How to make glowing water at home. How to make a luminous liquid from improvised means: recipes with photos and videos How to make a luminous liquid of water

A luminous liquid can be obtained through a special chemical reaction called chemiluminescence (cold luminescence). It is associated with exothermic processes and therefore is not accompanied by heat release. This means that luminous water is nothing more than a chemical light source that can be easily created in laboratories and.

To date, there are several recipes for the preparation of a luminous liquid. They can be divided into 2 main groups: recipes with luminol and recipes based on simple ingredients.

Glowing water based on luminol

Luminol is organic compound which has the appearance of a light yellow powder. Reacting with oxidizing agents and solvents, it gives a soft and even light. You can buy luminol only in specialized stores at a high price.

To make glowing water based on luminol, you will need 200 ml of water, 6 g of copper sulfate, 160 ml of hydrogen peroxide, 4 g of luminol and 20 ml of sodium hydroxide. Mix these ingredients and you will get a liquid that will glow with a soft blue light.

There is another preparation of luminous water with luminol. This time you will need 60 ml of dimexide, 70 g of dry alkali and 0.3 g of luminol. Mix all ingredients in a sealed container and then shake well. You should have liquid blue color. If desired, you can add any other pigment to it.

Glowing water without luminol

The easiest glowing water recipe without luminol includes the following ingredients: soda (like Mountain Dew), baking soda and 36% hydrogen peroxide. To ¼ cup of water, add 3 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. The resulting liquid will glow with a very beautiful light until it passes chemical reaction.

You can make a luminous substance with the help of boric acid. Add a few drops of fluorescein to the acid. Then apply the resulting mass on a metal plate and heat it well. When the plate cools down, it will start to glow.

Another way is to take any figurine glowing in the dark, crush it into powder and mix it with water. To prevent small particles from settling to the bottom of the container, you can add gelatin to it. Such luminous water needs to be exposed to the sun from time to time so that it can be recharged with light energy.

Do not forget also about the safety rules when working with chemicals. All procedures for creating "luminescent" water must be done with gloves and goggles.

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Exist different kinds glow, but they all have one thing in common - they delight observers. Akin to conjuring tricks, the preparation of glowing liquids is unusual, but has a scientific explanation, and when served correctly, stimulates interest in chemistry. True, one cannot do without a visit to a pharmacy or even a chemical store. But the result is worth the effort - fascinating experiments will not only help keep the child busy, but also explain to him what chemiluminescence is.

You will need

  • Luminol 2-3 g
  • Water 100 ml
  • Hydrogen peroxide 3% (pharmacy) 80ml
  • Red blood salt 3g (or blue vitriol, ferric chloride, or 30ml dimethyl sulfoxide)
  • 0.1N sodium hydroxide solution (NaOH) 10ml (35g potassium hydroxide, KOH)
  • Fluorescent (important!) Dyes:
  • rubren (red), eosin, fluorescein, brilliant green
  • 2 test tubes or flasks


Luminol, or 3-aminophthalic hydrazide, is a yellow powder that glows in neutral and acidic solutions. It is easily oxidized by peroxide compounds in an alkaline medium in the presence of a variable (iron, copper, sulfur ions). Take a clean flask. Pour 100 ml of water into it. Dissolve 2g of luminol powder in water.

Add a pinch of blood salt (K3Fe (CN06). It can be replaced with a more accessible one (CuSO4), as well as ferric chloride (FeCl3), dimethyl sulfoxide (pharmacy Dimexide). By the way, blood hemoglobin contains ferrous ions, so even blood can be used in this experiment (which is used in the investigating authorities to detect traces of blood.) But for the experiment, it is enough to take blood from a fresh piece of pork, a ham, and dilute it with water - a tablespoon of such a solution will be enough.

Alkalize the solution by adding caustic soda. Turn off the light and you will see the liquid in the flask glow with a bright blue light.

To change the blue glow to a different color, add any fluorescent (required) dye to the solution. Brilliant green, rubren, eosin will intercept the light quanta emitted by luminol and re-emit them at a lower frequency, giving other colors.

