What are insecticides. Veterinary preparations for dogs and cats, as well as other domestic and farm animals

Insectoacaricides- preparations of chemical or biological origin, intended to combat simultaneously with harmful insects and ticks.

contact, causing the death of insects upon contact of the substance with any part of it;

intestinal, causing poisoning of harmful insects when poison enters the body with food;

systemic, able to move through the vascular system of the plant and poison the insects that eat it;

fumigants acting on insects in the vapor state through the respiratory system.

As insectoacaricides, substances belonging to various classes of chemical compounds are used: organochlorine - halogen derivatives of aliphatic, alicyclic, aromatic hydrocarbons; organophosphorus; derivatives of carbamanic, thio- and dithiocarbamic acids (carbamates); synthetic pyrethroids, etc.

It should be noted that representatives of the same class may have different active and toxic properties with a similar chemical structure. Each substance has characteristic features and differs from its relatives less often in direction, more often in the strength of insectoacaricidal and toxic effects. Despite these differences, representatives of the same class of compounds have similar properties and very often the same primary mechanisms of action.

For many insectoacaricides, maximum permissible residual amounts in food products and methods for their determination. At the same time, in order to prevent meat products containing residues of insectoacaricides from getting into humans, the slaughter of animals is allowed 15-65 days after stopping the drugs. The meat of cattle forcedly slaughtered during the treatment period is used in accordance with clause 68 of the Rules for the Veterinary Inspection of Slaughter Animals.

Many insectoacaricides have negative properties: hepatoxic (COS, FOS), carcinogenic (carbamates), mutagenic (hexachlorocyclohexane, DCVF, chlorophos, neocidol, etc.) and teratogenic (chlorophos, diphos, TMTD, sevin, etc.) actions .

For veterinary practice great importance have phosphorus-containing, organochlorine, carbamate compounds and pyrethroids.

Organophosphorus compounds (OPs)

The mechanism of action of FOS on insects and mammals is the same and consists in the inhibition of cholinesterase, the physiological role of which in the body is very important. Cholinesterase, destroying excess acetylcholine, which is a mediator of nerve impulses, ensures the balance of cholinergic systems. The blockade of cholinesterase caused by an organophosphorus insecticide leads to the accumulation of an excess amount of acetylcholine and poisoning of the body with characteristic nicotine-like (excitation, twitching and muscle paralysis) and muscarine-like (nausea, vomiting, tearing and salivation, increased intestinal motility, diarrhea, frequent urination, bronchospasm, miosis, pulmonary edema) symptoms.

In case of insect poisoning, a tremor of the whole body (mainly the limbs), a disorder of coordination of movements with a loss of the ability to fly are observed: in some cases, for example, in horseflies, defecation is observed, and in gadflies, frequent release of the ovipositor, paralysis and death.

DDVF (dichlorvos, dnchlorvos, chlorovinyl phos). Chemically pure preparation — colorless mobile liquid; the technical preparation is a light brown liquid. It dissolves in water up to 1%. Relatively quickly hydrolyzes in acidic and alkaline environments with the formation of dichloroacetaldehyde, dimethylphosphoric acid and some other compounds. Due to its high volatility (145 mg/m) at an air temperature of 20 "C, it can easily enter the body through the respiratory tract of animals, intact skin and cause complications.

Chlorophos (trichlorfon, dschgerex). A white crystalline powder with a melting point of 83-84 "C. It is readily soluble in water (12.3%) and in most organic solvents (for example, in chloroform, benzene). It is poorly soluble in hexane and pentane. It quickly decomposes in the light, and also in an alkaline environment, where dehydrochlorination occurs.In an acidic environment, it is more resistant.Deadly affects insects and helminths.In terms of strength and speed of insecticidal action, it is much inferior to DDVF.Applied to treat animals against flying insects.Cows are treated after milking.

Neocidol (bazudin, diazinon). In its pure form - a colorless oil with a slight pleasant smell; technical preparation - oil of yellowish or light brown color. It is poorly soluble in water (40 mg/l at 20°C) and well soluble in most organic solvents.

Apply only to the treatment of sheep against psoroptosis. Cattle cannot be processed. The drug is moderately toxic, but the main hydrolysis product of neocidol is diethylthiophosphoric acid and 2-isopropyl-4-methyl-6-hydroxypyrimidine. Under certain conditions, during its decomposition, very toxic metabolites are formed: dithiotetraethyl pyrophosphate; thiotetraethyl pyrophosphate and orthodiazinon (LD50 for rats when administered orally - 1 mg/kg of animal weight), which have anticholinesterase activity.

Hypodermin-chlorophos. 11.6% oil-alcohol solution of chloroph:; a. Transparent yellowish liquid with a slight aromatic odor. Shake it every time before use. It is used against the subcutaneous gadfly for treatment by watering cattle. Contraindicated in sick, severely emaciated animals, as well as in cows 2 weeks before calving.

Dioxaphos. 16% solution of chlorophos in an organic solvent.

It is used to treat cattle against subcutaneous gadfly by watering on the back with a thin stream on both sides of the spinal column from the withers to the sacrum of the animal.

Organochlorine compounds (XOCs)

The group of drugs used in agriculture with different purposes. In veterinary practice, chlorine derivatives of cyclic hydrocarbons (hexachlorocyclohexane and its analogs, the gamma isomer of HCCH, etc.) are most often used.

A characteristic feature of COS is high persistence, i.e. resistance to factors external environment. COS are stored in the soil for up to 1 year, and in livestock buildings for several months. At the same time, animal poisonings are often recorded in practice, due to their tendency to cumulate. Due to the fact that COS are lipotropic substances, they accumulate primarily in organs and tissues rich in lipids, well overcome the placental and blood-brain barriers. With alimentary intake, CHOS are well absorbed by the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, followed by the formation in the body of animal metabolites, the toxicity of which is unequal. In lactating animals, COS is excreted in milk.

In case of HOS poisoning, anxiety, general agitation and increased reflex sensitivity, salivation, muscle tremor, increased peristalsis and the appearance of convulsions are noted. There are no antidote drugs for COS poisoning, so symptomatic treatment is used. COS and especially the gamma isomer of HCCH are used together with creolin to treat the prevention of psoroptosis in sheep.

Gamma isomer of hexachlorocyclohexane (lindane, gammatox, etc.). Crystalline powder of whitish-cream color with a specific smell. Produced in the form of a powder with a different content of the gamma isomer. The manual "On measures to combat sarcoptoidosis (scabies) of farm animals" (1981) shows the ratio of the gamma isomer depending on its percentage with creolin.

