Momordica is a mysterious foreigner. Chinese cucumber momordica

Ecology of life. They are used for diseases of the liver, digestive tract, for the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The use of fruits helps to prevent sclerosis and obesity. Lagenaria was brought to Europe from Vietnam and India in the middle of the 20th century.

Lagenaria is a typical representative of the gourd family. It is a creeping grassy vine, the length of which reaches 15 meters. The fruit is a pumpkin.

At different types lagenaria, and there are at least seven of them, the shape of the fruit is different: there are fruits of elongated, serpentine, round and other types of shapes. The most common plants are club-shaped or finger-shaped, similar to a bottle - bottle gourds.

Pumpkin lagenaria looks very decorative, its shoots wrap around fences, arbors, outbuildings. The flowering of the plant occurs continuously, until frost.

Lagenaria flowers are quite large, have the shape of a glass. In the morning their color is light cream, by the evening it becomes completely white. Lagenaria was brought to Europe from Vietnam and India in the middle of the 20th century.

We, in Russia, garden plots for use in food, the long-fruited lagenaria cucumber, which is also known as Indian cucumber, Vietnamese zucchini, and lagenaria serpentine, is successfully grown.

The fruits of the plant are low in carbohydrates and protein, but the pulp contains mineral salts, vitamins, acids and sugars, a large amount of calcium and iron. The fruits are valued for their medicinal qualities.

The use of lagenaria

They are used for diseases of the liver, digestive tract, for the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The use of fruits helps to prevent sclerosis and obesity.

For food, young green fruits with a thin skin are removed, the diameter of which is not more than 5 cm, and the length is up to 60 cm. In unripe fruits, the flesh is loose, the taste is spicy, slightly bitter.

The same dishes are prepared from lagenaria as from zucchini and pumpkin. It can be stuffed, fried pancakes, salted, caviar made, marinated, used for salads.

An interesting feature of the plant is the ability to regenerate. You can cut off only part of the fruit, and not cut it completely. The cut point is instantly tightened, and the fetus is still growing and can be more than one and a half meters long.

Lagenaria serpentine is a high-yielding plant. About 40 kg of fruit can be removed from one bush. On average, the weight of one fruit is 8 kg. When the fruit ripens, the pulp dries out over time, and the shell becomes more durable and becomes completely waterproof.

The lagenaria plant has long been used for the manufacture of objects of applied art, dishes, vases, caskets. The bark of ripe fruits is easily processed, it can be varnished, dyed.

One of the types of lagenaria is called the turtledove or gourd. The dried and properly processed fruit of the plant is the prototype of ancient household utensils.

Products from lagenaria are famous for the fact that they perfectly preserve the freshness of products. Therefore, wine, milk and other liquids are kept in such dishes.

Inside the processed pumpkin is always dry, which allows it to be used for storing bulk products (flour, salt, cereals).

Features of growing lagenaria

The soil

Lagenaria, grown from seeds of which is produced through seedlings, grows well on fertile soils with great content organics. The plant does not grow on acidic soils, highly moistened and with close groundwater levels.

Since autumn, poor soils are filled with mineral and organic fertilizers and dig. Lagenaria grows well after potatoes, legumes, cabbage.


The site is selected well-lit, on the southwestern and southern slopes. The plant is very thermophilic. The most favorable temperature for growing +25. Lagenaria cannot stand even the weakest frosts and dies.

Given that the plant is climbing, it is necessary to install supports. The distance between the supports is up to 1.8 meters. You can grow lagenaria in the beds, but usually this crop is planted near fences, near arbors, near houses.

Seeding and planting

In the southern regions, the cultivation of lagenaria is carried out by sowing seeds in unprotected soil, like ordinary pumpkins. With sufficient humidity and temperature not lower than + 15, seedlings are already visible a couple of weeks after sowing.

Real leaves form a month after germination. How to grow lagenaria in middle lane we can talk in more detail. Plants are used to grow seedling method. Seeds are sown in seedling pots in the last decade of April. Sowing depth - 3 cm.

Given that they are protected by a hard bark, through which it is difficult for sprouts to break through, before sowing, the seeds are certainly germinated: they are soaked in water for a day, and then placed in wet sawdust and kept at a temperature of 25.

After a week, sprouts will appear, which are planted one at a time in a pot. Grow seedlings, like a regular pumpkin. Seedlings are planted in the ground at the age of one month, but after the threat of frost passes, and the soil temperature is not lower than 12.

Lagenaria is planted in the place allotted to it at the end of May in the holes according to the scheme 100x100 cm. The holes are well shed with warm water before planting, seedling pot planted at the same level with the soil and shade for the first days.

To prevent moisture from evaporating, it is useful to mulch the soil with humus or peat. Plants must be protected from night coolness using covering material, which can be left on until flowering begins.

Plants are tied to a support when their height reaches one meter. If supports are not provided, you need to put boards or stones under the fruits to protect them from slugs and soil moisture.

The growing season lasts up to 220 days. The most intensive growth of the central stem and the formation of lateral shoots occurs a month and a half after the seedlings emerge.

At the same time, the plant blooms. Pollination of a flower occurs with the help of insects in evening time. The development of the fertilized ovary occurs rapidly. The fruits ripen within 1.5 -3 months after fertilization.

Up to 9 ovaries are formed on the plant. In the middle lane, lagenaria grows up to 10 meters in height, the length of the fruit is up to two meters.


When the length of the central stem and side shoots reaches two meters, they are pinched, and some shoots and ovaries are removed altogether. This technique is performed in order to better form the fruit.

During flowering, the plant needs additional pollination of female flowers. It is necessary to constantly loosen the soil in order to ensure sufficient oxygen supply to the roots of the plant, systematically water and feed with mineral and organic fertilizers, alternating them.

Lagenaria needs daily abundant watering, and only with warm water. Shelter is removed only when it is warm both day and night.


Three months after planting the seeds, the fruits ripen and are ready for harvest. Harvesting is done multiple times. It all depends on the purpose of cultivation. The fruits are cut with a knife along with the stalk.


Lagenaria reproduces only by seed. To obtain seeds, the first set fruit is left on the plant. It is cut along with the stalk, on the eve of frost and placed in storage in a warm room until the end of October.