Using dimethyl sulfoxide in experiments, one should not dissolve luminol in water, since the first is sold in liquid form. Immediately mix caustic potassium (carefully!), dimethyl sulfoxide and 0.1 g of luminol in a flask. Stopper the flask and shake well. A long-lasting, bright blue glow appears (which can also be changed with fluorescent dyes). When the glow fades, open the stopper of the flask and let in some air - it will intensify again.

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Be careful with alkalis!

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Luminous objects are a mesmerizing sight. make it burn different colors without electricity, various fabrics, paper and any absorbent surfaces can be sprayed with a special liquid paint. Making glowing liquid at home is much easier than you might think.

You can get "fire water" in several ways, but you should be careful when making it, as it will require chemicals to work. The first way to make a luminous liquid To prepare a solution, you need 35 g of dry alkali (KOH), 0.15 g of luminol, 30 ml of dimescid, a fluorescent dye, a half-liter flask with a stopper. To obtain a luminous liquid, it is necessary to mix luminol, alkali and dimexide in a flask, close the lid tightly and shake well. After the glow appears, the water can be tinted with a fluorescent dye. When the glow is weakened, it is enough to put a little air into the bottle, the light will become brighter. The second way to make a luminous liquid at home You need to take 3 g of luminol, 80 ml of three percent hydrogen peroxide, 3 g for preparation blue vitriol, 100 ml of water, 10 ml of sodium hydroxide solution, fluorescent dyes, several clean test tubes. To get a luminous liquid, you need to dissolve luminol in water, add hydrogen peroxide and copper sulfate to it. Caustic soda is poured into the flask last, after which a light blue glow should appear in the test tube. Dyes can be added to the tube to obtain other colors. The third way to obtain a luminous liquid in You need to take 20 ml of a solution of washing powder, 10 ml of three percent hydrogen peroxide, 5 ml of a three percent solution of luminol, a few crystals of potassium permanganate, a glass. To the solution washing powder hydrogen peroxide and luminol are added, powder from crushed potassium permanganate crystals. After stirring, you can already see the result. It turns out to be very easy to make a luminous liquid at home, however, with cleaning the container after such chemical experiments many problems can arise, so it’s better to take dishes that you don’t mind throwing away.

Luminous liquid can replace candles and create a romantic glow. It is absolutely safe and very easy to make.

You will need

  • 1/4 bottle of sparkling water (Sprite, Mountain Dew, Miranda, Coca-cola), 1/4 tablespoon baking soda, 3 teaspoons hydrogen peroxide solution (36%)


Close the bottle and shake well. As you shake the bottle, the liquid will begin to glow. It will glow as long as the reaction continues. This is the safest and easiest way to get glowing liquid.

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The resulting substance, although it is not explosive and does not burn, in case of contact with the skin, it is better to handle it very carefully and not give it to children.

Helpful advice

In the dark, you can make luminous inscriptions on the pavement by carefully pouring in thin streams.

Glowing water in beautiful transparent containers will perfectly decorate your interior. Thanks to the glowing water, you can surprise your friends if you are planning a holiday - this will be a great addition to the party decor. Water with luminol can be easily made with your own hands at home.

You will need

  • - oilcloth
  • - rubber gloves
  • - 120 ml of water
  • - 3-4 g of luminol
  • - 90 ml 3% hydrogen peroxide
  • - 4 g of copper sulfate (or sodium chloride)
  • - 12 ml sodium hydroxide solution
  • - rubren
  • - eosin
  • - brilliant green solution
  • - flasks or bottles


Cover the desktop with oilcloth, because. reagents can easily ruin the polish of your furniture. Wear rubber gloves for safety.

In a deep bowl, dissolve in 120 ml of water 3-4 g of luminol (this is a yellow powder that can be purchased at chemical stores or in art salons). Then add 90 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 4 g of copper sulfate (you can use sodium chloride), mix everything thoroughly.

Gently pour 12 ml of sodium hydroxide solution into the resulting mixture and mix well. wooden stick. Be careful, sodium hydroxide can cause severe burns if it comes into contact with the skin. Luminous blue water is ready!

If you want to make red water, then just replace luminol with rubren. For the preparation of luminous water color pink eosin must be added to the mixture. And by adding a few drops of brilliant green solution to the water, you can get luminous water of a rich emerald color.