Folbex (akar-338). In its pure form - light yellow crystals with a melting point of 36-37.5 ° C. Let's well dissolve in alcohol, acetone. Let's dissolve in water at 20 °C to 13 mg/l.

It is used to combat bee varroosis: insects are treated with it at an air temperature of at least 12 ° C, in the spring after the bees fly around, in the fall after honey is pumped out. The consumption of the drug is one strip for 6 nesting combs. Folbex should not be used later than 70 days before honey is extracted.


Phenolic-free creolin and stabilized creolin. In the first case - a mixture of coal oils and rosin, in the second - coal oils, rosin and bottom residues of butyl alcohols. Dark brown oily liquid with the smell of coal oils. Phenolic-free creolin thickens in the cold due to precipitation of naphthalene; the stabilized creolin in the cold retains its aggregate properties unchanged.

Activated Creolin. The composition of the preparation includes light-medium coal oil, rosin (sodium salts of abnetic and nimaric acids), ichthyol (sulfanatrium salts), water, 3% of the gamma isomer HCCH. It is a dark brown thickish liquid with a pungent odor of coal oils. A significant drawback of activated creolin is its high alkalinity (pH 11), which contributes to the gradual hydrolysis of the gamma isomer and a decrease in the acaricidal properties of the drug. In the cold season, a precipitate consisting of naphthalene precipitates in activated creolin. In the presence of sediment in the preparation, the barrels are heated to 35-40 ° C with open plugs until complete dissolution, without pouring the liquid part.

Please. 12-10% suspension of diphenyl disulfide in coal oil with the addition of surfactants: rosin or OP-7, OP-10 or neonol. Viscous dark liquid with the smell of creolin.

Used for the treatment and prevention of psoroptosis in sheep.

Treatment of animals in case of poisoning is carried out by washing the stomach with an aqueous suspension of coal, burnt magnesia or sodium thiosulfate; inside - saline laxatives.

pyrethrins and synthetic pyrethroids

Persistent chlorinated hydrocarbons (DDT, HCCH, etc.) and substances from the groups of organophosphorus compounds were replaced by the next generation of insecticides - synthetic pyrethroids - products of the modification of natural pyrethrin molecules. Like natural pyrethrins, pyrethroids are esterification products of cyclopropanecarboxylic acids, mainly substituted with alcohols of a certain structure.

Pyrethroids are characterized by relatively low consumption rates, relatively low persistence in the environment, which is of great hygienic importance, because it reduces the likelihood of biosphere pollution. Most wide use received decamethrin, permethrin, cypermethrin. These. pyrethroids have different toxicity for animals and humans, the most toxic are decamethrin and cypermethrin, which is explained by the presence of a CN group in their structure.

Permethrin (Ambush, Corsair). Preparative forms: stomazan (Hungarian drug) - 20% emulsion concentrate; kreopyr (composition of creolin and 2% permethrin or 2% stomazan); anometrin H (20% emulsion concentrate); pirvol (2% emulsion of permethrin on dioxanol).

Domestic permethrin is produced in the form of an oily liquid containing 84-85% of the active substance - (+) cis, trans-3- (2,2-dichlorovinyl) -2,2-dimethylcyclopropane carboxylic acid 3-phenoxybenzyl alcohol.

Cypermethrin (cymbush, ripcord, etc.). It is a mixture of 4 diastereomeric forms of cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl-3-(2,2-dichloro-rvinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropane-carboxylate, each present as a pair of enantiomers; its preparative form - kinmiks - 25% emulsion concentrate (Hungary); creoquine (2% emulsion of kinmiks on creolin) and various zooshampoos and insecticidal sticks based on this pyrethroid.

Decamethrin (deltamethrin). Preparative forms: decis, butox - (15)-a-cyano-3-phenoxy-benzyl [P, 3P-3-(2,2-dibromovinyl)]-2,2-dimethylcyclopropane-carboxylate. It is a white crystalline powder that enters the country in the form of preparative forms decis (2.5% emulsion concentrate) and butox (5% emulsion concentrate), from which various zoo shampoos and insecticidal sticks are prepared.


Deratization means.


1. General characteristics and classification of insectoacaricides.

2. Phosphorus organic compounds.

3. Organochlorine compounds, derivatives of carbamic acids.

4. Sulfur preparations.

5. Preparations of different chemical groups.

6. Deratization means.

General characteristics and classification of insectoacaricides

Insectoacaricides are preparations of chemical or biological origin, designed to combat harmful insects and mites.

By origin, they are divided into: organophosphorus compounds, organochlorine compounds, carbamates, synthetic pyrethroids and preparations of different groups.

Of the total volume of consumed insectoacaricides, OPs account for 43%, HOs - 17%, carbamates - 25%, and others 15%.

Different arthropods, as well as intermediate forms of their development, are not equally sensitive to pharmacological agents. Therefore, in addition to general concept insecticidal influence distinguish actions:

ovocidal - destruction of insect eggs,

larvicidal - destruction of larvae and caterpillars,

acaricidal - destruction of ticks;

insecticidal - extermination of insects.

Substances that repel insects from animals are called repellents, and means that attract insects - attractants.

According to the ways of penetration into the body of insects, they are divided into:

Contact, penetrating into the hemolymph through the cuticle of the insect;

Intestinal, entering the body of an insect through the digestive apparatus;

Fumigant, penetrating through the respiratory apparatus.

In recent years, attention has been paid to insecticides of systemic action. Introduced into the body of an animal enterally or parenterally in doses that are harmless to it, systemic insecticides kill gadfly larvae migrating in animal tissues.

Requirements for insecticides:

1. Should have a specific effect on arthropods at all stages of development when using minimal doses;

2. Maintain efficiency under various weather conditions;

3. Be economical;

4. Be safe (for service personnel and animals)

5. Should not have a long-term effect of action.

Insecticides are used in natural conditions in places of accumulation and breeding of insects, indoors and on the body of animals.

Apply them by spraying, dusting, bathing animals and aerosol treatment.

Insectoacaricides are used in the form of solutions, emulsions, lotions, suspensions, powders (dusts), aerosols, pur-ons, insecticidal ointments, insecticidal sticks, insecticidal soaps, zoo shampoos, films, tags, collars, smoke bombs.

The type of habitat of arthropods and the phase of ontogenesis determine the choice of means of control:

in the fight against sarcoptoid mites - buying and spraying animals;

with midges and horseflies - aerosol treatments and spraying;

with lice and fleas - insecticidal powders, shampoos, various soaps, etc.

- 2 - Phosphorus organic compounds (phos)

The compounds of this group are esters of a number of acids: phosphoric, thiophosphoric, dithiophosphoric, etc.

Advantages of FOS - a wide range of insecticidal action, low resistance in objects environment.

