Decor of flower pots with gold paint. Decorating and decorating flower pots with your own hands without leaving home

Regarding the decor of flower pots with their own hands, there are a huge variety various ideas. We offer you to get acquainted with the most simple and at the same time interesting.

As a rule, paper, film, textiles are used for this, various knitting blanks are made, old worn-out clothes are used, “stash” of any hostess is used, like lace, pieces of fabric, accessories and other things.

Also, some use buttons, beads, buttons for this, even building tiles, mineral chips, gypsum cement, paints, varnishes, plastic bottles, plastic cups and much more can be used. There is also a special place for twigs, bars.

Sticks, lids and corks, sheets of paper and food. In the photo of the decor of flower pots, you can see a variety of ideas that will inspire you to create unique masterpieces.

Marine projects

And so, we offer interesting option decoration of a flower pot in the style of the sea.

To realize this idea, you should prepare shells and pebbles brought from the sea. Previously, on a piece of paper, you can "estimate" the future plot.

You can also invent already in the process of laying out decorative elements on the surface of the pot, in which in the future there will be your favorite home plants, flowers.

The easiest design option from shells and pebbles

Take an ordinary ceramic pot, a moment and attach stones and shells to it, which must first be washed and thoroughly degreased. Small pieces can also be used broken tiles, fragments of cups with plates.

But, at the same time, the same color scheme should be selected. Of course, in this matter everything is very individual and depends on the preferences of each individual. When all the details are fixed, consider whether you need to paint over some areas.

At the next stage beautiful design flower pot will fill the voids between the elements of your drawing. To do this, you can use PVA + cement in a ratio of 1k3, and you need to dilute the mixture with water to form a sour cream consistency.

To make the wave with a certain shade, literally a drop of turquoise aquamarine can be added to the solution. Dip the brush in this composition, and paint over the space in a circle around the resulting composition. When you feel how it hardens, use a sponge or piece of cloth to remove the unnecessary part of the solution from the decorative part. That's all!

You can also use a slightly different method. Wet the brush with glue and pass between the pebbles and shells. Then, slightly tilting the container, sand the areas smeared with glue. You need to do this until the sand covers the gaps that remain in your overall “picture” densely enough.

Finish off with regular nail polish or spray nail polish. They cover the entire workspace. The result will be a very effective shine.

Also, the design can be complicated. If there is a desire and a lot of patience, you can glue the surface of the flower pot with pebbles with shells so that there is no free space left at all. All parts used for this must be laid very tightly to each other, leaving no free space.

We decorate the pot with a mosaic

Actually this option technologically similar to the previous method of framing a pot. Main Feature this method therein. That there is a huge variety of materials used. Pots can be not only ceramic, but also plastic.

For decoration, various options for building residues, beads and buttons, beads, sequins, and other trifles can be used.

If the surface is smooth, it should be prepared with sandpaper. To finishing material adhered well to the base, soil should be applied to it as a concrete contact. Next, glue is spread, which can be trimmed with a reinforcing mesh.

After that, cellular strips are already laid, moving from below. When the mosaic is laid out, you need to wait until it dries. The paper must be moistened and removed, then the seams are filled with grout. That's it, decorating is complete. For the stand, you can use drywall.

Photos of amazing ideas for decorating flower pots

For flowers with your own hands. Almost all families grow houseplants or flowers in the garden. It looks very interesting if the standard flower pots placed in an unusual pots. Of course, there are a lot of bright and original planter models on the market, but any person wants to bring individuality and some zest to their home or garden. There are a lot of options on how to make a planter with your own hands, it remains only to choose the material that will look most appropriate in your home or yours.

Advice! It is worth remembering that a planter, unlike a flower pot, does not have special holes in the bottom from which water could pour out after watering. Do not forget to drain it from the pots so that the roots of the plants do not rot. Free space between pots and flower pot or another container in which flowers grow, usually lined with moss or gravel so that the pot does not “dangle” inside.

