Is it possible to give things away on a clean Thursday. Rules for lending money

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Today Clean Thursday 2018. What not to do: signs and customs for putting things in order

Clean Thursday 2018: what you need to do for purity of soul and body © Depositphotos

The very name of the day "Clean Thursday" implies cleansing the body and putting things in order in your home. This concept includes bathing, general cleaning of the house and a lot of laundry. It is believed that anyone who has dirt in his house on Maundy Thursday will be in dirt and quarrel all year.

After general cleaning on Maundy Thursday at home and on personal plot you can’t clean up until Easter itself, otherwise you can “pour rubbish in the eyes of Christ lying in the tomb.”

dirty water after a general cleaning of the house, in which negative energy washed away from housing accumulates, it is impossible to pour it out within the house. It is better to pour it in places where nothing grows, for example, in stones or on the road.

From Maundy Thursday to Good Friday, in no case should you leave unwashed dishes and soaked, but not washed linen.


What not to do on Clean Thursday 2018: traditions during fasting

On Maundy Thursday, fasting is still going on, so fast food cannot be eaten on this day. Many believers do not even allow themselves to loosen fasting, but adhere to dry eating without vegetable oil and hot meals.

Those people who are more serious about fasting and Holy Week adhere to the rule that on Maundy Thursday you should first stand in church morning liturgy and take communion. Thus, before communion, one cannot eat or drink anything, even holy water, and one cannot do anything around the house.


What not to do on Maundy Thursday: cooking for the Easter table

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According to customs, on Maundy Thursday you can’t bake Easter cakes, paint eggs, and prepare other Easter treats until the house is cleaned.

And, of course, since Holy Week is still going on, fasting cannot be broken while cooking. This is a particularly "hard" test for those housewives who are used to taking samples from cooked dishes.

After all, it is from Maundy Thursday that preparations for the celebration of Easter begin, baking Easter cakes, coloring eggs, preparing cold snacks and meat dishes, unusually delicious aromas will soar in the house, but nothing can be tasted.


What not to do on Clean Thursday 2018: rituals so that money is not transferred

For many of us financial sphere It has great importance in life. And I want the family to have material well-being and prosperity.

There is a ritual of counting money on Maundy Thursday so that money is kept in the house all year round. You should count all the cash in the house three times so that no one sees. At the same time, you can not talk to anyone and answer phone calls otherwise this rite will not work.

On Clean Thursday and before Easter, you can’t give anything of value from home, as well as lend money, because along with values, you can “give away” well-being.

There is also a sign that you can ask God for well-being, good luck and even a new job. But you can’t ask for money and wealth directly.


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Today, April 5, 2018, Orthodox Christians celebrate the fourth day of Holy Week, called Maundy Thursday. Signs and customs of this day were formed in ancient times. They are closely connected by the biblical narrative, as well as the approaching Passover, which this year fell on April 8th.

Clean Thursday 2018 - the history of the holiday

On Thursday, which falls on the last, sixth week of Great Lent, the Last Supper is commemorated in all Orthodox churches, churches and monasteries. On it, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, communed all his disciples and washed their feet - as a sign of the universal equality of all people before God. Until now, ablution is considered the main tradition of Maundy Thursday. On this day, all believers try to go to the bathhouse, sauna or just a bath in order to cleanse not only their body, but also their soul from negative energy.

Pure Thursday - what can and cannot be done on this day

On Maundy Thursday, it is customary to get up before dawn so that the day is long and productive. On this holiday, according to folk beliefs, all water on Earth acquires healing properties, so our great-grandmothers went to the bath from the very morning with whole families. Naturally, in reality modern world this is unlikely to be done, but it is not worth neglecting the morning trip to the shower and the evening trip to the bath. Remember that in the morning you should wash yourself with the coolest possible water - its freshness symbolizes the cleansing of the "flesh from filth", and also helps to recharge your batteries before the upcoming cleaning for the whole day.

Answering the question of what can be done on Maundy Thursday, all Orthodox Christians agree: you can do any household chores, general cleaning and cleansing your thoughts of negativity. Here is an approximate list of household chores that should be done on Maundy Thursday:

  • Washing floors and doors;
  • Getting rid of dust in all corners of housing, including hard-to-reach;
  • Disposal of rubbish, rubbish and unnecessary things. If there are things in your wardrobe that you definitely have not worn for Last year then distribute them to those in need.
  • Tea drinking with family and close friends after sunset;
  • Meditation or simple contemplation, with forgiveness of all enemies.

