Tips on how to make people's lives better. Set global goals

In today's world, many people live daily according to the same principle of home-work-home. The morning starts with a rush, packing, a quick breakfast and hot coffee. During the day there is no variety, except for the tasks at work and in the evening chores around the house. So monotonously and grayly passes day after day, a person gradually falls into depression and despondency, realizing how boring and uninteresting his life is.

Do not be upset, first of all, you need to realize that the world around us is beautiful, the main thing is to stop in time and change your rhythm of life and. To make your life rich and interesting, these 10 simple tips will come in handy.

Have you taken yourself at least once in your life a day off or a break in the middle of the working week. Not? Then act. Cancel all scheduled meetings for the whole day, take a day off, forget about household chores and devote all your free time to rest. Visit your favorite places in the city, take a walk in the park, go to the cinema or the circus, sit in a cafe with a cup of delicious and fragrant drink. Such small and pleasant little things will diversify your gray and boring days, cheer you up, give vigor and strength, make life more interesting and varied.

One of the simple and effective tips on how to make your life interesting is new acquaintances. Nowadays, getting to know people is no big deal. This can be done quite easily on social networks, you just have to register there and select interest groups. You can also make acquaintances at exhibitions, fairs, parks or various master classes.

Every person should have an occupation for the soul, which brings him peace and positive mood. It can be drawing, carving, reading books, sports or cooking. It doesn't matter what it will be, the main thing is that your hobby brings you pleasure. If it doesn't exist, then you need to find it. Sign up for sport sections, study courses foreign languages, sewing and cooking courses. The choice is very large, the main thing is to choose what suits you.

To make life brighter, change your image. Maybe change your hairstyle or hair color. Women can do bolder and brighter makeup, so that your Beautiful face attracted the attention of others. If you are afraid of such drastic and drastic changes, just change your way of dressing a little. Add neckerchiefs, bright ties, massive and interesting accessories. Feel free to experiment, this is the only way you will achieve the desired result.

Learn to be yourself and behave naturally. For many, this can be a difficult step, because often, which is imposed on us. We try to please everyone and suffer from the fact that we do not do what we want. Remove from your life those who you do not like, infringe on you and bring one negative. Live as you please, not for anyone else.

If you have a dream or desire that you can fulfill right now, then it's time to act, stop postponing for later. Do you want beautiful and slim figure, you can sign up for dancing, have long dreamed of visiting the mountains - order a ticket. Everything is in your hands - you can make your life interesting.

Another great tip on how to make life more interesting and varied is to go on a trip. They always let a person learn something new, unknown, bring a lot of bright and unforgettable experience, allow you to relax, unwind and gain vital energy. Of course, you can visit abroad, but if the budget is not very large, then you can go not far - to a neighboring city or region, everywhere there is something that will attract your attention.

In order not to think for a long time how to make your life richer and happier, have a party. Invite your friends, relatives, relatives or just acquaintances. Put on some fun music, prepare light snacks, and pick up some great and entertaining games.

Do not sit still, develop, raise your bar, both physically and mentally. , attend trainings, read useful literature, participate in master classes. All this will replace your dull days with bright and positive impressions.

Help the people around you. You can become a volunteer, or you can visit orphanages and shelters once. Give your generosity, kindness, affection to those in need and you will see their happy faces that fill your heart with joy.

Our life is in our hands, and to make it interesting and rich, you do not need to put in a lot of work. The main thing is to understand in what colors you want to see it.

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The number "42" for the site is somewhat magical, so I just couldn't get past this article. After reading it, I realized that it contains simple and actionable advice, which have already been discussed on our blog separately more than once. I even think about putting these 42 points in a frame in the most visible place, so as not to forget that we ourselves complicate our lives.

1. Try completely opposite things.

For example, if you've been eating a lot of meat, it's time to try cutting it out for at least a short amount of time. If you like to argue - try to remain silent. Wake up late - get up early, etc. Make these little experiments part of your Everyday life and this will be a kind of inoculation of “out of the comfort zone”. Firstly, it is interesting, and secondly, at the moment of the next sharp turn in your life, going beyond the comfort zone will not be so noticeable.

2. Wake up 20 minutes earlier

You can do this in several sets of 20 minutes, and then you can easily wake up an hour earlier and have time to do a lot of interesting things that you didn’t get your hands on before. Most recently, we touched on the topic, so if you have not started yet, you have wonderful opportunity include this item in your life in the complex.

3. Arrive 10 minutes early for all appointments and meetings

Firstly, by leaving early, you will not worry that you will be late and make your colleagues wait. Why do you need extra stress before an important meeting? Secondly, by arriving a little earlier, you can prepare and check again if you have not forgotten anything.

