History test on the topic Catherine 2. History test on the topic "The era of Catherine the Great" (Grade 7)

2) Stepan Razin 3) Alexander Radishchev 4) Patriarch Nikon

2. Which of the following characterizes the domestic policy of Catherine II?

1) convocation of the Legislative Commission 2) adoption of the Table of Ranks

3) convocation of the first in the history of the Zemsky Sobor 4) adoption of the Decree on single inheritance

3. As a result of what event did Russia win access to the Black Sea?

1) Russia's wars with Turkey and the Crimea in 1676–1681.

2) annexation of Ukrainian lands in 1654

3) Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774.

4) Russian-Turkish war of 1806-1812.

4. Arrange the following phenomena in chronological order

A) Pugachevism B) Streltsy riots C) "copper riot" D) turmoil

5. Which of the following events took place during the reign of Catherine II? Circle the appropriate numbers and write them down in the table.

2) annexation of Crimea to Russia

3) publication of the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire

4) suppression of the uprising led by E. Pugachev

5) establishment of the Free Economic Society

6) Russia's victory in the Northern War

6. Which three of the events listed below took place during the reign of Catherine II? Write down the corresponding numbers.

1) acceptance of the Letter of Complaint cities

2) establishment of the Senate and colleges

4) convocation and dissolution of the Legislative Commission

5) the abolition of parochialism and the destruction of genealogical books

6) foundation of the Free Economic Society

7. "Charter to the cities" was sent to

1) the introduction of a system of urban self-government 2) the creation of magistrates in cities

3) the elimination of "white settlements" 4) the establishment of collegiums

8. In which row are the names of prominent Russian commanders, participants in the Seven Years and Russian-Turkish Wars of the second half of the 18th century?

1) A. Suvorov and P. Rumyantsev 2) P. Nakhimov and V. Kornilov

3) , 4) A. Menshikov and B. Sheremetev

9. The consequence of the policy of Catherine II in the peasant question -

1) the opportunity for serfs to move to the position of "free


3) the spread of serfdom to the Left-Bank Ukraine

4) the widespread transfer of peasants for a month

10. The most privileged class inXVIIIin was (were)

1) clergy 2) personal nobility 3) Cossacks 4) philistines

11. Which of the following refers to the goals and results of Russia's foreign policy during the reign of CatherineII?

1) getting direct access to the Baltic Sea

2) approval of Russia on the Black Sea

3) transfer of the Bosphorus and Dardanelles to Russian control

4) entry into the Russian Empire of Finland

12. Two of the listed documents do not belong to the reign of Catherine II

1) "Instruction" of the Legislative Commission 2) "Charter to the nobility"

3) "Table of Ranks" 4) "Cathedral Code"

13. Choose two provisions of the "Letter of Letters to the Nobility".

1) the creation of noble societies in the provinces and counties

2) cancellation of the decree on single inheritance

3) the right to have their own armed groups to protect the estates

4) confirmation of all privileges given after the death of Peter I

14. Two features of the local government reforms of Catherine II were ...

1) strengthening state power in the field 2) elimination of feeding

3) liquidation of provinces and districts 4) prevention of popular unrest

fifteen. . Under the name of PeterIIIhiding:

1. Peter III 2. E. Pugachev 3. Ivan VI 4. Fantomas

16. Capture of Ishmael:

1. 1783

17. "Free Economic Society" was created in:

1. 1762

18. Years of Catherine's reignII:

1. yy.yy.yy.y.

19. A charter to cities is given in:

1. 1775

20. Crimea was annexed to Russia in:

1. 1778

21. Which term is most suitable for describing the system of government

Catherine II?

1) 1) estate-representative monarchy 2) despotic autocracy

3) 3) enlightened absolutism 3) constitutional monarchy

22. Commander of the Russian army in the Russian-Turkish war of 1768 - 1774:

1) 2) 3) yomkin 4)

23. Refusal to join one of the parties in a war or diplomatic conflict is called:

1) coalition 2) condition 3) neutrality 4) monopoly

KEY to the test "The Age of Catherine the Great". Grade 10

1 GVBA 5- 2.4.5 6- 1.4.6 7- 1

Control test "Era of Catherine II". 1 option.

