Primroses: keys to the gates of heaven or fairy houses? Common primrose: care and cultivation.

Together with us, the first flowers meet spring. For the most part, these are representatives of the bulbous. They are tender, fragile and a little cold, like the first spring months. Therefore, against the background of these flowers, the perennial primrose stands out, from which it breathes with the warmth of the sun and the promise of a long-awaited summer.

Primrose or primrose (Primula) of the Primrose family are rhizomatous herbaceous low perennial plants that bloom mainly in spring, although there are some summer-flowering species. Whole wrinkled leaves have a slight edge, they form a basal rosette. Flowering stems do not have leaves. Flowers come in a surprisingly varied color, there are two and even three-colored. They are located on peduncles singly or form various inflorescences. After flowering, a fruit box is formed with small dark brown seeds. All species reproduce well by seed, and many by dividing the bush. You can learn more about caring for primroses.

This flower is distributed throughout the world, therefore, accordingly, it has a lot of species, more than four hundred. In almost every country, it is covered with legends and myths, it is considered medicinal and mystical. For early flowering, primroses are called spring primroses, for wavy pubescent leaves - “rams”, and also “keys”, since the inflorescence resembles a bunch of small keys.

In the spring, having missed warmth and flowers, we meet bulbous primroses with special tenderness and joy. The largest of…

Primrose classifications

Although primroses are well studied and described by botanists, their huge variety makes classification quite difficult.

A unified universal classification has not yet been created. Officially, the primrose genus is divided into 7 subgenera: Sphondylia, Auriculastrum, Primula, Auganthus, Carolinella, Aleuritia, Craibia.

These plants differ from each other in shape, size, color of flowers and leaves, type of inflorescences, flowering time, that is morphological features. On this basis, 23 (sometimes 30 or 38) sections or groups were identified.

The English Royal Horticultural Society has compiled its own, easier-to-use classification, which divides primroses into 3 large groups.

Florists for practical use divided into groups according to the shape of the inflorescences and their location.

Let us briefly consider these variants of classifications.

Classification according to morphological features

As we have already indicated above, the classification of primroses according to external features distinguishes 23-38 sections. Consider only those species that can be grown on the territory of our country (approximately in the middle lane).

1. Mealy primroses

Mealy primroses (Primula Fariaosa, Aleuritia). A characteristic feature of this group is the presence of white or yellow plaque on the plants. Small flowers form umbrella inflorescences. This moisture-loving plants that require little shelter for the winter are short-lived. This section includes more than 80 species.

Primula mealy
Primula Gallera

We will name just a few of them. This is a native of the Balkans thick-leaved primrose (Рrimula frondosa), originally from the Alpine and Carpathian mountains, Haller's primrose (Рrimula halleri), mealy primrose (Primula fariaosa) grows in the Far East, the north of the European part of Russia, the north of Mongolia and in the mountains of Western Europe.


Primrose pink

Primroses OREOPHLOMIS (Primula Oreophlomis) - this section includes low early flowering species. Distinctive features this group are smooth leaves with a jagged edge and bright pink flowers with a small yellow eye.

The pink primrose (Primula rosea) most clearly represents the group. A lover of wet soils from the Himalayas. Young leaves with teeth on the edge have a bronze tint, but gradually become light green. Peduncles are short and at first it seems that the flowers lie on the leaves, but gradually grow up to 15 cm. Small (about 1 cm) pink flowers bloom in May.

On sale you can find the variety Rosea Grandiflora with large flowers.

3. Primrose auricles

Auricula primroses, or auriculastrum (Primula Auricula, Auriculastrum) - this section includes 21 species native to Europe. This undersized plants with dense leaves, stems and flowers are covered with a white powdery coating. The color of the buds can be lilac, yellow, pink or purple, sometimes with a white eye.

Let's take a look at several types.

Auricula or ear primrose (Rrimula auricula) - grows in the mountain meadows of southern Europe. The leaves are dense, dark green, with barely visible teeth along the edge, can reach 20 cm. Traditionally, the flowers are yellow (up to 3 cm), but hybrids amaze with a variety of colors and their combination, there are multi-flowered varieties, as well as with contrasting eyes. All this flower splendor is collected in an umbrella at the top of the stem (10-25 cm). Flowering is long April-June. It may have several flower stalks. Leaves and flowers are abundantly "powdered".

Primula ear terry Crimson Glow
Primrose ear terry Susannah
Primula ear terry Jupp

This species has many varieties. In addition to the chic flower, the orange-yellow variety Jupp has a delicate aroma. Reminiscent of small roses primrose ear terry. Very beautiful with dense double dark cherry flowers Crimson Glow, pale pink with a light yellow base Susannah. An unusual Max variety, its flowers are black in the shade, becoming cherry in the sun.

Primrose pubescent Rubin

Primrose pubescent (Rrimula pubescens) is a section of large-flowered hybrids, in the selection of which primroses were eared, hairy (P. Villosa), sticky (P. Viscosa), hard-haired (P. Hirsuta). This group is divided into three subgroups: Belgian, English and terry auricles. They differ in the color of the eye and the presence of plaque.

Velvet ruby-cherry flower with a large yellow center in the Rubin variety, white-cream with a yellow eye in the White variety, light purple also with a yellow eye in the Violeta variety.

This section also includes small primrose (Рrimula minima), Delekluza (Рrimula clusiana), hairy (Рrimula villosa), carniolian (Рrimula carniolica), rough-haired (Рrimula hirsuta), fringed (Рrimula marginata).

primrose hairy
Primula delecluse Primula carniolia

4. Cortusiform primroses

Primrose cortusoides (Primula Corthusoides) - unite the inhabitants of Europe, Siberia, Japan, Korea, China. These species do not have a powdery coating, they have funnel-shaped flowers and petiolate leaves. This section includes the following types.

Primula cortusoides (Primula сorthusoides) is our West Siberian beauty. The leaves are oval-oblong with teeth along the edge, covered with long hairs, located on long petioles. Peduncle (from 10 to 40 cm) is also pubescent. At its top, the flowers are collected in a multi-flowered umbrella. Pinkish-purple petals have a deep groove in the middle. Blooms in late May and blooms until the end of June.

Primula Siebold (Рrimula sieboldii) is a native of Japan. It is distinguished by very decorative leaves, which, due to the special shape of the teeth along the edge, seem to be wavy. Multi-flowered umbrellas of various colors are located on peduncles 15-20 cm long. It blooms for a long time (almost 2 months) starting from the end of April. Thanks to well-branched rhizomes, it grows quickly.