FOS are excreted unchanged through the respiratory tract (20 - 25%), with urine (30%).

FOS is characterized by the phenomenon of “lethal synthesis”, when more toxic metabolites are formed from less toxic parent drugs.

Chlorophos (neguwon, dipterex) Chlorophosum.

White crystalline powder, soluble in water and most organic solvents.

It has a detrimental effect on insects and helminths. Used to treat animals against flying insects. Cows are processed after milking. It has a high systemic activity. It kills the larvae of gadflies that are in the tissues of the animal, not only for internal, but also for external use.

Hypodermin-chlorophos Hypodermini-chlorophosum .

11.6% alcohol-oil solution of chlorophos.

Transparent yellowish liquid with a slight aromatic odor. It is used against the larvae of the subcutaneous gadfly by watering cattle at a dose of 16 ml - for animals weighing up to 200 kg and 24 ml - with a larger mass.

DDVF (dichlorvos, dichlorvos) DDVF.

Transparent colorless or slightly yellow liquid, poorly soluble in water.

It has a selective effect on insects, ticks, helminths. Included in the preparation "Estrozol".

Karbofos Carbophosum.

Colorless liquid. Used in the form of a 1% aqueous emulsion and 4% dust, Pedilin shampoo - to combat lice eggs and larvae, Carbosol aerosol.

Diazinon Diazinonum (neocidol, basudin).

In the Republic of Belarus, it is produced under the name "Ratsidol".

The treatment of cattle is carried out in a ratio of 1: 1000, sheep and pigs 1:2400.

Colorless oily liquid, poorly soluble in water.

Released in the form of 25 - 60% emulsion concentrate, 40% wettable powder, 5% dust.

Dursban, sulfidophos, foxim, trichlormetafos, phthalofos, etc. are also used.

Proteid Proteidum

The preparation contains 3% alpha-cypermethrin and 30% chlorfenvinphos emulsifiers and organic solvents.

Before use, the drug is diluted in a ratio of 1:1000.

Rateid rateidum

Insectoacaricidal drug, which is a transparent liquid of yellow or light brown color with a specific odor. Contains 5% cypermethrin, 30% chlorphenvinphos, emulsifiers and organic solvents.

The protective residual effect on the skin and hair of animals lasts up to 30 days.

Before use, rateid is mixed with water in a ratio of 1 part of the drug and 1000 parts of water (1: 1000).

Skosyrskikh L.N. 1 , Stolbova O.A. 2

1 ORCID:0000-0001-6208-6565, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor, 2 ORCID:0000-0002-4545-815X, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor, Researcher,

State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals, Tyumen

All-Russian Research Institute of Veterinary Entomology and Arachnology - branch of the Tyumen Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Tyumen



As a result of the research, it was found thaton the Russian market a wide range of drugs is presented - 143 items used for the treatment and prevention of arachnoentomiasis in domestic animals. Domestic manufacturers account for 81 insectoacaricidal preparations or56,6% . The most widely represented liquid dosage forms - 99 items or 69.2% of total number proposed drugs. The demand for insecticides and acaricides is formed mainly due to the recommendations of veterinarians (73%).

Keywords: medicines, insectoacaricides, mites, insects, animals.

Skosyrskikh L.N. 1, StolbovaO.A. 2

1 ORCID: 0000-0001-6208-6565, PhD in Veterinary Medicine and Science, Associate professor, 2 ORCID: 0000-0002-4545-815H, PhD in Veterinary Medicine and Science, Associate professor, Researcher,

State agricultural university of Northern Zauralie,Tyumen

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Entomology and Arachnology, Tyumen



The purpose of this work is the research of the modern Russian market the insektoakaritsidnykh of drugs of veterinary appointment and consumer preferences. As a result of the conducted researches it is established that the big range of medicinal preparations – 143 names applied to treatment and prophylaxis of arakhnoentomoz of pets is presented at the Russian market. 81 insectokaritsidny drugs or 56.6% fall to the share of domestic manufacturers. Liquid dosage forms – 99 names or 69.2% of the total number of the offered drugs are most widely presented. Demand for insectokaritsidny drugs is formed, mainly, at the expense of references of veterinarians (73%).

keywords: medicines, insectoacaricides, mites, insects, animals.

In modern conditions, pets are companions of a person in everyday life and in all areas of his activity. In many cases, domestic carnivores are members of the family of a modern city dweller, and therefore their health is a constant concern of a person (owner). Among domestic carnivores, diseases are recorded that are inherent not only to these animal species, but also common to other animals and humans, , , .

The purpose of this work is to study the modern Russian market of insecticides and acaricides for veterinary purposes and consumer preferences.

Materials and methods of research

The work was carried out at the Department of Non-Contagious Diseases of Agricultural Animals of the Institute of Biotechnology and Veterinary Medicine of the Northern Trans-Urals State Agrarian University (Tyumen) in the period 2015-2016. The assortment and nomenclature of insectoacaricides were studied on the example of the Vetlek Internet pharmacy located at Moscow, st. Lower Krasnoselskaya, 28; LLC "VETLEK" The pharmacy has a license to carry out pharmaceutical activities. Type of work (services) performed (provided) as part of the licensed type of activity: Wholesale medicinal products for veterinary use and their storage; Retail medicinal products for veterinary use and their storage. Customer service takes place through the website and the existing order desk. Accounting for consumer preferences when purchasing drugs for the treatment and prevention of arachnoentomoses was carried out by questioning visitors to veterinary pharmacies in the city of Tyumen.

Research results

When analyzing the wholesale-retail segment of the market for insecticides, it was found that the range medicines represented by 143 items: 56.6% of them are domestic production and 43.3% are imported.

The leaders in the proposal of insectoacaricides for veterinary use are: the Russian Federation - 81 drugs, Germany - 19 drugs, the Netherlands - 16, France - 16 (Figure 1).

Among domestic manufacturers, the largest organizations can be noted, which are CJSC NPF Ekoprom, LLC NPO Agrovetzashchita, LLC NPO API-SAN, LLC VEDA. Pharmbiomedservis, LLC NVP Astrapharm.

Rice. 1 - Countries producing insectoacaricides on the Russian market

In terms of the number of manufactured names of insectoacaricides, the leading position is occupied by Agrovetzashchita LLC, which has been operating on the domestic drug market for 23 years. Smallest number manufactured products belong Russian companies OOO SPC Fox and Co and CJSC Agrobioprom, which have also been on the Russian market for over 20 years (Figure 2).

