Nothing grows in the garden. What to do? How to water a tree so that it dries quickly Homemade herbicidal soap

There is so much information that in it you will definitely find something that will respond to your inner personal desire and decision, because as they say: be sure to listen to all the advice and make only an independent decision. Once the site was bought, then there are already plans. Plan your planting: where are the apple trees - nuts, where are the bushes - berries, where are the paths, where are the flowers, where are the greenhouses, where are the beds, where is the lawn, where is the recreation area. And already proceeding from this, grow your soil. In the literal sense, it must be created. If you can buy rotted manure, it's the best solution. If you can buy cheap fresh manure, the same is possible, let it ripen, if the smell does not bother. If you are not ready for the presence of manure, then organic matter that will fluff up heavy earth can easily be obtained from sawdust if you have them and black lowland peat in the area. As previously written, a lot depends on the characteristics of the site, if it does not flood with water, then it is not necessary to raise much, otherwise it will dry out in the summer. Mowed grass can be collected in a heap, or you can choose a certain area on which you will dump it all summer, level it, trample it down, and dig it up in the spring and the soil will be more pliable. Cover some part of the meadow with something dense and heavy: old carpet, linoleum, carton boxes fit, dig it up in the spring, it will be easy. You will also have to buy land, with it you will fill the beds made from any material: boards or slate. The purchased land is not fertile, it will also be improved for two years. If there are water bodies nearby, drag rotted reeds from there, if there is a forest nearby, then leaves and branches from there, a chopper is always useful. Instead of sand, I bought expanded clay, even a large fraction is suitable, moss from the forest: sphagnum and just green like that, I bought birch charcoal, it’s not cheap, but I really liked it in business, read about such a concept as TERRA PRETA, you will still gain knowledge. And all this is plentifully and systematically watered with humates, they are now available. Waste can be composted, but now I am making some furrows, like potato furrows and immediately into them kitchen waste I lay it, cover it with grass, sawdust, earth, and already in the soil everything is processed, there is no need to drag it from compost heap. You can water with a solution of urea or an accelerator for composting. Oats will help out: pick up a piece of earth as much as you can, sprinkle abundantly with oats, better than sawdust fall asleep lightly and water, or you can stir and water with a rake, make spring fertilizer, or just carbamide for better growth. Leave it in the winter, you don’t even need to mow and you won’t recognize your land. Good luck!!! I hope that at least something is useful!

In the section on the question, what can be sprinkled or watered on the ground so that nothing grows on it? given by the author Pavel Stepin the best answer is If, so that nothing grows AT ALL, including bushes and other noble plants, then it is possible with a means by which the rails are watered. Everything absolutely dies. If from weeds - it is better Roundup. Since everything else from the "strawberry weed remover" series, etc., harms not only weeds, but also other plants, including bushes, trees, flowers and the strawberry itself - it has been tested repeatedly.

Answer from sit out[guru]
Salt or acid Better cover this place with a black film Suddenly you want to plant something

Answer from Yotrekozel[guru]
I used Roundup at one time, it does something with the roots of plants that have been sprayed. He even brought out small shrubs. Since it is absorbed by the leaves and kills the roots, it is very useful against all kinds of dandelions, birch, milkweed and other dirty tricks. After the extinction of greenery, the plot was sown and everything grew beautifully.

Answer from Hair[guru]
Are you sure you need dead ground? Think again!!

Answer from Eurovision[master]
These weed killers are called Herbicides. Herbicides of continuous action (your case) - Tornado, Hurricane, Roundup. For non-agricultural land - Grader.

Answer from Anatoly Yakovlev[guru]
What, parents make you work in the country, but you don’t want to?

Answer from Marina Filippova[guru]
napalm, for sure!! if laziness mother was born before you!!

Answer from Anton Mak[newbie]
And who needs such land? The earth was created to grow on it.

Answer from Yörgey[guru]
I won't even recommend it. You have to respect the land where you live.

