Hosting offers an interesting solution - a single hosting without restrictions on disk space and the number of sites for 500 rubles. per month.

In addition, a website builder is provided at different rates - from free to 1000 rubles. per month.

SSL certificates - from 3385 rubles. in year.

Everything is clear with this registrar: it is suitable for those who need to register many domains in different domain zones.

Last on our list is the registrar.


On the main page it says "85 rubles. per domain”, however, this tariff is valid for service partners when transferring more than 100 domains. In fact, the cost of domains in the .ru and .rf zones is 590 rubles.


Hosting rates are as follows:

  1. Mini (3000MB, 6 sites): 210 rubles, when paying for 12 months. - 162.5 p.
  2. Maxi (7000MB, 12 sites): 330 rubles, if paid for 12 months. - 262.5 p.
  3. Ultra (12000MB, 24 sites): 510 rubles, if paid for 12 months. - 407.5 p.

Additional services:

  • Domain maintenance - parking, domain auction
  • Package services, affiliate program

The design of the site is rather average, but the navigation is quite simple and convenient. The homepage provides all the necessary information about domain and hosting prices, so you can immediately make a choice. The pricing policy is clearly not for beginners.

How to find out the domain name registrar of someone else's site

If there is a need to find out the registrar of some other site, then this is not difficult. Let's define my registrar. This can be found in many places, almost all site analysis services will tell you this. Let's go to the service xtool and we'll find out. If suddenly - I recommend registering - a very useful site. Enter a name and look at the indicators:

We go down and select the Whois tab. There is much more to learn here.

Choose, friends. If you don’t want to, like mine, then pay attention to the first three registrars. And most importantly - the choice of the name itself - see my tips from this video from my school:

Publishing your own website, especially if this is your first project, is a responsible and important event. Take care in advance and find out where to register a domain. Finding a FREE good domain is getting harder every day. And yet - how to choose a reliable registrar?

A well-chosen domain name plays a significant role in website promotion. It attracts visitors, helps to increase brand awareness. Some beautiful domains are valued at hundreds of dollars.We examined the meaning of the domain and its functions in detail in the article

In this article, we will look at:

How does a domain purchase work (general scheme)

What are the additional options from registrars

The best registrars with an indication of the features of each of them

Buying a domain name

A domain is registered for a period of one year, upon its expiration, the domain name must be renewed. An organization that has the right to register new names and renew existing ones is called domain registrar.
Domain registration is the same for all services that provide this opportunity, the differences are insignificant.

To do this, you need to take the following steps:

1. Register on the site providing the service.
After registration, you will get access to your personal account, it allows you to manage the purchased domain (renew it, etc.).

2. The second step is to select one of the domain zones available on the resource and check the domain for employment.
For this, each registrar has a special service.You need to enter the selected site name, as well as the zone in a special box, start the verification procedure. The search results window will show the availability of the domain.

3. The next step is to buy a domain.
The first time you decide to register a domain, you will be asked to fill in the data required to buy the domain (name, address, and passport details).
When renewing a domain or buying a new one, this is no longer required.

At the end of the procedure, you will be offered a list of additional services. These services are not mandatory, you need to decide which ones you need and which ones you simply refuse.

An extended set of services offered by the registrar may consist of the following items:
- Mail
- SSL certificate
- Hosting offer for your website
- An offer to use the constructor to create a website
- Ability to auto-renew a domain after a year

What services you need and what not - you decide.

An important issue is the reliability of the registrar

It is better to choose companies - accredited domain registrars, they have the right to make entries in the domain registry, you will be sure that the purchased domain is really registered for you.

The rest of the registrars are just partners and resellers (from the English reselling, lit. resale). It is a common phenomenon when such companies register a domain for themselves. In case of problems, you will not be able to prove the rights to your site.

TOP domain registrars

Official site: probably the best domain registrar among all known in Russia. The company deserves the right to be called the first.

More than 10 years of excellent work in this market is one of the main reasons for its popularity. The figure of more than 1.5 million customers speaks for itself. Serves more than 5 million domains.

One of several registrars in Russia accredited by internationalorganization ICANN, which gives them the right to make entries in the registry of names in international domain zones (com, net, org and info)

Favorably different from many:
- the service has a free DNS server
- allows the possibility of renewing a domain name for a period of more than one year
- registration is possible in more than 750 zones
- it is possible to buy a promoted domain in the store

official website:

The oldest domain registrar ru. The activity of the company began in 1997. Many consider to be a reliable domain name registrar.

It ranks second in popularity after Guarantees the convenience and comfort of users, and, if necessary, provides legal protection. has Russian and international accreditation. Serves more than 3 million domains, more than 750,000 customers use its services. There are representatives in all regions of Russia and 68 other countries.

- huge choice - more than 200 zones
- ease of maintenance and operations, the simplest search for domains
- Availability of a domain store
- hosting and website builder offered
- SSL certificates available

official website:

More than 200,000 clients use the services of one of the leaders in the market of domain registrars Having international and Russian accreditation, it offers domain registration in 350 zones, including registration of com, rf, su.

Serves 500,000 domains. has been supporting the idea of ​​Cyrillic addresses for over 10 years.

