What happens to a person after death according to different creeds of the world. What happens to people during a long relationship

Saltso, garlic, cucumber and tomato - a typical set for nature. I haven’t rubbed the crust with garlic for a long time, but in general I love this product both with borscht and in the form of adjika / light / horseradish. And the roasted garlic is really cool.

Although it seems to me now they began to eat much less. Not? Read here interesting information which I didn't even think about.

1. Immunity will be strengthened

The high content of antioxidants in garlic helps to eliminate free radicals and toxins that damage the cells of the body and thus cause various diseases. One of the numerous studies showed that due to their healing properties Garlic makes it easier to cope with a cold. In 60% of the volunteers who participated in the experiment, who consumed garlic, the signs of the disease quickly subsided and after 1.5 days there were almost no symptoms of the disease. In addition, doubling the dose of garlic reduced the acute phase of the disease by another 61%. The placebo group developed symptoms of a progressive cold and had a recovery period of about 5 days.

2. Antimicrobial effect will appear

For centuries, garlic has been used as folk remedy to fight infectious diseases. As early as 1858, the microbiologist and founder of immunology, Louis Pasteur, noted the antibacterial effect of garlic on many fast-growing bacteria. Allicin, an active antibacterial compound in garlic with strong antiseptic properties, prevents bacteria from reproducing and preventing their further spread. One of the proven ways to destroy E. coli in meat products is to rub the meat well with garlic before frying and leave for a while. Bacteria in this case will die, even if the heat treatment is slightly below 70 ° C. The same method can be used for salads: adding raw garlic will get rid of any germs on spinach or lettuce that has begun to deteriorate.

3. Improve microflora oral cavity

In addition to its antibacterial properties, garlic acts like an antimicrobial pharmaceutical agent ciprofloxacin, which is used to fight oral infections, among other things. Research has shown that garlic extract is effective against a variety of protozoan bacteria, including Candida albicans, which causes candidiasis. In addition, garlic helps to reduce plaque, so it can be used instead of a dental elixir. To prevent oral infections, it is recommended to chew one clove of garlic.

4. Increased workout results

There are archival records that say that the ancient Greeks and the first Olympians before the competition were reinforced with a few tablespoons of chopped garlic. In medieval times, people involved in hard work were given garlic to help fight fatigue. And because garlic has the ability to slow down the heart rate, allowing more blood to get to the muscles and as a result, your body works better. The Heart Society notes that patients with heart disease who took garlic oil for 6 weeks had a 12% reduction in peak heart rate and improved their physical performance. So before your next run or gym workout, add some garlic to your meal ahead of time and notice the difference.

5. The detox process will start

Sulfur imparts a specific pungent flavor to garlic. Sulfur compounds known for their ability to destroy cancer cells, and some of them are able to remove heavy metals and not the most useful additives contained in products from the body. In a study of workers at a car battery factory who complained of headaches and persistent high blood pressure, eating 3 servings of garlic for four weeks daily resulted in a nearly 20% reduction in lead in blood. This ability of garlic makes it effective tool for the treatment of poisoning.

6. Reduce bad cholesterol

Although Alzheimer's disease is the most common neurodegenerative disorder, elevated level cholesterol in the blood significantly increases the risk of its occurrence. Bad cholesterol can act to increase the level of amyloid, which contributes to the development of the disease. Garlic and garlic preparations have been shown in a number of studies to significantly lower plasma lipid levels, especially total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. Positive dynamics in people with cardiovascular diseases is noted when taking at least 1 g of garlic every day. Against the background of "garlic therapy" there is a decrease in the number of blood clots, tumors and other cell degenerations.

7. Weight will be under control

An animal study found that garlic reduced insulin spikes and improved sugar metabolism, even in those who were on a high-sugar diet or had signs of diabetes. The scientific journal American Journal of Hypertension also conducted its research in this area: animals with high level insulin high pressure and high triglyceride levels gave allicin. Those who received garlic showed little weight loss, while the control group showed little gain. Thus, eating garlic may reduce weight gain or help stabilize sugar levels in diabetic patients.

Our prehistoric ancestors were still squatting. A similar posture is still characteristic of primates. However, for modern man she is extremely dangerous. And with prolonged squatting, often irreversible changes occur in the body.

What happens in the body?