Seeds are large, thick-skinned, smooth, irregular shape. They are placed in paper bags and stored until sowing at room temperature. published

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Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Momordica (Indian cucumber or Indian pomegranate) is a rather unusual vegetable. Also sometimes you can find the name "Chinese bitter melon". belongs to the family Pumpkin, on appearance also resembles an oval (calorizer). The surface of this giant cucumber is uneven, with many small bumps.

The homeland of the vegetable is the subtropical and tropical regions of Asia, Australia and Africa. The name of the plant is Latin and means "biting". It is no coincidence that this name was given to this vegetable, since when you touch it with your hands, irritation or a small burn appears on the skin of a person. The reason for this is the presence of glandular hairs on the entire surface of momordica.

In our country, this vegetable crop has appeared recently. Many gardeners grow it on balconies, in greenhouses.

Calorie Momordica (Indian Cucumber)

The calorie content of momordica is 15 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition of momordica (Indian cucumber)

The benefits and harms of momordica (Indian cucumber)

Momordica has many useful properties. It is recommended for people with infectious diseases gastrointestinal tract, allergies, diabetes (reduces sugar levels), flu, colds, psoriasis, and even some forms of cancer.

However, momordica has long been used as a contraceptive, so this vegetable is contraindicated during pregnancy.

Momordica (Indian cucumber) in cooking

The taste of momordica is sour with a slight bitterness, but pleasant (calorizator). But this vegetable should be eaten only in an unripe form, since the ripened momordica becomes bitter and unpleasant in taste. Not only the fruits of momordica are used for food, but also the tops.

Momordica is an integral part of salads, seasonings in meat and vegetable dishes. The vegetable is also used in soups. Momordica seeds are often used in the confectionery industry due to their nutty flavor.

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What kind of tribe

Like all creepers, Indian cucumber needs support - a vertical trellis.



​Among cucurbits it is distinguished by thin long stems reaching a height of 200 cm or more, and large light green leaves resembling grapes, with a very beautiful cut. The plant looks very decorative both during flowering and when the fruits ripen. That is why momordica in dachas is often planted as ornamental plant along fences and arbors. The plant has a number of common names: mad cucumber, mad melon, bitter gourd, balsam pear, Indian cucumber.

Momordica is very demanding on soil fertility. This plant responds especially well to organic fertilizers, which are applied in open ground for digging (up to 10 kg per 1 m2). We should not forget about mineral supplements momordica. They add to the soil (per m2): ammonium nitrate - 20-30 g, superphosphate - 35-40 g, potassium chloride - 20-30 g. If the soil of your garden has high acidity, then it is useful to add 300-400 g of lime per 1 m2 garden beds.

Momordica is cultivated in the room, on the balcony, in the garden as a healing and beautiful annual liana. This is medicinal plant with edible elegant fruits serves decorative ornament southern windows, balconies and open terraces, arbors, fences, walls and decorative grilles.​

Beneficial features

In children, it can cause anemia and poisoning.

Be careful when working with young plants - before the fruit appears, the leaves are burned like nettles. You need to work with gloves.


Seeds are prepared before planting. To make them germinate faster, you need to rub the tip sandpaper or a nail file - this technique is called scarification - you only need to slightly damage the skin of the seed, but do not wipe holes through! This helps the seed to pass water better and open up easier.

If there is no individual intolerance, then you can include a small amount of a miracle vegetable in your daily diet. Due to the rich composition, these fruits normalize metabolic processes in the body, stimulate smooth weight loss and give a person a huge amount of energy. Eating the same amount of food, but feeling cheerful and full of energy, a person will do much more in a day. This means that the energy will be spent for good, and not "deposited" on the stomach and in other places.​

"Bitter gourd", "Indian cucumber" or "pomegranate", "mad melon" - all these are the names of the same plant, officially referred to as momordica. The benefits and harms of this vine began to worry our fellow citizens with the appearance on the shelves of the seeds of an outlandish plant. Many began to grow it in garden plots in decorative purposes. What kind of plant is this, let's figure it out with you.

Use in cooking

On it, due to the best illumination, you can get the maximum yield. As the lashes grow, they are twisted around the support. When the main stem reaches the top of the window, pinch it. During flowering, momordica forms side shoots. They are pinched over the female flowers, which appear a week later than the male ones, leaving 1-2 leaves. If the plant too obscures itself, side shoots without ovaries are cut out completely.

​Part 22 - Our immune system is a housewife in the body​

The flowering of momordica coincides with the beginning of active shoot formation. Her flowers are medium-sized, dioecious, bright yellow, fragrant; female flowers are slightly smaller. First appear on the plant male flowers and then women's. After pollination, the ovaries immediately begin to develop rapidly. Its green "warty" fruits have an elongated oval shape, 10-20 cm long and up to 7 cm in diameter, the average weight is 150-200 g, when ripe they acquire a bright orange color and crack into 3 lobes. At this point, the plants look especially decorative. The seeds are relatively large (length 11-15 mm, width - 8-9 mm), flat, with uneven edges and tuberculate surface. On both sides of the seeds there is a peculiar pattern reminiscent of the Indian national ornament, and each seed has its own. The number of seeds in the fruit varies greatly (from 15 to 50) depending on the size of the fruit. In general, the seeds are dark brown in color. Around each seed inside the fruit is a juicy dark ruby ​​pericarp.

Application in dietetics

When growing momordica as a balcony or indoor plant, all fertilizer rates are set taking into account the volume of soil in the container. In this case, when top dressing, you can follow the instructions for the complex organo-mineral fertilizer used for indoor plants.​


Fragrant yellow flowers of momordica are unisexual, have a five-toothed corolla. The smell of her male flowers is similar to the fragrance of gardenia, but less intense.

Do not self-medicate - consult your doctor!

"Momordica compositum"

Fruits are stored in the refrigerator for up to 20 days.

Summing up

Then we soak the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate for a couple of hours, rinse and put in wet sawdust or a wet cloth for germination, put in a warm place. After such preparation, almost all seeds germinate.

What is a momordica plant?

So, today we told you about the amazing healthy vegetable called momordica. Instructions for use (if I may say so) recommends introducing it into food for almost all people. This is a real storehouse of useful substances. But we must remember that many elements in its composition are in an active state, and therefore an overdose can only harm. Treat momordica as an extremely useful additive, a condiment, the excess of which will only worsen the taste of the dish.

Momordica - what kind of plant?