4. Single-tasking

Our brains are unable to multitask. We still have to switch from one task to another. When you work on only one thing, you do it better and more focused, without distractions.

5. Ask yourself: Am I trying to keep things simple?

Analyze the situation. If it turns out that your actions complicate things even more, think about how to decompose it into simpler components and solve the problem.

6. Ask yourself: will it matter in 5 years?

Before you make an elephant out of a fly and tear your hair out, think about whether this situation will be important in 5 years? And after 5 weeks?

7. Only shop with the money you earn or save

Before buying something expensive, think carefully and remember the rule "consider the purchase for as many days as hundreds are included in its cost (if 100, then one day, if 200 - 2 days, etc.)". This will help you make smart purchases and avoid stupid loans.

8. Learn a few recipes and cook at home more often

This way you will save money and be able to eat healthier food (assuming you cook healthy food).

By the way, there are quite a few interesting and simple ones on our blog.

9. When you cook, try to cook more than you will eat.

This will save you time - next time you will only need to reheat the already prepared. And, of course, you will not have to wash the dishes so often.

To be honest, I don't really like to eat warm food. But during periods of blockages, it saves a lot. In addition, there are dishes that become tastier on the second day (some soups, for example).

10. Record

Human memory is not the most reliable tool. Therefore, keep records of affairs, purchases, meetings, etc. Also, try to identify 4 priority goals for this year and periodically look at them in your notes so as not to deviate from the set course.

11. Remember that life is much bigger than you think.

You don't know everything and sometimes you make mistakes. This will help you listen with great patience to other people's opinions and accept them, change yourself and always remain open to new knowledge and opportunities.

12. Take risks, don't be afraid to make mistakes

And then learn from them, assimilate what life presents, and with the knowledge and experience gained, boldly take on new ideas.

13. Do what you really enjoy.

Do not live other people's dreams and desires.

14. Try to buy products for the week at once

This will save not only money, but also time.

15. Go shopping when you're full.

Most the right way to go to the store and buy only what you need is to go there not hungry. There will be no temptation to buy something else and standing at the checkout, your hands will not reach for chocolates and cookies, so helpfully laid out at the last frontier :)

16. Enjoy small pleasures

Beautiful sunset, blooming trees outside the window after a long winter, the last tastiest piece of cake. Learn to savor life in small pieces and find pleasant moments in the world around you.

17. Drink water

Instead of eating when you get bored, it is better to drink a glass of water - get rid of the feeling of hunger and at the same time replenish the water supply in the body.

18. Eat slower

Do not fly as if you are missing the last train in your life to a bright and happy future. Food must be taken in good mood and take your time enjoying every bite. Firstly, this way you will get full faster, although you will eat less than if you stuff food at cruising speed. And secondly, it will be another pleasant moment that will complement your mosaic of enjoying life.

Be kind to those around you, and especially to yourself.

20. Write short letters

Usually 1-5 sentences are enough.

21. Answer emails once a day

Select the most optimal time to check email and reply to incoming emails. Checking your mailbox every 5 minutes will take time and add nervousness.

22. Learn and try new ways to deal with stress

Meditation, yoga, classical music, a couple of laps around the stadium after work - any of these methods can help you relieve stress.

23. Keep your home and workplace in order

Then you can quickly find the right things and thus save time and nerves.

24. Live "here and now"

Enjoy life, capture every moment. Be aware of each day instead of rushing through it headlong, constantly thinking about what will happen tomorrow.

25. Spend more time with people who make life easier.

And try to avoid the company of those who are all for no reason.

26. Exercise every day

Let it be at least a walk or a walk during lunch. This will allow you to get rid of stress, add energy, help put your body in order and drive away negative thoughts.

27. Get rid of junk

Get rid of things in the house, from projects that hinder your development, from bad thoughts in your head and from people who are an obstacle to your goals and take too much time and energy with constant complaints about life.

28. Ask questions

Don't be afraid to ask for advice from people who have been in situations like yours and have been able to find a solution.

29. Stop trying to please everyone.

Just because it's useless. This is impossible because there will always be people who don't like you for one reason or another. And there can be thousands of such reasons.

30. Break complex tasks into small ones

If the task seems difficult, break it down into several small tasks and solve gradually one by one.

31. Stop trying to be perfect.

This does not mean that everything needs to be done carelessly. Just instead of getting hung up on the smallest details, just do your job well. ABOUT side effects We have also written about perfectionism more than once - a waste of time, energy and nerves, plus increasing dissatisfaction with yourself and others because of the high bar.

32. Stop for a minute and just take a deep breath.

And then exhale slowly. Deep breathing relaxes and saturates the blood with oxygen. It also helps you focus better on the important things.