After the glowing water is ready, pour it into flasks or bottles beautiful shape. Thoroughly rinse all used equipment.

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Tip 6: How to make glowing shoelaces from improvised means

Luminous elements of clothing are a relatively new attribute of youth fashion. Decorating their things in this way, teenagers want to stand out from the crowd at parties or discos. Luminous shoelaces are especially popular today. Such a wardrobe item can not only be ordered in specialized stores, but also made independently from improvised means.

To make luminous shoelaces, it is not necessary to be an inventor or a lighting engineer. All you need is luminescent paints or silicone tubes, which can be easily bought on the market in stalls with lighting fixtures.

How to create glowing shoelaces with paints

Fluorescent and phosphorescent paints can be used to create luminous shoelaces. They are sold in LED technology stores, as well as in departments with stationery. To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to soak ordinary shoelaces in such paint, and then let them dry in the sun.

If you want to use phosphorescent dye for dyeing shoelaces, keep in mind that it glows only in absolute darkness and only if it has had time to recharge with light energy during the day. Therefore, before going to a party, you need to place the dyed shoelaces under any light source for several hours.

Fluorescent paints, on the other hand, glow only when exposed to daylight or artificial light. In total darkness, they do not manifest themselves in any way.

The duration of the illumination of the laces will depend on the quality of the paint you purchased. Too cheap paint is washed off after the first wash. Therefore, saving on the purchase of products such as luminescent paints is highly undesirable.

How to make LED shoelaces

To make LED shoelaces, you will need 1 silicone tube, 4 LEDs and 4 coin batteries. When choosing a silicone tube, pay attention to its diameter: it should ideally fit under the laces of your sneakers or sneakers.

The purchased tube must be divided into 2 laces (1 m each). Next, the laces are filled with liquid silicone so that the light is evenly distributed along their entire length. At the ends of each lace, an LED light bulb is soldered to the outside with wires.

The next step is to mount the batteries. It is best to solder the batteries yourself to the outgoing wires of the LED. If you want to save time, you can simply fix the battery between the wires and fill it strong adhesive.

To prevent wasted battery power, you can build a small switch that will interrupt the contact of the LED with the battery.

The methods listed above for creating "luminescent" shoelaces do not require a lot of time and money. The whole process will take you more than an hour, but as a result you will get very fashionable and original shoes.


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Hydrogen peroxide 3% 80 ml;

  • - copper sulfate 3 g;
  • - sodium hydroxide solution 10 ml;
  • - fluorescent dyes;
  • - test tubes;
  • - water 100 ml.
  • Instruction

    Your first step is a run through pharmacies, special bases and shops of young chemists who can distribute the right substances. Luminol is the main substance that glows in its compounds. Its price is quite high. Look at the chemical stores in your city, you will surely find it there. You can also buy copper sulphate and caustic sodium there.

    Before work, be sure to collect your hair in a ponytail and put on gloves.
    We have already understood that luminol is something without which the experiment cannot be carried out. It must be dissolved in water. It is advisable to carry out all these actions in a flask, if there is no flask, then use a jar (after the experience it will become unsuitable for blanks, so feel free to throw it away).

    Many children and adults dream of making a luminous liquid from improvised means. This is a very beautiful and entertaining craft, which will enchant others with its magical glow for a long time to come. At the same time, you can create a luminous liquid at home.

    There are several ways to make a luminous liquid from improvised means that do not require deep knowledge of physics and chemistry. The first one involves a mixture of luminol and copper sulfate, which can be purchased at pharmacies and chemical stores. Thus, you will need the following ingredients:

    • 2-3 grams of luminol;
    • 3 grams of copper sulfate;
    • 100 ml of water;
    • 80 ml of hydrogen peroxide;
    • 10 ml of sodium hydroxide solution;
    • fluorescent dye of your choice (for example, rubren or "brilliant green");
    • transparent glass container (flask or test tube).

    Pour water into the flask and dissolve the luminol in it. Add hydrogen peroxide, then copper sulfate (you can also use ferric chloride instead). Place caustic soda into the flask. Shake a little and boldly turn off the light to enjoy the beauty of the resulting liquid. When you add the above ingredients, it will emit a bluish glow. By adding any fluorescent dye, you can give it a different shade.

