Two Full Moons in one month is a rather rare occurrence in the world of astrology.

The full moon affects a person very strongly. During this period, the activity of his brain reaches a peak, not stopping even at night.

Period full moon- most optimal time for the implementation of friendly meetings, the commission of risky cases, the signing of any contracts and agreements. Everything will turn out as well as possible, but because of such activity nervous system and the whole organism as a whole, a person may begin to have problems with sleep. However, there are advantages here - astrologers offer an option that will smooth out this negative effect of the influence of the Earth satellite. At such moments, it's time to establish an intimate life between partners. If a married life do not stick - the Full Moon is a great chance to fix everything.

Full moon in March 2018 when, Moscow time, how long does it last: March promises to be active and full of events

A study by researchers at the University of Toronto found that people spend less time in deep sleep during a full moon. Thus, the lunar cycles negatively affect the brain. Numerous experiments conducted by a specialist have proven that the deep sleep phase is necessary for the human brain to have a good rest and process the entire amount of information collected during the whole day.

On a full moon, people stay awake longer and spend less time in deep sleep than usual. Studies have shown that it takes the average person twice as long to fall asleep on a full moon. Thus, women who need no more than 25-30 minutes to fall asleep, due to the lunar phases, can fall asleep within 52 minutes.

Moon phases March 2018

— March 02, 2018 at 03:51:09 and March 31, 2018 at 15:36:48.

Full moon in March 2018 when Moscow time, how long does it last: full moon rituals

Ritual for wealth on the full moon

This ritual should be done on the night of the full moon, when the sky is clear and the full moon is clearly visible on it. You will need a small container (cup, pan or pot) and a silver coin (you can use any coin silver color). fill the cup running water(from the faucet) and throw a coin into it.

Place a container of water on a balcony or window sill so that moonlight falls into the water. Try to have the moon at least a little reflected in the water. Slowly move your hand over the water, as if you are collecting moon silver with your palm and say the spell of wealth three times:

Beautiful Mistress of the moon! Bring me wealth, fill my hands with silver and gold. I can take whatever You give!

After that, water should be poured into the ground, and the coin should be put in a wallet and always carried with you.

Ritual for the fulfillment of desires on the full moon

This ritual can only be performed once a year - on the very first full moon, which will be after your birthday.

The ritual is very simple. All you need to do is make a list of your material desires (for example, an apartment, a certain amount of money, etc.). Most importantly, the desires must be sincere and not harm anyone. The stronger your desires, the faster they will come true.

Once you've made your wish list, thank you from the bottom of your heart Higher power for help, for everything you already have and ask for help in achieving what you want.

It is believed that during next year All desires from your list must be fulfilled.

Ritual to attract love on the full moon

It's very beautiful love ritual, which must be performed in the early evening full moon - it is advisable to do it when it is still light outside, the site informs the site. It is best if there is a little wind outside.

To carry out this ritual, you will need soap bubbles. Go outside and try to blow beautiful soap bubbles. When you see that you are doing well, imagine yourself with the person you love, mentally place yourself and your lover in the most beautiful soap bubble that you can get. When the wind blows the balloon, wish it " have a good trip”and be calm - soon your message will be delivered to the Moon, and she will help you in attracting love.

It is predicted that two moons are expected in the sky on June 27, 2018. But purely physically it is unrealistic. Since the Earth has only one satellite. And even with the strongest refraction of light from the Sun - an illusion with two moons - will not arise!

Seeing two moons in the sky is something fantastic, or invented by people themselves! We will never see this, since there is no second moon. Therefore, this should not be expected in 2018, and in subsequent years.

On June 27, 2018 at 00:30 "two moons" will be visible. The next time will be in 2287. Do not miss!

But still, there is some truth in this. June 27, 2018 in almost the entire territory of Russia, with the exception of Far East, two moons will be visible at once. This is a rare astronomical event, it will occur at 00.30 Moscow time. In the last hundred years, this will be the longest lunar eclipse. And it will continue for 1.43 and the next such phenomenon is expected only in 2287.

The previous total lunar eclipse occurred on January 31, 2018, with a depth of southern part the earth's shadow by 1.32 lunar diameters. The eclipse was observed in most of the territory of Russia. Best conditions visibility has developed in Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

The next lunar eclipse will be total and will occur on July 27, 2018 with a depth of 1.62 lunar diameters in the central part of the earth's shadow. The eclipse will be observed in most of Russia. The best visibility conditions will be in Western Siberia and countries of Central Asia.