33. Spend 20% of your time thinking about solving a problem and 80% on solving it.

And not vice versa.

34. Focus on a few important things, and cut off everything unnecessary and secondary

Instead of being sprayed on 10 projects at once, focus all your energy on solving two or three main tasks.

35. Keep a diary

Every day, your thoughts and your actions, you can then easily track what exactly helped you find the right solution. Also, rereading your notes will help you clearly see your progress and avoid the same mistakes.

36. If you don't like what you're doing, find something else.

The world around us is changing and we are changing with it. What we were simply delighted with yesterday may no longer be of any interest to us today. If you feel that what you once loved no longer brings you satisfaction, it's time to think about a change.

37. Use a minimalist workplace

Nothing should interfere with you. Your desktop should be organized and contain only those things that are necessary for work. Clutter is distracting and productivity drops. I think that the order should be not only on the desktop, but also on the desktop of your computer.

38. Give yourself 15 minutes every Sunday to plan your upcoming workweek.

This will help you get organized in your head, prioritize and order things to do, set goals, tune in to the work ahead, and reduce stress.

39. Cancel unwanted subscriptions

Whether it's disconnecting from cable TV with a huge number of channels, or cleaning your rss feed from the trash that you continue to browse out of habit. Some magazines and newspapers can also be added here.

40. Ask instead of guessing

42. Sometimes let yourself just be lazy

If you can put your life in order, get rid of negativity and unnecessary things, you will have time for a little and pleasant laziness. Sometimes laziness is a barrier that prevents us from achieving our desired goals, but sometimes it is a cure. Allow yourself to be a little lazy at least once a week. Do not think about work, do not think about goals, but just enjoy silence, a book, or loneliness. This little laziness will allow you to have a good rest and start the work week with renewed vigor and inspiration.

You know, when the head is not occupied with anything, very interesting thoughts drop in there;)

There is nothing easier than making life easier! More often than not, we make it difficult for ourselves. To your attention 35 tips on how to make life easier in 7 directions. Getting started!

To simplify life, you must first change your thinking, and only then your habits and lifestyle. Let's start by working on the right attitude.

Set global goals

The more specific and desirable your goals in life are, the more effective and efficient your actions will be. is an engine of progress and a source of motivation.

When your goals are desired and realized, and you make efforts to achieve them, then you stop thinking about what to do with yourself and how to spend the evening. Without these tedious thoughts, life is much easier. If you have not set goals in life yet, you need to work on it.

Don't worry about failure

Failure is always a valuable experience, a chance to correct mistakes and try again. And there is no point in worrying about them. If you fail, it means that you are moving forward and do not stand still. Remember - only those who do nothing do not make mistakes.

Many famous people suffered many failures before achieving unprecedented success. Walt Disney was rejected by hundreds of studios before he managed to realize his ideas. He did not give up and did not give up. He understood that failure is not the end, and there is still a chance. Understand and you.

Get rid of stress

Stress is the result of being in situations in which you feel uncomfortable. Every time you find yourself in a similar situation, ask yourself: “how can I avoid this in the future?”. And take action. Gradually, you will get rid of most stressful situations.

Of course, stress cannot be completely eliminated. But try to minimize it. And remember that difficulties are trials that harden you. Start treating difficulties as valuable lessons, and you will begin to experience less stress.

Don't try to please everyone

One of the biggest mistakes is trying to please everyone and please everyone. Don't aim for it. Make sure that you are loved by friends and relatives, and stop paying attention to the rest.

Recognize your shortcomings

Absolutely everyone has flaws. You can, of course, poison your life, wondering: “why am I doing this?”. And you can finally understand that people don’t really care about your shortcomings, they are focused on their own. Try to treat your shortcomings with humor. Remember that the one who sincerely loves you will not notice them.

In addition, each has both disadvantages and advantages. Focus on your strengths, develop them and make your strengths even stronger.

How to make life easier by changing habits

Our behavior is largely determined by habitual actions. However, familiar does not always mean effective. We will touch on those habits that will help to put things in order and simplify life.

Set up your daily routine

Getting used to going to bed and getting up at the same time - you will soon begin to fall asleep quickly and get up easier in the morning. So, you will feel better and work more efficiently.

Such a habit is not created overnight. It may take you weeks for the daily routine to improve, fall asleep quickly, and get up in the morning - easily. But trust me, it's worth it. Morning happens every day, and it is better when it is not painful for you.

Stop watching TV

TV is not only a waste of time, but also negative emotions from watching the news. The best way to stop watching it is to get rid of it, at least so that it is not in your room. If you cannot imagine your life without TV, then at first it will be difficult for you. However, when you notice how much more time you have, and your thoughts become clear, you will no longer want to return to watching TV.

