What is more expensive is a board made of pine or spruce. Spruce vs Pine: Which wood is better for building a house? The use of spruce, pine and larch

What kind of building material is better to use for the construction of a bath - spruce or pine? When deciding in favor of one or another option, you should initially familiarize yourself with these types of wood in detail, as well as evaluate the advantages of each of them.

Benefits of a wooden sauna room

To date, it can be made from such building materials: brick, gas blocks, wood concrete blocks or a tree. The majority of developers prefer the use of bricks, arguing that the material is highly durable, however wooden baths are characterized by a large number of advantages, not to mention the fact that its construction will be much cheaper.

A wooden bath cannot be compared with any other building, since it embodies the spirit of the Russian bath. Let's look at a few arguments that will help convince you that building a bath is more prudent from wood:

  • the need for a minimum amount of firewood to warm the room;
  • there is no feeling of dampness;
  • wood is considered natural and environmentally friendly pure material therefore beneficial to human health;
  • low level of thermal conductivity;
  • significant budget savings;
  • wooden walls perfectly retain heat than brick walls.

If you decide to build a sauna room made of wood, in this case, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following information, which will help you choose exclusively best option building materials, based on their specific advantages and disadvantages of each of the materials. Further, we will talk about such types of wood as pine and spruce.


Today, pine is the most common solution among all developers, primarily due to the following reasons:

  1. The relatively low cost of the material is one of the main factors influencing the choice. Pine is much cheaper than most types of wood, which is why almost everyone can afford to use it;
  2. This type of wood does not deform, the logs are quite stable, and also not prone to different kind chips and cracks;
  3. In addition, pine is a light material that can be easily processed, which is important in the process of self-construction of a bathhouse;

It should be noted that pine is also characterized by the presence of shortcomings that must be addressed without fail:

  1. The constant influence of moisture damages the wood, after which it begins to rot, thus, within a few years without proper treatment, replacement may be required;
  2. This type of wood, like pine, is affected by a variety of pests, including fungal infections;
  3. Please note, like all conifers, pine emits resin. This process can take place especially intensively at high temperatures, and hot resin can burn and stain. The arrangement of a wooden sauna room made of pine, as a rule, is as follows: from the inside, the room is sheathed with hardwood clapboard. This method allows you to level the negative properties and features of pine.

Important! If you prefer to build, in this case, do not forget about the need to periodically check the structure, as well as cover it with protective substances. This can significantly extend the life of the tree.


This wood has a lot of similarities with pine: ease of processing, as well as democratic prices, affect the rather high popularity of spruce among buyers.

It is necessary to note one more advantage that is inherent in spruce: unlike pine, after a time, spruce does not darken, but for many years, on the contrary, retains its light golden color in an exceptionally original form.

Also, you should pay attention to the negative aspects: the release of resin from spruce occurs in an even more intense way than from pine. That is why it is very important to apply additional

What is better to use for the construction of a bath - spruce or pine

It should be noted that in terms of thermal characteristics, both options are approximately the same, however, spruce wins a little in this matter, since the structure of its wood is loose. Its fibers contain much more air, which in turn determines its rather low thermal conductivity. However, a bath room made of pine can be characterized by a thicker wall, due to the fact that the diameter of this tree is much larger than that of spruce. As for durability, it should be noted that spruce loses to pine, as it absorbs large quantity moisture and thus is more affected by decay processes, as well as the formation of mold and fungus.

In addition to all this, as we already know, pine is less resinous than spruce, which is also an important factor for Russian baths, as well as its high temperature conditions. Please note that a more resinous spruce will produce a pleasant and rich aroma. coniferous forest. However, the processing of pine is the simplest, as it is characterized by a smooth and straight long trunk. Spruce wood is much more difficult to process, due to the presence a large number knots. However, at the same time, such knotty gives the log house a unique decorative effect.

It should be remembered that both types of wood darken, however, the intensity of darkening of pine is much greater. If pine wood is not processed in the required way, in this case, over time, the material will become a lumpy red color. In order to decide this problem, it is necessary to complete the lining of the bath room. In addition, it is recommended to cover the material with refreshing agents, for example, wax or varnish. However, remember that neither wax nor varnish should be characterized by a pronounced odor, especially in the case of high temperature regime. Special wood coating agents must also not melt at high temperatures. As a rule, manufacturers of paint and varnish products should warn about these features on product labels.

