How the human intellect is formed and works. Intelligence: what is behind the concept

The concept of human intelligence includes the ability of an individual to the process of cognition, learning, understanding, solving various problems, gaining experience and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Today, Piaget's theory is recognized as the leading theory explaining the formation of intelligence. He identified several stages in this process depending on age.

stage 1 sensorimotor- when the child has the first reflexes and skills. At the age of over 12 months, children begin to realize the reality of the world around them, they have their first concepts of their own. Goal setting and striving to achieve it. This behavior indicates that the first signs of intelligence appear.

Stage 2 is called "pre-operation". A child under the age of 7 already shows symbolic intuitive thinking, can build a solution to a specific problem without putting it into practice. Obvious concepts are formed about the surrounding world.

3 is the stage of concrete operations. Reaching the age of 7-12 years, the child begins to use his own knowledge about the world around him, develops the ability to perform clear operations with certain objects.

Stage 4 - the stage of formal operations. Children after 12 years of age form the ability to think abstractly and then formally, which is characteristic of a mature intellect. One's own image of the surrounding world is formed, information is accumulated.

Society undoubtedly has a significant impact on human intelligence through language, interpersonal relationships, and so on.

In addition to Piaget's theory, the concept of information processing was proposed. Any information after entering the human brain is processed, stored, converted. As they grow older, the ability to switch attention and solve abstract problems improves.

At the beginning of the 20th century, intelligence was developed to assess intelligence. various options tests. For children under 13 years old, the Simon-Binet test was used, later improved into the Stanford-Binet scale.

The German psychologist Stern proposed a method for determining the level of intelligence through the ratio of the child's intellectual age to his real age (IQ). One of the popular methods remains the method using Raven's progressive matrices.

These techniques have not lost their relevance today. It must be said that according to research, it is quite rare for people with high intelligence, determined with the help of tests, to be fully realized in life.

Structure of the intellect

Modern psychologists put forward different theories regarding the fact that mental abilities can be of different structures: some consider intelligence to be a complex of individual abilities of the brain, others adhere to the view that the basis of intelligence is a single general ability of the brain to mental activity.

An intermediate position is occupied by the theory of "fluid" and "crystallized intelligence", based on the fact that when solving various problems, one must either adapt to new conditions (fluid intelligence), or use skills and past experience (crystallized intelligence).

The first type of intelligence is genetically determined and decreases after 40 years, the second is formed under the influence of the environment and does not depend on age.

Research proves that the intelligence of an individual is not only genetically programmed, but also depends on many factors - the intellectual climate in the family, the profession of parents, race, gender, the vastness of social interactions in childhood, health and nutrition, methods of raising a child. Since the intellect is closely related to memory, the development of the latter forms the intellect.

Eysenck defined the following structure of intelligence: how intense are the intellectual operations performed by the individual, how much he seeks to find a mistake and his persistence in this process. These elements form the basis of the IQ assessment test.

Spearman believed that intelligence consists of a general factor (G), other group qualities - mechanical, verbal, computational and special abilities (S), which are determined by the profession. And Gardner put forward the theory of the plurality of intelligence, according to which it can have various manifestations (verbal, musical, logical, spatial, mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal).

Types of intelligence

The human intellect has many types, each of which can be trained and developed throughout life.

The types of intelligence are logical, physical, verbal, creative spatial, emotional, musical, social, spiritual. Each of them is responsible for different processes and develops with the help of appropriate classes. The higher the intellect, the longer the working capacity and vitality are preserved.

Intelligence levels

As you know, the level of intellectual development of an individual is assessed using special IQ tests on a scale that has a maximum score of 160 points.

Approximately half of the world's population has an average intelligence, that is, the IQ coefficient is in the range from 90 to 110 points.

But with constant exercise, it can be raised by about 10 points. About a quarter of earthlings have a high intellectual level, that is, an IQ of more than 110 points, and the remaining 25% have a low intellectual level with an IQ of less than 90.

Of people with a high level of intelligence, about 14.5% score 110-120 points, 10% score 140 points, and only 0.5% of people are owners of intelligence above 140 points.

Since assessment tests are designed for different age, an adult with a higher education and a child can show the same IQ. The level of intelligence and its activity, according to the conclusions of psychologists, remains unchanged throughout life.

The intellectual development of children up to the age of 5 is identical, then spatial intelligence begins to predominate in boys, and verbal abilities in girls.