1. A contemporary of Catherine II was:

1) Simeon of Polotsk 2) Stepan Razin 3) Alexander Radishchev 4) Patriarch Nikon

2. Which of the following characterizes the domestic policy of Catherine II?

1) convocation of the Legislative Commission 2) adoption of the Table of Ranks

3) convocation of the first in the history of the Zemsky Sobor 4) adoption of the Decree on single inheritance

3. As a result of what event did Russia win access to the Black Sea?

1) Russia's wars with Turkey and the Crimea in 1676–1681. 2) annexation of Ukrainian lands in 1654

3) Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774 4) Russian-Turkish war of 1806-1812

4. Arrange the following phenomena in chronological order

A) Pugachevism B) Streltsy riots C) "copper riot" D) turmoil

5. The most privileged estate in the 18th century was (-lis)

1) clergy 2) personal nobility 3) Cossacks 4) philistines

6. Which three of the following events took place during the reign of Catherine II?

1) the establishment of colleges instead of a system of orders

2) annexation of Crimea to Russia

3) publication of the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire

4) suppression of the uprising led by E. Pugachev

5) establishment of the Free Economic Society

6) Russia's victory in the Northern War

7. Which of the above refers to the goals and results of Russia's foreign policy during the reign of Catherine II?

1) obtaining direct access to the Baltic Sea 2) approval of Russia on the Black Sea

3) transfer of the Bosphorus and Dardanelles to Russian control

4) entry into the Russian Empire of Finland

8. Two of the listed documents do not belong to the reign of Catherine II ...

1) "Instruction" of the Legislative Commission 2) "Charter to the nobility"

3) "Table of Ranks" 4) "Cathedral Code"

9. Choose two provisions of the "Letter of Letters to the Nobility".

1) the creation of noble societies in provinces and districts 2) the abolition of the decree on single inheritance

3) the right to have their own armed groups to protect the estates

4) confirmation of all privileges given after the death of Peter I

10. Two features of the local government reforms of Catherine II were ...

1) strengthening state power in the field 2) elimination of feeding

3) liquidation of provinces and districts 4) prevention of popular unrest

11. Under the name of Peter III was hiding:

1. Peter III 2. E. Pugachev 3. Ivan VI 4. Fantomas

12. Capture of Ishmael:

1. 1783 2. 1785 3. 1790 4. 1793

13. "Free Economic Society" was created in:

1. 1762 2. 1765 3. 1769 4. 1771

14. Establish a correspondence between the names of military leaders and the battles in which they became famous.

1) A. Suvorov A) Battle of Chesma

2) G. Spiridov B) the capture of the Izmail fortress

3) P. Rumyantsev B) the battle of Cahul

4) G.A. Potemkin D) the battle of Plevna

D) construction of Kherson, Nikolaev.

15. Read an excerpt from the work of S.F. Platonov “Lectures on Russian History” and indicate which collection it refers to:
To draw up a new code, a manifesto on December 14, 1766, summoned representatives of estates and government offices to Moscow ... The nobility of each county was to send one deputy to this commission; each city, regardless of its size, also had one deputy, black-tailed (state) peasants - one deputy from each province ... The deputy was provided for the whole time with state salaries and had to bring to Moscow an instruction from his voters with a picture of needs and desires. These instructions are called deputy mandates.

“My fleet ... under the command of Count Alexei Orlov, having defeated the enemy fleet, burned it completely at the port ... About a hundred ships of all kinds turned into dust ... I always said: these heroes were born for great deeds.”

17. The main reasons for the uprising of the Yaik Cossacks in 1772 include:

1) the introduction of a state monopoly on the extraction of salt, the introduction of a state monopoly on fishing

2) the introduction of the Consolidated Code

3) the introduction of recruiting kits

4) the emergence of the Cossack collegium

18. Arrange in chronological order the events of the peasant war led by

E.I. Pugachev.

A. Capture of Kazan. B. Turn south to the Don. V. Siege of Orenburg. G. Hike to the Urals.

19. The results of the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774. let down

1) Kyuchuk-Kainarji Treaty 2) San Stefano Treaty

3) Treaty of Jassy 4) Treatise of St. George

20. During the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774. leadership talent was evident

1) P. I. Bagration 2) A. V. Suvorov 3) P. S. Nakhimov 4) M. I. Kutuzova

21. From the writings of the modern historian E.Z. Anisizhov.



Control test "Era of Catherine II". Option 2.