According to most doctors, regular and prolonged squatting has a very negative effect on the state of the human body, and primarily on its cardiovascular system. The fact is that bent knees pinch the arteries and veins through which blood circulates. Thus, blood circulation in the lower extremities is disturbed. In addition, this posture increases the load on the heart muscle. After all, the heart has to work with a vengeance in order to push the blood through the pinched vessels.

In addition, a long stay in a squatting position negatively affects the joints. This is also due to the lack of their blood supply, including cartilage tissue. Therefore, the consequence of such a posture can be ruptures of cartilage and tendons.

Squatting is also reflected in the state and activity internal organs. The increased blood pressure causes the organs to shrink. Yes, and due to poor blood flow, oxygen to the muscles and other organs and systems is supplied in insufficient quantities.


Thus, as a result of a long-term stay in a squatting position, a person risks acquiring a whole bunch of various diseases. This and varicose veins veins, and hypertension, and vascular damage, and convulsions, and cardiac disorders.

In addition, squatting is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. Since in this position the blood supply to the pelvic organs deteriorates, there is a risk of premature birth or even miscarriage.

Alternative point of view

Despite numerous medical studies, some scientists believe that the squatting position, on the contrary, has a positive effect on the activity of internal organs. So thought both the French ethnographer Moss and the Soviet mathematician Uspensky, who, by the way, recommended introducing squatting into the school curriculum.

As evidence for this theory, researchers cite the fact that for centuries people have relieved their natural need while squatting. At the same time, they did not even know about the existence of many diseases of the intestines or Bladder. According to scientists, all these diseases have received wide use after the inhabitants of the Earth began to massively use toilet bowls.

Proponents of this position claim that when sitting on the toilet, the intestines are clamped, which entails many diseases. Some Israeli scientists adhere to the same opinion: “Among the villagers South Africa with a traditional lifestyle, these diseases (hemorrhoids, appendicitis, polyps, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis, colon cancer) are very rare or almost unknown.”

Many people are concerned about questions related to and unknown phenomena. These include the question of what happens to a person after death.

Some are afraid of their fate, intimidated by religious teachings, others are simply wondering if there is life after death. There are many theories about this, but none of them is almost impossible to prove.

There are also real events that people have experienced, but they are also based only on words - there is no evidence base under them. Deal with the question what happens to a person after death, not so difficult.

physical processes

After a person dies, all systems in his body stop working, from the heart to the brain. The blood no longer circulates, the limbs become difficult to bend and unbend, the body changes color.

Within a few hours, the process of decomposition begins - the body slowly rots. Scientists examine the dead human body as a special ecosystem filled with millions of bacteria, microbes and other tiny life forms.

These processes are quite understandable and explained by science, so there is nothing mysterious and inexplicable in them.


It is interesting not only what happens to a person after death, but also the process of death itself. It is believed that a person has a soul, and at the time of death it leaves the body.

It is the soul that is the consciousness of man, his essence. Studies have been conducted in which the body was weighed during vital activity, at the time of death and after death.

At the same time, the following data was recorded: whatever the weight of a person, it invariably decreases by about 21 grams at the time of death.

After the publication of this information, the fact that the soul weighs 21 grams became widespread.

In many religions, there is also Paradise - antipodes that accept the souls of sinners and the righteous, respectively. In some teachings, there is such a theory: when a person dies, he appears before the Court, in which good and bad deeds are added to different scales.

If the bowl outweighs good deeds, a person goes to Paradise, but if with bad ones - to Hell. The Egyptians and other representatives of ancient civilizations had such a rite: at the time of death, a person should be put on as much gold and jewelry as possible, which he can exchange for eternal rest.

The righteous poor could receive the same, but they had to be absolutely sinless. Other teachings say that after death all sins are counted and a person does not need to report, redeem peace and do anything else, since the fate of his soul has long been determined. So, after death, the soul goes straight to Hell or Paradise without intermediate points.

Some near-death survivors report amazing stories about what happened to them. Someone says that he saw dead relatives. It seems to someone that he has already gone to Hell, where it was scary, hot and creepy.

Others in moments of cardiac arrest see the future, which subsequently really coincides with reality. All these stories prove that something unknown definitely exists, but it is simply impossible for an ordinary person to get to it.