DIY flower pots: building material

Surely, after the repair, any housewife has some unused materials that can be adapted to create flower pots:

  • If there are slats, bars or other boards, you can create wooden planter . First you have to cut out equal parts for the walls, and then connect them with nails or glue. The walls and bottom of the pots can be designed in the form of a lattice, or they can be solid. For oblong bowls with flowers, a pot-box in the form of a small fence. This design is appropriate in an apartment or.
  • Pretty easy to do DIY planter for the garden from the remains of logs However, it is better to entrust this business to a man. A log about 1-2 meters long can be rested on two small logs to make a kind of bench, or simply laid horizontally on the ground. Then the inner part is cut out in a large log, only the walls and the bottom remain. Inside you can put small bowls with petunias or others.
  • From leftovers ceramic tiles you can make a bright pots . To do this, you need only 5 parts, one of which will become the bottom, and the rest - the walls. The easiest way to connect the parts with glue. Spectacular interior items are obtained from mirror tiles, they are easy to fit into modern minimalist interior or style.
  • When from construction and garden work burlap or other remains dense fabric, can be made pots for small plants . To do this, you need to cut out two identical square or semicircular parts and sew them on three sides. For a more complex pattern, you will have to choose a base in the form of a wire that will shape the product. These pockets look great on the fence country house or on the balcony.

Cache-pot from natural materials

What could be easier than using the materials that gives us to create flowerpots and pots. nature? In the nearest forest or by the river you can find something that will subsequently significantly transform your interior:

  • A beautiful planter will turn out from pebbles - small streamlined stones. They are glued together, giving the future product unusual shape. Similarly, you can use nut shells, tree cuts, small twigs, cones, etc.
  • Can do pots for giving do-it-yourself from a stump . A core is cut out in it, where it is placed big plant eg fern. If you make several of these stumps at the same time, you get a whole clearing in the garden.
  • Eco-style planters can be weaved from the vine. Weaving from a vine is a rather difficult task for a beginner, but the products are very effective. You can hang or put such planters both in the house and in the garden.

In almost every home, office, educational and medical institution, you can see indoor flowers in inconspicuous flowerpots. But you can make a little effort, show imagination, and decorate boring pots in an original and unusual way. The process of decorating flower pots is an entertaining activity that will help you transform your usual interior design.

The best materials for decorative processing are clay flowerpots. But do not be discouraged if the indoor flowers in your house are planted in plastic containers. They can also be decorated in an interesting and original way, as shown in the photo.

Crackle is a pattern formed by thin cracks, which is created on a clay or ceramic surface. To obtain such a pattern, special means are used for aging products. Most often, a special expensive varnish is used to obtain a crackle pattern. But at home, it can be replaced eggshell, previously washed in warm water and defatted in solution baking soda.

To make the crackle pattern stand out, the surface of the flower pot should be painted dark. acrylic paint. If the flowerpot is initially dark in color, then it is not necessary to paint it.

A master class on decorating a flowerpot is recommended to start with cleaning the surface of the flowerpot and applying PVA glue to it. Next, we attach the eggshell to the surface treated with glue, slightly pressing on it. The result should be a shell pattern with small cracks. After the glue dries, we process the flowerpot with ink. Wipe off excess ink and let dry. In order for the pot in the photo to serve for a long time, we cover its surface with varnish.

We use fabric

If you have some pretty fabric and an unsightly flower pot on hand, you can combine the two materials and create original composition. Ideally, if the selected fabric will repeat the pattern of curtains or bedspreads. In this case, you will create a unique, original decor of the room.

To decorate with your own hands you will need:

  • PVA. Brush for applying glue.
  • Flower vase.
  • Textile.

For a master class on decorating a pot, you need to cut out such a piece of fabric that will be enough to wrap the flowerpot. There should be enough fabric to leave a margin for finishing the bottom and top of the container.

In the prepared fabric we wrap the flowerpot, smeared with glue. There should be a lot of glue to securely fix the fabric. We fix the fabric in the upper and lower parts of the pot and leave the product to dry completely.

Flowerpot in a marine style

The marine theme is so relevant and versatile that decor in this style can be used in any room. One of the options may be decorating flowerpots with shells and twine in the photo.

First of all, we cover the cleaned flowerpot with glue and wrap it with twine. After the glue dries, we continue decorating by gluing shells to the surface of the pot. If there are sea pebbles, they can also be used in this composition. The order of gluing decorative elements is absolutely arbitrary, in this case it all depends on the imagination of the creator.