By the middle of the lunar eclipse, astrologers promise, bright Mars will shine very close to the moon, which will overcome the opposition point 15 hours before. In the event that the eclipse is very dark, then Mars will help to find the Earth’s satellite in the sky, which will shine brighter than all the stars in the sky that night, and the Moon will be located directly above it.

At 00:13 full eclipse will pass into the final phase, the Moon will begin to emerge from the shadow of the Earth, showing its edge to the light. Gradually, the crescent of the Moon will increase and at 20:11 a partial eclipse will end: the satellite will completely leave the Earth's shadow, and begin to leave the Earth's penumbra. The total duration of the shadow eclipse is 3 hours 55 minutes.

On June 27, 2018, two moons should be visible, what is this phenomenon?

Now many people have telescopes, albeit not as powerful as those in the observatories. But all the same, to consider the crator seas on the moon - you can easily. Yes, you can see two moons. Only here on June 27 such a phenomenon will not happen. And this is due to the fact that it is simply unrealistic. There are no such illusions due to the refraction of light between the sun and the moon. As we all remember, there is a red moon, this effect gives sunlight. And there is an eclipse of the sun by the moon. And the answer to your question will be a phenomenon just an illusion and a news duck.

On the 27th, when crossing two parallel worlds, two moons can be seen. This metaphysical phenomenon occurs due to solar influence, but what is not yet clear. That is, the Sun will somehow illuminate the Moon that day, so that Moon 2 from a parallel world can be seen next to it.

June 27, 2018 when the full moon will be. We can observe at this time that the disk of the Moon is completely illuminated by the Sun. At this time, the two planets are opposite each other. We only observe the reflected light of the sun from the lunar disk. THERE ARE NO AND NEVER HAVE BEEN TWO MOONS.

This bike is distributed on the network at different intervals. In 2003, Mars was close to the Moon and Earth, it was observed by the observers who took the red planet for the second moon.

If you believe in miracles, then today is the best day summer solstice make a wish, it will surely come true.

Today I hung out on the beach all day and looked at the sky, there was nothing, the sky was blue, not a single cloud and one sun. Two years ago, astronomers said that people are spreading fakes, you see, they don’t have enough miracles. And if today, June 27, there is still time to see two moons, I will see such a wonderful phenomenon, I will take a picture of two moons and attach it to the answer. But in fact, you can’t see two moons, there aren’t two of them at once

You know, it would be great to see such a miracle.

Two moons at once - it's WOW! It is clear that the Moon is actually one and there is simply nowhere to take the other, but maybe optical illusion which…

However, no. We won't see anything like this on June 27th. As on other days, even this, even any other year. The news that this is possible is spread by those who, by any means, get views for themselves.

It is impossible to see two moons in the sky.

Such a myth about two moons appeared on the net a few years ago, after the publication of an article about the approach of Mars to the Earth.

The article was misinterpreted.

The article said that as Mars approaches Earth, Mars becomes brighter. If you look at it through a telescope, it will visually resemble the moon.

From here came the myth of two moons in the sky, which periodically pops up.

06/27/2018 in almost all territories of our country, except Dal. East, 2 moons will be visible. Time - 00.30. This is the longest lunar eclipse in the last century, its duration is 1.43. The next such display is promised only in 2287.

These two moons are explained by the exact coincidence of the centers of the moon and the earth's shadow. At this time, the Moon, Earth and Sun will be in line, the Earth will be in the middle and block the Moon from sunlight.

The beginning of the phenomenon at 20:13 (Moscow time) on July 27. The total phase of the eclipse from 22:30 to 01:14 on July 28, at half past three in the night, the Moon will come out of the Earth's shadow.

January is the first month of the new year 2018. It will be far from the most common in astrological terms. We are waiting for two full moons, and one of them will be very important.

AT lunar calendar Full moons are rarely marked as auspicious days. This is not surprising, because the Moon during such periods has a maximum level of activity, which is always associated with great danger to all living things. No wonder animals behave strangely on a full moon. In humans, this state of the moon is also reflected quite noticeably.

When two full moons occur at once in one month, this does not represent an additional danger, because the full moon always becomes after the same period of time. It just so happened that moon month from beginning to end will be within a period of 31 days. This happens once or twice a year. In 2018, we will have such a coincidence in January and March.

It will be a Full Moon in the Sign of Cancer. This means that people will become even more sensitive to mood swings, to changes on any fronts. This will be a day of great dissonance, because under the influence of Cancer people want to hide their weaknesses and experiences, and the most active Moon will provoke people to an increased interest in everything that is hidden.

