The lifting mechanism of the bed creaks what to do. What to do if the orthopedic bed base creaks

Beds with lifting mechanism, are considered reliable and strong, but sooner or later problems may arise with their operation. The most common malfunction is the occurrence of a creak, which appears as a result of the friction of one part against another. Then the owner has a question - what to do if the bed with a lifting mechanism creaks and what causes the problem?

Reasons for the squeak of a bed with a lifting mechanism

In order to find out why a bed with a lifting mechanism creaks, the product will need to be disassembled and inspected. The most common causes causing this problem, are the following nuances:

  • Fastener loosening. If screws, nuts, bolts or other fasteners loosen, under the influence of gravity and as a result of the movement of people on the bed, the parts begin to rub against each other and cause a creak.
  • The drying up of the tree. Since the beds with a lifting mechanism are mostly made of chipboard and wood, the material begins to dry out, shift and change shape over time. Gaps and distances form between the elements, due to which an unpleasant sound appears.
  • Base part problem. The problem may arise in the place where the leg is attached to the base of the frame. Most often this occurs as a result of the weakening of the fastener.
  • Lift spring failure. Since the element of the mechanical structure responsible for lifting and lowering bed wears out over time, stretches and loses its elasticity, it can be the main cause of creaking.
  • Incorrect installation of slats. If the grooves are not installed correctly, they begin to rub against the fasteners or fall out. As a result, the slats are worn out, and their friction causes a squeak.

In order to determine which part of the bed is creaking, it is necessary to remove the mattress and make movements that loosen the furniture in the direction from the footboard to the headboard. This should be done carefully, without much effort and listening to the sounds that arise. As a rule, at this moment you can determine exactly where the creak comes from. If there are no sounds, the mattress should be examined, which can also cause squeaking. This can happen due to worn springs, especially when the product has been used for a long time. In this case, it should be replaced.

How to get rid of the squeak of a bed with a lifting mechanism?

After it became clear why the bed with a lifting mechanism creaks, you can try to eliminate the cause that caused the problem. First of all, it is recommended to tighten all fasteners. If they are old or worn out, it is better to replace them or supplement them with new corners, placing them with inside bed base. It is also recommended to lubricate these places with carpentry or rubber glue, which will secure the screws, nuts and bolts more firmly.

If the identified cause of the creak is the friction of wood elements, they must be lubricated with grease. For this, rubber glue, grease, spray with graphite or silicone, a paraffin candle or dry soap are suitable. For processing, the product will need to be disassembled, degreased with alcohol, allowed to dry and smeared. The structure should be assembled only after the joints have dried well. After the procedure, the treated surface becomes smoother and more protected, friction disappears, and the squeak disappears.

Problems with the support part are solved by fixing them more securely. Since the leg can loosen again over time, in some cases it is recommended to completely get rid of these parts by removing or sawing them off.

If it is found that the spring of the lifting mechanism of the bed is creaking, it will be necessary to replace the entire structure. As a rule, such problems arise with a mechanical device, since in a gas lift the part is less exposed to wear and tear. In order to change the lifting mechanism, unscrew the fasteners holding it, remove the element and put a new one in its place.

If the cause of the creak lies in the lamellas, they should be tried to be more securely fixed. If this does not help, the rails should be rearranged. In cases where the creak does not disappear, the parts must be replaced with new ones of similar size.

What to do so that the bed with a lifting mechanism does not creak?

Not a single product is insured against the occurrence of a creak, but in order to reduce the likelihood of an unpleasant sound, it is recommended to choose furniture, taking into account a number of nuances:

  • Material. It is better to choose a bed made of chipboard or wood. High Quality. A product made of reliable material is more wear-resistant to external influences and does not require special operating conditions.
  • Orthopedic base material. by the most suitable option are lamellas made of birch. Despite their elasticity, they are strong and not subject to deflection and breakage. If the design is complemented by a rubber fastening system, the risk of squeaking due to problems with the base of the furniture is practically eliminated.
  • Base element. When choosing a bed with a lifting mechanism, it is better to choose the option without legs. If, nevertheless, you like models with a support more, their length should not exceed 5 - 10 cm.

So that the bed with a lifting mechanism does not creak, provides comfort and pleases its owner long years, it is better to choose models good producers. Manufacturers such as Perrino, Ormatek, Rayton, Benartti, Soft Wall, Toris give a guarantee good quality and produce products that meet all the necessary standards. By opting for the products of these companies, the consumer minimizes the chances of problems that cause squeaking in a bed with a lifting mechanism.