    The next way to make a luminous liquid from improvised means is to mix luminol and dimexide. Ingredients required for this operation:

    • 0.15 grams of luminol;
    • 35 grams of dry alkali;
    • 30 ml of dimexide (dimethyl sulfoxide);
    • fluorescent dye;
    • 500 ml flask.

    Mix luminol, dimexide and alkali in a flask. Close the lid and shake. You will see a bluish glow that can be recolored with any fluorescent dye. When the glow fades, open the lid and let in some air, after which the liquid will begin to glow brightly again.

    Try making a glowing liquid out of household items using laundry detergent. You will need:

    • 5 ml of luminol solution;
    • 20 ml of washing powder solution;
    • 10 ml hydrogen peroxide;
    • 2-3 potassium permanganate crystals;
    • tumbler.

    Pour a solution of washing powder into the prepared container, add a solution of luminol and hydrogen peroxide. Pound the crystals of potassium permanganate and also place in a glass. Stir, after which you will see how the mixture begins to foam and sparkle beautifully. After the experiments, do not forget to remove the chemicals and wash the used dishes well.

    We are all tired of the monotonous everyday life so much that sometimes you really want to make life brighter and more interesting. Step away from the usual things and do something fun and unusual in home environment(for example, glowing water). If you are interested, then stay with us!

    Believe me, creating water that glows brightly with different colors in the dark is a very fun activity for all ages. You will enjoy your free time and appreciate the result of your work. After all, glowing water can be a great addition to your Halloween or birthday celebration.

    It's also not a bad idea for an active kids activity, romantic dinner or New Year's Eve party! Or you can use it as a decoration by pouring some glowing water into a vase of flowers.

    Precautionary measures!!! Some recipes may contain chemicals, so don't use them in front of children as it can be very dangerous for their health. Be sure to purchase rubber gloves and goggles, and wear clothing that does not easily ignite.

    Be sure to follow all the proportions according to the recipe during cooking, otherwise you will not succeed.

    Getting Started

    You can find a lot of recipes for making luminous water on the Internet, but all of them can be divided into three ways:

    • without chemicals and luminol;
    • with luminol;
    • without luminol.

    Without chemicals and luminol

    There is one fastest, most popular and fairly simple way to make glowing water without any chemicals and even without hydrogen peroxide. It is very safe, because for it you only need fluorescent dyes and an LED.

    Recipe #1


    • yellow markers (if desired, you can take a few multi-colored ones). It is from them that we will extract a non-toxic fluorescent dye;
    • a bowl of water;
    • LED (flashlight or night light with a blue LED light source) that will showcase the beauty of the glowing water.

    Pour plain water into a bowl. Then cut the marker and pull out the ink-soaked felt that is inside. Extract the paint from the felt into the water, and also cut it and soak it in the water. The bowl should have a yellow liquid.

    Pour it into a glass, turn off the light and direct the LED beam at our mixture. You will not believe it, but it will glow with bright paint!!!

    With luminol

    First, let's look at recipes based on the chemical luminol, using which you will get an even and slightly bluish light. Luminol is a yellowish powder that is reacted with an oxidizing agent to produce a glowing effect. As an oxidizing agent, we can use hydrogen peroxide or dimexide (both drugs can be found in any pharmacy).

    Luminol itself is quite expensive, but the effect is amazing and lasts quite a long time. All of the chemicals for this recipe can be found at chemical supply stores or online.

    Recipe #2


    • hydrogen peroxide (80 ml);
    • luminol (2 grams);
    • copper sulfate (3 grams);
    • sodium hydroxide solution (10 ml);
    • water (one cup);
    • fluorescent color;
    • plastic bottle.

    Gently mix all ingredients except luminol in a bottle and shake well. Then add luminol to the resulting compound and watch with pleasure how the liquid begins to shine during the reaction.

    Recipe #3

    You can also make it using only common household chemicals that can be found in every home.


    • plain water (half a cup);
    • hydrogen peroxide 3% (10 ml);
    • washing powder (2 scoops);
    • manganese crystals (at the end of a knife);
    • solution of luminol 3% (5 ml).

    AT tap water dissolve the laundry detergent, then add hydrogen peroxide and luminol.Pour the resulting liquid into plastic bottle close the lid and shake thoroughly.