1. What term is most suitable for describing the system of government of Catherine II?

1) estate-representative monarchy 2) despotic autocracy

3) enlightened absolutism 3) constitutional monarchy

2. Commander of the Russian army in the Russian-Turkish war of 1768 - 1774:

1) A. G. Orlov 2) P. A. Rumyantsev 3) G. A. Potemkin 4) P. I. Panin

3. "Charter to the cities" was aimed at:

1) the introduction of a system of urban self-government 2) the creation of magistrates in cities

3) the elimination of "white settlements" 4) the establishment of collegiums

4. In which row are the names of prominent Russian commanders, participants in the Seven Years and Russian-Turkish Wars of the second half of the 18th century?

1) A. Suvorov and P. Rumyantsev 2) P. Nakhimov and V. Kornilov

3) V.A. Kornilov, F.F. Ushakov 4) A. Menshikov and B. Sheremetev

5. The consequence of the policy of Catherine II in the peasant question -

1) the opportunity for serfs to move to the position of "free cultivators"

2) restriction of corvée to three days

3) the spread of serfdom to the Left-Bank Ukraine

4) the widespread transfer of peasants for a month

6. Which three of the events listed below took place during the reign of Catherine II?

1) adoption of the Letter of Complaint to the cities

2) establishment of the Senate and colleges

3) foundation of possession manufactories

4) convocation and dissolution of the Legislative Commission

5) the abolition of parochialism and the destruction of genealogical books

foundation of the Free Economic Society

7. Initially, the basis of Pugachev's troops were

1) Cossacks 2) serfs

3) factory workers 4) townspeople

8. In the reign of Catherine II, Russia waged the longest wars with (co)

1) France 2) Sweden3) Ottoman Empire 4) Commonwealth

9. The defeat of the Turkish fleet by the Russians took place in:

1) the battle of Lapre 2) the battle of Cahul

3) Turtukay battle 4) Chesme battle

10. The establishment of the Free Economic Society is connected with
1) the policy of "enlightened absolutism" of Catherine II
2) the reforms of Peter I
3) reforms of the Elected Rada
4) the internal policy of Paul I
11. Years of reign of Catherine II:

1. 1761-1791 2. 1762-1792 3. 1762-1794 4. 1762-1796

12. A charter to cities is given in:

1. 1775 2. 1780 3. 1785 4. 1790

13. Crimea was annexed to Russia in:

1. 1778 2. 1783 3. 1785 4. 1790

14. Establish a correspondence between historical figures and the facts of their biography.

1) NN Novikov 2) Emelyan Pugachev 3) Tadeusz Kosciuszko, 4) Stanislav Poniatowski.

A. Was defeated by the troops of A B Suvorov.

B. Publicly executed on Bolotnaya Square in Moscow,

V. Companion of Pugachev,

G. Editor of a number of magazines.

D. The last king of Poland.

15. Read an excerpt from a historian's work and name the empress in question.

“She began her reign by ... generously endowing the participants in the palace coup. In February 1764, secularization was carried out (the conversion by the state of church property, mainly land, into secular property) of church land ownership. The Empress makes extensive use of the tacking policy. To disguise her pro-nobility, pro-serf policy, she uses the political, economic and philosophical concepts of the Western European enlighteners, widely advertising her correspondence with the brightest enlightenment scientists of that time. This created an opinion about her as an enlightened and humane monarch.”

16. What battle is referred to in the excerpt from the document, determine their date.

“The fortress ... so fortified, how vast and which seemed invincible to the enemy, was taken by the terrible weapon of Russian bayonets; the stubbornness of the enemy, who arrogantly placed his hopes on the number of troops, was brought down.

17. Does not apply to documents signed by Catherine II

1) Manifesto on the freedom of the nobility 2) Letter of commendation to the nobility

3) Letter of grant to cities 4) Decree on the freedom to open industrial enterprises

18. In which of the listed battles was A.V. Suvorov?

A. On the river Cahul. B. in the Chesme battle. B. At New.

D. On the river Trebbia. D. At Kyuchuk-Kainarji. E. At Focsani.

1) ABD; 2) ADE; 3) AED; 4) VGE.