The only way to happiness on this day is to overcome your inner fears and create. Beware of violent outbursts of emotions, impulsiveness and recklessness.

You will have a great desire to go on about your intuition, but you should not do this. The Moon in its most uncompromising state can easily deceive you. On this day, you can safely try to do introspection, spiritual searches, but in no case do you need to engage in dynamic affairs and work if it requires you to make important decisions.

Don't think about the future and don't reminisce. This day must be lived in this reality. Help people in any way you can. Do not refuse those who once extended a helping hand to you. As for the mood in general, it is worth noting the need for proper rest. Correct means healthy, without alcohol and adventures. It is better to rest carefully, without health risks. Attention will be required when crossing roads, as well as in everyday life when using gas and electricity. On the Full Moon on January 2, there is a risk of forgetting to turn off the iron at home, you can leave the window open all day. In a word, you will be more scattered. Gather, tune in the right way.

This will not be a simple Full Moon, but the day of a lunar eclipse. Astrologers note that there will be an incredibly strong dissonance between the Moon and the Sun. The reason for this is the constellation Leo, in which the full moon will reside. This day will be just incredibly difficult for everyone who does not know how to control himself. The best scenario for all people is to follow their plans that were previously accepted. Inspiration is best kept out of the way, because it can destroy everything you've ever built.

On such days, both treason and betrayal are possible. People will be ready to do a lot to stand out from the crowd, to become famous. In many cases, this will end in fiasco.

As for the Full Moon itself, in Leo it is incredibly strong, uncontrollable. This is perhaps one of the worst Full Moons in general. Every situation needs to be properly assessed. Even the most successful people can feel the black mark of failure. Modesty is the strongest weapon of any person in such moments of life.

Do not make any new beginnings on this day. It's better to finish everything. All the things that hang over you, it is better to complete on this day. If you can't do it, then at least try. Do not use your firmness and desire to be the first. You don't have to lead anyone. Do not go in front or behind - go next to other people, because no one will love upstarts on January 31, as well as those who will try to stay in the shadows.

Don't let your sense of self-importance dominate today. Be simple, then people will be drawn to you. You can even succeed in love if you sacrifice your time for someone else. As for family people, everything is much simpler - pursue common goals. Selfish husbands and wives will receive a large share of the negative. You will be offended if you do not stop loving only yourself.

The moon has always been something mysterious and so completely and not solved, occupying special place in different cultures peace. However, there is a certain phase of the moon that attracts the most attention of people - the full moon.

With scientific point of view, the full moon is the phase of the moon, in which it is completely visible from the earth, since it is in complete opposition to the sun, or, in other words, is on the opposite side of the earth from the sun.

Occurring almost every month, the full moon has always been associated with many myths, legends, sinister stories and superstition. For recent centuries and for decades this mystical phenomenon has been studied and studied by many specialists: scientists, astronomers and other experts, however, the vast majority of these studies have not found any connection between the full moon and human behavior or life on Earth in general. However, when unusual things happen, people still often say, "It must be a full moon."

If you are also interested in learning about this mysterious phase of the moon, then keep reading, because now we will tell you 25 myths and facts about the full moon that you might not know!

25. The Full Moon is often thought of as a phenomenon that lasts all night, but this is misleading because the Moon as seen from Earth gets bigger or smaller all the time (though too slowly to notice with the naked eye). The size of the moon reaches its absolute maximum at the moment when the increase stops.

24. Since a full moon occurs every 29.5 days, February is the only month of the year that may not have a full moon. In each of the remaining months, it is guaranteed to occur at least once.

23. When the full moon coincides with the maximum approach of the Moon to the Earth in its elliptical orbit, a rare thing known as the "supermoon". The most recent supermoon occurred on the night of September 27-28 last year, and the next time it can be seen only in 2033.

22. The full moon is often associated with temporary insomnia. In the past, the reason for this opinion was obvious: people could not sleep properly with a full moon due to the bright light it reflects. However, today, given the bright artificial light that surrounds us in Everyday life, this is unlikely to be the cause of the insomnia that many people continue to suffer during this lunar phase.

21. It is sometimes claimed that surgeons used to refuse to operate during a full moon, because the risk of death due to the loss of the patient's blood increased. Studies conducted in Barcelona found a statistically significant relationship between moon phase and hospitalization of people with gastrointestinal bleeding.

20. The full moon is considered unlucky if it falls on Sunday, and lucky if it occurs on Monday. In fact, the word "Monday" on English language- "Monday" - derived from the Old English word "Mōnandæg" or the Middle English word "Monenday", which means "lunar day".