On Maundy Thursday, you can’t make noisy holidays, celebrate birthdays with dances and songs, and also quarrel. Try to get rid of the oppression of past grievances, cleanse your soul of indignation, and also switch to the energy of creation.

Clean Thursday - signs and customs

Pure Thursday, which fell on April 5 in 2018, is a great day to perform rituals to improve the financial well-being of your family, as well as protect it from envy, damage and the evil eye. All folk signs and customs are associated with water, because on this day it acquires special properties. If you decide to hold rituals on Pure Thursday, you can familiarize yourself with the most common among the people:

  • In order to always have money in the wallet and add it, you need to get all the contents out of it, sprinkle it with holy water, and then count the cash banknotes and coins. Recalculation must be done in complete solitude - in the morning, afternoon and evening.
  • You can make a charm of salt for the whole next year. Take a clay pot in which each member of the family puts three tablespoons of salt. After that, the container is placed in the oven or oven for three hours. It is customary to sprinkle all the Easter treats with such salt, and also use it to protect against evil spirits throughout the year. If the salt is not completely used up until the next Maundy Thursday, then it should be poured into running water.

Also on Maundy Thursday you can bring with church service a wax candle with a scorched wick. Already in the house, it should be re-lit and go around all the rooms clockwise, making a candle movement in the form of a cross opposite each corner in the apartment. Such a simple ritual on Maundy Thursday will help clean your home, as well as bring positive energy to your family.

Pure four is the fourth day of Passion Week. This day is associated with a lot of trouble and things that must be completed during the day. And what exactly should be done on Maundy Thursday before Easter? Consider the obligatory to-do list, in their proper sequence, so as not to forget anything and how to prepare yourself and your home for the bright Easter holiday.

Briefly about the meaning of Maundy Thursday

To understand why one should do what can already be called a tradition on Maundy Thursday, one should turn to the history and meaning of this holiday.

During the service in the temple on this day, they remember the Last Supper, during which the Savior of mankind predicted that he would be betrayed by one of his disciples, and also established the Sacrament of Baptism, dividing bread (from my flesh) and wine (from my blood) between apostles. Also, at the Last Supper, Jesus washed the feet of each apostle, showing an example of virtue, humility and selflessness. Partly, it is because of this act (washing of the feet) that Maundy Thursday is commonly called Pure Fours.

It is believed that on Pure Thursday it is necessary not only to purify your soul with prayers and the rite of washing, but also to put your home in order. Any deed on this day should be treated as a step towards the complete healing of the soul from evil, and all deeds should be done with joy and prayers.

What to do on Maundy Thursday

Since the day is going to be troublesome, you should wake up early. First of all, after waking up, you should wash yourself or bathe with soap, it is believed that water on Maundy Thursday (especially early morning) endowed healing power. With her help, as well as with the help of Epiphany water, you can heal ailments, strengthen immunity, attract good luck in life.

When all the bathing procedures are completed, it is necessary to proceed with the general cleaning of the house, yard and barn (if we are talking on private housing). One of the signs says that you need to wash windows and frames with water charged with money: for this you need to immerse coins in a basin of water, and then, with such water, wash every corner of the window, every crack, so that wealth can easily enter the house and not leave it .

In addition to washing windows and frames, every corner in the house should be taken care of: circle cabinets and shelves from trash, throw spoiled food out of the refrigerator, wipe the dust, polish the floor. If there is something unfinished in the house repair work, then on Pure Thursday they must be brought to mind.

After cleaning, the housewives got to cooking. should be baked on Maundy Thursday, it is believed that until Easter they will not deteriorate and remain fresh and soft. You should knead the dough and read a prayer, then the traditional Easter treat will turn out to be magnificent, tender and very tasty. Also, you should go to the store and buy products for holiday table For Easter, be sure to buy eggs for dyeing.

If we talk about chores in the kitchen, then it is worth mentioning such a tradition as the preparation of Thursday salt. Despite the fact that it is usually prepared in monasteries, some housewives also want to have such salt in the house for personal use. It is believed that Thursday salt is endowed with not only healing power, but also magical. Therefore, it is used both for the treatment of ailments, and for removing damage, the evil eye, for love spells. But, such use of salt is not welcomed by the church, since it is all considered to be remnants of paganism (except, of course, the use of salt for healing purposes).