For example, there are many more famous male mathematicians than female mathematicians. The level of intelligence differs in different races. For representatives of the African American race, it averages 85, for Europeans 103, for Jews 113.

Thinking and intelligence

The concepts of thinking and intelligence are very close. Simply put, the concept of intelligence means "mind", that is, the property and abilities of a person, but the process of thinking is "understanding".

So, these determinants correspond to different aspects of a single phenomenon. Possessing intellect, you have a mental potential, and intellect is realized in the process of thinking. not without reason human species is called " Homo sapiens' is a reasonable person. And the loss of reason leads to the loss of the essence of man.

Intelligence Development

Since ancient times, people have come up with ways to develop intelligence. This is various games: puzzles, chess, puzzles, backgammon. In the 20th century, they became computer intellectual games that train memory and increase concentration.

Mathematics and exact sciences contribute significantly to the development of intelligence, helping to improve the logical and abstract thinking, deductive and analytical skills. Exact sciences teach the brain to order, have positive influence on the structuring of thought. Enrichment with new knowledge, increasing erudition also stimulate the development of human intelligence.

How can intelligence be developed? There are several options. For example, according to the Japanese system, you need to solve simple mathematical problems for a while, read aloud. It is also very useful to participate in trainings, education, various group games.

AT modern world very important development emotional intelligence- the ability of a person to realize and comprehend his emotions and the ability to generate them in such a way as to increase the intensity of thinking and intellectual growth.

These data are being developed to improve the regulation of one's own emotional state, as well as the ability to influence the environment, which regulates the emotions of other people. This, in turn, is the key to success in human activity.

Intelligence ... In everyday use, we are used to using this word as a synonym for the mental abilities of a person and rarely think about how many meanings and shades of meanings are actually invested in it, how many scientific theories and approaches is devoted to the interpretation of this phenomenon.

Who, for example, will immediately answer what verbal intelligence is? What is the relationship between thinking and intellect, intellect and ability?

And there are questions that many, on the contrary, have probably thought about repeatedly. For example, how to increase the level of intelligence and is it possible to do this at all if you are not too lucky with genetics?

Explain, measure, improve

The concept of intelligence is multifaceted. In general, the definition sounds like this: regarding sustainable structure mental abilities of a person. However, psychology suggests studying these abilities with various points vision. So, in a number of concepts, an attempt was made to consider the creative components of intelligence (for example, the idea of ​​insight, justified by Gestalt psychologists), and, say, supporters of the sociocultural approach consider it one of the results of socialization.

Now the most common view of intelligence, which appeared within the framework of pragmatic psychology. According to its followers, it is aimed primarily at the successful solution of life tasks, adaptation to the environment. The merit of the representatives of this approach is the definition intellectual level with the help of tests. At the beginning of the last century, French psychologists Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon first proposed a method for measuring mental abilities, and so far psychological diagnostics intelligence is largely based on their developments.

Everyone knows a way to quantify intelligence using IQ (intelligence quotient) tests. And although this technique is not unreasonably criticized, nevertheless, IQ now serves as a universal indicator of normal and abnormal intellectual development.

So, an indicator in the range of about 50-70 allows you to diagnose a mild intellectual disability, and data below 50 - a severe intellectual disability. And what is the intellectual development of a normal level, if you give the answer in the same numerical dimension? Values ​​from 80 to 120 are recognized as the norm (such a wide range is explained by a wide variety of tests).

Interestingly, a person with a normal IQ and creativity is about the same level. But an increase in the indicator does not indicate a similar increase in ingenuity. The fact is that creativity involves new, unexpected solutions, and the standard intelligence test, as a rule, is aimed at finding a single, predetermined answer.

What does the development of the intellect of a person generally depend on, and how can it be influenced? Scientists around the world are struggling to find an answer to this question, but so far the data obtained is very ambiguous. Someone says that you can’t argue with genetics, but someone believes that an increase in the intelligence of any child can be ensured right conditions education.

There is also a lot of debate about how to quickly and permanently increase intelligence, although the main methods are known: to learn new things, solve crosswords and puzzles, do not forget about exercise… And yes, the brain needs constant training: progress is lost as quickly as it builds up.

He is different

Given how differently psychology explains the concept itself, it is logical that both the types of intelligence and its structure also do not have an unambiguous scientific interpretation.