    Some time ago, a video appeared on the Internet that showed how to create glowing water. There was a heated debate in the comments: some argued that this was possible, others categorically denied everything that was happening on the screen. After long views of videos illustrating such experiments, many had a desire to dispel all myths.

    First myth. Luminous liquid is still drinking water. Pity those people who are being misled into assuring that this fluid cannot harm the body. You should not believe this, even if someone proves it from their own experience. After all, at that moment there was no one next to them, and you can say whatever you want. During the reaction in the vessels, chemical compounds that will adversely affect your health!

    The second myth is related to the assertion that you can make a luminous liquid with your own hands using only hydrogen peroxide, soda and vinegar. Each of us studied at school, and if we didn’t skip chemistry lessons, we can clearly answer that nothing like this can happen. Soda will react with acetic acid, as a result of which we will get salt and water.

    Luminous water is also obtained using a specific lemonade. For those who want to try, here is the recipe from the author of the very first video. We will need:

    • food drink Mountain Dew, widely distributed in Russia;
    • baking soda, which can be found at any grocery store;
    • hydrogen peroxide, which can be purchased at every pharmacy without a prescription.

    So, it is necessary to leave part of the drink in the bottle. Then soda is added to the lemonade at the tip of a teaspoon and 3 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide are poured into this solution. The bottle is closed and shaken well. Of course, there are no guarantees and certainty that the desired reaction will occur.

    There are real recipes for making luminous liquid for those who still want to achieve results. In this case, the chances of achieving the desired effect are much greater. But if the liquid after the experiment does not glow in the dark, then the wrong components were probably taken.

    This recipe includes substances used in chemistry. All information below is for informational purposes only! The recipe is based on the substance luminol, distinctive feature which is that it gives a blue glow in aggressive environments.

    Do-it-yourself glowing liquid recipe

    To prepare a luminous liquid with your own hands, you will need:

    • 2-3 g of luminol;
    • 80 ml 3% hydrogen peroxide;
    • 100 ml of water;
    • 3 g of copper sulfate (ferric chloride or red blood salt);
    • 10 ml of caustic soda;
    • fluorescent dye.

    To obtain a luminous substance, it is necessary to pour luminophor into a vessel and add water to dissolve it. Then pour hydrogen peroxide into the solution and pour copper sulfate. To start the reaction, it remains to add the last component - caustic soda. After that, the liquid will begin to emit a blue glow. To obtain a variety of color shades, you can use fluorescent dyes.

    Finally, we want to wish you success in your experiments and remind you of security measures. All substances that are used in the experiment are chemical, which means that they can cause poisoning or even lead to tragedy! Therefore, you should not use dishes that are intended for food in the experiment. If such dishes have been used, then they must be thoroughly washed, and it is better to throw them away altogether. Don't neglect your health and the health of your loved ones!

    All those who have ever watched science fiction films have seen various luminous liquids in them. Surely you have wondered how to make a luminous liquid from improvised means and whether it is even realistic. It is possible that you will succeed!

    chemical glow

    Not only chemists can skillfully create various luminous substances. In fact, they borrowed this idea from nature. Animals and plants that have bioluminescence can glow in the dark. Why do they need it? For example, fireflies attract females with their glow. Some species of deep-sea fish attract prey in this way. Other animals use the glow to scare or camouflage. Such a glow is a complex physicochemical reaction, as a result of which chemical energy is converted into light energy.

    People have learned to use bioluminescence for their own purposes. For example, during the war, the Japanese used dried crustaceans with a glow to read maps. The power of such light was enough to read maps and reports and at the same time remain invisible to the enemy. Bioluminescence is widely used in medicine and analytical chemistry - with the help of luminous bacteria, the content of certain substances in cells is checked.

    Or you can use the glow for entertainment purposes - create an atmospheric party or paint the walls with luminous paint. We suggest you study several recipes for creating luminous liquids at home.