And the final important thing on Maundy Thursday is a visit to the temple. In the temple it is desirable to take communion and confess. This is necessary in order to completely cleanse the spirit and body, because only on Maundy Thursday you can beg for all sins, even mortal ones.

What is forbidden to do on Maundy Thursday

Many prohibitions on this day are directly related to what must be done. So, for example, you can not leave your house untidy. It is believed that if you are too lazy and do not put the house in order, then quarrels and misunderstandings will reign in it for a year. You can’t even start cooking until the house is cleaned. That is why the sequence of actions on Clean Thursday is as we described above.

In addition, despite the fact that it is customary to prepare treats for the Easter table on this day, the dishes cannot be tasted, because Great Lent continues, and breaking it means canceling out all your efforts in the past. In addition, Holy Week is the strictest week of Lent. Of course, if a person cannot fast due to health reasons, but he is allowed to indulge.

Also, in Pure Fours, you can’t lend anything, since financial well-being can leave the house for the whole year. It is impossible to lend not only money, this also applies to any things and objects.

According to church canon, on Maundy Thursday one must pray hard, and therefore the church recommends not to give too much attention to worldly affairs if they interfere with prayers.

Knowing what you can do on Maundy Thursday, you can adequately prepare for the meeting of Bright Easter, because this is almost the final stage.

Signs for Maundy Thursday will help you deal with the prohibitions and traditions of what is important for Orthodox person day. There are a huge number of rituals and rituals on Maundy Thursday, knowing what to do, you can attract happiness, wealth to the house and find a groom.

What not to do on Maundy Thursday

The main prohibition of Maundy Thursday concerns mud. It is forbidden:

  • refuse washing and cleaning the house (cleanliness of the body);
  • swear (purity of speech);
  • allow bad thoughts (purity of thoughts);
  • indulge in sin (purity of soul).

Those who violate these prohibitions will suffer from lack of money, illness and scandals in the house. Until Easter, angels go from house to house, offended by disorder.

Laundry, like other household chores, is allowed. Do not leave soaked laundry until . If you started laundry, finish by midnight.

You can't borrow or lend. In the first case, the whole year will pass in an attempt to pay off debts. In the second - money and luck will leave the house. They don't lend things. It is not customary to give gifts and make major purchases- for the same reason.

In prayers, you can not ask for money and wealth. But you can ask God for new job, good luck and prosperity for the family. Should be praying for family happiness but not about the love of a particular person.

On Maundy Thursday, fasting is supposed to be observed, even when preparing Easter treats, you cannot take a sample from the dishes. Do not start cooking until cleaning and ablution.

Bathing, cutting and cleaning on the fourth day of Holy Week

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Maundy Thursday is called Pure Thursday because Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, showing an example of serving his neighbor. To this day, in cathedrals, rite of washing the feet- the bishop washes the feet of twelve priests or monks. Here they take roots and traditions of body washing, cleaning in the house and on the graves of relatives.

In the old days, before dawn, they plunged into the river or went to the bathhouse. Now it is customary to take a shower or bath while it is still dark outside. Any water on this day has a healing power that washes away all diseases and sins. In order not to be afraid of the evil eye for a whole year, any silver object is left in a container of water at night. The next morning, before dawn, you need to wash yourself with this water. During ablutions, think about the good - it will certainly come true.

Cleaning on Easter Thursday is obligatory not only based on folk signs, but also according to priests. The water remaining after it is poured out of the site, in the apartment - into the sewer. After cleaning, you should go around the house with a burning church candle, fumigate the house with incense or juniper, sprinkle the corners with holy water. This is done to protect against evil spirits and exile negative energy. You can decorate the house with Easter decor.

Furniture rearrangement and minor repairs are allowed. You can’t do household chores on Good Friday, so do everything to save yourself the hassle until the rest of the Week.

Do not limit yourself to cleansing the body and at home. Divine services, communion, confession and reflection on the essence and holiness of each day will help in cleansing the soul Holy Week. On Thursday, you can pray for the most significant sins. There are also special rituals for cleaning the house of evil spirits on this day. To get rid of the negative energy that filled the home, open the windows before cleaning. After it, take a handful of salt and say:

Roll on a roll, thin share, homemaker, gossip.
Roll - do not reach, do not spin at the threshold, do not cling to the porch, do not hang on the gate!
Dog, goblin, crow help, roll from the threshold!