The structure of intelligence most often includes three main components. So, it traditionally distinguishes the G factor (general factor, or general intelligence factor) and the S factor (factor of specific features). The first illustrates the ability to perform intellectual tasks in general, and the second shows the ability to solve specific problems.

The middle position between these two levels is occupied by the so-called group factors. Their presence is justified by the fact that it is possible to group similar indicators for which one ability is responsible. The English psychologist Turnstone singled out more than a dozen group factors, but the following seven of them have become recognized:

  • fluency of speech.
  • associative memory.
  • Understanding words.
  • Numerical factor.
  • Perception speed.
  • Spatial thinking.
  • Reasoning and logic.

Also interesting is the theory, the founder of which was the British and American psychologist Raymond Cattell. He said that the human intellect consists of two layers: fluid and crystallized.

Fluid is laid genetically and determines the ability to learn new things and solve current problems; crystallized is a stable system of accumulated knowledge that is updated throughout a person's life. Fluid intelligence is believed to peak in early youth and gradually decline with age.

As for the types of phenomena, it is appropriate to recall the theory that belongs to Howard Gardner. Studying intelligence, he came to the conclusion that there are multiple types of it, and therefore the standard measurement of intellectual abilities as a whole should give way differentiated approach. These types are:

  • Logico-mathematical ().
  • Intrapersonal (the ability to clearly understand one's own feelings and desires).
  • Interpersonal (understanding what this or that emotion of another person means).
  • Musical (perception of sounds and their various characteristics(pitch, tone, sense of rhythm).
  • Spatial (the ability to represent an object in different dimensions, visually evaluate its parameters).
  • Bodily-kinesthetic (body control).
  • Linguistic (associated with language, speech, the ability to formulate and coherently express thoughts).

According to Gardner, all types of intelligence are equal, and only society attaches more importance to one or another than to others. For example, in the modern world, the ability to operate with numerical data and abstract categories, speech skills and communication skills are highly valued.

Consequently, at school, children are considered successful in whom linguistic, interpersonal and logical-mathematical types of intelligence prevail. However, for example, someone who dreams of becoming a dancer is more likely to be concerned with how to develop the intellect of the other - bodily-kinesthetic and musical, the future architect will need a spatial type, and so on.

Mind and feelings

Let's pay attention to inter- and intrapersonal types. They are often combined, because both of them are responsible for recognizing emotions, only in one case their own, and in the other - those who are nearby. What is emotional intelligence and how to increase its level have been written a lot lately, but much less about some of its negative features.

Thus, the results of a study by Austrian psychologists indicate that people who show signs of high intelligence of this kind often showed a tendency to narcissism and manipulation of others. Thus, high intelligence of the emotional type becomes a truly explosive mixture, combined with careerism.

And indeed, people who read colleagues (and most importantly, bosses) like an open book do not have to demonstrate professional achievements to move forward career ladder. In addition, a developed ability to recognize emotions can provoke excessive self-confidence. A person knows about his own ability to understand others and relies on first impressions, not wanting to dig deeper, which leads to completely wrong conclusions about the situation and its participants.

So it turns out that you need to think not only about how to develop emotional intelligence, but also about how to protect yourself from the dangers that emotional competence is fraught with. Author: Evgeniya Bessonova

Many people cannot even imagine that during a conversation their interlocutor not only listens attentively, but also involuntarily assesses the level of intelligence. There are special methods by which people are taught to correctly assess the level of intellectual abilities. Almost all companies have an employee in their staff who conducts interviews, applying this technique in practice, thereby selecting the best candidates for prestigious vacancies.

The mind is the basis, the intellect is the superstructure.
Ilya Nisonovich Shevelev

External signs

It is necessary to figure out which external manifestations give out a low level of intelligence, and which indicate the presence of a high level of intelligence. So:

1. Watch your speech

When speaking, do not pronounce words too slowly or too quickly.

In the first case, the interlocutor may decide that in front of him is a person with inhibited thought processes.

And in the second case, there is a possibility that they simply will not understand you or they will decide that you suffer from neurological disorders.

2. Pay due attention to your appearance

No matter what they say, appearance plays an important role. As they say in a well-known proverb, they are greeted by clothes, but they are still escorted by the mind. However, external attractiveness still has a huge impact on the subconscious assessment of the level of intelligence of the interlocutor.

According to experts in the field of psychology, a beautifully and neatly dressed person always seems smart and decent, even if he is not. In psychology this is called halo effect or halo effect.