Primula Siebold Aoyagizome
Primula Siebold Shibori Gasane

Of the original varieties, I would like to note the Aoyagizome variety, white with rare light green spots, the Shibori Gasane variety, white with frequent pink strokes. Flowers of the Trade Winds variety series look like carved snowflakes.

This group also includes - rock primrose (Рrimula saxatilis), rejected (Рrimula patens), multi-nervous (Рrimula polyneura).

5. Dental primroses

Toothed primroses (Primula Denticulaia) - this section includes two species.

Primrose Capitate Salvana

Primrose capitate (Рrimula capitata) - this species is common in Tibet and India. The leaves are oblong with a blunt top, wrinkled, collected in a basal rosette. On a peduncle (15-30 cm), a capitate inflorescence is formed from small velvety purple flowers. The whole plant is "powdered" with a white bloom. Blooms almost all summer. In our area it is used mainly as an annual plant.

It has decorative varieties such as Noverna Deep Blue, Salvana.

Primula finely toothed

Small-toothed primrose (Rrimula denticulata) - differs from other species in pretty inflorescences-balls, consisting of small flowers of a traditional lilac range. Peduncles grow constantly: at first they are only 2-3 cm, but gradually, by the middle of flowering they already reach 20 cm, and at the end of the season even 30 cm. The whole plant is “powdered” with a yellowish bloom. Primula dentate begins flowering in April, it lasts more than a month. Gives self-seeding and winters well.

Primula finely toothed is represented by various decorative varieties. Dense balls of small flowers with tiny yellow eyes are deep pink in Deep Rose, lilac blue in Cashmeriana, deep crimson in Rubra. Primula "Alba" will delight with white small clouds.

Has a primrose fine-toothed variety series. For example, Corolla, "Pon-pon" consist of different colors (white, purple, red).

6. Yulia primroses

Primrose Julia (Julia) - this section includes actually one species. Often this group also includes primrose prugonitskaya.

Primula Julia (Rrimula juliae) comes from Eastern Transcaucasia. This is a miniature plant (10 cm). The leaves are oval, with rounded teeth along the edge, located on long petioles. Lilac-purple flowers (up to 3 cm) are located one at a time at the top of the peduncle. They have a rather long flower tube (2 cm) and a deep groove in the middle of the petal. Blooms early in April and blooms for more than a month.

Primula Julia Sneeuwwitje
Primula Julia Riga-6

There are many varieties and hybrids of this species. A popular Sneeuwwitje variety with snow-white petals and a lemon eye. A pleasant lilac-blue color contrasts well with the yellow eye of the hybrid varieties Blue Julianas. An old but very attractive variety Riga-6, spring warmth is reflected in its rich pink petals and yellow-orange center.

Prugonitskaya primrose (Рrimula pruhoniciana) are hybrids of Yulia primrose (Рrimula juliae) and other species. For example, raspberry-purple with a bright yellow eye Wanda.

7. Primrose muscarioides

Primrose muscarioides is a section of plants native to Tibet and the Himalayas. Most often grown as biennials. Their distinctive feature is long pointed inflorescences, uncharacteristic for primroses.

Primula vial or orchid primrose (Рrimula vialii) - this species is quite difficult to take root in our climate, but it is worth it to make a little effort. The leaves are long lanceolate (up to 30 cm), with teeth along the edge and a very weak edge. The peduncle is covered with powdery coating, grows up to 20 cm (in our area up to 15 cm). The inflorescence, somewhat reminiscent of a small corncob, consists of many rich red buds, which, gradually blooming (from bottom to top), turn into pale lilac flowers with a pleasant light smell. Flowering continues from June to July.

This group also includes primrose muscariform (Рrimula muscarioides). This summer-flowering species is very rare in our country.

8. Primrose

Primula (Primula) - this section with a common name includes species of European and Asia Minor origin, which completely lack powdery coating. Plants of this group are very common in decorative floriculture.

Primula high - plants come from central Europe and the Carpathian mountains. Oval-oblong leaves look wrinkled due to depressed veins. Leaf plate (from 5 to 20 cm) with a serrated edge and sparse hairs. Peduncle slightly pubescent (10-35 cm). Small yellow flowers with a dark center form a slightly drooping umbrella inflorescence. Flowering lasts about two months starting in mid-April. Hybrids have larger flowers and incredibly varied colors.

Primula high Piano Rose Bicolor
Primula high Victoriana Gold Lace Black

Now this species has many varieties. For example, "Piano" includes Piano Red, Blue, White, Yellow, Orange, Fire, and even the most beautiful Piano Rose Bicolor. Thanks to the high peduncles, the primrose "Erfurt Giants" ("Big Ben") is suitable even for cutting.

Of the hybrids, I would like to note the so-called "lace" varieties - "Queen's Lace", Silver Lace Black, Victoriana Gold Lace Black. The rather dark petals of these varieties are framed by a thin whitish border, so the inflorescences seem openwork.

Polyanthic primrose, or multi-flowered primrose (Рrimula poliantha) - this species is very similar to the high primrose (Рrimula elatior), only its flowers are much larger (about 5-6 cm), flowering occurs later (end of May-June), there is a pleasant aroma. This species is much more tender and can freeze in winter, so a large number of such hybrids are grown as pot crops.

Primrose polyanthus "Francesca"

The Blue Jeans variety is very popular, its white petals are densely filled with blue veins. The Faye variety stands out for its striking combination of shades, while the SuperNova variety stands out for its very early flowering. One of the most original hybrid varieties is "Francesca", the owner of corrugated lemon-green flowers with a yellow eye.

Spring primrose (Rrimula veris) is an exclusively European species, which in the old days was called forest or medicinal primrose, it is still used for medicinal purposes. The leaves are oval, wrinkled (with depressed veins), uneven teeth along the edge make them slightly wavy. The underside of the leaf may be slightly hairy. A bright yellow flower with an orange center has a long calyx. Flowers at the top of a slightly hairy peduncle form a one-sided umbrella. Blooms from April to June. Numerous varieties have a wide variety of colors, and can be terry. Spring primrose is a very unpretentious species, however, it needs pollination by insects.

spring primrose
spring primrose

For example, golden sun splashes are reminiscent of the yellow flowers of Cabrillo Yellow, and the Spring Palette mix will delight you with joyful colors.