19. It is believed that the full moon causes mental disorder and lycanthropy (a form of insanity in which the patient imagines himself a wolf). One of the most popular beliefs was that a person can turn into a werewolf if, on one of the summer nights, on Wednesday or Friday, he slept on the street with a full moon that shone right in his face.

18. The British Air Force used the light reflected from the full moon to launch an attack on the German city of Lübeck (Lubeck) on the night of Saturday, March 28, during the Second World War.

17. Dogs are known to bark and howl more during the full moon than at other times, but they can also be more aggressive. A study by the Bradford Royal Infirmary found that dogs bite twice as often during a full moon than on other days.

16. The full moon is the brightest object in the night sky. Its apparent magnitude (a measure of the brightness of a space object from the point of view of an observer from the Earth) is -12.74 (for the Sun - -26.74).

15. The full moon was supposed to affect people in the same way as the oceans through tidal force, since the human body is almost 75% water, but in fact the tidal effect on such a small scale is completely insignificant.

14. When two full moons fall in the same calendar month, the second full moon is called a Blue Moon. A similar phenomenon occurs, on average, once every 3 years.

13. According to one of the most common superstitions, more children are born on the full moon than at other times. This statement is not supported by any scientific research.

12. When the full moon coincides with a total lunar eclipse, it appears red. During this astronomical phenomenon, known as the "red moon" (or " blood moon"), the only light we see is the light that is refracted by the Earth's shadow. It appears red for the same reason that sunsets are red - due to the Rayleigh scattering present in more blue light.

11. It was believed that the full moon drives people crazy. The word "sleepwalker" was used to describe a person who was considered mentally ill, dangerous, stupid, or unpredictable - terms attributed only to insanity. This word comes from Latin word"lunaticus", one of the meanings of which is "possessed, possessed".

10. Some wild animals behave differently during the full moon. For example, lions usually hunt at night, but the day after the full moon, they go hunting during the day, as scientists suggest, to compensate for hunger, which reached its maximum at the full moon.

9. The full moon is often associated with an increase in the number of strange and inexplicable things, but this opinion may be misleading. People have this feeling because during the full moon they pay more attention to unusual events. In fact, such things happen during the rest of the month, but people usually do not associate them with any celestial events.

8. Various celebrations dedicated to the full moon are held in different parts of the world. One of the most popular is the Full Moon Party in Ko Pha Ngan, Thailand, attracting tens of thousands of tourists every full moon night.

7. During the full moon, people notice pareidolic images: human faces, heads, silhouettes. These images actually consist of dark areas of the lunar seas (basalt plains) and lighter elevations on the surface.

6. The Lunar Society of Birmingham, a club and unofficial learned society of eminent figures in the midlands of England, which met regularly between 1765 and 1813 in Birmingham, got its name from the fact that its members met exclusively during the full moon, because in the absence of street lighting, their return home under additional light The moon was easier and safer.

5. The honeymoon is named after the full moon in June. Since it falls between planting and harvesting, this month has traditionally been considered the best for weddings.

4. In Sri Lanka, the full moon is sacred. According to legend, on the days of the full moon, the birth of the Buddha, his Enlightenment and the transition to nirvana took place. On the night of the full moon, all shops are closed, the consumption and sale of alcohol, sporting events and murders of any kind (including fishing) are prohibited.

3. Pagans believe that the most mystical time at Stonehenge is when the full moon wanes, allowing the earth to reunite with her lover, the sun, at dawn.

2. Although there is no evidence that the full moon directly affects our mental state, 80% of nurses and 63% of doctors said that they come across patients with mental health problems more often during the full moon than at any other time. This study was conducted by the University of Laval (Université Laval), Quebec, Canada.

1. There is a common misconception that the first Apollo landing took place during a full moon. In fact, it happened over a week later.

What has January in store for us? Two Full Moons in one month. At the beginning and at the end. You can do a lot of things. Spontaneously, everything is quite balanced: there are all the elements, you can work everywhere.

Less love magic, but a lot of family, tribal, a lot of work with pets. There is a lot of protective magic and no totem magic at all: January is a difficult month, a lot of dark forces roam, so there is no need to attract extra spirits.

I hope my Calendar helps you get through this busy month.