Start waking up the first time

Morning is one of the hardest moments of the day. And if you manage to learn how to get up in the morning with ease, your life will become much easier. Most The best way- do not torture yourself in the morning by setting the alarm, but gather your will into a fist and get up the first time.

This is greatly hindered by the desire to “sleep” an extra few minutes. But this will not only not help you get enough sleep, but will also add unnecessary stress to the body and take away strength. This can and should be fought.

Start a diary

A diary is a great way to save yourself from having to keep everything in your head. No need to make grandiose plans for every day - plan only important events things to remember, and make a short plan for the day, which will include the most important things.

Watch your health

The best way to be healthy is to check the body regularly, and take timely measures to prevent diseases. Make it a habit to hold annually.

In addition, start drinking clean water more often - this is a source of health and well-being. Especially useful is a glass of water in the morning, with the addition of a slice of lemon. Pure water speeds up metabolism and improves well-being. And feeling great is an important step in making life easier.

Interaction with people

Communication is an integral part of our life. And if you are surrounded by positive and pleasant people, then life will be easier. What if it's the other way around? However, the environment is always our choice, and we can and should work on the environment. Let's start.

Get rid of sources of negativity

The biggest source of negativity in our lives is usually the people around us. For unknown reasons, they continue to enter the circle of our communication. However, if a person brings you more negativity, consider ending your connection with him.

Of course, it's not that easy, especially if you've been talking long time. But you can start with a small step - to show less initiative in communication. If this led to the termination of the relationship, then you certainly did not lose anything - your relationship was one-sided and was maintained only thanks to your efforts.

Learn to say "no"

The ability to refuse is the most valuable quality for modern man, which eliminates unnecessary regrets and worries. We often promise things we don't want or shouldn't do. Perhaps we are afraid to offend, we consider ourselves obligated, or, out of the kindness of our hearts, we simply do not know how to say “no”.

But you need to do this if the request makes you uncomfortable. Remember: those who appreciate you will always understand and accept your refusal, and those who do not understand are not at all worth being afraid to disappoint them. How will it help make life easier? You will save yourself from many obligations that others would like to impose on you against your will. And also find out which of those around you are reliable, and who is ready to turn away after your first refusal.

stop proving

I don’t know where people get this quality, but the desire to impose personal opinion or argue - inherent in many. However, this habit not only makes no sense, but also spoils relationships with people and undermines emotional peace.

Give up the habit of constantly proving your opinion to others. Especially those who are not dear to you. Let you have your opinion and they have theirs. The only exceptions are relatives - they need to convey their point of view, but not impose.

Learn to speak the bitter truth

One of the most important decisions in my life is the decision to be open and not hide the truth from people. Yes, sometimes it can be annoying. But when you start telling the truth, you will become freer and will soon realize that this is much better than hiding something and lying about trifles.


Remembering the birthdays of all friends, acquaintances and colleagues is not an easy task. So don’t bother yourself: make yourself a convenient birthday calendar, and replenish it as new acquaintances appear. At the beginning of each month - check, and you certainly will not forget about anyone. In addition, you will have the opportunity to buy gifts in advance, and certainly a good step towards making your life easier.

How to simplify the financial side of life

Money will not make us happier, but it is a tool to achieve goals. Of course, life is easier when they are. And for them to be, you need to make efforts and study financial literacy.

Financial control

Make it a rule to keep track of income and expenses. This will help you solve several problems at once. First, you will always know where your money is going. Remember that feeling at the end of the month: “Where did the money go?” This question will disappear once and for all. And secondly, by writing down your expenses, you will see every ruble spent, and this will motivate you to spend less.

Extra spending

Having started to analyze expenses, in a month you will be able to see where your money goes up to the ruble. Perhaps some item of expenditure will seem unnecessarily expensive to you - this is a reason to try to reduce costs. There may be some expenses you consider necessary to exclude. Do it.


It is about starting to save a small amount from each salary and other income. The most optimal is 10% of the amount received. This is about the figure that will be painless to postpone, but at the same time, you will have capital pretty quickly. How will it help make life easier? You may have sudden expenses at any time, and you should be prepared for them, without the need to take out a loan.

Optimize your purchases

Make a plan for your purchases in advance, buy everything you need a week in advance and do not wander around the shops every day. Yes, for this you will have to think through everything carefully, but how much time can be freed up! It is convenient to buy vegetables and fruits at the market once a week. And a trip to the hypermarket with a list of groceries for the week ahead is not only saving time, but also money.