    Don't forget about this important aspect as a safety precaution when working with chemicals. Although the recipes offered to you in this article will not contain caustic and poisonous substances, it is still worth observing some protective measures:

    • The dishes in which you will mix the substances should be such that it would not be a pity to dispose of it later.
    • Protect your body by wearing gloves, goggles, and a gown or other non-synthetic clothing.
    • The workplace must be well ventilated.
    • Do not allow children to work.

    simple recipe

    In general, all recipes for the preparation of luminous liquids are divided into two types: recipes using luminol and recipes without luminol. Since this substance can only be obtained in specialized stores that sell chemical reagents, we will not consider recipes using it.

    Try making a glowing liquid out of water, peroxide, salt, and vinegar. To implement this experience, you will need:

    • Plain water 500 ml;
    • Food salt 2 tablespoons;
    • Table vinegar 4 tablespoons;
    • Hydrogen peroxide 3% 4 teaspoons.

    In almost any home you can find all these ingredients, and if something is missing, just buy it at a pharmacy or store. All you need to do is mix these ingredients in a jar with a tight-fitting lid.

    You need to shake very carefully, for 10-15 minutes, so be patient.

    With borax and tonic

    To prepare a glowing liquid using borax, you will need:

    • Water 140 ml;
    • Three caps of 3% hydrogen peroxide;
    • 1/2 teaspoon borax (sodium tetraborate)
    • One teaspoon of baking soda.

    Borax and peroxide can be bought at the pharmacy. The secret of this recipe lies in the exact proportions and alternate mixing of the components. Let's get started!

    Borax powder must be dissolved in water. Then add soda to it. In this case, a chemical reaction will begin with the release of carbon dioxide - the solution will begin to hiss and foam. It remains to add hydrogen peroxide, mix the ingredients thoroughly and turn off the light. Glowing liquid is ready!

    An ordinary tonic, which contains quinine, can glow. To do this, just pour it into a glass and highlight ultraviolet lamp. The liquid has a pleasant uniform blue tint.

    Only it is necessary to highlight from above - the glass does not transmit UV rays.

    Markers and sticks

    In free sale you can find glow sticks and fluorescent markers. What will you not do for the sake of obtaining the coveted luminous liquid! Let's make it from a marker. To do this, you need to take a fluorescent marker, it glows in ultraviolet light. This glow gives the substance a phosphor. Widely used for industrial and entertainment purposes. With such a marker, you can write secret messages that are not visible without a special lamp. And it can be used in welding work. You need to extract this substance from the marker. To do this, you need to make a little effort and skill and remove the rod moistened with ink from the marker.

    Remove the cotton-like material from the rod and place it in a glass of plain water.

    Naturally, the more water you take, the weaker the glow will be, so either increase the number of consumable markers, or take less water.

    Leave the liquid for about an hour so that the dye completely goes into the water. Wring out the cotton wool thoroughly - no need to miss a drop of magic ink!

    Now turn off the light and illuminate the glass from above with an ultraviolet lamp. Incredibly beautiful luminous liquid is ready! Markers are issued different colors, which means you can perfectly experiment with colors.

    It's easier than dissolving a glow stick in water and you can't think of anything. Remember only the law of dissolution - the lower the concentration of the original substance (phosphor), the weaker the glow will be. To prepare such a solution, simply cut a few glow sticks and pour their contents into a glass of water. To enhance the glow, add a little hydrogen peroxide.

    Would you like to replenish your collection of impressions without leaving your own house? For example, learn how to make glowing water, paint or shoelaces? Then experiment with us.

    Liquid that sparkles in the dark always looks mesmerizing. It seems that such a miracle can only be found in a scientific laboratory or in the room of an ancient alchemist. However, we know how to make glowing water at home and with pleasure we will tell you about all the nuances of this amazing process.

    Before we start making water that glows, you should study the safety rules. After all, the main chemical, with which you have to work - these are luminol crystals. It is they who, when interacting with some oxidizing agents, produce a glow, which is necessary. When interacting with reagents precautions should be taken.

    1. Children conduct similar experiments in the presence of adults.
    2. Need to wear protective equipment: rubber gloves, apron, in some cases a gauze bandage to protect the face and respiratory organs.
    3. When working with chemicals, they must not be inhaled, tasted or allowed to interact with the skin.

    However, an experiment with obtaining a luminous liquid does not always require huge efforts. We will teach you how to make a luminous liquid from improvised means, that is practically no chemicals.