After death, the soul of a person definitely ends up somewhere, ancient theories testify to this, modern research and other information.

But it’s impossible to know exactly where the soul will go, what awaits it there, whether it will happen. Therefore, it remains only to speculate and ponder whether our souls are worthy of eternal rest in Paradise.

Dear ones, do you watch TV, read news feeds? I'm not asking this out of idle curiosity: every day I receive alarmed letters from readers of my blog in the mail. Here is an excerpt from one of them: “It seems to me that God has completely forgotten about us! Or wants to punish all of humanity. I turned on the TV today, it turns out that there is a flood all over Europe, people are dying from floods, losing their homes. What is this?"

And there are dozens of such letters. Yes, it is worth taking an interest in the news, and you can lose sleep and peace.

NASA scientists, after analyzing satellite images, came to the conclusion that the level of the world's oceans has already risen, and continues to do so. Not even a century will pass (which is very little by the standards of history), and the water column will become six and a half meters higher.

Think about it: in just three generations of people, in the foreseeable future, entire settlements. For example, the Russian city of Astrakhan is now a meter above sea level. Experts have already calculated that half of the territory of the Netherlands, part of Norway, Sweden, Great Britain and other European countries will be flooded! Ural mountains become islands in a boundless sea that will divide Russia and Europe. Can you imagine what changes all this will bring for humanity?

Scientists' forecasts have been more like ancient prophecies for some time now.

I'm not talking about constant earthquakes, tsunamis, massive forest fires and other natural disasters. The planet suffers, new misfortunes constantly appear, viruses and bacteria mutate, giving rise to new diseases, for which there are no drugs. Increasingly, you can hear the name "Zika fever", a virus that causes severe complications, and effective pills and there are no shots against him yet. Armageddon is happening now, gradually, but the result of all these wars, natural Disasters, epidemics is clear. Humanity is heading towards death. Why did such torment fall upon the Earth?

To answer the question, I suggest moving from global problems to personal. After all, all these misfortunes do not come from nowhere, they are made up of millions of private situations. Billions of human destinies and consciousnesses add up to a common planetary consciousness. We are all parts of this Universe. Imagine that you have a crystal ball in your hands, you look into it, you see all these gloomy pictures of the present, and then you stare intently, and this image breaks up into elements: a country, a city, a microdistrict, a street, a house ... here is a specific apartment, thoughts ordinary person. What's in them? Yes, the same hopeless suffering as on the planetary level!

You can often hear the words uttered with weariness and alienation: "God does not hear me." In fact, everything is the other way around. The Creator speaks to us directly, in the language of events. And if in a person's life the same difficulties are repeated, the black streak does not end - it is he who does not hear God, does not heed His warnings.

How to understand what the Creator says and stop dwelling on your mistakes? You can try to figure it out on your own, hoping to reach the truth with your mind. It is a long way, and not always successful. After all, initially we evaluate everything based not only on our experience, but also on the attitudes inspired by our parents and society. And we judge what is "right" and "wrong" in our lives, based on these values, often false and imposed.

A person steps on the same rake, allows himself to be deceived, used, gets sick ... A woman meets the same type of man (a womanizer, an alcoholic, a swindler), a man comes across only bitches or lovers of money.

Or, say, an employee changes job after job, and at each he is met by the boss, as if made according to the same “pattern” with the previous ones. Pedantic, rude, brusque. It also happens that a person with the talents of a businessman works for a penny, not just for years, decades! Why can’t he get on his feet, and all attempts are “covered copper basin"? Maybe God does not want this talent to flourish? No, the Creator wants a person to develop, and therefore sends situations in which we, his children, can grow spiritually.

If we understand the lessons that God sends us correctly, then we will be able to go to the right direction, achieve happiness, gain maturity and spiritual experience.

How can one take off these "glasses" of false ideas through which most people look at this world?

Having gained knowledge, a person begins to use each lesson for his own good, to develop, and negative situations give way to positive events.

My mission is to help people gain knowledge that will allow everyone to understand their purpose, to hear what they say to them. Higher power. I receive information from my Teacher and carry it further, spreading it to . And in difficult life situations I will give recommendations based on the Knowledge that I am the conductor of, for this you need to sign up for.

Remember, dear ones: together we can change our lives for the better. I will help you work on yourself, learn important information, start coping with your problems right now!