Pay without leaving home

Almost all banks offer their customers mobile app that allows you to make financial transactions - " Mobile bank". To make financial management as easy as possible, install this application to your phone. Transfers between accounts, replenishment of the balance, payment of utility bills - all this can be done without leaving home

Household affairs

Throw away excess items

The habit of storing things that we no longer wear and are not going to wear is understandable - sometimes you don’t want to part with things. But believe me, if you get rid of everything that you don’t wear, you will have a lot of free space and you will spend less time on the question: “what to wear today?”.

permanent places

Things in the house like to get lost - this is normal. But sometimes the lost thing is urgently needed, but it is not possible to find it. Solve this problem once and for all - come up with a place for each important thing. And return it every time to this place.

Tidy up

The longer you don't put things in order, the less you want to do it. Therefore, the habit of putting things in order should become regular - at least once a week.

Wash dishes immediately after eating

It is much easier to wash mugs and plates immediately after eating. This habit is useful not only in terms of order, but also economy. After all, immediately after eating, the dishes are washed faster, which means less water is spent.

Strive for minimalism

Don't plant a museum in your house. Keep things to a minimum. Only the most important ones. Strive to live in accordance with the principle: "happy is not the one who has a lot, but the one who needs less."

How to make your work day easier

We spend about a quarter of our lives at work. And it will depend on how easy and pleasant it is for you to work. general level your comfort.

Take short breaks

Scientists have proven that a person will work more efficiently if he rests at least 5 minutes every hour. At this time, it is best to break away from the workplace - go outside to breathe, or do gymnastics for the eyes, standing by the window.

working notebook

Work is not the place where you need to keep everything in your head. It is better to record work tasks in a convenient place where you will control them - a notebook or a diary, so you will definitely not forget anything.

Order in the workplace

Maintaining order in the workplace is not at all difficult, but there are a lot of pluses. You will stop looking for documents for a long time and will work in comfort.

Leave early

Many people get so used to being late that they no longer know what it's like to go anywhere with a margin of time. But this important element emotional balance - to know that you always have time in time. Get into the habit of always leaving early.


Get rid of the habit of checking all the time email. Set aside for this special time Otherwise, you will not be able to fully concentrate on performing any tasks.

How to make life easier with technology

Technology plays an increasingly important role in our lives every day. However, it is important that they bring you benefits, and not complicate your life. Let's figure out how to achieve this.

Remove redundant apps

Most of the applications installed on the smartphone, we never use. Find them and delete them. This will not only free up memory, but also eliminate the need to constantly update an unnecessary application.

Optimize photos regularly

If you like to be photographed, then surely several thousand photos are stored in the memory of your smartphone. Such a volume takes up a lot of memory, and you may not have room for an important picture. Get in the habit of transferring photos to your computer and freeing up memory at least once a week.

Create a backup

Usually the entire photo archive is stored in a single copy in a laptop. But this is not the most reliable place for such important data. Better buy an external one. HDD and backup all your photos and important files there. They do not break down as often as laptops, and your data will be safe and sound.

Be "out of access"

Sometimes you need to turn off your phone and be unavailable for a while. This is especially important when you spend time with loved ones. How will it help make life easier? You can abstract from the hectic everyday life and work, immerse yourself in the atmosphere of relaxation and forget about the problems. And no one can call you to remind you of them, destroying your idyll.

Control your charge

Today mobile phone plays a rather large role in life, and when it is discharged, we find ourselves in an uncomfortable position. Prevent this situation once and for all and buy a "power bank" - a portable battery that can charge your smartphone battery anywhere. Don't forget to recharge the battery periodically.

You have learned 35 tips on how to make life easier. But just reading them is not enough - you need to put them into practice. Start applying them, and very soon you will realize that life is changing for the better!

Also see this for the last time short video: "9 Ways to Make Life Easier"

Everyone wants to live better, but where do you start? How to take the first step?

Here are some tips on how to make your life better, brighter and happier.

I want to warn you right away that not the simplest things are hidden behind a simple description, they will require daily efforts on themselves, especially at first, when they are unusual and new, but they are worth it if you ask yourself the question "".