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How to get rid of a squeak wooden bed, if he became the cause of restless sleep? It is necessary to establish the causes of unpleasant sounds, determine their location and take measures to eliminate these causes. We will tell you how to remove the creak of a wooden bed and restore silence in the bedroom.

We determine the causes of the creak

Most Common Problems

Most people prefer to buy wooden furniture due to habit and aesthetic preferences, since no material can be compared with wood in terms of the beauty of the pattern. However, it should be understood that this material has special properties, including a tendency to deformation and change in geometry. They lead to undesirable effects, such as creaking.

The strength of wood is relatively low, and the places of fastenings, joints and connections loosen and loosen over time, which causes backlash, which results in friction, leading to squeaks.

So, we have shown that the occurrence of noise is almost inevitable due to the properties of wood, and most often they occur for the following reasons:

  • Wooden parts shrink or absorb moisture, while their geometry changes. Uneven changes in the size of fasteners, changes in gaps and slots lead to friction and backlash, which cause unpleasant sounds; (See also the article.)
  • The places where boards are fastened with bolts, spikes, nails or self-tapping screws gradually wear out under the influence of loads, holes increase, fastening spikes or dowels are deformed, screws are unscrewed and nails become loose. All this leads to displacements of parts relative to each other with inevitable friction and creaking;
  • The geometry of the frame itself changes, the legs buckle, the angles change. The design becomes less stable, the loads begin to act in other directions and again lead to noise and squeaks.

In addition, the mattress can creak, especially if it is spring-loaded. Also on wooden frame can be installed metal grid for the mattress support, which also sometimes starts to make sounds.

What to do if a wooden bed creaks? First, find out the reasons.

Finally, floor boards located under the legs of the bed can creak. Also, the back or side board of the product may rub against nearby furniture or a wall.

Determine the problem area

Now you need to find the source of the sound. This is important, as pinpointing the location will make it easier to eliminate noise.

It is necessary to shake the structure along the longitudinal and transverse axis, while listening carefully. If there is noise, then the problem is in the frame or the leg mounts.

If the stagger does not make any special sounds, then you should lie on the bed and turn on it. If this leads to squeaks, then the problem may be in the mattress, support slats or. Try to figure out where the noise is coming from.

You can also remove the mattress and turn it 180˚. In addition, you should move the mattress and lay it as evenly as possible in the center, and if it was lying like that, then, on the contrary, move it slightly: changing the distribution of loads can eliminate the cause of the sound.

Try moving the bed around a bit.
Perhaps the floorboards creak or the back rubs against nearby furniture.

Eliminate the creak

It is not necessary to call a master to repair your bed, because the price of his work will be rather big, it is better to do everything yourself. The instruction does not require special skills and is quite simple.

First you need to check all connections. These can be steel corners, nails, screws, spikes or dowels. Parts should be connected tightly and not stagger.

The tsargs are often loosened at the points of attachment to the headboards. Also, the skeleton itself, on which the structure rests, can loosen. Finally, trouble spot- this is the fastening of the legs.

The easiest way is to disassemble the bed into its component parts and seal the joints. Pieces of leather or rubber are laid between the metal corners / plates and wood, and then tightened with screws. You can put thin chips into the screw holes for a stronger connection.

Wooden dowels and spikes must be wrapped with polyethylene or tape. It also helps to lubricate with wax, soap, paraffin or by special means type WD-40.

It is necessary to sort out the slats under the mattress. They often shift, crack, or simply fall into disrepair. They can be interchanged, damaged strips can be replaced.

If there are bolted connections, they must be slightly tightened with a wrench. The screws can be moved slightly and tightened in a new location. If nails come out, they should be replaced with other fasteners, for example, steel corners or plates, dowels, screws.

Eliminating creaking comes down to sealing and lubricating all existing joints, joints and fasteners.


Wooden beds creak with force natural causes, so you should not be surprised at the appearance of noise. You can eliminate them yourself by sealing joints and cracks, lubricating rubbing parts, and strengthening the structure. The video in this article will help you better cope with the repair.