The pricing policy of spruce and pine does not have any special differences. In principle, it is possible to build a bath room from both types of wood. The most important thing is that the wood is properly prepared and not damaged by various types of fungi or mold. In addition, a combination of two types of wood is also probable. lower crowns must be made of a more resistant material to a humid environment - pine, but the top ones can be made of spruce in order to better retain heat.

Decorated shop windows, counters littered with New Year's souvenirs, and the general festive bustle of fun along with good mood. All this is a favorite holiday - New Year, which occupies an honorable first place in terms of the duration and scale of the celebration. For every person New year's night- opportunity to start new life and leave all the mistakes and troubles in the past ..

Now it is impossible to imagine the New Year without the main symbol of the holiday - the traditional spruce. people decorate Christmas tree elegant toys, garlands and tinsel - decorating the New Year tree often turns into a favorite family ritual. And then a cozy and warm atmosphere of the holiday comes to the house. But more and more often the choice is leaning in favor of the New Year's pine. Let's figure out what to buy for the celebration: a Christmas tree or a pine and how to make the right New Year's choice?

Traditional spruce is the choice of the majority.

The decision to buy a Christmas tree for the New Year has many positive aspects.

1. This is a New Year's classic! It is about the Christmas tree that children sing songs, it is customary to look for gifts also “under the tree”, and not under “ New Year's pine»

2. The smell of wood also plays an important role when choosing: a thick, coniferous aroma will delight you for a long time.

3. And lastly, spruce is very convenient for transportation. There is also a drawback: needles that fluffy beauty will throw off throughout the stay in the house, you will have to clean it up.

Pine is a great alternative to the classic Christmas tree.

First, this affordable price for different segments of the population. It is more difficult and longer to grow a Christmas tree than a pine, so they are sold at a slightly higher price. Also, the pine tree has very clear lines of branches, which in most cases are evenly and beautifully opposite each other.

One of the main advantages of pine is the ability to dress it up without unnecessary problems and troubles. Tree branches can easily support the weight of any New Year's toys. In addition to everything, it will last an order of magnitude longer and practically does not crumble.

But there are also disadvantages - an abundant release of resin, which is not so easy to wash off the floor and walls. The forest beauty is fragrant many times stronger than spruce - some may find the smell harsh. As well as big sizes wood, which is why it can not be placed in every apartment.

Having made your choice, when buying, follow a series of simple steps to choose a good Christmas tree.
1. First of all, carefully inspect the needles: their color should not be yellow or dark brown.

2. Pay attention to the cut of the tree - it must be even and clean. The branches of a fresh Christmas tree or pine should not break.

3. Lift the tree you like and lightly tap it on the floor: “a lot of needles fell off - we are looking for another option.”

4. And finally, smell the aroma - it should be slightly tart, but not harsh. It is better to choose a Christmas tree in advance.

Decide on the dimensions of the apartment, the location of the forest beauty and go to the market or to the forest - to the pre-holiday market for a New Year's pine or Christmas tree.

In order to answer this question objectively, one should consider representatives conifers in more detail and on the subject of their “usefulness” for construction and comfort in general. Below is a table, it is not intended to compare both trees, but clearly demonstrates the real qualities of lumber varieties for construction. Having studied this information, we can conclude that it is advisable to purchase one or another type.

Table of real qualities of spruce and pine

If the information is not enough, you can always turn to competent sources for clarification. Given below detailed description each item in the table. So:

Useful properties of rock for private construction Spruce Pine
Color White From bright yellow to brick
Hue stability high Changes to a more intense shade
Fiber structure Uniform Pronounced
Humidity natural 12% 12%
Resinousness Low high
knotty A large number of small A small number of large
Natural rot protection Medium High and even exceptional, depending on the variety
blue Doesn't turn blue This effect wears off over time.
Mechanical restoration Difficult due to the large number of knots Any
Scope of use Baths, gazebos, furniture Residential buildings, log cabins, frame
Price From 2500 rub/m³ Up to 4000 rub/m³

TO general qualities can be attributed to the longevity of the material and the finished log house. Some of them are able to stand for at least 300 years. It is worth paying attention to the diameters of the trunks, the larger, the warmer - spruce cannot boast of this, but pine, on the contrary.

So, what is the best tree to build a house from? Spruce, pine or pay attention to other species? The answers are given in the table below.

Color and structure of fibers

This is what attracts customers visually and leaves a mark in memory. From this point of view, a pine house is more attractive than a log house made of spruce, which has a single shade that does not change over time. A variety of colors from sunny to ocher is appreciated by true aesthetes.