Sprinkle salt near the front door in a strip, blocking the way for evil. hang over front door juniper or heather. Leave a few branches in the Red Corner or near the icon of Christ. Do not forget to sprinkle the corners with holy water. You can also fumigate the house with incense or wormwood.

How to swim on Maundy Thursday

Even from under an ordinary tap on Easter Thursday water flows with magical properties. But such it will not be long - from midnight to sunrise. Therefore, it is customary to wake up early on Maundy Thursday in order to have time to wash off all the negativity. The pectoral cross is not removed. In the process, you can read a suitable plot, for example:

I wash off what they let loose on me, what my soul and body toils with, everything is removed on a clean Thursday.

To get rid of skin diseases and cosmetic imperfections, you need to leave soap overnight on the street or windowsill. Well, if it is under the rays of the moon.

If you take a bath, put silver in the water. The girl will become more attractive and find love. A man, if you believe the signs, gains courage and willpower. A stolen silver coin has special power. To gain wealth, they wash themselves not with silver, but with gold. You can add salt to the water:

This is Monday, this is Tuesday, this is Wednesday, and this is clean water. You wash the roots and straighteners, wash me too, (name). Vodichka-vodichka, wash off the damage from me and from my face - male, female, childish, senile, enviable, loose, take away the lightness, give lightness.

After bathing, you need to pour cold water to protect yourself from disease for a year. Not less than strong amulet thursday salt .

Haircut on Maundy Thursday

One version of the origin of the name of the date refers to the prohibition of washing and cleaning on Easter and other Christian holidays. In the old days, they tried to put themselves in order in advance, in this case, that was the Thursday before Holy Sunday. For the same reason, a haircut on Maundy Thursday is not prohibited by the church and is approved. folk omens.

Old people recommend at least cutting off the ends so that negative energy goes along with them. Healers recommend doing this before the rituals for removing spoilage, which are often held on Easter. While cutting, think about the problem you want to get rid of.

The first haircut of a child on Maundy Thursday brings good luck and good health. In the old days, peasants symbolically sheared animal hair in order to "remove diseases". This is the same with pets.

Is it worth going to the cemetery on Maundy Thursday

In most regions of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, it is customary to clean the cemetery on Maundy Thursday. The Slavs have always assigned an important role to the veneration of ancestors, and if we are to carry out festive cleaning in the house, it is worth putting things in order where the deceased relatives rest.

Visiting the graves on Maundy Thursday is not only cleaning. At this time, flowers are planted, fences, benches and other elements of the cemetery are painted. They don’t leave treats for the dead, they do it already on Radonitsa, sometimes on Easter.

The Church has a different opinion on this matter. Priests recommend going to the church, not to the cemetery. There are other days for visiting the graves, for example, Radonitsa, and Easter Thursday is the time for visiting temple services.

Maundy Thursday wedding

Getting married on Maundy Thursday is a sin. You cannot tie the knot during Great Lent especially on this date and Palm Sunday. Both marital relations and marriage during this period are not approved by the church. Weddings on Thursday do not take place, especially on the Great. In the registry office, the spouses will not meet refusal.

A wedding on Maundy Thursday can take place without a wedding, it can be rescheduled for another time. Only lean meals are allowed. The atmosphere of the holiday should be calm. You can not encourage guests to sin, for example, indecent contests. Dancing and singing are undesirable.

Fun until Easter is prohibited. Celebrations will have to be postponed to next week, or celebrated modestly.

Is it possible to baptize a child on Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday - best time for the baptism of a child.
In the Orthodox tradition, it corresponds to the cleansing of all sins and diseases. The sacrament of baptism performed on this day will cleanse the soul of an infant from original sin.

Another plus of baptism on Maundy Thursday is the opportunity to meet Easter, being churched and spiritually pure. But guessing in such a way as to baptize a child on Maundy Thursday is not easy. Most temples have their own ordinance schedule.

When celebrating christenings, one should remember about fasting. First of all, it is a spiritual holiday. It makes sense to move noisy feast for a more appropriate time.

Other signs and beliefs

On Maundy Thursday do thursday salt- a strong potion from spoilage and disease. Easter treats are prepared - Easter cakes, Easter cakes and eggs, accompanying the preparation with prayers. On Maundy Thursday, you can work without fear of sin.