1. This Calendar is for those who work with magic on their own. Within the framework of the Calendar there will be no training for those who are far from Knowledge. I'll say it again: if you know how to work in this or that area, it's good, if not, then I do not conduct local training on how to do this or that item of the magical program.
2. These are my feelings! They may not match yours. If you feel a desire for yourself to do something differently, then it means that you are more comfortable. The first and main indicator should be your feelings, your preferences or need. But I suppose if my forecasts are close to you, then the calendar will be close to you. The calendar is absolutely original! You can only focus on me.
3. For each day, I highlight what is definitely asked or NOT asked for that day. If it is not directly indicated (and at the same time it is not indicated that it is better not to do anything on this day), then it means that you can work the way you are used to, there are no arguments for or against.
4. The Element Helps Us Choose correct forms rituals, gives an understanding of the mood of the day, the elements of the day. In addition, the Calendar gives the character of dreams, divination and symbols. This can be useful for non-practitioners as well.
5. When copying, the author's indication and a link to the article are MANDATORY.
6. The original calendar of magical actions is one! Lisa makes it. That is, I! Everything else is other calendars, their authors are responsible for them.

Are you going to cast spells on January 1st? You are maniacs! However, the time before the New Moon and immediately after the New Year is the time to conjure! Twelfth night after Yule has passed. In the morning, we burn notes with desires that we wrote on Yule and ask the Sun to fulfill them. We continue to celebrate.

We conjure, we guess, we do rituals.
1. Any lunar witchcraft! The magic of victory is especially good!

2. Appeals to the Highest!

3. Clairvoyance and divination.

4. Work on a turn in Destiny. Breakthrough rituals that will help you move forward, break out of the vicious circle, change your current life for the better.

5. White road, getting rid of all the failures and problems on the way. Road opening! All new arrivals!

6. Magic warriors and fight! Winning a competition, winning a tournament, winning a throne. Very strong martial magic - the victory of warriors in battle.
Prophetic dreams, many signs, symbols, one should observe, read the messages of the Cosmos. Any divination.
1. Protection from injustice (for example, from an incorrect judgment), as well as protection in general: from dark forces, from negative influences, conspiracies and talismans of protection from evil spirits, from difficult situations and any evil.

2. Health. The addition of strength, energy, health promotion and general physical and mental condition.

3. Magic for travelers - for a successful road, for removing obstacles. You can also make protection for those who are on the way, and think of future happy journeys.

4. White road, getting rid of all the failures and problems on the way. Road opening! All new arrivals!

5. Discovery of abilities, determination of one's Path.

6. Magic of the Family: Commemoration of the ancestors and turning to them for help, support in a difficult situation;

Birth of offspring;

1. The magic of protection and amulets for children, the sick, the weak, those in prison or on the road. From dark forces, from negative influences, conspiracies and talismans of protection from evil Forces, from earthly or mystical enemies.

Protection from injustice (for example, to a fair trial), from the prosecution of the innocent.

2. Cleansing the house and things from bad energy. Removal of evil eye, bad influences. Getting rid of evil spirits. Rituals for cleansing and deliverance.

3. The magic of forgiveness: when through the Highest one can forgive another and ask for forgiveness. Removal of family sins.

4 Getting rid of restrictions, for example, from persecution, magic to remove or alleviate a sentence of a court (already committed or to be), a prison term, release from captivity.
The only good thing to do is get rid of infertility. On the health of a pregnant or lactating woman. For a successful birth.

Everything else is practically without energy. Very low energy, failure after the Full Moon and after all the holidays.

We will rest for two days.
The effectiveness of divination is low, dreams are empty. Failure after the Full Moon.
1. Meditations, prayers and worship of the Supreme. Meditations on Nature, communication with the Spirits of Nature, receiving energy from them.

2. Magic for the health and well-being of pets. Protect them from any negativity.

2. Healing magic, subject to getting rid of something: from excess weight, from some shortcomings, from illness. Especially with chronic, protracted. Getting rid of diseases, including chronic ones. Getting rid of problems with appearance, for example, from being overweight. Removal of years, getting rid of traces of fatigue or age. Rejuvenation.

3. The magic of wisdom and knowledge, the disclosure of mental potential.

4. The magic of protection and amulets for children, the sick, the weak, those in prison or on the road. From dark forces, from negative influences, conspiracies and talismans of protection from evil Forces, from earthly or mystical enemies.

Divination with tools is going well, prophetic dreams if you asked the Higher for an answer
_______________________07.Jan SUNDAY EARTH
1. love magic in terms of getting rid of problems in personal life, removing problems in relationships, barriers when looking for a partner.