Primula ordinary or stemless (Рrimula vulgaris / acaulis) - grows in the south of our country and Europe. The leaves are oval, elongated (5-25 cm), wrinkled. At the top of low peduncles (6-20 cm) are single flowers, most often yellow, sometimes white with a purple center. Petals resemble a heart, divided into two halves. Flowering in this species is active, so the plants look very attractive. Primula acaulis has many hybrids that have amazing colors but are less weather resistant.

Primrose stemless Blue Zebra

Primrose stemless "Potsdam Giants" stands out among others with large flowers on a very small bush (15 cm). And the terry primrose "Primlet" looks like bunches of cute little roses of stunningly beautiful colors. The flowers of the Rosanna terry series are a bit reminiscent of azalea. A very original color in the Blue Zebra variety is a bright contrast of a golden yellow eye with striped blue-white petals.

Primula akaulis is very often used for growing at home.

This section also includes large-calyx primrose (Primula macrocalyx), lovely (Rrimula amoena), Pallas (Rrimula pallasii), Voronov (Rrimula woronowii), Komarov (Rrimula komarovii), Ruprecht (Primula ruprechtii), Abkhazian (Rrimula abchasica), Sibtorp ( Primula Sibthorpii).

Primula lovely Primrose large-calyx
Primula Sibthorpa
Primula Komarova

9. Candelabra primroses

Candelabra primroses (Proliferae, Candelabra) - this section contains residents of Japan, China, India and other countries of this region. These plants are very beautiful, they are summer flowering. They grow well in our climate, but require careful shelter for the winter. Most often they are used as biennials, but if you create comfortable conditions for them, you can also grow them as perennials. Often give a good self-seeding.

Primula Bissa Primula Bullea

Primula bulleyana (Primula bulleyana) is a native of China, its peduncle reaches 50 cm, and the leaf plate is 40 cm. The leaves are elongated, serrated along the edge. Orange-yellow small flowers are located on a high peduncle in several tiers (from 5 to 7).

Bissa's primrose (Primula beesiana) and powdered primrose (Primula pulverulenta) are very similar to it, only they are slightly larger with raspberry flowers, and the latter species has a powdery coating.

Japanese primrose (Primula japonica) - this beauty can be used for cutting. Her peduncle (30-50 cm) seems to be decorated with bright crimson bracelets. Flowering begins in May from the lower tiers and lasts about 2 months.

Japanese Primula Apple Blossom
Japanese primrose Miller's Crimson

Japanese primrose is also used in indoor floriculture as a pot culture.

The delicate apple blossom is reminiscent of the Apple Blossom variety, while Miller's Crimson has rich crimson flowers with a large cherry center.

Primula coekburna (Primula coekburniana) - also belongs to this group, but is very rarely grown in our area.

As you can see, this is a rather complicated classification and it is not always convenient for an amateur gardener to use it.

Classification of the English Royal Horticultural Society

This is a more simplified version of the classification.

Group-1. Ear-shaped primroses (auricula) and all sorts of their hybrids. This group is divided into 4 subgroups.

Primula ear

Border (bed) are the most hardy and resistant varieties of this group. Thanks to strong peduncles, they withstand bad weather well. The compact habit allows you to create low flowering borders from them, and a wide palette of colors makes them popular in the design of flower beds. May have a slight powdery coating.

Alpine auricles are also well suited for outdoor cultivation. All of them are brightly colored. The middle and the tube of the obligatory one color. Flowers with a white center tend to have petals in the violet-blue range, and if the center is golden yellow, the petals may be in the reddish-brown range. May have a light border. This subgroup does not have a powdery coating on the flowers.

Terry primrose is stunningly beautiful, but it requires more attention and care. However, it feels good in the flower beds with proper care.

Exhibition are hybrid, rather exacting and gentle grades. For the most part, the flowers are covered with a powdery coating, which makes them very original. However, bad weather (rain and wind) severely damages this plaque (farina), so in Europe these show varieties are grown under cover or at home. In addition, some of them cannot winter in the open field.

Group-2. Primrose-polyanthus primroses. This group includes 2 subgroups.

Polyanthic primroses. This includes all complex hybrids with the participation of multi-flowered and high primroses.

Primrose spring, ordinary, Julia, as well as all sorts of their varieties.

Group-3. Candelabra primroses. This group combines species with a tiered arrangement of inflorescences. These are Japanese, Bissa and Bullea, as well as all their varieties.

Primula vulgaris
Japanese primrose

This classification includes the most common types and varieties of primroses in decorative floriculture.

Classification according to the shape and arrangement of inflorescences

This is the simplest and most convenient classification for amateur gardeners, which allows you to choose varieties suitable for habit and shape for flower beds.

Cushion. This group includes species with single flowers on low peduncles, they only slightly rise above the “cushion” of leaves. The most popular in decorative floriculture from this group is the common primrose, small, Julia, Voronova.

Umbrella. In this group, inflorescences form a one-sided or rounded umbrella on peduncles up to 20 cm. Of the most popular types of primrose, high, polyanthus, auricular, spring, pink, rejected, and all their hybrids.

Spherical or capitate. Primrose spherical forms a dense capitate inflorescence, which looks like a decorative ball on a stem that grows during flowering. These include primrose finely toothed, capitate and their varieties.

Candelabra or tiered. The inflorescences of this group are arranged in tiers on a high strong peduncle, reminiscent of old candlesticks-candelabra. In our climate, Japanese primrose, Bullea, Byssa and powdered primrose are used.

florinda primrose
sikkimese primrose

Bellflowers. This group has a drooping inflorescence of bell-like yellow flowers at the top of a strong peduncle. The group is small, but planting of these plants is possible along the banks of water bodies and in poorly drained areas. These are the Sikkimese primrose (Рrimula sikkimensis) and the Florinda primrose (Рrimula florindae).

The garden has been known to people since the era of the most ancient civilizations. However, most often these were open gardens. Winter Garden -…

Indoor primroses

We examined the garden primrose and its classification. However, it should be noted that some species of this plant are grown as pot crops in our climate. Among them, the most common are Chinese primrose (Primula sinensis), Kyus primrose (Primula kewensis), malacoides primrose (Primula malacoides), reverse conical primrose (Primula obconica) and soft primrose (Primula malacoides).

Primrose reverse conical

For example, Chinese in open ground, blooms in May-June, and at home - from December to March.

Primula perennial is very diverse and beautiful. And the classifications we have considered will help you choose the variety that is right for your garden. An informative video will supplement the information.