  1. Realize and do what you really like. It's not as easy as it seems, but it's very important.
  2. Accept healthy lifestyle life. Stop smoking and drinking (or at least limit yourself to wine, giving up strong and chemical alcoholic beverages), eat vegetables, fruits and berries more often, and not fast food and “plastic” food. Without fanaticism, without secrets and diets, give up things that are unnatural for you imposed by advertising and society and accept more natural ones.
  3. Learn languages. In addition to the fact that languages ​​​​open up new career and geographical prospects for you, along with foreign speech, you will learn to think in other languages, on a different wavelength, learn to think about one thought from different angles, squeezing the maximum. Everything new and promising “speaks” at first not in Russian, and then it becomes not new, and sometimes it ceases to be promising.
  4. Read literature. At least 2-3 books per month. Professional literature for self-development valuable specialist, fiction - for self-development as a person, business literature - for financial success, and so on. If you can't read, listen to audio books instead of the car radio, but remember that visual information is perceived and remembered better than auditory information. 30-50 books a year will change your life.
  5. Plan your weekends and make the most of them instead of sitting at home. It is desirable that the weekend is very different from weekdays: you work in the office at the computer - for the weekend sports, skydiving, constantly running around - spend the weekend with friends watching an interesting movie, working with your hands - a weekend at the museum can be an excellent choice. The main thing is not to approach the computer and, if possible, turn off the phone.
  6. Keep a blog or diary. Topic - any important for you or about everything. Popularity is also not important - it's for you. This will allow you to look at yourself from the outside, and the written expression of thoughts contributes to better reasoning and thinking.
  7. Set goals, and most importantly, strive for them. It seems to many that they are already striving for goals, but try to write them down and check from time to time how much you have progressed towards them, what you have done to achieve them, and you will understand how much time you are wasting, but you could make dreams come true in a life. It is advisable to set goals not related to the purchase of things, and most importantly with money directly. Money is a tool, a resource, true goals above, and there are always tools.
  8. Learn the "blind" method of typing on the keyboard. The computer is the main tool of the 21st century, they need to be able to use them as best as possible, this will save you a lot of time, increase your efficiency, and thoughts about where the right key is will not interfere with thinking about really important things.
  9. Control your time consumption. Time is a very important and very expensive resource of the 21st century, learn how to save it, read books about time management, stop postponing “for later”, make decisions quickly, delegate everything that does not require your direct participation. Do the important first, and only then the urgent, including answering calls, and even more so do not be distracted by email and social media until the important things are done. Crib:

  10. Give up non-developing entertainment - games, social networks, aimless browsing on the Internet, TV, films with deliberately stupid content or that do not fit into the framework of 1-3 episodes. On average, a person spends 2 hours on TV a day - this is 30 days a year, a month of life that you could spend for the benefit of yourself or your wallet. Replace the social network with an English learning site, radio with an audio book, TV with watching really interesting shows or webinars that are pre-downloaded without ads, read the book on which the series is based, and so on.
  11. Stop the news. All the most important things you already learn from friends and colleagues, the rest is extra rubbish in your head. Even if another plane crashes and many people die, you still won’t be able to fix anything either in the past or in the future, but spoil your mood, become more pessimistic and less effective where you can really change something. The world without daily disasters and murders again takes on colors and becomes pleasant.
  12. Get up early. A person needs 6-7 hours for a full recovery (except for athletes, they need 8-9). Sleeping too much is the same as sleeping less – you won’t get enough sleep and you won’t feel cheerful. Moreover, people are much more productive in the morning, by the evening the biological activity of the body, including the brain, slows down. By the way, morning exercises and healthy eating make it much easier for you to switch to this mode.
  13. Change your environment. Try to communicate with people who are worthy of your communication, who, like you, strive for the best, who have something to learn from, who can make you healthy competition and, as a result, sports interest in self-development, success and achievement of goals. The rest will pull you back into a puddle from which they themselves do not want to get out.
  14. Learn new things every free moment, ask questions, be interested.
  15. Spend your holidays in new places. This does not mean crawling from all-inclusive in Egypt to all-inclusive in Turkey and so on. And it is not so important to travel abroad, how many cities of your homeland have you visited?
  16. Buy a camera. You will learn to catch the wonderful moments of life, incredible little things, moments and second emotions of people every day, all the time! The world is much more interesting if you look closely at it. You can also draw or try to write poetry or stories, engage in sculpture or other creative work - all this will allow you to take a different look at familiar things.
  17. Do some sports. It does not have to be a gym or a fitness room, you can run in the morning, go for a bike ride, play sport games like soccer, so find a sport that you enjoy and make it part of your daily routine. IN healthy body- a healthy mind, sober thoughts, and just sports contribute to the production of endorphins, and the results will bring you satisfaction from your body and self-confidence.
  18. Do something out of the box ordinary life. Get to work the other way, take a walk around the courtyards of remote areas of the city, solve the problem, the origins of which you don’t understand yet, change your image, rearrange the furniture in the apartment, and so on. Get out of your comfort zone and expand your horizons.
  19. Copies . Money should work for you. It is not the one who earns a lot that gets richer, but the one who earns more than he spends. Good investment option for beginners
  20. Throw out old things. To let something new into life, you need to throw something old out of it, make room. Stop collecting unnecessary things. Throw out video cassettes and a VCR whose age has passed. Send grandfather's skis from the balcony for firewood, your children will discourage any desire for this sport if they do not ride on modern honeycomb skis. Do not wear a thing for more than one season - to the landfill, no future or rags. Etc. Now there is no shortage of goods and lack of choice, if necessary, which is unlikely, buy a new one, but I assure you that you will not buy it.
  21. Learn to give. Giving and sharing is just as important as receiving. For example, by sharing knowledge, you structure it in your own head, generate new questions that are interesting to you and develop you. There are many things that you can share and thereby make other people happy, who will later pay tribute to you.
  22. Accept the world around you. Stop judging and complaining about the imperfection of the world around you. Try to see everything in life initially in a positive light, and not vice versa, and change your attitude only if there is a good reason.
  23. Leave the past in the past, do not drag its burden along with you all your life. The past cannot be changed, but it is not necessary to take it with you into the future. Pick everything that matters most—experiences, relationships, and fond memories—and throw the rest in the trash.
  24. Stop being afraid. There will always be difficulties, there are no insurmountable obstacles, there is only fear in your head. To achieve goals, it is not necessary to be a warrior, obstacles can be bypassed or even used as an advantage.
  25. Do what you like.