12 Feb 2017 18 Mar 2017

Despite all its advantages, wooden furniture will sooner or later show its character ... It's about about the violin. And if the table in the living room or another piece of furniture that you don’t have to use very often began to creak, then it’s quite possible to pretend that everything is fine. But when the bed on which you have to sleep every night begins to creak, the problem becomes almost catastrophic: you can’t get enough sleep, romance doesn’t stick, and the rest of the household starts thinking about earplugs ... If your plans do not include buying a new bed, then it will be useful for you to learn how you can eliminate the annoying wooden creak.

Action plan

The first thing to do before proceeding directly to eliminate the squeak is to determine the cause of the unpleasant sound.

There are only two main reasons: the weakening of fasteners and the natural process of wood drying out. But still, the first reason is more common, unless, of course, we are talking about a bed made of wood, processed according to all the rules. A creak is the result of mechanical friction between two pieces of furniture. To determine which parts of the wooden furniture are creaking, the mattress should be removed from the bed. After that, you need to carefully shake those details that arouse suspicion: first of all, these are the legs, lamellas under the mattress and attachment points.

The simplest thing that can be done is to properly tighten all the available fasteners and, after this manipulation, lubricate the joints of the two wooden parts glue (preferably carpentry, but in extreme cases you can use any other). After sizing, it will be possible to use the bed for its intended purpose no earlier than a day later. But if the bed is no longer new and the fasteners have rusted, then it is unlikely that they will be tightened. Then it is recommended to install metal building corners on the back of the bed frame.

You can go the other way: grease all the joints in which friction was found. If you want to approach the issue of eliminating unpleasant sound professionally, then buy in advance at hardware store special silicone or graphite glue. But, as practice shows, as a lubricant with the same success as an expensive spray, you can use a paraffin candle, soap, salidol and even starch.

Creaking sounds that are “localized” in the legs of the bed are more difficult to eliminate: here you need to either try to fix them more securely on the floor (the old-fashioned method is relevant here - using a gasket between the floor covering and the leg), or replace them with new ones, which is very difficult to do on your own . If possible, you can pay for the service of replacing the legs to the master. Or you can, which is happening most often now, remove the “legs” of the bed altogether and turn it into a chic floor podium bed.

Now about under the mattress slats. These are transverse slats, which bear the main load of the body weight of the owner of the bed. If it is they who creak, then the solution may be to replace the lamellas with new ones, or, alternatively, the lamellas can be swapped. More tenacious (and therefore not creaking) are the slats located under the headboard and at the foot of the bed. They can be pulled out and swapped with those installed in the middle of the bed.

Such manipulations usually solve the problem of the creaking of a wooden bed. But if this did not help, then there is reason to think that it’s not the bed that can creak, but spring mattress(especially if it's not very new). And I also had a case in my practice when a client followed all my recommendations, even changed the mattress, and the bed continued to creak. Why? It turned out that it was not the furniture or the mattress that creaked at all, but ... the floor. Yes, the wooden floorboards on which the bed stood creaked. Therefore, in order not to do a bad job, just in case, check for creakiness flooring under your bed!

Over the years, the place most conducive to calm and healthy sleep, can be a source of irritability and discomfort. The source of such inconvenience is a wooden bed, which, during operation, began to make creaky sounds.

Now it is not a problem to buy high-quality wooden beds in Moscow, but even they can cause trouble over time.

The creak can break own dream, and can also interfere with sleep at home and even neighbors. So we all have to fight possible ways with this seemingly minor, but at the same time unpleasant problem.

First of all, you need to find out what can cause the squeak.

Causes of the squeak

The main culprits for squeaking a wooden bed are warping of the wood and loosening of fasteners. Due to the displacement of the two parts relative to each other, friction occurs, which is the cause of the creak.

To determine the source of the creak, you need to disassemble the bed, that is, remove the mattress on the floor and, moving along it, listen carefully to see if it makes sounds. It's not the bed itself that creaks, but the mattress springs.

After making sure that everything is in order with the mattress, you need to check the bed frame. Sources of unpleasant sounds can be:

  • fixing connections;
  • slats on which the mattress lies;
  • shattered legs.

After establishing the cause of the creak, we will try to eliminate it.

The first thing to do is check and properly tighten the fasteners. For more reliable fixation, metal corners are installed on them.

The friction of parts can be eliminated by lubricating the joints with paraffin, silicone, grease or soap. You need to be careful when doing this so that the furniture does not lose its appearance.

Highly in a good way squeak elimination is first degreasing, and then gluing the joints of parts with elastic glue. It is better not to use the bed for a day so that the glue is completely dry and the maximum effect is achieved.