Primula - gentle flowering plant from the primrose family. Its name can also be translated as "primrose". IN natural environment the flower is found on the slopes of the Alps, as well as in the temperate climate of Eurasia and North America. A cap of delicate flowers on low growth appears already in the middle of spring and lasts a very long time. Today, primrose is grown not only in the garden, but also at home as a houseplant. There are many varieties with different flowering time and appearance. Florists know how to make this beauty bloom at the right time, so for the holidays, pots with colorful primroses appear in abundance.

plant description

Primrose is a perennial, and occasionally an annual herbaceous plant. It has a compact size. The height during the flowering period does not exceed 20-50 cm. The plant is nourished by a fibrous branched rhizome, which is located in the upper layers of the soil. Immediately above the surface of the earth, a dense leaf rosette is formed. It contains sessile or petiolate leaves of oval, lanceolate or ovoid shape. They are painted in a gray-green hue without a pattern. The surface of the leaf is smooth or embossed, swollen between the veins. Leaf margins are either entire or finely serrated. Due to the short pile, the foliage seems fluffy and soft.

A long bare peduncle grows from the center of the rosette. Its top is decorated with a dense brush or umbrella, although there are varieties with single flowers on short legs. Regular corollas consist of five oval-shaped petals with a rounded or, conversely, pointed edge. At the base, the petals fuse into a narrow, long tube, and sharply bend along the edge. The color of the flower is very diverse (solid or variegated) - white, purple, lilac, pink and red. The center is almost always yellow. Flowers replace each other within 3-8 weeks.

After pollination by insects, oblong seed pods with soft edges ripen. Inside contains small elongated seeds with a smooth dark brown or black surface.

Variety of primroses

A very diverse genus of primrose includes about 400 plant species. Conventionally, they are divided into 38 sections.

Common primrose (vulgaris) or stemless (acaulis). This species is especially popular with gardeners. Plant height is 5-20 cm. Oval leaves with a corrugated surface grow on short petioles. They have a bright green color without spraying and grow up to 25 cm long, up to 4 cm wide. Funnel-shaped flowers with a diameter of 2-4 cm are distinguished by a variety of colors. They are grouped in a dense umbrella inflorescence and bloom in April-July.

The inhabitant of the alpine slopes grows denser, oval leaves with a smooth, shiny surface and a grayish coating. In the center of the leaf rosette there is a cylindrical stem up to 20 cm long with a dense spike-shaped inflorescence of 6-7 yellow fragrant flowers.

A rather large species up to 30 cm high grows wide oval leaves with a wrinkled surface and serrated sides. The length of the leaf reaches 20-40 cm. A dense spherical inflorescence about 10 cm in diameter blooms on a long stem. It consists of purple, lilac, red or white tubular flowers up to 15 mm in diameter. Flowering occurs in April-May and lasts up to 40 days.

Primula obconica (obconica). Herbaceous perennial with many round or oval leaves grows up to 60 cm in height. Wavy petiolate leaves in diameter reach 10 cm. A large umbrella of white, pink or purple flowers rises above them.

The plant forms a dense rosette of openwork lobed leaves. Above them grow pubescent red-brown peduncles 30-35 cm long. Each bears only a few large (4 cm in diameter) flowers.

Perennial garden variety with elongated lanceolate leaves that form a symmetrical rosette. Peduncles 40-50 cm long contain several tiers of umbrella inflorescences, which are arranged in whorls. This species belongs to the group of candelabra primroses. The diameter of tubular flowers of various shades of red is 3 cm.

An inhabitant of the south of Europe grows wrinkled oval leaves with small teeth along the edges. The length of the leaves is 5-20 cm, and the width is 2-7 cm. Beautiful delicate flowers 2 cm in diameter have a light yellow color with a brighter center. They are grouped in an umbrella inflorescence of 5-15 units. The height of the peduncle is 10-35 cm. Flowering begins in April and lasts up to two months. Varieties:

  • Primula colossea - larger flowers with crimson petals and a yellow star in the center;
  • Duplex - dark yellow throat surrounded by bright cherry petals.

On the basis of species primroses, breeders have bred many varieties primrose terry. They differ in a large number of petals compared to ordinary ones. From a distance, the buds look like small roses with softer petals. The Rosanna variety is especially popular. Bushes about 15 cm high are covered with a dense cap of narrow flowers of white, apricot, yellow, pink and red.

Reproduction methods

Primula is grown from seeds, and also propagated by dividing the bush and leaf cuttings. It should be noted that when sowing self-collected seeds, the varietal properties of especially terry primroses are not preserved. The seeds themselves quickly lose their germination capacity, so they are sown as early as possible.

Seedlings should be grown first. To do this, in mid-February, shallow boxes are prepared with a mixture of turf, sand and leafy soil. Small seeds try to distribute evenly on the surface. They are only slightly pressed into the ground. To preserve moisture, the container is covered with a film and placed in a freezer for 25-30 days. You can take the box outside. The air temperature during this period should be at -10°C.

After stratification, frozen seeds are transferred to a lighted window sill, to a room with a temperature of + 16 ... + 18 ° C. Shoots appear slowly and heterogeneously. When the seedlings reach the age of 2 weeks, the shelter is removed. Plants with 2-3 true leaves dive into another box with a greater distance. As it grows, a few more picks are carried out. For open ground, primrose seedlings will be ready only after 2 years.

A bush aged 4-5 years is recommended to be divided into several parts. This allows not only to get more plants, but also to rejuvenate existing ones. Do it in August-September. Pre-plants are well watered, dug up and carefully freed from the ground. The roots are washed in warm water, and then cut the plants into divisions with 1-2 growth points with a knife. Slices are processed charcoal and immediately plant flowers in a new place.

For cuttings, a leaf with a petiole and a bud at the base is used. It is rooted in a sandy-peat substrate. At the same time, half sheet plate removed immediately. It is necessary to keep the stalk in a warm (+16 ... + 18 ° C) room with bright but diffused light. The appearance of new buds indicates successful rooting. After that, the cuttings are transplanted into separate pots with soil for adult plants. In the spring they can be sent to the garden.

Landing Rules

Primrose is planted in open ground in spring or early autumn. Most plants have good frost resistance. In temperate climates and more southern regions they overwinter normally under cover of leaves. The landing site should be sheltered from the wind and slightly shaded. Plants are placed near shrubs or under the light crown of garden trees.

The soil should be loose and nutritious, without stagnant water. Primrose develops best on loam. Before planting, the site is dug up and, if necessary, sand, manure, and crushed sphagnum moss are added. Depending on the height of a particular variety, the distance between plants is 10-30 cm.