Sometimes it's time for a change. We get bored with our routine, habits, and our life seems boring. And what then good news? You can start changing it right now. Just remember one thing: the only person who should think your life is interesting is you. It doesn't matter what you do as long as it works. So, are you ready to go to new level your life game?


Part 1

Develop active interests

    Find yourself a new hobby. There are hundreds of different activities to suit every budget. If you have little money, you can just pick up a pencil and a piece of paper and learn how to draw. If you don't have any money, you can start going for walks in the park or along the river, or even start learning HTML or CSS. If you're willing to spend money on your hobby, go dancing, learn to play an instrument, or find a way to add some adrenaline to your life. You can go scuba diving, yoga, cooking, archery or cycling; and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

    • If you keep busy doing what you like, not only will you not be so bored and feel happy, but you will become a more interesting person with whom it is interesting to communicate, and you can make new friends. What's more, you'll have an amazing skill to talk about and demonstrate to the world.
  1. Take courses online. If you have internet, you can get an education without leaving your home. Technology is an amazing thing, it leaves no room for excuses. There are several sites like Khan Academy or Coursera that offer free online courses. There are also university websites, such as those of Harvard and MIT (Massachusetts technological Institute) that post content certain courses online, making them available to all. Education not only keeps you busy, it makes your mind work and you broaden your horizons.

    • This is not a university or college where you have to take classes. You can browse the list of courses and choose one or two that interest you. What if you don't succeed? There are no bad ratings.
  2. Sign up with an organization you believe in. Have you ever met a person who devotes his free time to those who are even worse off than him? It probably doesn't happen often, but there are people like that, and you probably admire them. Why don't you become one yourself? You can volunteer at a hospital or a nursing home, or help an animal welfare society, and the world will be a better place.

    • Such acts of kindness will make you feel better. In addition, you will be surrounded by like-minded, interesting people who also want to improve the world.
  3. Do something unconventional. Running in the morning is great. Going to the gym for workouts is great. But what if you took up rock climbing, pole dancing, or hiking? It's good for your body and soul, and it's cool. What do you think?

    • This is a great way to get in shape and meet new people. Join a hiking club or climbing team. Are you not that crazy? How about a local basketball team or riding club? There are plenty of bands just for fun that don't require a huge amount of skill.
  4. Do something you never even dreamed of doing. We all tend to put ourselves in limits. We think that we would like that we should act in such and such a way; but it's really of no use. Stop for a moment, think about what you would never do, and then start setting yourself up to do it. Would you never go skinny dipping? Do it. Would you ever pick up a spider? Do it. Even you can surprise yourself.

    Part 2

    Lead an active and exciting life
    1. Shake up your routine. It doesn't matter if other people think you are interesting person important when you think that of yourself. All it takes is a few small steps and a different lifestyle. So, wake up 15 minutes earlier than usual, make yourself the breakfast you've never eaten, sit on the porch and read the paper. You can watch movies in the cinema all day long. Or twist shura-mura during your lunch break. No need to do something global, just something else.

      • Try every day to think of one thing you can do differently. You can take the other way home, cook dinner, or call a friend you haven't talked to in a hundred years - just try it. You need to surprise yourself, not others.
    2. Look for local events such as fairs, festivals, and music events to attend. Pick something that might be of interest to you and go there. There are often many local events, especially in summer, that don't involve much cost or are even completely free. By doing things that are not part of your normal routine, you will surprise yourself and feel full of energy.