The slats that make up the base of the bed, due to the heavy load, quickly become unusable and can creak.

You can get rid of this in several ways:

  • lubricate the lamella with paraffin;
  • rearrange the lamellas;
  • replace the blades with new ones.

The most difficult case is getting rid of the squeak caused by loose bed legs. Both repair and replacement with new ones are difficult.

Often the only way to get rid of annoying sounds is to remove or cut down the legs of the bed. It is also the reason why many furniture factories began to produce beds without legs.

How to get rid of the squeak of the bed, see the video:

The eventful day is over, and you can finally sleep sweetly. But the insidious bed suddenly begins to make nasty creaking sounds. It seems to be a trifle, but unpleasant, the problem must be somehow solved. Buying a new bed is not always an option, and it can also creak. So, what to do if the bed creaks?

A creak occurs when two parts of the product come into contact, as a rule, this happens when the joints become loose, or due to deformation of the material. Poor assembly leads to the fact that a brand new bed starts to creak, although this rarely happens. Much more often, the creak does not appear immediately, but over time, when the fasteners weaken during operation, and the wood or chipboard changes in size due to non-permanent climatic conditions. A spring mattress can also creak when it wears out.

If a wooden bed creaks

The creak of a wooden bed is associated primarily with the characteristics of the material. The tree reacts to changes in the humidity of the air in the room. It dampens at high humidity in the absence of heating and dries out in winter period when the air is very dry. As a result of such changes wooden elements beds are often deformed, and begin to “walk” relative to each other, even one millimeter of free space between the elements is enough for a creak to appear. The greater the difference in humidity in different time year, the higher the likelihood of squeaks in the near future.

You need to try to find the exact location of the creak. Start with the mattress, to do this, remove it from the bed to the floor, crawl on it and listen, if it makes squeaky sounds, then get a new one. Otherwise, keep looking. Check all fasteners - this is the most common cause bed squeaks. Tighten the screws properly. If it is not possible to fix it securely, secure this junction with a metal angle or bracket. You can try to lubricate the joints of the elements with silicone, paraffin, in last resort, soap. Lubrication removes friction, which means that the creak will disappear for a while. With a sufficiently large distance between the rubbing parts, lay a piece of felt or felt.

by the most the right way squeaking is considered to be gluing the joints with some kind of elastic glue, such as rubber. It is important that before gluing, do not forget to degrease the joints so that the glue grabs well, and this work is not in vain. Of course, after such a repair, it will be impossible to disassemble the bed into parts. But on the other hand, the guarantee of getting rid of nasty sounds is great.

If you find that the lamellas are creaking, then proceed as follows. Lubricate the lamella with paraffin or wax candle. Or pull out the lamella, wrap it with a strip of fabric and insert it back. It happens that it helps to simply change the lamellas in places. It is on the lamellas that the main load falls, and over time, cracks may even appear on them. Therefore, if the creak has not disappeared, replace the lamella that has become unusable.

Another radical way to deal with the creaking of the slats is to put two sheets of plywood in their place and carefully screw it to the frame.

Most difficult case- this is a creak that arises from the loose legs of the bed. Repairing old or installing new legs is very difficult process. Often furniture repairmen offer to cut down the legs of the bed. For the same reason, many furniture factories have stopped producing beds with legs.

Lift bed

In a bed with a lifting mechanism, the base to which the mattress is attached most often creaks. In this case, you should contact the company that made this bed and replace the base. But the lifting mechanism itself can also emit a creak. It is recommended to lubricate with silicone. And tighten all fixing screws.

Eliminate the creak of a metal bed

The metal creak is especially unpleasant. Tighten the fasteners, lubricate the joints of the parts. In some models, the front and side walls are connected by Click-Clack mechanisms, which quickly loosen and begin to creak. It is better to replace them with ordinary bolts and nuts.

If you find touching surfaces that make a creak on a metal base, glue them with tape.

When a worn armored mesh creaks, it is easier to replace it with any other base. You can treat the springs with WD-40, but this is painstaking work, the result of which will not be as long as we would like.

Inflatable bed creaking

Unfortunately, many air beds creak a lot. Sound is produced by the contact of rubber surfaces. And it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely get rid of this phenomenon, but it can be weakened. To do this, place the air bed on the carpet, cover the mattress with a woolen blanket on top, and there is already a sheet on it.