19. According to the results of the Russian-Turkish war. 1768-1774 Crimea

1) remained dependent on the Ottoman Empire

2) was annexed to the Russian Empire

3) became formally independent

4) was divided between Russia and Turkey

20. A date that is not related to the sections of the Commonwealth, -

1) 1772 2) 1783 3) 1793 4) 1795

21. From the work of modern historian E.Z. Anisizhov.

“The fate of Catherine proved that the human will, desire can become no less real and powerful factor in history than dozens of multi-gun ships and thousands of soldiers. Empress Catherine created glory for herself, which became her powerful weapon, like that warship that was called "Catherine's Glory" ...

The French diplomat Corberon wrote in his report that the fame that the empress created for herself, her decisive character, her abilities and luck replace her skillful statesmen and experienced generals.

“... The Empress entered the history of Russia as an outstanding statesman, and the era of her reign became a time of grandiose reforms and the issuance of important legislative acts ...

Before her were the real goals of strengthening the autocracy, carrying out the necessary military, administrative and estate reforms. She carried them out in a unified way, with one general idea - to maximally contribute to the development and improvement of that "regular" state, the foundations of which were laid by Peter the Great.

Catherine's legislative acts outlived her for a long time and, together with the basic laws of Peter the Great, became the basis of Russian statehood for many decades. Actually, the ambitious queen-legislator dreamed of such a conclusion of the historian.

1. What chronological period in the history of Russia is referred to in the document? Specify its scope. Under what title did this period go down in history?

2. Using the text of the document and knowledge of the stories, mark what reforms were carried out by CatherineII(list at least four reforms).

3. How does the author evaluate the era of CatherineII? What qualities of her personality helped, according to contemporaries and historians, to make such a grandiose transformation to create fame for herself? (Give at least four positions)

Control test "Era of Catherine II".

1 option.

Option 2.

Laid commission

Catherine 2

Chesme battle

Ek 2 1762-1969

Option 1 23+1+6 =33 points

Option 2 21 +1+6=31 points

Size: px

Start impression from page:


1 Test on the history of Russia Domestic policy of Catherine II Grade 8 Option 1 1. How did Catherine II come to power? 1) by inheritance after the death of his father 2) as a result of a palace coup 3) as a result of election at the Zemsky Sobor 4) according to the will of his brother 2. What was the name of the magazine published by Catherine II? 1) Chimes 2) Vedomosti 3) All sorts of things 4) Law and order 3. What was the name of the document drawn up by Catherine II for the Legislative Commission? 1) Decree 2) Order 3) Order 4) Code 4. What segment of the population was not represented by elected representatives in the Legislative Commission? 1) nobles 2) townspeople 3) Cossacks 4) landlord peasants 5. The reign of Catherine II was called the "golden age" of the Russian nobility. What was one of the reasons for this name? 1) additional duties were introduced for the nobles 2) the nobles again had to serve for 25 years 3) the service life of the nobles was limited to ten years 4) the nobles received more than 50 million hectares of land from the state 6. During the reign of Catherine II, church lands were seized and church property in favor of the state. What is the name of this process? 1) privatization 2) secularization 3) nationalization 4) inventory 7. In what year was the provincial reform carried out, according to which, instead of 15, 50 provinces were created and a two-level system of administrative-territorial structure was introduced? 2) 1764 3) 1767 4) 1775 8. What rights did the Letter of Complaint grant to the nobility in 1785? Choose three correct answers from the list. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) the right to draw up complaints and petitions to the governor 2) the right to elect noble assemblies in provinces and districts 3) the right to elect permanent representatives to the State Duma 4) the right to receive manufactories from industrialists if this is in the interests of the nobleman

2 5) the right to elect provincial and district leaders of the nobility 6) the right to execute landlord peasants 9. In what year was the Letter of Complaint issued to the cities? 2) 1767 3) 1775 4) 1785 10. What was the name of the educational institution for girls of noble origin opened in 1764 in St. Petersburg? 1) St. Petersburg University 2) Smolny Institute 3) Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum 4) Gatchina College 11. What is the name of the book publisher who was sent by Catherine II to the Shlisselburg Fortress for his work. 1) A.N. Radishchev 2) A.V. Suvorov 3) N.I. Novikov 4) B.P. Sheremetev 12. Mark the name of the domestic policy of Catherine II, associated with the transformation at the initiative of the monarch of certain spheres of society, the establishment of laws for all classes and the development of the education system. 1) developed absolutism 2) enlightened absolutism 3) autocratic absolutism 4) parliamentary monarchy