No wonder it is called "bitter gourd" - the plant belongs to the Cucurbita family. This is an evergreen liana that grows in Africa, Australia, India and other warm countries. Today it is grown in America and in the Crimea, even in northern regions gardeners manage to grow a heat-loving vine on a windowsill or balcony, and on summer period planted in open ground. So, what is momordica, the benefits and harms of its bright fruits, what is their practical purpose - more on all this later.

Momordica is not afraid of either the white-wing or other pests that usually threaten cucumbers and tomatoes.

​Part 23 - Don't hold grudges​

Growing momordica is not particularly difficult and is similar to growing cucumbers, apart from some features due to the properties of this crop. It can be grown not only in greenhouses and greenhouses, but also on the balcony, and even on the windowsill, as a houseplant. If you take care of seedlings in advance, then you can grow momordica in the northern regions.

Like all vines, momordica needs support. The best way supports - a vertical trellis, which makes it possible to obtain the maximum yield due to the good illumination of the plant. With a lack of lighting and nutrition, the ovaries often crumble, and the fruits of the momordica are small.

The fruit of the momordica is a rounded oval elongated berry very unusual shape has an exotic look. Outside, it is covered with papillary protrusions. The color of fruits in momordica is bright orange, yellow or white.

Before use, the fruits of momordica are soaked in salt water to remove bitterness. Salads are prepared from young greens, boiled, fried, seasoned for meat, marinated. The fruits are high in protein and are more nutritious than cucumbers. A little bitterness remains in the fruits, in mature ones there is more of it.

In China, it is popular under the name "the fruit of centenarians." And not in vain - it contains many useful material. Fruits are rich in proteins, carbohydrates and sugars. A lot of vitamins, up to 100 mg - vitamin C, group B, carotene, E and others. In folk medicine, the plant is used to treat cancer, viral diseases, hypertension, immune system, haemorrhoids. Dishes from momordica speed up metabolism, burn fat in the body and slim the figure.​

Growing momordica

As soon as the seed opens, sow each in separate cups or peat pots for seedlings. We prepare the soil from a mixture of peat, humus, leafy soil and sand. We keep crops in warm place at a temperature not lower than + 22-25 ° C and not allowing drying.​


These exotic vegetables are contraindicated for pregnant women, as they can provoke premature birth. If you suffer from food allergies, then introduce momordica into your diet very carefully.

The first benefit of this unusual creeper- it is her decorative properties. It resembles the tops of cucumber, pumpkin, young grapes, willingly clings to a support with its antennae and quickly gains strength under the sun's rays. She will easily braid a small gazebo in a short time, and you will be able to proudly show your friends that you are growing not just anything, but momordica. The benefits and harms of its fruits usually begin to interest a little later, when they begin to ripen and stand out brightly among the green shoots. In fact, the fruits of this vine contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals and are successfully used in cooking.

Indian cucumber knows how to protect himself. While the fruits are still green, the plant burns like a nettle.

Part 24 - Momordica (Indian cucumber)

Planting in the ground

The taste of the fruit itself is close to the taste of a ripened pumpkin. True, the papillary surface of the fruit is slightly bitter, because of this, the overall taste acquires a bitter tint. No wonder momordica is called bitter gourd. But this quality does not interfere with the preparation of delicious dishes from fruits. In food, like cucumbers, unripe fruits are used, which contain a lot of protein. That is why they are more nutritious than cucumbers. Before use, it is advisable to soak the fruits in salted water. It contains a lot of vitamin C - up to 100 mg%. Salads, seasonings for meat dishes are prepared from fruits, they are boiled and fried, pickled and salted.

Momordica has been grown since ancient times as a valuable vegetable and medicinal plant. In ancient China, only the emperor and members of his family were allowed to eat momordica. And in India, it was considered the "plant of the gods."


  1. The taste of the fruit of momordica is close to a ripened pumpkin. True, the papillary surface of the berry is slightly bitter, and because of this, the overall taste acquires a bitter tint. Therefore, momordica is called "bitter gourd". But this quality does not interfere with the preparation of delicious dishes from its fruits!
  2. There are other ways to remove bitterness from the fruits of momordica:
  3. All parts of the plant are suitable for treatment - fruits, flowers, roots, leaves, seeds. Momordica is very popular in Chinese traditional medicine. It is used for pain relief, treatment of heart, stomach (ulcer) diseases, to lower blood sugar and insulin production in diabetes. Preparations from momordica slow down the aging of the body and contribute to active longevity.
  4. As soon as shoots appear, the pots are moved to the window, it is advisable to lower the temperature to 16 ° C in the first days so that the shoots do not stretch. Then you need to grow seedlings at + 22 ° C, high humidity and regular spraying of plants are welcome.
  5. Not in every city today you can buy the fruits or at least the seeds of this wonderful plant. That is why pharmacological companies have released a special preparation that contains an extract from vegetables and called it "Momordica compositum". It is an injectable solution that has astringent, analgesic, antispasmodic, antiemetic and sedative properties. It normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland, is used in the treatment of pancreatitis. This preparation is homeopathic, as it contains nothing but extracts of the medicinal plant. However, before using it is necessary to consult with your doctor.​

If cucumbers grew in your country house, then it will not be difficult to master the art of growing exotic creepers. She will willingly live in open ground, especially if you choose a shady place for her, without direct sunlight. She also masters greenhouses and greenhouses, and even window sills in apartments. Just imagine how you will show your fruit-bearing vine to your friends and proudly say that it is a momordica. The benefits and harms that its fruits can bear will be discussed below.

As soon as the first cucumber has ripened, momordica allows you to touch it.

Very cute vegetable - momordica, or Indian cucumber

Fleshy fruits containing a lot useful components, very good fried. To do this, fully ripened fruits are cut into small slices and fried in vegetable oil.


You can buy momordica fruits from us (in a Korean store), but it’s still better to grow them yourself in the garden, in a room or on a balcony - there will be both beauty and benefit!

Momordica - useful properties

Inside the momordica fruit, around each seed is a juicy dark ruby ​​pericarp. Its taste is very pleasant, reminiscent of ripe persimmon.

Boil two minutes in boiling water, immediately cool under cold water.