3. Learn to listen

Learn to listen carefully, without interrupting, to listen to the interlocutor. After all, about a person who is not able to exercise control over his emotions, you can make a not very partial opinion.

Controlled emotional susceptibility is very important in assessing the level of intelligence.

4. Visit the dentist regularly

Don't underestimate the impression that your smile can make on a conversation partner.

According to psychologists, people who monitor health and appearance of their teeth are considered smart and successful.

5. Train your memory

"Work" on your memory. Improve your ability to remember large amounts of information. After all, according to psychologists, this ability is one of the manifestations of a high level of intelligence.

Game "6 frogs": test your memory and show your intelligence!

Rules: You need to move the frogs from left to right, and vice versa. The frogs jump one over the other.

6. Breathe deeply

As is known, at deep breathing the human brain is saturated with oxygen, which contributes to the activation of thought processes.

Deep meaningful sighs characterize a person in the eyes of the interlocutor as reliable, intelligent and reasonable, who can be relied upon in any situation. Accordingly, the interlocutor will trust you more.

7. Keep your posture

About 80% of the information a person, in the process of communication, subconsciously perceives with the help of clues that give gestures and posture of the interlocutor. In psychology, this is called the "language" of the body.

So, if a person constantly stoops during a conversation, twitches his legs and looks away, the interlocutor involuntarily characterizes him as a shy, lazy, deceitful and even stupid person.

8. Expand your horizons

Before a literate and well-read person in life opens a large number of opportunities in the most different areas. He is more successful in his professional field, realizes his talents more efficiently, he has more success with the opposite sex.

Most high level IQ at the Australian mathematician, the author of the Green-Tao theorem, his name is Terence Tao. Getting results over 200 points is very a rare thing, because most of the inhabitants of our planet barely gain 100 points. People with extremely high IQs (over 150) can be found among Nobel laureates. It is these people who move science forward, make discoveries in various professional fields. Among them are the American writer Marilyn vos Savant, the astrophysicist Christopher Hirata, the phenomenal reader Kim Peak, who can read a page of text in a few seconds, the Briton Daniel Tammet, who memorizes thousands of digits, Kim Ung-Yong, who studied at the university at the age of 3, and other famous personalities. with amazing abilities.

How is a person's IQ formed?

IQ levels are influenced by several factors, including heredity, Environment(family, school, social status person). The age of the test subject also significantly affects the result of passing the test. At the age of 26, as a rule, a person's intelligence reaches its peak, and then only decreases.

It is worth noting that some people with exceptionally high IQ's Everyday life were completely helpless. For example, Kim Peak could not fasten the buttons on his clothes. In addition, not everyone has such a talent appeared from birth. Daniel Tammet gained his ability to memorize vast numbers of numbers after suffering from a terrible epileptic seizure as a child.

IQ level above 140

People with IQs over 140 are excellent creativity who achieved success in various scientific fields. Among famous people with an intelligence test result of 140 - Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking. Such geniuses of their era are known for their outstanding abilities, they make an incredibly high contribution to the development of knowledge and science, create new inventions and theories. Such people are only 0.2% of the total population.

IQ level from 131 to 140

Only 3% of the population has a high IQ. Among famous people, with a similar test result - Nicole Kidman and Arnold Schwarzenegger. This is successful people with high mental abilities, they can reach heights in various fields of activity, science and creativity. Want to check who is smarter - you or Schwarzenegger?

IQ level from 121 to 130

The intellectual level above the average shows only 6% of the population. Such people can be seen in universities, as they are usually excellent students in all disciplines, successfully graduate from universities, realize themselves in various professions and achieve high results.

IQ level from 111 to 120

If you think that middle level iq is about 110 points, then you are wrong. This indicator refers to intelligence above average. People with test scores between 111 and 120 are usually hardworking and have a life long pursuit of knowledge. There are about 12% of such people among the population.

IQ level from 101 to 110

IQ level from 91 to 100

If you passed the test, and the result was less than 100 points, do not be upset, because this average is in a quarter of the population. People with such indicators of intelligence study well at school and universities, they get jobs in the field of middle management and other specialties that do not require significant mental effort.

IQ level from 81 to 90

One tenth of the population has a level of intelligence below average. Their IQ test scores are between 81 and 90. These people usually do well in school, but most often do not get higher education. They can work in the field of physical labor, in industries that do not require the use of intellectual abilities.