2. Magic of the Family: Commemoration of the ancestors and turning to them for help, support in a difficult situation;

Birth of offspring;

Happiness and strengthening of the family as a whole, love and harmony between family members;

A harvest that will help the entire Family to be full.

3. Getting rid of infertility. On the health of a pregnant or lactating woman. For a successful birth.

4. Getting rid of trouble. Seeking help in desperation. When you need to solve some critical problem, when there are no other ways and only the Miracle will help. Removal of crises, removal of a strip of troubles, personal barriers and threats.

It is better to avoid any black magic!
1. Magic of the Family: Commemoration of the ancestors and turning to them for help, support in a difficult situation;

Birth of offspring;

Happiness and strengthening of the family as a whole, love and harmony between family members;

A harvest that will help the entire Family to be full.

2. Getting rid of infertility. On the health of a pregnant or lactating woman. For a successful birth.

3. Getting rid of restrictions, for example, from persecution, magic to remove or alleviate a court sentence (already committed or to be), a prison term, release from captivity.

4. Removing problems in a career or general well-being. Removal of money blocks and blocks in a career.

5. Treatment. Getting rid of diseases, including chronic ones. Getting rid of problems with appearance, for example, from being overweight. Removal of years, getting rid of traces of fatigue or age. Rejuvenation.
1. Cleansing yourself, home and things from bad energy. Removal of evil eye, bad influences. Getting rid of evil spirits. Rituals for cleansing and deliverance.

2 Get out of trouble. Seeking help in desperation. When you need to solve some critical problem, when there are no other ways and only the Miracle will help. Removal of crises, removal of a strip of troubles, personal barriers and threats.

3. Removing problems in a career or general well-being. Removal of money blocks and blocks in a career. Return of debts!

4. Discovery of abilities, determination of one's Path.
Divination with the help of tools is going well, but dreams will be empty.
1. Love magic in terms of getting rid of problems in your personal life, removing problems in relationships, barriers when looking for a partner. Treatment for the pain of unrequited love!

2. Removing problems in a career or general well-being. Removal of money blocks and blocks in a career. Return of debts!

Birth of offspring;

Happiness and strengthening of the family as a whole, love and harmony between family members;

It's good to do anything protective amulets for home and family!

A harvest that will help the entire Family to be full.

4. Getting rid of addictions and bad habits: alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction.
1. The day when dark magic is just strong! You can darken to the extent of necessity and conscience.

But at the same time!

2. Rituals for purification and deliverance. We get rid of the old, we ask you to save us from insults. Cleansing the house and things from bad energy. Removal of evil eye, bad influences. Getting rid of evil spirits. Burning out any evil.

4. Treatment. Getting rid of diseases, including chronic ones. Getting rid of problems with appearance, for example, from being overweight. Removal of years, getting rid of traces of fatigue or age. Rejuvenation. Burning disease.
Symbol confusion, better to be careful. There may be false signs.
1. Discovery of abilities, determination of one's Path.

2 Treatment. Getting rid of diseases, including chronic ones. Getting rid of problems with appearance, for example, from being overweight. Removal of years, getting rid of traces of fatigue or age. Rejuvenation.

3. Getting rid of addictions and bad habits: alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction.

It is absolutely undesirable to do something on and for animals if you do not want to harm them. Other magic is just very weak.

1. Rituals for purification and deliverance. We get rid of the old, we ask you to save us from insults. Cleansing the house and things from bad energy. Removal of evil eye, bad influences. Getting rid of evil spirits.

2 Search for stolen and lost. Search for anything. People, things, answers. Answers - especially!

3. Removing problems in a career or general well-being. Removal of money blocks and blocks in a career.
1. Turn in Destiny. Breakthrough rituals that will help you move forward, break out of the vicious circle, change your current life for the better.

2. Rituals of justice: for a fair trial, for deliverance from persecution of the innocent.

3. Removing problems in a career or general well-being. Removal of money blocks and blocks in a career. Separately: return of debts!

4. The magic of wisdom and knowledge, the disclosure of mental potential.

1. Treatment. Getting rid of diseases, including chronic ones. Getting rid of problems with appearance, for example, from being overweight. Removal of years, getting rid of traces of fatigue or age. Rejuvenation.

2. Rituals for purification and deliverance. We get rid of the old, we ask you to save us from insults. Cleansing the house and things from bad energy. Removal of evil eye, bad influences. Getting rid of evil spirits.

Guessing with tools. Dreams are empty.
_________________Jan 16 TUESDAY AIR Black Moon Days! From Tuesday to Wednesday we write notes to get rid of everything bad!
1. The magic of wisdom and knowledge, the disclosure of mental potential.