However, buyers are deterred by blue. They consider it a sign of rot. People! This is not true! This only speaks of the freshness of the cut and over time the pine will become beautiful, and even change shades.

And a house made of spruce, like all wood, will become dark from moisture and nothing more. Annual rings delight the eye with their unusual pattern - this fact applies to pine. Spruce cannot boast of such - its structure is homogeneous and invisible due to color.


It is almost the same in both breeds. But it is worth remembering that the cut time has a difference - if it is made in winter, then there will be no complaints. Summer harvesting is fraught with distortions and great shrinkage in the future.

To a greater extent this applies to pine. Spruce without proper resistance through clamps during drying leads and bends, it is more susceptible to this than pine.

Resinous and knotty

In addition to slovenliness, this effect has another unpleasant and, frankly, destructive feature - it will not allow our lungs to breathe, clogging the pores with sticky vapors. You need to inhale only a decoction of coniferous needles, and not resin. Therefore, the choice of a spruce log house for the house will be unpromising, but just right for a bath.

But sometimes abundant knotty is a design find. This technique can be used by applying various cladding on the facades or as a decoration for the inside of the bath. By arranging such patterns relatively symmetrically, the owner will receive an exclusive object, causing envy among neighbors.

Rotting protection

Conifers, unlike hardwoods, with the exception of oak, always contain a high concentration of their own protective solutions. They prevent the spread of pathogenic bacteria, mold, rot and put a good barrier to rodents. However, this property is more pronounced in pine than in spruce.

This is due to the fact that the unseparated channels along which the "immunity" moves are longer than those of spruce, where the knotty still interrupts their flow. The Christmas tree house will have to be processed protective compounds earlier than from pine.

The owner of the material should remember that when raw materials are brought to the construction site, they must be processed before the start of warehousing and storage - construction does not take place in one day. After processing, logs or beams are placed on supports, without contact with each other, and covered with a styrene film from precipitation. From time to time it is removed and the material is aired.

Ability for mechanical and manual processing

It is high in both breeds, as the structures are soft. But nevertheless, neat cuts and saw cuts are best tolerated by pine, but chipping and grinding are best tolerated by a Christmas tree. It all depends on the desired end result and the intended product.

Both breeds produce exceptionally beautiful, twisted furniture, valued in the West. Manual cutting is not difficult, if only the master is skilled in handling a saw and an ax. This, by the way, can play a cruel joke with an inexperienced builder - it is quite possible to grab a large piece of wood, so they act with caution.

Scope of use

It is extensive - you can build a house from a pine or a Christmas tree, make furniture, arrange gazebos, baths, wells. However, for residential buildings, pine is a priority, for all others, a Christmas tree can be used. This advice is for those who seek to reduce the cost of building an entire complex on the site.

Lumber from the described species

Budget construction with the use of wood is quite possible without the use of an array. Is it about a beam or frame construction. Agree, using a skeleton is much more profitable than a whip.

Used for sewing Wall panels or the same lumber from the selected breed, costing several times less than whole raw materials. In this case frame house from a Christmas tree or pine is in the same pluses, if we talk about appearance.

But in a constructive sense, the presence of inclusions in wood is of great importance. It is categorically impossible to use spruce for bearing supports, bearing in mind that when dried, knots tend to fall out, thereby reducing strength. Therefore, it should be purchased for cladding, or use a spruce beam for a house on the horizontal planes of a frame object.

Not always practical advice influence consumer choice. But he should take into account that the construction of a residential building is not only external beauty, but also a great responsibility. Before starting construction and choosing raw materials, you need to ask yourself the question - will the family pull the maintenance of a wooden object, which is sometimes very expensive.

Some Customers, having seen "pine-spruce" wood in the felling contract, ask only for pine without spruce. Although it does not reduce the real life of a wooden house. But, it seems to be cracking, it turns blue more strongly. Has weak energy. Actually cracking, twisting of a tree in a log house does not depend on the breed, on the conditions of growth and operation of the chopped structure. Spruce, on the contrary, turns blue less. Energy is a subjective thing. There are many reasons to choose spruce. They are objective.

Spruce at least not worse than pine . At adverse conditions(protracted heat + humidity + lack of antiseptic) spruce, unlike pine, is less prone to discoloration. Wood-staining fungi penetrate the wood superficially (pine is more affected), then removed with wood bleach or sanding easier from spruce. It is important to understand - any blue is not rot, only appearance changes. Strictly speaking, the tree turns black rather (sometimes even turns green). The original color is easier to restore. It is more interesting, homogeneous, noticeably lighter than pine.