The range of dosage forms of insectoacaricidal preparations presented in the Vetlek pharmacy is very wide: solutions for external (Amit forte, Binakar, Ivermek ON, Sanofly) and parenteral use (Aversect, Meradok), emulsion concentrates (Alpha VET, Delcid, Diazinon C, Butox, BayMite), suspensions (Butox), liniments (Demos), ointments (Aversetin), gels (Ivermek gel, Amidel-gel Neo), powders (Agita 100WG, BaitsidalWP25) and granules (Quick Byte) for suspensions, powders (Celandine) , oral tablets (NexgarD Spectra) and chewable (Bravecto), aerosols (ParaStop, Dermatol, Bolfo), collars (Bars, Bolfo, Kiltix, Inspector, etc.)

Rice. 2 - Manufacturers and the number of manufactured items of insecticides

According to research data, liquid dosage forms of insectoacaricidal preparations are the most widely represented (69.2%), the least - soft (3.5%) (Figure 3).

Rice. 3 - Dosage forms of insectoacaricidal preparations

To assess and analyze the demand for insecticides, a survey was conducted among owners of small pets. The survey asked respondents to answer the following questions:

  1. What insecticidal preparations and in what dosage form do you use for the treatment and prevention of arachnoentomoses?
  2. Why did you choose this drug? Answer options: A. On the recommendation of a doctor; B. By cost; B. For ease of use; G. Other.

According to the survey data, it was found that the most popular means among cat owners were the “Inspector” collar (22%), which contains fipronil as an active ingredient, and aversectin ointment (the active ingredient is aversectin C), also the respondents named “Amit forte” - a solution for external use based on fipronil (Figure 4).

Rice. 4 - Assessment of demand for insecticides and acaricides among cat owners in the city of Tyumen

Among dog owners, chewable tablets "Bravecto" (40%) and drops on the withers "Frontline" (30%) are most popular, drops "Bars" and "Inspectortotal S" are less in demand (Figure 5).

Rice. 5 - Assessment of demand for insecticides and acaricides among dog owners in the city of Tyumen

During the survey, it was found that the respondents, making a choice in favor of any drug, follow the recommendations of a veterinarian73%. Also, when choosing a drug, pet owners are guided by its cost and ease of use.

Rice. 6 - Factors influencing the choice of insecticides

For the prevention and treatment of arachnoentomosis in cats, owners more often use domestic preparations, while domestic and imported preparations are in the same demand among owners (Figure 7).

Rice. 7 - The share of domestic and imported insecticides and acaricides according to the results of the survey

Among the dosage forms, according to a survey of pet owners, spoton solutions (drops at the withers), tablets and collars are the most popular. will be able to lick; for tablets - their speed (the tablet is effective already 4 hours after application) and the duration of exposure - it is recommended to repeat the treatment after 3-4 weeks from ticks and after 2-3 months from insects. Insectoacaricidal collars for dogs and cats are also popular, their main advantage is a relatively low price, while the disadvantage is the need for the animal to wear a collar all the time.

Conclusion. Thus, a wide range of drugs is presented on the Russian market - 143 items used for the treatment and prevention of arachnoentomiasis in domestic animals. Domestic manufacturers account for 81 insectoacaricidal drugs, or 56.6%. The most widely represented liquid dosage forms - 99 items or 69.2% of the total number of drugs offered. The demand for insecticides and acaricides is formed mainly due to the recommendations of veterinarians (73%).

References / References

References in English /Referencesin English

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  4. Kerbabaev Je.B. Arahnojentomozy sel'skohozjajstvennyh zhivotnyh /Je.B.Kerbabaev, F.I.Vasilevich, T.S. Kataeva //Uchebnoe posobie dlja vuzov. - M., 2000. - 136 p.
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  6. Stolbova O.A. Insekticidnajaj effektivnost’ preparatov pri ktenocefalidoze u sobak v uslovijah goroda Tjumeni / O.A. Stolbova, D.S. 2017. - T. 231. - P.136-139.
  7. Stolbova O.A. Akaricidnaja aktivnost’ preparata “abifipr” pri demodekoze krupnogo rogatogo skota /O.A.Stolbova, L.N.Skosyrskih //Vestnik Krasnojarskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta. 2016. - No. 1 (112). – P.145-149.
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The article provides an overview of all the main medications as well as other methods of combating tick-borne piroplasmosis. The article was compiled on the basis of many other similar reviews and, thus, the goal here was to combine all the information available on the Internet from other articles and present it concisely and in an accessible way.
When starting to study the article, the reader should remember that there is no way to eliminate the risk of infection with piroplasmosis by 100%, just as no remedy can protect a dog from tick bites by 100%. It is only possible to minimize the risks as much as possible. Each individual section of this article is written primarily to provide advice on how to mitigate these risks. The main emphasis is on insectoacaricides - anti-tick preparations for dogs. However, other means have also been considered. In all cases, the first task was to present the information so that the reader could use the information presented to reduce the risk of infection with piroplasmosis.
All tabular data that you will see in the article in pictures, as well as some statistics are presented in the .
I draw your attention to the fact that the toxicity class on the diagram is given in arbitrary units and does not correspond to the existing classification of hazard classes of toxic substances.
References to sources are numbered. In case the link becomes invalid over time, all materials are saved in pdf files on this page.
The article is still in review and edit mode.


I bring to your attention the most complete review of all existing insectoacaricides - anti-tick preparations for dogs at the moment. Almost all the products of this type currently on the market will be listed here.

Chemical means from ticks according to the active substance

There are several fundamentally different products against ticks on the market. The main thing you need to know about them: each anti-mite agent is created on the basis of one or another active substance. Consider existing types active substances and their differences from each other.

Chemicals: natural essential oils

Temporarily in development

The lower the P-rating, the lower the risk of lick poisoning. Of course, one should not draw any far-reaching conclusions on the basis of this table, since this is essentially a measurement of boas in parrots. Also, note that permethrin oral NOEL dosing does not take into account the risk of skin reactions, so in practice fipronil may be the most reliable agent based on skin reactions.
When treating dogs of small breeds, young, old and lactating dogs, the risk of complications increases. The downside of dosing (for large dogs) is that there is a danger of applying a dose below the safe containment level, which will weaken the protection.