Homemade primrose should be repotted annually after flowering. Overgrown bushes are divided into parts. As a result, the leaves will be brighter, and flowering more abundant. The soil for indoor primroses is made up of peat, leaf and sod soil with the addition of river sand. A thick layer of drainage material must be laid out at the bottom of the pot.

Primrose care

With the right choice of place, caring for a primrose will not cause much trouble.

Lighting. Direct sunlight is contraindicated for the plant, burns quickly appear on it. It is better to keep it in shady places where the sun hits only in the early morning or at sunset.

Temperature. The optimum air temperature for primrose is + 16 ... + 22 ° C. Most of the time, flowers are kept outside or regularly ventilate the room. To bloom longer, you need to place the plants where the temperature is maintained + 12 ... + 15 ° C.

Humidity. Usually all types of primrose adapt well to natural humidity. However, they gratefully respond to periodic spraying. In too dry air, the edges of the leaves curl up and dry out.

Watering. The soil at the roots of primrose should always be slightly moist, but not waterlogged. It is better to water it often, but little by little. Water should be soft, well purified. At the end of flowering, irrigation is reduced.

Fertilizer. Several times a season, plants are fed with a mineral complex with a low nitrogen content. Begin to fertilize in early spring. During the period of budding and flowering, top dressing is stopped and resumed only at the end of summer.

In landscape design

Thanks to the wide variety of colors, garden primrose allows you to create an amazing ornament on the site. Since flowering varies greatly in terms, you can pick up varieties that, replacing each other, will delight from April to August. Flowers are used to decorate a rabatka, an alpine hill, flower beds in the shade of trees, edging a border, shrubs, and a high bank of a reservoir. They look good in the neighborhood of muscari, tulips, daffodils, irises, phlox, soapwort. Some species with inflorescences on long stems are cut to make bouquets.

As soon as they do not call the garden perennial primrose among the people: and lambs, and Easter flowers, and talismans of happiness, and keys. This plant has won the extreme love of flower growers for its species diversity, original colors, ease of reproduction and unpretentious care. In addition, new flower hybrids appear every year. perennial primrose, which means that interest in these primroses will never dry up.

What do perennial primroses look like?

Primrose, or primrose, is a flower from the Primrose family. This is the most beautiful perennial, usually flowering in early spring. In nature, more than 500 species of primroses are known, common in Europe, America, Asia. They are found mainly in mountainous regions, forests, and also on plains on moist, humus-rich soil. Some species - Berengian primrose, Daryal, Yulia, bud-leaved - are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

On this page, you will find photos and descriptions of the most popular types and varieties of primroses.

Primroses attract flower growers with early, abundant and long flowering, a variety of colors and shapes, and a pleasant aroma. If you have different types of primroses in the collection, you can admire their bright flowering from early spring to mid-summer. Some species may re-bloom in autumn. The advantages of primroses are also winter hardiness, comparative simplicity of culture, rapid reproduction (by seeds and vegetatively), decorative foliage until late autumn.

Spring primroses bloom almost immediately after the snow melts and bloom until the end of May, blending well with many bulbs and filling the gaps between them.

As you can see in the photo, perennial primroses can be used in any landscape-style flower beds, discounts, borders, on alpine slides:

Group plantings form a bright, very picturesque carpet. Long-stemmed species are suitable for the first spring bouquets. Plants are suitable for decorating containers, vases. If you plant primroses in pots in autumn, then in March they will bloom with you.

Primula is a low-growing rhizomatous plant 10-30 cm high. Wrinkled leaves are collected in a basal rosette. Flowers solitary or in inflorescences - umbellate, spherical, capitate.

Look at the photo how primroses look - the color of the flowers can be very diverse, except for sky blue:

Many types of primroses have a strong, pleasant aroma. Flowering time up to a month.

How to grow a perennial primrose: planting and care (with photo)

The most important condition successful cultivation garden perennial primrose is the right choice of planting site. You need to plant them in semi-shady or slightly shaded corners of the garden, but well ventilated. You can place them under single, as well as under ornamental trees and shrubs with late-blooming foliage.

In open, sunny places, primroses bloom as usual in early spring, but with the onset of summer, their leaves fade and dry; by autumn, the plants are so weakened that they die or do not bloom the next year.

For planting and caring for primroses, the soil must be prepared moist, loose, fertile. It is recommended to add rotted manure or compost (2 buckets per 1 m2), complete mineral fertilizer (150-200 g) and dig to a depth of 30 cm. Add 1 bucket of river sand per 1 m2 to the loam. Primroses are placed at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other, and large species - at a distance of 40 cm.

How to care for primroses to ensure good flowering? Plants are watered depending on the weather so that the ground is constantly moderately moist. After watering, the soil is loosened and covered with mulch with a layer of 2-3 cm. Plants respond well to the introduction of bird droppings infusion (1:20). In favorable conditions, primroses rarely get sick and are almost not affected.

Primroses are propagated by dividing overgrown plants and seeds. Delenki are best planted in early autumn so that they have time to take root before the onset of cold weather. Divide three-four-year specimens. An overgrown bush gives 4-6 divisions, which should have good roots and a few leaves. In hot weather, planted plants are watered daily for a week.

How to grow primrose from seeds? With seed propagation, wild primroses retain their characteristics. Garden hybrid plants are propagated vegetatively, since when seeds are sown, the properties of the variety are not inherited. The offspring can be the most diverse, sometimes very beautiful.

The seeds are sown late autumn to a depth of 0.5 cm in boxes or directly into the ground. Seeds can also be sown in open ground in the spring. Seedlings in the stage of 2-3 true leaves dive first at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other in a shady place. Seedlings are very demanding on moisture and need regular watering. The grown plants are planted in a permanent place. They bloom in 2 years.

Here you can see photos of planting and caring for primroses grown from cuttings and seeds:

Types and varieties of primroses: photo and description

In the gardens, mainly hybrid primroses are cultivated, as well as some wild ones. The most common are the following.

Primrose ordinary, or stemless , occurs naturally in the Crimea and the Caucasus. Flowers up to 3 cm in diameter, on a very short stem, light yellow with a purple center. The leaves are quite large, light green. Flowering is abundant from the end of April for a month.

As a result of hybridization, many varieties of primroses with lilac, dark blue flowers were obtained.

Spring primrose, or rams. Flowers up to 2 cm in diameter, bright yellow with an orange spot in the center, collected in an umbrella-shaped inflorescence on a stem up to 20 cm high. It blooms for more than a month, from the end of April. Grow mainly hybrid forms with large and double flowers the most varied colors.