Due to the light shade of wood and the absence of a core that is pronounced in color, spruce is loved not only by those who prefer light interior finishes, but also by manufacturers of glued beams. There, beauty and smooth surfaces are initially included in the price, the joints of the finger-jointed lamellas of spruce timber are less noticeable. If the beam is glued from pine, it turns out to be luridly motley. Pine is darker due to its higher resin content. In any hand-cut log house from combined species of coniferous trees, after a month under the sun, the difference in color is almost imperceptible. Over time, a log without tinting, when painted in a spruce log house, acquires a uniform beautiful golden hue.

In composition, structure, pine and spruce are very similar: cellulose 41.9 / 44.1%, lignin 25.5 / 28.9%. The main external difference is at the root or in a stack along the bark of a tree. In pine, the bark is layered, coarsely scaly, in spruce it is darker (blacker), the scales are smaller. The difference from the end of the log is visually noticeable: due to the higher resin content, the core (which is of little use) is darker. Light mostly late wood with growth rings. Spruce has a white core, as is the outer latewood. If there are spots, it is not possible to trim cleanly - a marriage (rotten), a tree not suitable for felling. Spruce itself is a good wood. No wonder the proverb is "spruce hut - the heart is healthy." In terms of durability, pine is not inferior.

Another seemingly insignificant difference between these two similar breeds is the structure of the cells. Which affects the shrinkage of the tree, the reaction to changes in humidity environment. When shrinking / shrinking the log house, the entire structure of the spruce cells remains closed. In pine, this happens only with the core, the sapwood cells do not change their open structure. Hence, a more noticeable damage to the pine by the fungus, the absorption of a moderate amount of moisture by the spruce. What is expressed in a less significant change in the volume of the wall log in the rain, more efficient selection of excess moisture from the air in the interior. But, the overall actual biological persistence is higher in pine than in spruce.

The open cell structure of pine sapwood gives it better breathability through walls in a log house. However, spruce is also interesting. It has a looser structure, respectively, a greater amount of air in the solid wood. The more air inside (the less density of the tree), the warmer the walls of the house. By analogy with a fluffy fur hat in winter, in contrast to a dense fur hat.

Pine, taking moisture from the air, gives back a lot if necessary during interior spaces. It's good in the house. The Christmas tree, on the contrary, prefers to give moisture to the street, which is good for the Russian bath, where the excess of moist air inside is large by definition. In the house for drying walls, this ability is useful too.

Spruce boards bend strongly, but never burst under heavy weight like pine boards. The tree is lighter. Therefore, it is preferred to make load-bearing structures from it: skates, floor beams, mats, rafter runs (slags). Bend holds better - tough fibers.

On the floorboard spruce is poorly suited, it splits when dried. But her knots are small, round (for pine oval), unusually strong. In old spruce huts, there is a crown half already rotten from time to time, and the knots are intact. The knots are also white - they do not spoil the interior. If it is necessary that he be elite, and not simple - in a sweet heart rustic style. In pine, knots, unlike spruce, are predominantly brown, large and noticeable, more often tobacco ones are found.

Coniferous trees grow almost everywhere, including both warm and cold regions. In some areas, representatives of this family prevail over other plant species. The best known of these are fir, spruce, pine, cedar, juniper, cypress, larch, yew and sequoia. Mainly tall trees, but there are also dwarf representatives of them, and shrubs. In our latitudes, conifers are widespread, but not everyone knows, for example, how spruce differs from pine.

Features of these trees

All representatives of gymnosperms are united by the method of reproduction with the help of cones. This species is called so because their seeds are located directly on the scales of the cones. Another feature of these trees is that they have needles instead of leaves. This is an adaptive function developed during adaptation to cold conditions of existence. Coniferous trees are cone-shaped, often grow very high, and their needles do not shed their winter. This common features all members of this species.

A very important quality is also the composition of wood, which is enriched with such important components, as esters, resins and microelements, which give these trees a special value. It is used in the manufacture various kinds products, ranging from clothing and paper products to high-end furniture, for the production of which the best representatives of the forest are selected.