Easy option

To create this composition you will need:

  • Plastic flowerpot.
  • Napkins.
  • PVA glue.

This master class begins with cleaning the flowerpot from dust and dirt. Then we moisten the napkins in glue and attach to the surface of the pot. The product is left overnight for the glue to dry. After that, we cover the flower pot with acrylic paint or gouache. It is recommended to paint the product not with a brush, but with a piece of foam rubber to thoroughly cover the surface with paint.

Since napkins absorb moisture well, it is recommended to paint the flowerpot in two or three passes. Then the paint will ideally paint over the entire surface of the product.

Using coffee beans

Recently, designers often use for decoration various items regular coffee beans. This is available material, which is sure to be in every home.

To create an original product you will need:

  • Flowerpot.
  • Coffee beans.
  • Sackcloth.
  • Glue.

First of all, we glue the container prepared, cleaned of dust and dirt, with burlap from top to half. Cover the bottom with coffee beans. We complement the combined decor with a beautiful braid tied in the middle of the flowerpot. We wait until the glue dries, and use ready product in the photo, by appointment.

original mosaic

For creative individuals who want to decorate their home unusual crafts handmade, it is recommended to decorate a flower pot with a mosaic of multi-colored pebbles. This is a rather lengthy process that requires special attention.

Decorating flower pots with your own hands is a fascinating activity that allows you to turn banal, inconspicuous or simply boring clay and plastic pots into exquisite decor elements.

The ideal material for decorating is untreated clay pots without painting and decorations: they are inexpensive and the plants feel just fine in them, while plastic containers do not have sufficient porosity, and therefore do not pass to the root system required amount air. For original decoration flower pots, almost all hand-made techniques are applicable, ranging from artistic painting and decoupage, and ending with crackle. A rich imagination, diligence and golden hands can create real miracles! We offer you several interesting ideas to help you breathe new life in nondescript pots and flowerpots.

Decorating flower pots with egg shells using the crackle technique

Crackle - a pattern of thin cracks on the surface ceramic product which is created with special means for decorative effect antiquity. Usually, craquelure varnishes are used for crackle, but we will use shells from boiled eggs. You can mix shell white and beige colour. If desired, the shell can generally be painted in any shade. Before work, the shell must be washed in warm water, degreased in a solution of baking soda and dried. For a natural white or beige shell, a dark base is ideal, so if necessary, a light pot can be painted with dark acrylic paint.

We apply PVA glue on the surface of the pot and lay the shell on it with the convex side up, cover it with a napkin or paper and press lightly so that the shells stick tightly and become covered with craquelures - a network of cracks. To make the cracks wider, the shell pieces can be slightly pushed apart. The resulting ornament is covered with ink. As soon as it penetrates deep enough into the cracks of the shell, remove its excess with a slightly damp cloth. The paint will remain only in the cracks, and the shell itself will take on its original appearance. For durability, cover the pot with varnish.

Flower pot decor in oriental style

As in the previous version, here we will also use the eggshell crackle technique, and we will also have to delve a little into Chinese or Japanese hieroglyphics in order to select and beautifully draw symbols with actual meaning. For decoration, in addition to a flower pot, you will need eggshells, acetone, PVA glue, acrylic paints and acrylic varnish.

1. Thoroughly wash the pot and degrease it with acetone. We cover the prepared pot with silver paint. When the paint dries, cover the middle part of the pot with two layers of white paint.

2. We select hieroglyphs that are suitable in meaning and draw them with black paint on four sides of the pot. For example, you can draw the following symbols:

3. Remove the inner film from the eggshell and paint part of the shell black.

4. Let's start creating craquelure around the hieroglyphs: small plot we spread it with glue, apply a piece of shell to the surface, press it with our fingers so that the shell cracks and, using a toothpick or any suitable object, carefully push the shell apart, thereby creating space between the cracks. Similarly, lay out the entire surface between the hieroglyphs.