  • Toxicity to other species: Toxicity may be low in dogs but high in cats, birds and other animals. A summary table of toxicity to various animals is given in the table

    If the dog and cat live in the same area, then collars based on substances dangerous to cats should be abandoned, since the cat will be under the constant influence of the collar. As for drops and sprays, it is necessary to exclude the communication of a cat and a dog during the treatment and not carry out the spray treatment in the apartment.
  • There are the following chemical classes of insectoacaricides: organophosphates, amidines, carbamates, lactones, pyrethroids, phenylpyrazoles, isoxazolines. In addition, there is a separate group of synergistic substances that enhance the effect of other pesticides. Substances of one chemical grade have a similar molecular structure and the same mechanism of action. Differences between substances within groups are in small details, such as toxicity, degradability under the influence of light, and some others.
  • At the end, here is the whole table again:

    Groups of insectoacaricides

    Phosphorus organic compounds (FOS, organophosphates)

    • Toxicity: very high (chemical warfare agents, assigned I-II class hazard to humans), are easily absorbed through the mucous membranes, damaged and intact skin, irritate the skin. They are classified as carcinogenic group 2A - 2B according to the IARC classification ("probably carcinogenic to humans"). FOS are irreversible inhibitors (acetylcholinesterase) of the mechanisms of transmission of nerve impulses. That is, they suppress chemical reactions, which are mechanisms for the transmission of nerve impulses in cells without the possibility of restoring these reactions through detoxification mechanisms. This causes a cumulative effect that accumulates over time. For all these reasons, as well as due to the low margin of safety at the dosage at the moment, in European countries and the USA, FOS is being abandoned, replacing them with more modern means.
    • Symptoms of poisoning: salivation, tearing, excessive sweating, pupil constriction, uncontrolled eye movements, nausea, vomiting (especially in dogs), diarrhea, tenesmus (false urge to defecate), fecal incontinence, bradycardia (low pulse), low blood pressure, bronchospasm , cough, tachypnea (rapid shallow breathing), shortness of breath (difficulty breathing), frequent urination, anxiety accompanied by depression, trembling, ataxia (uncoordinated movements), muscle spasms, paralysis, lethargy, fatigue, convulsions and coma. Death due to paralysis of the respiratory muscles and pulmonary edema.
    • Impact on the tick: contact. Causes: impaired motor function -> paralysis -> death. The anti-mite effect is relatively low in terms of effectiveness
    • Repellent properties: not mentioned
    • Effects on other animals: dangerous to cats, bees, fish, birds and dogs
    • Forms of exposure: to varying degrees (depending on the type of animal, place of application and dosage), FOS are absorbed into the blood through the skin. The simply amazing fact is that diazinon was produced (and is produced?) in drops and sprays. In particular, drops of Dana and Beaphar are known. In these drugs, diazinon is many times, thousands of times higher than the dosage of LOEL, and it can be assumed that the use of the above drops causes poisoning with a high probability.
    • Substances used: diazinon (diazinon, dimpylate, dimpilat), tetrachlorvinphos (Tetrachlorvinphos, TCVP).
    • Spectrum of action of diazinon and tetrachlorvinphos: ixodid ticks, fleas, lice, sarcoptoid and demodectic mites, mosquitoes, flies
    List of drugs based on FOS
    • beaphar Flea Drops
    • beaphar Collar
    • CEVA Elegant protection collar
    • UltraGuard spray
    • UltraGuard Plus Spray
    • Ultraguard collar
    • UltraGuard Plus Collar
    • Dana drops
    • Celandine Collar
    • Preventef Collar
    • FLEAS & TICKS COLLAR collar
    • LONGLIFE flea and tick collar
    • Trixie collar
    • Doctor ZOO collar

    Carbamates: propoxur

    • Toxicity: Less toxic than FOS (assigned II-III hazard class for humans). Carbamates, unlike FOS, are reversible inhibitors (acetylcholinesterase) of the mechanisms of transmission of nerve impulses. This means that although carbamates have exactly the same mechanism of action as FOS, they are eliminated from the body through detoxification and the risk of cumulative effects is lower. In addition, according to the level of carcinogenicity, they are not classified as known or possible carcinogens. There are experiments in which the formation of tumors in rats was shown, but subsequent experiments did not confirm these results. In some experiments, it was also found that propoxur inhibits the reproductive functions of rats and has an embryonic effect. Carbamates have a higher dosing safety margin,
    • Symptoms of poisoning: the same as FOS, but the complications are less serious.
    • Information about resistance: cross-resistance with carbamates due to a similar mechanism of action, cross-resistance with pyrethroids is possible, the likelihood of tick resistance is high. Flea resistance is widespread.
    • Impact on the tick: contact. Causes: impaired motor function -> paralysis -> death. Efficiency against mites: average, higher than that of FOS.
    • Repellent properties: not noted
    • Effects on other animals: Toxic to birds and bees, to a lesser extent to fish. When applied to the skin, it is not dangerous for dogs and cats if the risk of licking is excluded.
    • Forms of exposure: propoxur is not absorbed by the skin, lingering mainly on the hairline. Propoxur is not available in drops, but is widely used in collars, which is relatively safe in principle.
    • The spectrum of action of propoxur: ixodid ticks, fleas, lice, sarcoptoid and demodectic mites, mosquitoes, flies
    List of drugs based on carbamates
    • Bolfo Collar
    • Bolfo Spray
    • KILTIX Collar
    • PROMERIS DUO drops
    • Preventive collar
    • Sergeant "s dual action collar
    • Sergeant's Bansect collar
    • Zodiac Flea & Tick collar
    • dooda flea & tick collar
    • BIO SPOT Active Care Collar
    • Drop Certificate
    • Bolfix bolfix collar
    • Kilfley KILLFLEA collar

    Amidines: amitraz

    In some sources, amitraz is classified as a carbamate, probably because amidines are also derivatives of carboxylic acids. Apparently, this is not a correct classification and amitraz should be attributed to a class of substances separate from carbamates.

    List of drugs based on phenylpyrazoles

    • Frontline Spot On (Russian market)
    • Frontline TopSpot (US market)
    • Frontline Plus (US market)
    • Frontline Combo (market of Russia)
    • Frontline Spray
    • Mr.Bruno Drops
    • Mr.Bruno Gentle protection spray
    • PRAC-TIC drops
    • ROLF CLUB drops
    • ROLF CLUB collar
    • Bars forte drops
    • Bars forte spray
    • Leopard collar
    • BlochNet drops
    • Blochnet spray
    • Dana Ultra drops
    • Fiprex drops
    • Fiprex spray
    • Celandine Drops
    • Celandine MAXIMUM Drops
    • Celandine MAXIMUM Collar
    • Drop Certificate
    • INSPECTOR drops
    • Fiprist drops
    • Fiprist spray
    • IN-AP complex drops
    • Pet Armor Plus Drops
    • Pronyl drops
    • Sentry Fiproguard Drops
    • FleaClear Spot On drops
    • Eliminall drops
    • Pestigon drops
    • Sentry Fiproguard Spray
    • Rexolin Plus (Reksolin) drops
    • HELP / Super HELP collar
    • Barrier-super drops
    • drop outpost
    • Effipro drops
    • Effitix drops
    • ROLF CLUB spray
    • First Defense drops