3 Test on the history of Russia Domestic policy of Catherine II Grade 8 Option 2 1. Catherine II came to power by overthrowing 1) Peter I 2) Peter II 3) Peter III 4) Anna Ioannovna 2. Distinctive qualities of the character of Catherine II were 1) love for luxury, unwillingness to engage in public affairs 2) industriousness, ambition 3) worship of German culture, unwillingness to get to know Russia 4) indulgence in one’s own whims, unwillingness to reckon with the needs of citizens 3. In what year did the work of the Legislative Commission, which, according to Catherine II, , draw up a new Cathedral Code? 2) 1765 3) 1767 4) 1770 4. Why was the Legislative Commission dissolved by Catherine II? 1) the nobles did not want a legislative definition of the scope of duties of serfs, this would violate the existing system of serfdom 2) the nobles sought the release of peasants from serfdom, but Catherine II could not agree to this 3) the nobles demanded the development of production and the resettlement of peasants to the city to earn money 4) state peasants sought to move into private possessions for protection from the nobles, to which the government did not agree. 5. How do historians evaluate the policy of Catherine II in relation to the nobility? 1) the reign of Catherine II was a time of strengthening control over the nobility 2) the reign of Catherine II became the "golden age" of the nobility 3) the reign of Catherine II became the "age of liberation" of the nobles, as she adopted the Manifesto on the Liberty of the Nobility 4) the reign of Catherine II became a time of reduction noble estates in favor of the peasants 6. In what year was the secularization of church lands carried out? 1) 1764 2) 1775 3) 1785 4) 1796 4) The introduction of new provinces 8. What were the three provisions introduced by the Charter of the cities, issued in 1785? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) election of the mayor and city duma 2) complete exemption from all taxes for residents of the city 3) granting suffrage to all residents of the city 4) transfer of issues of improvement of the city to city self-government

4 5) control over the sanitary condition of the city by city governments 6) the transfer of cities under the complete control of the landlord nobles 9. In what year was the Letter of Complaint issued to the nobility? 2) 1767 3) 1775 4) 1785 10. What was the name of the police law issued in 1782? 1) Charter of propriety 2) Charter of deanery 3) Charter of ceremonies 4) Charter of internal affairs 11. Name the author of the work “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow”, who was sentenced to death, replaced by exile in Siberia. 1) N.I. Novikov 2) B.P. Sheremetev 3) D.I. Fonvizin 4) A.N. Radishchev 12. Catherine II sought to disseminate knowledge, science, corresponded with famous European philosophers. This made it possible to call her reign a period of 1) scientific absolutism 2) enlightened absolutism 3) educated absolutism 4) parliamentary absolutism

5 Answers to the test on the history of Russia The internal policy of Catherine II Grade 8 Option 1

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History test Domestic policy of Catherine II. The uprising led by E.I. Pugachev for 7th grade students with answers. The test includes 2 options, each option consists of 2 parts (part A, part B). In part A - 6 tasks. Part B has 2 tasks.

1 option

A1. Catherine II ascended the throne as a result of

1) wills of the previous monarch
2) palace coup
3) elections by the Supreme Privy Council
4) succession to the throne from the father

A2. Which of the following was one of the reasons for the failure of the Legislative Commission of 1767-1768?

1) disagreement of Catherine II with the desire expressed by the majority of deputies of the commission to abolish serfdom
2) the predominance of the highest bureaucracy in its composition
3) the selfish interests of the deputies-nobles that manifested themselves in the work of the commission
4) early closure of the commission due to the outbreak of the uprising under the leadership of E.I. Pugacheva

A3. Which of the following events relates to the reign of Catherine II?

1) creation of the Senate
2) the conclusion of the Nystadt peace
3) adoption of the Letter of Complaint to the cities
4) establishment of the Supreme Privy Council

A4. What event relates to the reign of Catherine II?

1) foundation of Moscow University
2) the adoption of the Manifesto on the liberty of the nobility
3) foundation of the Free Economic Society
4) issuance of a decree on succession to the throne


1) A. Radishchev
2) S. Polotsky
3) Y. Krizhanich
4) B. Morozov

A6. What was one of the reasons for the uprising under the leadership of E.I. Pugachev?