Primrose ear, or auricula , - one of the most beautiful views. It has been widely cultivated in European countries since the 16th century. In nature, it lives in alpine meadows in the mountains of Central and Southern Europe.

As you can see in the photo, the flowers of this garden perennial primrose are yellow, collected in an umbrella at the top of a strong arrow 20-25 cm high:

The leaves are dense, smooth, rounded, form a beautiful rosette.

Cultivated varieties and natural hybrids with flowers up to 3-4 cm in diameter, mostly two-color most various combinations coloring. The flowers are collected in an umbrella-shaped inflorescence on an arrow up to 20 cm high. It blooms in May-June for 20-25 days. The best location is partial shade, in the sun the flowering time is reduced. Auricula are planted in the foreground in rockeries along the paths.

The natural hybrid of the auricle is primrose pubescent . fragrant flowers 1.5-4 cm in diameter have a variety of colors (from pure white to purple and brown).

Pay attention to the photo of this type of primrose - there are varieties both plain and with a white, cream or yellow eye:

The flowers are collected in corymbs on stems 10-20 cm high. Evergreen leaves are very expressive with a slight powdery coating, sometimes forming a light strip along the edges.

Primula finely toothed comes from the alpine meadows of the Himalayas. Numerous small flowers up to 1 cm in diameter are collected in a spherical inflorescence with a diameter of 6-7 cm. A strong peduncle 20-25 cm high after flowering stretches to 50-60 cm. A well-developed plant forms up to 5 peduncles. The color of the flowers is usually lilac, less often white, pink, reddish-purple or dark purple. It blooms from the end of April for 25-30 days. As they fade, leaves grow up to 20 cm. They are strongly wrinkled, finely toothed, covered with a thick yellowish coating on the underside, which enhances the decorative effect. In summer, the small-toothed primrose bush resembles an exotic one.

Primula high originally from Transcarpathia, southern and middle parts of Western Europe. Flowers up to 2 cm in diameter, light yellow, with a darker spot in the center, collected in an umbrella-shaped inflorescence on an arrow 20-30 cm high.

The photo of this variety of primrose shows that the leaves of the plant are oblong-oval, wavy, serrated, hairy below:

Blooms from late April - early May for 30-35 days. There are numerous hybrids with a variety of flower colors.

Primula kartuzovidnaya found in Western and Eastern Siberia. Flowers up to 2.5 cm in diameter, pink, light purple, collected 8-12 pieces in an umbellate inflorescence on a stem up to 30 cm high. The leaves are ovate, serrated, slightly hairy, on long petioles, collected in a small rosette. Blooms in May, again in August-September.

Primula Julia. Homeland - the Caucasus. One of the most beautiful miniature species, only 10 cm high. In April, the plant is covered with a mass of pink-purple flowers up to 3 cm in diameter. Flowering continues until mid-May. The leaves are shiny, bright green. It grows rapidly, numerous creeping shoots soon form continuous soddy carpets. This is one of the few species that grows well in open places, if the soil is loamy and moist enough.

Primula officinalis Jacq.

In the bright glades of deciduous forests, on the edges and among rare shrubs, already in May, our eyes are pleased with light yellow panicles of primrose. A rosette of ovate-elongated wrinkled leaves and several erect peduncles depart from a powerful root system, which grow one after another as they bloom.

Sheep are perennials, but they also reproduce well with seeds that ripen at the end of August, so you should leave the most powerful plants and not collect everything to the last - leaving large specimens will ensure reproduction for future years.

Biological description of primrose officinalis

Primula has many other popular names: rams, lambs, God's hands, a white letter, an extinguisher, heavenly keys, ears, flowers of St. Peter. The latter is connected with the legend that the plant grew on the spot where St. Peter dropped the keys to paradise. In addition, the primrose inflorescence looks like a bunch of keys, according to another legend, these are the keys with which spring opens the doors to summer.

Primrose has a short horizontal rhizome, numerous thin succulent roots depart from it.

The leaves of the primrose are oblong-obovate, wrinkled, serrated or obscure at the edges, tapering into a winged petiole and forming a basal rosette. A leafless peduncle 5-30 cm high emerges from the center of the rosette.

The flowers are regular, yellow, 7-15 mm in diameter, five-membered, dimorphic, with a 10-toothed calyx, tilted to one side, bisexual, collected in a slightly drooping umbel of 10-30 pieces. Corolla at the base is joint-petal; petals are blunt.

In conditions middle lane In the European part of Russia, the primrose blooms in April - July.

The fruit is a box.

Where does primrose grow (distribution and ecology)

The plant is distributed in the forest and forest-steppe zones throughout almost all of Europe, including the European part of Russia; also found in the Caucasus, Iran and Turkey. Prefers rare light forests, edges, shrubs, meadows, glades.

What is included in the primrose

IN primrose roots saponins were found in the amount of 5-10%, essential oil - 0.08% and glycosides: primulaverip (primulaveroside), primverin (primveroside), belonging to triterpene compounds.

Saponins are also found in the leaves, flavonoids and saponins are also found in the flowers. All parts of the plant are rich in ascorbic acid. In terms of dry matter, the leaves contain 5.9%, and the flowers 4.7% of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), a small amount of carotene was found in the leaves and roots.

Pharmacological properties of primrose

Action: due to the large amount of saponins, infusions and decoctions of primrose help in the treatment of colds, inflammation in the throat and larynx, flu, bronchitis. Helps in the treatment of tuberculosis and pneumoconiosis of the lungs, an excellent expectorant. A course of primrose is recommended for smokers and people suffering from rheumatism. Decoction compresses reduce swelling and pain, accelerate the healing of postoperative wounds.

Folk medicine has used evening primrose for centuries to treat migraines, insomnia, nervous tension. Primrose wine is recommended as a means of regulating blood circulation.

Primrose also has diuretic properties, so it is used to cleanse and detoxify the body.

When to collect and how to store primrose officinalis

As a rule, the entire primrose plant is harvested as a whole during flowering in May, and the roots in autumn. It is necessary to dry the leaves quickly, then the vitamins and useful properties of the raw materials will be preserved.

Rhizomes are harvested in autumn, digging them with shovels. They clean the ground, cut off the above-ground parts and quickly wash in cold running water. After preliminary drying in the open air, they are dried in attics under an iron roof, under sheds with good ventilation or in dryers at a temperature of 40-50 degrees, spreading thin layer on paper, cloth or sieves. Dry raw materials are packed in bags or bales. Store in dry, well-ventilated areas. Shelf life is two years.