      • To find these events, read newspapers, search the Internet, pay attention to the flyers handed out on the street and in cafes, talk to friends, and even strangers(for example, with a girl who sings in your favorite cafe). So you will meet new people and will feel doubly pleasant.
    3. Explore your hometown. When you go somewhere for the weekend, the place you visit always seems to be much more interesting than the area where you live. But in fact there are probably many beautiful places where you live, you just don't bother to find them. Open your eyes; what could you be missing?

      • Go to the tourist center in your city and find out what tourists usually do there. You may have museums in your city, pleasure boats, art galleries or places of interest that you never noticed or were not interested in.
    4. Accept invitations. If you keep making excuses why you can't go somewhere when you're invited, then people will just forget about you and won't invite you again. Even if you don't like the people you've been invited to or the places they're going to, try giving them a chance, go and hang out with them. You don't have to do it all the time - do it from time to time.

    5. Organize a party or go out with friends. Not only will you be busy organizing, you will also have an event that you will look forward to and then remember. People close to you will likely also be able to offer you a couple of ideas that you can try.

      • Look for such opportunities. Do you listen to live music? Treat the guitarist and strike up a conversation. Go grab a bite to eat with your new basketball teammates. Sometimes it pays to knock on the door of opportunity, not the other way around.
    6. Plan your trip. Instead of sitting at home on your weekends (although weekends are good wherever you are), plan your trip for two days. No need to take a vacation and spend a lot of money - it can even be half an hour away from the city where you can stop and take a break from everything. Just drive out of town and have fun!

      • Is there somewhere nearby a place where you always wanted to visit, but did not succeed? Take this as a great opportunity to visit this place. Even if it only takes half a day, it will be fine. Feel like a tourist, get away from everything. This is a great opportunity to relax, learn something new and get away from the routine.

    Part 3

    Enjoy life
    1. Get rid of what bores you. Often, some things in life make us comfortable for our own good. We get jobs we don't like but pay bills, maintain relationships that fizzle out, or are in a place we don't want to be. If there is something significant in your life that upsets you, challenge it once. It will be difficult, but later you will realize that it is for the best.

      • At times like these, you have to weigh the pros and cons. Can you afford to move or quit your job? Are there only temporary troubles in your relationship and this is not permanent? Make sure you think things through before you go. big changes in life.
      • Can't quit everything? Then come up with some ways to make these things more exciting. Ask at work for a project, travel more often, or do something crazy with your partner. Everything can be changed.
    2. Clean up the mess. Clean house- a clean mind where you can finally make room for entertainment. By doing this, you show yourself that you are making changes and improving yourself. Tidying up your home will make you prouder, more organized, more likely to invite friends home, and save time looking for things.

      • If you get rid of the clutter, your rooms will seem brighter and bigger, you will feel more energetic and happy when you wake up in the morning or come home from work. Everyone should enjoy the time spent at home, and this will be much easier.
    3. Stop focusing on the negative. The next time you are invited somewhere, or you have a task, do not let yourself worry bad thoughts. If you can focus on positive things, you will be able to enjoy even the smallest things. It's too easy to drown in negativity, but you'll never be happy if you see negativity in everything.

      • If a negative thought comes to your mind, think of something positive, and positive thinking will come to you. For example, if you're thinking, "This is so hard..." think, "...but I'll feel good when I do it!"
    4. Change your diet. When it comes to food, keep two things in mind:
      • Get yourself a good, balanced diet. This is good not only for your health, but also for your mood. Poor nutrition will cause an energy decline, you will feel tired and sick. Also, knowing that you are taking care of your body will make you feel better, happier, and more confident.
      • Experiment. Find some new recipes you'd like to try. Go to a restaurant next Friday. Try something you have never tried before. Use interesting dishes means you can be interesting three times a day.
    5. Find time to rest. Whether it's entertainment once a week, hot tub or deep breathing during the working day, you need to relax a little. Everyone needs time to unwind after a hectic week, to take a few hours off from work or to-do. Even if you read a book for 15 minutes, it will be good.

      • Some people prefer things like yoga and meditation. Others would rather play a video game. There is no right or wrong way to relax, do what works for you. After that, you should feel fully recovered and ready to "get back in the game."
    6. Spend time around happy people. Avoid people who moan and complain all the time, look for people with a good sense of humor who have a positive outlook on life. You will find that their positivity is contagious. Such people also strive for exciting and new things.

      • One more a good idea! Spend time with your family. As we get older, we often realize that when we were young, we really missed out on precious time with our families, and you can't get that back. They are probably doing interesting things too and would be just happy to spend time with you.


    • Don't focus on improving your life so much that you forget to enjoy what you're doing!