1) an attempt by the government to introduce copper money into circulation
2) dissatisfaction of the urban strata with the consequences of the reform of urban self-government carried out by Catherine II
3) dissatisfaction of the Cossacks with the elimination of their special system of self-government
4) defeat in the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774, which undermined the authority of the autocracy.

IN 1.

1) A charter to the nobility
2) "Order of the Legislative Commission"
3) police captain
4) General Regulations
5) mayor

IN 2. Write down the word (term) you are talking about.

“__________ is the transfer of church and monastery lands to state administration, carried out by Catherine II by decree of 1764.”

Option 2

A1. One of the philosophers-enlighteners, before whom Catherine II bowed, was

1) G. Leibniz
2) T. Hobbes
3) F. Bacon
4) C. Montesquieu

A2. Which of the following events relates to the reign of Catherine II?

1) the publication of the Manifesto on the freedom of the nobility
2) the creation of the gentry land corps
3) acceptance of the Letter of Complaint to the nobility
4) adoption of the decree on single inheritance

A3. The reign of Catherine II includes the convocation

1) Zemsky Sobor
2) Statutory commission
3) State Duma
4) Council of all the earth

A4. Which of the following was one of the reasons for the tightening of the domestic policy at the end of the reign of Catherine II?

1) the dissatisfaction of the majority of the nobles with the reign of the empress due to the reduction of their rights and privileges
2) the events of the French Revolution and the fear of the spread of revolutionary ideas
3) the opinion of the empress that her educational policy became the main reason for the uprising of E.I. Pugacheva
4) the decrease in the popularity of the empress due to the failures that befell the Russian army during the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791.

A5. A contemporary of Catherine II was

1) N.I. Novikov
2) I.T. Pososhkov
3) Ya.V. bruce
4) A.M. Kurbsky

A6. What was one of the results of the uprising led by E.I. Pugachev?

1) the abolition of serfdom in Russia
2) legislative limitation of the size of corvée and dues
3) easing the situation of the working people of the Urals
4) restoration in full of the system of Cossack self-government

IN 1. Below are some terms. All of them, except one, appeared in Russia under Catherine II.

Find and write down the serial number under which the term appears, the appearance of which in Russia refers to a different historical period.

1) Boards
2) free printing houses
3) police captain
4) Free Economic Society
5) Letter of grant to cities

IN 2. Write down the word (term) in question.

"The policy of Catherine II, as well as some other European monarchs (Frederick II in Prussia, Joseph I in Austria), aimed at implementing the ideas of the Enlightenment philosophers while maintaining strong monarchical power, is called enlightened __________."

Answers to the history test Domestic policy of Catherine II. The uprising led by E.I. Pugacheva
1 option
Option 2

1 Test "Reign of Catherine II"

1. In what series are the years of peasant uprisings of the 15th-18th centuries named?
1) 1606-1607, 1705-1706 3) 1632-1634, 1768-1774
2) 1613-1645, 1760-1762 4) 1670 -1671, 1773-1775
2. Arrange the following events in chronological order.
1) uprising led by K. Bulavin 2) Copper riot in Moscow
3) peasant war under the leadership of E. Pugachev
4) an uprising led by I. Bolotnikov
3. Which of the named persons spoke under the name of Peter III?
1) Emelyan Pugachev 3) Salavat Yulaev 2) Stepan Razin 4) Grigory Otrepyev
4. Who were among the associates, assistants of Catherine II in public affairs?
1) F. Lefort, A. D. Menshikov 3) A. P. Volynsky, E. I. Biron,
2) G. A. Potemkin, N. I. Panin 4) M. I. Vorontsov, P. I. Shuvalov
5. The famous commander who wrote the book "The Science of Victory" is
1) P. A. Rumyantsev 3) F. F. Ushakov 2) A. V. Suvorov 4) M. I. Kutuzov
6 . What documents were compiled and published in the 18th century? Give two correct names
1) Cathedral code 3) Russian Truth 2) Table of ranks 4) Letter of commendation to the nobility
7. What events took place under Catherine II? Point out two correct positions
1) adoption of the Council Code 3) annexation of Crimea
2) Northern War 4) convening the Legislative Commission
8. Which of the named dates are associated with the sections of the Commonwealth?
1) 1700, 1709, 1721 3) 1768, 1774, 1791
2) 1725, 1730, 1741 4) 1772, 1793, 1795
9. The secularization of church lands was carried out by:
1) Catherine I 3) Anna Ivanovna 2) Catherine II 4) Elizaveta Petrovna
10. The growth of the territory of Russia in the second half of the XVIII century. occurred due to the addition:
1) Livonia, Estland, Ingermanland 2) Central Asia and Kazakhstan.