The leaves are harvested at the beginning of flowering, plucking them with your hands or cutting them with knives. They are quickly dried in attics under an iron roof or in dryers at a temperature of 70-80 degrees, spreading them in a thin layer. Dry leaves are packed by pressing into bags. Store in dry, well-ventilated areas.

Flowers are harvested at the beginning of flowering, plucked by hand and put into small baskets. Dry under canopies with good ventilation, spreading a thin layer. Packed in metal cans of 5 or 10 kg and stored in dry, well-ventilated areas.

What diseases are primrose used for?

Primrose in scientific medicine

Leaves are used Folium primuiae, flowers Flores primulae and rhizomes with roots Radix primulae. Leaves used as a vitamin preparation for the preparation of vitamin C concentrates, which are recommended for treatment of hypo- and avitaminosis.

Roots contain saponins, glucosides, traces of essential oils, vitamins A and C. The roots are used as an excellent expectorant for respiratory diseases, especially bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, asthma and as a diuretic and diaphoretic with flu.

Primula in folk medicine

flowers primrose is used as a diaphoretic colds, migraines, dizziness, insomnia, fever, heart disease and pulmonary tuberculosis.

root decoction used for bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough as an analgesic (for pain in the joints), with chronic constipation, headaches, all diseases of the genitourinary tract and kidneys.

Powder from crushed primrose leaves is taken with lack of vitamins in the body, lethargy, lack of appetite, gum disease.

Used in primrose homeopathy, and water decoctions of the whole plant in veterinary medicine.

The use of primrose in medicine (recipes)

The rhizome of rams in the form of a decoction or steam - 5 g per 1 glass of water - is used as an expectorant for bronchitis and coughs, diseases of the upper respiratory tract and colds. Thanks to salicylic acid, which is part of the evening primrose, the roots have a slight anti-inflammatory effect, stimulate metabolism and secretion of gastric juices, sweat, and urine. The above decoction is used for 1 tbsp. spoon with honey 4-5 times a day.

Flowers and the whole primrose plant also have an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, they are brewed at the rate of 5 g per 1 glass of water (the whole plant is taken 2 times more) and drunk in 5-6 doses, and they also wash the nose and rinse the throat with steam. The same steam is used for headaches and to relieve fatigue, irritability, as a mild sedative for children. Primrose leaves are rich in vitamin C, they are useful for C-avitaminosis and after serious illnesses, they drink tea from leaves with flowers (do not boil, but brew), cut into salads. Primrose herb tea is useful for people with joint disease - it relieves pain, helps to remove salts from the body, and has a mild sedative effect.

With poor appetite, cough, general weakness, hypovitaminosis, pneumonia, scurvy, take an infusion of primrose leaves: brew 5-10 g of leaf powder in 20 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Consume 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

For insomnia, constipation, general weakness, poor appetite, dizziness, cough, kidney and bladder diseases, an infusion of primrose roots is taken as a diuretic: brew 5 g of roots in 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 2 hours, strain. Drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

With pneumonia, bronchitis, whooping cough, they drink a decoction of primrose grass as an expectorant: boil 20 g of chopped grass in 200 ml of water for 20 minutes, filter. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

For dizziness, migraine, chronic constipation, take an infusion of primrose flowers: brew 25 g of ram flowers in 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour, strain. Drink 100-200 ml 1-3 times a day.

For diseases of the respiratory system, gout, rheumatism, diseases of the kidneys, bladder, take a decoction of primrose roots: boil 20 g of roots in 400 ml of water for 15 minutes, insist 30 minutes, filter. Drink 100 ml 3-4 times a day.

A drink made from primrose flowers is very useful for strengthening general health: rinse 250 g of primrose flowers, pour 1 liter cold water, let it brew at room temperature until fermentation begins, add sugar or honey (to taste). Store the finished drink in a dark, cool place.

Primrose tea: dried roots or leaves of primrose and St. John's wort mix in equal amounts, chop. Brew like regular tea and drink with honey, sugar, jam, sweets, xylitol.

Fresh primrose leaves, collected at the beginning of flowering, are used for cooking salads. Just two primrose leaves are enough to satisfy the body's daily need for vitamin C.

Good to know...

  • The stems and leaves are edible and can be used in salads and soups.
  • Primula is a favorite plant of the European wild rabbit.
  • Primrose is widely distributed as an ornamental plant.

Primrose, Primula (Primula)

Russian name: Primrose, Primula

Latin name: Primula

Family: Primroses

motherland: Alpine belts of the Pyrenees, Himalayas, Balkans, Carpathians

general information: Many nations have their own legends about primrose. The ancient Scandinavians considered primroses to be the keys of Freya, the goddess of spring. The flowers of spring, the flowers-keys, they are called by many peoples. The ancient Greeks called the primrose the flower of the twelve gods and associated it with the legend of how these gods turned a paralysed youth into a flower. This flower - primrose - began to be considered a remedy for all sorts of diseases. The echo of this legend is also among the Slavs. One of the popular names of primrose is paralytic grass.

According to a romantic English legend, little fairies and dwarfs hide from the rain and bad weather in the golden corollas of the primrose. On moonlit nights, fairies hang a dewdrop from each flower, and they shine on them like small chandeliers.

As an ornamental plant, primrose has been grown for a long time. In Russia, she appeared in greenhouses under Catherine II. In Europe, avricula primroses were valued on a par with cloves and they were very expensive.

In Germany, a soothing tea is brewed from dried flowers, the British eat a salad of young primrose leaves, and the anise-scented roots are used as a spice. In Switzerland, Poland and some other European countries, an effervescent drink is prepared from the infusion of fresh flowers and honey.

Primula is a perennial rhizomatous plant with a rosette of basal leaves. The flower stalks of the primrose are leafless, from 10 to 80 cm high. Primroses have a wide range of colors of flowers and leaves, of different shapes and sizes. In some species, the flowers are collected from the inflorescence, in others, the flowers are solitary.

Species, varieties: Primula genus - contains about 500 plant species, many of which grow in the Himalayas, Asia, China and Europe. 33 species grow in Europe, 20 species in America. Wild species are distributed throughout the globe, mainly in temperate zones and in the alpine belt of mountains.