Everything is healing in momordica

Before planting, momordica seedlings need to be hardened off, they are usually planted in the ground in late May - early June, after the threat of night frosts. Be sure not to damage the earthen ball, so as not to disturb the weak roots. The soil should already be warmed up - otherwise the vine will freeze, and may die. It does not tolerate temperature drops below + 10 ° C!​

A truly wonderful gift of the rainforest - momordica - is wholesome. Its leaves, shoots, roots, fruits and berries are used. Today, research is being carried out on the ability of this plant to suppress and neutralize cancer cells. If they become successful, we will have a cure for the most terrible disease. But even today there is something to thank this unusual vegetable for. His healing power truly immeasurable.

medicinal prescriptions

The plant propagates by seeds. Despite the presence of a hard shell, they do not require stratification and have almost 100% germination. Before planting in the soil, you need to soak them for a day in a pale pink solution of manganese. Don't wait until they hatch or the seeds will rot. Seedlings are easiest to grow in peat pots filled with light, fertile soil. Momordica is demanding on the composition of the soil, responsive to the application of organic fertilizers.​

Like, now the gifts of the vines are ready for use. This readiness is determined in a completely different way than that of an ordinary cucumber. When the fruit ripens, yellowish spots first appear on it. They spread until the whole cucumber turns orange.

He feels great on the windowsill.

They are also great for marinating. Ripe fruits should be washed and cut into slices. In a sterilized jar, put pieces of momordica, add garlic, dill, blackcurrant leaf, black peppercorns. Pour the contents with marinade (per liter of water take a tablespoon of salt, granulated sugar and 9% vinegar). The marinade is brought to a boil, the contents of the jars are poured and the lid is closed. Canned momordica is difficult to compare with other vegetables prepared in the same way. Its taste is very pleasant and refreshing. Juicy and tender pericarp tastes like a ripe persimmon.


It is easy to grow a momordica. Her agricultural technology is in many ways similar to techniques for pumpkins and zucchini. However, there are some subtleties of sowing and growing momordica, dictated by the characteristics of this crop.

  • Pour the pieces with salt, then drain the released liquid.
  • Seeds and fruits lower cholesterol, cleanse blood vessels, cure leukemia, skin diseases(psoriasis, burns), pain in the joints and head, help with depression, hepatitis, furunculosis, eye diseases.
  • The soil needs light, fertile, slightly acidic. He loves fertilizing with organic fertilizers and watering with warm water. At acidic soil on your site, add lime when digging. It grows well after nightshade (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant), legumes, root vegetables, greens, cabbage.

Many gardeners like to grow everything new and unusual on their plots. Crazy cucumber is no exception - gardeners are trying to grow it in their dachas. What is a momordica? Or wild melon, yellow or Indian cucumber, even crocodile cucumber, as soon as this exotic plant is not called.

Momordica Recipes

One seed is placed edgewise in each pot to a depth of 1.5 cm. From above it needs to be covered with soil and watered. The next moisturizing should be done in 2-3 days. If the temperature is maintained at 20-22 degrees, then shoots will appear in 2 weeks. With cooler content, you will have to wait longer.​

Then the fruit cracks and unfolds into 3 fleshy petals.

  1. Before planting some outlandish plant in the garden, you can test it at home to be sure.
  2. Leaves help cure snake bites. The seeds contain up to 55% essential oil, very rich in carotene. They are used in medicine for peptic ulcer disease, as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and anti-febrile agent.

Fresh, tender young shoots and leaves of momordica go to salads and vinaigrettes, they cook delicious borscht and vegetable medicinal soups.

Momordica seeds are relatively large (11-15 mm long, 8-9 mm wide). In shape, they are flat, rounded, with uneven lobed edges and a tuberculate surface. On both flat sides of the seed is a peculiar pattern. Moreover, each seed of momordica has its own unique pattern, reminiscent of the Indian national ornament...​

Feel free to use recipes for eggplant dishes to prepare momordica. Leaves can be added to tea.

Plant decoctions relieve urolithiasis, prostatitis, improve the immune system and brain function.

​Vertical growing of momordica​

Momordica is an annual climbing herbaceous vine of the gourd family. It is very common in China, Japan, Southeast Asia. In China, dishes from this plant could only be served on the imperial table. This culture appeared in Russia not so long ago, but it is rapidly gaining popularity - it is grown on balconies and window sills, in the garden momordica can perfectly decorate a gazebo, or hide an ugly building.

When transplanting seedlings to the main "place of residence", install vertical supports, plan the location of the plants so that they have enough light, the ovary will crumble in the shade or the fruits will be small.

Momordica is a beautiful and healing vine

Seeds fall out of it along the mucous pericarp.

Furrowed yellow and orange cucumbers

​Helpful tips series:​

Flowering and fruiting of momordica

Momordica has a high nutritional value, far superior to peppers and eggplants popular with gardeners. Momordica fruits contain a lot of proteins, carbohydrates, sugars, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins (“A”, “B”, “B1”, “C”, etc.). Vitamin E found in fruits protects the body from premature aging, and vitamin F gives vitality and strength. In the fruits of momordica especially a lot folic acid, from the lack of which the bone marrow suffers, and there is also a danger of cancerous tumors. Momordica is used as a natural medicine to destroy cancer cells, bacteria and viruses, to treat hypertension, hemorrhoids, to increase immunity. This plant quickly removes excess fat from the body, speeds up the metabolism and makes the figure slim.

For successful germination of momordica seeds, you first need to scarify them. To do this, rub the sharp tip of the seed with sandpaper to help the shell swell and open more freely. Then I soak the seeds of momordica in a dark solution of potassium permanganate for several hours. This not only disinfects the seeds, but helps them to germinate and nourishes - provides an additional portion of the growth substance. Then you should put the seeds prepared in this way in wet sawdust (or in wet toilet paper) and place in a warm place with a temperature of up to 25 degrees. With such processing and maintenance, momordica seeds germinate well and give almost one hundred percent germination.

​Young Momordica Appetizer Recipe

Propagation of momordica seeds

Momordica fruit tincture

Momordica loves a lot of light, places protected from the wind, light shading at noon from the hottest sun. It grows very well in greenhouses and greenhouses. It reacts poorly to a thickened planting and shade - the fruits are small and crumble.

Momordica looks great near gazebos and along paths

Momordica is a special fruit. More precisely, it is a vegetable. It significantly changes its taste properties as it ripens, but its benefits remain unchanged. Not only fruits are useful, but also shoots, as well as leaves. The plant is rich in calcium, which is necessary not only for the growth and development of teeth and bones, but also contributes to the normal contraction of the heart muscle. If there are problems with the cardiovascular system, then momordica is what the doctor ordered.