Answer from Tane4ka[guru]
All herbicides (roundup, tornado, etc.) work very well, but only on annual plants. Their principle is that through the leaves the substance enters the root and after 5-10 days the plant dies. If new seeds are sown on the ground, they will sprout again. perennial plants you won’t kill it right away, you have to spray it several times a season. I emphasize again - it is not necessary to water the earth, but through the foliage. If you sprinkle everything with salt or that rubbish that the sleepers process, then you will completely exhaust the vegetation, but not only in this place, but also within a radius of several meters around. It’s easier to cover it with dark dense material for a couple of months, everything will rot and spray under it. There will be a good, living land

Matt. Ch. XVIII. Art. 21. Then Peter came to Him and said: Lord! how many times shall I forgive my brother who sins against me? up to seven times? 22. Jesus says to him: I do not say to you, up to seven, but up to seventy times seven. Matt. Ch. VII. Art. 3 . And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not feel the beam in your eye? John. Ch. VIII. Art. 7. ... He who is without sin among you, be the first to throw a stone at her. Luke. Ch. VI. Art. 40. The student is not higher than his teacher; but even when perfected, everyone will be like his teacher.


No matter how hard people tried, having gathered in one small place several hundred thousand, to disfigure the land on which they huddled, no matter how they stoned the earth so that nothing would grow on it, no matter how they cleaned off any breaking grass, no matter how they smoked with coal and oil no matter how they trimmed the trees and drove out all the animals and birds, spring was spring even in the city. The sun warmed, the grass, reviving, grew and turned green wherever they scraped it off, not only on the lawns of the boulevards, but also between the slabs of stones, and birches, poplars, bird cherry blossomed their sticky and odorous leaves, lindens puffed out bursting buds; jackdaws, sparrows and doves were already happily preparing their nests in the spring, and flies were buzzing along the walls, warmed by the sun. Plants, and birds, and insects, and children were cheerful. But people - big, adult people - did not stop deceiving and torturing themselves and each other. People believed that sacred and important is not this spring morning, not this beauty of the world of God, given for the good of all beings, - beauty, conducive to peace, harmony and love, but sacred and important is what they themselves invented in order to rule over each other. friend. So, in the office of the provincial prison, it was considered sacred and important not that all animals and people were given the tenderness and joy of spring, but it was considered sacred and important that the day before, a paper was received for a number with a seal and a title that by nine o'clock in the morning On this day, April 28, three untried detainees held in prison, two women and one man, were delivered. One of these women, as the most important criminal, had to be delivered separately. And so, on the basis of this instruction, on April 28, at eight o'clock in the morning, the senior warden entered the dark, smelly corridor of the women's department. Following him, a woman with an exhausted face and frizzy hair entered the corridor. gray hair, dressed in a jacket with sleeves sheathed with galloons, and belted with a belt with a blue edging. It was the matron. — Maslova for you? she asked, approaching with the guard on duty one of the cell doors that opened into the corridor. The warder, rattling with iron, unlocked the lock and, opening the cell door, from which rushed air even more smelly than in the corridor, shouted: - Maslova, to court! and closed the door again, waiting. Even in the prison yard there was a fresh, life-giving air of the fields, brought by the wind to the city. But in the corridor there was a depressing typhoid air, saturated with the smell of excrement, tar and rot, which immediately led to despondency and sadness of every new person who came. This was experienced by the warden, who came from the yard, despite her habit of bad air. She suddenly, entering the corridor, felt tired, and she wanted to sleep. Bustle was heard in the cell: women's voices and the steps of bare feet. - Live, or what, turn around there, Maslova, I say! shouted the senior warder at the door of the cell. After about two minutes, a short and very full-breasted young woman in a gray dressing gown, put on a white jacket and a white skirt, came out of the door with a brisk step, quickly turned around and stood beside the warder. On the woman's legs were linen stockings, on the stockings - guard cats, her head was tied with a white scarf, from under which, apparently deliberately, ringlets of curly black hair were released. The whole face of the woman was of that special whiteness that happens on the faces of people who have spent long time locked up, and which resembles potato sprouts in the basement. The same were the small broad arms and the white full neck, visible from behind the large collar of the dressing gown. In this face one was struck, especially against the dull pallor of the face, by very black, shiny, somewhat swollen, but very lively eyes, of which one squinted a little. She held herself very straight, exposing her full breasts. Going out into the corridor, she threw back her head a little, looked directly into the eyes of the warder and stopped, ready to do everything that was required of her. The warder was about to lock the door when the pale, stern, wrinkled face of a simple-haired, gray-haired old woman poked out. The old woman began to say something to Maslova. But the guard pressed the door on the old woman's head, and the head disappeared. A woman's voice laughed in the chamber. Maslova also smiled and turned to the little barred window in the door. The old woman on the other side leaned against the window and said in a hoarse voice: - Most of all - do not say too much, stand on one, and the Sabbath. "Yes, one thing, it won't get any worse," said Maslova, shaking her head. “We know one thing, not two,” said the senior warder with commanding confidence in his own wit. Follow me, march! The old woman's eye, visible in the window, disappeared, and Maslova went out into the middle of the corridor and, with quick small steps, followed the senior warder. They went down the stone stairs, passed by even more smelly and noisy than women's cells of men, from which they were followed everywhere by eyes in the windows of the doors, and entered the office, where two escort soldiers with guns were already standing. The clerk who was sitting there gave one of the soldiers soaked tobacco smoke paper and, pointing to the prisoner, said:- Accept. The soldier, a Nizhny Novgorod muzhik with a red, pockmarked face, put the paper behind the cuff of his overcoat sleeve and, smiling, winked at his comrade, a broad-cheeked Chuvash, at the prisoner. The soldiers with the prisoner went down the stairs and went to the main exit. A gate opened at the door of the main exit, and, stepping over the threshold of the gate into the yard, the soldiers with the prisoner came out of the fence and walked through the city in the middle of the cobbled streets. Cabbers, shopkeepers, cooks, workers, officials stopped and looked at the prisoner with curiosity; others shook their heads and thought: "This is what bad behavior, not like ours, leads to." The children looked at the robber with horror, reassured only by the fact that soldiers were following her and now she would not do anything. One village peasant, who sold coal and drank tea in a tavern, approached her, crossed himself and gave her a kopeck. The prisoner blushed, bowed her head and said something. Feeling the glances directed at her, the prisoner imperceptibly, without turning her head, looked askance at those who looked at her, and this attention paid to her amused her. She was also amused by the clean spring air, compared to a prison, but it was painful to step on the stones with her feet unaccustomed to walking and shod in clumsy prison cats, and she looked at her feet and tried to step as lightly as possible. Passing by a flour shop, in front of which pigeons, not offended by anyone, walked, swaying, the prisoner almost touched one bruise with her foot; the dove fluttered up and, fluttering its wings, flew past the very ear of the prisoner, dousing her with the wind. The prisoner smiled and then sighed heavily, remembering her position.