Spruce and pine

These are the most common representatives Peacefully existing in the coniferous kingdom, spruce and pine trees have a fragrant aroma and elegant shape, standing out from the general background. It is these that are found in every city, in the forests, used as raw materials for the manufacture of paper, furniture, and construction. Many poems and songs are dedicated to them, in all countries there is a custom to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year. The needles and resin of these trees are also used in medicine and cosmetology.

Spruce: a brief description

It is a very beautiful pyramidal shape. In the first 15 years, spruce is considered a young tree and has a simple tap root. Then, in the process of development, it becomes more branched and the main root dies off as unnecessary. An identical situation occurs on the surface, for a long time the tree grows exclusively upwards, without giving lateral processes.

The trunk is covered with scaly layers of gray bark. Spruce cut light color with a slight golden hue, practically does not emit resin, the structure is homogeneous. The shape of spruce needles is distinguished by a cone-shaped structure. Complete update coniferous crown takes place over 6 years. The places left without thorns are covered with fresh vegetation in the coming year.

Considering the cones of different coniferous trees, you can understand how spruce differs from pine. On closer examination, one can notice a cylindrical shape and a slight sharpness. A feature of spruce cones is also that they hang down.

Types of firs

For a more detailed consideration of the features of these trees, it is worth mentioning the blue spruce. This beautiful plant is used for decorative planting. The height of an adult tree can reach 50 meters. True, specimens are often found no higher than 25-30 meters with a trunk diameter of 1.5 meters. Spruce needles initially take a conical shape, then, growing, become cylindrical. The length of the needles does not exceed 3 cm, and blue spruce cones can grow up to 11 cm in length, taking on shades from reddish to purple.

Spruce Glena is original tree with an unsightly crown. It reaches a height of about 30 m, while the diameter of the trunk varies from 60-80 cm. Japanese, Kurile Islands, as well as some regions of Sakhalin are the main place of growth of this interesting view. Looking at this tree, you can understand exactly how spruce differs from pine. This is mainly the shape of the needles and the length of the needles, not exceeding 3 cm. To this we can add the structure of the bark and wood.

Pine: a brief description

Pine is a centuries-old tree, and its age can range from 100 to 600 years. There are subspecies of this plant as shrubs, trees or elfins. Currently, only a few specimens are known to have survived to the mark of 500 years. The height of the pine tree can reach 75 meters, and its base is 4 meters wide. Preferring an average tree in wetlands does not exceed 1 meter.

Pine grows in open areas of the area, as it is a light-loving plant. Here, the height of the pine can reach a maximum of 50-75 meters, and the variety of shapes and sizes of pine cones strikes with unpredictable curves.

What are the pines

This family includes several different types. For example, consider the main places where the tree has taken root perfectly, have become European and Asian territories. The length of the needles can reach 10-15 cm. Centuries-old trees are distinguished by sprawling branches, high strength and resinousness. The trunk of the tree is straight, covered with thick protective layer gray-brown bark. The top of the pine has an orange-red bark that roughens quickly and easily. The main growth of a tree occurs in the first century of its life.

dwarf pine used as a decoration for household plots. It perfectly takes root in a small area, is easily processed and does not leave debris. Moreover, thanks to small sizes it can be placed in a small area. These trees are perfectly combined with the flora of any landscape design with all kinds of colors. dwarf pine - unpretentious plant, but for planting it is necessary to use seedlings aged 3 to 7 years. You can exclude additional watering, as the trees are able to get all the necessary moisture on their own from the environment. The exception may be the most arid regions.

What is the difference between spruce and pine

These two trees have become so familiar to modern man that many do not even think which one grows under their windows. And on New Year's celebration dressing up a prickly beauty, everyone calls her a "tree". But after a detailed study of the facts, you can understand how spruce differs from pine.

  • Firstly, pine makes it possible to use it as an excellent raw material for the woodworking industry. While spruce is used only for the production of paper and low-quality lumber.
  • Secondly, if you take a closer look at the needles of trees, you can easily see the difference between the length of spruce and pine needles.
  • Thirdly, the trees are completely different in shape: spruce branches are always lowered down, covering the trunk, in contrast to it, pine branches, like candles, are directed upwards. On spruce branches are evenly distributed throughout the trunk from top to bottom. Pine needles are located mainly in the upper part of the trunk.
  • The fourth difference is root system, thanks to which massive trees are kept on the surface. Spruce rhizome often comes to the surface, which makes it vulnerable to windy and arid areas. Pine roots go deep into the ground, which allows it to firmly hold on to its place, regardless of climatic conditions.