Growing momordica

This is a sign that the cucumber is ready to eat.

not only amazingly beautiful, but also very useful. They contain a lot of proteins, sugars and carbohydrates, B vitamins and ascorbic acid. The bizarrely shaped seeds, with a thin but firm red skin, contain fatty oil rich in carotene.

​Part 1 - Encyclopedia of People and Ideas​ op For the treatment of momordica, doctors advise using absolutely all the healing parts of the plant - roots, leaves, seeds, flowers and fruits. Momordica is especially widely used in Tibetan-Chinese folk medicine. Momordica is used as an anesthetic, for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, stomach ulcers, to lower blood sugar levels, to produce insulin and treat diabetes. Momordica is valuable for the body in an effort to slow down the aging process and achieve active longevity. As soon as the seed shell cracks and tender white roots appear, you can sow germinated seeds in the ground or in pots for seedlings. Momordica seedlings are best grown in peat pots. I fill the pots with a mixture of leafy soil, weathered peat, humus and sand in a ratio (1: 1: 1: 0.5). We take young greens, cut into circles, like zucchini. Soak in salt water. At this time, heat up the pan with oil. Dip the circles in flour with the addition of turmeric. Fry and a beautiful crust in a hot frying pan. We get a savory snack that improves digestion, enhances taste sensations.​

Fruits without seeds are cut into small pieces. Place tightly in a three-liter jar. Pour half a liter of vodka, close the lid. Remove for two weeks in a dark place.

An adult plant is grown on a support or trellis, like all vines, it needs a vertical garter.

Momordica has long thin stems that grow over two meters. Beautiful large light green foliage, which differs from other pumpkins in strong dissection. It looks very decorative and beautiful.​

Momordica in cooking and medicine

In addition to calcium, it is rich in selenium, which normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland; contains silicon, which is involved in the synthesis of bone and muscle tissues, it is especially necessary during the recovery period after injuries and fractures. Being a source of phosphorus, fruits help stimulate brain activity. The rich composition of vitamins regulates the metabolic processes of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, normalizing body weight. The antioxidant properties that momordica has are known. A fruit with the same composition still needs to be looked for.

From one plant you can get up to 3 kg of fruit.

They are used to treat peptic ulcers, against inflammation and fever, and also as a diuretic.

​Part 2 - Dictionary V. Dalia

Momordica fruits and seeds lower blood cholesterol, prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques, cleanse blood vessels, reduce the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes, cure leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, headaches and joint pain, burns, psoriasis, depression, furunculosis, hepatitis. And momordica treats eye diseases, increases visual acuity. Decoctions and tinctures of momordica heal from prostatitis, urolithiasis, sclerosis, improve brain function and strengthen immunity.

Practice has shown that momordica can be successfully grown in greenhouses and greenhouses on personal plot, as well as on a bright balcony, on a windowsill as an indoor culture.

Recipes for tincture and decoction of fruits and seeds of momordica

​Stuffed momordica

Drink one teaspoon three times a day, on an empty stomach half an hour before meals.

Water the momordica often and only with warm water. Constantly spray the entire plant.

Blossom begins at the same time as the active formation of shoots. The flowers are bright yellow on long stems, with a delicate aroma of jasmine. Her flowers form male and female: males bloom first, and then females appear - they are smaller. The ovaries grow rapidly after pollination.

Momordica (Indian cucumber)

If you like Indian cucumber The leaves help with snake bites, and the fruits are tasty and nutritious both fresh and fried, salted and in the form of jam. In addition, they make food paint. ​...​ e! Momordica fruit tincture Despite the tropical origin of this plant, momordica grows well in our garden. Even a short summer is enough for its fruits to ripen. We clean the fruits from seeds and fill them with minced meat. Minced meat can be any - as for peppers, cabbage rolls. Can be filled with mixed vegetables. Then we simmer in a small amount of water. The tincture is effective for colds, rheumatism, psoriasis. Also strengthens the immune system. It grows quickly, so frequent top dressing is needed, every two weeks. Mullein infusion will be the most suitable. Momordica flower Recent studies have shown another wonderful property - momordica in diabetes can significantly improve the patient's condition. Its active components reduce cholesterol and blood sugar, in addition, Indian pumpkin activates the production of insulin and the patient rarely has to resort to injections. Modern pharmacology also uses bitter gourd extracts. Based on them, preparations are made for the treatment of psoriasis, flu and colds. , you can grow it on a balcony or loggia, and also transfer it to the country. It's easy: cut cuttings from houseplants into seedlings. Tops from the lower side shoots with two well-developed leaves are perfect. They are placed vertically in containers with warm (25 ° C) water. After 2 weeks, roots appear.

Indian cucumber is light and thermophilic, prefers loose, fertile soils.

​Part 31 - Grow your own potatoes.​

The use of momordica helps to reduce body fat, normalizes the level of sugar and hemoglobin in the blood.

Cut the fruits of momordica without seeds into small pieces. Fill them up tightly three-liter jar. Pour vodka (0.5 l) into a jar, close the lid. Keep for two weeks in a dark cool place. Tincture of momordica fruits is drunk for three days on an empty stomach (30 minutes before meals), 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Momordica fruit tincture is effective for colds (cough, runny nose, fever), psoriasis and rheumatism. And also it is used as a means to strengthen the body's immunity.
Basically, we grow 2 types of momordica: -​
For pickling, small fruits are placed in jars and poured with any brine for pickling cucumbers.

Decoction of momordica seeds
The plant forms many stepchildren, it must be formed. First, start up two shoots - stepchildren immediately grow actively and bloom. To speed up fruiting, side shoots are pinched. It is necessary to ensure that the shoots do not thicken the crown.

The most unusual thing about momordica is its fruits. Elongated spindle-shaped up to 20 cm long - completely covered with pimples, similar to warts or crocodile skin. Young greens up to 10 days are light green in color, they can be cooked and salted like cucumbers. Then the fruits turn yellow and bright orange. The flesh acquires a bitterness similar to the famous bitterness of cucumbers. This does not prevent them from being used for food - you just need to specially prepare the fruits to remove bitterness. Momordica tastes like bitter gourd. Ripened fruits burst, opening into three juicy petals, dropping bright red seeds. There are varieties with white fruits.