    Isoxazolines are a new group of pesticides that appeared on the Russian market in 2015. They are available in the form of tablets. Active substance from tablets being absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, reaches the systemic circulation. It begins to act 4 hours after application, the death of fleas 8 hours after attaching to the host organism, ticks - 12 hours later.
    • Toxicity: isoxazolines have two sites (sites) of action - they are non-competitive antagonists of GABA receptors of nerve cells (having a strong selectivity towards insects and weak towards mammals), as well as blockers of chloride channels of nerve and muscle cells. The "non-competitiveness" of an antagonist means that this action is much more difficult to overcome by means of resistance mechanisms based on metabolic acceleration: a conventional competitive antagonist can be "washed out" by a large volume of ligands, while the action of a non-competitive antagonist cannot be overcome by an increase in ligand volumes. No mutagenic effects were noted, carcinogenic tests were not carried out, embryonic effects were noted in rats at high doses. In general, the toxic hazard of isoxazolines is considered low, tests have shown that isoxazolines have a fivefold margin of safety (poisoning symptoms appear after a fivefold overdose).
    • Symptoms of poisoning: Vomiting (~4%), dry skin (~3%), diarrhea (~3%), lethargy (~1.5%), eating disorders (anorexia) (~1.2%)
    • Resistance information: unknown
    • Effect on the tick: exclusively intestinal, i.e. begin to act after the tick begins to drink blood. Cause: Paralysis -> Death
    • Repellent properties: none
    • Effects on other animals: not noted
    • Known Substances: fluralaner (Bravecto), afoxolaner (Nexgard)
    • Spectrum of action: ixodid ticks, fleas
    Adding to all this, isoxazolines are great for blending because they are not applied to the skin and thus do not conflict with other substances in any way. Together with isoxazolines, it is advisable to use agents that have a repellant effect (those agents that are more likely to prevent tick bites). Isoxazolines are also great for dogs that like to bathe frequently (because they obviously cannot be washed off the skin, unlike other products)


    The article is in constant addition and editing mode, so when reposting, keep in mind that you are most likely reposting outdated information. Better give a link to the article than a repost.
    Last modified: 06/04/2015

    1. Insectoacaricides.

    2. Deratization means.

    The organism of arthropods is a specific environment where pathogens, in addition to the mechanical presence, can go through phases of their development, accumulating biomass, preparing for a change of host. With their help, pathogens of bacterial infections such as tularemia, brucellosis, listeriosis, leptospirosis, protozoal and helminthic infections are transmitted.

    Insectoacaricides are preparations of chemical or biological origin, designed to combat harmful insects and mites.

    By origin, they are divided into: organophosphorus compounds, organochlorine compounds, carbamates, synthetic pyrethroids and preparations of different groups.

    Of the total volume of consumed insectoacaricides, OPs account for 43%, HOs - 17%, carbamates - 25%, and others 15%.

    Different arthropods, as well as intermediate forms of their development, are not equally sensitive to pharmacological agents. Therefore, in addition to the general concept of insecticidal influence, actions are distinguished:

    ovocidal - destruction of insect eggs, larvicidal - destruction of larvae and caterpillars, acaricidal - destruction of mites, pesticide - a wide spectrum of action. Substances that repel insects from animals are called repellents, and agents that attract insects are called attractants.

    According to the ways of penetration into the body of insects, they are divided into contact, drooping into the hemolymph through the cuticle of the insect; intestinal, entering the body of an insect through the digestive apparatus, and fumigant, penetrating through the respiratory apparatus. In recent years, attention has been paid to insecticides of systemic action. Introduced into the body of an animal enterally or parenterally in doses that are harmless to it, systemic insecticides kill gadfly larvae migrating in animal tissues.

    Requirements for insecticides:

    1. Have a specific effect on arthropods at all stages of development, and when using minimal doses;

    2. Possess persistence ability;

    3. Maintain efficiency under various weather conditions;

    4. Profitability;

    5. Safety for service personnel;

    6. Should not have a long-term effect of action.

    If a few years ago the main indicator limiting their use was their toxicity and persistence in the environment, today the long-term effect of action comes to the fore: mutagenic, teratogenic, carcinogenic, etc.

    The mechanism of action of insecticides is different. Some of them break the chitinous cover of the insect, others change the function of the respiratory or digestive organs. But the most effective is the violation of individual links of metabolism after the resorption of drugs.

    Insecticides are used in natural conditions in places of accumulation and breeding of insects, indoors and on the body of animals.

    They are used by spraying, dusting, applying to the surface of the body with the help of purons (watering animals along the spine with compositions of organic solvents and pesticides), bathing animals and aerosol treatment.

    Insecticides are used in the form of solutions, emulsions, lotions, suspensions, powders (dusts), aerosols, purons, insecticidal ointments, insecticidal sticks, insecticidal soaps, zoo shampoos, films, tags, ear numbers, collars, smoke bombs.

    The type of habitat of arthropods and the phase of ontogenesis determine the choice of means of control:

    * in the fight against sarcaptoid mites - buying and spraying animals;

    * with midges and horseflies - checkers, tablets, cords, aerosol preparations;

    * with lice and fleas - insecticidal powders, shampoos, various soaps, etc.

    In connection with the prohibition of the use of persistent and highly toxic chemical compounds, the sanitary and toxicological significance of these pesticides has significantly decreased, but their danger to living objects of nature is still quite high, which adversely affects the environment.

    Handling them requires clarity, punctuality, correct preparation of working solutions, compliance with the terms and doses of their use. Particular attention should be paid to the observance of personal hygiene conditions and compliance with these requirements by all livestock workers. The physician must be well aware of the toxicity of insecticides to animals and, if the very first signs of poisoning appear, promptly apply the appropriate antidote.

    Phosphorus organic compounds.

    The compounds of this group are esters of a number of acids: phosphoric, thiophosphoric, dithiophosphoric.

    The advantages of FOS are a wide range of insecticidal action, low resistance in environmental objects.

    Two groups: contact and systemic action.

    Contact drugs include chlorophos, trichlormetafos-3, karbofos, baytex, metaphos, fusalon, gardona, neocidol, etc.

    To drugs of systemic action - antio, amifos, phosphamide, phospholidone, etc.

    Some drugs - phosphamide, antio, have a contact and systemic effect.

    Influenced by physical and chemical factors external environment, FOS undergo isomerization, transalkylation, in the process of which more active and toxic compounds are formed. In the body, they undergo oxidative desulfurization (elimination of sulfur bound to the phosphorus atom and its replacement with oxygen), the formation of conjugates with glucuronic and sulfuric acids, glutamine is possible. FOS are excreted unchanged through the respiratory tract (20-25%), with urine (30%).