IQ level from 71 to 80

Another tenth of the population has an IQ level of 71 to 80, which is already a sign of mental retardation of a lesser degree. People with this result mostly attend special schools, but may also graduate from regular schools. primary school with average marks.

IQ level from 51 to 70

About 7% of people have a mild form of mental retardation and an IQ of 51 to 70. They study in special institutions, however, are able to take care of themselves, and are relatively full members of society.

IQ level from 21 to 50

About 2% of people on Earth have an intellectual development level of 21 to 50 points, they suffer from dementia, an average degree of mental retardation. Such people cannot learn, but are able to take care of themselves, but most often have guardians.

IQ level up to 20

People with a severe form of mental retardation are not amenable to training and education, they have an intellectual development level of up to 20 points. They are under the care of other people, because they cannot take care of themselves, and live in their own world. There are 0.2% of such people in the world.

Psychologists have named 13 scientifically proven signs of high intelligence. They are published by Business Insider.

1. The ability not to be distracted by extraneous things. A sign of high intelligence is the ability to focus attention long time on one thing ... This was confirmed by a small study conducted in 2013. During the experiments, it turned out that people with a high IQ (intelligence quotient) are more difficult to notice how big picture the background changes slowly - because they concentrate on smaller details.

2. Late to bed and late to rise. Owls are smarter than larks. This controversial statement is supported by two scientific works 1999 and 2009, in which total thousands of people participated. People who stay up late and wake up late both on weekends and weekdays have higher intelligence.

3. Easy adaptation. Intelligence is inextricably linked with the ability to change one's behavior in order to act most effectively in the current situation, or change the situation.

4. Know that you don't know much. Smart people are not afraid to admit that they don't know something - because they can easily learn it or learn it. Studies show that the lower a person's intelligence, the more he tends to overestimate it, and vice versa. An experiment was conducted in which a large number of students took the same test. Those who coped with it the worst thought that they wrote it one and a half times better than they actually did, and those who were in the lead when calculating the results, on the contrary, believed that they did not cope.

5. Curiosity. Albert Einstein himself said that he was not very gifted, but very curious. Scientists say that curiosity is a sign of high intelligence. "Ordinary" people take "ordinary" things for granted, while intellectuals can admire exactly the same things. In 2016, an article was published based on the results of a study in which thousands of people participated. Those with higher IQs at age 11 were more inquisitive at age 50.

6. Openness to new ideas and opportunities. People who consider all alternatives, weigh and consider them rather than refuse to evaluate them, are, on average, smarter. Openness to new ideas and the ability to determine, based on facts, which of them can be best used is a sign of high intelligence.

7. Feeling comfortable alone with yourself. Highly intelligent people often have strong personalities, and a recent study indicates that "smart" people enjoy socializing less.

8. Good self-control. Smarter are those people who are doing well with planning, evaluating alternative strategies and possible consequences, setting specific

goals. In 2009, experiments showed that people with higher intelligence are more likely to choose between two options that will bring more profit, although it will take longer - and this requires self-control. Such people are not prone to impulsive decisions.

9. Great sense of humor. High intelligence is often associated with a sense of humor. Studies have shown that participants who drew funnier comics had higher IQs, and that professional comedians also perform better on average than the average person on IQ tests.

10. The ability to put yourself in the place of another person. Empathy is part of emotional intelligence, and some psychologists believe that those people who can understand how another person is feeling are more intelligent.

11. The ability to see connections and associations that others do not see. This is also characteristic of highly intelligent people. For example, they can tell you right off the bat what watermelon and sashimi have in common (both are eaten raw and cold). The ability to see parallels and general schemes is inextricably linked with intelligence, and this also includes creativity as the ability to present the old under the sauce of the new.

12. Frequent postponing of affairs "for later". People with higher intelligence are more likely to do routine things, postponing more important ones for later. At this moment, they are just thinking about this important thing. This action can also manifest itself in the very work on something important: it is the key to innovation.

13. Thoughts about the meaning of life. Reflections on global topics, such as the meaning of life or the existence of the universe, can also be an indicator of intelligence. Such people often think about why or why this or that event happened, and these existential reflections often increase the level of anxiety. On the other hand, highly intelligent people are always ready for things to go wrong.

Earlier Pravda.Ru reported that American psychologists Institute of Technology Georgia conducted a study on the subject. Data analysis suggests that dreamy people have higher intellectual and creative abilities.

Secrets of IQ: About the IQ and related nonsense