3) Right-bank Ukraine, Belarus, Northern Black Sea region 4) Siberia and the Far East

11. Russia participated in the partitions of Poland together with:
1) France 2) Sweden 3) Prussia 4) Saxony.
12. Indicate the years of the reign of Catherine II
1) 1762 - 1784 2) 1762 - 1794 3) 1762 - 1791 4) 1762 - 1796
13. Which of the named rulers came to power as a result of palace coups?
1) Alexei Mikhailovich, Peter II 2) Peter I, Paul I
4) Elizabeth Petrovna, Catherine II 3) Catherine I, Peter III
14. The main task of Russia's foreign policy in the second half of the XVIII century. was (moose)
1) struggle for access to the Baltic Sea 3) promotion to Western Siberia
2) the struggle for access to the Black Sea 4) the conquest of colonies in the Balkans
15. Contributed to the development of the Northern Black Sea region, led the construction of the Black Sea Fleet:
1) Karamzin N.M. 3) Potemkin G.A. 2) Orlov A.F. 4) Moskvitin I.Yu.
16. Indicate which assembly it refers to: To draw up a new code, a manifesto on December 14, 1766, summoned representatives of estates and government offices to Moscow ... The nobility of each county was to send one deputy to this commission; each city, regardless of its size, also had one deputy, black-tailed (state) peasants - one deputy from each province ... The deputy was provided for the whole time with state salaries and had to bring to Moscow an instruction from his voters with a picture of needs and desires. These instructions are called deputy mandates.
1) Supreme Privy Council 2) Senate 3) Supreme Conference 4) Legislative Commission

17. "Manifesto on granting liberties and freedom to the Russian nobility" was published
1) Peter I 3) Peter III 2) Catherine II 4) Elizabeth Petrovna
18. The reign of Catherine II is considered to be:
1) the apogee of autocracy 2) the era of enlightened absolutism

3) the period of the industrial revolution in Russia 4) the period of the Bironovshchina
19. What event happened in 1785?
1) the entry of Crimea into Russia 2) the publication of the "Letter of Letters to the Cities"

3) opening of the Academy of Arts 4) the first division of Poland

20. What was one of the reasons for the beginning of the Pugachev rebellion?
1) the introduction of recruitment duty 2) the prohibition to sell peasants without land
3) liquidation of Cossack liberties
4) granting foreign merchants the right to free trade on the Volga
21. What was the result of the foreign policy of Catherine II?
1) annexation of Crimea 2) gaining access to the Baltic Sea
3) the annexation of Western Siberia 4) the transformation of Russia into a Black Sea power
22. What military actions took place during the uprising under the leadership of E. Pugachev?
1) the siege of Narva, the battle of Lesnaya 3) the capture of Tsaritsyn, the siege of Simbirsk
2) the siege of Orenburg, the capture of Kazan 4) the siege of Ochakov, the battle on the river. Rymnik
23. Select events related to the era of Elizabeth Petrovna and Catherine II.
1) the introduction of serfdom in Ukraine 2) the beginning of the Seven Years' War
3) abolition of internal customs 4) creation of the Legislative Commission
5) the first partition of Poland; 6) the issuance of a decree on the right of the landowner to exile serfs to Siberia.
24. The bourgeoisie (1775-1917) in the Russian Empire did NOT include:
1) artisans 3) small traders 2) Cossacks. 4) homeowners
25. Which of these events took place during the reign of Catherine II?
1) Pugachevism 2) unrest 3) church schism 4) proclamation of Russia as an empire
26. Which of the following speeches was called the peasant war?
1) Solovetsky uprising 3) uprising led by K. Bulavin
2) Copper rebellion 4) uprising led by E. Pugachev
27. The policy of enlightened absolutism is characterized by
1) an exaggerated idea of ​​the role of laws in government
2) the absence of serfdom 3) the absence of class differences
4) substantiation of the idea of ​​unlimited autocratic power
28. The establishment of the Free Economic Society is connected with
1) the policy of "enlightened absolutism" of Catherine II 2) the reforms of Peter I
3) the reforms of the Elected Rada 4) the domestic policy of Paul I
29.. The document submitted by Catherine II to the Legislative Commission was called
1) "Order" 3) "Code" 2) "Charter" 4) "Charter"
30. The territory on which permanent residence of Jews was allowed in Russia is
1) colony 3) Pale of Settlement 2) localism 4) oprichnina lands
31 Which of the following characterizes the domestic policy of Catherine II?
A) the adoption of a decree on compulsory service for the nobles B) the implementation of the provincial reform
C) establishment of ministries D) establishment of the State Council
E) convening the Legislative Commission E) carrying out the secularization of church lands
32. Which of the above was one of the results of the adoption in the XVIII century. "Manifesto on the Liberty of the Nobility" and "Charter to the Nobility"?
1) exemption of nobles from compulsory service 3) restriction of noble rights and privileges
2) the introduction of a monetary tax - the poll tax 4) the elimination of white settlements
33. As a result of the adoption by Catherine II of the Letter of Complaint to the nobility
1) noble assemblies were established 2) zemstvos led by the nobility were created
3) service for the nobility became mandatory
4) the rights and privileges of the Russian nobility were secured