    The mechanism of action of FOS on insects and mammals is the same and consists in inhibition of cholinesterase, which leads to excessive accumulation of acetylcholine and disruption of the transmission of nerve impulses, which is expressed by short-term excitation, and then paralysis nervous system.

    In insects, there is a tremor of the body (mainly the limbs), a disorder of coordination of movement with a loss of the ability to fly, paralysis, and death.

    Chlorophos (neguwon, dipterex)

    White crystalline powder, soluble in water and most organic solvents.

    It has a detrimental effect on insects and helminths. Used to treat animals against flying insects. Cows are processed after milking. It has a high systemic activity. It kills the larvae of gadflies that are in the tissues of the animal, not only for internal, but also for external use.

    Hypodermin - chlorophos


    11.6% alcohol-oil solution of chlorophos.

    Transparent yellowish liquid with a slight aromatic odor. It is used against the larvae of the subcutaneous gadfly by watering cattle at a dose of 16 ml - for animals weighing up to 200 kg and 24 ml - with a larger mass.


    16% solution of chlorophos in an organic solvent. Dose 12 ml and 16 ml (similar to hypoderminchlorophos).

    DDVF (dichlorphos dichlorvos)

    Transparent colorless or slightly yellow liquid, poorly soluble in water.

    It has a selective effect on insects, ticks, helminths.


    Colorless liquid. Used in the form of a 1% aqueous emulsion and 4% dust, Pedilin shampoo - to combat lice eggs and larvae, Carbosol aerosol.


    Diazinonum (neocidol, basudin).

    Colorless oily liquid, poorly soluble in water.

    Released in the form of 25 - 60% emulsion concentrate, 40% wettable powder, 5% dust.

    Dursban, sulfidophos, foxim, trichlormetafos, phthalofos, etc. are also used.

    organochlorine compounds.

    Organochlorine compounds are a group of drugs used in agriculture for various purposes. In veterinary practice, chlorine derivatives of cyclic hydrocarbons are most often used.

    Their characteristic feature is high persistence, i.e. resistance to the influence of environmental factors.

    These are lipotropic substances.

    These are mainly powders, less often liquids, poorly soluble in water, good in organic solvents and oils.

    Mechanism of insectoacaricidal action:

    easily penetrate into the hemolymph, tissue cells, undergo dechlorination with the formation of free radical and peroxide compounds that destroy cellular structures. Like FOS, they block acetylcholinesterase.

    Until recently, HCCH was used. Since 1989, its use has been banned.


    Auricanum. Ear drops (Hungary).

    Slightly colored liquid with slight opalescence.

    Due to the multicomponent composition, it is effective in case of ear diseases in dogs and cats (microbial otitis media, otodectosis).

    Instill 10 drops in each ear for 7 days.

    prednisolone sodium - 0.03 g;

    hexamidine isothionate - 0.05 g;

    tetracaine hydrochloride - 0.2 g;

    lindane (HCCH) - 0.1 g;

    xylene 0.5 g;

    glycerin - 2 g;

    distilled water up to 100 ml.

    Gamma isomer of hexachlorocyclohexane (lindane)

    Crystalline powder of whitish-cream color with a specific smell.

    Used in combination with creolin.

    Folbeks (akar - 338). In its pure form - light yellow crystals. Let's well dissolve in alcohol. Used to combat bee varroosis.


    By biological activity they are very close to FOS, they inhibit cholinesterase.

    Their positive property is relatively fast decomposability in the external environment.

    In veterinary practice found application:

    Baigon (proposcur, unden, aprocarb).

    White crystalline substance, highly soluble in organic solvents.

    An effective means of combating mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches and other insects, as well as ticks. It is used against mosquitoes and flies in the form of a 2% aqueous emulsion with a consumption rate of 100 ml / m 2.

    Release form - 80% and 20% emulsion concentrate, 1% dust and other forms (Bayer).

    Bolfo-powder (1% proposcur) - animals are powdered 2-3 times a week;

    Bolfo-shampoo - buying within 5 - 10 minutes;

    Bolfo collar;

    Bolfo-spray (cans), etc.


    White powder, insoluble in water, produced in the form of 50 - 80% wettable powder or 7.5% dust.

    It is used in the form of 0.5 - 1% suspension, in the form of 2% and 7.5% dusts.

    Sulfur preparations.

    Sulfur and its compounds are among the most important classes of pesticides. The introduction of sulfur into organic acaricides leads to an increase in the effectiveness and a decrease in the toxicity of the drug for warm-blooded animals.

    Sulfur as an element has almost no effect on the animal organism, but interacting with alkalis and proteins, it turns into active compounds. On the skin and in the digestive tract, there are all conditions for the formation of such active compounds. For example, when sulfur is used on the skin, hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide are partially formed, which act as acaricidal, antiseptic and irritate the skin's exteroreceptors.

    The presence of biologically active properties in organic sulfur-containing compounds is known: thiophenols, sulfides, disulfides. Aromatic disulfides have strong acaricidal properties.

    Sulfur purified

    Sulfur depuratum.

    Lemon yellow powder.

    Pimenyaetsya for the treatment of scabies, trichophytosis, dermatitis in the form of 10 - 30% ointments, liniments, dusts. When ingested, it irritates intestinal interoreceptors, which contributes to the manifestation of a laxative effect. It is also used as an antidote for a number of poisonings.

    cattle - 100 - 200 g;

    small cattle - 50 - 100 g;

    dogs - 10 - 15 g;

    pigs - 15 - 25 g.

    Sulfur precipitated

    Sulfur praecipitatum.

    The smallest powder, easily absorbed when administered orally, which can lead to poisoning. It is applied externally in the form of 5-20% ointments.

    Sodium thiosulfate

    Sodium thiosulfas.

    White crystalline powder, highly soluble in water.

    At intravenous administration has antitoxic, anti-inflammatory, antidote effect (in case of poisoning with cyanides, heavy metals). It is one of the components of the Demyanovich remedy used to treat scabies (first, the affected areas are treated with a 60% sodium thiosulfate solution, after which a 10% HCl solution is applied after drying).


    Release form - powder, tablets of 0.25 and 0.5 g, ampoule 5% solution in ampoules of 5 ml.

    The dose for intravenous administration is 10-20 mg/kg.

    In addition, sulfur and sulfur-lime dust, colloidal sulfur, colloidal sulfur paste are used.

    Plizol (diphenyl sulfide).

    Obtained as a by-product in the production of coal phenols.

    Homogeneous dark oily liquid.

    It is used as an acaricide for the treatment of sheep in the form of 0.5 - 1% emulsions.