Nothing grows in the garden - the most horrible dream summer resident. Unfortunately, this nightmare can come true, and quite often the reason for this can be poor-quality seedlings or improper care of seedlings. But if the seeds were purchased with high quality, all plantings were completed on time, watering and weeding were carried out in a timely manner, but little has grown on the beds, then it is worth looking for reasons in the soil.

Nothing grows in the garden: reasons

Why the yield on the site may decrease:

Analyzing the causes of poor fertility in your area, take a closer look at the methods natural farming to restore soil fertility. Try to create first one, and then several organic beds, arrange a crop rotation, and the result will not be long in coming. By changing the planting sites, you will not only avoid the accumulation of infections in the soil, but also improve its air and moisture permeability - the roots different plants go to different depths.

As soon as you lay a stationary bed (even an experimental one), try not to dig the site once again, learn how to use mixed plantings. If you can't give up chemistry, try to study active substance preparations, and do not layer treatments, alternate pesticides of different groups. Very plain language Nikolai Kurdyumov described working with chemistry, do not be too lazy to look into his book "Protection instead of struggle".

Now this book is freely available on the Internet, and we once bought it in a store. And periodically we leaf through it - the information, frankly, is not one-time. There are also new ones on sale eBooks this author, we have already bought FERTILITY - OR FERTILIZER ?, you can also buy it at this link.

Other reasons why nothing grows on earth

It happens that summer residents are looking for a problem in their garden, forgetting about last year's conflict with a neighbor in summer cottage. People are different, and it may happen that the reason for the lack of crops in your area may be a neighbor who is jealous or mortally offended by you. It is not difficult to spoil the seedlings, one has only to sprinkle or douse the earth with some kind of poison in the absence of the owners, but this must be done constantly. To avoid such situations, try to protect your site with a good garden fence.

Healthy and fertile soil is the key to a good harvest. To keep the earth in good "tone", it must be regularly replenished with organic residues. In our experience, we recommend changing the landing sites every year. different cultures(observe crop rotation). There is also seedlings that do not take root next to each other in any case - some plants can quite strongly oppress other species (allelopathy).

Plants also need care and love, many avid gardeners and gardeners note this feature. If you treat the garden with love and take care of it from the bottom of your heart, then soon he will thank good harvest. Therefore, if gardening is not to your liking, then it is better not to do it as “under pressure”, it is unlikely that you will get a good reward from nature. So if nothing grows in the garden, you need to analyze several parameters and eliminate the cause.