If after water procedures, at noon and at sunset, count all the money available in the house, you will live in wealth and luxury for a whole year. Another sign of wealth is to find the lost. good omen- throw away on Maundy Thursday unnecessary thing. This attracts new acquisitions to the house. To get rich, you have to rearrange. The bigger the change, the more money there will be.

A well-known sign of love on Maundy Thursday is the appearance of a free shelf in the closet after cleaning. Soon it will be occupied by men's things. To see an old man through the window - to illness or failure. A man - for money, a woman - for good luck in his personal life. The child is for learning.

What to do on Maundy Thursday to attract wealth

On Maundy Thursday, water acquires magical properties. It washes away diseases, sins and negative energy induced by sorcerers and witches. It can also be used in money rites on Maundy Thursday.

Fill a clean basin or bucket with water and submerge any coins you can find around the house. They will charge the water with monetary energy, it should wash the windows and window frames with these words:

Money, drive - do not transfer, grow, multiply, do not get to the enemy!

This mini-rite has other versions, where it is recommended to use gold or silver instead of coins. Choose the option that seems more appropriate. The rest of the water can be used to water houseplants.

In order to have money in the house, in the old days on Thursday they shot a gun into the air. Modern followers of the magical current Simoron recommend using firecrackers, they are much safer.

Simple rituals on Good Thursday for women's happiness

Lost hope for marriage - perform a simple ritual on Maundy Thursday, and meet your betrothed this year. You will need a new towel. You should get up before dawn, wash and dry yourself with it. Hide the towel until Easter without washing it. On Easter, consecrate it and give it to any beggar, along with Easter cakes and dyed eggs, cooked by you personally.

Maundy Thursday traditions involve cleaning. During it, make room for your future spouse's toiletries. Free up a shelf for his clothes in the closet, buy new men's slippers and put them near the threshold. It is effective when there is a groom, but the relationship does not reach the wedding.

Another ritual implies that there is a cat in the house. She doesn't have to be sterilized. It is good if the pet has a good disposition, is pregnant or feeds kittens. Buy a carton of milk, pour some for the cat. Milk from this pack should be washed with the following words:

As everyone strokes cats, and as cats cling to everyone, so the suitors will not let me pass. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Give the rest street cats. The more cats try the milk, the more suitors there will be.

To refresh the passion in the relationship between husband and wife, on Maundy Thursday, a change of bed linen, which you sprinkle with holy water, will help. Another way is to plant an apple seed in a pot and keep it in the bedroom.

How to fulfill a wish on Maundy Thursday

For the fulfillment of desires, on Maundy Thursday you need to make a rearrangement. Change the furniture and interior items, and positive changes will come into your life. The more things change their location, the stronger the effect.

Few people have time for a large-scale rearrangement of furniture on a weekday, which is the pre-Easter Thursday. You can refer to the teachings of Feng Shui. For example, put a figurine of a money toad in a wealth zone. Make a permutation in the area that matches your desire.

There is no time for general cleaning of the whole house - clean part of it. Other than that, Thursday is a great day to make a wish board.

Church candles on Maundy Thursday

During the service in the church, which is called the Great Stand, it is supposed to hold a candle in your hands. In the old days, it was customary to carry it home in a special lamp so that the fire would not go out. Now they are extinguished before leaving the temple, and houses are lit near the icons. Leave the Maundy Thursday candle to burn out completely so that happiness finds its way to your home.

Each day of Holy Week has its own meaning, and Thursday's role is to purify the body, home, and soul. This time continues Great Lent, so there are a lot of restrictions for this date. Those who do not observe the prohibitions will be punished, and those who will use the holy day wisely will be blessed.

Maundy Thursday is one of the seven days of Passion Week, which is usually completed with Bright Christ's Resurrection. What needs to be done on this day and what cannot be done, we will learn thanks to ancient and modern signs.

Easter is one of the oldest and most important holidays in the Christian religion. It marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is the center biblical history and the basis of Orthodox teaching. In this regard, from the past centuries, the main rites of celebration have come down to us. They did not lose their meaning and were of practical importance even in the harsh years when the church was in exile.

On Maundy Thursday, believers also fast, go to church and try to lead a calm, measured lifestyle. But the most important event of this day is the general cleaning of the home and the bathing of the Orthodox in clean water.