    Lepran- sulfur-containing product of coal tar processing, containing 10 - 14% benzothiophene.

    Dark brown liquid with the smell of coal oil.

    The drug can be used for anti-scabies treatment of pregnant and lactating sheep.

    Question 5.

    pyrethrins and pyrethroids.

    Feverfew is a “Persian” powder, which, in terms of speed of action on insects and harmlessness, is one of the best drugs.

    It is obtained from perennial species of Dolmatian and Caucasian chamomile. The active substances of pyrethrum are six chemical substances close to each other: pyrethrin - 1, pyrethrin - 2, cyperine - 1, cyperine - 2, jasmoline - 1, jasmoline - 2, united under one name - pyrethrins.

    Currently, analogues are being studied especially intensively. natural compounds- synthetic pyrethroids, the production of which exceeds 3000 tons per year - permethrin, cypermethrin, butox, fenvalerate, etc.

    The advantage of pyrethroids is that they have high insecticidal properties, which are explained by an almost instantaneous killing effect, they are harmless to humans and animals, as they are quickly metabolized when they enter the body.

    A significant drawback that limits the practical use of many synthetic pyrethroids is their instability in the light and in the presence of atmospheric oxygen.

    These are nerve poisons. The death of insects occurs as a result of excessive stimulation of the central and peripheral nervous system (stimulation of sensory, central and motor axons) - their molecules wedged into Na + conducting channels, and so on. sodium current increases. Channels cannot be reset. As a result, the axon is polarized all the time, which leads to its death as a result of hyperexcitation.

    One of the properties that determine the high insecticidal activity is their pronounced lipophilicity, which increases the intake of pyrethrins in the body of insects.

    Their insecticidal activity increases with decreasing temperature, and almost disappears at temperatures above 30 o.

    Due to the use of pyrethroids in very low doses, they are the most environmentally friendly and have the least potential for pesticide contamination of livestock products.

    Permethrin (Ambush, Corsair).

    Preparative forms:

    stomazan - 20% emulsion concentrate;

    kreopyr - a composition of creolin and 2% permethrin or 2% stomazan;

    anometrin N - 20% emulsion concentrate;

    pirvol - 2% emulsion of permethrin on dioxanol.

    Cypermethrin (cymbush, ripcord, etc.)

    Preparative forms:

    kinmiks - 25% emulsion concentrate;

    creoquine - 2% kinmix emulsion on creolin;

    dust “Tsimtal”;

    insecticidal pencils “Hoarfrost”, “Nika”, “Virtoks”, etc.; aerosols "Ciperol", "Cydem".

    Decamethrin (deltamethrin).

    Preparative forms: decis, butox.

    Biologically active substances with insecticidal properties.


    A complex of eight chemically related substances, representing a 16-membered macrolide lactone, combined with two oleandrose sugar residues. It is a product of the culture of Streptomyces avermitilis.

    Ivermectin - semi-synthetic hydrogenated derivative of abamectin.

    Doramectin is a natural fermentation product of Streptomyces avermytilis.

    Moxidectin- semi-synthetic derivative of the product formed by Str. cyaneogriseus (does not contain sugar residues).

    The following preparations containing ivermectins and avermectins are used:

    ivomek 1% injection;

    ivomec 0.5% puron;

    duotin (1% solution of abamectin);

    baymek 1% injection;

    dectomax 1% injectable;

    aversect 2% injectable;

    aversectin ointment;

    moxidectin 1% injectable.

    Pharmaceutical compounds


    White crystalline substance, slightly soluble in water. It is metabolized in the body. Inhibits a 2 - adrenoreceptors.

    Safe for ruminants but toxic to horses.

    The emulsion concentrate is used for buying and spraying cattle against ticks and lice at a concentration of 0.02%; for spraying pigs 0.05 - 0.1%; dogs and cats 0.05%.

    Its dosage forms:

    amitrazine, decta, ice, etc.

    Benzylphenylurea derivative

    Program- a systemic insecticide.

    Release form - tablets (red - 67.8 mg DV; gray - 209.4 mg DV), suspension in capsules (orange - 135 mg DV; green - 270 mg DV).

    For cats and dogs inside 2 times with an interval of 30 days:

    dogs - 10 mg/kg f. m. (tablets);

    cats - 30 mg/kg f. m. (capsules).


    From the Latin repello - I repel, drive away, substances that repel arthropods from animals and birds.

    Mainly used to protect animals from attack blood-sucking insects and prevention of vector-borne diseases.

    AT contemporary practice as R., mainly chemical preparations with a long duration of action are used - simple and complex esters, alcohols, aldehydes, amides, and essential oils.

    Distinguish R. olfactory, or fumigants (volatile substances), act on the nerve endings of the olfactory organs of arthropods and prevent them from choosing the object of attack (dimethyl phthalate, diethyltoluamide, kyuzol, etc.); anti-bite or contact, acting on the taste and olfactory organs of insects in direct contact with the treated surface (gasoline, indalon, etc.); masking or deodorizing, which neutralize or destroy odors that attract insects (lemon oil).

    Most R. belongs to the class of low-toxic compounds for warm-blooded animals, in connection with which many of them, for example, benzimine (hexamide), diethyltoluamide (DETA), preparations P - 203, PB - 5, dimethyl phthalate, indalon, kyuzol, oxamate are used in veterinary medicine .

    An effective method is low-volume, small-drop, and aerosol treatment, in which the bulk of R. falls on the animal's hairline, which prevents the absorption of drugs through the skin, and reduces the risk of milk contamination. Treatment of animals with violations of the integrity of the skin is prohibited. At hit on mucous membranes of eyes, a nose, a mouth of R. cause irritation.


    From the Latin attraho, I draw to myself.

    Bait, specific substances that attract insects and are used to control them.

    Unlike repellents, A. have a strict specificity, they attract only a certain type of insect.

    There are A.: sexual (attract individuals of the opposite sex), food (as a source of nutrition) and A. - a substrate for laying eggs. Sexual pheromones secreted by females and related to insect sex pheromones (BAS that stimulate sexual behavior) are of the greatest importance. For example, genital A. isolated from female gypsy and black American silkworms. Attractive properties are also possessed by various chemical compounds (ammonium carbonate, phenyl esters, amines, etc.).

    In the fight against flies and cockroaches, liquid and dry food A. in combination with insecticides are widely used.

    Of particular interest are A. in gaseous form. for example, carbon dioxide to attract mosquitoes, midges, ticks, as well as light traps (using UV rays) used to catch mosquitoes, midges, midges in the evening and at night.

    A. is used when examining the area for infestation with pests, as well as for the direct destruction of harmful insects.