2. Search for stolen and lost. Search for anything. People, things, answers. Answers - especially!

3. Protective magic. Almost any kind: from enemies, from evil spirits, from negative impacts from difficult and crisis situations.

4. Magic for the health and well-being of pets. Protect them from any negativity.

You can not do anything for pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as for small children - up to 7 years! Very dangerous! I hope that no one will sin to do something bad on them: for such things, they tear off their heads from Above.

You can't do anything for people's health! Symbol confusion, better to be careful.
Jan 17 WEDNESDAY NEW MOON 05:18 GMT WATER Black Moon! - We update notebooks and wish cards from Wednesday to Thursday!

1. Protective magic. Any kind: from enemies, from evil spirits, from negative influences, from difficult and crisis situations.

2. Magic for the health and well-being of pets.

3. Love magic in terms of getting rid of problems in your personal life, removing problems in relationships, barriers when looking for a partner. Treatment of the pain of unhappy love!3. Removing problems in a career or general well-being. Removal of money blocks and blocks in a career. Separately: return of debts!

4. Removing problems in a career or general well-being. Removal of money blocks and blocks in a career. Separately: return of debts!

Eliminate dark magic! Very dangerous! You can't do anything for people's health!

You can not do anything for pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as for small children - up to 7 years! Very dangerous! I hope that no one will sin to do something bad on them: for such things, they tear off their heads from Above.

___________________ Jan 18 THURSDAY WATER Black Moon!
1. Getting rid of restrictions, for example, from persecution, magic to remove or alleviate a court sentence (already committed or to be), a prison term, release from captivity.

2. Work on a turn in Destiny. Breakthrough rituals that will help you move forward, break out of the vicious circle, change your current life for the better.

4. Search for stolen and lost. Search for anything. People, things, answers.

5. The magic of health: the addition of strength, energy, health promotion and general physical and mental condition.

6. Rituals for purification and deliverance. We get rid of the old, we ask you to save us from insults. Cleansing the house and things from bad energy. Removal of evil eye, bad influences. Getting rid of evil spirits.

7. Magic for the health and well-being of pets. Protect them from any negativity.

Eliminate any dark magic! It is very dangerous: evil spirits walk a lot, be afraid to attract too much.
___________________ January 19 FRIDAY WATER Baptism in Orthodoxy.

1. Rituals for traveling and opening roads, removing obstacles on the way to the goal.

3. The magic of health: the addition of strength, energy, health promotion and general physical and mental condition.

4. The magic of creativity - to find your calling, inspiration, to help artists, artists, etc. Music search!

Eliminate any dark magic!
A conscious search for an answer from the Higher Ones. Eliminate fortune-telling with the help of tools - the answer will come in meditation or in a dream.
____________________ 20.JAN SATURDAY WATER - Failure in energy. Rest. Meditations, prayers and worship of the Highest are permissible.
1. Love magic: to meet, to search for admirers / admirers, to your soul mate. For a wedding, family well-being, harmony in relationships in a couple or in the family as a whole.

2. White road, getting rid of all the failures and problems on the way. Road opening! All new arrivals!

3. Income growth, transition to another financial level. Vases and talismans for wealth. Business, its growth and prosperity. For good luck, well-being, well-fed life.

4. Magic of the Family: Commemoration of the ancestors and turning to them for help, support in a difficult situation;

Birth of offspring;

Happiness and strengthening of the family as a whole, love and harmony between family members;

A harvest that will help the entire Family to be full.
Ask questions to the Supreme. Watch dreams. You can get the answer in a dream or during a trance.
Jan 22 MONDAY EARTH - Another energy failure. You can work with the protection and healing of pets. The effectiveness of divination is low, dreams are empty.

Despite the growing moon, the rest is a magical void. This is our holiday for December and the beginning of the month.
1. Cleansing yourself, home and things from bad energy. Removal of evil eye, bad influences. Getting rid of evil spirits. Rituals for cleansing and deliverance.

2. The magic of protection from dark forces, from negative influences, conspiracies and talismans of protection from evil forces. Protection in life from difficult situations and any evil: from enemies, from evil spirits, from negative influences, from difficult and crisis situations.

This is where the magic ends on this day!


2. Meditations, prayers and worship of the Supreme. Meditations on Nature, communication with the Spirits of Nature, receiving energy from them.