Momordica is also widely used in folk medicine. The benefits of treatment are amazing. The plant has analgesic properties, helps with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and even with leukemia. Persistent improvement in vision and eye condition was noted. Various infusions and decoctions work well in the treatment of prostatitis, urolithiasis, sclerosis. Among other things, they improve brain function and strengthen immunity.
Cuttings planted in pots
Before sowing, momordica seeds are kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. They are sown in early February, then the plants can not be illuminated. The soil mixture is prepared from sod land, peat, humus and sand (1: 1: 1: 0.5). It is poured into pottery, paper or peat pots 6x6 or 8x8 cm. Sow 2 seeds in the center of each pot to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. Water it, and when the water seeps down, sprinkle it with dry soil, slightly compacting it. The pots are covered with foil and put in a warm place (20-25 ° C).
​Part 32 - Self-defense without weapons​

For centuries, momordica has been used as food and medicine throughout Asia, and as a therapeutic agent in a variety of ailments such as leukemia, diabetes, asthma, insect bites, menstrual cycle problems, stomach problems, as well as many other ailments. Bitter melon has had a great traditional use in the east as a food and as a "tonic". The plant is also beneficial in rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. It is also used for burns, skin ulcers, itchy skin, psoriasis, rheumatism, and wound healing. In Africa, the plant is also recommended for the treatment of wounds.
Decoction of momordica seeds
​momordica charantia
Now you know what a momordica plant is - how to grow and cook it. I wish this beautiful vine to please you with fruits.
Grind about 20 pieces of seeds, pour a glass of boiling water, heat on fire for ten minutes. Insist then an hour, strain. The decoction is taken 50 mg 3 times a day for fever, hemorrhoids and as a diuretic.
These extra shoots can be rooted by simply placing them in warm water.
Photo of momordica fruits
The pulp of the fruit is similar to a pumpkin, only with a noticeable bitterness. While the fruits are young and green, the bitterness is almost imperceptible, they taste like a cucumber. They can be fried in oil, added to salads. Fully ripened fruits hide red seeds inside, which taste like persimmon and pomegranate at the same time. They are quite tough, so you can boil them before use.
filled with soil mixture from humus and river sand (1: 1), the roots are well covered with earth and watered. To keep the air around the plants moist, small arcs are installed on top of the pots, on which the film is stretched.
As soon as shoots appear
Part 33 - Momordica (Indian cucumber)
​The ability of momordica to regulate sugar levels, antiviral function and immunopotentiation of momordica are intended for use in special programs designed to regulate blood sugar levels. It contains three antiviral proteins, serotonin and amino acids. Almost all parts of the plant are used in momordica: leaves, fruits and seeds. Studies have shown that the leaves are nutritional sources of calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, and iron; edible fruit and leaves are great sources of B vitamins.
About 15-20 crushed momordica seeds are poured with 1 cup of boiling water, kept on low heat for 10 minutes. Then insist for an hour and filter. Momordica seed tincture is drunk 50 mg, 3-4 times a day, for hemorrhoids and as a diuretic, for febrile diseases.
("Indian pomegranate"); -​

What is momordica, or Indian cucumber, growing

Sincerely, Sofya Guseva. Side effects and contraindications:
When the fruit is fully ripe, it opens into three large "petals". Seeds fall to the ground, at this time the fruit is ready for harvest - you just need to pick it on time.

Variety of fruits of momordica To remove bitterness from ripened fruits, they are pre-soaked in a saline solution. After that, they can also be fried and served as a side dish for meat. craftsmen went even further, got the hang of pickling fruits in jars. It turns out a very original product, unlike anything else, its taste is very pleasant and refreshing. In addition, from the soaked fruits of this creeper, they cook very tasty and healthy jam, by which you can never tell that his parent is a bitter momordica. Reviews confirm its high taste, albeit with a certain degree of exoticism.​

We are an inquisitive people. Now many of the little things have become available, such as the seeds of exotic vegetables, which are better or worse, but can be grown in our climate. And many, both with tops and fruits, sometimes remotely, but resemble cucumbers. And went from light hand fellow citizens who “desired the strange”: Indian, snake, Armenian and similar “cucumbers”; African, Indian, in general, should be doubly quoted, since they have the same relation to cucumbers as an airplane to a dragonfly - only in so far as both have wings ...

Let's start with what lies closer to our usual cucumber.

Armenian cucumber (photo 1)

Rather, not even a cucumber, but something not far from a melon. If you imagine a melon as a handball, from which the air was let out and it wrinkled somewhat, that's about it. The color of the ripe fruit is straw, weight - about a kilogram. Scourge produces multi-meter (3.5-4 m). They are very thermophilic, bear fruit for a long time, and have a strange taste: cucumber-immature-melon. They are eaten mainly like pumpkin, boiled or baked.

Chinese cucumber (photo 4)

Again, not quite a cucumber. This name hides a variety of intergeneric hybrids of pumpkin, mainly cucumber-lagenaria. The fruits are quite cucumber-like, but long - from half a meter to a meter. Good cucumber taste, almost never get sick, fruitful. They are interesting in that the shape of the fruit immediately “prosemaphores” the gardener what they want from life: a hook is a cry “little nitrogen!”, a pear is “potassium come on!” etc. This "dictionary" can be very voluminous, and in order not to guess by the shape of the fruit, provide them with a soil balanced in terms of macro- and microelements. And good supports: this is a three-meter "scout".

Italian cucumber (photo 2)

Essentially the same as Armenian. A little smaller, with a slightly more melon flavor. The birthplace of breeding forms is clear from the name. AT national cuisine used as zucchini.

White cucumbers (photo 5)

The most "cucumber" of our review. These are quite normal cucumbers, but the variety is such that the peel of the fruit is almost devoid of chlorophyll and is not pigmented. They are pale pale yellow or slightly greenish, compared to the usual ones they look snow-white. It looks interesting in the bank along with the usual ones.

The culture of cultivation does not differ from the traditional one. Taste and yield - try it yourself: there is an opinion about a couple of varieties, but it does not pretend to be objective. It seemed to me - thick-skinned, medium yield, taste tending to mediocre. In general, what is now called "show-off"!