Additional features of

- server rental
- hosting
- flexible pricing policy
- simple installation of CMS with one click
- website builder
- easy tariff change

official website:

An excellent international domain name registrar accredited by ICANN offers a simply fantastic number of zones - 3000. On the site you can buy a suitable option with a minimum of procedures.

It is possible to order a domain name for up to 10 years. offers a full range of services for registration and support of domain names.

The range of services includes:

- service of protection against loss of a domain name after the expiration of the registration period
- domain transfer
- personal data protection services
- assistance in the buying process

official website:

Another Russian domain registrar. It has been operating in this market since 2005. has been accredited by the National Domain Coordination Center. Registers and supports the rf, ru and su zones.

Provides technical support 24 hours a day, seven days a week. offers an automatic renewal service. Provides high quality standards of services for a reasonable fee.

official website:, founded in 2005, focuses on domain name registration. More than 400 zones are available here. Domain name management system is one of the best in Russia.

It is a member of the largest community of domain registrars in Russia and Eastern Europe. is accredited by the Coordinating Center for RU and RF Domain Names, ICANN.

official website:

Official partner of the registrar Free DNS servers are offered, good prices for registering ru, rf and su domains. Using the control panel, it is possible to bind to any hosting.

When buying more than one domain, there is a flexible system of discounts. Registration on is extremely simple, it takes 3 steps.

The domain becomes available immediately after registration. The list of services provided by almost completely coincides with the list of

official website:

Reliable, time-tested company has been engaged in this activity since 2000. Collaborates with professionals who often register domains or work in this business. offers good conditions to partners. When purchasing a service package, a certain number of bonus transactions are credited to the client's bonus account.

Hosting is provided as one of the services. There is an auction of domains.


official website:

Another domain name registrar Nethouse is one of the ten most popular in Russia.

The activity of the resource is aimed at supporting small businesses. The main activity of Nethouse is hosting and website builder.

You can buy a domain name and create your website here within 50 minutes. It is possible to register domain ru and international com, net, org - more than 150 in total.


official website:

The main activity is website hosting. Beget offers the best rates at check-in in 500 zones. When registering from 1000 domains or more, it gives individual conditions.

The procedure for transferring domains has been simplified as much as possible. In case of problems, the managers of the company will provide assistance.

In addition to the registration service, Beget offers: server rental, shared hosting, SSL certificates. - Ukraine

official website:

Number 1 from the list of domain registrars in Ukraine. Its activity began in 2001. Every third domain in Ukraine is registered by

Since 2010, he has been registering Cyrillic domains in the com and net zones. For example - your offers a wide range of different services: hosting, mail, protection and consultations on all possible issues. servers are located in different countries, which provides additional protection against failures. - United States

official website:

Well-known and popular domain name registrar in the USA. Founded in 2000, it professes the ideas of making the Internet accessible to all.

Namecheap is one of the top ICANN certified domain name registrars and hosting companies.

Namecheap manages over 5 million domain names. The client base is 2 million people. - USA

official website:

Representing international domain registrars, known beyond the US, GoDaddy provides access to the world's largest cloud platform for small businesses.

More than 17 million customers and 73 million domain names in the asset of this company. Offers many additional services, such as: hosting services, mail, website builders.

Summing up

Runet has from 7 to 12 million domains. In the United States, this number is ten times higher. Given the delay in the active phase of growth, which began only in 2010, one can safely predict a strong growth in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet.

Registering a domain now, while there are free domains, will be the right decision. We advise you to use the services of such leading services:

All of them are not only accredited domain registrars in the Russian segment, but also accredited by the international organization ICANN, which gives them the right to register names in international domain zones.

The decision is only yours - look, study, choose!

If you want to become the owner of your site without any experience in this business

One of the options is to transfer / entrust all the work in the hands of professional designers, layout designers and programmers - this can make it easier for you to start.

However, there always comes a time when you want to make changes to the site or conduct a series of test changes, or want to understand in more detail how to optimize certain processes.

And in this case, it will be impossible for you to control the quality of the work performed, to adequately sort out the volume of your improvements, the degree of their complexity and, accordingly, their real cost.

Even having studied in practice the very basics of the HTML language, you will begin to see the site in a completely new way, enrich your vocabulary with terms from the world of layout and programming. You will start asking professionals completely different questions and your site will really become an asset for you that brings money, and not a liability that does not please you, but you don’t want to quit either - after all, so much money has already been invested.

Without the basics of programming, it is quite difficult to understand the current trends in new technologies, not to mention their application in everyday life.

If you are just starting your journey in web programming, then we recommend starting with layout - this is a course with interactive tasks (write code directly in the browser and instantly get an answer - right or wrong) and tests. This format allows you to competently work out skills in practice, for which our students appreciate it.

Most often, the winner is the one who was not taken seriously.

Erasmus of Rotterdam

After purchasing a domain, you start building a website and the articles below may come in handy.

Create your own website and set it up to generate additional (or even main) income. You can make money without changing your lifestyle: go to work, continue to study, take care of family and children ... - the methods we have given are available to beginners in site building.

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