    Making sparkling liquid: the easiest way

    This method, in which we will create a luminous liquid without luminol, is quite elementary. What does that require:

    • water;
    • 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, which is contained in every first aid kit;
    • salt, which is present in every home;
    • vinegar.

    Mix all the ingredients until you get a liquid with a glow.

    DIY luminous liquid without luminol

    For this method, we also need the most common components.

    • 500 ml of sparkling water;
    • 1 teaspoon of soda;
    • 3 teaspoons peroxide.

    Mix everything for 10 minutes.

    How to make luminous water with the addition of luminol?

    And this method already requires application chemicals. you will succeed liquid that will shine blue tint . To repaint it in a different color, use fluorescent dyes.

    So, to create a magic liquid, we need:

    • 2-3 grams of luminol;
    • 80 ml peroxide;
    • 100 ml of water;
    • 3 grams of copper sulfate;
    • 10 ml of sodium hydroxide solution;
    • fluorescent dyes.

    Let's start an experiment that will give us an incredible luminous liquid.

    Step 1. In a glass container, mix luminol and water.

    Step 2. Add hydrogen peroxide to this solution.

    Step 4. And at the last stage - caustic soda.

    If all these reagents could not be found, let's do luminous liquid based on washing powder.

    1. Prepare 20 ml of detergent solution in a tall glass.
    2. Add 10 ml peroxide.
    3. Pour 5 ml of 3% luminol solution.
    4. Grind a few crystals of potassium permanganate and add to the container.

    Be careful: the liquid tends to foam and produce sparks.

    In addition to these simple ways we have a few in store for you interesting videos about how to make water with a glow.

    How to Make Glowing Paint: Bright Magic in the Dark

    The next stage of our incredible experiments is the glow-in-the-dark paint. We will make this miracle using a phosphor. This miracle powder that transforms energy into a bright glow can be purchased at a specialty store or online.

    To get 1 kg of paint that glows, you need to mix 250 grams of phosphor and 750 grams of varnish.

    There are other ways to make magical glowing paint.

    To get purple paint you will need:

    • calcium carbonate - 10 g;
    • magnesium carbonate - 0.6 g;
    • sulfur - 3 g;
    • sodium sulfate - 0.5 g;
    • potassium sulfate - 0.5 g;
    • sucrose - 0.5 g;
    • bismuth nitrate (0.5%) - 0.5 ml.

    Mix the constituent parts and ignite at a high temperature - 800 degrees for 45 minutes.

    If you find it difficult to obtain any of the ingredients of this experiment, or you cannot remember the name of a particular reagent, we offer you a way so that you can prepare a phosphor and use it to create glowing paint.

    1. For this method, you only need to purchase coniferous extract and powdered boric acid.
    2. Coniferous concentrate diluted in a small amount of water. You will end up with a yellowish liquid called tartazine.
    3. Now we dilute 1/3 tablespoon of boron powder in some water until a creamy mass is formed.
    4. Bring the mass to a boil, stirring and piercing the bubbles.
    5. We cool the mass, combine it with tartazine and heat everything.
    6. Boil this mixture, stirring, until a bright yellow powder is formed. This is the phosphor.
    7. It can be mixed with paint or varnish, or diluted with water.

    Such luminous paint, created at home, completely safe for you and your health. It can be used on any surface: applied to plastic, wood, and even to your own body. Such paint can be used in a room on the walls so that they glow in the dark or applied to any object, creating unusual compositions. This is a wonderful idea, both for the house and for the street. Fluorescent paint will give you a festive mood and a lot of impressions.

    How to make glowing laces: a fantastic look for stylish shoes

    The easiest way to get glowing shoelaces at home is dip your regular shoelaces in glowing paint. You learned how to prepare it above. However, such an accessory will cease to glow after two washes. Therefore, we will tell you about another way to make glowing shoelaces with your own hands.

    You will need:

    • silicone tube (approximately 2m), with a diameter that matches the diameter of the laces;
    • 4 LEDs of different colors;
    • a tube of liquid silicone;
    • 4 miniature batteries.

    We proceed to the process of making a lace.

    If you do not want to waste time on all these manipulations, order yourself glowing ones on aliexpress or on any other service. We wish you bright impressions!