Only a few types of ground primroses are grown in gardens, the most common of which are:

  • Stemless, or ordinary - 10-15 cm high. Flowers sit one at a time on short peduncles. There are many varieties and hybrids with a wide variety of flower colors. This is one of the most popular species among flower lovers.
  • Spring - from 10 to 30 cm high. It has many varieties with double and non-double flowers. Coloring yellow of any shades.
  • Fine-toothed - 10-15 cm high at the beginning of flowering. By the end of flowering, the peduncles stretch up to 40-50 cm. The flowers are collected in dense capitate inflorescences with a diameter of about 5 cm. It has forms with white, pink, blue, blue, purple, lilac and ruby- red flowers.
  • Ear - with dense gray-green leaves and spherical-umbellate inflorescences. Plant height up to 20 cm. Flowers of the most diverse colors, often bicolor.
  • Spring and finely toothed bloom in April - May, auricular - in May - June, ordinary - in June. There are several species that bloom in July.

There are many types of primroses that are grown indoors as a pot crop. For this, common primrose hybrids are more often used. If you plant them in a certain period in small containers, then they can bloom by the New Year or by March 8th.

Lighting: In the sun they fade and bloom not so abundantly.

Priming: Different types of primroses are preferred for fertility various soils. Julia, shaggy and Gallera love poor soils, as they grow among rocks in nature. But other types of primroses love more fertile soil, for example, Bisa, Florinda, Siebold, those that grow in nature in meadows, forests, valleys. In the garden, they must be grown on loose, fertile soil.

If the earth in the garden is clay, you need to add sand to the garden, per square meter - a bucket of sand. Also, 20 kg of organic fertilizers are applied to the soil, or it is worth replacing the top layer 20 cm deep with fertile soil. In the 2nd and 3rd year, phosphate fertilizers can be put into the soil in spring and potash fertilizers in autumn.

For sandy soil, you can put 15 kg of organic fertilizer per square meter, it can be compost, humus. They not only nourish the soil, but improve its structure.

Watering: Primrose prefers moderately moist soil, but does not tolerate stagnant water, so it is better to take care of good drainage under the flower bed. The issue of moisture is especially relevant in the period of early spring, when the plant is actively growing. Therefore, it is recommended to keep the flower bed moist. Primrose should not be planted on high ridges, as the soil there often dries up.

Care: All primroses grow well and bloom in partial shade on loose, sufficiently moist soils rich in organic fertilizers. The soil should always be clean of weeds, moist and loose. In loose soil, roots form faster in young rosettes. After overwintering, primrose plants usually stick out of the garden somewhat. Therefore, annually it is necessary to sprinkle around them with a layer of 2-3 cm of loose nutrient soil. During the summer, you need to feed the plants two to three times with a complete mineral fertilizer. The first time they are fed in early spring, then after two or three weeks and for the last time in early August. It is very important to keep the leaves on the plants until late autumn. A well-developed rosette of leaves covers the buds in winter. Leaves remain green under snow until spring.

In hot and dry weather, it is necessary to ensure that the roots do not dry out, i.e. moisten occasionally. But in October, November, it is not necessary to moisten the soil, because. in winter, the plant is not active and needs dry soil. In the spring, you need to make sure that the root does not rot, since the primrose does not tolerate stagnant water.

In snowy winters, the primrose is afraid of warming up, as it often finds itself under a crust of ice if the temperature is unstable and the snow has melted and froze. To prevent this from happening, early in the spring it is necessary to break the ice crust and partially remove the layer of snow cover over the plant.

Primula is winter hardy. Over time, due to the bulging of the roots, the plant may die, so in the fall, after 1-2 years, fertile soil is poured to the roots.

In one place, you can grow 5-7 years, after which they need to be divided and transplanted. Easily tolerate a transplant in flowering form.

top dressing: The awakening of primrose bulbs in spring comes quite early, which means it is recommended to fertilize the soil with phosphorus and mineral fertilizers during spring thaws.

As the heat comes, it is worth loosening the soil and 14 days after top dressing, add superphosphate to the soil at the rate of 15 g / sq.m.

In the middle of summer, the primrose lays buds for the next year and it should be fed with a solution of mullein (1:10) or green fertilizer in concentration (a liter per ten liters of water and potassium sulfate 10 g / 10 l). One application of half a liter under 1 bush of primrose will be enough. In August, fertilize 1 time to increase winter hardiness (20 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium / 10 l of water).

reproduction: Primrose is propagated by seeds, division of rhizomes and cuttings.

In flowers at the end of August, cylindrical or spherical shape. The seeds are black in color, very small, lose their germination capacity rather quickly, so sowing should be carried out almost immediately. Purchased seeds must be stratified.

Deciduous soil and sand are taken as soil for seedlings in a ratio of 2 to 1. temperature 18-20 ° C. It is recommended to sow primrose seeds in autumn under snow or early spring. In each individual pot, 2-3 seeds are chilled in the refrigerator for 12 hours in advance. They are sown superficially, on top of the crops it is necessary to spray to create a microclimate with high humidity and cover with transparent cellophane.

If all 3 seeds sprout, the weaker ones are removed, but not pulled out, but cut off in place of the cotyledon leaves so as not to damage the earthen ball. Primroses emerge on the 14th day. Transplanting and diving primrose should be carried out very carefully without damaging the clod of earth at the roots. Dive is carried out only after the appearance of two cotyledon leaves and 2 real ones.

After seed germination, the temperature is reduced to 16°C and below. Watering primrose seedlings is necessary only in the pan.

Primroses grown from seeds bloom for 2 years.

Many species can be propagated by cuttings. To do this, in May - June, leaf rosettes with pieces of rhizome (with a heel) are cut and planted on a shaded garden bed. Plants take root quickly and overwinter. In the spring they are planted in a flower garden.

Transfer: Primroses grow rapidly and should be divided and replanted every 3-4 years. The rhizomes are divided into small parts with well-developed rosettes of leaves or buds. The most favorable time for transplantation is early spring or early autumn, August - September, but it can be divided immediately after flowering, and even during flowering.

Pests: Aphids, weevils, biting cutworms, flea beetles, spider mite, slugs and snails.

Diseases: Stem and leaf rot, leaf spot (ramularia), rust, powdery mildew, wilting of seedlings, viral diseases.

Tips & Tricks: IN landscape design primroses are widely used to create a warm, eye-catching spring corner. Primroses are widely used for spring flower decoration shady places: they look very impressive in single and group plantings on the lawn under trees or shrubs. Primroses are also used for borders, flower beds, in mixborders, rock gardens, for forcing.