5. On the lower rim, painted with silver paint, lay out the craquelure with white shells.

6. When the pot with craquelure dries, cover it with several layers of varnish.

How to decorate a flower pot with a mosaic

To create a mosaic, we need colored pebbles, glass or pebbles, hot glue or regular PVA glue, tile grout, a small brush and varnish.

1. It is desirable that the pebbles or glass pieces be at least two colors, then you can try to post some interesting drawing. Before starting work with the pot, the invented drawing should be laid out on paper, if necessary, mark the pot and only then transfer the image to the surface of the pot.

2. First of all, we glue the drawing, and then we take on the background. Using hot glue will greatly speed up the process.

3. When the pebbles are thoroughly glued, we apply grout for the tile, thoroughly smearing the entire pot. If at the same time individual elements fall away, don't worry. They can be glued in a day, when the grout is completely dry.

4. 10-15 minutes after applying the grout, when it dries a little, with a wet cloth we begin to wash it off the glass or pebbles. After 24 hours, if the grout mixture dries out a lot, apply another layer, wipe it again and wait another day.

5. All that remains for us is to open the pot with varnish, “settle” a plant in it and admire the creation of our own hands!

If the surface is completely laid out with pebbles, grout is not necessary. An interesting mosaic is obtained from pieces of ceramic tiles, broken dishes, shells or seeds. Shells are glued using papier-mache: newspaper or toilet paper tear it into small pieces and mix it with glue, fill the shells to the top with the resulting mass and leave them to dry for a day, after that we grease the shells with glue and put them on a pot, pressing lightly.

How to decorate flower pots using decoupage technique

Colorful motifs cut from ordinary table napkins will help create a picture effect on the decorated item.

1. We paint the surface of the pot with acrylic paint suitable color. Bright colorful motifs will look most advantageous on a plain nuanced background.

2. Cut out one or more motifs you like from a multilayer napkin. We divide the napkin into layers. To work, we only need upper layer with the selected pattern.

3. We put the drawing on the pot (dry drawing on a dry surface!), Smooth it out and, using a brush, carefully cover it with PVA glue diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1, moving from the center to the edges so that there are no wrinkles and folds.

4. When the glue dries, cover the pot with clear varnish. The upper rim of the pot can be originally decorated with sisal, raffia threads or dry grass.

For decoupage, you can use not only paper napkins, but also any printing products, fabrics, lace.

Decoration of flower pots with sisal

Sisal can be an excellent decoration for a pot. Lubricate the surface of the pot with building glue and lay sisal threads in a circle. A piquant highlight can be a pigtail woven from the same material and glued to a pot wrapped in sisal.

Making a rustic flower pot

For modest flowers, reminiscent of field or meadow, a pot decorated with twigs will be an ideal “house”. For this simple but very unusual decor we need thin, even branches with a pleasant texture, burlap, a not very wide pot or jar with even sides, twine. We cut the branches so that they are slightly higher than the pot. We tie the branches with twine. We wrap the pot with burlap, sewing the ends together or fixing them with hot glue. On top of the burlap we wrap the pot with tied branches, connecting the ends with twine bows.

Decorating antique pots: how to create a patina effect

A couple of simple manipulations and the most common clay pot become an antique rarity. How? One, two, three!

1. Degrease the surface of the pot with any alcohol-containing liquid and carefully process sandpaper with 70 grit.

2. We cover the pot with moisture-resistant putty with careless strokes and let it dry.

3. We apply swamp-colored paint over the putty. When it dries, use 100 grit sandpaper to lightly rub over the places where the putty lay too thick. Well, now your pot looks like it was dug up during excavations. ancient rome!

Original decor of flower pots and planters

  • Moss and cones.

  • Birch bark.

  • To keep your green friends always warm and cozy, knit cute blouses for them or simply use sleeves from an old knitted sweater to make covers.

  • For a container with geraniums, a rustic “suit” made of burlap and buttons is perfect. We make a pattern, wrap the pot with burlap in several layers, mask the crumbling edges and decorate the “suit” with large decorative buttons, best of all - wooden ones. For a strong fixation of the burlap on the planter, we thread and fasten a tourniquet or elastic band along the upper edge.

  • We paste over the pot with simple pencils with an elastic band of the same color and size, and decorate the composition with a satin and organza bow.