Our ancestors tried to observe all the rules of this holy day. Water was in high demand that day. It was necessary to swim at dawn or before the first rays of the sun. It cleanses from sins, relieves negative energy, brings strength, enlightenment of the soul and body. After such a procedure, you can expect a lot of new ideas, positive decisions and creative actions from yourself and others.

A belief helped to gain financial well-being - pour water into a bowl and put a few shiny and beautiful coins in it. After that, wash all the windows and doors of your own home with this liquid, starting from the entrance. Pour dirty water from the bowl under the tree growing in the yard of your house.

If you want to get rid of the evil eye - on the night of Wednesday to Thursday, pour water into a jug and place silverware there. It can be a spoon or a silver fork. Wash yourself with this water at dawn. For girls, this method will help not only to ward off damage, but also to attract good luck and female happiness. You will sparkle with your beauty and charm. A man will give such a belief male power and will. There is a high probability of finding love and family well-being this year.

Those who have long considered themselves an old maid should definitely wash their faces in the morning and wipe their faces. clean towel. Such a rite will help instill vigor, joy and optimism in you. And as you know, only such young ladies like men and quickly attract attention. Just remember that this towel, along with Easter cake and eggs, should be given to the poor for Easter.

A young beauty who wants to get married this year should look out the window in the morning. If the first passerby turned out to be a young guy, expect a meeting with a future spouse. married lady who dreams of becoming a mother, such a plot can promise the future conception of a baby if you saw children in the window.

For deeply believing people, blessed events will be brought by the prayer read on this day. Words spoken aloud with great faith and an open soul carry special magical power. Sincerity of intentions will give you health, fortitude and hope for a successful outcome.

If you save Thursday salt for this date, it promises to ward off misfortunes and troubles from the whole family, guide foolish children on the true path, give husbands self-control before temptations, and endow women with patience and understanding. To do this, each family member must take a handful of salt, wrap it in a rag bag and put it all night next to the Icon of Jesus Christ. Remove in the morning, taking it out when you are in a difficult situation or have health problems. A pinch of salt thrown into food can change your future state and mood.

People who have high hopes for this day and strive to fulfill all the rites of well-being, remember the main thing: to fast and be sincere in their intentions. The material desires in your soul should not exceed the spiritual ones.

Modern signs

What to do on Maundy Thursday

If you take a shower in the morning, before the first rays of the sun, it promises to change your life for the better, believe in your own endeavors and succeed this year. It is generally accepted that water on a clean Thursday has a special healing and magical power. It charges with its freshness and purity, is able to carry away illnesses and minor sins of a person.

The main condition is to believe that it can change you, and to repent of bad deeds. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the fact that the water should wash you from top to bottom. A bath with fragrant foam in this case will not be able to bring the desired effect.

Cleaning the house is the main event of Clean Thursday. Without it, the dough will not fit on Easter cakes and the paint will not be taken on the eggs. You should not use other rituals without doing a general cleaning in your apartment. It is customary to wash and clean everything before Easter. After washing the windows and washing the curtains, there is a high probability of changing your previous view of seemingly familiar things. You will be able to expand the horizons of your desires and possibilities.

Clean doors will be ready to let only good, necessary and decent people. Having laid fresh bedding, spouses can hope for a stormy reconciliation after a period of cold and strained relationships. Decor and cleanliness dining area will be a sign that next year you expect abundance and prosperity. You will not have to think about your daily bread, and the crisis in the country will most likely bypass you.

For those who are in dire need of an increase in financial resources, on this day you need to count the money three times. It is advisable to prepare large bills, and keep the account strictly in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Girls who have stayed too long in brides should visit a hairdresser on this day for a light haircut and hair wash. This promises to increase your attractiveness to the opposite sex. You will feel more confident and free in choosing a partner. There will be a chance to find a life partner worthy of you.

To fulfill the most secret and cherished desires, after a general cleaning in the house, change the places of things that can be thematically related to your dreams.

What not to do on Maundy Thursday

  • break the fast with variety in food and neglect the rules of intimate abstinence;
  • ignore attending a church service;
  • sit on a bench during a service in the temple of the Lord;
  • clean the apartment after clean Thursday until Easter;
  • lend money, things, food;
  • pour water into the ditch after general cleaning.