Cucumber-lemon (photo 3)

From the same series, another real cucumber. If you put such a cucumber and a lemon next to right size, "offhand" they are almost indistinguishable, especially to an outsider. Much tastier than white cucumbers - a classic cucumber taste, nothing outrageous in agricultural technology (somewhat more thermophilic than ours and they like to drink more, and the lashes are longer), that's just the shape and color of ripe fruits ... "Have you heard about annual lemons? .." - a question for the astonished neighbor, you look, and your eyes in your greenhouse will forget.,. The variety is called Crystal Apple.

And now about the fact that in a systematic relation to the genus "cucumber" does not even sit close, but nevertheless appears among the people under this name.

Snake cucumber (photo 6)

Trichozant is a South Asian vine from pumpkin, due to the rapid entry into the fruiting stage, it manages to bear fruit in our seasonal climate. Imagine a five-meter whip of a pumpkin on a support, from which one and a half meter cucumbers as thick as an adult's hand hang. And by no means straight - a snake, lifted by the tail, will hang like a rope? So here too. Like ordinary cucumbers, they are eaten unripe. It is interesting that from large fruit you can cut off a piece, and it will continue to grow! The taste is very close to cucumber, with a pumpkin-salad shade. The plant is very large, very thermophilic.

Indian cucumber (photo 7)


Perhaps the most exotic plant of cucumbers, which has nothing to do with cucumbers. Powerful liana with a large decorative foliage(leaves resemble chestnut leaves), 10 cm yellow flowers, in the place of which fruits are tied, similar in their mature state to hilly yellow-orange lemons. When ripe, they unfold in thick flaps (quite edible, with a pumpkin flavor), becoming like open predatory mouths. And they expose seeds covered with juicy aryllus - pericarp, unexpectedly different, sweet and sour taste. A heat-loving, not prohibitively difficult to grow, according to some reports, medicinal vine.

Red cucumber, tladiaita (photo 10)

Another non-cucumber cucumber that forms tubers with which it can be propagated. This five-meter tropical liana easily winters with us in the form of tubers, growing above-ground shoots every season. Adult plants bear fruit for a very long time and abundantly, and what is interesting: while the fruits are immature, they work like vegetables in salads and for canning, and when they start to turn red, they become something like plums, almost turn into fruits and go to jam and compotes . Oh how!

Keep in mind: when growing tla-dianta in the Black Earth region, it can turn into a malicious weed, which is no easier to lime than Jerusalem artichoke or Sakhalin buckwheat in the North-West!

Mouse cucumber, melotria (photo 8)

In nature, an annual large liana of gourds, which our gardeners manage to bring to the state of seeds in a season. In the tropical homeland, she "hides in the seeds" not from the cold, but from the lack of moisture - another type of seasonality. Again, a large liana. Grow only through seedlings.

It grows at a hurricane speed (almost at the speed of a clockwise movement!). The leaves look like greatly enlarged grape leaves, and the flowers look like reduced squash. The fruits resemble in color and shape elongated watermelons, the size of two quail eggs, and contain an emerald-colored translucent pulp surrounding the seeds.

To say that it tastes like cucumber ... In principle, it’s a stretch. Not bad, pretty nice. The fruits, by the way, can be preserved in the same way as cucumbers. In general, more entertainment than a vegetable. And yet - tubers such as sweet potato are formed on the roots.

Kiwano (photo 9)

Real exotic! Still, in fairness, it must be said that this is the brother of our cucumber, albeit an African one. From the same kind. But the sight! .. No wonder it is also called a horned melon, and one friend recommends planting it around the perimeter of the site if hooligans climb into your garden at night. Stepping (and even more so sitting down) in the dark on such a large “lemon”, covered with one and a half centimeters and spikes, is not a joke ... But it grows quite successfully, through seedlings. Liana is not as fundamental, not as thermophilic as the previous ones, but all the same, for guaranteed fruiting, a greenhouse is needed, at least in the North-West.

The taste of the jelly-like pulp of kiwano, filled with relatively large seeds, is rather difficult to describe. He is generally weak, unexpressed. But pleasant. And you can “move” it in the desired direction if you add salt, or pepper, or sweeten ... Fantasy food. And the benefits!.. And vitamins, and microelements, and immunomodulators, and they say that hair after chemotherapy does not climb so much. And if you ask an African shaman! .. In general, a pearl for a lover of the exotic!

Random Fact:

Modified starch is harmless and has nothing to do with genetically modified organisms (GMOs) —

Article added by user Natalya K.

Momordica - Indian cucumber

Momordica is an annual herbaceous plant - a liana of the gourd family. Momordica is widespread in many areas South-East Asia- India, Indochina, Indonesia, South China, Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Kampuchea, Philippines, New Guinea. It grows wild in Florida (USA).

Its thin stem with the help of antennae rises to a height of 5 meters or more. The leaves are large, green, beautiful openwork shape, on long legs. The entire stem and fruit are covered with microscopic hairs, at the ends of which are balls. If the plant is touched, they burst, spraying a viscous liquid. This is a kind of self-defense plant.

flowers small size unisexual, yellow, with a pleasant aroma reminiscent of the smell of gardenia flowers. First, male flowers appear, then female ones with the embryo of the future fruit, which, after pollination, grows and develops rapidly. The fruits are round-elongated, covered with fleshy spines. In the process of ripening, the fruits first turn yellow, and then acquire a beautiful bright orange color. When the fruit is fully ripe, it cracks from the bottom and unfolds into three fleshy petals.

The seeds are relatively large (length 1.1-1.5 cm, width 0.8-0.9 cm), flat, rounded, with uneven edges and a tuberculate surface, on the flat sides there is a peculiar individual pattern, similar to the Indian ornament. The fruit contains 15 to 50 seeds. Inside the fruit is a juicy dark ruby ​​pericarp. It tastes very pleasant, reminiscent of a ripe persimmon, and the fruit itself has a pumpkin flavor, but the petals on top are a little bitter, so momordica is called a bitter gourd, and yellow or Indian cucumber for the color and shape of the fruit.

Growing momordica.

Under our conditions, with proper care, momordica grows well and bears fruit abundantly. You can grow it in greenhouses and greenhouses, in a room on a window or on a balcony, as well as in open ground, in a garden. This medicinal plant with edible fruits serves as a decorative decoration for southern windows, balconies and open terraces, arbors, fences, walls and decorative lattices.