"Nothing grows" in the garden can be for four reasons. The two main reasons are the presence of unsuitable soil for plants or the relative waterlogging of the site. Two secondary, but also common, are planting plants in the immediate vicinity of the foundations of buildings and the presence of so-called "enchanted" places on the site.

Here's how to deal with it:

1. Determine the true composition of the soil of your site and, depending on the results, improve. There are too many features of the chemical composition of soils, it is very difficult to guess. Don't guess, analyze! And it must be done in different places site. Much needs to be determined: and the presence nutrients, and structure, acidity, the presence of certain trace elements. Most professional choice– to hand over soil samples for analysis to a special laboratory. But most likely, you will have to purposefully improve the soil in the garden, and for each group of plants in its own way. That is why it is better not to take one, so to speak, "average" soil sample from the entire site, but it is better to take several samples.

Here's how it's done: at each selected location, a soil sample weighing about one kilogram is taken from a depth of about 20 cm. Then this soil must be well dried, placed in a bag and labeled. You can also use glass jars that you have prepared in advance. Samples prepared in this way are suitable for laboratory analysis.

But you yourself can approximately determine some parameters of the composition of the soil. In many cases this may be sufficient. How to determine the type of soil? You need to take a small piece of it, moisten it, roll it into a sausage with a diameter of 3-4 mm and roll it into a ring. If no cracks appear on the ring, before you clay soil. If there is cracking, but weak, it is medium loam, if strong, it is heavy. If the loam is light, the ring will break. Sandy soil will crumble. And also the so-called indicator plants, or rather indicator weeds, will help you. They are able to indicate not only the type of soil, but also the presence in it of certain elements that are important for plant life. Ordinary weeds will help to find out the composition of the soil. If the soil is neutral, grow on it: cuff, chamomile, clover, coltsfoot, sow thistle, wheatgrass. If the soil is acidic: sorrel, mountaineer, horsetail, buttercup, plantain, oxalis. If alkaline - field bindweed, tarry.

After determining the composition of the soil, bring the desired additional soil in addition or add the missing substances to the existing soil in your area. If with chemical composition everything is fine with you, but the soil is too heavy, get some loose mixed soil or peat. Perlite never hurts.

2. Get proper drainage. Drainage is needed not only in cases where your site is literally in the "swamp". There are hidden causes of excess moisture, which can negatively affect plants. If your site does not have a noticeable slope, if the soil on the site is too heavy (poorly absorbs water), if not large trees(they absorb a lot of water), if your house is too big, there are a lot of buildings on the site, especially paving a large area, and also if your fence has a too deep foundation - then these are additional "indications" for a drainage device.

Even ground water located normally, humidity can rise due to chronic stagnation of water, and this stagnation occurs because big square pavings and structures "dumps" too much water during rains. If not provide for this water special system drainage, all of it will simultaneously fall into the soil and will stagnate in it. Proper drainage has three components: this is the well-known drainage around the perimeter of the site, as well as the laying of drainage pipes inside the site and the installation of drainage wells. It is necessary to arrange everything in a complex, all three components, one drainage along the perimeter of the garden is not enough, besides, there is a possibility of its “silting”. In mild cases, the device of a garden pond can help you - it will “pull” excess water, and the area will become drier.

3. Do not plant plants in the immediate vicinity of any foundations - even if it is the foundation of a recreation area, not necessarily the foundation of a house or workshop. Plants, especially perennials, do not tolerate the presence of concrete nearby. And some even die when their roots reach the foundation. You need to retreat from the foundation at least 1 meter for herbaceous perennials, and at least 2 meters for shrubs and trees. If you want to decorate the walls of your house with plants, use a container garden.

4. Neutralize "enchanted" places. In certain places, plants may die or grow poorly and do not bloom, even if these are excellent places for them in terms of agricultural technology. So, here are geopathogenic zones. This is not mysticism, but an objective reality, the physics of the earth. Of course, the first way out is not to plant anything here, but to take this place with a sculpture, some kind of construction, a composition of stones, an accessory. But they can be neutralized, and then landings are possible. To do this, place a small pond or fountain in this place, use garden mirrors in this place, any shiny accessories, including metal accessories and structures, for example, a metal garden lamp. A spectacular and effective solution - glass accessories, in addition to brilliance, “work” here and physical properties this material.