3. The magic of creativity - to find your calling, inspiration, to help artists, artists, etc. Music search!

4. The magic of wisdom and knowledge, the disclosure of mental potential. Learning and intelligence.

Wealth magic is absolutely powerless!
A conscious search for an answer from the Higher Ones. Eliminate fortune-telling with the help of tools - the answer will come in meditation or in a dream.
1. Rituals of justice: for a fair trial, for deliverance from persecution of the innocent.

3. Magic of the Family: Commemoration of the ancestors and appeal to them for help, support in a difficult situation;

Birth of offspring;

Happiness and strengthening of the family as a whole, love and harmony between family members;

A harvest that will help the entire Family to be full.

4. Magic for the health and well-being of pets. Protect them from any negativity.

5. Protective magic. Almost any kind: from enemies, from evil spirits, from negative influences, from difficult and crisis situations. Especially good protection for home and family!

6. The magic of family, love and marriage. To find a soul mate and create a family. Less passion, more family calculation and stability. Harmony in the family.

_____________________________ 27.Jan SATURDAY AIR
1. The magic of wisdom and knowledge, the disclosure of mental potential. Learning and intelligence.

3. Magic for the health and well-being of pets. Protect them from any negativity.

A conscious search for an answer from the Higher Ones. Divination of any kind.
_______________________________ 28.Jan SUNDAY AIR
1. The magic of protection from dark forces, from negative influences, conspiracies and talismans of protection from evil forces. Protection in life from difficult situations and any evil: from enemies, from evil spirits, from negative influences, from difficult and crisis situations.

3. Breakthrough rituals that will help you move forward, break out of the vicious circle, change your current life for the better. Seeking help in desperation. When you need to solve some critical problem, when there are no other ways and only the Miracle will help.

4. The magic of forgiveness: when through the Highest one can forgive another and ask for forgiveness. Removal of family sins.

5. Love magic: to meet, to search for admirers / admirers, to your soul mate. For a wedding, family well-being, harmony in relationships in a couple or in the family as a whole.

3. Magic for the health and well-being of pets. Protect them from any negativity.

4. Income growth, transition to another financial level. Vases and talismans for wealth. Business, its growth and prosperity. For good luck, well-being, well-fed life.
Prophetic dreams, many signs, symbols, one should observe, read the messages of the Cosmos. Any divination.
1. White road, getting rid of all the failures and problems on the way. Road opening! All new arrivals!

2. Breakthrough rituals that will help you move forward, break out of the vicious circle, change your current life for the better. Seeking help in desperation. When you need to solve some critical problem, when there are no other ways and only the Miracle will help.

4. Income growth, transition to another financial level. Vases and talismans for wealth. Business, its growth and prosperity. For good luck, well-being, well-fed life.

Any moon magic!

1. The magic of health: the addition of strength, energy, health promotion and general physical and mental condition.

2. Magic for travelers - for a successful road, for removing obstacles. You can also make protection for those who are on the way, and think of future happy journeys.

3. The magic of protection from dark forces, from negative influences, conspiracies and talismans of protection from evil forces. Protection in life from difficult situations and any evil: from enemies, from evil spirits, from negative influences, from difficult and crisis situations.

4. Income growth, transition to another financial level. Vases and talismans for wealth. Business, its growth and prosperity. For good luck, well-being, well-fed life.

5. The magic of family, love and marriage. To find a soul mate and create a family. Less passion, more family calculation and stability. Harmony in the family.

The traditional warning is attached to the Calendar:

This Calendar is for those who independently work with magic. Within the framework of the Calendar there will be no training for those who are far from Knowledge. I'll say it again: if you know how to work in this or that area, it's good, if not, then I do not conduct local training on how to do this or that item of the magical program.
These are my feelings! They may not match yours. If you feel a desire for yourself to do something differently, then it means that you are more comfortable. The first and main indicator should be your feelings, your preferences or need. But I suppose if my forecasts are close to you, then the calendar will be close to you. The calendar is absolutely original! You can only focus on me.
For each day, I highlight what is definitely asked or NOT asked for that day. If it is not directly indicated (and at the same time it is not indicated that it is better not to do anything on this day), then it means that you can work the way you are used to, there are no arguments for or against.
The element helps us choose the right forms of rituals, gives us an understanding of the mood of the day, the elements of the day. In addition, the Calendar gives the character of dreams, divination and symbols. In this way it can be useful for non-practitioners as well.
When copying, the indication of the author and a link to the article are MANDATORY.
The original Magic Action Calendar is one! Lisa makes it. That is, I! Everything else is some other calendars, their authors are responsible for them.