Agrotechnics for growing momordica is quite simple. For successful germination of momordica seeds, you first need to rub the sharp tip of the seed with sandpaper to help the shell swell and open more freely (but without fanaticism, the seed can generally break into two parts, in which case, if the grain itself is not damaged, connect the shells back and plant into the ground). Then it should be soaked for 24 hours in a saturated solution of potassium permanganate. Seeds are planted in peat pots with earth, edge to a depth of 1-1.5 cm, pour warm water when the water is absorbed, sprinkle with soil, compact, cover with film or glass and put in a warm place. Keep the soil moist until germination.

When shoots appear, rearrange the pot to the window and water regularly. room temperature. In the evening, it is useful to spray the plants with warm water from a spray bottle. As soon as the threat of frost passes and a steady warming sets in, you can transplant momordica into open ground. The site should be well lit, with light fertile soil protected from the winds. Plants are planted with a clod of earth, watered abundantly so that the soil does not dry out and mulch.

Momordica is demanding on soil fertility, therefore it responds well to fertilizing with a solution of mullein (1:10) or chicken manure (1:12). I feed every 2 weeks. It is better to grow it on a trellis or other support, then the plants are well lit, ventilated, form a lot of ovaries and large fruits. During the growing season, you should loosen the soil and at the same time weed out, feed and water regularly. If there is not enough moisture, the ovary crumbles and the fruits are small.

Vegetative propagation

If you need to quickly propagate momordica, and there are not enough seeds, you can use the stepchildren of the plant, of which it forms a lot, cuttings with two well-developed leaves are cut from the lower part of the stepson, put in a vessel with ordinary, but warm water (at least 25 ° C) . After 12-14 days, the first roots will appear, and after a month, new plants can be planted on permanent place, water well and shade for two to three days. Watering is best done in the evening (from 19 to 22 hours).

Momordica in medicine:

In ancient China, momordica was allowed to eat only the emperor and members of his family, and in India it was considered the "plant of the gods." In addition to tasty fruits and amazing beauty, momordica also has valuable medicinal properties. Its fruits contain many proteins, carbohydrates, sugars, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins (A, B, B1, C, etc.). Vitamin E found in fruits protects the body from premature aging, and vitamin F gives vitality and strength.

In the fruits of momordica, there is especially a lot of folic acid, the lack of which affects the bone marrow, and there is also a risk of cancerous tumors. For the treatment of momordica, doctors advise using absolutely all the healing parts of the plant - roots, leaves, seeds, flowers and fruits.

Tea from the leaves is effective for colds, throat diseases, in the treatment of diabetes, high blood pressure. Leaves and stems are used as an anthelmintic, as well as for skin and stomach diseases. This plant quickly removes excess fat from the body, speeds up the metabolism and makes the figure slim. In Jamaica, momordica is used to prevent cancer, it is believed that it delays the growth of tumors. Healing properties It also has seeds: it is a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent, they treat stomach ulcers. Momordica improves visual acuity, treats eye diseases.

Momordica is especially widely used in Tibetan-Chinese folk medicine as an anesthetic, for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, stomach ulcers, for lowering blood sugar levels, for producing insulin and treating diabetes.

Fruits and seeds of momordica lower blood cholesterol levels, reduce the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes, prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques, cleanse blood vessels, cure leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, headaches and joint pain, burns, psoriasis, depression, furunculosis, hepatitis.

Decoctions and tinctures of momordica heal from prostatitis, urolithiasis, sclerosis, improve brain function and strengthen immunity. Recipes for tincture and decoction of fruits and seeds of momordica: Tincture from the fruits of momordica: Cut the fruits of momordica without seeds into small pieces. Densely fill them with a three-liter jar. Pour vodka (0.5 l) into a jar, close the lid. Keep for two weeks in a dark cool place. Application: Tincture of momordica fruits is drunk for three days on an empty stomach (30 minutes before meals), 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. It is effective for colds (cough, runny nose, fever), psoriasis and rheumatism. And also it is used as a means to strengthen the body's immunity. Decoction of momordica seeds: 15-20 crushed seeds of momordica are poured with 1 cup of boiling water, kept on low heat for 10 minutes. Then insist for an hour and filter. Momordica seed tincture is drunk 50 mg, 3-4 times a day, for hemorrhoids and as a diuretic, for febrile diseases.

Momordica fruits in cooking.

Fresh, tender young shoots and leaves of momordica go to salads and vinaigrettes, delicious borscht and vegetable medicinal soups are cooked from them, the leaves are used in making tea as an additive. Only unripe green fruits of the Indian cucumber are used for food, when the seeds are still green, with a sour-bitter, but pleasant-tasting pulp. As it ripens, the pulp begins to become very bitter and becomes unusable. To eliminate the bitter taste of unripe fruits, they are soaked in salted water for several hours, periodically changing the water or doused with boiling water. Momordica seeds are also edible - after the fruit ripens, they become sweet in taste and can be eaten raw. Fried momordica. It is quite tasty, fried: cut into pieces, roll in egg and flour and fry in butter, add greens. The fruits are canned, pickled, salted - both fully ripe and unripe. Canned, they have a pleasant refreshing taste. Canned momordica. The fruit is washed, cut into pieces, the seeds are removed, and the skin is peeled. Pieces of momordica are made into a sterilized jar, garlic, dill, blackcurrant leaves, a few peas of black pepper are added. Pour marinade: for 1 liter of water, a tablespoon of salt, sugar, 9% vinegar. The marinade is brought to a boil, jars are poured, rolled up with lids.

In Asian cuisine, salads and seasonings for meat dishes are prepared from fruits and shoots; they are added to soups and vegetable stews, all eggplant recipes are suitable for its preparation. Indian cucumber goes well with meat, new potatoes, coconuts and regular cucumbers. The seeds of the plant have a nutty-tropical taste, therefore they are successfully used in cooking as additives to confectionery- cookies, cakes and buns. Momordica is used to prepare various drinks: liqueurs, liqueurs, wines, tinctures. The tincture is made with honey, sugar, alcohol (vodka) and purified oil. The fruits are cut, rubbed, poured with vodka or alcohol, insisted for 2 weeks in a dark, cool place. Momordica stuffed. We make minced meat, as for pepper. We clean the fruits from seeds, stuff them. Simmer in a small amount of water.

Borscht, vegetable soups, vegetable caviar are also prepared from momordica, after soaking 10 g in salted water. salt per liter of water.

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