34. "Manifesto on the Liberty of the Nobility", "Charter to the Nobility" characterized the process
1) legislative registration of the rights of the nobility as the ruling class

2) solving the peasant question 3) introducing compulsory service for the nobles

4) implementation of reforms in the field of public administration
35. What relates to the results of the policy of Catherine II in the peasant question
1) the opportunity for serfs to move to the position of "free cultivators"
2) restriction of corvée to three weeks a week
3) the spread of serfdom to Left-Bank Ukraine
4) restriction of the rights of landowners to punish serfs
36. Which of the following refers to the provincial reform of Catherine II
1) the division of the country into eight provinces
2) formation of zemstvo self-government bodies by governors
3) subordination of governors to colleges
4) the abolition of the provinces, the introduction of a uniform system of provincial government
37. Which of the following refers to the policy of Elizabeth Petrovna in the field of education
1) opening of Moscow University
2) the establishment of the gentry (noble) corps for the training of officers
3) transformation of digital schools into soldiers' schools
4) the foundation of the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy

38.. Indicate the region of Russia that was not covered by the Pugachev uprising
a) the Volga region; b) Ukraine; c) Don; d) Ural.
39. What does not apply to the consequences of the peasant war
a) improving the situation of manufacturing workers b) carrying out provincial reform
c) improvement of the situation of non-Russian peoples d) abolition of serfdom
40. Corvee is ... ..
A) transfer of part of the peasant crop to the landowner
B) free labor of serfs in the landowner's household
C) payment by the peasant to the landowner of money from the sale of the crop
D) collecting money and products from serfs for the landowner
41. As a result of the divisions of the Commonwealth, Russia acquired the following territories:
a) Bessarabia b) Belarus and Ukraine; c) Galicia; d) central Poland with Warsaw.
42. In the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791, military leadership talent was especially manifested:
a) P.A. Rumyantsev; b) P.S. Saltykova; c) M.I. Kutuzov; d) A.V. Suvorov.
43. The peasant war led by E. I. Pugachev was in:
a) 1770-1775 b) 1772-1774 c) 1773-1775 d) 1773-1774
44. The main idea of ​​the "Instruction" of Catherine 2 was that

1) Russia should become the most advanced power in the world

2) in Russia it was necessary to immediately abolish serfdom

3) proceed to the immediate allocation of land to the peasants

4) the supreme power in Russia can and must be only autocratic

. Which of the generals is talking about speech: Contemporaries believed that he did no less for Russia in the south than Peter I in the north, and Catherine II said about him: “He was my dearest friend ... a man of genius. I have no one to replace him!”

1) G.A. Potemkin 2) F.F. Ushakov 3) A.E. Orlov 4) P.A. Rumyantsev

The second decade of Catherine's reign is associated with the activities of:

1. G. Orlova. 2. A. Razumovsky. 3. A.I. Osterman. 4. G. Potemkina.5. M. Vorontsova.

3. Highlight Catherine's associates:

1. G.A. Potemkin. 2.P.A. Rumyantsev. 3. I.I. Betskaya. 4.M.I. Bestuzhev-Ryumin
